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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00787R000500230002-2
BIOP1 T 1-) ICS ; 1;. -1T j;j . 'C i ; Ofl TI_~ t, .,.U~,ILIi:..L
~l 0. i. -1 .. wLJ .:l -..,l it:. ?_~ i_C,~L7 (_.J! Ii,TG
TT 1 ;? :; v;:; IG '1, '3 I TIOPL 0??- T : C O G IT IT 2 I"T"
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4.T Fl
Thn i^sue in not wh:othor the '~hcnaincn our c_-:tr senr:ory -,ercept-
ion e:rime, but rather5 if electro-ma notic or other -Dhysic?n.1 theories
adequately de,cribes any or all of the nhono1[_1ono..
'lectro a f netic theories or the nhenoiena u.ctually nrec3 to
their onno'sition by more th^n three centuries. x) .rt fromn CD.rtesion
or-,u gents loacing to cu-,.lism :,nd {ZO.teri..liry;n, the -`mcnt.-dl ra d.ior;
mr.del , tr~~. tion .ll r one?, even rocent17r been o-)-Posod u')on .,.t
least the four follo'Ti-i.g grounds.
:first, t'l,.t ^lthou:,h the high correi::,tion between the elec ric:n1
ac 'tivity of t' ho br,:.i_1 Fed body with many ??oi nheno -iena is well
eFit,? bl ished, the brain does not oclit coherent onor y or radiation
d.etect .')le more th.-n few centiT.letors from the 7,?. ull. Second, .That
enerF_io,s ^.ro e lmittod loss their po-er very r.cj~id1y, o?ccord_irig to the
optic- 1, or inverse to tho square of the dirt .ico rule, and uch con-
not account for tele-):~thic nhenouen- !bich occur over C, s bances of
t'ious',nds of '.ciloneter ,. 'Tbird., E;;1 theories cannot explain the ?ic'oti*n
thrutl c, rd. d.ccli cloirvoyonce phonomen--;.. Fourth, 4ny. o7n2l, Lino.tion of
nreco n.i Lion c,x"not "')0 3i.)1y T )o ';1ee-;%r0 1 ,'nOtic.
Let it be conccJod. th7.,.t the th i ?d r a fourth objections _~re v :,.1iC-
^,rid wwrell taken1. .ic~7rcver s Till i s,)ow,n, them it new evic'onco
that su-oercod.os the first two objoctions. ltheu h. SOiiie r-.,~,,oarchors
in t' is field adhere to .n only-one psi nheno:.,1on. ,Te c'o not.
^:~~, .rently to ro'ne, . ince Fez thoorios id not c.cconnnt for all the
phono?n n-., it r,rentjV not account I` or of it
r.lthou rh it ?!T-.S our ori,(Tinrn.l intent to -Or-,cent n^?T evid_e:1ce for
tho n1,::usibility o-f electromagnetic rE7.d.i-.tio-ri being the )h Tsic, ,l b si?
for -ion-nreco ?nitive e-P'r en ;orjr perce)tion, so iotimne bot=Toen the
be-inning of our r c;;,< rcb, ? ,bout yo .r go, -nc'_ the -nresont, it be-
c^lia ci iyrcnt to t'iic'; rc _.~ tl t thcro. is little thl-.t i? --DE r,_.
ihy i(-l ,bout ,a-1e es-r) bhe-i.o see %?.
''eC:ct to our '"' `,. ,
Ohc V:_OrC~ ^nC our tl'1,-.; V=.lld.?-
lt'r O. t)2' 17.nt1-,..1)OCl r CyUCSi;io.1- C'- t10T=loci ,of, the 01 of the
0 ~:1 ilQSO-0 11 e r o f the cos c-. ten 1 ,^ tho still -l_iVC.
Ln.ter he C i"0 t''C~ the f i T st ''wt b.'tterir ` ")v co'nnoct ina' in c =(,s a
lar,c,o rumboc of rroA)' T1 1Orrr in 1794. It is onl"r later
tl,teu Voli>>., creates oL-net/1jicirty :rLO an inor~?on;_c ba ery It is an
oft board ob ervaAion that many of ! an' t~ ,ChnoJ_o,,ric, l ir.vorition`? ,~ _
_ _ 0re
but )r0 loct..lon.''' o i his ou?Tn '?7J OJ_O, ti, ,
?hr 1827 Ohm h -.J sues ^r7,ul la or ,t,l t c' tho 1 _ T o_?. r i';,. X10
elect rim :1 circus ,, thcs^ 1r-r., a i]_1 Us ; .od fir, 'Cho major
br- c 1brouah in1 o t11_, nineteenth c `ntui"T' -1-he' diccovo y
by n, ..r. in 1831 th t on o1' ctrical_ current could be eri i11=, c d by
rnovin.- '-h-Oup'n rtic It ~To th_. ;ir t ro 1i,~ on
of the; un.itt of :loc in-!i y
1r TtV t 1 th ^sr
nil t
~r ,nr that the tochnolo'ar h ZC? sus . lei ntly or ;Tor?; eo
do~ononstrato r':cr. e:b- cod,-(l s i_ >,n :.IY, carried ovo long
dict^,nCC C h-r ucc of. c (t r ion line) act in? li's log,
freou. icTr lu~'1-ncd. -),.r: 7.,ter s,,:r;111n,
0'' cr(, Ortenco to -Gl,c pro ,Qnt issue i the rc:: ults o_' een cI Or ;: tld i c Of
Tlinr (1916) 7t' '1::r.._ t t1ti_ i1: t th C~_ro i' t'11
'''.OS t O CO:1. C iO' i1`, . i?1 C11 -)s -cl:,iC
occur., accounting for two thirds of all spontaneous psi.
Intor0`,tll r1..Tr ':1.0U