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FIRM NO. gyp. CODE COUNTRY x+911 USSR LOCATION (Complete translation: "New Astronomical Stations", unsigned; Sovetskaya Moldaviya, 25 August 1962, p. 1) PROCESSING DATE 0 ON, & SPACE Kishinev, UV 1962 FBO NOV 62 CL 'FICATION UUP &W05001 orl ease 2002/05/17 W I-J SOV BLOC RSCH IN GEOPHYSICS, AS SOVIETS BUILD NEW ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORIES A Siberian scientific station for observations of the solar co ona is being organized in a mountainous region southwest of Irkutsk. The observatory being constructed near Tartu has been assigned the role of central a tronomical institution for the Baltic republics. 23689' AUTHOR: Nadeyev, L. N. 8/035/61/000/004/013/058 AO01/A101 TITLE: On the work of the Irkutsk Laboratory of Time and Frequency of BHkiI~TPVi (VNIIF7CRI) in 1955-1957 PERIODICAL.- Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodez.iya, no. 4, 1961; 16; abstract kA206 (?'Tr. 1k-y Astrometr. konferentsii SSSR, ' 1958" , Moscow-Leningrad, AN SSSR, 1960, 86-87, Discus. 87, Engl. summary) TEXT: Astronomical determinations of clock corrections are' performed with two transit instruments 0 observers), The chain method of 6bse rvatic5ns . is detect errors in direct ascensions of the FK3 catalogue (R) of the form ?.04'ct.; Time keeping is conducted by means of a pendulum clock (root-me-an- square variation of diurnal run was confined within 2 msep) and a quartz clock (variations of diurnal run are of the order Of +0.k tO O,5 msee). A synchro,scope with a phasing motor is employed for reception of second signals. Errors in recording signals became less than 0.1 msec. 19 deliveries of second signals are controlled, as well as 3 transmissions of rhythmical signals and 10 transmissions of the new type signals (from stations of frequency standard) and 23689 On the work of the Irkutsk Laboratory ... A/035A61/000/00/ 4. O13/058 A001/A101 the P6?T () station - 7 transmissions which characterizes activity of the. Laber per ataarsryfrom table, of data, is presented 955 to 1957, rAbstractores note: Complete translation] A Naumova' Card 2/2 Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000500130078-0 s/210f62/000/011/001/00.1 E032/E414 TITLE, Beat-type oscillations in the electromagnetic field of the earth (according to observations in Irkutsk) PERIODICAL: Ceologiya i geofizika, no.11, 1.962 114-124 CODE 481 errestrial Ma s Siberian Institu gnetism Iono P 2 spherend t ropagti aon of. ahe Radio Waves.; Irks,+.Ui LISTING BY NAME Cv15mpcHI2 YIHOTLITyT semxoro Mar- HeT13Ma, HoHoccPepil vI paorrpo- 0TpaHeHI paAaoeo..>iH (Ca6. LI3MXP) [CI6Mpcx0r0 oTAeJIeH.uu AaaReixn Hayti CCCP] Siberian Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation (Sib. IZMIR) [of the Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences USSR] 1960 location: Irkutsk Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000500130078-0 Approved For el ase 2002/05/1J CIA-R6P96-00787 0 0130 j7 - qPR 191 ) AUTHOR: Vinogradov, P.A. - _~ -~ ~~~ju=~ ? A survey, of the results obtained Card' 1/2 ,urther Study'Was concerned with changes' in the ionosnherA ell-1? nn __-1 . ~ . . found to correspond to a requency?of the "carrier" was maximum amplitude of the rperiod of 0.6 to.1.0 esultant oscillation was found atoy' the between 0.05 and 2.5 mV/km, but the most frequently encountered values were in the range 0.15 to 0.60 mV/km. A study was also made of the diurnal variations in the frequency of appearance of the PP-oscillations, the diurnal variation in their intensity and. the seasonal distribution A f P. M. TEXT; Regular observations of.PP-oscillations were begun at Irkutsk in August 1957. The present paper reports results obtained' as a result of four years of observations. have the form of beats. The most frequentlyTencounteredlations rgpetition frequency of these beats was found to be 0.3 to 0.1 cps.' The most frequently encountered f Beat-type Oscillations E032/E414 S/~210/62rooOJ011/001/041 twelve different stations s}xows..tha greater than 40? the mean. monthly t for geomagnetic latitudes PP-oscillations is given by frequency of where y the empiric al W is the formula n = -.8 + p geOr a'gnetic ls~t 3 3'tude, ,159 results now renarta,7 It is -nrh+aA 4.U- ? k AO iy eniy instijut zemnog ra o magnetizma)ion.o.sfery is of s T rastraneniy a radiovoln Irkut k { ASSOCIATION: Sibi vn i v.,cau zne and 15 tables. Preliminary. There are 6 figure vctober 27, 1961 SG1A Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000500130078-0 Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000500130078-0