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Document Release Date: 
April 6, 2000
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Publication Date: 
March 25, 1980
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 :CIA-RDP96-00788R0002001700~3=0' ~.~ c. (S) The viewer stated that he had. an independent impression which was of a "tracked vehicle." He stated '"...a weird impression of a tracked vehicle...military type track vehicle...whether it was inside, outside, or it might have been somewhere halfway in between points." He was not able to clearly state. 3. (S) The above information was provided. to Mr. John Ax~nst,rong (ITAC Estimates I}ivision, Building #213) in a sanitized format to review for accuracy and to provide comments on. Therefore, the comments provided within paragraph ~ of this document reflect Mr. Armstrong's assessment of accuracy for the information provided. SG1C ~. (S) Target inforrr~ation of intelligence value is assessed as (3) three, ar~d correlation to tar ct a~n details is assessed as {2) two. The overall session is rated as a ~2.s) two point five. SG1J Approved For Release 2000/08/07 :CIA-RDP96-007888000200170003-0 -~a ~. - Approved For Release 2000/08/(~~~~IA-RDP96-007888000200170003=0` ~EPARTM~NT ~F THE ARMY Uffi ARMY INTELUOENCE AND SECURITY COMMAND FORT QEORt;~E GI. MEADE, MARYLAND ~O~Sb NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS 2> March 1gS0 SUF3JECT: Summary of Session CCgq Conducted at 1L~00 hrs 19 Februa 1gS0, Against the SG1 B SG1 B ;#].l. s } SG1 B SG1 B 1. (S) The target for this session was the Complex. Coordinates were provided to the viewer as well as directions -that he should "Focus his attention on the target area (previously described} as the subway tunnel." Specific instructions provided to the facilitator were to "return to your previous location, the Subway tunnel. When at the loading ramp, turn around and proceed to the nearest exit. Describe tlae entrance if possible, construct~_on and surrounding area and~or objects." The key words as underlined were ex traded from -the previous session done by the same inclividual. The entrance was described previously as "somewhere to my rear" as the viewer was facing the loadir~ ramp. 2. (S) The viewer provided the following data concerning the target site: a. (S) Viewer reported a very "mountaneous" terrain, with a "large complex...carved on the inside of a mountain." Viewer had the "...feeli.r~g of a large complex...honeycombed...thick walls...10 in the mountain. b. (S) Strong impressions reported by the viewer which. were related to this underground complex are: (1}(C} "Railroad tracks." (2){C) "Old time steam locomotive." (3)(C) "Some type of corridor...rooms...control the right" of the platforrn. (4)(C) (5}(C} Other...t0turinels or rooms somewhere else." P.~,~,~r,ro!'Y DIREC'T'OR DIA __ ._ (;i? ~. ~ ~:~ c~r~ 26 March 2000 s .