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March 31, 1960
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01?-ou T7 4-1--MAR 196e ---ApprovedforRer a -e-2.001103/2-6. CIA-RDP96-0 7E,R00050p130083-4 CPYRGHT OFFICIAL USE ONLY FBI S big E009 USSR A ri ri-AR PROJECT PAWING FLECYRIC CONDUCTIVITY OF Tnr SOILS B5 brml PREPARED BY THE INSTITUTE OF 1FRRE6YRIAL MAOMFTISMp IONO3PARE AND PROVAGNIION-0 NANO WAVES OF THE ZiOV-IEY ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. THE MAP OF ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES?OF 11-It SOL INCLUDING ITS CONDUCTIVITY TO A DEPTH OF 11 TO 15 METERSp WILL DETERMINE THE DEGREE.OF THE EARTH'S ABSORPTION OF RADOO AVE'S' THE AUDIBILITY OF RADIO TRANSMISSIONS, THE ZONES.OF DISTORTIOND AND THE BEST LOCATIONS FOR TRANSMITTING AERIALS. THE MAP WILL HELP AIR NAVIGATORS TO CORRECT READINGS OF AUTOMATOC EQUITPMENT DURING FLIGHT, THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE CONDUCTIVITY OF SOIL IS IMPORTANT IN BUILDING OIL AND GAS PIPELINES AND IN LAYING UNDERGROUND CABLES. RADIO HAVIS'p WORKERS, AND STUDENTS HAVE BEEN INVITED TO HELP IN COLON G THE MAP BY TAKING MEASUREMENTS WITH PORTABLE APPARATUS EVOLVED(:AT THE INSTITUTE, THE SOVIET OAP IS. BEONG MADE ACCORDING 70 TH'Z'PR NC'PLE OF CONDUCTIVITY AT EACH GWEN SPOT AND NOT THE ROUTENCiPLE WHICH APPROXIMATES CONDUCTIVITY BETWEEN TWO PO?NTS, (MOSCOW, TASSp ENGLISH, JAN. bp 19600 1415 GMT) CODE COUNTRY LOCATION 0,Cg 12, 44OCKVA SIT AF CHART ACTIVITY CODES NAME OF INSTALLATION PL. NO. DATE/ INFO DATE/SOURCE DA MO YR OTAA,/6, DA MO YR /e /14/101 CONTROL NO. CPYRGHT SOURCE PF EV AL Poul;cE?4/0 W4E,-E /Z/144(.6 / The T.pstitute of Terrestrial Magnetism) the Ionosphere and WaYS?Eroi-F.X.66;77-Academy-of-Scienees USSR, has designed a spectrum analyzer for determining the in- stantaneous frequency of variable atmospheric inter- ference signals with an average frequency variation ratio of about 2104 c/sec.sec. The signals are re- corded on a tape recorder and transcribed on a tape loop (full time of rOtation, 1.5-2.75 sec). Change oft frequency with time can be observed visually by an os-r cilloscope.' The raster has 50 lines with each tenth line brightened for better reading. The analyzer has four frequency ranges (0-40 0-120 0-60 and 0-20 kc). A block diagram of the analyzer circuit and signal ' spectrogramsare given. (Likhter0 Ya.I.0 S*14.1)Prozumen -she4ikav,k and Y&.P. Sobolev. Pribory i tekhnika ek- sperimenta0 no. 1, Jan 19610 96-99) 5/120/61/000/001 I /61-/?2'cz USSR CPYRGHT OFFICIAL USE ONLY WiR 22 DEC 1960 11413 60 H 6972 September 1960 marked the 10th anniversary of the Irkutsk laboratory of time and frequencies of the all-union institute of physico-technical and radio-technical measurements. The laboratory's rather small collective determines local time by , measurement of moving heavenly bodies, transmit S exact time signals, and controls transmission of such signals by domestic and foreign radio stations. The volume of scientific research performed by the laboratory has expanded considerably in a comparatively short time. The laboratory has been augmented by new, more modern equipment which permits scientific work with extreme accuracy. This year, for example, new apparatus is being used to transmit signals with a deviation from absolute accuracy of only .0002 (two ten-thousandths) of a second. To obtain these results, the equipment had to be improved locally, which was done by a group under Perkhokutskiy, senior scientific worker of the laboratory. This laboratory was the first in the USSR to begin use of the Danjon prismatic astrolabe, a device for astronomic measuring of ephemerides. Instruments have been converted for semi-automatic and individual observations, and much other work has been done, (Text) (Irkutsk, Russian, Sept. 29, 1960, 1100 GMT) Appi uvJ Fur Reludb . CIA-RD - 005001 30083-4 SG1C Approved For Release 2001/03/26 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000500130083-4 Approved For Release 2001/03/26 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000500130083-4