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O Kr F I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L FDD b32>
qA Sved For Release 2001/03/07 : &R!5~90V/QaZQ?1~4940L 64+4-
50, Introscopy Used for Quality Contr)l in Industry
ttTClear-Seeing' Devices," by p., -shche kov, Professor and
Doctor of the Technical SciencW ? Moscow, Izyestiya9 5 Feb
1965, p 3
fA-bstract In recent years in our country a new direction in
science and technology has arisen and begun developing -- introscopyo
In the most general meaning, introscopy is the direct vision of the
inside of non-transparent bodies and media.,
In essence, there is nothing which is non-transparent in natured
One must only choose the penetrating radiation correctly and one will
be able to transform them into a visible imageo This is the problem
of introscopyo
The building of such expensive things as airplanes, missiles,
superpowerful turbogenerators, atomic reactors,, thermal and hydroelec-
,-trio power plants, deep drilling rigs, etc. is characterized by the
tremendous concentration of great material-technical means and engineer-
ing thought in one object.
Naturally, the problem of the quality of materials, parts, and
units used in building such complex facilities has been sharply
duced into such circumstances. The necessity of the continuous study
and control of inner processes characterizing the especially breliability rofthe parts
has arisen. In a number of brant~?s ab~~sn~euof~eliable means of auto-
matic and sheet rolling industry,
control has become an impediment, to progress.
The problem of early medical diagnosis, especially timely dis-
covery of such serious illnesses as cancer, sarcoma, cysts, and others,,
remains extremely difficult.
Introscopy based on the extensive use of the most diverse pene-
trating radiations is one of the practicable ways of solving such /
The physical basis of introscopy is the interaction of radiation
with matter and recording tha changes vhich they undergo in the process.
Many forms of penetrating radiations t.an be used as an "agent" able to
carry voluminous information on the inner structure, composition., and
properties of non-transparent bodies and media8 from gamma-quanta
high energies to radiowaves in millimeter and submillimeter ranges and
also fluxes of various particles.
One of the central problems of introscopy is the transformation
of these invisible radiations into visible imageso Each "photo".in
penetrating radiations in principle can be transformed into electrical
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Approved For R1 9 J"kB1Y05767l el -RDP96-00787R000500180024-4
Apps' ~F @ 5 ~0( 1-~ EbTax lA F~ ~~$i ~~ 1a~9 of
cases can be reduced to its conversion and amplification.
From another viewpoint, it is well known that the transference 7f
fundamental principles and laws from one area of knowledge into another
very often leads to fruitful results. Theoretical and experimental work
shows that many basic principles of radio technology can successfully be
transferred into the area of light, magnetic, and semiconducting, and
even mechanical phenomena. Rich prospects for practical investigation;5
are being opened here0 Some os' them have already yielded gratifying
results. For instance, a number of creative collectives have demonstrated
the practicable possibility of making a device, known as an "artificial
eye" with a tremendous number of discretely operating elements based on
miniature and superminiature amplifiers. Such transformation were first
developed in our country. But it is well known that even abroad they
now receive a great deal of attention. They will find extensive appli-
"Innervision" has already had a significant economic effect. The
use of the first gamma-television introscope in one of the machine
building factories has made it possible to accomplish continuous control
of welded constructions in the production process, and in addition it has
set free a large quantity of X-ray film and reduced the staff of control-
lers. According to calculations of the planning organizations, the use
of the betatron introscope being developed by the Tomsk Polytechnic
Institute for quality control c.f hot flowing metal can save one plant
more than half a million ruble;. a year. It has been shown experimentally
that in chemistry it is possible to control not only the homogeneity of
composition but also the course of processes by use of introscopy.
One of the first uses of introscopy was found in the study of the
quality of semiconducting materials for studying the homogeneity of
single crystals which are not transparent for visible light. But this
is only the beginning. In the area of semiconducting materials and
quantum radio electronics there is`much to do to broaden the sphere of
use of introscopy.
In scientific experimentation introscopy is necessary for studying
the relief of magnetic, electromagnetic, and super-high frequency fields,
for radioastronomy, for biochemistry and encephalographic research, and
for the investigation of pathological changes inside a living organism.
Human blood, for instance, is transparent like distilled water under ob-
servation by an introscope.
It is impossible to predict the future uses of the introscope, but
its use will be significantly more expansive than that of the microscope
or telescope.
C-O N- F I?D-2mN.T_I-A.L
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C-0-N F I-D-E? N-T-I-A-L FDD 6325
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speciali.zed.$cientific-Rene rch Institute of Introscomr under the
State Committee on?Instrumen. Buitdng, Means a u oma on, an Control
Systems of Gosplan, USSR, has been created in order to broaden work in the
area of introscopy.
`SovRC p -jZIE5Ti a
ct 196- v.
Approved For Release j%J3f6Y-Rt) --*TP96-00787R000500180024-4
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[Excerpt] A new direction in science has now been born--i ntros copy, or intravision
[vnutrivideniye]- r
Moscow PRAVDA 7 Jul 70 p 2 L
[A. Ustinov article: "Penetrating the Invisible"]
The possibilities of the application of introscopy are infinite. They are
necessary to observe and control processes in metals, concrete, fiberglass, and
ploymers. They are also extremely necessary for early medical diagnosis--the
discovery of tumors and the microphotography of the walls of blood vessels
and the heart without surgery.
In the metallurgical industry, for eXample. the productivity of high-speed
rolling mills equals several meters of metal per second. Naturally, under these
conditions no-selective control of product quality is capable of meeting the
clients' requirements. In this connection the problem has arisen of the high-
speed automatic control of. product quality in its many aspects under flow-line
conditions. In particular,. a multichannel installation has been created at the
Introscopy Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Instrument Building,
Means a u om n, with the participation of the Pervouralsk
new pipe plant. It is intended to control the quality of hot-rolled pipes during
their movement along the conveyer. This enables the product quality to be
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000500180024-4