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Publication Date: 
October 3, 1980
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Approved For Release 2001/03/26 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000500130039-3 Title: IMPROVED TRANSFORMER OIL FOR SUPERHIGH-VOLTAGE POWER LINES Primary source: Vyshka, September 13, 1980, No. 212 (15176), p. 2, cols. 4-7 Extract: A new transformer oil leng- thens the service life of superhigh- voltagelpower transmission line equip- ment by five times. A process for manufacturing this oil has been devel- oped by Azerbaydzhan scientists. With respect to properties, it substantial- ly surpasses all oils in use for sim- ilar purposes. Doctor of Technical Sciences R. Sh. Kuliyev, head of an oil chemistry and technology laboratory, told an Azerin- form correspondent: "Heightened demands are being made in oils that are used for filling large-capacity transformers. And in creative colla- boration with our colleagues of the All-Union Scientific Research Insti- tute of the Oil Refining Industry and industrial specialists of the Baku Oil Refinery, we have succeeded, through intensive refining, in devel- oping an oil that meets these require- ments." Title: "SOYUZ-38" CREW EXECUTES "SALYUT-6" APPROACH MANEUVER Primary source: Komsomol'skaya pravda, September 20, 1980, No. 219 (16925), p. 1, cols. 6-7 Entire text: Space Flight Control Center, September 19 (TASS)--As of 1:00 p.m., Moscow time, the spaceship "Soyuz-38", which is piloted by an international crew, had completed 10 orbits around the earth. Cosmonauts Yuriy Romanenko and Arnaldo Tamayo Mendez have carried out planned operations for monitoring the ship's onboard systems, and they have executed the first twin-pulse maneuver for the long-distance approach to the orbiting complex "Salyut-6"-- "Soyuz-37". Following the correction of the flight trajectory, the orbit para- meters of the "Soyuz-38" spaceship are: maximum distance from the surface of the earth--320 kilometers; minimum distance from the surface of the earth _1_P1 -, r10 On board the scientific research complex "Salyut-6"--"Soyuz-37", Leonid Popov and Valeriy Ryumin are preparing for the upcoming docking with the "Soyuz-38" spaceship. The flight of the manned spacecraft is proceeding in accordance with the program. The cosmonauts--comrades Popov, Ryumin, Romanenko and Tamayo Mendez-- are feeling well. Title: NEW HIGHER MILITARY POLITICAL SCHOOL IN TALLIN Primary source: Sovetskaya Estoniya, September 2, 1980, No. 203 (11200), p. 1, cols. 1-4 Extract: September down in the history Higher Military Construction as new educational A this 1, 1980, will of the Tallin Political School the first day of institution. of this event. It was opened by General- Major V. Gnezdilov, the head of the school. Words of congratulation were spoken by A. B. Upsi, the Central Committee Party of Estonia, and Lukin, deputy head of administration of the District. secretary of of the Communist by Colonel V. the political Baltic Military (Irkutsk) Title: SOLAR VACUUM TELESCOPE AT BAYKAL OBSERVATORY Primary source: Sovetskaya Rossiya, September 19, 1980, No. 217 (7368), p. 2, col. 8 Entire text: The shore of the near the village of Listvinichnyy is the site of the Baykal Astrophysical Observatory of the Siberian Institute of Earth M tism, the an ropagation o Radio Waves o t e Siberian ranch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. 'A large solar vacuum telescope that will be one of the largest in the country is being erected here. The height of the support tower on which the 10-ton mirror device is mounted is 24 meters, and the length of the optical tube --278 kilometers; period of revolution-- exceeds 40 meters. With the aid of a 90.2 mi#PAe V,40*, `e SvQI] 604fffh%S3CIA-RDP96- 7n$7i Q I 3~1 -3 Approved For Release 2001/03/26 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000500130039-3 powerful twin lens, it will be possi- ble to obtain an image of the sun 390 millimeters in diameter. The theoret- ical resolution power of the telescope is 0.2 of an angular second. Adjustment of the gigantic astron- omy instrument should begin late this year. Associates of SibIZMIR who are taking part in this are working hard to bring this moment closer. Comments and additions or deletions to the distribution list should be addressed to: SG1I Approved For Release 2001/03/26 : 6A-RDP96-00787R000500130039-3