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Publication Date: 
November 1, 1967
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FIRM NO~~ CLASSIFICATION PROCESSING DATE FF' 00180008-2 CODE x+91 COUNTP USSR PS AF CHART ACTIVITY CODES LOCATION S/T NAME OF INSTALLATION PL. NO. DATE/INFO DATE/SOURCE DA MO YR DA MO YR PF CONTROL NO. SOURCE FOREIGN PRESS DIGEST EVAL unv A 7 SOVIET UNION FPD 1079/67 INSTITUTT STUDIES SCIENCE OF I INTROsc OPYI rii 1sk SOV .TSKAYA HELOBUSSIYA 17 Oct 67 p Ip. "A window Into' the Invisible, " by .PASS cori:0. -' ?dctit A Presnyakov j } [:u,ccerpts On. the facade of one of MoscowI stands c lau the cription ? l", lldinSs This is the abbreviation of Scientifi-Researc1 Instit t a s term u e of In tro co introduced by the enthusiastic proponent of4h;is new field f ^ p m c ., o 0 science Prof essorP { arS Icpl;ov, who is also the founder of the ccaer e c center. In the laboratories of this you z; and unique institute the research is fo 16wi h t . ng i herto untrodden paths. A is ezngma e or new methods of seen g iiZtthings, and original. apparatus and Instruments are being devised.... A specialiapvaratus h as been built for "viewing" refractory furnace linings during their perforl ra:lce' t e ,, a xtremely high temperatures. TV techniques aid the tr?ansillumination of mb.als I was shown two metals sheets that 11 had been welded toter with a seam that lo oiceapsolutely sound, Chief of the Sector for Television Methods of Introscopy, D. I. Dornv manipulated some knobs and I saw the seam enlarged on the screen.. ". '. .n another building... an X-ray beam is direct ,d``toward amoving part and, after penetrating it, is fed to a special convertersGreen, the visible image of which is picicad up by a television camera and "transnr t!tc.d:::t6. the laboratory. t present the institute is working on otnerinm~'VioGis of viewing transilluminated objects directly, particularly with the use of the f. OF (;Qlectron-optical converter), which is sensitive to both X-ray and visible radiation"a.;- makes it possible to view images of trainsilluminated objects without the use of. te:7.'evision. A method. of X-ray strobo-introscopy has been'-1et~;eloped for monitoring high-speed rotating parts in operation. A parallel deye`1Ojsment involves stereo-X-ray introscopy. The head of the institute, P. K. Oshchepkov'said "Our scientists are using and radio waves, ultraviolet and infrared rad?a-,,ion,_ and ultrasound,H gamma rays I Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000500180008-2 FORM 12'60 626 USE PREVIOUS EDITIONS. (20)