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November 4, 2016
Document Release Date:
June 17, 1998
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Publication Date:
February 3, 1982
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By Sari filbert er suggested that the fiercest
$ve?'4rte wr y confrontation with his captors
4M; Feb. 2 UaS. brig. came not over any attempts on
qi, Jaynes L? ~Q2ier. mid tray their part to extract military se
that be spent all 42 days of his crets from him, but rather over
cap tivity in the hands, of the Red_ .4w-kind and volume of music to
,Brigades chained by one wrist and which he was forced to listen.
an ankle to, cp inside. a sinWI The 50-year-old general por-
tent. frayed his captors as being some-
In his fjfet f~al1 press conference what amateurish. That picture
since he was freed by Italian. anti- contrasted sharply with the bri-
terrorist _police last Thursdav~ fades' 4reputation for political so
d ForRelease 2000/08/17 : CIA-RDP96-00788R00O't00 7b006?7
phistication and military preci-
It also clouded speculation here
that the motive for Dozier's.kid-
naping was either to try to extract
military secrets from him or was
part of a plan to exploit the
emerging antinuclear movement
Dozier, 50, speaking to the
press in Vicenza before flying to
See, ;R, A15, Col. l
Brig, Gen James Dozier tells how he had to
Italian Terroris
Seem to, L.
Their Expertise
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00768R000100270006-7
tertiniA pFQMeckEio 'r ftWMapAQ-Q/ 8/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000100270006-7
said his captors made no serious effort to pry tiil-
itary secrets from him and their inability to spak
English limited their interrogation efforts. Wen
they realized his Italian was not fluent, tey
brought him an Italian-English dictionary, Dozer
While the general described the rnen and
women who held him ftisoner as "smart, w4l-
organized criminals," he laid they did not app
to be members of a military organization.
His worst problems dufing captivity were bo
dom. and lack'of exercise,,lhe said, but ce was n
mistreated and was adequately fed.
He said he was forced tr listen to eight or ni
hours of loud, hard-rock iiusic through earphon
to block out any tell-tale poises that could reve
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After he argued with h s captors, who usuall t.
numbered four, they substituted waltzes,,,and
Gershwin and turned doom the volume, Dozier
Past kidnapings by the Red Brigades were'
much more skillfully handled. Their management
of the 1978 kidnaping of former prime minister
Aldo Moro, whose presumed prison was located
only last weekend, enabled them to keep this
country in terror for 54 days.
When they kidnaped Rome magistrate Giovani
d'Urso in December 1980, the brigades skillfully
used the press to focus attention on Italy's over-
crowded prisons.
During the kidnaping last spring of Christian-
Democratic politician Ciro Cirillo?of Naples, the
Red Brigades were at least partially successful in
exploiting the economic and social frustrations in
southern Italy after the earthquake disaster there
in November 1980.
Several explanations are offered for the terror-
ists' apparent decline in expertise, a decline that
may have helped police free ;Dozier and thus deal
the brigades what authorities believe is a crip-
pling, although probably not final, blow.
First, with the majority of veteran Red Bri-
gades in jail, those still on *e loose are increas-
ingly forced to rely on the help of young or un-
trained terrorists,
In the past, for example; the Red `Briigades
would never have had anything to do with drug
addicts such as 22-year-old Paolo Galati from
Verona who, police now confirm, was the person
who revealed Dozier's place of captivity-an
apartment above a grocery store in Padua.
Another reason is that an overall weakening of
support for the brigades in Italian left-wing circles
has made it harder for them to find sophisticated
theoreticians to guide them. Moreover, the cumu-
lative effect of past police operations has cut
sharply into a once-powerful ~rganizatioi that is
now internally divided.
Antiterrorist experts here
January of Giovanni Senzani
the arrest in early
ay have been cru-
Although the English-speaki g Senzani, 39, and
the Padua group reportedly w e rivals, the latter
may have been depending on Senzani-the mas-
termind of several past kiddapings. The ex-
professor at Florence Universi y was accused of
cial in freeing Dozier.
being a contact with Dozier's ki
Today, Rome Magistrate
used new information gleaned
work to issue 260 new arrest w
insurrection in crimes that go ba
Dozier, who leaves Wednesda,
where he is to take part in a pra
President Reagan, said his capto
to have international connections.
"They gave me ,no indication of
rancesco Amato
om recent police
rants for armed
for Washington
r breakfast with
did not appear
he failed to heed warnings to take s~curity precau-
The general said he was emb
whatsoever and assured me they
munista," he said.
tions against kidnaping.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000100270006-7