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Publication Date:
June 6, 1980
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-
Approved For Release 2000/08/07:
051630Z JUL 78
REVIEW ON: c=?dles
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CI
? ,
1. (S) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in
compliance with a request for information on a target of interest.
The viewer 's task was to explore and describe an area designated by
geographic coordinates.
2. (S) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided as
raw intelligence data, and, as such, have not been subjected to any intermediate
analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of the information
provided is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document,
Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during the
remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer
reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing
information provided the remote viewer.
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000200430001-3
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP984)(174848
#66: This will be a remote viewing session for 6 June 1980,
0900 hours.
Relax and concentrate now. Relax and focus your
?attention on the target area designated as:
Relax and concentrate. on the target area. Relax and
concentrate on the target:
Move now to the target area and describe it to me.
#07: I, I woke up under a big military truck under the engine
compartment. I look up and see big hooks, big hooks
attached to the bumper. Over there, 100, 150 yards is a
fence, and through the fence I can see a road with vehicles
moving that way to, to the right. I don't know what time
+05 it is but the sun is shining. I see over a metal building
over there. Long and about 20, 30 feet up to the eaves.
Sliding doors and back over that way, on my right is
a big, big building that appears to be older. I think
it's, I think it's metal also with quite a bit of glass
in it. I can't, can't see that building back there. I
am aware it's there.
Concentrate on the ground and in between. The ground on the
other side of the fence seems to raise a little bit. See
the toad level.
#66: Describe your position while you observe this. Your
position of observation.
#07: I'm peeping up from under this damn truck. Somebody keeps
moving some of these trucks, and there's several of them
behind me...trucks, somebody fired this one up. I don't
know. He's gonna run over me.
#66: Slowly role out from under the truck and move. up in the
air 100 feet over the target area, and describe it to me.
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-R
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : StAPC RET200430001-3
#07:- I didn't think of that. My attention was...I was
worried about a big dog L-8-aW over there. Wait a minute.
+10 Okay. The building on the right...that's on the right
when I'm looking at the road. I just kind of saw,
saw-tooth roof. I sense there's railroad tracks here
somewhere. Well, I'll be damned!
#66: Yes.
#07: I, I looked into that big building to the right. Kind of
dark in there, but silhouetted against some windows
dirty old windows.. ..... was, several massive, great big....
oh! - Wow! Can't seem to control my position.
Big, track kind of vehicles. They're not all alike.
Nearly, but I could see silhouette...something...looked
like a big tank Had a real long tube. It was sticking
in the middle of a tube. Ha, ha, god damn. I don't feel
so good. Man. Over there, beyond those posts is
looks like some kind of antiaircraft weapon on top of
some type of big APC type shape track.
#66: I'd like you to focus your attention on your perception
of the tanks, and tell me more about those.
#07: The tanks!
#66: There is a great deal here. Let's start with the tanks,
and stick to them.
#07: They're close tome.
#66: That's good. You just tell me about them for now.
#07: Oh! Damn! I can't control myself. Ahh....Can't relax.
Something about big, big plastic covered tubes. They're
electric cables all are electric cables. Very large
cables. Must be inch or more in diameter going to the
tanks. I don't understand that. Oh! By the way, the
tube on this tank is pointed up in about 45 degrees.
It seems unusually long, and it don't have a
what do you call it.. ...... it don't have a muzzle break.
#66: Describe your position relative to this tank.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDr-ECRET001-3
#66: All right. Move around to the front of the.........
#07: You can't see all the wheel, you know. It's got a
#66: Later, you can draw for me that which you see.
#07: Oh! It's got a real heavy thing on the side of it
on the wheel...about that thick...hanging down over the
top of the wheels.
#66: In inches, how thick would that be?
#07: I don't know. I think about 3 inches.
#66: All right. You can draw that for me a little later. I'm
interested now in having you move around to the front of
the vehicle. Standing on the ground, looking at the
front describe to me what you see.
#07: I got.....just a minute . I'm getting, I'm getting,
I'm getting......just a minute. I'm seeing two different
things. A flicker in one, and then the other. One image
is...I get a feeling of relatively smooth, uncluttered,
slope about 30, 35 degrees from the horizontal...on the front
I see....on the fenders I guess its some
kind of crude looking light Under..i.....protective
grill, fenders, by the way, appear to stick out a little
bit in front of the, wheels.....appear to stick out a
little front, front of the bow. The bow, I think is
kind of straight across. Under belly...the front a
plate that comes lip at a pretty good angle to meet the
other one, but it's got some big something...another
welded on there underneath. I don't know. Maybe, maybe
they can hook something there. May be a buldozer blade,
or something. Maybe, maybe it's a hitch point for
#66: Okay. Be careful now.
#07: ...I don't know. It's a
#66: Be carefuldust ?t6 explain what you ?see. Be careful. Just
to explain what you see.,
#07: It's just two big slabs of metal with a hole
in it welded on there.
#66: That's fine. That's fine. You don't have to tell me
what it is. You just have to describe what you see. Now,
I'd like you to remember that image that you see before
you right now, so you can draw it for me, and then address
yourself to your description of this sloping front end.
Place your hands on the sloping front end and describe its
construction to me.
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RD
Approved For Release 2000/08/07: Cl
#07: I'm about ?, feet away off its, off its port quarter
#66: All right. Focus your attention on the area the road
wheels and describe them to me.
#07: The road wheels...big, like big smooth castings...The
+16 hub seems rather smooth rather than flat like a plate
on the end of it. It looks like adjacent wheel is set
back towards tank hull. I, I.....I don't understand.
It looks like every, I don't see all of 'em, but it looks
like it atleast it wasn't towardS theJrOnt...every other
oneappears set back a little. I get the feelincjthe.wheels
overlap a little bit. I can't quite figure that out, but
they appear to be the kind of wheels that the. track returns
on the top of them. Goes, goes'know, Track come-
back on the top of 'em.
#66: Put your hands on them and tell me how large they are.
#07: They feel about, they feel about 4 feet, 4 ? feet high.
There's a number cast,... in the rim of this thing.
Must be about nine or 10 digits with the last thing...
looks like an L; looks like a letter L. It's raised
letters cast in the rim, and the front idler thing appears
to have sprodkets in board and out board. Very wide, very
wide...I don't know why I said that. I don't know what
wide is, but to me the track seem's got
to be wrong, but it seems
#66: Just tell me what you observe.
+20 #07: Well, it just seems like track is almost 30 inches wide.
I don't know anything about these critters, but that
seems awful big.
#66: How many of those road wheels are there?
#07: I was trying to count them, and it was going down
and counting them, and I lope, lose my position. I can't
I count some of them twice, but I know this ain't right....
#66: Remember to observe and not analyze.
#07: Okay. I don't know why, but I didn't count. these. The
number 8 come into mind, for some reason. But, I. tried
+21 two or three times to count them, and I-couldn't.
Something happened and I lose my position. Just a minute;
one, two, three, four I guess counting all of 'em
around 8.
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#07: It's construction. I don't think I understand the
#66: What's it made of?
#07: What's it made of? I feel like...feel like steel! I
don't know Never thought about it. It feels like steel,
but it I've been trying to figure if it's a casting
or a welded plate. I get a very abrupt, very abrupt,
angular bend. I just assumed it I don't know. I
just assumed it was welded at that angle, rather than
#66: All right. I want you to relax and concentrate for a
moment, and listen very carefully to what I'm going to
say. Relax and concentrate. We're going to do something
now, that only you can do from your position of observation.
Something that only you can do in your unique form of
observation. I want you now to in your mind cut away
a portion of this frontal plate. In your mind cut away a
portion of this frontal plate so that you can see how
thick it is; how it is constructed, and what it is made
of. Using your mind, simply dissolve a portion of this
frontal plate so that you may see all that is necessary.
Do so now and report your imagery to me.
#07: I think we ought to dump this you know. I got it cut in
half fore and aft.
#66: Tell me about it.
+28 #07: It's a hmmmm it's a.....I guess this must be a
mock-up, 'cause it's, it's, it's a...oh, shit. I thought
the damn thing was real! It's got about 3/4 inch thick
material. I thought it was metal, and then's
got some kind of backing. Looks like, looks like aluminum
honeycomb, and then it's got a thin... 8th ork inch...
another layer, and then there's something. It is another
substance. It seems almost completely granular. It's
about...between 3 and 4 inches thick. But, it seems very
hard and granular. There's another layer inside that.
There's another layer inside that, doesn't
seem very thick either, and inside that is I don't
know it looks like kind of, a styrofoam, and then
a, a metalized cloth liner snapped on inside this
thing. I don't know. It must be some kind of experimenting
#66: What is the overall thickness, now?
#07: I don't know. I thought at first I thought about
9 inches, but I didn't add it all up here.
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA- 88R000200430001-3
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : C
#66: Okay. You be very careful to remember this particular
#07: Ohl I can't remember all that. Do you want me to go
through that again?
#66: No. We have it on tape, but I want you to look at it
while you're looking at it now, so you can draw it for
me. I have it all on tape.
#07: I don't know why. It don't make any damn sense. They
would be out of their mind to built a tank like that.
#66: Just don't analyze. Just report what you see.
#07: Must be a mock up.
#66: Now, tell me why you say it's a mock up.
#07: Well, it just don't make any sense to me this way. It
seems this portion here seems relatively light. You
know. I don't know why I went to all that trouble
#66: Okay. 9%0 That's fine.
#07: But the, the outside of the front seems...I don't know.
I don't know. Not, not that, that it looks more like
+32's a funny white kind of metal, you know. Which...
.... first, I thought the look of it was I thought
the lookof it was like some kinds of alloys of aluminum.
It gets that white look rather than a 'mirror look.
#66: Okay. Which metal is this? Is this outside or inside?
#07: It was Outside there. That's I expect they're going
to paint it.
#66: Okay.
#07: But, I, I was surprised. I wasn't going to say anything
but it, it don't look like steel, but I thought it felt
like it.
#66: Okay. I have some other questions now, so I would like
to move on. You've been observing the tank now in a
cut away form. I'd like you now to return to your original
observation point of...which was off the front left quadrant
and tell me what you have achieved there.
Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA-RD*. SA ::'101200431)001-3
Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA-
#07: Okay. I'm, I'm port side...mid-ship....about 10 foot
#66: Okay. Move now around to the rear of the vehicle.
Position yourself slightly up in the air so that you
are looking at the rear deck obliquely, and describe
to me what you see.
#07: Boy! The size of this critter!
I'm having a little trouble with winking here.
#66: Take a moment to relax and concentrate..
#07: What I think is the exhaust port is what I see an open
rectangular, tubular....)how the hell do.I describe this
I see a port that I think might be exhaust....
it appears...cross section, rectangular rather than round
as 1 'would expect. I'm looking at the one pointing aft
port side.
#66: Have you achieved the position of observation I required?
#07: I'm about 8 feet up.
#66: All right. Then describe the rear deck to me.
#07: Rear deck...okay.... It's kind of complicated. They got
real heavy grill work on the left and I assume the same
thing is on the right, but I can't no!
it, it now, where I'm looking it don't look symetrical.
It grill work is a little different. For some reason,
it kind of forward towards turret. It seems
I can't make this out. Kind of little higher in the center..
just after the turret, and it is on each side there. It....
there is something new here. I don't know why I said
that, but there appears to be some kind of box like shape
near the back ....... ....I don't know what it is. Just a
minute. I think it can be opened up. Yeah. It's some
kind of boxes that, that it's either made of molded
fiberglass or it's a big castings....because of the built-
in structural stiffening...ribs...pattern cast into it.
It's either fiberglass or, or metal casting. Appears
hinged on the aft and, and opens up towards the front.
#66: Okay. Listen very carefully now. As you look at the rear
of the vehicle now, in your mind's eye, dissolve those
portions of the vehicle which conceal the power plant.
Simply dissolve them in your mind, and describe the power
plant to me.
Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA4
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RD:BCC! pi 1801-3
#07: Well, I don't ..... I....uh...I thought the damn thing
looked like a big big like a big electric
motor..generator thing, you know. It's about
I don't know I thought it was about 3 foot in
diameter. I expected to see a big V-12 or something,
you know. This thing looks kind of round with
round big round wires or tubes or something.
#66: Okay. That's fine.
#07: There are things that look like like....injector
pumps. You know. Big, big, like big diesel injector
#66: Okay. Now, relax and concentrate.
+32 #07: They're metal tubes! They're not wirel They're metal tubes!
#66: Okay. Relax and concentrate for a moment now, relax and
concentrate. I want you to regain your perception, your
original perception off the front left quadrant. Tell me
when you've done so.
#071 Okay. 1 got it.
+43 #66: I have no further questions about this vehicle at this
time. Before we draw those perceptions that you've had,
I'd like you to add anything that you think appropriate.
#07: Thing appears to have an awful lot of eleetrohydrolle.
stuff in it. I don't know how much is a.lot,"bUt:Lhave
the feeling that this thing has more electrical than
#66: What type of electrical?
#07: There seems to be very heavy electric cables inside, and
some pretty darn big motors, and I tried to exact trace
them backwards to see what loaded all this, but I couldn't
figure where all the power was coming from. I .don't know
how much they're supposed to have, but I feel that there's
more electrical than usual. There was one other thing.
What the hell is that. Oh! Yeah. For whatever it's worth.
I don't remember ever seeing this critter before. You
know. I, I have seen .a lot of pictures of world tanks.
don't, I don't recognize this. The top seemed rather
broad and flat, like a bullfrog.
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA- 01-3
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : :..yuI
#66: Okay. Fine. Is there anything else now before we
#07: I sure would like to crawl around through this critter
a little. It's okay.
#66: Perhaps we can do that a little later. Anything else
#07: I don't know.
#66: Okay. Let's prepare to draw those perceptions that you
#31: Let's start with your target acquisition imagery from
my notes. I have a road with vehicles moving on it.
A fence and metal building. Okay. Sawtooth roof and a
railroad track somewhere.
#07: I never did actually see that railroad track.
#31: That's okay.
#07: I guess I just, I knew it was there. I don't know why,
but I gathered it was somewhere beyond or behind the
sawtooth building from my observation point.
Well, that first metal building I felt was newer than
the sawtooth. I didn't see this fence much beyond the
length of the line here. We're looking down on top of
a fence here, and it's got this...anti-intrusion
wires along the top. By the way, there was no screen
on the wire. You know. You could see right through
it. There was nothing to keep and this is a bit
higher back of the fence here. The road seemed almost
as high as the fence, because I could see the wheels
of vehicles I felt through the top of the fence. Oops.
This is a white line down the middle of the road. Why
the line down the middle of the road...I'm not even
sure there is.a line, but it was two-way traffic.
I didn't see the left side of the building SC)
I'm not even going to bother drawing it. This is the
newer, shinny metal building
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RILIPS18410111101411086611.1fialu1-3
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 ? CV Fnba?_drii` T439001-3
#07: I don't know. This....I didn't see the near edge.
I don't a...from the top, I don't remember
seeing the, the far edge of the building. So I'm going
to just show that as broken away. I just doh't know
what it looked. like. I just didn't see it
Uh...these little things are trucks here
I was under the one with an arrow, and lying under there
I could see between these buildings and this fence up here.
I thought the railroad was off in this direction, somewhere.
Somewhere behind, somewhere behind the sawtooth building.
This area seemed to be cement. I thought the cement went
I remember noticing it went almost to the fence. I
don't know if it actually went to the fence or not, but
I know there's an awful lot of cement up in there.
#31: Okay. Would you please label the sawtooth building and
the other building there. The aluminum building, I guess
it is.
#07: Sawtooth being this thing here. I guess a sawtooth is
actually more like that, but oh, both of these
buildings appeared to be metal, corrigated, I guess,. or
something. This one seemed like it had been sprayed with
something. It was a gray rather than a shinny metal like.
There were vehicles along this road, by the way, that were
moving in that direction. That's about all I can remember.
#31: Okay. Now, before we move on to the next one then, and my
notes say you look into the building onto the right, but
by this time you had moved out from under the truck.
#07: Yeah. I Moved up above this point right here where I was
directly over the point marked by an X. I came down, I
came down in some altitude and some doors were opened here
or something, and I looked across through the building
in the direction of the arrow from the X. That's what it
was. These damn doors were open.
#31: All right. Okay. And then when you looked in, the next
thing I have is you _had the silhouette feeling and you
were attracted to one of the silhouetteGwhich you began
to examine. So we can work on that from now on.
Would you want to do a layout? If you have enough data to
do an interior type layout of the structure, that's fine.
#07: In here somewhere I remember there's some big, big posts,
and there was windows. Back in the back, and I could see
the silhouette's of something with several gun tubes on it
sitting over in the background. It was tracked, and there
was quite a few of these sitting around. In here, somewhere
close to the front was
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RRP9
, er,"??- ?
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000200430001-3
#07: I don't know the position of hatches and what have you
here, but I saw this big, big tube. Bigger in the center.
It was a rather clean tube. It didn't have anything on
the end of it. But, this was all readily black in here.
#31: All right. Now, we can move right to the vehicle.
Let's see. To refresh your memory here.......ummmmmmm Okay. Some sort of a......just to
start out let me go through here real quick and then you
can take the sketching as it comes. Plastic cables going
to the tank. You had the long tube, unusually long tube
pointing up ...blop...blop...blop...45 degrees. Your
relative position at this time was about 2 feet away from
the foreward port side. were asked to focus on
the road wheels, and you had big smooth casting, hubs,
smooth, adjacent wheel set back near the tank hull. You're
looking at one wheel, apparently, and the adjacent one
seemed like it was set back
#07: Oh Yeah!
#31: uh then later on you had every other road wheel
per set back a little, and a, feeling that they overlap
a little. Let's take a shot, then, at what would be the
track area of the vehicle, as you looked at it, and we'll
do a composite of the vehicle later, but we'll take it piece
by piece as we go through. Okay.
#07: Okay.
#31: You put your hands on said 4, 41/2 feet
#07: Jesus! Are tanks that big?
#31: number casts in the room...9 to 10 digits...last one
looks like an L raised...letters...casts and iron
front idler thing appears to have sprockets in board and
out board....tracks seems like almost 30 inches
wide, or something like that.
#07: I said idler?
#31: It seemed like idler. Front, idler thing. That's my
#07: I, I think it probably ,isn,"tidle.r.. I think that front
support...roller I don't know what it's called, but
I don't think it's an idler. Well, well, it could be the
angle I saw I think it went down a little lower
than that, but this hub seemed kind of funny; smooth,
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA- DPW:0078 , 0001-3
rather than coming it had a plate bolted on
the end of it. Sharp edges. Corners seemed rounded.
Which, at the time, struck me as I thought odd
Uh can't seem to draw a circle, so I won't even try.
I know this track must not stick out that far. From the
way it appears there, it seems like an awful ......
Up here, I remember seeing I don't know how. this
was here but, this was some kind of I know
skirt. I don't know. I guess there was a wheel right here
where this curves up. Must have been.
#31: Okay.
#07: But, in the way I was looking at it, it looked to me like
this wheel was set in further than this one.
#31: Okay, while we're here, why don't we get this
#07: I've never seen one like that. I don't think they make
them that way. It could have been
#31: Yeah. Okay. While we're here, why don't we do some
lettering in there for me. The approximate size of the
wheel uh your approximate depth of the track, and
that you do have a feeling
#07: How high did I say this was?
#31: ....yeah, well, you have 4, 41/2 feet on the notes, so would
you put that on there. And, the depth of the track, you
had almost 30 inches wide was your statement. Okay.
And, did you have there you didn't mention it in the
transcript. Did you have a feeling for the depth of the
#07: The depth the thickness?
#31: No. far
#07: I really thought it came down about where the arrow is
on the 4 to 4 point 5 feet. Down to about that far. I've
drawn it higher because I'm having trouble with the perspective
here, but I thought the skirt was just I could see the
hubs. So, I felt this skirt was a little above the hubs,
not as high as I've got it here.
#31: Okay. Why don't you put an arrow there and just make
a note, skirt protrudes farther down to just above hub
or words to that affect.
#07: How do you spell position?
#31: P-o-s-t-i-o-n.
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDIVINO?1111111"
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000200430001-3
#07: Just like it sounds, huh.
#31; Okay. One last note for this sketch. Now this front
#07: Oh, I think didn't I say that this was about 3 inches
#31: Okay okay. To clarify it for me, you had the front
idler thing...what you had called the front idler thing
appears to have sprockets in board and out board.
#07: Ummmmm
#31: Okay. I didn't know if that was what you were referring
#07: Uh...It, it was alot clearer, when I was looking at it.
I think I could see all little casting lines...uh. The
teeth seemed a little thicker, whiter out near the edge
than they wereill:board. Had alOt of detail, but I can't
draw it. Is there anything else about that'
#31: No. I don't think so. When we were talking about the
number of road wheels you were talking about them.
#07: I tried to count them, and I don't know why. It was like
counting very small measurements that are alike I'd lose
my position. I know this makes no sense, but I tried
30 at least 3 times to count 'em, and I'd lose my place,
and I said, whoops, did I count that one, and then, all
of a sudden...uh...maybe you said something...I came up
with a figure 8, I think. I don't know if that's
you know.
#31: Ahhh....that's what you came up with. All right. For
sketch 4. You were asked to move to the front of the
vehicle, and....let me see...I'll go through my notes again.
Smooth, uncluttered slope of 30 to 35 degrees from the
horizontal. Fenders, some kind of fenders, and then some
kind of crude looking light under protective grill; fenders
appear to stick out a little in front of the bow or
wheels. You said wheels and bow simultaneously...or not
simultaneously, but close together there. The bow line
was straight across; under belly plate comes up to meet
the other, but it's something welded on like a hitch of
some kind; two big slabs of metal with a hole in it.
#07: What extends in front of the bow?
#31: You said fenders appear to stick out alAttle. You said
over the wheels and then you said in front of the bow.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000200430001-3
#31: So, I don't know.
#07: Yeah. Okay. Same thing.
#31: Okay. So if we could have a sketch of that frontal....
we'll just worry about the hull aspect of it, unless
you had the shot of turret, turret-hull combination
from that perspective....
#07: I never really got I kept, you know, I was aware
of it, and...a peripheral vision, but, gee, I'm going
to go up there when I get through this, I'm going to go
up and look at that. I wanted to crawl in the darn thing.
#31: #66 wouldn't let you. H
#07: No. I think I asked to crawl under something. Did I or
didn't I?
#66: Not audible.
#07: I thought up here there was a slight break line along
here. I don't know the detail here, but
That okay? I plated this line up here...uh...What's this
plate called?
#31: I don't know. Just label it what, you know...I guess
it's upper bow, or something like that. I don't know
what it would-be called, but
#07: Felt very strong about this, and it confused me. I don't
know. Maybe, I was directed to something else, but, I
kept trying to figure it out. It bothered me. I think,
at one time, I thought it was like two plates welded
together rather than the rounded line you see in a casting.
I guess the strong thing that came out of that, toying
with that (mumbling) there, was that I didn't think it was
a casting. Is that about the flavor of that? I think
that's what I finally came up with. I don't know.
#31: Okay. While we're talking about that edge, did you....
they're welded, but, am I right when I say they are welded
at an angle, then.
#07: It didn't...this line didn't appear to go on up.
#31: Straight up.
#07: Straight up. There appeared to be a slight break in there
that flattened out a little.
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#31: I.E. About what degree of break. Do you have any
feel for that?
#07: No. I felt this top plate was not horizontal with the
ground. Still had a little slope to it, I thought.
#31: Okay:
#07: But, not this much as the front portion.
31: Okay. How about there right where you have your finger?
#07: Where? There?
#31: Right on the front line. The center no, down, the
next line down there. Is that what is your feeling
for that line across the bow?
#07: There was some detail across there, and I started to look
at it, and something happened, and started getting conflicting
data that I was trying to understand, and all this stuff was
shooting at me, and I thought, well, gee, that looks like
a rivet. And, I said, No. They don't rivet. You know.
They don't rivet, but there was some kind of detail I was
trying to see It was like I was talking to someone
and trying to hold a conversation but there was something
over here very interesting. It walked by and I'm trying
to see what that is without losing my place in the conversa-
tion, and there was something about this edge, a detail,
that I thought, well, gee, I know that, I can know what
that is, but I didn't get it. But, there seemed
there was some detail...edges coming together. There was
some kind of detail, and I couldn't figure what it was.
#31: Okay. You were going to
#07: That's the longest unresolved
detail area along that edge. Oh! These are those
funny things hanging down the bottom. The hitch
#31: The hitch hutch, yeah.
#07: Hitch things I don't know if they are hitches. I don't
know what the hell they are, but
#31 Yeah. Ummm....just before I started to talk about that
other line you were going to say something more about
that upper sloping angle there.
#07: Uh...I can vaguely see portion of the turret here and I
thought it was ...the front portion, I thought was 'pretty
rakishly sloped, and I was asking myself, why is it sloped
differently, different angles on sides where I was standing
I thought the front portion was sloped different than the
side. It seemed rather simple, and basic shapes. Not
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slot of clutter on it. Maybe cluttered crap hadn't been
put on it yet, but it seemed rather simple. I thought
the slope of the front of the turret was important, and
I thought it different from the sides. It don't make
much sense to me. I would think, you know, you ne8d
the protection of sides as well as you do the front, but
I thought the front slope of the turret was different
from the sides, and I thought that was important.
#31: As in different in what respect?
#07: Well, the angle.
#07: I, I thought the angle of the front of the turret was
closer to the angle of this front plate here on the tank.
Whereas the sides, I thought was more vertical. They did
not achieve the same angle, and I was aware of this
difference, and I thought, well, gee, you need the same
protection in all directions. Why didn't they do that?
If that's a case of angles for protection.
#31: All right. Great.
#07: What number is that?
#31: That's four, and we're going on to five.
Okay. What I think is the best way for us to tackle the
next part here is when #66 asked you to cut away portions
of the frontal plate so that you can see the interior of
it. And, he asked you to describe how thick it was, what
it was made of, and how it was constructed.
#07: I'm sorry. I can't uh
#31: Okay. I have it all down here. So we...ha, ha, ha,
I smoked up my pen.
#07: I was rather pissed off at #66 there for driving me to this
'cause he's wasting time on a mock-up. Ha, ha,
#31: Okay. Well you did have that feeling of a mock-up right
at the beginning, but, what I would like to do is get a
good cross section....don't worry about drawing tank and
vehicle and putting it all together let's just go with
two, two lines as though you were looking at it sideways.
#07: I'll just cross section ......
#31: Just a cross section of what you ran through as it came you went through it. Now, I'll start you off
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#07: Wasn't there a, a plate an inch or so thick or something.
#31: Okay, okay. I'll start you off, like I said. It must
be a mock-up because it's got 3/4 inch thick material.
Thought it was metal.
#07: How thick was the next layer?
#31: Well, you didn't give me a depth On the next one, but you
had some kind of backing. Like an aluminum honeycomb.
Do you have a feel now recalling what the
#07: I North American Aviation once, I
I was in the factory when they were building the
something, I think...SST or something, and I saw
aluminum honeycomb that reminded me of this. That's
what I'm trying to draw now. I can see striation along
the eutawayy edge, and those little holes
where these little squares are formed here. I don't know.
But, that was honeycomb?
#31: Yeah. That was your word. Yeah. Like an aluminum, like
aluminum honeycomb. Okay?
#07: Honeycomb...3/4 inch.
#31: You had thick material...thought it was metal on that
?first layer. Okay?
#07: Ummmm....
#31: Okay. And, the next thing. Then you had a feeling of
a thin, 1/8th to 1/4 inch layer, not further described.
#07: How thick?
#31: 1/8th to 1/4 inch.
#07: Material, huh.
#31: Yeah. Just....
#07: I didn't say
#31: At this time, though, if you do have any recollections
about it I need you to add any extra words
#07: I got so lost going through that one piece at a time, I
thought, gee, I don't want to go through that again. See
if I can remember it, 'cause I knew you were going to ask
me some
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#31: Okay. Then after that thin layer you had, then another
substance, almost irregular.
#07: Oh! Yeah. That was..uh...
#31: Three to four inches thick, but very hard in granular.
#07: How thick?
#31: Three to four inches thick.
#07: I don't know what the hell that is. Was there anything
#31: Okay. Then, another layer inside that doesn't seem
thick either.
#07: Hmm. That sure is detailed, isn't it. Especially following
three to four inches, that don't oh, I guess that was
#66's second layer, huh. that all the description
of that?
#31: Yes. Doesn't seem thick either.
#07:. Was there anything That's it, huh?
#31: No. Then inside looks like kind of a styrofoam.
#07: Oh, shit! This has got to be hallucination. Okay.
How thick?
#31: You didn't say. I was going to ask you now if you had
any recollection of the
#07: I felt it was bulky, but I don't I'd forgotten these
last two layers. Are you sure you want to pursue this?
#31: Yes. Positive.
#07: You know, this is ridiculous.
#31: And then you had.,.inside that...that would you
have a feel for the thickness of that thing at all?
#07: What? This?
#31: Yeah. That last layer there.
#07: I don't know. I thought the whole thing came out close
to 9 inches. So, I don't know. Might be the same.
#31: All right. And, then metalized cloth liner
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#07: Four or five inches. I don't know.
#31: Okay. Then you had a metalized cloth liner snapped
on the inside.
#07: Two Is in metal?
#31: No. One T. One T, two LLs.
#07: Jesus! One, two, three, four, five, six.
#31: Okay.
#07: No! Seven. One, two, three, four if anybody is
interested in counting them
#31: That's all right. Before we're...hold on to that for a minute
while you've got it there, refresh your memory. I want to
ask you a couple of questions about it. Okay. The overall
thickness, you asked about how thick it was, and you said
about 9 inches. Okay. You first thought about 9 inches.
All right. And, throughout this you had a flavor of a mock-
up type of scenario, and you were asked why you had that
flavor. You said, because it makes no sense and because the
thickness seems relatively light. Okay.
#07: The thickness seemed light?
#31: Because it makes no sense and it seems relatively light.
#07: I think the material seemed light, actually.
#31: Okay. What I want you to do.......
#07: Thickness seemed light. I don't know.
#31: What I want you to do now, is I want you to go back
through your entry imagery as you started to peel away
those parts of the hull so that you could look at that,
and I want you to just go through it, and revalidate to
yourself that you were ...where you were positioned, and
tell me where, where you were positioned relative to the
tank...the vehicle...the tank at the time that this began.
#07: When I was looking at the .........Cutaway?
#31: Yes. As you began to build that imagery you developed a
cutaway view.
#07: Oh! Okay. I got it. I had a cutaway, you know, right
straight through the midships...straight back, and I was
standing just about the position of the...forward, first
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LA-th 1 P44.TE >
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000200430001-3
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIAAPOSOMITIMSIerM
forward big Wheel on the port side, you know. It wasn't
there, but I was standing...what...3, 4 feet away from
the cross-section of the plate. I was up forward standing
where the wheel would be, just about.
#31: Okay. And, where was your view relative to where that
wheel was? Like were you down at ground level or were
you up above that. About how high off where on this
plank of the vehicle were you accessing it?
#07: God! I don't know.
#31: How high? What height?
#07: Were you talking about how high above my head was my
#31: Yeah. I'm trying to get some feeling for the exact
place on the vehicle body that you were concentrating on
at this time.
#07: Oh! I know where I was looking. I was looking at that
front sloped plate on the top.
#31: Okay.
#07: And, I was looking at about the vicinity of that place
where it had the break that I was concerned about. That
clean line. Yeah. That's where I was, I just have a
feeling of awareness. I don't know whether was.standing
or lying horizontally, or what.
#31: Okay. That's fine. Let me give you sketch 3 I think
it's 3. No. Sketch 2. I'm sorry. There, yeah, 4,
I'm sorry. Would you put an X on that as to your
#07: An X?
#31: Yeah. As to where you think you were
#07: Looking.
#31: Looking. Yes.
#07: Yeah. I figure, gee, it was in the vicinity of this
horizontal line that I was concerned about, and just below
it, so I'd say I was looking at the cross-section uh
#31: Somewhere in the lettering there.
#07: Yes. Below the L in clean. Down through there. In
that section there, and I remember looking a little
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above that line, and I glanced to my left to see if
the bottom plate was the same way, and something happened.
I didn't pursue it. I didn't see the bottom plate as a
cutaway. So I don't know.
#31: Okay. Fine.
#07: I'm going to put a how's that?
#31: Okay. That's fine. That large arrow going down was point
of view.
#07: Uh...what do we want...uh
#31: We want to correlate sketch 5 to sketch 4 there. Ummm...
What was your feeling regarding the imagery that you got
when you were directed the cutaway portion
on the tank or...related to your feeling of mock-up, and
#07: I was a little confused at first. I didn't see what
I thought I would see. Uh...I saw these different
materials, and I found myself looking at a cutaway, and
the only way I could get comfortable with what I was seeing My mind ':and realize it was a mock-up. :In
which case the materials might not be what I expect, anyway.
It could be materials used to make forms for castings,
or whatever. At this point, I became comfortable with it,
and I could look at it, and describe it. Most...before
that I was trying to, you know, fight with the imagery,
and make it logical to somethinn that I could agree with
logically. I had seen aA_OtOT cdtawaysef-Weapons:years
before in the Navy, and I thought, well, gee, this looks
like things I'd seen before, and everything was okay, then.
#31: Okay. One last thing on sketch 5. The outside front,
your words here, the outside front looks like a funny
white metal. At first like some kind of alloys of
aluminum, and then you said they're probably going to paint
it. Do you have any
#07: Yeah. That was that top slope plate forward. And it was
a whitish metal_ Like some alloys of aluminum you see very
whitish....that silver mirrop-like color. This caused me
some problems. Metal is steel is a darker, non-
descript color bare metal.: And it didn't look like that.
It disturbed me, and I threw it away. I didn't feel it was
#31: Okay. Ummmm......okay. Now, we're moved to the rear deck
area or the rear of the vehicle rear deck. Yeah. You wanted
to say something? Yeah. Okay. Before we go
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1% 1
on, let me, let's work some more on this sketch 5...
umm...the...specifically interested in anymore words or
information you may be able to provide us regarding the
3 to 4 inch thick granular layer-. Do you have any feeling
for its composition? It's density-, granual sizes?and:that
type of thing.
#07: I felt particular matter was individually were very, very
hard. I thought this stuff was very dense, but being
granular it was somewhat lighter than a solid piece would be.
I thought it was brittle, but extremely, extremely hard, and
I...I have a small shop at home and I play with different
metals. I'm no expert on it, but this was not like anything
I'd ever seen. I didn't even know it was a metal. But, I
thought it was very hard. It was like big grains that were
stuck together having some porosity with the individual
grains I thought were extremely hard, and I don't know
how they were stuck together, but I felt this stuff is
brittle, and I was toying with it, you know. Why? This
makes no sense, yet it's extremely brittle, and I was torn
between this mock-up thing or if this stuff is real or
why would they put something like this on a. mock,-up. I
felt very comfortable when we got away from it because I was
trying to figure what it was. Hard, brittle, porose.
#31: Okay. One last note for sketch 5. There's one thing I
forgot. It's more administrative. Would you put on the
top like exterior side and interior side, you know, on the
respective ends there, so we know which...analyst will know
which way we go.
Are you sure of that?
#07: Hmm...0h! Exterior. Ha, ha. No. That's exterior.
#31: Yeah. Okay. Okay. There we go.
#07: Now, the cloth was inside. You guys forget. I see things
backward, okay.
#31: All right, Now, and the next thing, and about the last,
I think, moving to:the rear end of the vehicle...ummmmm
when you were asked to return to your original point,
then you moved over the port side midship about 10 feet
away, and you #66 asked you to look at the rear deck.
You saw here you perceived in the first imagery was maybe
an exhaust port. Rectangular, tubular port- Let's put
this thing together in a composite if we can. I'll go
on through it...uh...points aft on the port...points aft
on the port side. At this time you were looking at it
from about 8 feet above. You were about 8 feet up. You
were asked to describe the rear deck and you had heavy
grill work on the left...doesn't look symetrical
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...grill was kind of different?forward near the turret
it seems a little higher than on each side something
new here it appears to be some kind of box like shape
near the back. Okay. Do you think it can be opened up?
Some kind of box that's made of molded fiberglass or big
casting was because of built-in structural stiffening
ribs...hinged on the aft and opens up towards the front
okay. That was the series on the back.
#07: Why in the hell did I say it was new?
#31: I don't know. It was something that you said. There's
something new here. Okay.
#07: I guess it was just a feeling.
#31: Deleting the expletive. Ha,ha. Why? What did I say?
#07: Never mind. If you are deleting them, let's not put them
in again.
#31: Okay. So, if we could do a composite there
#07: You know, you've got me worried. I don't normally use
bad language. In this vicinity here, I remember some kind
This shape is not exact. I
These bars...I'm not going to try and draw them all, but
these appeared about 1 inch wide. I don't know...I don't
know what the hell this is, but I see it. I think these,,
you know, are heavy bars. I don't think it's important _
to put all that detail in there. But, this is a very
heavy grill work. It must be an inch. These bars must be
an inch in all directions, I guess. The left rear fender
I just...I can't...right now I can't remember what it looked
like, but somewhere, 'either slightly above this grill or
slightly below there was a rectangular opening. I don't
know what the heck it was. This is about midships here.
I thought it was higher forward here for some reason, and
there was something different the center here.
I, I tried to play with it and figure it out, but back to
about this position here was a big box like shape.
I can't remember if it had some detail on it, but I remember
it had, I could see indentations on it like it was either
cast or built in a mold or something rather than an extruded
or welded box which the dye has tb pull out. The right side
I couldn't make it out. I felt it was...well, I'll be
? darned. Isn't that amazing! I've got a curve in the grill
work here that curves around this box. I don't know how
that happened. But this grill work did have...was narrower
back aft than it was forward
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#07: I can't get the detail on the right. Sorry. I was
aware the turret starting with this position here,
somehow, and I didn't get to It was rather
smooth. But, I didn't get to work the details out.
There was some kind of box, or something, up, I think,
around this position here. Some kind of detail that
I never got back to. All I can be sure of is that the
right side is not like the left side. And, I'm not even
going to attempt to put the detail in. But, I thought
the detail was somewhat smaller than the grill work on
the left side. I was aware of some kind of round, or some
kind of detail back here aft, and I thought there was some
kind of grill work or something somewhere on here, and I
couldn't...I don't know where it was...down on the end...
This thing here may be exhaust...this rectangular...I don't
know what the heck it is. It might be an intake. I don't
know. But, I was thinking that's a strange looking exhaust;
I would expect them to be round.
#31: Okay. Why don't you label that then. Is there anything more
now to this section? This sketch here.
#07: Oh. But logically it makes no sense, you know, that you have
a big port opening like take a round in there,
and tear hell out of the things, unless you had some kind of
baffle or something. I don't know. With top deck, rear
#31: In that center box there; now those indentations, you had
the am I right when I say that your feeling was that
they were indentations but there was a solid box. Were
the indentations just where you would
#07: Oh, it was just indentations for rigidity. I thought there
was a diagonal bar in there somewhere, but I can't get the
feel for it now. But, this is just to show that it had
impressions that I felt were for rigidity. I felt it was
either molded or cast. Not an extrusion. I felt very
strong about the thing opening in the forward direction.
#31: Would you say that again?
#07: I felt very strongly about the fact that I felt the thing
the hinges were aft, and the thing opened in a forward
direction. Like the opening.....the lid was facing forward
when it's open. I don't know. I don't know what it was.
But, I thought it was smoother rather than having nice square
sharp angles.
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#31: The way your text goes here is you said there was something
new here, just before you started to describe the box like
thing on the back that you just talked about.
#07: The box, I thought, was the new thing, but and I don't
know why I'd say it was new. I mean. I don't know what
was old.
#31: Okay. The other
#07: But, I felt very excited about,I felt very excited about
the box. This was the second time I got the rush.
#31: Okay. One other question I have, or one other comment I
want to get down...drop that down so I could show you....
right in under where you have rear deck written there,
you talked about a bump or that it was higher.
#07: You can see it right here.
#31: Okay. Does that bump protrude all the way or did you
lose it behind the
#07: No. It seemed the kind of I don't remember tracing
it aft so it must have disappeared. It wasn't a central
spine, dorsal thing.
#31: And you say the right side grill is different from the
left side grill.
#07: Yes. But, I don't know how.
#31: I think we have one more area here.
#07: This detail was, you know, like looking at one of those
highly complicated space ships you see in Star Wars, or
something. It just, you know, how do you remember all
that detail. It's exciting, but that's the way I felt
when I was playing around with this.
#31: Uh...the last area now is...#66 had you do One more thing
similar to what you'd done before, and that was to dissolve
all that concealed the power plant, okay. So let's move to
another sketch, unless you want to use that now. He had
you dissolve all that concealed the power- plant. What I
want to make sure we are here is that you are you know,
that you're...did your view or your perspective change
at any time during this part of the session or did you
stay relatively fixed in the view of sketch 6.
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#07: Oh, I was a few feet aft and slightly to the right,
but when it all peeled back I got a real quick glance
at what I thought was a giant B12 engine with the
heads off, and I was seeing cylinder board. That just
kind of faded off and disappeared on me, and I saw
something instead that was stronger, and I thought, well,
gee, I must have expected to see a big engine, diesel
or something, and so I saw this. It disappeared, and I
saw something about I get roughly the size of a
POL barrel. I thought, well, gee, the goddam thing is
electric motor, and or generator and these two words
started hitting me. I am aware that that is absolutely
illogical, but that's what I saw. A big round thing with
a At first I thought perhaps these linear round
things were wire, heavy wire, or something, and I backed
off and tried to get away from because it was causing me
discomfort and I was trying not to figure out what it was,
and I tried to look somewhere else, and when I did I was
aware of a thing that looked like a...what did I call it...
uh injector a big diesel injector pump.
That would be on the right side. If were aft facing forward
it would be on the right side. And, it had ,,,,ajot_of
metallic lines coming from it. I don't know if I've ever
seen a big diesel injector pump. I have seen them on
automobiles, but this thing seemed much larger.
#31: So, why don't you draw me a sketch of
#07: ....of the pump!
#31: No. Of the entire drum shape and the pump associated with
#07: I was of I didn't count these damn things, but there
were a- Lbtof tubes, and they'd go and they...when they'd
made .a bend they'd all bend together. Like a...looked alot
like a wiring diagram...the way the lines were parallel and
make a right angle turn...uh...I don't know where they went.
There was...cable like things, you know, crawling all over
this tube like things. I can't remember where they were.
It was just too, too blamed complicated. I tried to see
the front end of it. I did not see this injector pump
like thing hooked to it. I saw it sitting beside it., and
oh that's part!of that. It was very complicated, and I
can't remember details. I supposed if I worked just on
that I might be able to find some details.
#31: That's fine.
#07: Oh! Yeah. There was another thing. Darn thing. Yeah.
Now it makes more sense to me, but at the time it made no
sense at all. I felt there was a metalized blanket like
insulation around sA_Ot.Of:this'thing.
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#31: Of what kind of a thickness?
#07: Well, it must have been 4 or 5 inches thick. Some kind
of insulation blanket. I don't know if it was to hold
the heat in or hold the heat out. I don't know which.
#31: Was it wrapped tighty around it or was it
#07: I think it was kind of loose, and wrinkley. Like the
outer protective covering was a metalized strong something.
I don't know. I don't know whether it could have been
mylar. It could have been metalized fabric or something,
but it was wrinkley. And, there was holes where electric
wires or tubes went through. Geeze not on a tank,
but that's what I saw. Right now, I just can't cover all
the detail.
#31: Okay. Well....ummm
I felt there was enough room. On one side, I could almost
get down in beside the thing.
#31: Okay. Do you have a feeling for what side that was?
#07: I think it was the right side. It could be the same on
both sides. I just didn't look, but I felt, gee, I could
get down in there and crawl you know, look around
this thing. I don't know. I could have been very confused
in this area because this doesn't look like anything.
#31: Okay. Well, I'll tell you what. Let's start and let's
go through and label the thing on the right side of the
sketch there.
#07: Injector....uh
#31: Yeah. Injector pump type thing. Now, am I right when I
assume that there's only one of them associated with_this
#07: That's all I saw. That's all I saw. I was very uncomfortable
with big electric motor generator thing. I was really
trying to get away from it because I was afraid I would
try and analyze. How do you spell aluminum.?
#31: Okay. Why don't we label that engine area,
engine area on the top of that power plant,
I don't even know if that is a power plant.
was in that area
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But, it
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#31: All Tight-. Anything more you can add to that?
#07: No. It would be too difficult, and inaccurate, I think.
#31: Okay. Fine.
#07: You know, there was detail of some kind in this vicinity
over here, but I don't know what they were.
#31: Okay. I don't think we have anymore sketching. #66 was
getting ready to bring you out of the session...he asked
you if you had anything else to add...uh...appears to have
alot of electrohydrolic gear in it pretty heavy electric
cables inside...some pretty heavy motors....feeling more
electric than usual....don't ever remember seeing this
critter before. I've seen alot of pictures but doesn't
remember seemed rather broad and flat like
a bullfrog. I just wondered if you'd give me some words
on those, and anything else you may want to add at this time.
#07: Uh...yeah... I think probably what I'm going to tell you..
the feeling of the whole thing seemed broad and squat. I
guess that's why I came up with the bullfrog thing, as
opposed to call it massive. Yet, I think it was very tall.
I think the feeling of looking at it was broad and squat.
And, I'm going right now to go out and see if wheels on a
tank are 4 foot high anywhere. I have no feel for that.
#31: Okay. Have anything more to add?
#07: That is about it. It was a fun
#31: Fun session
#07: It was a fun session. lam normally quite bored and would
like to shut down as quickly as possible, but this one, I
felt badly when we had to shut down.
#31: Well, I don't have anything else. Thank you.
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