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Document Release Date:
June 10, 1998
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Publication Date:
March 28, 1980
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Approved For Release 2000/08SEGR ?TO788R000200320001-5
05163OZ JUL 78
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1. (S) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted
in compliance with a request for information on an area of interest.
2. (S) The remote viewer was initially able to attain his usual state
of relaxed concentration. After the session he complained that ambient
room noise disturbed him to the extent that he was unable to maintain
his point of focus. Ambient room noise was loud.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document
Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the viewer
reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing
information provided the viewer.
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"~ ~ft~ 4 % FF
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#66:, This will be a remote viewing session for 1100 hours,
28 March 1980.
Relax and concentrate now. Relax and concentrate.
Focus on your target for today. Relax and concentrate.
Focus and concentrate and observe the target area and
as you do describe the area to me.
+06 #31: A thing's...very big thing ..... a big
thing...long and square long and square...dark inside...
and around the top...a light round-slight round.....
the rest....can't see the rest of it. It's as though
it was in a hill side. A bunker but is big. Feeling is
that it is very large. Hanger size. Like a hanger..'s big-it's light. I feel like I'm in flat
and buried in front of's all..feel like huge
blocks...uh...flat blocks...uh..8 feet by 8 feet blocks.
All light and reflecting like it.....and it's hard like
cement, and I have a feeling of-like at some places..
+09 uh..weeds growing in the cracks.
#66: Tell me about the activity.
#31: I..... see..uh..hanger coming through.. .more stronger
feeling, but I have a, a long flat thin..uh..that droops
away from me that has a man behind, behind it,.and.....
the feeling is he is working with heat...and on this
metal sheeting...a pair of sheeting as though he is on a
stand; up high. Some sort of a stand up higher and is
..uh..working on the back side of the ........
+13 There's something long associated with this thing.
The funny thing is.....I have this feeling of a long
metal skinned tube with this sheeting sticking out,. but
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am reminded of a grasshopper. It appears.... I'm getting
this feeling it's high off the ground. Higher than...... normal to me. I am...I keep seeing..uh..I'm
getting a strong feeling of aircraft. A large, very
elongated..... Something like that, but the peculiar
+15 thing is how high it is, and the funny droop to it.
Funny droopings.
I bauched it.
#18 #66: As you focus once again on the target search out the
function of what you have found.
+20 #31: I'm up above it looking down. There are two triangles
peaking out (phonetic)...these triangles are peaking out
of this square. They are...I...thought earlier ........
a feeling of, association with water. It was very
funny. As though a hydraf oil or a vessel with veins
and plains and such was zipping across the top of water
at a high speed. But, that feeling did not jibe with
the first few proportions of this other thing here. It
was though a thing resembling an airplane
dynamic shape with even a tail stabilizing thing that looks
like a tail. It was skimming across the top of the water
in some sort of a closed harbor or a....small bay. It
.....had a, a very nonsensical shape when it went by me.
It looked neither like a boat nor like a aircraft, but
it was at very low altitude. It was as though it was
skimming on veins or some such.
#66: All right. I have no further questions about the
target area at this time. If there is anything that
you'd like to add before leaving the target please do
so now.
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#31: Well, ok, the first thing that I had was.... this feeling
like I was standing.....up side this funny thing that I
couldn't see all of because I, I felt it was like..uh..
inbeded or layed back into something. It was really
weird, and I felt that, ok. Uh.....and that it was all
dark in here, but that this was, you know, a concrete
type of a structure. Anyway, it had some certain
thicknesses to it and it had a curved roof, and the
curved roof had some sort of lines to it here, ok.
But, that for some reason, it was inbeded. It was like
I had....boom hanger....boom hanger sideway...side of
a hanger strip..uh..bunkered into a hill type. All that,
all that came through. Just real quick, you know. Just
boom, boom, boom like that. But, this thing was massive.
I mean it was that. There is a person
size, ok...... andthat ...... ok........ and it was all black
inside. That was it. Oh, and the other thing...I can put
it on this...Is the feeling that-out front here, where I
was standing was this feeling of squares.... like a runway
apron type feeling of cement....huge cement slaps with an
occasional weed growning up in between them, in the cracks.
It was light colored material and this was light like
concrete and this thing went back into the....and just
faded into the gloom....and there was gloom all in there.
It was dark inside. And, this thing is long. It's,
it's long like from here to..uh..oh, 100's long
like maybe 100 yards. In'2, I'm going to do a little: bit
better. Think of that.'s longer than this
sketch..... makes it look almost square. It's much more
rectangular. It's much more...the long axes is much longer
than that. It's more like that and then it's set back in.
All right. It's more like that shape. But, it goes in
much farther than it shows.... sticks out from this thing....
whatever this thing is that covers it, and a man is that
big. Like that.
#07: So the covering you're talking about could be jungle....
or hillside......
#31: It was not structure... that covered this
structure. It was something else... natural... it was
like that, you know. But, I had the definite feeling
of a dug-in situation, you know. Dug back and under..:.
covered over....a little bit of it....a little lip of
it protrudes out, but actually the thing is much more large
inside where you can't see it from the top. All right.
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Going on. Activity. I had the first....the next image
that I had was this thing like a curved elongated piece
.....this being, you know, and the curve goes back, and
under the forward.... this is like the leading
edge of the wing type of a feeling, and then this comes
along back here like that, and that's the back edge, and
it's curved there. Ok.
I had the feeling of a person, a man, standing behind this
thing, ok. Definite feeling was he had this funny face
apparatus and everything. The sliding shield. All, all
the boom like a welder or somebody like that working about
here on the back edge of this thing and then he was on
some sort of a stand, like this. Ok. That was an
elevating type of a stand. Something that had a triangular
arrangement like this. I don't know what it is, but some
sort of a triangular arrangement. Like he was artificially
being lifted up high to do this work. And, this was like
shiny. sheet metal; shiny gray sheet. This is lift stand
type platform, and this is like man with face shield, not
a mask. It's shield..uh..working with a...with an arch
welder with electricity and heat, you know, like
flicker, flicker, flicker, and all around behind it is
this gloom of this, you know this dark thing............
Oh, yeah, ok. All right. But, when I was inside, I had
the feeling of windows, ok. That's what I wanted to say.
Is that eventhough I had the imagery outside when I got
what I thought was up and under this lip and in here where
they were doing this work, I had the feeling that there
were windows in the left hand side of the structure in....
ah....sketch 1. so that, here in the gloom in sketch 3,
I had the feeling that there were windows. You know.
Far off. Over on the other side of this place which was
a far distance away. Some sort of windows, anyway. Even
though I didn't have the feeling of that when I was outside.
The feeling that I had when I first said what's this guy
working on and everything, and I moved on around behind
him, so that he was here, I'll draw a little jack stand,
the feeling was I moved around behind him, like this, ok,
and here is this thing that he was working on....this
curved piece of sheetmetal. Here's where the guy's working.
Like that. He's standing in there, ok. The feeling that
I had was know what an old constallation looks
like when it sits up on its...when it's landed and sitting
up on its........
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#07: Very long ...uh............
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#31: It's really a streamlined aircraft. It's really got some
very graceful lines to it. It's very cigar shaped, and
it's very droopy in weird places compared to today's
aircraft. Today's aircraft just punch through the air,
and, this-the Connie is a beautiful aircraft.......
#07: (Mumbling) she's got a hump back.
#31: Right.
#07: Drooping forward...(mumbling) tails...
#31: It curves. It's got a drop in the front, and it curves
very nicely, and then it's got this funny bloop up on
the end, ok. The main's like I said, I felt
like I was looking at a grasshopper is because it's up
on legs. It's way up high. It's abnormally high for
structure that I would associate with aircraft as an
example. You know. It's like it's way up on its...way
up on tiptoes. Very abnormally high above the ground,
type of a feeling, you know...that this thing was
associated with something with a body contour...a
gracefulness of design and funny curves like a
constallation has, ok....which is essentially a.......
you is's longer than this, unfortun=
ately. It's like a droop and then a curve and then like
this type of a shape, ok. But, again, the main impression
I was getting, because I was afraid, you know, aircraft
wasn't right and it's all a bunch of overlay obviously,
and I started out with a hanger and it's only natural
that I would put aircraft in it. But, the thing about
this is this long ways above the ground type of a feeling.
Something narrow and tube this... streamlined...
streamlined cigar shaped, ok.
But that it was...the floor was like way down here.
Maybe not that far down. That's, that's wrong. The floor
was like this, ok, so that this thing had to stand way up
on, on, you know, legs that held it way up off the ground.
Type of a situation. I had the definite feeling of legs,
you know, landing legs, or something holding it up high,
like that.
#07: Have you ever seen something like this?
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. . q KET
#31: Well, let me go on. I've seen something like that,
because obviously it reminded me of a constallation,
ok, and I had the whole idea...the whole thing of
a dominant feeling of airframe, sleekness, cigar shape.
So that was that. I was getting a little concerned, you
know, of what was happening, and I think there.......
about the time I said I'm looking at a grasshopper was
the feeling that I moved around in front again, and I
was looking at what would be.....what...if it's an
airplane we'd call it cockpit...the front, forward part
of the fuselodge, and that it was looking down its nose
at me. Like a grasshopper does. That's when I actually
said...this grasshopper feeling. I had this definite
feeling of a ramp...but a narrowness... not a big blockness
but a narrowness like an SST would have....this big......
narrowness, and then some sort of a.......some sort of a
feeling, ok.
But this was like a drooping ......... down the nose is the
best thing that I can think of. And that would be behind
the cockpit, but the narrowness of the feeling is that,
I was looking at something that was 4 feet wide, ok.....
here at what we Would call the jawls, of the grin, of the
beak.. .the bird...or the grasshopper feeling or whatever.
Only like 3 and 2 or 4 feet wide. The dam thing was not
massive you know. It wasn't some huge ..... uh.......
big 8 foot wide work area in there, and a whole bunch of
bodies and people, or anything like that. It didn't....
you know....would fit in thsi thing. It was more like
it was one or two seats in the cockpit, if that is a
cockpit.' All right.
And #28 asked what happened with this thing, right.
#31: Function, yeah. Not what happened but what function
this thing........ When he asked for activity, I got the
welding. When he asked for..... I had the feeling for...
this thing, neither beast, neither bird, you know, animal
nor fowl going by me skimming across the top of the water
or some thing, some vessel, some.....on the surface.....
#07: Is this something else or is this the same thing that
we just looked at?
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#31: I don't know. If I know.....but, it was a
feeling of some sort of a inner bay or harbor area and
it was the classic test scene of this spruce duce, you
know, that type of a feeling. Here in the background is
the shore line, you know, that wanders around.'like that.
And, there's some buildings on it, you know. You can
see the shoreline in the some inclosed bay
or harbor that does cut off. I did get the feeling it
cuts off. But,, anyway, and there's waves,in it, there`.s
water. I had the feeling definitely ...opens...ocean bay...
ocean bay feeling..... there's like the open ocean, ok...
coastline goes off like that.....all right
probably don't....... you have to xerox this, so you need
it, ok.... anyway, here comes this thing by me, which is
really a funny looking was up in the tail
have no idea what it was....this other thing-what's the
activity there.....this other thing was bigger than this...
it was blockier and bulkier than this...and there's this
up in the tail feeling of some sort of a wide.........
some sort of cabin or whatever on it, but that this thing
was skimming the waves, as though, it went by me real fast.
As though these are air foils right....or not air foils...
They would be in this case ..... water foils protruding out
of the side of this fuselage type feeling. I can't even
tell you what the front of it looks like. I would X that
out. Don't even worry about it, but it had...had the
feeling of stabilizer in the rear of some sort ...... some
sort of a more blockie body or, or you didn't
have the sleekness of this thing that I was describing.
Unless, this thing that I'm describing is like this in its
very early developmental stage before its all assembled, or
something. I can't tell you. These are like water..... these
are veins, ok.
#07: Do those stick down into the water?
#31: Yeah.
#07: On the water,
#31: Ok. They're protruding down in under .....
#07: Hydrofoils.
#31: Yeah. They're like hydrofoils. Ok. And this thing went
by me like a bat out of hell. I had the definite idea that
it was trucking along. I mean it was, it was really moving
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out. Then I started getting overlay, if this isn't
overlay... then, I started getting overlay, and.....
you know...just because of the total puzzlement of
all these images.
A long time ago.....I've drawn you sketch number 7 here,
but I think that it's pure overlay, and associative
thought was something that I had been exposed to a long
time ago.
On 8, I had shrugged off that imagery of 7, and had
returned to what I thought was an overhead view of my
initial start point , because of all the weirdness that
had gone through this session, I wanted to just get right
back to ground zero, and see what I had. I had an aerial
view.....the feeling that in the sketch
the dark stripe thing is this curved -roof contour of the
protruding edge of this hanger or bunker thing, and I was
looking down on it. Out in front was the feeling the
runway or apron feeling of cement squares here, which
I've drawn, and I had two triangles. One on each side
protruding. I had the feeling that they were, in fact,
had something to do with what was being built or being
maintained, being hidden up in under this overhang., but
that they were protruding out where they could be seen
from an overhead view. They were triangular shape,
layering that there was the top layer of the roof, and
here sticking out were the triangles. These triangles
went back, and they were hidden, and they went........
something else went back in and under there, but all I
could see was this triangular shape. And, that's about
#07: Ok. Other than looking like a constallation, do you
think that you've ever seen the other ......... device?
#31: Well, it, no, no, no. Other than, other than
a general flavor of this streamlinedness of a constella-
tion, you know, it's very similar to like the current SST
structures. You know. Your current, very droopy
grasshopper like, droopy nose, sleek, aerodynamics, but,
no, I've never seen anything like that. Other than this
vague similarity.
#07: Now this sheetmetal thing that the guy was working on
up on the stand, did you see that as part of this...uh...
aircraft shape or did you see those separate and felt they
were in the same vicinity or part of each other?
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#31: I felt they were part of each other. Again, the whole
associativeness of aircraft is..uh..add this...and..uh..
that I actually had the feeling here, when the man was
working or when the person was working on the trailing
edge of whatever this thing is, is that that was an
area of, of, of, you know, simple, flat structure. You
know. That there were like sliding layers there, and
that the flaps would slide down, and they'd be distended,
and that he was up and in there doing some work, ok.
I actually had the feeling of that. But, then, I'm sort
of at a handicap there too, because I have worked.on
commercial aircraft, and I have, you know, I would expect
to see that. But, I definitely had the feeling of this
whoo, you know, this layered down, and..uh..arms, and
mechanisms and everything located up and under the flaps
here, and that these flap type things were down, and that
the man was working in there welding or something.
#07: Ok. I have no further questions.
#31: All right.
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