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July 1972
1. (U) The reader by this time has realized that it is very
difficult to speak of one area of psychic phenomenon without
overlapping into other areas. There really can be no distinct
separation, for example, between apports and certain aspects
of telepathy; hypnosis also enters into this area. In an attempt
to illustrate the various subjects in parapsychology, however,
artificial sections were established. This is the reason for
a separate part in apports and ESP. Some aspects of hypnosis,
depending on its ultimate use, falls within parapsychology, some
areas into medicine; therefore, hypnosis is presented as a separate
section outside of this parapsychology discussion.
2. (U) Soviet research in ESP was started in the 1920's at
Leningrad University by V.M. Bekhterev. In his early work,
Bekhterev collaborated with V.L. Durov to investigate the effects
of mental suggestion on a group of performing dogs (62). It was
believed that telepathic communication depended on electromagnetic
radiation. Doctor L.L. Vasilev (95-97), shown in Illustration
One, at the Bekhterev Brain Institute set out to identify these
electromagnetic waves that carry telepathy. By 1937, Vasilev
had amassed evidence that known electromagnetic waves do not
carry telepathy. Tests were conducted in electrically shielded
chambers and over extreme distances denying the passage of electro-
magnetic fields (98). Some of the long range telepathy experiments
have been published (63,99,100) explaining the various techniques
employed including classical tests with Zener cards and more
unique tests with strobe lights and codes.
Illustration One - Professor L.L. Vasilev, pioneer Soviet para-
psychologist considered the father of Soviet
psychical research.
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July 1972
3. (U) Professor L. Vasilev died in late 1965 or early 1966
and the task of continuing telepathy research was taken by Doctor
I. Kogan. Doctor Kogan is chairman of the Bio-Information Section
of the Popov Radio and Technical Institute in Moscow. This individ-
ual is still trying to wed telepathy to the electromagnetic spectrum
(101,102). Discussion as to the existence of telepathy has been
bandied about the Soviet Union (103) and elsewhere (104) for some time.
For the sake of research the Soviet Union accepts the validity
of ESP even though the argument as to the mode of transmission
continues. Professor E.K Naumov (105), Chairman of the Division
of Technical Parapsychology at the A.S. Popov Institute mentioned
above, conducted long range telepathy tests from Moscow to
several other cities. Illustration Two is a photograph of Naumov
with associates.
Illustration Two - Sender Y. Kamenshi (left), Soviet physicist, and
receiver K. Nikolaev, Soviet actor, with para-
psychologist Edward K. Naumov (far right).
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July 19 /Z
4. (U) In 1967, the Soviet Maritime News reported, "Cosmonauts,
when in orbit, seem to be able to communicate telepathically more
easily with each other than with people on earth. A psi (short
for psychic faculty) training system has been incorporated in
the cosmonaut training program," but the News provided no further
details. Some informal reports relayed to Ostrander and Schroeder (106)
indicate that the Soviets are working on psi systems for space
use, involving not just telepathy, but also precognition.
6. (U) As mentioned above, the Soviets seem preoccupied with
the search for the energy that carries or facilitates telepathy
transmission. Is it electromagnetic or not? The search for this
unknown energy has led the Soviets to Kirlian photography; named
after its inventors Semyon and Valentina Kirlian. The Kirlians
developed a technique of photographing with a high frequency
electrical field involving a specially constructed high frequency
spark generator, tuned up and down between 75,000 to 200,000
electrical oscillations per second. Their first photographs
showed turquoise and reddish-yellow patterns of flares coming
out of specific channels within leaves. A magnified picture
of a finger showed craters of light and flares (Illustration Three).
By the 1960s research on bioluminescence revealed by Kirlian photog-
raphy was going on in many Soviet universities. Perfected techniques
of photographing the play of high-frequency currents on humans,
plants and animals, as well as on inaminate matter have set the
Soviets on some striking discoveries about the energetical nature
of man. "Bio-plasma" is a term coined by the Soviets for bio-
luminescent phenomenon or energy. Scientists at the Kazakh State
University at Alma-ata have found that illnesses tend to show up
in advance as a disordered play of flares from the "bio-plasma"
long before they manifest in the physical body. According to
Ostrander and Schroeder, the Soviets may be attempting to link
Kirlian photography with computers, among other things, to
instantly analyze the spectra of colors appearing in the vari-colored
flares from the living body.
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July 1972
Illustration Three - Upper photograph displays flares of energy from
fingers of the left and right hand of an individual by Kirlian
photography. Lower photograph shows the fingers of three different
people and how the aura of "energy" of each remains intact, yet
interplays in long thread like fibers in the open area between them.
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July 1 7
8. (U) Doctor A. Podshibyakin, an electrophysiologist at the
Institute of Clinical Physiology in Kiev, has found that by charting
acupuncture points a correlation exists between the "bio-plasma"
and changes on the surface of the sun. At the exact moment solar
flares (sun spots) occur, there are changes in the electrical
potential of the skin's acupuncture points. These electrical
charges are measured by a tobiscope (probably a simple wheatstone
bridge device). In some way, the "bio-plasma" of the body is
sensitive to these solar explosions the instant they occur even
though it takes about two days for the cosmic particles to reach
the earth.
9. (U) The most significant use of Kirlian photography is in the
area of psychokinesis or mind over matter (PK). Doctor Genady
Sergeyev (75) of the A.A. Uktomskii Military Institute in Leningrad
believes Kirlian photography may uncover the mechanism of PK.
Sergeyev is a prominent mathematician for the Soviet military
who works closely with an electrophysiologist from the University
of Leningrad, Doctor L. Pavlova. Sergeyev has devised important
mathematical and statistical methods for analyzing the EEG (107)
which allowed parapsychologists to follow and depict the actions
of telepathy in the brain (108). The type of work reported by
Sergeyev in 1967 and 1968 is just now beginning to appear in the
US efforts to understand the transmission of telepathy (109,110).
Sergeyev has conducted several years of intensive lab research
on the outstanding PK psychic in Leningrad, Nina Kulagina
(pseudonym Nelya Mikhailova). Illustration Four is a photograph of
Doctor G. Sergeyev and Illustration Five is a photograph of
Mrs. Kulagina. Sergeyev registered heightened biological lumi-
nescence radiating from Kulagina's eyes during the apparent movement
of objects by PK. Sergeyev postulates that the "bio-plasma" of
the human body must interact with the environment to produce PK.
Sergeyev emphasizes when target objects are placed in a vacuum,
Kulagina is unable to move them. Barcus (111) in the United
States reports some unusual occurrences during psychic photography
especially of the eyes. Reportedly, Kulagina has caused the
movement of a wide range of non-magnetic objects: (under strict
scientific control) large crystal bowls, clock pendulums, bread,
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matches, etc. In one test, a raw egg was placed in a salt solution
inside a sealed aquarium six feet away from her. Researchers
report she was able to use PK to separate the yoke from the white
of the egg. Observations by Western scientists of Mrs. Kulagina's
PK ability has been reported with verification of her authentic
ability (112,113). These same Western scientists have reported
that as of February 1971, they have not been able to visit or
observe Mrs. Kulagina. A veil of secrecy has been placed on
Sergeyev and Mrs. Kulagina for unknown reasons.
10. (U) Rather than simply observing PK, the Soviets typically
turned to instrumentation. Mrs. Kulagina was subjected to a '
number of physiological electronic measuring devices and tested
for important body functions during her PK demonstrations. The
Soviets found that at the moment an object begins to move, all
of Mrs. Kulagina's body processes speed up drastically - heart,
breathing, brain activity - and the electromagnetic fields around
her body all begin to pulse in rhythm. Soviet researchers
postulate that it was these rhythmic "vibrations" that cause
objects to be attracted or repelled to her. Illustration Six
shows a photographic sequence of Kulagina's PK ability.
12. (U) Space does not permit a discussion on other important
parapsychological phenomena such as eyeless sight (75,114-129),
which appeared to be more of a fad than anything else. However
since the mid 1960s, the "eyeless sight" fad has subsided and
serious research has proceeded quietly at the State Pedagogical
Institute in Sverdlovsk, off bounds to foreigners (75). Space
in this report does not permit a discussion of psychotronic genera-
tors, devices which are reported to be able to store human bio-plasmic
forces for later use (75). For further reading on ESP, see the
non-cited bibliography; Section V, numbers 12-30.
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July 19 72
Illustration Four - Photograph
of G.A. Sergeyev, prominent
scientist at A.A. Uktomskii
Military Institute, Leningrad
with an assistant.
Illustration Five - Nina Kulagina,
who reportedly moves objects by
sheer will (PK).
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July 1972
Illustration Six This series of photos shows Nina Kulagina moving
a metallic cigar tube by PK. Scale in background
is in centimeters.
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Approved For Release 2002/11/18 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000500250024-6