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,22 pere2e,....c2ar Release 2001/03/26 : CIA:RDP96-00787R000500130028-5 1/ el CI -'J'9 .wiloilimilinliwoutimulimmumimmuummtimminimmillimomilmuumminn munnuminimmmimimmimum to visit Science u) SPACE DISCOVERY USED IN INDUSTRY A discovery by a group of Moscow and Kiev scientists In space chemistry has been en- tered into the USSR State Roster of Discoveries, They have ex- perimentally proved that the tiniest particles of iron, titanium and silicon which are' found the ?surface _layers Of spate bodies, particularly, in the friable lunar ground, - do not get 'corroded r1 the terrestrial atmosphere ,The results of this research are 'already being used In industry to raise the resis- tance to corrosion Of metal pro- ducts. 9(. I Riga, which sties's, in most ot its parts, the medieval of ihe cite, is now being restored by the architects of irk has been completed on a master plan for the recoil- ion of the ancient part of the Latvian capital, which is it 2,000 years old. On an mu of only 50 hectares are , Nitrated many structures of the past centuries. The in age, particularly the last war, have changed the ap- mce of many of them. But this process is reversible, as tooPle o Riga have Moved, and again the chimes of the red Saint Peters churCh (12th century), which was syed by the nazis during the occupation of Riga, ring iver the old city. The spire of the 17th-century church h was also damaged during the years of occupation, has been restored. e colour scheme of the 15th-17th century streets is being red. The former merchants' and artisans' guild _bulidtngs house the Philharmonic Society and the Cultural Centre 3de unions. reV tourists and organ music devotee', are allowed to " square, with its famous Dome Concert Hall and niusenna ilex of the 13th. 6th centuries. According to the. recon- (ton plan, the old city will be closed to traffic,' iTAL LACEWOR [lege ot Novchirn In the tonomous Republic has n famous for its talented iron workers, and this is still alive and flour- Jovcinm's craftsmen are fulfilling an important ram Moscow for the Games, and the first consignment of decorative cast pig iron fencing for the Olympic projects has already been deli-, vered. The factory which turned out these fine products was founded in the middle at the 18th century and has full training facilities. ARCTIC THE SOUND OF THE OCEAN lit.11/4. Infrasonic waves made by the tidal movements can new be re- corded, for example, In Siberia, a thousand kilometres away from the nearest coast. This is pos- sible thanks to a special device designed at the Institu Ea rt ' Irkutsk. e nfrasonic waves too low to be picked up by the human eat are emitted by oceans and seas. Very like the sound waves gen- erated by active volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes and meteorites when they hit the Earth, these waves last for long periods and can travel several times around the globe. Their recordings are of practical Im- portance since infrasonic waves affect the tipper layer of the Earth's atmosphere, the low- sphere, which greatly influences ,- the reliability of radio telecom- ' nications. VIEWPOINT tzessmazimananial Multinational Soviet music By Fikret ANIIROV, composer, People's artist of the USSR IN THE WAKE OF ANCIENT MEDICINE 'There is nothing- on - earth that could not serve as a medi- cine," said the ancient Oriental doctors,:having in mind the boundless healing _properties of nature. ,ScMntists at the Buryat Branch Pf the Siberian ' Depart- ment or the USSR Academy of Sciensces. have deciphered -old medical cures: that that now they can be used on a wider scale. The scientists discovered that, ancient doctors knew very many natural healing methods. They were composed of between twenty and several dozen pre- parations of plant, animal or mineral origin. The Buryat scientists are now studying the properties of some 200 species of plants mentioned In ancient prescriptions. RESEARCH FLEET li(o Schmtdt icebreaker, a new addition to !y of Soviet research vessels, will soon set ter first working cruise in the severe con- )! the Arctic. being an icebreaker the Otto Schmidt is tree time a special floating institute designed act Investigations in the little-studied and naccessible ice-bound regions of the Arctic -xt.vraltsr. IZES ANDed Tin* en2001/03/26 :ICIA-RDF'96-0078 e11.1 111 Cr' 1 A 1 leisC I took part In the 6th Con, gress of USSR composers that has lust been held, and the many professional discussions and meetings there are still fresh In my mind. The Congress presented multinational Soviet music on the broadest possible scale. Every year more and more musk-makers from all na- tions of the Soviet Union are joining our composers' unions? as was said at the Congress, these unions are rapidly growing in the Ukraine, the Transcauca- sian Republics, Central Asia, Kazakhstan, the Baltic Republics, Byelorussia. and ' Moldavia. The composers' uniOns,..have been set up only recently Art such. Autonomous Republica,. as Ud- murtia, TuvaKonit, and Yakutia width means :that national mu- sical schools ' are developing there too. The nationat cern- posers` unions are growing., not only numerically but artistically as well. Works pf music, rec- ognized by our people and that have - also gained- 'popularity abroad, have been composed in many places of our country. I'm glad that Azerbaijan com- posers have made' a.great con- tribution .to Soviet music. All the musical genres ttave been mastered by the composers of our Republic, which had prac- tically, no ,professional musicians before the Great October - Rev- olution. It is quite different noWl Who here, In this country, and for that matter. who in musical circles abroad, has not beard of Kara Karaev, the Azerbaijan composer, disciple of the great Shostakovich? The, names of Dzhoydzhet Gadzhiev, Dzhangtr Dzhanglrov, Raid Gad- zhiyev. Akshln Alt-Zade and many other Azerbaijan com- posers are well known both .in our country and abroad. , . . The blossoming ot national music In Azerbaijan, the same as the rapid development of Music In all national areas. Is the result of the Leninist na- Donal policy?fraternal mutual assistance between all nations In our country. Soviet multination- al musical culture will go on developing against a background of active Interaction and mutu- al enrichment of national cul- tures. kfr1'.II", illiAgaegl Tar- depth analysts of the achieve- ments of composers tn the vett- - own ijol- tion I up , for vere 'any f 20, an nnic rop- on of cy 1, pre- )viet ain- )mic ides time ious ians hit ha- her. _wen >ink not om- the ?Ian cent g of War 1 yet mic any 1 at- . In ;taff 1. -was D57. 3I11? ries her in- 300 wiet wed :er- the in- -os- Ian the list an a rn .ed -)er on ad Dur ed , Soviet Weekly, Jul 1410, 7 VT 20th 1 85 Page eleven RI Spider farm's valuable crop A SPIDER farm in Alma-Ata, capital of Soviet Kazakhstan, produces only 30 grammes of poison annually, but this is enough for several medical establishments in the country and for export. The farm has some 16,000 scorpions, tarantulas and spiders. Each of them live in a separate vessel, since spiders are such outrageous individualists. A spider's poison is more valuable than that of a snake: one gramme is worth 20,000 roubles and it is us- ed in preparing medicines, vaccines and serums. To get just one gramme of poison it is necessary to "milk" 13,000 scorpions. Approved For Release 2001/0 NEARLY 7,000 feet up in the East Siberian mountains, this solar coronagraph keeps regular watch on the activity of the outer layers of the Sun. Operated by the Siberian In- stitute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Wave Propaga- tion, the instrument is used to investigate the correlation of solar activity and changes in weather, radio reception and other phenomena on Earth. As well as co-operating with the socialist countries in these investigations, the institute maintains regular exchanges of information with all the major capitalist countries. The in- stitute has also hosted major in- ternational conferences to discuss progress in this field. Top and left: Keeping an eye on the Sun up in the Sayany mountains, East Siberia New voyage for non-magnetic ship ONE of the world's few com- pletely non-magnetic ships, the Leningrad schooner Zarya, has started a voyage to probe mysteries of the Earth's magnetic field. The Zarya is built mainly of wood and has had all its metal parts carefully de-magnetised to enable scientists to measure tiny variations of magnetic field. The first part of the present voyage is an examination of the "centennial variation" of the magnetic field in the southern Baltic, sponsored jointly by the science academies of the Soviet Union, Poland and the German Democratic Republic. Later, the schooner will sail -to the Mediterranean to in- vestigate magnetic anomalies in the area between Italy, France and Africa. The results may help to solve the problem of whether the Mediterranean is the remnant of an ancient ocean squeezed be- tween the rock platforms of Africa and Europe or whether it is a new ocean in the process of formation. 26.C.Ini-IVF;a1-uut8tir0005001 uuru tor stammering