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September 5, 2003
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Publication Date:
September 4, 1979
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Approved For Release 20SECRETRDP96-00788R000100010001-0
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REVIEW ON: 30 Sep 99
REASON: 2-301-C (3) (6)
Approved For Release 2003/09/1SECRET-00788R000100010001-0
Approved For Release 2003SEC1
1. (S) This report documents a remote viewing (RV) session
conducted in compliance with a request from the OACSI, DA.
The mission was to locate a downed US Navy A6-E jet aircraft.
The aircraft had gone down between 28 and 30 August 1979
somewhere in Virginia between Lynchburg and the Pennsylvania
border. Information provided this office indicated that the
aircraft had not been located at the time of requested RV
support. This session was, therefore, conducted under the
belief that the results obtained may have had significant
impact in locating the downed aircraft and in possibly saving
the lives of personnel on board the aircraft. Other information
provided this office included the names of the pilot and crew
member, the model number of the aircraft, the mission of the
aircraft, and the possible flight plan of the aircraft.
2. (S) Prior to conducting the session, it was decided that
the RVer would be given as little information as possible about
the probable location of the aircraft. This technique was used
to insure that "noise" from analytical overlay would be minimal
and to facilitate structured reinforcing feedback for the RVer
during the session. The RVer's narrative description of the
crash site contained the following salient points, some of which
may relate to the now identified crash area:
a. Sloping ground. . . brown. . . soft. Needley. The
ground slopes away. Sort of rounded. Not real steep. Pine.
Shady side (North slope). . . its a . . got two bumps on it.
b. I feel like I'm in the Applachians.
c. I had a feeling earlier of a rock fall. . . a rock fall
falling down, cascading down . . . The side that I'm on is
relatively. . . even. It doesn't seem to have any knob or
anything. . . . The side where I am is relatively even. And
across the way is this double knob thing. They're (reference
the downed pilot and crew member) down near the end of the
double knob thing. . . . I'm in a small valley . . formed by
ridges. And the ridge on the right has the big knob and the
little knob.
d. A hole. A burnt strip . . . . Still and under the
many trees. Something's up above . . something is up in the
e. The name Lynchburg - out of nowhere, while I was looking
for terrain.
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f. I want to say Northwest (from Lynchburg).
g. So the only way to see it (object in tree) is to go
perpendicular across the valley. Flying from South to North
across this valley.
3. (S) After the session the viewer was asked to look at a
map of part of Virginia to see if he could determine the location
of the crash site by RV imaging a portion of the map. Being
inexperienced at using a map in the RV process, the RVer was
unable to resolve an image or impression relevant to the map.
At this point he resorted to basic map reading techniques in
an attempt to match his recollection of his RV images to terrain
features displayed on the map. As a result of this effort the
RVer felt that perhaps the terrain at Holcomb Rock 37? 30' N
790 15' W might be similar to what-he saw during the RV session.
Holcomb Rock is approximately 16 statute miles South of the
identified crash area (See TAB B).
4. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the
document, Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing
Protocol (S), undated.
5. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions
during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made
by the viewer reference his impressions of the target site. At
TAB B is a portion of a map sheet of the area in Virginia where
the crash site is located.
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TIME #66: This will be a remote viewing session (edited
for security).
All right, its time to start the target for
today. Last week the Navy lost a jet aircraft
and they haven't been able to locate it as yet.
I'd like to ask your assistance in identifying
the area where this downed aircraft is located. SGFOIA3
I have a xerox picture facsimile of the type of
aircraft here. Its a Navy A6-E jet aircraft.
ust relax and
concentrate. Focus your atten ion on that
aircraft. Locate that aircraft and describe the
area to me.
+05 #31: I feel like I'm in a . . I'm on the edge of a
. . . a sloping ground. Its dark. Its cool.
And I got. . . I feel like a . . let me say . .
feel . . . the ground is brown, its dark . . .
soft. Needley. And I feel like . . . the ground
slopes away. Sort of rounded. Not real steep.
+06 Pine.
Another um . . . I think I'm on the shady .
shady side. . because across from me I see
another. . . slope.
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+07 And it sort of runs in a line. But its . .
looks like the light is on it. And (not
audible) light side. Its got a . . It slopes
down and away from me but it has a . . its a
. . . got two bumps on it. The bump nearest
me is higher than the bump far away from me.
Its green. You can just tell they're bumps.
#66: In what area of the world is this?
+09 #31: I feel like I'm on home turf and . . Its not
big and jagged stuff, its low stuff. 'I feel
like I'm in the Applachians.
#66: At this point, let me interrupt you. Your
description so far appears to be correct. I
would like you now to focus your attention on
your images and provide me with more data.
+10 #31: I had a feeling earlier of a rock fall. Like
a "V". That may be important and its like a
rock fall coming down in the valley from the one on
my side, where I am. I was out in the valley
looking down, looking over . . . where I ended up
and under the trees. And that was a gray-white,
gray-dark brown jumble mess. . . a rock fall,
falling down, cascading down. . . getting bigger
as it went down the side. That might be somewhere
near there. It looks like a . . It looks like a
upside down "V" against the hillside.
But where I am, that was the first impression
That was the feeling before I started. Where
I am I think the . . . The side that I'm on
is relatively . . . even. It doesn't seem to
have any knob or anything. But it curves. . .
I want to say the . . the side where I am is
relatively even. And across the way is this
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double knob thing. They're down near the end
of the double knob thing. It, the side that
I'm on curves to my right. It curves off in
the distance. It seems like its a pretty
regular curve. But I lose the curve behind
another terrain feature.
+12 Its like I'm in a small valley . . . formed by
ridges. And the ridge on the right has the. .
the big knob and the little knob. And the ridge
on the left is relatively even. But the ridge
on the left is the one with the landfall. . . or
the rock slide. . . where this funny, whitish. .
at least "V". . .
#66: Tell me about your position of perspective now.
#31: I'm still up, like I've floated out from the
hillside. Like I'm looking down this valley.
#66: Tell me about the aircraft itself.
#31: Ahh. . ? ?
+15 #66: Tell me what you perceive.
#31: A hole. A burnt strip . . . Still and under
the many trees. Nothing.
+16 All I could see was a . . . All I see was a . . .
silence. A hole. A long hole, burnt. I wanted
to say . . . there's a flash of , flash of white
laying in the trees. Something's up above.
Something. . . something is up in the trees. Up
in the trees. It might be seen from the top.
Like laying at an angle. Like a wing tip. Or a
tail section. Stabilizer. Like it was blown up
above the . . . above the trees. But I see
nothing else from above.
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#66: tention now on!
+20 #31:
a ou em.
/ Tell me
#66: Are you ready for another question?
#31: Hmmm.
+23 #66: Move now, over the site. Move now over the
site. . . holding in your mind the thought,
how can we find this site? Concentrating on
the thought, how can we find this site? Move
over the site and ask yourself, how can we find
this site?
And what is your impression?
#31: I'm working. Drifting, trying to find something.
+25 The name LYNCHBURG - out of nowhere, while I was
looking for terrain.
#66: All right. Which direction from Lynchburg.
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#31: I want to say Northwest.
On the other side, the reverse side of the slope
is a ridge, tapered Southeast towards where I
think Lynchburg is. It apers . . a low flat.
Not a ridge, like a . . like a big, flat plain.
Tapers down Southeast. And up on the . . . high
up on that ridge, near where it intersects. . .
+27 the ridge I'm talking about, is a cabin.
Just a one or two room cabin. Little wood
cabin. Maybe very ramshackled. And it sits
on the edge of the flat so that it looks down into
the neighboring valley. And that valley is curved
like a scimitar. Like a crescent. . . because at
its base, overlooking where that house is, is a
long, flat part of the ridge slowly getting lower
and lower. . curves out like a flange. . away
from the house. And it looks . . so the valley
looks curved.
#66: Where is the target in relation to the house?
#31: Farther Northwest from this cabin over the edge
of the ridge which itself recedes relative even
height. I'm sorry, North but North of it. North,
Northwest of it. But then the ridge precedes
like Northwest - the one I was on. And then it
goes down and it curves back to the North again.
North, Northwest. That's the curve that I was
talking about to begin with.
#66: Okay, I want you to take on minute now to focus
on this target. Don't talk to me. Take one
minute now. Total focus and concentration on the
target area. Let all the data assimilate.
All right at this time now I would like to bring
your attention to focus back into this room. I
want you to take a big deep breath. Move your
arms, move your legs. Sit up and draw those
perceptions that you've had.
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#31: I had another . . .
#66: Yes.
#31: Another one. ? ?
I have a feeling of these big flat bolders
jutting out. A big flat bolder. Like a major
part of the ridge, jutting out, other side.
#66: And where is that in relation to the sight?
#31: I think its right there.
#66: All right.
#31: I think its somewhere near the . . the "V" thing.
Or it may be a refined percpetion of the "V".
I want to say that its like two-layered. Like a
big pedistal or a seat. There's a bump high up
and then it comes down and then it goes down in-
side of the ridge.
#66: Okay. Fix that image in your mind.
#31: And for some reason, I can't . . . The key . . .
I think I see . . . a . . I just said before,
it keeps coming back. That laying in the treetop
is a white flash. Its not white, its off-gray.
But it is reflective. It does show up but its
not laying flat on the treetops. Its laying
tilted in the tree tops. So if its not looked
at from a relfective side within. . . on the sun,
you don't see it. You would look down at it and
it wouldn't reflect at you. As example, its more
hung up in the trees vertically than humg up in
the trees horizontally.
#66: From what cardinal direction must one look at
this site to find it?
#31: Must go up the valley. And, . . must go from
North. . . South, Southeast to North, Northwest
. . up to this valley. . . in order to see it.
You can only see the thing when you're coming up
the valley and on the other side . . . It is on
the other side of this rock formation. You see
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the rock formation first. I think. And on
the up valley side of the rock formation, you'll
see this white flash. But you have to go up the
valley. If you go across the ridges it will be
hidden in the up valley trees. . . in the up
slope trees and it'll never been seen. And if
you go down the ridges across ridge, you'll
never see it either because its . . . on the up
slope side of the tree that its hanging in. So
you would pass over it before you saw it. You
have to go up the valley. And you have to be on
the South side of the valley. Because if you're
even on the North side of the valley going up it,
it hangs in the tree looking away from that side.
You can only see it from the South side.
#66: Very good.
#31: One is there. The other one isn't there; he's
somewhere else.
I have . .
But he's not in . . I don't want to say that -
near the airplane. He's somewhere else.
#66: How did he get somewhere else?
#31: I can only say that he . . got out . . first.
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#66: Talk about your perceptions. Talk about your
#31: (Long sigh.)
#66: Take deep breaths.
#31: Ah. .
#66: That's right, big deep breaths.
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#66: That's fine. You are working very hard on this
target. That's to be expected.
That's fine.
#31: I hope its some good.
#66: There is nothing that you have said that can
be disputed based on what I know about the
#31: But that's sort of an open area; there's no
. . . there may be trees nearby but this bolder
should be visible from the . . from the sky.
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It was just a wreck is all I got. I can't
figure out. . . its mostly hidden by the trees.
Its like the damn thing hit this big flat top
rock and skidded up and under the trees and God
knows why it didn't flash off and burn but it
didn't that much.
That's all I can get at this time.
#66: That's just fine. Can you draw me a little bit
now with your situation?
#31: Yeah.
#66: Would you like any more light?
#31: Yeah, better have some light.
I'll go images, all right?
#66: Okay. We're about to the end of this tape so
I'm going to go ahead and turn it over now.
#31: All right. . . . The first image I had was of
this irregular inverted "V". A white slash,
"V" shape slash against a . . the side of a
ridge. You know, in this sketch, I've drawn
a rock fall. Or something that looked like an
irregular "V" shape thing along the ridge line
with trees around, green trees, heavy . . heavy
foilage around it.
All right . .
The next image I had was of being inside and
under the side and up . . in the side of the ridge
line and I had this image of standing on pine
needle carpet.
Standing on pine needle, soft and cool carpet.
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With a big pine tree right in front of me.
And its almost like . . . its almost like . .
damn near like a cultured forest because there's
not a whole bunch of scrub. Its either an old
section of forest or a cultured forest, a con-
trolled forest because there's not a whole bunch
of underbrush because the. . . the canopy . . .
double canopy or single, well would be single
canopy, is so thick that it blocks out all of
the. . a lot of the sunlight from underneath.
And . . .
And these trees are in there everywhere. And
its cool and dark. And its . . This is on the
North slope of the hill. And they're everywhere.
But they're high up. What I mean is like . . .
the man . . you can almost . . can nearly walk
in under them without banging his head on the
Pine needle carpet is an over dominant feeling
here. I wanted to say it was almost exclusively
pine but I don't want to say that. It could be
desiduous as well. Its at least cool and dark
and its at least a stand up overhead, almost.
And its on this semi . . . semi-steep North slope
of this thing.
I talked about two on the tape before I went
back to one on the rockfall. Three is a first
impression. . of one of the two. I got that very
early. Then I tried.
I'm working back at two, the view across. . it
seems that the view across and out from this
. . this is a slope here. Okay. It seems as
though looking out drifting above the trees, the
view is one of . . . of that.
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To a double bunked ridge; one higher than the
All heavily. . all equally forested. Covered.
All over.
All right?
#66: Um hm.
#31: Everywhere is trees. The whole thing is trees.
And that down here in the foreground, I didn't
want to say there's a creek or anything down
In the valley. I didn't. . . I didn't get that.
I didn't want to say that because you usually
find creeks in valleys and this might be one
without one.
This is looking . . to, as I call it, merely
the Northeast. Its a single ridge though. These
two things are connected. They're not two
different hills, they're connected.
But its trees all the way down into the valley.
Looking to . . Northwest, I have again in the
distance, this bump and we have in the distance
this bigger bump or in the foreground the bigger
bump. Okay.
And here - how do I describe this? Here .
and then it takes a turn around and that view
is blocked by something. But this is . . the
ridge line shape, it curves. Okay.
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I'll call it the South ridge and this the North
ridge. The perspective's a little bit off. Its
not really right. Let me change it. This will
be misleading on a map trace.
Here is . . the first hump and here is the
second hump of the ridge, like this. Okay.
Its more linear. They're both going together
but one curves around the other one like that.
Its really not that steep either. More gentle
sloping, like that. Okay.
I want to say South ridge curves to . . the North.
Okay, now somewhere along the South ridge . . .
I'll just stick with the images.
If I had to draw this sucker from a easy contour
map, contour type situation . . .
#66: I'm going to have you look at the map in a few
#31: Okay. Well, . . . And these . . This contour
line (not audible) like this. Okay.
And then here, this being the bigger peak would
have several more - or not peak but the higher
bump on the ridge - would be like this. This
one, though, is . . like that. That's what I'm
trying to get down to. And then it goes like
that, okay. This line is pretty gentle. Like
this. I have to reflect a slope here. All right
and this one is a little bit steeper. Like that.
#66: Now where is the target?
#31: The target is on this here. All right. Its on
. . Its in . I want to say, its back up here
from this perspective and its somewhere in here.
#66: Okay.
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#31: Possibly farther. Its not way . . Its up on
the hillside. But that's . . that's misleading
'cause that shows that its farther down. Its
not, its up here.
#66: Give me a North/South arrow on the . . map.
#31: North is this way.
La la la la. Okay.
#66: Okay.
#31: And what I'm saying bout this thing is
#66: Which way to Lynchburg?
#31: This way. This is the feeling I had. I hate
doing this kind of thing, but the feeling I had
was that Lynchburg was down this sloping thing.
#66: Write: "to Lynchburg".
#31: And that over here is another valley. Okay.
And that like here is where that cabin is.
#66: All right, where's the rock slide?
#31: Okay. The rock slide is . . rock slide and/or
this funny rock, that I was telling you about,
is in here.
#66: What's the number of this page so we know what
we're talking about?
#31: All right, four, five, six.
#66: Page Six, Drawing Six, okay.
#31: Okay. Somewhere. . this brings me to a . .
some interesting thing. I'll say rock slide,
or . . and let me draw you this other shape.
Is like . Okay. Its like that.
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You see what I mean but a funny shape rock?
#66: Um hm.
#31: Its like a . . its like a . . Its big. I mean
its . forty-five feet tall. That type of big.
Okay. And its gray and its got all the weather
marks, you know, its very, very irregular. Its
not nearly as irregular as this makes it look to
be, but its . . .
#66: Um hm.
#31: (Not audible) beehive or something that's poked
into the side of the hill.
#66: Um hm.
#31: If that and that and the rock slide are together
or like if the rock slide is tucked in the corner
of this thing, I have no . . I don't know. I
can't tell. First I had this rock slide. This
could be manufactured. It sort of came out of
nowhere to me. T wasn't puzzling over the rock
slide. I got this . . .
#66: Um hm.
#31: That's seven. And that is also on the South
ridge. Okay.
#66: Well, I don't understand what you mean.
#31: This being North ridge. ? ?
#66: Okay.
#31: This being the South ridge.
#66: Okay.
#31: Okay. So its also in here in the area of the
rock slide on Number Six.
#66: Okay.
#31: And of course, this is , all trees here. All
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right. All up and down and around it.
All right.
#66: Okay, is there anything else that you feel you'd
like to draw before going to look at the map?
#31: Yeah, well, I'm trying to think of where it fits
. . . and if I said it or not so I can reference
the tape, but I don't think I said it. I want
to say that at the Southern end of this crack
here between the two ridges that there is a . .
I'll give this one a plus or minus. Okay.
Okay. There's that and there's that. All right.
#66: We're moving a little bit East?
#31: A little bit East, yeah. And that this in turn
is split. Okay. Like the valley makes a fork
on the East side of that, like there's a hill.
There's a hill or something there that splits
that terrain feature. Or it splits that valley.
Its not a big valley. Its not something huge.
Its like typically you'd find in the Shenandoahs
where you've only got. . total ridge height is
maybe 800, 900 feet and the valley floor is , you
know, it just comes down into a knotch. You know,
it doesn't come down into some big sweeping tidal
plain or anything like that. It comes down into
a pretty well defined knotch. And you know,
maybe a couple hundred yards across. And even
bumpy then, you know. Slowly knotching together.
Not. . Not some really huge cleft.
#66: Okay. At this time I'd like to take you in and
look at the map while you still have the target
on your mind and we'll tape record that so that
you can continue to talk and I'll allow you to look
at the map.
#31: I want to say that, the sec. . . the guy . . .
that is not at the aircraft crash site, is some-
where East . . . East of the crash site and on
the other side, like over here on the North side
of this valley or maybe on the North side of this
terrain feature.
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#66: Um hm.
#31: I mean on the South. On the South side of the
North ridge or on the South side of the next
ridge to the East. Okay. That's what I'm
trying to say.
Okay. And I'll write here on Number 6,"to
This is a . . Its like a . . like a ridge going
this way but for some reason it twists around
and then it. . then it just gently goes down
like that. Its like some long spur off the
#66: Okay.
#31: And its a gentle one. Its like trees and maybe
a cabin and T seem to think that there were open
areas in it. Gentle slope. Gentle sloping ridge,
spur or whatever. Going this way.
Oh, all right. You want . . Let me do this
thing that I was telling you about. Five, Six
-- that's Seven. Eight real quick.
Is this thing that's laying in the trees. Its
like . . we had a cluster of trees, right. You
know the down hill trees here?
#66: Um hm.
#31: And then there's up hill trees up here like
this. This thing is like its laying like this.
I'm sorry, its not laying like that. Its laying
like this. See.
#66: Um hm.
#31: Its laying down the tree like its caught in the
branches and laying vertical instead of laying
horizontal on top of the trees.
#66: Okay.
#31: Like it hit the tree and then it slid half way
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down in and under the .
#66: I understand. Its dangling from the upper part
rather than laying flat across.
#31: Sure. But it can be seen. But it can be seen
if flying. . . if aircraft. . if looked down at
from the top of the ridge, the South ridge. . going
in a Northerly direction, because you can tell its
hanging on the North . . on the South side of the
tree. Okay.
#66: All right.
#31: So if you flew up the North side it would be
masked by the tree its hanging in.
#66: All right.
#31: And if you flew down. . the South ridge it would
be masked by the trees that are up hill of it.
Because its hanging down here.
#66: Okay.
#31: So, the only way to see it is to go perpendicular
across the valley.
#66: Okay. Flying from ? ?
#31: Flying from South to North across this valley.
#66: Flying South to North there is an object hanging
in the tree on the South side of the tree.
#31: Right.
#66: Down the ridge.
#31: Right.
On the up side of the ridge.
#66: On the up side of the ridge.
#31: On the up ridge side.
#66: Okay, going back to this picture, I fly
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#31: This way.
#66: South to North.
#31: Right.
#66: This is going down the ridge here.
#31: Right. That's going down the ridge.
#66: And where is the object?
#31: Its laying on the up side of the down ridge
side. Do you see what I mean?
#66: Okay, its laying South so its laying . . as the
trees go down the ridge, its laying on the South
side of the tree.
#31: Right.
#66: Right.
#31: But on the North side of the ridge.
#66: Sure.
#31: Right.
#66: The Northern ridge.
#31: Sort of like if you were to draw a line from
where this thing is hanging you'd hit the ridge.
#66: Yes, I understand.
#31: You see?
#66: If you went down the ridge . .
#31: If you were to see it, you'd have to look down
at it like this.
#66: I understand.
#31: Okay. Because you have to look over the
neighboring trees in order to get to it.
#66: Okay.
#31: Okay, that's the only thing I'll . ? ? And this
is light colored. Light . . Light tan or gray.
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Its like a hex or whatever the hell its
called - four sides but its not square, not
rectangular, its . . what is that called?
#66: Not square and not rectangular?
#31: It has four sides. Its irregular, you know,
its like this.
#66: Quadranual?
#31: Hmmm.
And I'd say that the thing . . . its a good
size thing. Its like eight or nine feet ? ?
by four feet.
#66: All right.
#31: And this is . . I'll draw arrows here. "To
South", Up hill. Okay.
#66: All right. I understand.
#31: All right.
#66: Okay. Want to go look at a map now?
#31: Yes.
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