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Publication Date:
December 19, 1981
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000100270009-4
/OI( fir'/
Caller Says
j U.S. General
To Be Tried
No immediate demands have been
.made for Dozier's release. ?
Despite a vast police dragnet
throughout much of northern Italy,
police were unable to ford any trace
-of the general. They located a blue
Fiat van, rented in Milan, that they
believe was probably used by a com-
mando unit of as many as 10 terror-
ists in the kidnaping.
The unidentified caller said the
-kidnaping had been organized by the
"Venetian Column" of the Red Bri-
igades, and, that branches of the
!Marxist group from Milan, Naples
and Rome as well as Venice had par- JUDITH DOZIER
ticipated in the kidnaping of the ? ? ? appeared on television
"hangman." The' message : gave no
indication of why Dozier was called a, more plausible if the victim were in
an > operations, intelligence or cominu-
ntagon sources said the De- nications, AP reported.]
fense Department sent a six-member Most of the Italians who have
team to Rome to serve as liaison . been kidnaped by the Red Brigades
with Italian authorities investigating so' far -judges, politicians and
the kidnaping, but the Defense De- business, executives = are said to
partment declined comment, The have "cooperated," writing frequent
Associated Press reported.] letters to government authorities,
Italian Prime Minister Giovanni possibly under dictation.
Spadolini said after a meeting this One executive who police believe
morning with his government's de- did not cooperate, petrochemical
fense and security experts, that the plant manager Giuseppe Taliercio,
kidnaping "is certainly a qualitative ' was killed early last summer. But
jump in the strategy of terrorism." cooperation also does not ensure sur-
Leftist Italian terrorists began op- vival, as became evident when for-
erating in Italy 10 years ago, but the mer prime minister. Aldo Moro was
unexpected operation yesterday was slain after writing scores of letters to
the first against a military officer political friends and foes during his
and the first against. a foreigner. 54 days of captivity in 1978.
It was also the first time that Ital- Furthermore, although it is far too .
ian terrorists moved against a early to tell what, if any demands
NATO base here and appears to rep- the terrorists might make for the
resent a shift toward the anti- release of the general, an embassy
American, inti-NATO tactics that spokesman today said that in pre-
West Germany's Red Army faction vious occasions in other parts of the
terrorists have followed. world the United States has said it
Although spokesmen at the
NATO will not negotiate with terrorists.
base in Verona said. Dozier 's
function as deputy chief of logistics 'Judith Dozier, the general's wife,
and administration of the integrated appeared briefly on Italian national
NATO command was primarily ad- television.
ministrative, press, accounts have One. of her cheeks. was badly
speculated that the terrorists holding bruised. But she seemed calm and
him will seek to extort secret infor- spoke in a steady voice in English to
oration regarding the deployment of reassure friends and relatives.
troops and military supplies in Italy "Mom and Dad, please stay calm,"
and Euro she said. "I just want to let all our
[Joe Favorite, a NATO spokes friends in the United States know
man, said, such a n{otive would be that' l am fine."
Approved, For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96=00788R000100270009-4