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November 4, 2016
Document Release Date:
June 9, 1998
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Publication Date:
June 17, 1980
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AT 6-00788R0002004546 a c.C4t,
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIAO. Q'71$BR000200450001-1
1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted
in compliance with a request for information on a target of interest.
The purpose of this session was to determine the location of an area
shown in the attached photograph. In addition, an attempt was to be made
to determine the location of the point of manufacture of the tank in the
2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided
as raw intelligence data, and, as such, have not been subjected to any inter-
mediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of the
information provided is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the
document GRILL FLAME Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S),
4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer
reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing
information provided the remote viewer. At TAB C are analyst's notes.
At TAB D is Memorandum for the Record.
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This will be a remote viewing session for 0900 hours,
17th of June 1980.
Relax and concentrate now.
on the target for today.
Relax and focus your attention
Focus your attention on the
photograph I have shown you. Relax and concentrate and
focus your attention on the photograph I have shown you.
Move your awareness now to the position in space/time at
which the photograph was taken. Move now to the position
in space/time at which the photograph was taken. And as
you approach this area in space/time describe the surroundings.
I'm getting a feeling for a large, open training area with
rolling hills and clumps or islands of trees all around.
#66: Okay, move to an altitude now and locate this area.
#11: Well, along with the same data dump is the picture was
taken from a great distance, by somebody in a clump of -
one of the clumps of trees.
#66: Okay. Focus your attention on the tank now and not on
the individual taking the photograph and move above the
tank to an altitude and describe this area. Locate this
area, in the greater sense from an altitude.
+09 #11: The area is typical of training area, it could be a train-
ing area anywhere from East Germany and Poland to somewhere
west of the Ural mountains, in Russia.
#66: Okay, move to an altitude of 125 nautical miles so that you
may see below you as indicated by your imagery where in that
great expanse below you this training area is.
+15 #11: The only impressions I get and I can't shake 'em is somewhere
within the borders of the Soviet Union itself, west , somewhere
west of Moscow area. I had a - for some reason - I had a
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#11: most difficult time,I.know it's west of the Moscow area
but I'm not sure whether it's northwest, or directly west
or southwest, I have several different overlying impressions.
#66: Alright, you can draw me a sketch map and indicate those
impressions to me later. At this time focus your attention
back down on the equipment on the tank itself and place
your hand on the equipment as it sits back in space/time
in the photograph. Tell me when you can see it.
#11: I'm as close as I'm gonna get.
#66: Alright, keeping your hand on the equipment, keeping your
hand on the tank, for continuity purposes you must keep your
hand on this piece of equipment.
#11: I've got my hand on the special armor side of it.
#66: Fine. For continuity's sake you must keep your hand on
this piece of equipment. On the tank itself. Now
listen very carefully to what I say. We're going to move
again, but you must keep your hand on the tank. Move with
the tank through space/time to the point of final assembly
of this equipment. Move with the tank through space/time
to the place of final assembly of the equipment. Describe
this location to me.
#11: It wouldn't do any good to describe it to you.
+21 #66: Tell me a little bit about it.
#11: Well, there's long buildings, some of them connect end-on-end,
there's all kinds of manufacturing going on, there's piles
of.material and stuff outside, there's rail, rail lines coming
in, there's rail . . . There's , there's even tractors and
trailers to haul the equipment out, there's , there are other
tanks at this location, sitting out but not the same type.
It's a . . .it's a huge complex of manufacturing.
#66: Now, as you did before, focus your attention on this area that
you found move to an altitude and locate it for me.
#11: I think I already gave you the answer. I. . . impression
it's north and west of the greater Moscow area, and where it
was, the photo taken was southwest of the Moscow area. I'm
using a very broad circle around the Moscow area as a reference
#66: Do I understand that you feel there are two points here, one
at which the photograph was taken and one as the point of
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#11: Asolutely.
#66: Do you have them sufficiently indicated to you so that you
might show me on a schedule?
#11: Well, for what it's worth.
#66: I have no further questions about the target. If you have
anything you'd like to add, please do so now.
#11: The photograph was not taken by an American. Perhaps French
or British.
#66: What is the raw imagery that makes you say that?
#11: Whoever took the picture was in uniform. I perceive a uniform.
Uniform looks more British that anything else.
#66: Is he physically wearing this uniform at the time he took the
#11: I'm not sure, that's the impression I'm getting.
#66: Anything further you'd like to add?
#11: No, not at this time.
#66: Alright. Let's prepare to draw then.
#11: The training area I was looking at was. . I dont's know, it'
just a typical. . a.. wide swath with lots of tracks and
stuff all over it and there seemed to be islands of woods and
trees in between and some lower bushes and things like that.
Herets another group. I had the feeling, and this doesn't
make sense because there's trees right in my way, but X marks
the spot where there appeared to be a vehicle here, a sedan
type, with military personnel, maybe an attache or something.
The tank was over here.
#31: Do you have a feel for that size of distance there?
#11: No. It was a great distance, several hundred yards, anyhow,
half mile, quarter mile.
#31: Alrighty, uh, then #66 had you go about 125 nautical miles so
...You could see where this location was. And you had this re-
petitive feeling that you couldn't shake that you were somewhere
in the Soviet Union near Moscow?
#11: Yeah. . .
#31: You initially said west of Moscow and then you said. .
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#11: Well, if, let's see, I don't mean to cut you off there.
What do they call those mountains? Oh. . . Urals. . .
And over here are the satellite countries like Poland and, uh,
East Germany, C.S.S.R., etc., etc. . . And I was cutting a
swath in that direction. Now at one point in time I felt
I was down south, and I put that, I feel that's where the
training area may have been.
#31: Okay.
#11: And, I don't know, somwhere up, and I'm talking about
quadrants, somwhere up in this quadrant somewhere or maybe
even closer to the Moscow area, or maybe even further north,
somewhere in the quadrant up above between the X's. was
the manufacturing area.
#31: Okay. Now let; me, I'm gonna have to ask you some questions
about your sketch. You have a circle around the. . the
Moscow area there, a dotted line.
#11: That's jPtt, right, that's the greater Moscow area.
#31: Okay, do you have a feeling for distances or magnitudes of
distances, or. . .
#11: No. Not really. It was really tough. I'm getting the feel-
ing right now it may have been much closer to the Moscow area
than what it appears on this, on this map here.
#31: Okay.
#11: But it was anywhere from a direction of directly north from
center, west to west-northwest, up in here. And the training
area was further south.
#31: Okay. Just before the debriefing here you mentioned that the
manufacturing area was somewhat familiar to you, although it
did look like just about every other manufacturing area, but
it did have some familiar points to it. This'll be sketch
#11: I have a long building, a space, and a shorter building, and
it:s'epmed what I saw appeared to be a loading ramp off the
end of this long building, and there were rail lines coming
into there. It appeared that, that, the building or, there
appeared to be a building over this ramp or something, but
there was a space in between that, and the long building.
Uhl somewhere down in this area I had the feeling that there
were several tanks parked out in the open. But they were not
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#11: the tank, the ones that were on the photo were a different
type of tank. Uh, over in here there was just a bunch of
stuff piled up, raw materials or whatever. But in here, and
this curved line here, and I'll just make it with little
circles or whatever, is a fence of some sort. And over here
are part. . .there were some, uh, I'm not sure which way,
there were some, these are some trailers, um. . this one had
a cab to it or whatever, but these are tank transporters.
There was nothing on them, they were just trailers sitting
there. But they were sitting right in that, inside this
fence, on that end of this building, or whatever. And over
here was, I mean there was just a jumble of other manufacturing
type buildings and stuff.
#31: Okay. Did you have a feel for cardinal direction at that time?
#11: No.
#31: The tanks that you mentioned there that you're just labeling
now are not like the target vehicle. Did you recognize those?
#11: Uh, they look an awful lot like T-62's.
#31: Okay. Would you, ah, there by that, the trackc.,you have the
smaller square, you mentioned that, it's like a covered, a
building covering a loading ramp. Could you label that as.
#31: Okay, I guess that's it, um: could you give me a couple of
groups on the circumstances that you're feeling, do you have
something to add regarding the photograph, circumstances of
it being taken. Um, you said it was not taken by an American,
perhaps French or British, but essentially the thing was that
the uniform looked more British than anything else. Is there
any aspect of that that. . .
#11: No, it just appeared to be a, a brownish , wool type uniform.
But, I don't know, this whole thing might just be.analytical
garbage. I have the feeling that it was some sort of attache
or something, rather than a Clandestine agent or something
like that.
#31: Okay. Alright. I have no further questions. Do you have
anything to add?
#11: I can't add anything.
#31: It turns out I did have one further question. You mentioned
during the session when you were told to put your hand on the
vehicle and follow it through time to it's point of manufacture
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#31: you made a comment that you had your hand on the special
armor siding.
#11: The skirt.
#31: Okay.
#11: It appeared to be, and I know what you're going to ask, it,
it, somehow when I put my hand on there, it's a layered,
honeycomb-type, high-resistance material.
#31: Okay. Now what was the point approximately that you perceived
that you were in contact with the vehicle, on this, on the
photo, what we'll do is we'll make a copy of this and I'll
ask you to X it after the session.
#11: Okay, it's just forward of center.
#31: Just forward of center, okay.
#11: Yeah, on the side.
#31: Which would be, you pcinted to a place that's above one, two,
three, four, fifth wheel, fifth road wheel from the rear.
Okay, right about in here. One, two, three, four. . .
#11: Right.
#31: Okay. Alright. You have anything more to add on that?
#11: I don't.
#31: Okay.
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. Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA-RD 0450001-1
Project 8003
170900 Jun 80
Session CD-52
a. shown a photo of target item.
b. informed only RV and only he can provide necessary verification
data being sought.
a. focus attention on the photo
b. move to the position in space/time at which the photograph was
(1) describe surroundings.
(2) move to altitude and locate this area. . .identify
c. focus attention on equipment
d. move in space/time to the place of final assembly of the equipment.
(1) describe
(2) move to altitude and locate the area. Identify.
r y
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SUBJECT: Session CD-52 Targeting Data
1. (S/NOFORN) This was #11's first session against this facet of
Project 8003. Previously, #11 had suffered two aborted sessions and three
completed sessions against Project 8003a using only SG1A
geographic coordinates, session-derived imagery, and a target photo grid
matrix as targeting data. It must be noted that this session is the first
in which targeting of this RVer was accomplished using a photo of any
equipment bearing resemblance to the actual equipment being sought.
a. (S/NOFORN) Prior to this session, #11 was shown an original photo
of the equipment. A facsimile of that photo is shown at Inclosure 1,
this MFR.
b. (S/NOFORN) Prior to this session, #11 was informed that he would be
required to "move in time" to the space/time location at which the photo
was originally taken; and that while in the session, other space/time
movement would be asked of him.
c. (S/NOFORN) The above constitutes the only targeting data provided
#11 prior to or during this session.
2. (S/NOFORN) This was #66's eighteenth session as interviewer for Project
S G1" 8003. As such, #66 was aware of a compilation of preceding targeting and SG1A
session ima er data against Project 8003a and Project
8003B #66 had facilitated no previous Project 8003c session
and ha no been exposed to the targeting photo until just prior to the
1 Incl
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