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Approved For Release Ka/FighlgtEkl-RDIVA SECRET limited edition manuscript SG1A MICROFILMED BIOSTIMULATION THROUGH LASER RADIATION AND BIOPLASMA BY V.M. INYUSHIN AND P.R. CHEKEROV TRANSLATED BY Scott Hill and T.D. Ghoshal Copyright on Russian original text is held by the Kazakh State University, Alma-Ata, USSR, 1976. All rights to this english translation, and any other translations derived from it, are held by the Danish Society for Psychical Research, Copenhagen 1976. No part of the manuscript may be duplicated or otherwise distributed without explicit permission 'of the translators, except for short passages which may be quoted for review purposes. For information on distribution, write: THE DANISH SOCIETY FOR PSYCHICAL RESEARCH POSTBOKS 1168DK-1010 Copenhagen K, Denmark 4 Best Copy Available this is a limited edition----price $2o.- SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000500080001-0 USIB DEPARTMENTS ONLY ; . Approved For Release2206-10-6/67.:. diA-Abpbe-oo787R0005000800m -o )Ancing a limited edition English translation. of an Important new Z-1T5E-ENE-UFSR------first printing August, 1976: A i MA PT .1 --KAZAKH-STATE-h-WERsILLIISSE TRANSLATED BY: SCOTT HILL, UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN 111 we mi O. kw: 14 ScHpDL ntents: Author's note Briefly about lasers ------Unspeutfied-autlon of-ta-ser-rays oft-livIng-organIsms page 3 PhySioloqinAl artinn nf mnnnnhrnmafin polarized red light on peripheral 6 11 blood and blood-forming organs 24 The reactiori-Ff endocrinal glands : during radtation by monochromd red-light 28 StimillaHnn nf regeneratiam_hy monochromatic red light 37 A word about bioplasma 49 Biostimulation through laser radiation 75 105 rough c....upulicAurd points Ge.nel-ttei-en ..roduction: Optical quantum, generators (lasers) are one of the most significant Crevements pf techntuar-th-rausht-eurtng-ther-second-flarf-Of-the-20th t-tttni:---In--ttri-s-book-are-presented the physiologIca1-actI,en7-ol Liation_by_ en on the-dynamics-of- rsiological and histochemical properties of tissues under the influence laser radiation. Light is shed on the little-known aspects of using :er radiation clardaly as a factor for stimulatfrig tSe nervous 'tem during-treatment-of-neurological diseases and-dtseases of the i-biopLaspa connected with the ftpntmenf nf thr. AntinD of lasPr .s monograph is meant for doctors, tecnicians, teachers of biology, tidal and agricultural students, veterinary surgeons, medical stitutes, biological faculties of universities, and research workers. . detatch here .._ I am interested in ordering copies of the limited English IlLuuyi iciser Ld4iLtiuu and biuplctsin. 1 - -renclt-rmoney.--order-,-cheok-)--Lto--cover-t.h-e-cost- nri nti ng Ana pncfagp T wish aelivimry by air/ _spa mail (nirrlp , : ? - :urn this form to: Danish. S.P.R., Postboks.1168, DK-lolo, Copenhagen K ? Denmark .Attn: MY:-HTI; ??? or post-pu cat on or?ers seama after 31 July) nuTe?s 5 U .S . far-arnati?de-livery LI!!Milfirfteli.SensigkaSE1000/0.1310115r.T0104-1RD PO 6t607PRIV013011a80/0:0 ?????????? .-7-7---:/kpproved-fpriketeas:e. 2000/08/073: -CIA- R D P96-4107-87-R000500080001-0---- ? --- INTRODUCTION -TO THE-7LN(2.G.I.SFF EDITION-BY THE TRANSIxATION EDITORS' THIS BOOK -Whieb. .was-printeci :in the -USSR in the spring of 1975 editiufl uE uly4?oc uovi-es conLains the latest infor11LatiJrron a number-et rezcarch freri-ts-:? acupunctu-re-,?. rpcsmrch ? trl'rn Rtenre if *hi - Igl.asrathneltre-te.nce of biostimulation by -ultra-,weak- laser-.1ight-:-...- Brief ? mention- -is-alio. made . of other -research,- we ?can call parapsychological, which- the soviets call psychoenergetics.,- and of-heilobiology, which is the stucty of bcipppbed-extraterrustria. (i.e. solar) eat o cc. Althnugh in thP-nriginal monograph -there .arp only 115 pags _- because . of:Ithe....-.complexity. of -the_7?material, :it- has, taken us -.over a year to translateand,edit.?the:material:-.: Why-have we taken so much trouble, especially slime we-have ? not. hWttle-."--Vdtkerti-g-frcint-ally7pubrigh-e-r-or7? financia-l-sponsorship-of-tany-bu-s'iness-Interestsl. It-Ls-or-opl-nion-that-the-material in-this monograph-Ls-of-utmost .s_aten_ti_s_ts:L=Alroun_d_:_th.ez3torld:i_LT.he_Lonly:_ane_o_f_the_fi_e_lds covered in this book -which-has- been at' all . circulated in western scientific circles is the -Icirlian .process---due to the interest of a tew paraggydlibTogritg-Nihb-haVe=dietl-7the-technique-for-psi-expe-rimen-ts. Even-this----staterLal----as-i-i-revealed-.-kn-the-conclusion-of-thi-s-monograph has-been-m-i-sunder-itcro-d, .sarbled-i-zrtisrrepresented,-andL-lightly dismiassed by the scientific establishIstent.: -- One . reason is - the. mistuterpzetation of the concept -of-: "bioplasznawhictr-7i-s--the pervading theme of this book since it is -.often invoked as the . underry-ing medium-of energy exchange and tra:rirfo-rrnwtion.riribio-sysVems...- . -A1thouipi-ther6-1fiay be some -about-the witirreo-fro-f-the---ex--1-s-te-nee-o-f-Y-b-i-op-lasmal";ln-tiri-s-work-Inyushin and Cliekarcw-give--the- best theoreticaL-discziption-to-da-teo-f-the--- composition of - "biopl-asma ..anct:_the 4 experixemt$ they fe_el_p_o_int to the existence--of-such a ? substance ? Certainly the. most. negfe-ctect- area covered in this material is the-prob-tem-of._"-Wealr-zei-csrrance.- btoiLl.mulation." Bince- this matetaI , up by the Rarapkyr?Tologlar_i- who ;5a..ger', y..,repar.tecl.-on-ele-ctrophatogra- Phy. Nor. has -it. been.,? the...scientists. who ahou.l&-be_sto_st- interested''.in? it: the-laser- scientists medical:doctors., and biolog_Lsts in the west -w fir:-.)- lifoneered. Am. the - application- of ? high-power lasers in ------medical-treatment-71-l72)-;77-rn7fact7-weitern-sorentrits-se-6m-uomoday i-gnorant-that-there-are-any-ellects-at all due to Lion-thermal greates-t-par-t-of-thIs-book? i_s devoted-to the-problems-- of 'biostimulation by laser. (And ot_n_er types ? of). light. -- ? . Whfle .it-zhas:.:_been.-f-known for tha-t- the Sovre? ---i-Trtens-e-i-nte-rebt.. in ? atupuIttr, Laiei t hab .irot-beerr-c-lear-un-ttl-now--- -r----e-xaet-ly-wh&-t-they--we-re-do-ing. 7 In thi-o eizated_t_a_Lbiocti'Mrla 'H On- l'Frn011gh--. a cupunt=turel-po_ints , and-a-consider- able amount .of -clinical data is presented--for theF fascinating addition. is the-use-of weak-light-stimulation at acupoints a-a-MAI-on usual needling .tecEireiffes. One of the-mast7I-rite-re-sttrvg--rci-Grittri-C-tirrti.---abdirts Of this centliry bcen-the,-suddert-,,eliantje--kn-:the-status,e-f-the-se-ealled-mitogeneti-c soviet-seientis_tX---GUrs.richin-the ? ? 192o's...'A:..snrvey.iof:the-Gurvich.L.C.ont_rolLerSY Up to_the.:_year_19_4.9._is__ given by ?the? dutclv.s-cientist?--S.W. .tromp in his book "Psychical physics" ----(T),-a-rid -up to date from other sources. Although some-sci-entts-ti7.-were-Tabre-Tro7Yerito-dliCe---girrvicW-s experaments with "-living-deteotoriu-7-others---lailed, alid attempts at ubing-seniltive ___light detection-systems-fal-led-also. ? ip. ? ? ? - II, U. i =IMMO . ? ? ? _ III ? i ? USIB DEPARTMENTS ONLY CDUC'ION BY THE TRANSLATION EDITORS -2 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 :.CIA-RDP96-00787R000500080001-0 ? Gurvich's work fell into disrepute both within and without the USSR. As late as 1960, a doctoral dissertation by M.N. Moyceyeva totally relect,..d the existence of mitogenetic radiation. It was not until 1966 thit V.S. Konev et al (4) succeeded in showing that the radiations from t'-e cell cultures was so weak in the UV band that it could easily be absorbed in the apparatus which was used to measure it: (for example,by using glass lenses instead of quartz). In 1974 A.A. Gurvich published rosults of an experiment with hops, point out the errors which had made the existence of mitogenetic radiation doubtful in the intervening 5o years. Prof. V.P. Kasnacheywat the Leningrad Brain Institute, since 1967 has been doing experiments in "cell communication" in the UV band, which stem from the original Gurvich work (5) The Czech professor Sedlatchko has also replicated the work, according to accountSwe have received. (these will F be translated separately by us and.can be ordered using the form in the back of this folder). LI Apparently independently of the latest wave of Soviet change of mind, two western researchers, Qukendon andHee (6) in 1973 successfully replicated the Gurvich effect with yeast cells, using sensitive photo- multipliers in the UV band and quartz windows. This research underlies the whole thesis developed by Inyushin and Chekorov in this monograph---that light in biological systems plays an organic Hie, and can be measured by appropriate instrumentation. In the meantime, we have received supporting documantation from the USSR and elsewhere regarding verification of some of the research results ".1 presented in this monograph, and giving further technical and clinical details. This material will be available shortly for distribution. tr) A few words about practical matters regarding this trPmslation: In some cases, where there is doubt about the meaning of the russian 7Z, word, we have given more than one translation, the second or third meaning being given in parenthesis (brackets). Where the material is especially difficult, we have added occasional footnotes at our discretion. .;.5 In a few cases, we have omitted redundant passages, but these are clearly 0 marked in the text.. Immediately following the conclusion is the translatiorP of the original Soviet bibliography given by Inyushin and Chekorov. Immediately following this is a western bibliography compiled by us, which D. fills out the gaps in the original references, giving articles in English and a few other languages on related research. We are very interested in receiving constructive feedback on this manuscript and for this prupose have included a form at the back of the folder. If you find any errors,spelling mistakes, etc. use this form to tell us about it. Scott Hill' T.D. Ghoshal Copenhagen, Sept 1976 References: 1) Hitt, Scott: "Acupuncture Research in the USSR" American ,rournal of Chinese Medicine, 1976, Vol , Kr , pp. 2) Barnes, Frank: "Applications of Lasers to Biology andMedicine" Proc. of the IEEE, vol 63,Nr 9,1975 (interesting for its omissions) 3)Tromp, S.W. "Psychical Physics", Elsevier, Amsterdam 1949 ? 4) Konvv,V.S. "FIourescence and Phosphorescence of Proteins and Nucleic Acids"(English Trans) Plenum Press, New York 1967 .)Journal Psychoenergetics Systems, 1975, Nr.4 Vol 1, pp. 3,7F D)Hee, shane and Quickenden, Terence:"Weak Luminescence from the yeast Saccharomyces Cerevisiae and the existence of mitogenetic radiation" AlVaineed fax Redease pliM0/8810 ak&RDP963013781R00650oo80oe1 -Mr 2,1974 or easA2OP_Ot08107 3 :CIA;RPF16;0 7 87 RO 0 0 50008 Go o o A WORD FROM THE --AUTHORS ? I' el .) ? - a is OU wish.o-exglatif-tc-the-rsater-how-ther-tdea- -----e-f---resenanec biOst-imulationi.-appearcd connected-with--- ----blaplAqmA_ So years ago professor A.G. Gurvich discovered the existence of mitogenetic radiation (rays xadiating.from cells during their division n e .an o e -spectrum n amazing .fact was arrived at,viz. - a s-c en t-c-el I di that b ng eph-crtcrn-s-Thre:rehr -i-t-s-turn-r-the-d-i-vi-ding "cc-11 otimulatcs _d.t3.rigion ? Many theoretical, works, on the 'problem ?of mitogenetic radiation ? have been .published.,.. but-not a ' -step .has been-,taken- for ? their prac- tical utiliz-a-fron.-in _the fields ? of medicine .and agricurture. The were-no-o-lear-picture-of-t-he-physi-olog-ical-role-of--radiation7.--There wer_e_no_good experimeatatd_lextah1ish_the_e5r1.g_tence of thetainfield___ (A.G. Gurvich,. 1944), - .? We shall _fully. explain._the--- turn such a crisis ? took. It -was connLL ected with the -unsatisfac.fbrevel-of ?de-v-eTopmerif -in certain branche410 of krhysic-s-i--.-the-lere-aknesb in the deve-l-upaieht of bipp-hysieb. The chasm 1.0.161 betwe-e-p-phydics and-biology-ex-is-ted-- ? -for long ?t-ime-and-prevented- Cli i6PAR frOM.ITIPP-4,1-ng, AR -frhe ?ff,Nrge,r-i,p?nrp? (If the mg tiirAl sciences_shows.. A whole series,of, new facts-, theories-, and separate courses of development.-.came, to life... Enthusiasm.,for the. analytical aspects of -151-0-1-0-gy was...aso .Io cool attitufe-'t-c7.7ard-s problems whic10 A--.--G1----Gurvi-clr7b-e.garr-7devel-op-ing-7:-, The veiy be-nue .uf ther---work-of- the schoo-1--ct-4.-.:.G:.-Gurzich-was-?-to-demons-t-rate-that -with-the-a-Id-of-radiant enexcry .of. low_Amt_ensity_it..-Lwaspossihle_tocontroIIaLological___processe : This, on the face of-:it, is. the. phenomenon of resonance. When the space-time.:par_amerte=3,ef. ..the--radiation of the donor and the recipient (in the zher.t7-dolril.rdrg'eti-c-e-r 7.-Intru-b-67-this or Eh-at process. Ekent?-?? ----an-insignific-ant-change--71=-7-these-parameLeuh db, foL ex.rnple7 the-trequency-of--radiation;,-,b.ringsabout-the-deterioration-o-f the---- ? Co ns e_g4e.rt't-1:Yre s_ona nee=_bios.t im ul a tiro n_ is.._an _ ampl atio.n... or actuallYte-aecelaration.of metabolic,'processea under the influence radiation or-aefinfEa7baramete4s (wavelength, polarization, IL] .1 ntenstty ? .?. rr-the--verr-core-of---the-expe-rimental--material amass- . Gurch--school,--the-idea-of.--resonance-b-iostimula-t-io-n-took-its-?form.- at theLfaculty._Lot_b.iophys_i.cs__ of the .Kazak_11.- State_ Un.iversity and.has .4ainad the successful approbati (approvaLT-Tunder....alThrc-a-E-63EarEtaiis. It is. neccessary tO-iiiint ion -- -t%a-t--t; ----krl-o-st-iititil-atfxcrc7are-ern-ly-ossil:tle---wi-tzh-.7the--kaowledge--:o.f.'-tlhe=-energy the-wb,ols--cons-tit-utes the_norm _o,f--.all` th.g.? cou_ntigg21.,-P.X.Q.ces_s_es taking 'pltace.:_at_e.v.ery second, ? in the living .organism., As-is ..known?. biochemists and biophysicists . already..know ? a.? lot about the- properties of- molecules, comprising tile:- ---urga-n-tsra-7-7-A-.-new-b-ranch- --11A-577-appida-ra:c1 tiia-t-ca-zote-du-rg.1.--broro427-7- . however-oie-.-7-shor Id not-7forget-.that---the-mo-lectilar--1-evei-represen Cs -iflPLidstem-off 1:1,i_tf_e_r_ent.Lle_vels -governebythe.:_laws_o_f_the whole . ? ? Az ? the,liobel prize laureate,- A.St.--Dierdri remarked:- ?".The-. composite- level-- is-the-. mo . comp lex and -Ziff icult to ? study, It is. -7-11-a/Tersc-WrIthrs--71-ev-el that_tderiascinatiomand capriciousness of?lif- phitotne-na./azoailesi..t.b)eltiselvte-m--"- It is difiit_ult.mot ta-agree:7-with -the---wordsof-thi-a-fameue-selen-t-i-st-ii----Th-e-,diseove-ry of bier-energet-io- _____pracessea_conditioning Fhp pntirety of fhe'living_organisin_is_the___ key to understanding many problems. ? ? - ? ? -?? ? - .1i - ? ? Approved F91.____-1_2MM/A,RDP_96_40.7.aiRGO.G50.0080001-0 rove For ReleAse,20.00bA/07,1CIA-RDP06 00787R000500080-001 -0 ... ? - _ -.E . .. veraRELIROM_TIIE_AUTROR____ - 2 And when, in our book, -we speak of. the possibility of .directed influenc palthological - state .we is a. p-lasma-+4-th-7-state-cr?f-matter---: ion of_ radiatigal_o_f_defined - :Such radiation.. can only be obtained parameters is realized; withthe aid of: lasers,.?that- is optical quantum generators. In the . ng an? rance ig -power- asers_ are. succe?ssfully being applied in surga-ry--rlantolgy, ets.. The K ci,-the-uttlization of-th-e-las-er-radiation-of-low--- ialtem ?. ?? .4 U-0 cinP. x_oompletely_new_apherAL_Ol_applyiag radiation ergy to control the reaction of changing propertes has been acheeved.. The idea,. as ?we. have. mentioned above, has its historical roots. in our native science. Here we may acid tha-t-i-n-tWrie-1--of----ch-e=- M-i-stry,---gucces-s-D.r-1--e-xperime-nts iii con L.L. uarling sheMical-reactions-wi th- the-aid of path--1-asei-r-ad-i-a-t-ions--based-on-reson-IASe--interact-ion-between thf3 rMai At1011 Ana. molf.cil 1 pq hav_e_s_ucc_es_sfully_b_eenCamr_ied out, (N.G.Basov, etal, 1973) . It. is obvious that the resonance effects of stinulation are not characteristic, or specialig organism. At7-thg-bioloilgy facul-ty of the.-Aazakt StaEe-Uti-rversrty -hained-after rese-arch mdder--on-resun-arme LriosLihnulat-i-orr-with-the-al-d-of? ig e-a-l-pree es-s e s-wer e-be g un-in-19-65 S in ce--thet,-time-,-- 9 yPP_rs haVe elaps.ed?D.ur supplemedted by scientific. and practical. bodies::, the .Alma-Ate state medical institute, the ".Aksay!'Republican child clinic of. the ministry of health. of the Kazakh the. repailic_ tro-egita-/---of-tte---- ministry of health uf. the Kazeldr--SS-R, the- -town. chiid-hospi-tal-of--- Alma--,-Ata-f-the-Irca-zakh-sci-eiat f--ie-research ins-titute-of thP TqP1.1.tuagrarl IIIPAical institute, the__14v_os medical institute, the _ Moscow medical institutendsind -others. The results obtained show that biostimulatton.with the aid of laser lighet hords?many_practicart-ations. T1e--1-1-gnitan-ce-of reunace-b-i-obtimuldtIon-meth-od-s-an&-the-prob-lems- -7--01---b-ioplasma-were-w-i-dely-d-iscus-sed-at-th,e-repub-Lic_c-onterence_2__Rrt able] ---01-the_b_iosnerget4 cs of 1-hp cr_ganismin normal_and pathological_s tate which took place in Alma-Ata in May 1971. The time has come to .sum up. the research presented,. and- theo-T-?e-t-Ically ponder over the experar-iatal-rifEter-rar.-S-uchThas been-our-task-i-n--writi writterr-on a discursive-leve-1--.--The ----theeret-i-cal-epIn-iens-arc-e-ften-erisinal-and-Lmay evoleP ? olajP t iOng A riri Ph 1:s quite_understandable... since, we. are ------Q_Qnfr_onted- by a- co ?pletely new. sphere of. medical and biological scien where, as yet, there are no_ astablished cocepts and: obv-i-orhese6, ? a ? ? ? - - ? . Approved For R - 1 1 1 1 :1 pproveor eease2000/08/0 -- ? *??-- ? :E NE ? r, ?? ? - . A FEW WORDS-- ABOUSr..LASERS A--1-0t-hers-been7-wr e _ abou -since-the--1-ow-powered gar.: laserr, were fo-r-a-very. -.1-ong_time not :utilized .in biology_and_uttedicine".___ ? In theLmean_time-the family of lasers-is-growing. Eventually,. thanks-to lasers, it was _ possible to achieve-a-resonance biostimulation of processes taking - ---pra-d-e in the organisms,of. beings and man. That is why. we have ?thought. it an idea _to describe .Lheir ,..ottst..cuction aitt.1 applit.atiotts ill 11!hh11 Optical_quantiuz,sene.rators- (-0aGi-v..ed._-__the.yftKLIAase-r.:.____- The word "Iaser!!. is .made- up- of. the.::fi-rst ?letters of- the English words: light- amplification. by ? stimulated emission .of ? radiation. N -Depending upon the-.nature or- the -light :generated, lasers ? can be otivide,..%...? -into Ihre basic .y.wc) gab ? altd---io*n-,-whos-e bLittu1tion is -brought-- . -about-by an-elec-tnical-cha-rge,--thos-c wi-th-an-op-t-i-eal--pump-ing- on-the- glas_s_,__Ligu.ids_and_plas.tic4 and Serni Cnnal1C-tOr Gas lasers: lasers: Gas optical -quantum generators give the most ? monochromatic light: radiation. . ;At present,. progress in the constructic of gas lasers...*:has _gone .very--.fa_rint----.-Gas- op..'ticalquantum: generators have been constluctect that ractia7te aight-Eon ?areds ot di .t.ent. wavelength -ran . . ? I. ... . . . Le t-us-examinethe-p-ri-nciple of construc-tion of .. a gas-H-e-.Ne-l-aser _which is og_e rate cL_Continuously The basic- Roti-veL_elemeart_alf e gas OQG is;. Within -the .tube .is a ? cathode and an anode, the tube .filled.-_with ? a- mixture-of helium -and- neon.. The partial pr-essure.of .he amounts . to _about .1. mm. and ? the -Ile -ot- o..1 irgn Hg7---thider :the iitfluencu. of Idyll. pruz-e ILLaline-sre-nt-tits-clra-rge . takes-p-l-ace-in-the-tube-,The?gencrat-ing-so-aree-e-f however the -etimulatisDiLot atoma_is-achie_verl_m_i_th_the rrf the atoms. The'.stimulated---.He--.atoms., colliding -with -the. Ne -atoms give off inergy to the-..Later,. whrih- -is ? indispensible ?for-them in turn to itta in anez-Ctort-e-d7s-tate-7771- 2i-r-trisr=vrayr;-aft-Wc`tiVe-medium-7is--tre-a-tect- iff he-tube,. composed--oL Ne-a-tolds).. possessing--i-nverted puyulat.i.UilS in the-elect-tan4-energy- tep_ar.ate__11.:_a_toms;_lb_ring.SL.about-a dispersal- -in ? the_Lac.tive mediuia of thotons, corre?sponding to tfte electron displacements in the neon atoms ram 3 S to 2P level. , In the He-Ne -gas laser one of the electron rsTaa-,c7e-fre-n-tt- 2P-7A is -used. Filfther,-. an iff td-fe-tioritif-d-dh-W-r-e-nt adiat?orr-o-f--crther--it xci-tea--41e--ciitoms-tak es-place-. ? of c-- by-:-tha-tubc. The'. fr-eza_ent-ztath_the_ligittLItakes_closen Long the..i.axits-- of-- the cli-scharge -tube..brings -about the 'formation of a powerful.-ovrrent.--ofinduced, ...trained; .coherent radiation, character- :?:*3:*a-s"Slich...multiple_--paths-- taken- by, the beam is ? achieve ? ..- . by Ane-pa-ral-Le-L-gLass-plates,at-eae-end-y- ixed at-a-def-inite--a-ng-le-to ? zews_te r_angle_ Ed.s L Nradiaiion_taka,s_p 1 .S.C.21431h these-windows- witherut reflective loss. ? The mirrors ? of the sonator are covered by many-dielectric coatings: They possess :high flet-ttlitty77-9-8-9-9%, .and-7con-seWelitly,--ab-s-c5rb-ve ry-ri t t-1 e-righ t- ? el'gri'PaSS--ing_th-rough-fie.tran-spar ertc. 4..Jf Lhe Lirru5 is Lime.,1-far_the--.Laser--being--zablec;tomi-t-a-power-ful-cur-ront-ef r-adi at- tlQUto.ticeableecrea.s_eg rrrir -re sonatcl 3tem of I 411 ri I bh-the: n Iwy_f_.*IWRIaelfigkOMEROQ0.?0..._ - ? - A p p .?i1. L ? s frib-dilEing'a series of He-Ne gas lasers (0QG's1 rarrferent types ofgenerators presented in table one are used in ? W ? ? ? rjap_s_ndimraelease 2000/08107- :s-CIA-IRDP96.00.787R000500080001 0 , . L'I------755RD ABOUT LASERS-- 2 tiby-a-ase-rs-i-perl-i-shed-rarrds- --4rby-e-are use WrC-gIMPITYg,_jJ_is_use d. Zo-r---the-generation-ol-41-ght of-a-gIven :_pal'Ame.ter, the laser has a resonator?In the simpler fypes-,-the- resonator is represented by two semi-transparent mirrors placed towards -----t-ii475hery of the active medium. ,The ,mirrors force the photons ---1*-disperse perpiffardularly to their surface, and frequently pass ----through-the7amplIfyJ=g-medIum. _ . . ? ? . Thls-Ga4lses the appearance-ol-new-exelted ---Subjequently, thp whnle tntaliry nf phntcinq 4q amplified AnAW, when - they pass between the mirrors. This process brings about the appeArancel.- of a powerful directed light impulse in a narrow waveband interval. Sl?ce one of the,. mirrors semi-transparent, a very strong current Li goes-throu-gpezp-errditurlwr----airet7tion in rea-a-fron ?ta--the-mirrar surfaces. All--,the-quanta-rad-iated-stric till-correspond- 1. phase Ana frecvency---3..e. they.are rnherent_ The solid-state, ruby.impulse laser has found wide applications in biology and medicine. The radiation generated by a ruby laser has a Li ?waTeTengtn of. b94.1 A, the power of-fa-araTErifin may vary withrii wide ---Itmitb. .The hig1ie5L light impuise enargy-lwas-obtatned-in-the-re-graff-of The-uti-liz-ation-ol-microscope-lenses-enabrea-of ___the_spot tn hP rPdUceri +0 -F.Prif'hs of a .cluare_micron---At-the-present-- time, a constant plan of work for ruby generators has been worked_o_u_t_. The radiation energy of such a laser comprises a few milliwatts (mW). --WiEh the help of-gUCE a laser it is possaTi-f5-abtain non-thermal -biolollefte-L,Ls of ratilattern--,--an--a-leravelerrgth-of-69-4-.310w-e-veTT --the-radIation arca of-solid-state-lasers-is larger-than gac laser . ROlia-qtAlhm Arlri gas:_laser_s_genermte ltght on_Oefinite_wavelengths. Diagram 1 shows the area of the electromagnetic spectrum from 3oo- 12oo A, that is, from the ultra-violet to infra-red band. The emission lines are many, bu-E- _ there are also blan-k spaces (i.e. the ocai lea forbidderrztrans-i-t-l-ans===-E-ds) . In-c-onnection-ferfth-thrs-th-e- --fact-that fer-Tpurpesee-e-f-spectroscoPY-r-ellemistr?gY7-a-verY Annurate 14hrt1 p is required_for rhiq nr that_line-of-absorbtiom-- _New types of properties were electronics., with__ the aid of which it was possible to cover the -.whole band of the -I174ht spectrum and obtain tife generailoricif-fiaiation on any wavelength -In-the-band-sr6ctur7--Such-gropuTttear-vdr-drs-cove-Ye-d==,=tney-turned --out-to-be---o-rge-n-i-c--dyes-7?Up-to-the-present-time, the -generatton _heen_dicovered in several-hundred-compounds institute of phy4cs Ol_the_aaademy of. scieneea_af_the_____ Belorussian SSR, a dye laser Called 7Radugan (Rainbow--Eds) was constructed. (V.I. Stepanov, A.N. Rubinov,-Ign). Its-layout has tret-a-showm-tff-dragraa-27--The-radrattm-af-a-Trur (142,3,4) tAkee-pl-aeeth-rough-e-eylindri-cal-lens (5) and-a-non-i-irrear-crystalfEr) and_doubles --P-Itrt--the-light-currrent-of-doubled? blgaRga.m,_yavelena_th112.J.A_torolaaad ona dye_chamber_i_in the__ form of a narrow stripe, stretched across the lower part of the cuvette axis, -In:this way, the pumping of the dye is accomplished. rh-e-WkWfation of radiation takeS-gra-ce in a perpendicular direction in tLie-reettn-a-tor-,---formed Ly the mirror (1o), culd the altfLaLTLioiial grating f-illed-wIth-solutIcft-of-va-rbous-dyes, have been lealgMed_in_the_apparaf-us_ The grooves are faRtellea in a gpeciAl der (drum) which enables the rapid change-over from Ile dye to another. The easy shifting of the generation line is BIIIhed- by the simple rotation of the aiffractional grating (8). ''clr-a-laser enables th ..ulses-ranging-In Approved-ForRe1ease.2040/08/07:CIAADP96.4107-8-7R400.5.000-80001-0 ?:Ili- 1. iv . VVVVVV = :;?"E. - -".-? ? = ABouT LASERS - f-from-trarrdrerds-af-ktrovratts-to a few-milliwatts, and in any 0.-stifteand-from 3600 A to lo ,700 A, the-spectral line being-of-e-w?dth- - - t-future, biologists-wil1 have-an, --at _?1741.1-u7ent for the induction of widely-differing effects during --141-...4-Been constructed bsed on dyes, i hich a rapid spectrum change - in iti-..aation and inhibition of metaboli processes. Even now, lasers in lo -s-amffd . -progerty-af-a-tasirrnwill . --Aloubt less 1-y-f- e-w-i-de-app-1-i-e pect-roscopy of I - ? -tio,cb-jea. - ? . . s Semiconductor lasers _up__t,a_the_prpspnt time, gene_rat_ion_has_hepn Af"hiPITima. on_ 24 Rerli- conductor ',crystals. During the bombardment of semiconductors with ' Seams of fast electrons, electron-hole pairs are created in them. The hfficient of-amolificati5H-- . in semicond-tors allows the -oreatton-of-an-op-trcarlquentum-gene-ratar-of a large-surfCe-are6-Orf-- , -radiation-in--the-fo-m-of-mix-rers-*---At-p-reserrt, oemIeondueti-ve-lasers-- _Are being tnrnPd out by our industry - The main element of a semiconductor OQG is the semisonductor diode with Na thickness of o.1 mm and an area of.a few mm.. The. plate --has contacts bonded on two sides. The plate itself is made ug-5t palLs, uumpig-arr-eleuLLull (Y.7type) and. a. hole.. ?P- type) conductance,-The-gap-difference-hetween-them-Ls-called-the- nnction. Th p thir-knpss_of_the_penPtlIAtinn rpgion is_somewhere around a thousandth of a mm. It is in this area that the generation of radiation also takes place. If, an electrical potential is placed -Oh-lhe diode, then .j will -lead to-the aggrarafiatibn of-the yLocess and-the-Iliceratian-orl-energy-?n-the-furm of -4ight 'quanta-r--Semleendueter-dkodcs of-.Arsenic & _4ADA_rAtpd with An impose .currPnt and In_a temperatnre of' liquid Nitrogen. At presente_generation has been obtained at room temperature as well. The efficiency of the diode is high and -EEioretically approaches 7o%. .The miriftur-d-almengrons of-the 1-&-e-EYE7 -the eabe wiLli wh?ch i?glit ladiaLion-can-be-madulatedT-the dIfferent--- -speetra-cf-gen'eratLohy-will-undoUbtedly-in-the-future-make-them-into- roavenient_app A rA t us for phatobialogicaactur_indus try_ produces A_ARmiconductor laser of a wavelength of 9loo A and a power of 1 watt. The most monochromatic lighf-ri genera.EWEITga71-age-f-g777The geneTstton-af-monochromatiu pularized-coherent-light-with-the-aid---- D-f-gas-opti-eal-quantum-generat?ers-permits-the-selectkve-aativatIon----1 )f----matabolical-processes_in_pLiat organisms, animals and man_ iPweve.x.?_r esearch intq the specific effects of laser light during its . tction on biological Objects did not begin suddenly. How the amassing' a-iT6-7EI-6H--51-45I1-5-g-lcal action of laser radiation took place 114-readsr-II-be-alne-ta-dfgavar-tff-the-foltowtril pagEs. Approved For Aro* Ims'a."44."2wee4442184-'84 Ne-Ne 111Z3 II lIIrJLz.'.164 =3 I 7,71 tg7M3 ? zi-etral lines jenerated 03 l'arious active mediums ? souls X-axis :KR 3.4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,1 7 !Aar:ram 3: 2::ternal view of 1:e-Ye laser for radiation of bone fractur- 42 Wand. -:Younds. Puc. 3. Bifewithil aua rentiff-Hecniosoro zaaepa, o6opyanaafatoro Ansi anygeuaR KOCT111,1X nepe.rtomos H pail. :nearpa:mmwe smaRa, rememyembie aa3epom ma pa3aw1HWx airTVIUMX enertax.. ' II: dia7ram of an-optical quantum lr "raduga"(rainbow) (1) ruby lase ..tatanator mirrors (2) -value or of ruby (r) ,,-sv;.tc1:) (3)impulse :las.) lamps (4(1Auby crystal i.drical lens (6)nonliner crystal deubelin,7 to frequency of tile ,:.n of ti-.e ruby laser (7) filter absorbing tl.e constant frequrncy 3 samermrAm 694 i4A4 4 . c3 6 Puc. 2. Cxema onTineemoro maawroaoro remeparopa (Paayras: Raj" De30/41T0r4 py0mnomoro .4434Da: 2? rooms:mop sto6pontorns pyasnosoro lla3epa: 3 ? ifmnyabcxue aamniaItKKII tom Anew 4 ?Kpmcra.1.1 pybuma: 5 ? uNAHHApHsterocan Mitt la. 6? Hearoteilttria boticTaia. macToty 143Aygemwi IWO AaJe0a: 7 ?4mibrp, nor.loWSFOLLIKCI mellaMtHemmyKI lactory: 8? AnctipalutHOHHan peweika, (10?Opor K0100011 4:1e1 tmaanyou talkY MINN* rettepaqwu ? orparnisenHoG otl:tacTN. 9? pescobsepriwA 6apa6aii c 10 scpoeeTapd?, 3anonmemiihi4m pacraopaMm p13- JOINNIOX Itpaorreifea: 10 ? iweo4no eP1471110 Aaaips imacrreile. raction wl-en rotated, gives s!ift in jenoration lines within d ran (04.m.evoavnin- d;thinkA3/67 1 it ' i' it PI?Ea 5rocYsKRI/We(1 o'r outr.ut mirrorDWEP of-Ot6.7137Va s01,2001:1131:100 1-0 rcv Release 200 I I: I - .-s s 87R000500080001-0 .......... '''---d-raetXrrwrmlros'roWmr43"T. ? ? " S-- si k.o ------ - 1-LTNSiEClFIiDION OF fASERkAY0IIVING7TRGANISMS ---..------;ftnediately-afte-r--the-croation of the-41-rst opti-cal-quanturn ? ? ? 004- ? n the_possibilftigts of 404:41,420:x.r_t_ccoo $01.1.3__thcra for biological or medical purposes. As is known, lasers ---4144 radiation at various frequencies including visible or red ----ite,17"-The first lasers were made tor the reZ-part of the sped-El.-UM-7 1 erft..Lb ur laser-r-adtation-were--- -41n-lactir corm? - ? ? ? ? ---atost-istedied-in-thc rod li-ght opect-rum. As-yet-T-11-t-tic- is-known t-OthPratvicit-Ingr reseArrh_ At- i-hp present. time.,__tuby_an_ci sc-ne iasgrs are the most widely used in biology and medicine. Ina material presented gives an idea about which routes researchers --fic-7.-ifter new sources o t appeare , sources o g iritensfET:- 4:-1. Vitn-dr,in that one---5f-th-cr-characte-rtgt1cs--z3-'f--Ia-s-e-r--Itgh-t--is-notr-- -c-nly-its-hi-gh-e-f-f-ieIeney-b-ut--a-lso-i-ts-eh-aracteri-s-t-ics-o-f-monochromatic Anoi-hr chararterigtic_o_f__Laser_Light_is that_i_t_can be produced by short impulses, such dischar_ges can _ attain large power values. As a result, the action of the powerful on baalogi-ail objects creates the phenomena of-a-1-6-dirlY-- cCrItained-ttreLiudl erfect-.?The-therlual effects crf---laser ?a re-widely-applied to-day-in-medicine,- -A-great-deal-of-research-has e.a_devptPd to finding out- t1ic arti on nf _ruby lAcprq _ Sight. Thus, lasers have found wide application as photo-coa_gulatprs for the treatment of swellings, exfoliation of. the reticular membrane, and other diseases eye. artTy7exper_i_Tnental-w-6rk-fsras- -carried u. 01-) ULdliLIoluyitS converd-thz-hlyli.--_power-lcuiti., in --- --a-ophthalmo-coagulatorAr-apparatus-into-a-ruby-laser-and--obtained--good curatilte_._elfactsgacheya 11969) carried out experiments._on_ more than 7o rabbits of the strain chinchilla. Radiation was effected with the aid of 'a ruby_31aser ihose wavelength was 6943A, the length of the impulse was lo seconds. The radiation energy on-horny .00 ? ??? f ? el and 1 jo-ul-e-r-respecti-ve/y7---rt-was --observed-that-at-this-energy-le-vel-ol-radi-ation-at-o-cco-2-joules-on-- ____th ecticn,_the_total destruction_of.. _the pigmented cell i as well as the segments of the rods and cones of the retina.1 membrane could be seen. Layers of nerve fiber were observea:-At a period of lo ?th-e-ra-d-r7--tIleT-e--was-an-ab-s-e-n-c-e-crf-the---layer- of - the-rods-and cones ? -a ncl-the-p-a rne 1-nec lei c-lay-e n-- the---- -remain-ing--Layers har ly_any distrophic_change.s_.in_the_perinuclear_ende: w_e_re obsrved. With the increase ofr_a_cliation _ energy naturally more wide and deep damage was noted. Over a 'period o _ locarrty ef-daMage per presente-d-aTelris -15-allreran--atto-ph-i-c--Ive-rto-rettntal--grouve ( ridgel-cont-a-i-ntn-g-cho-logeni-c- -I-n-the-retinal-envelope, surrounding-the-ridge- --distrrophal-changes_pere observed---DatA fonnri in liferature_comfirmed ___?.112i_the_AgtjAzn of_QQG rays of wavelength 69434ki_im2u1se length lo sec, energy range o.o2--1 joule, creates changes in pigrixentary epithel a o optical and vascular envelopes and-the degYee ai -pcnwtrates-the-eyes:In-other-se-ct-i-on-of-the-eye-around-the-epi--- -cantemage-hardly-any-chain-of_distrophal_changes--occurs_._____This app_Lte.s in_the ey_e_i____Lome researchers_ observed the absence of any damage to the tissue of the eye duting application of OQG radiation applied with the purpose of coagulating. iveope. (L.A. Linnik, L.A. livedwed7,.nko, and-bthers7-1969). ------Those--s-h-owing-the-recurrance-of-damege-around-the--zone-cf agui-ation -1,-.a.._Bui-man (et al, 1969) obaerved_possibla_damagingeffec_ts_o f laser radiation on organs of sight. In the opinion of the authors cited, the unfavorable action of laser light is increased in condit- rdift-dT-row illumMtion cambint ii ghtThgI'e 2000/08107 : Mani 00787 R00_05u0n8uu u _ *r? ..-':??,2?4??????. ' ? ?,Ine.litersre.4.1171F OK. ...7014U/SkitiPTIMV-P-airr, r ,') t. 1 I. (^) , APP-Feve - - EZZFZED-ACT-I-ON-OF-LAS E R-RAY G-0 R GAN1 SMS s the action of small amoantsof stain comb_ined_with_laser ray_ action. When radiation is effected through a special microscope, poyfirlT:17-67A-baleya, a selective d-i-integration of the mitochon- a-I-cells-of-the-cardiac muscle-by-the iii ulsaction Of an argon se_r_Ls__Wase-rved-r--S-vieh-selective dis ochrondri y_toch,rome--C,-whIch-absorbs-g reen-- xperiments have been devoted to chan es taking place uence of laser radiation. At 3o-5o Joules er-to-or-gra-06-which manifested iteself in the 1o.n.11_04--a-ves4e-le-viti-th-air--exedatory-in-fl-amma-tory-re-actiuu aud-the--- app_eArannp of a rind wifh clu-r.paqive-inflammations---(decomposItion-Y,-- The majoriy of radiated. hamsters_survive.d._ _In_those_that- 61 larl ---7nteasive damage to their bodies was. found.... Usually, they were --Iler:.:45--and edema (dropsy.) irx the ventricular .walls and in the -crgansT-stomach and-intestines. As-far as the.vd-HEYTEI-ds ar?e-- _--ncerned?si-tuated-betweem-the-damaged-zone-on-the-venLricalar-vall- _ *nd 4-he damaged_intprne1 nr ans,_inteatiaes_anr1 stomach,-no-visible--- - -chances whatsoever were noticed. - ----histological investigations made on the damaged skin showed ITE-a-t-Urfferences7between tEITving and.nonr-living cells. Hair ---4-11.4cules-rataiatag-their ptgment-an7d7those-having los thin were _ clearly-vislIbe,--:Vesicles-appe&red-F-alter-the,action o asar-redtat- ia thP epiddrmis. _ Numerous investigations have.been maae to discover 6f ruby laser radiation on.the organs of ventricular cavity, chest7-tne pelvic areas, and_so on. . -------wheu ruby light radiations of grewt-thtensities are applied, -nocrotic-phenomen-a-are-observab--Thus7-ralakaLiug Lhe headb uf "Z?elleigY?lavalS_helnW 10n 7nilles_brought-about-the-death-s4-thei r_1:-rity of the animals, within a period of 24 hours_after_radiation.2 ',':ecding from the mouth, nose, and ear channels. and eye orbits was intercranial hemmorages-. were visible in the area of the,. rIrne-7ial distribuLious, BLOMdC45, andr-COndliC-trIlt?TtiTtUratOrY7 4::1?anne 1 s .?No-n et-ice-able-morphia-3_ ogica l-change s--we re-ob servab le-i hcae_tissue_. lioureven, 1-hp marrow cP11c_had lengthened-and-nuclein sed. In this wav-??investigations_have_shown_that_at_energies__ loo joules, wavelength 6943 A, about lo% of the energy_ e penetrates the skin, muscles and cranium. It is neccess the-above-men-trot-fed-result's were (515tairred on Mice, radiated-skIn-seeters-we-re-shaven-clean-of.furv--Whe e fur was-- damage_tm f-1.1P brain was 1Ps5 _ think it is possible to limit ourselmes_with_the_factual_- 1 demonstrated showing the varous thermal and non-thermal effec -!radiMion. _The abovem-mentioned compiled, data sufficiently effectt-b-rought about by reidlation-c--Aoeerai-o-the-oP inion of R-;--KIein-mm:1:=S7-Fine, ?z4=t-'....?a.isms--r,f lase_r_radiarti,cm--can-b-e--seen- -from the--vantage-7--L.- , hypsItheses: ? ; ....,.ajely thermal. hypothesialoased on.the.investigAtion of the__ and in .vivo. According to this hypothesis, the effe ts rtt-At.oa as-far-as-they pertain to the cell. are basi-&--Erly not f..1I4rortt-f rom-the-effec Ls uf lur -t:vrOtua4.1r thermal-h ating- :* f--many,,--.facteme-r--aceordla.g-te-wh.ich, -various;Jt?-idered_th_be of primary irnpariance_Aszith_t_he_exceptthn: ira_9' the temperature _during radiation- . *--41ee Ith.edomination of- the vari.ous_ factors depends on . Tr-a-%dt-ErFtensity of the inci-dent radiation and is determined' rrtfic-p- = ' ? ." ,= ? : : : ' pEC.IF-I2 ? ? t ? S ON LTVI.NG_ORGAN_ISMS=6 radiation. The most important parameters of radiations are in the form of energy, energy level, power and intensity, wavelength,etc. e p ysical paranWr6r-s-uf-b-1151Pzitt'al system-havill-g stgniftuance arel-relkecti-ve-properties, absorption-properties, thermal-conductvit: and-mechan-ical-p-ropertles . A.-A.....norodetakiy_reports (116.51_that_the_light of a ruby laser can brin about a free-radical state. The action of the focused laser radittion was studied by them on freshly prepared human blood samples. s o am n ng accor ing to the amage . o eri-trocytes-was-dis-covered--r-ttke-- Ieuepcytes--remaJ:ning-undamaged---Tmog.2.ob-ln-p-f-eritrocy-tes_...is___ cially easilydama_ge_d_Ldi..s in t...egt1 ky_tha.iti grLimp ui se s . . . . of a ruby laser. . During investigations made of the EPR4spectrum of a whole see series .ot biological saMpre-8, a serres of-not-e-wofthy fatg-were shavenrsk#1-surface-of animals-was-subjected to as-in-vi-trd adiation---Sooh-atter-radIation these sectors were dut_off.aad_Jaaaed ia_aa_amp_ule_lOr_EPR anakysia, Piamented and white skin was analysed applying the EPR method. Un-radiated skin, white as well as pigmented,.. did not give out any ----rPR-gignals. In the radiated pripTETIE6d-&-kin, Pi sr/nrIg-iTerd-Tet7 ?crded-7.?tEPR - elecLicnr-paramagneti-c-resonance.-Eds An-ERR-s-i-gnal-was-also-observed in the-erlt-rodytes-ot-plgeons-- aftpr fhpir qtbiection_to Consavleatly.,_th activity of laser radiation on biological tissues leads to the appearance of free radical states connected with- pigment clusters. b, _ investigd-frdhs have also been md-de on human skin. The radidtrUff ;-J ---cf kii sal4ples-vms carr?1 out with the aid-or. a ruby laser. It-- -----was-discovered-that-ohly the-plgmented-skin-ot a human-being-giveS-- " stable_EZE_aignals____The_aature of this signal is connected With t..2 _the_p.igment---mellonin. One should not ignore the possibility of VJ the participation of multi-photon processes in the biologi-arreff-e-CTS.4 (1.,..6..-"Rubin, 1969).. . shotad-expect-a-7 considerable-intensIty-ofmultiphoton-processes-from-organic zzlecules.,_insofar_as they_Roaseas._Xide_intenSiYe_abs.Orb.tion_Areas_f?nQ that part of the spectrum. A definite probability exists that under rn the action of laser light beamed on biological objects, multi-photoni3 -P-rd-cesses will take plea-b. ? . _ AccordkLg Lo-the- (1R65--)-i-an-experimenta: ,--,nfirmation-o-f-such-precesses-will-bc of considerable-signill.cance-. the following_considerationax_lt is a2d.ellmknown_lAct_tliat the visible waveband sectors, light quanta are of extremely varied quality from the point of view of.the biological effect that - .1-15--t-diauce (extremely different qualit-6tiVe1y).. /or example, re-d- does-not shavr-a---large-effe-c-t-p? Lhe-photosy4ILliesisilly iibSueS,: and-violet light-can bring-about-some-suppresslon-of-life-aGtivit: ..11travio1et_lighf 1n fhp rpginrcof 7,500--7,60QA_AADSOrhedhy_MUC1eiC ?riagS about the death-of cells-. However, under the action .erlight. lethal consequence& can take place,. both at lo,600 a weli-a-g-57Soo A. .As a. matte.nof-fi7E , e ouv-p ofon a.c7.rption-of-a-neuridymium-taaer-radiatiad.?.... 1076oro-A7or-a7two v,....7.,tt?n- absorption-of-it s-seeland,-rharmenicT-S-Ape-A-will-be-equal-to-- .a.c.t,La_.f_l_..asuzmLt.tlm_o1_wavelPngtk 2,65o A ronsalgolpnfly, in ments_and evaluations of data obtained,_it is necdessarv to take ;:tr-tion the possibility of the existence of multiphoton - ases. pres-dnt,-th ? t-ensite-re's6arh is being mad 139_6-00787R01050QQ801:101:0 r_p_ri_Efarizelease--2000108/07- CIA-RDP96--0078 ------ -- - = =E :E E - ? = UNSPECIEIED ACTION_DF___LASER_RAYS_OH_LI-VINZ_ORGANISMS_= 7 ? After radiatioR Hela cells with the aid of a ruby laser, change --------m-th-6-thromosomes of th-eir tissue structure were noticed, which eUnN gent-wi-tli tlle-ctran-ges-in-th-e-ram-rems The-p-roce-s-s-crf- ton_ar-testeWhe_p_rsphase of human 1 pucony tP cul tures subjected to ruby laser radiation, are.described. After chicken ryos were subjected to impulse ruby laser radiation, abnormal were Observed through the shell. The extremities of the ?e?ritb-ryos-be-came-defcrrmed-i-and d 1umpinets-waa-oear-61Wd in the Thexe_haVe_been rep stq nf the pnpgihiiii-yOf___clamaging_inner cell organelles in the culture of the nocardic tissue, with_the aid of microwave argon laser. Therewith, a collective destruction i---------6T-ITEE5O-h-bndrla in liVIN4 cell-NOT-E.-he tissue culture can be observe g-thro-ugl-r-the-experi-mental-data-concerntng-the-a-ctron---61--- -and-ruby lase-rs-on-t-i-s sue-culture- ..-ce-I-Is-i-the-ma-j-ori-t of &u?hQrS_COIfl&_tO co.n usion 1-1-1 al- inn rapi_d_dazna_ge_clevelops in the membrane structures of mitochondria- the endoplasmatic reticule (N.F. Gamaleya, . Apart ftom that, the suppressive action of-Hellum,-Neon laser lly LE. j obseTved i tlie itulttglic.. tton o?itfleISiiiTh--tra-s-t-fe-- , culture. ? Recen_tly, works_have_been_pthl i chPri rnn ri4 rn tag 1-he possibility- of obtaina9 chromosome aberrations under the action of uninterriipte laser radiation of various wavelengths. He-Ne lasers 6328 A, power 12 mi-Iiiwt-tt; argon lasers .4880 A, powef-1-15--Ei6gen lasers, A, -power-1-W, LaLbon-dioxi-de-uf loT600-A, poweT-1-Watt7-wr-6-Us to-b-ring-purt-these-effects,--Onion-roots-of-the-baton-type-were-sub- j.esi_to_r_adiati.on. At the sam p time_,__a_:marked_increase-of-aberrat output was observed dliring radiation by spectral lines in the visibl Baffd. It waff-drtcovered that the percentage of:the chromosome abectLLcnz ouLput is --deverlde/aL waverength 4880 saturation-was-observed,--Wi-th-a-further-increase-of-dosage, no inarease_in_abeeration_output_maa_established?For-a-wavelength-of- 5862 A, the curve was of a resonant character,the output of chromosome aberrations at 1.4 joules/ cm'. ? As is appifEEE-If5m file material of our review, the majority oi wul. k hdbe'eL1 devated7ta-biotagical ragarch7tritO the actibn ot longway-e-monoch-romatie-red-11--ght--e-f-a-ruby-I-aser-of-high-irrterrai-ty-w- Tn thPir work, in n-attention-to-rese-arch-In-to-- changes taking place in fermentations, tissues, .etc. oc.c.uring durta( high-power radiations, when thedomonant ?factor is the thermal ettect. At the same are, hardly any isolated. experimental facts a: known-abro-trt-gas----kaaer. radiations of comp-ardttvely. lowpowr, but high-degree of-coherenge-nd-po-lari-zatIon-7-7possas-Ing-noh-Lheillial---- speoifio pffPrts At the g,ame_time.,_such experimental-findings wen not explained, they were uaot_u.sed_aS._departure paint_far_syatpmat- research. ? Let us now consider. a few of_them in. greater detail. . E. lax-a-ander and R7-----7-Rraus .0.967077aid some interesting. - ------e-Xgertmerrtat-work-aintedr-at-exp-raining-trepl iOiogical ettectivene f----1-i-ght-ob-tained-from-hoth coherent. ad oncoherenL SOul_oes. nonohe._telit--source of light-equivalent in-ene-r-gy-anave--- length was a monochromator?Jane ot_the_indexes-of_photogyni-htzsic intensity of chlorella (a plant, which grows in water in.closed-typ ecological systems---Eds) served as, amAndication_of_the_degree of ained by the auth-Titt Is contained in lgase 2600/08107 CIA-RDP96-00787R0005013080001-0 DISLuNIERTSMY. DUiived-Fef-Release-2000/013/07-: CIA-RDP96=0-0787R0 __SPECIEIED-kCTIAN-CT_LASER-RAYS-ON-LIALING-ORGANISKS-=8 The authors suggest that coherent light is photosynthetically more active than non-coherent 1f4ht of the same wavelength. Laser 30 % mure-effe-cttve-thari-that-of-a-whita-rtght-lamp-or--- :.-----mvaochrometer. 0.1:1-J-Sachkev (1469) also-pbserved-a-sharp-increase--- i e_Hproduction-ol-hydrogen-biluemgreenwater_plants-when-they were__ supplameatalle-Ne laser light. Of great interest is the work that has been done by A.I. Semenova and V.A. Singayevskiy (1969) explaining the biological action of , ow- n ens y laser radiation on the living org-adiralti-(diatais). cariied-out-experiments on G87---whi-te-rats--Research-was--- e-lat-o--the-h-romenal-reaction-on the suprarenal?Radiation-activity as___Jelfected_with_the_aid_of.Re-Ne, ruby,_aad.Nd??_lasems,The experiments conducted showed that the action of He-Ne laser radiation of constant activity-/i.e. continuous waveoor CW---EdsY-Over a period of lo-2o minutes brings about hormondT-t-66-Cti-offS-ilff-the-SUgrar-enal--- QLb mai4 1.- esting-themseIves-with7--the-7-decrease-in-the-numer-of--- --4-o-zynophy-les-in-t-the-per-i-pheral-b-lood-by-4)3=.7-b-%-7-the-increase-of_ prarenal_Weight-by 2o -4o .the dec.rs_jj the content of _ oids in the suprarenal cortex.. These changes obtain their maximum value 15-20 minutes after radiation wi-i-Iatiated, and-2-3-Eburs after ormonal itsiTitThl level. rn-to-the-iniLkal-Ievel-took-more-than-5-or 6 hours-in-- sy-ste-m?A-similar-hormanal-reaction_was____ from the hormon61 reaction a sharp increase in tiie demand for hydrogen of 50-l00% was observed, A.I. Semenov shows that a single gas laser radiation is eV-IV-a:rent tc5-1.a.riy-Yeat-Ted-tEdra-ttOfis-Carrrad-oUt 7-00G-of-the-ruby-and_Nd++-type---- Furt'.4,e-r1=re-,--A-I.--Semenov-and-V-A--Sengav:veskiy-have_discovexecl_ that_lm_iadiating the eyes of animals with even low-intensity gas laser radiations, wavelength 6328 A, brings about considerable functional changes in the cardiovascular system. Changes in the tone of the vesseigThave been este-blithe .-d--7---;Vf-ter adaptation-to-darkffe-ss-, about a di sp-1 ac eme nt-i n-a rte r i al-p res sure ak e ! lace in the direction of its increase atter the eyes of a rabbit have been subjected:- to He-Ne radiation.-.A displacement.of Ca-Na (Calcium- S-odium) balance in the re-fro-Utaf-fissue of-Ehe eye Hat-b-e-e-n-ntat-a-d.? uurding to the-authurs, ..---a-1-1-these-effecLs-A_an bring-about changes in---t-h.e-para-sympathetic-s-ector-o-f--the-nervous-system, that-Is,-they---. Are_o_f_a_mago-Fropla_character. Consequently, as the various experimental work shows,* living organisms are able to react specifically to the action of laser radiation of different wavelengths and intensity. The e-meulloiLe-d1JiLliogiaphicaI7-data-demonstra es h ---gredual-evolution of-the-opini-ons-GL-the-reseerchets-concerning-- . +-he mechAnismq of laser light_action_and_thegrpai-er intprpst_ahown__ to the problems of the photobiological non-thermal effects of this ' new form of radiation. . To Show the perspective,ot..: this development in the utilization effeL;ts one-can ge-beek as far es 196-5=when-it-was possiblc to-get-acquainted-with--- thp effpc-hg af_increageA himingtcal activity with the aid of mnnn- chromatic red. light, linearly polarized. (ir-M- Inyushin, 1965). Since then.,.-.9: years have. elapsed?As . .result of intensive work, consIdezAble-material.concerning the biological. activity. of7Mono- 7---chromattc-pularized noncchemen-t-radiatton-ana ydb ldsei radiation las- ----lse-en-arnassed7?Th-e-rescurts-of t e etV?T&tions .4rpreserited in .Apprated'rdrftbteaSe2000108/07:-CIA-RD-P96--00-78-7 0-04150008090-0--- USIS.DVARTMENTS ONLY ? __PHYSIOLOGICAL_ACTION-OF-MONOCHROMAT-IC-POLARIZED-RED LIGHT ON PERINIEB&L_BLOOD_AND__BLOOD2rEORMING_ORGANS The-frrYt-eXperimenES concerning the discovery of the actthon of laser rays or other Light wave apparatus radiating monochromatic RolartZe_d_Zed light on tha_mDMPOsi...tisulia.f_peripheral blocd_anri Lood-forming-were-carried-out-in-Alma-Ata-at-the-faculty-of-bio-logy-- -b-f-th-e-K7sY0c-h-gfafe- rtraire-Thi-Ey. Such research was neccessary for the evaluation of the specific readt,iiteness_o_f_the_hlood.m.forming_organs_sub_j_ected_td_l_tght_radi AH on_ of-defi-nite-quantum-and-wave-parameters:-Ith.ey-were-to-open-the-way? for*-7"--the wide use of-laser radia-fibn-rn the drinic. During the total radiation of white rats and cats over periods Qf_a fem._ _rat ru.kte li_rt on co lie re nt....1.1..g.h_t_o_LaximuntauO&4 o -over-e-period-of-lo-daysT-we-observed-rises-in-the-content-of-erito--- cY-fes and leucocytes (V7M7-IfifrushiET-I965, 19-6i). On the 5th day after radiation the content of hemoglobin increased to more than 12 ri units . he__numb e r_o_f eritzooy_tes d.e_c_re_ase_d_somd_wha_t_oxe he_d ay_ a f te -- - the--i-ni-tiation-of--the-radiat-ion-l--and-as-the-time-went-on-progressive-ly F- liotFto S-9nul lion, towa-f-d-g-the loth-cThy of the experiment. ? Similar_mactions_siere obserme.d....in_dcLgs whioh_were_aubjected 1----to-noncoherent-polarized-monechromatio-rcd light-radiation-of the --very sa:t6-riffe-nSity. All our experiments were carried out as part of a plan to make a_comp_arative emaluation_of_noncoherent_aad_to_a_lesser_ ,.degree, L--monochromatio-red-light-obtained-from-gas-discharge sources-and r----IIS'et---k-Aardtidir:---,Making use ot tiouresence microscopic studies of blood smears, we came to the conclusion that under the action of . ______gas_laser_radiation_mamelength 6328_A_radiation intensity 2_mW/cm2 i---7-(wi-thout-any-noticable-thermal-affect-Y-already-a-day-after a double --tOtat-Edratibn of-White rats, there was a rapid increase in thb- amount of young forms of red blood corpuscles--reticular sites. In_connection with_thia_and in nrrlizr to ma.kP an accurate evaluatic ? 0f4pone-marrow-produe1ion-or-ertrooytes-under-the-actich-of-stimu1ants --it-rt--ffat enough to take only the number of eritrocytes and reticulra- cytes into consideration, in our laboratory more detailed experiments t____were_carriell out. The average matrirei-inn time nf refirnlAr cites ---was-determined according DP O. N.E. Moszaldiaa-ti A series of experiments were carried out_xhich_demanatzatad_that-. TA'eV--' ; A ;3,-; i - - _ ctoL u ,USIS DEPARTMENTS Oni. iroved-Fof-Re lease 2000/08/07 ,:iCIALROP96-00787R0005000 M/SIOLOGICAL-ACTION_OF?MONOCHROMATIC?POLARIZED?RED?LIGHT---.-.-.--2 1.5-2 times, already the 3rd day after the 2 min procedures of monoc romatic polarized red 11-4Et activity obtained from a -----about-qui-te-a-steep-increase of-eritropoetic-production-___But?the eld-trop_Oes.is_glIrMe_Of dtfferentiation has a more wave form character. . in terms of time then in the case of. the action of monochromatic red light issuing from a noncoherent source. The in-Creased production of t- erf1.5-dytes was observed in-the-b-Ase of theactivity of total laser !----ratliation-.7?The-?nc-reased-production-of-erit_rocytea-in-comparison-7-with L____the-norrn-was-observed-also-on--the--I-7-t.h-day--after-coznmencement_of L----radLatian_ Consequently, the effect of monochromatic coherent polarized light manifests itself as being physiologically a more resonant . ------dparacter thari-the noncdhererit, add-rta effedt pe-rpetUates oVef ?-----lorrger-periods-of-time-after-the-Hitial-effects. However,-the -----noncoherent-source-of-polardrzed-red2-light-cthe-apparatus-tor-thermal-- ____Light_radiation_p ate effect on the blood-forming organs._ . ? The condition of the marrowLduring7Ehe. radialon.of7riving crea ures indi-C-dte-g7th-At-this-ray-fattor acts-as7-6.7sfimurator-7.7-rt -----was-aIso-noticed-that-after-a-single=27--min-radiatIon-with7--the-aid ----of-noncoherent-monochromatic-polarized-red-ligtit thAt-the-nuziber-of.-- vasophilic_and_golychrome_eritroblasts increases 5-10- When repetitive radiations were carried out aver a period of 7----4 days, an ' increase of young eritroiTaifs was observed-lbazopiali ------pdlychrome--and-hdtmobrastST-T--The-h-amber-o-f-mie-Iocytes-increased, e spec-i-aHrthe-eozinopiti-le-by-a---factor-of-3-4---compared-to- nomad? ? conditions---These-was-an-increase-in-the-activity-of-mitotic-activity , of the_bone_marrow cells, Also, considerable changes were noticeable in the milt. (spleen). In the initial stages, a filling, up of the spleen witE hemo1orizid--7 151-aid-tUtk-grd-o-67-and-t4ith-fUrther-rardration-by-monochromatit-porartzed e light there-was-an-increase-in-the-number-of-young-lymphocytes-,----- L WhIch-demonstrated-the-existence-of-the-activation-of-lymphopoesis,-- ) 19671, To evaluate the reaction response of the spleen we applied the technique of biotic staining introduced and-aic6Treie-crin their time '----By--DTN:-Irdeenov and V.Y7-A-1-6Raridrov.(19-40-. The-niaMeriCI-evaIliatfori- of Lhe surhic-stain-(neutral---red-)-vas-c-arried-out-with-the-aid-of- --phetoelectro-colorimeter,--Thc data-show-that-the-maximum-changed-of-- sarbical_prope rti e s_is_obserae d_f commencement of the 2 minute action of monochromatic polarized red light. The increase of sorbtion compared to the control group (of animarg)-o-6mpfige-a-Ticari-RF-74-(5%-;--., Dufing the-total re-dr,YEna r-by yas le.L-tIght uf-wave1engt1i-6-3211--A of adequate duration and intensity , a Sharp-Lncrease-ot-sorbtion-already-after the-fixst-cne-oz-two-hours was_obsemmed_after_radiation. The excess_or_sorbtion_indicatars (indices) can sometimes be from 1.5-2 times greater than the norm. At the same time, the consequent drop in the amount of sorbtion staininc ----taxes place more rapidly than in the case of-Yadration by noncoherenf, ----mnachromattc-polalized-red-Itght (the data of-N.Gy-Tkachenko-0. he-resutts-ohtatne-d-demonstrate-7that-during raatattorF-the ---e-ffec-tiveness-of-respense-is-determine&-h_v-fl-uence:-o-f-_-the-degree '------0-f-monochromatic1l-y and aq far ag ig png-glhae. rnherpnrp nf radiation. During the action of laser light, the response of the LPleen is more distinctly expressed. It is interesting to comment that an idiosyncratic accumulation of activity takes place in every case within thefirst three da s. Durina the_action-of.laser .. --A oVe-c1F6r1Release.2000168/07 * :CIA-iRDID6--00g7R000600080001-0-- ? ? PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF MONOCHROMATIC POLARIZED RED LIGHT .... -3 '------tratned-directty-on-the-isolated spleen7-wer-also-observed-ah crease- influence_of light_on_the-orgaa The above data demonstrate the real effect of the action of monochromatic polarized red light, extracted. from the...shortwave ?gEEtnot of lakood-;--StmtiaL i-rreveraible-pathological-changes-af-any--s?rt-mare_observeri_ fhe_reaction_nf b3nodforming_or.gans_w_ere_studied for the most part in connection with the activity of ionizing radiatio: and sometimes ultraviolet light, 0.ectromagnetic vibrations of an uf-ti-z- ? --ifi-g-h-and-extremely EfiTg fTequency. The mat-eriar-Fie-r-p-teryti in-thi-s-s-ection-demonstrates-thaL xerts-a-stimulating-influence-on-th.e-composition-o-f-periphe-ral-blood_ --and_b_lood=fc i ng organs Blood-forming reactions in the organisms of living beings %. subjected to long-term action of laser.light were studi-e-d. In such ? experiment-TWZB-served7a7p6YritidtC-Inhittive-effect-on-latood-farmtng 7-----wIrtch-vras-o-2 a Leverse-character: In-eur- ARL-on-blood--,forming-argans__ and-blood_generated_by_a_laser_om_other_light_sources takes place ? both directly and indirectly. , ? In the first case, the red light absorbed-by the porphirines can brig about the lessening ciI7Ehe resrs-tance cif-tliarder -process-can-be-Intensified-by-adding-photosensibiditizers-into-the_____ The_productc of disintegration_can_be_actimated_by forming process of the marrow. It is known that native blood (A. Chizhevskiy 1973) circulating in the vessesr-domprises an orcre-reU-SysteM7--rn our-ra]b-bratary7-- 1-737,-3ekternischv L leil ouL series-of-experiments:Lt-was-shown- --that-blood-comprises-a-system-vit. h-labirle-phases-ancl a h.ighde_gree f._1 as e _radiation_can_ be realized theough the blood thanks to which an accumulation and migration of absorbed energy is obtained.--- Duarig the ir1ofOQG radiation on-b167:56-63-456716FaartiM:87--a- -decreWse-in-the . - -numbe-r-of-ahsorbed-methyline-b-lue-was-observed:--At- the--same- time, _____the-charaeter-of-the-sorbtion-changes- - their-rise or_lalwere ---dependent_on_the radtation as a rule showed their rise, ? at indicators, their fall. They suggest that Blood is a liquid crytal substance in w1iI5t7-- -ligh-f-in-dtrcs--multi-fari-cras---energy-processes ? -Consequently-i-i s ----posstble-to-assume-that-the-fact-that-the-action-of-laser-light-on---- of a Airect_nature_has_been_proved*__Blaod_is_abs_tance the transfer of absorbed energy_to the various points of the organism takes place. At the sama-7time, the indirect activity of MPRL on the formfilg of-761-bod takes placeon account o-he ad-tr= vafiZii-df-th-e-fundtronin-g-of-the-endocrtrral---tiss-ue-s-tglarrds), above-7.- -and-thyroid-which-have -a di-rect ----relatIonshlp-in-regulating-functions_cf hiond_forming- ?Aj5j5?ved For:_Release_2M/08/0V : CIA-Rb1666-00787R000500080001- ___ _____sAP_TER-0---:--THE_REArTTON__017-ENDOCRINAL_GLANDS_ _ DURING _RADIATION___ BY MONOCHROMATIC RED LIGHT The ability of endocrinal glandd-t-b react to visiblelight s-rommon-knowledge7--fit has-been-shown-experimentally that ulldez- q-Paretior of the_ganadatropic_hormonec in 112_1(aQd_takQA_RIAbe at the front bottom of the hypophysis. Apart from that, it is known that the hormones of. the front bottom of_jthe_. ypop sis not on y contro e gonadatropic actio but also fErluence g atlas cY intern61-ge-ftWttOn. The. functtaff-af-the7thyratd-grand-ts-- L__--ci??-reot-l-y-dependent-on--the-intens-tty-e-f-seeretion-o-f--.-thc ti-reatrophic-- ,---horvione-ot-the-hypo/ihisis____A_A_Voytkpvich (1_9_45)__xppr1mpni-ally tireotrophic fanction of_llynojphises in frogs and toads is activated by the visible light froman incandescent lamp. There are indications that the hormenal-atiVity of.hypopHises Eg--- stimulated by r6d1riglit OTT.X-Pog6v719-4o, NoL mach-has-been-dscovered'about7-the-biologicel ellects of ----separate-monochromatic-sectors of visib1e._1ight Mr Zeltspr hs made resaarCh_into the condition of the thyroid glands of white. L-- rats after they had been subjected to a single total dose of mono-. c?..hromatic red -light 1-a--dr-a-Fron waver-FEI;ffa.6400 A over a.period of---- , 2 and 5 mihut647--A-rrady-15--minutes-after-the-introductton-of-the--- ' isotopeT-the-amount-ol-radioactive-iodine-im-the-radiated-rats-was---- nsiderably-higher-than_the_oontrol gronr- 4v, Thg_maximum i_odi.ne_040atiork i4 obseryed i-6 hours after introduction of the isotope. In that period, the difference_between the control and experfinent-a-1-4roups readhed-maximum amounts,. and arid-was-stattsttearly-signiftcant-T=One-day-after7the72-mill Lad-tat-tom- e-oondition of-the-thyroid-glands-% .".normelized-i---Aceording-to-the- uthor,--the-xesults-ohtained-demonstrated-the-activization-af_the____ yrotd gland_atter_a_single dose_of. monochromatic red lidht radiation. L.S. Prihod'ko and M.E. Zeltser (1967) report of results obtained on the reaction of suprarena to multiple rediatfi5ES of white raysOCFM-7--Ot identrda-l-wave-Idtigth-rn-e-Xpe-rrmeicts-t-O-d-rstblidr- ---the-functIonaI-activity of thyroi&-glands:-A-decrease-in-content-of--- - ascarb10-aci-d-was-observed-which-po-ints-to-the-hypotunction-of-the? ._ superrena-__After_the_single doses of radi_ation no_n9ticible increases in abscorbic acid content were observed. fr- We readhed.slightly different conclusions while examining the -7sabstantive---- -changes-in-the-snperrena-sabjected-to-monochromatio-polarized-red---- light-and-gas-leser-Light-enabled-us-to-dis-cover-a-complicated reaation_nf_thia_organ,___Pifter a single_2_min monochromat red light dose of radiation, the stain sorbtion usually decreased which might point to a decrease in function. Towards the 3rd day r----afferThfje initiation ot double doses of-i--Adf-d-trtal-the suprarenal. sarbtforr-inc:Leased-aboirt-5-o%, and-towards-the-eth-day7-begins-to apreach the-normal-levo l. Laser-lIght-brings-about-a-more-rapid---- 1_____inerFkAge in-sorhtion whirh iq Already_observable_aa_min_atter_a_simgle i____dose of radiation. Furthermore, a sorbtion increase takes lace reaching an almost 2-fold value with a successive decrease towards ,----EEE-6-E,E-day and loth day of actron. i-c,.---terriperral-stl_ueture in a dividing cell-creating-- the-movement-ef-ehromosemes-tewards6-its-poles-A4hich-insure eanal distriblitinn hetwmPn Hie_daughter_cells,_ - eKithrocyte: red blood corpuscle. eritroblast: cell of bone marrow, precursor of red blood corpuscle. Nucleated, undergoes mitosis, grad.- uany-aevelops se ? Te 1 --- =? is rose iii:... ---THE?REAC.1 ION?OF?ENDOCRINAL GLANI3S?DURING?RADIATION- . . . -2 ..----Conseguently,-such-en-important-gland-of-internal.-secretion-as-the uperrenal_happena_to_be_ mared changes in function under the influence of coherent monochromatic light, 6328 A in comparison with a less monochromatic, noncoff-eient ralatfOn witS-th maximum at about-64-55-A. . he-stimulation-of-the-supe-rrena-is-indicated-by-biochemical-data- s-well-as-results-obtained during-histalogical_ane Histochemiral _promate_a_the_tholight_that laser light is as an anti-inflammatory treatment. At the present time, our hypothesis has obtained the support inlinics dealing with a -----ih:51-1Ther-7raf ailments. --------Tougethei WiLh-doctuL 0.A7-2-avyalov-at-the-Tinistrr-of-hea-Ith -obsermed-7o-patients-sufferinc ____from-rhsumatoicL_and__transformat_tona_l__,distrophic__polyar_thri.tis. Of F these, 39 suffered from rheumatoid 22;yarthritis, and 31 from trans- formation distrophic polyarthritis. Among those suffering from F----lheumafardlYaYthlIti-tr-the-re was a prepanderence of women, ages 1----15-65-years7-the-majoriLy, 3o7-having-suffered-for-moren-5-years-,--- i?They-had-many-times-recelved--treatment-in-clinics_and. ,health_resorts_ L-- ithut nY_riQtiCiaJD le therapeutic_effect. At recepti?on? the sufferers were subjected to a whole complex of clinical, biochemical, and X-ray examinations, confirming the ? diagnosfS. According E5-the degree of-ctiVity Cat-etifding-t6-ffeStefo-17) and-the pracess-phases7-the-sufferars-were-calssified-as-followsr ,---activity-cf-first-degreen-154?-activity of-2nd- k-and-third.-degree-- --(in_24), Acute_exudative_phase.,_in l_patient. subute exudative croliferative;? in 33 and fibrose-sclerotic in. 5. patients._ . The sufferers received treatment from a monochromatic red light source radiated from a prototyp-e-FIE=Nd-rasef7-EG=757-WaWiength 6-328-A7--Concurrently-,-5 pattents-were-given-massage-and-phy,sio ?therapeutic-exercises-. The-rarilation was of i-he_general_local_character_of activity on the damaged joints and reflexo-genic !zones, applied in physio- therapy. Radiation exposure varied from 1 to 3o seconds on each area, and wes selected according f6-Ehe-EffitlEI condition of-the patient, 1-.--thd-priagd-g-and-de-gree-cf-process-activity. Some-patients experience-a-slight-vertigor-sleepinessr-and_ ---increased-perspiration_after_the_firqt_2_or_3 sessions,After_adaptatior _..tc_radiations_these symptoms disappeared. After 3-4 sessions, a _photoreaction was observed in all of them. In this period, an increase in pain in joints was observed: FT-1.1z11-E.He patieTits)--the appearance of-:s:4elEffOrhtS-7-tilf-3--gatients1-7-the-tncrease-in-temperature ( S. r--patients);--HLn one-pattent7-eslight-Increase-In-arterialpressure-vas- -registered,--141-this-period, radiAtion_was-prolongtad, hnt_mith ._decreased_expositrie,L__IaL2m/_days, all the effects damppned down. Tow_ards the end, the !pain . sysdrome decreased in 35 patients, the exudative phenomena died dbwn, the area of-joint movement increased77- -MdrErEq--g-t-iffhess was less rnar1? -----No-marked-changes-we oted-in-the-hemegram. The-ROE-became- _ --slight ly-mcre-rapid toloxard he-middle-ot-the-course?returning_to _its_criginal v1 ii towards_the end_cf_therapy, Towards the middle of e_sourse, some decrease in lymphocytes took place, levelling out vdards its end. The S-. reactive of white corpuscles did not change therapy. The fibroqinogen increased toWards--th-e--1--o-th--s-e-sr-s-i-on, and-decrea-sed t0Wd.Vas the 2oth7-remainiging-withIn-the-nerm. The-contnet f-elbumin---increased-somewh.a-t-in-the-middle-01-. i-hprapy.,__and tcwPrAs i-he /nth R.PqR1OM decreased to its initial level. Towards the '-d- taspropkedigle_toolmon_empetwayaebtalkaitiere PET a. :______App-r-eveel-F-or-Release-2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787-R00050008000-1=0? ?Z ? ------THE-REACT=FUF ENDOCRINAL GLANDS DURING RADIATION---3 ut-o-f--39-patients-r-improvements-were--observe-d-in-35.:- The- prayartiritis-and-multiple-ancilosis-(bending -ability-of- a-joint to movq_aS__a_result_of_the_growth_in_joint-swellings---Eds)--and-in 1 patient with exudative Eroliferative phase processwho_violated the regimen. We did not observe any worsening of conditions of negative dharig-es in the joErits of--d-aiHgle paTient. - MiIder-i-de-l-ayed-resutts-were-traced7la-21--p-d-trents-7-10f-fheaG-19 wIth-exudative-pro-liferative-changes-i-ir was_achlemed,_.,. An increase-in-their-mobility-,-a-decrease-- in--morning stiffness compared the_initial_condition. In these-patients, a good therapeutic effect was obtained after the second session Af-fi-rst, no improvements were Ob-served in 2 patients, with-fibro-ackerotic-process-phaseS. . The-dynamics-of-the--amount-of-Seucocytes-and-ROE-in- the -second trea_i-mpnt_did_not_change?k_tendency-for-the.number of I 1 mphocytes to increase towards the_2Pth_day_Of_the_procedures.was - observed. Apart from that, a decrease in the content of generalrTaTh?ThTh and--61-165Tiiins was observed. The S-reactive of white-corpus-1 ces---di-d-Tro-t?charige. ? In--the-group-of-transformational-distrophic-polyarthritis- patients And_14-men-r-aged-between-35---65-years- with-a-case history of more than years, Of_them_21_with_nervo osteo-arthritis primary and lo with distrophic ddmage to_joints_pf_different orgin:_ changing, hormonal, pailesiOngi, and others-. Treatment of those ' pattents-was--the-_ .---samer-as-those-suffering-from-rheumatoid In-this-group-T-am-anelagous-phtotreaction was observed. __However, fhp 1-pain-sy ndrome-decreased-more-rpidly-than-in-those--- suffering from rheumatoid_p_olyarthri6tis?Also,_towards_the_end_of_. the course, mobility was increased. (area of moyeTent)_, There_were_. improvements of greater or lesser. degree in all patients. Hematologic data - :---re-frecit-the-tenzi-enCy-ar-the-ROE-E-o-decrease-7-- The number of 1eucoey-tes-increased-somewha-t--towards7-the-midd1e- of-the -course ,---- - thereafter___decreasing-Lto-inLtial--values-.?The---number-of -lymphocytes ,_,__ increased within normal_bounds. -. .. A.M. Moshcheyeva of the ministry of health_ Kazakh SSR_clinical ---HdTpital investigated some biochemical indicesof blood during '-- ---laser-ra-di-attori-stimuration-rn--62-patierit-S-TsUffeking-froM'Inflainmator?.- ----processes-of-the--- -,--uteral-appendages7--The-dynamica-of-the -white ,.. -? _____corpuscle_fractions-of-the- blood-serum-was--determined- with -the use- - ______AL.E. GurwichLs_method,__The_electrophoresis_was_carried-out-in a buffer medinal -verinal solution of Ph 8.6 with a tension _ r --(ii-ae-ifEral) of 3oo.t.r. . The data obtained was quantdtively deciphered r----on-an-FEKM-1-ghoto-eltron microscogd-7==ETt-F-.--Con-6-dErEaritAY; the ?quant-ity-o-f-genera-1-se-rurrr-white-vras-de-tarrmThed-by-the-biuretic- 'method, 1 r__-_:^..odified-by-L_L.-S-Lutskiy (1-964)--on-a--spectrophotometer--SP--4A-.------ a billret_reaction_is_a_chemiral test_used_for-proteins-in---- -___. solution. Employs copper sulphate in akaline aspliatio.ns_whichgives . FlWe color with proteins and with a few other substances---Eds}. The first-T517.14575f-3r-TS-abjects comprilid patients with an acute -- form o -chrunic- iuflammatoly processes-t-alcg-pra-cd-lh-the-uter'el---- ---appendages,--The-second-group-were-patienUs with-Inflammatory-processes _____in_the_chronic___stateess-, 11 subjects. In.-Ehe control group of healthy wo_men,',. the_mean_level_of_genexal white content 'was in the region of.7.90 t_9.7.7 g %, which corresponded E-6-7-ZYEW-found in the literature. ..DE-Ehe'first group, the content of general .ahite seL tha-01-- th-e-b-too-d-in-2-8-15-a-t-i-e-wts-w as-fel,ittirn-fibrmal---- --A6>Vid-cr*RttetalS42000Millt7-111/WROfte64/04"43-744000130008060-1509-6;0.g%)-- 1.618 DEPA A. 5. ? y ? :31 L,71 rjir = " sr.-iii jiuijtjij THE--REACT-ION-OF-ENDOCRINAL-GLANDS-DURING-RADIATION- 4 The concentration of serum white corpuscles on the_amerage_comprised__ 7.69 i o.o96 g % which was somewhat below the indices of the control - group.--11E-di-ces of the general white corpuscles of-blood ser-um !----dtd-ffot-show-simular-riaes-7-then-the-separata-whita-curgus-cI6-f-tattrdE. showed-marked-changes,--WhIte-corpuscles-were-observed-in-onfive-. _ F====patients?_while, in 2g nf them,a_dennepsp WAS PbliShea Tf-the-- mean index of albumin content in the men of the control group_comprised 4.68 + o.o42 g %, then in the group with acute chronic inflammatory processes t was conarderablii-rower: 1798 + o.98 g % at P less .than . l. . WIththe-analysia-o-f-glohulin-indices-of-serum-blood-fractions-a- naiderable P le ronopnced increases in alphaml_and beica-globulins_was: established. With the determination of the albuno7-globulin indatator coeffiaierit-T-Its decrease was discOvered-in.comparison with the norm,- ,----whrdli-gotnts-t-c-th-shargicentffg-Owo-rseffingr-of-the-infIammatory-prroCes-ses t nder-the-influence-o-falaser-radiation-therapy7-tog ether-with--- a. clinical-improvement-genuine-changes-in-the-content-o-f-the-various- - albumin fra_Ctians....Xer.e_Pb_s_exMed..,_whi_ch_Rointed_to_the._cuparation_of____ the inflammatory processes. Thus, towards the loth procedure, especially towards the end of re-atment7-a-constStewt-triff-AMUMiti-beih-Eent-T5E-sefV6dT-the - ecrease-in-all-globulin-fractions-i-especially-the7-alpha-2--and gamma-fractions---The_alhuminmslobin-coefticient-Index-attained-a--- characteristic vs.lue fpr healthy wQMPI1.1. tA o,o42 As was expected, the inflammatory process in the chronic stage of illness presented a difierent picture. In 2o patients of that gr6up-7-th-e-trid-e-x-o-f-ge-ne-ra-r-arb-timi-n-Taas-sTo-mewnat-h-iqh-e-r-EriarithWlhe-an- index-a-f-the-cont-ro-l-group-r-and-only--1-patient7marrilested-7an-i-nsiynifica hypoproteinia (6.o g W). If-during-aggravation-af the-in-flammatory arocezs. a deozease_at_tfte alhumino=globallin_coeflicient_was_noticdd,_ then in the inflammatory process of the chronic state of illness it was within the normal bounds, 1.56 o.o47. Towards the loth procedure, paraller-wttli-the-MrittwI-maffifeSta-troti-Of-tne-aggt-AVA-trititi-df-thd----- --in-Hamm-tory-process,- certain-decrease-in--albumin--content- was ---pbservedr-the-increasa-of-aLl-glohuldn-fractipns,-and-corresponding decrease_in_the_albustin:!globul.in_ooeffloient_tl.,272O-o4.81,__Towards the end of treatment, a_normalization of the albumin content_of_blood serum manifested itself. TIE-Eans returned moreraPICify to normal 1 &ftd-arpTid=Z-And-OMIlid-grobliTirig-Mdfd-?TowIy. -A7tenTency towards k the-nurmali-zations-o-f-the-albtuitin coefficient--(1-734-v--a7a4B) was--- In_this_mayresParch_mada_inta_the_aihumta_fractiona_of hi od L serum in the various stages of inflammatory processes of uteral . F appendages as well as the influence of laser radiation therapy enabled r -The statement ot the-f5Irbwing --seLum pLuteill uhanges-taktag-place-during-iaftammatary-grucaes ------in-the-uteral-appendagea-reflect-the-' -acuteness-and-severity of the disease_process. The_mpre_severe_the process_t_the_lower_the L____.g.Ligntity of ggneral albumin, the lower the albumin-globulin index_the_ higher the content of globulin. L' Patientswrth7-an acute form of chronic intlammatory processes 6f--- r--mteldl appendiges-sulaje-uted-tu laser-ray-theLdpy r-rec0vezY-r-were-observed-to-reach-a--state-o-f-norma-1-ization-in-their gPneral copfficiamt,_and____ 1 decrease in globulins especially alpha-2 and beta fractions. Towards the loth procedure of therapy interferences in the blood albumin spectrum were observed in the frinammatory process of chronic LApplwe &ease 2130068/0#71ib-MARDPsezerismoo5Ototattatmu-t-7cyf-tne 41;t:oved-Fm-Retease 2000/08/07:=CIA=RDP96-00787R000500080001-0 THE REACTION_QNDOCRINAL-GLANDS -DURING-RADIATION-... -5 ?jpITir rises in albumin fraction contents_were_observed. of the ministry of health Kazakh_SSR_c_linical- -TES-6-E-therapy on 68 ill. women amon g_them_ rom-acut e-f ornr-of chrolii-o-i-rifrin-in-a-tory ? processes... in.. the ItteXal-appenriAge s_-and-3 8-from-a-chron?c--stage-of-rntfraifitd.fion. 44 women suffered fr_g_ro a_two=sidad_infl arana to ry-process-7-and--2-4-- fTOm-- a -s ded (1 .e . bilateral and uni_late ral=Fsris)._-Thefr---ages--vari ed- fr-cf 3 years. --The-duractioti5f illness varied from 5 months to. 17 years. The.. e-o-f o--wometr--c?rere-th--e--teS-U-ET-6-f _abortions in 9, the es..u1t-o f_pathol osic al-f a c t s roVbk fit or was _ chills , in 7 complained of_general de ficiencties,lack-of- sleep-and? rritibility , perspiration. , constanit or pe_riadi Cr-Pains--in- the-lower--serc tar sf---Of st Eh 4 . loins, s , painful, abundant irr_e_gular__meristrationsiand -palenes ? 3o_patie_nt_s manife_sted_a_sub..-fibri-1-(4-?e-F-be-low-fever---Eds) body temperature. 32 women suffered. steril -A-II-the patients were subjectEld to clinical ancl_somet-imes laboratory-tests---durtng Ehe iaerapy. process. Laser ray therapy was carried.--out-accerding-ttr-a-method-w-orked-dtit-bir-iis::7Laser light radi_Stio.n_w as_carried-out-on -specia-l-ly--conttr4c ted-fre-N-e-r-a-S-e-F LG-75, wavelength 63.2 EL.ki__intensity-25-4W--carni- . ? The length of radiation qn_ definite_refle.x.ogenic--zones-and ?kriown-----a--tilitirTa-t-ural points varied according to thp__re.action__of the organism-to -the -therepy-wp-15I-ced"...S. r -total-single-radiation-exposure -ITS-fed-from lo-15 minutes. F The_course_af_the_rapy-from-2o-2-5-procedures7-which-we-re-darfigdOut daily at exactly the same_ti7me_____ The patients did not receive medicaments_eithe.r-hefore--o-r-after- [ sub-3-6-c-fi-on :t6 radiation. In 3o women, after ? the four_th_to_loth---pro-- ------cedures-,-the-acute-stagf-cFrT)iiic in flammatory._pFocesses Q Qthe____ . ?uteral-appendages-showed-arr-improvetelit-rri-general condition; a decrees, _ in__p ain__below-the -stomach-and-. J-1oirrs7-normattaatibn-iii-b-od L temperatuves.?..During this_time-,-a-numberica-l-increase-irrr. th-e-in-dex F of the siafrt.cid was_ ol3P..rv_ed R... 9. .A ith0 Ugh- Sta S ti cal ly- t- turne d r-tAnalagous 'resu)ts were also_obtained-by-us-- ? i in-the-i-ndfces-of-S=1.6-a.-atiVe-albiiiiiii" content. Towards the end of the rapy-f-toge the r-wkfe c t, a genuine dec reasein_the-index-o-f-the-sial acid--was-observed-iii-thi-25-pati? ? which.p9inted _to_the_c_uperation-o-f-the-inf-lammatory- process:As- ralr- as the S-reactive albumin, index_is_concernedr-swe-did-not-discove-r-any- t- -divergences of its content practically speaking,,___.inany (If the-hea-l-t-hy- T ? Thus-, after---the-te-rmimitron ot the first course of therapy of r_._patienta_suffering-from-acute---chrontc-inframniatrfory----p-rcice-sses in the uteral_appendages .._total-therapeuti-e-effect-was-att-ained-by 17, La partial effect by wi-#h no_ effect_rtated_in--5-women-,-1,3-patients--- r ---wrio-diii-n-at-bb-tain the full therapc etfac.t_were_recommended-to? L---take a-repe-ated-dof-faiei -therapy stretching from 1o7_15ittin.gs_.. -- 2-3- months-after-the--fi-rstmourse .. After the second course ended, _lo _out of the-13-patients-attained-a-full-C1---a-1-e-ffect, .which Hie_data--obtained-en---the- iiaA"tacid-and-the S7--reactive albumin. The effect was s_.wha-were-4ater-fGund to in whose cases operative therapy_was nAccassary t-------(Noterfrom----the-G-r-e-ek :pion, and salpincs- - -tube i.e. t "rotting_tuhe a -1-inti-ted-co-11-e-ct-i-on-o-f-r-c5t-iii----th-e-t-itae-fa-I- e w clot ?; ?o ---PeA0?641kPffoilifttegge - ? _ ee -sal U51B DEPARTMENTS .ONLY ? - " _ 7 _ REAC1!ION-OF-ENDOCRINAL-GLANDS-DURING-RADIATION-6 Out of 38 patients in the chronic___4._tageof_illness,_towards_the__ oth procedure, 22 were observed to undergo a .' worsening of general con ition, and-rfftensffication of pain below the.stomach and lains,an. increas-e-in-albumill, lack -of-steep-and-appetfte, In 8-gaft-ents, a feverish-body-temperature-appeared: L1this__.p.oin..ted to the intensification of i-hg, inflammatory-process of the uteral appendages. After the first course_o_f_t_reatmett.27 out_. fthe 38 women noticed a disappearance of the inflammatory state 1---aff61Piffg-Iii-the regions of-Ehe uteral appendages. The latter were r---mcrvabte-at paipation77-.7-gattentg-bb-tainedrnpartial eff-db-t, a certElY- '..-deere-ase-in-the--climens-iorr-ol-inflammatory-formationT-of-712teral-appendage. __Ae.dre_ase_in-pain_at-palpation-A?--No-e f fe c-t-w as-noticed--on -4-patient r- s-- When analY.eing the indices of tie]. adi.d_in..thepro_cess_of_therapy,_a__ noticable increase towards the loth procedure was established. In in some patients, it-ra-Tted-Uritil the end of the first course of therapy. ,---(- Fr onr-o-.--19- 7---+---0709--tcr-------cr.-. 2-1-4---7+-cs;-0/-6-y-,-P-Te-s-s-t1-cah-o7.-O-c517-1.7zhi-ch-- poirrtedto-the aggravatiam,af-the-inflammatoy-process--Towards-the---- ----midOle of flierapy,_the S-rPaative_albundm_indicator-had a tendency---- ? to increase somewhat, however, statietiCally. it_turned_aut_to_be r- -insignificant. 11 Women in the group which did not obtain a full effect underwent a repeated course of laser radiat?on with good results. the p r-oce s s-of -las e-r-l-i gh-t ? --tit In ye gt-tga tions--ma de tn-to-the dynami-t-7-ch7S.ri' es of..-hemograms in ? I tre-a-trive-fft, the-red blood diagram did not changd7in either ofTEhe. paffent groups-No-sIgnficant-increases=in=the-quantity-afIeucocyte-cantnet was-es-tablished----The-reac-tive-index--a-f-eri?trocy-tes-sedimentation-. (Roz)_yAried_ssmewhat_during the_process of i-rpAi-meni-haweveri_these_ changes were within the bounds of physiological norms. When dealing with the white blood diagram, it is neccessary to - ' observe thaf-tcwarda the end of-Efe-Effrf., the quantali75f-Hiufr6pfiYIes ---dafin?tly-decrase-n-patierrts-.-with-chronic-inflammat-cry-proces-ses-in --their-acute-states In the_maj_ority_of_patients_o_f_both_groups,....togethlr-with-their- clinical recoveryj a certain increase in .eoz.ynophy.les_was_obserVed.._. (Note: eosinophil leucocyte: polymorphonuclear leucocyte of vertebrates, confaining granures staining in acid dyes such ii-aTDSin. ?1ii-hiamn -bei-rrgs-n-ormally-about--2-=;5---11---of----air-leueo-cytes-bilt-beebrie-Mtiali-Trieteaied -in -certain-parasitic-infectionsr-and -in -allergies -- -Eds). The; changes_takingplAce corresponded-to -the-clini-cal---recove-ry---- -__Pf the patients. We investtgated the 10.Dg-terin_resulta_Jaf_laser radiatic _ therapy in 53 patients over a.period of 5-12-months. Over the r-:1d mentioned' no symtons whatsoever,..; were 7- ob-se-rvsd in cuiy-of---th-e-women-,--poirrti-n-g-to-the----exi--gten--e-e-6-f-an-i-rifia-"rhM-ato r i---process--whIch-fe-eon-fi-rmed-by cl--i4i-ea-1-?investigati-ons--o-f-deta. L__7_wemea__who__ea sufferedrlier___ from-s-terili-ty?--became-pre-gnan-t . pproved-FOr R-e-reageriooptcrpoz ci4=11DP96pOZS7R00135 ofrirrinnnir c V - atimulation_of_regeneration_by_monochromatic red light. y____theLaocal_Attg_n_pl_Pnaff_XlZgd MPRT, (monochromatic polarized red ht*-wavelength-from--6-300-6-400-A-on-sk4n-wGunds-41esionsY-distribut n_the_ear_of nahhit., a characteristic_histologic_chanse_mac observed which of regenerative processes. This was done by B.LAKoritniy and collaborators in -1967. Although the exper ents?were-carrfEd-O-Ut on th---d-dame rabbi-I, one ea-I-ad-Mg ra-dia-nd by-m0111:mtroma-tfa7patTrixed-itstret-and the uLher-servtag---- purpeseS-of-controlw-dIstInct-morphologica3,-changes-manlfested w:lich Was subjected-to.radiation, already within -a period of three hours a_ mumber of.neutrophyles began-to appear than in i- ----th-E-arTY61 ear. In succussV-e periods, an ificrease in the in- -----ten-s-Ity--01-ph-agacytts-was=. ted7-Thd-bacteria-1-flora-compese -----o.c-diplo-and-tetracocc-i-elmost-entrely-phagocytosized-in-the wound_exuriArp A morP -rapid-healing2.of_uoundaLwas_regis_tered when monochromatic polarized rectlight radiation was applied. At the basis of the obse&ed7effect, according to the authors, lies the jion of-Ehe?transformatiar-i-of-ipropeffids -6-ctivrty-cf-palartzed-red-1igh L. --A -larce-dycle-of-work-was-earrled-out-by-prof-,-D,L,Kori-tnly, _ exclaini n_m_some_of__the_morphalogical_and_histological_displacements_ In-4-he_auto-transplantation:of.the Ain of a rabbXh during the action cf monochromatic red light;?It is curious that during macroscpic .Cr.serT/R-tions, a vefy-di-gEincf-diffeYent-d-i-h-th-e-C-driai-tion of tr,nsp/anted-sk?n-tshreds).1s7engenderea-with-hardly-noticeable ..-.7nitterl-ings-(-tripej-intenstinesk-During-histologica-1-tr-ials _ zhara-teristir- ?hPnges mAnif_Pated_themselmea_alreadyLia_the_courae___ . days-after.radiation was initiated. Theileucoctytal in the radiated: skin shreds was considerably more prominent In comrTarison with those tat. were not radiated. our-rd-IT7the--a-ctivrty- _f monochromatic-goTartzed-red-light-an-accelaraLion_of inflammatory es s ph ase-changes-occur nd-the--p-rol-i-f-era-tion_-o-f-f-ibroblasti c-_ c ccnt is_s ha ted. harci-pr I s- I r I c the_ahsencef_fibrose :.:-.:rishments (nutrients) which in unradiated auto-transplants ear as whole-separate-areas. A_t.e sa=e time, on the:backgrourid of--th-e-stimU1atthon o? f connective -...?lemenisT-the-rewadgtdermatton-of-the-radiated-transplant--- ? rlswn:-Onlytowards--thetwentieth-day-does-the-whcae-transplant_ 4 1,cc.me_coverea by?the_spidermisLcreated-_In_radiated_transplants ...,,7-nts_of_the_ppithelia along thectoluiactive tissue slows down, - with the-control samples, for example by ten days. In the rest-raffEdTpHase. a-new epitherrar-auve-rthq-uf-the----- _: trahsplant-man?fes. quickshiuv Lempo7-of:.-its-productivity. 'er ? f 4 7,-9.,!..c.d-of-one-menth-after.the-transplantatiomL-ths-organo- la atructure of the-rAdiatPd transplant:7- 'rees_tabLishes ts.the_samree:as-transplants not subjected:to the activity ' ..7.r=atic polarized red light do ina period..-of.:2-3 months. in the epidermi-s777-rt711a-g-n-en influence-af-manachromatic.perla-rized-red-light ;--trica of-ten-days-.7ilex-24-hrs.4 an--increase-In-concentraticm- --Al"1"-this-r-a-decre.Rce-_af_glycogene_cance_ntratiOn__In_the -7,12 ce o r4 v_ --n_shresivtakes. place, when compared_with.control , is explicible by the more greatly accelerated tempos ..4 differFlEiation. ? r ch-a-n-ge-7rette-t: Lb Lhe entire. regenera-tive-process- 44 .7-17 Pre3enCer-Of-auto--ti-ansplantation,1-n-they_s_____ _ r? on Jr-the-concentra . :%. -wiated sample. Approved FOrReIease-2000108/07 1A-RD P96-00787 R000 CrAADP9640787R000500080001 0 ? Stimulation of regeneration by monochromatic red light. -2 ex.deeds_thisLin_thecontrol_sample, in_this casei_tWo.fsad. 'ccording to D.L:Koritniy, the RNK concentration in the epithelia of the radiated.transplants is relatively lower on the 2oth day and s even ..ower on the 3oth-day-arftef-7transgra-ftfatiOAT-thi-S-beIng that-monochromatic-polar ized-red-light- aLpowe r f wounds as well as in freely transp_lanted skin. - The next experiments were carried.out using coherent red light. In e repu i-d?a-rrffrdal hospital ofthe ministry of of-the zakh-coviet socidlist-repubtic-in7-the-bto'physical laboratory-oi--- e-Ka-zakhuniversIty-and-4n-other-medlcal-biological establishments- __considerahle_amount_of_factual_material_has_been.L..c.olletted-demonm__ stating the-possibility of utilizing the biostimulation of physiologi- cal processes with the aid of monochromatic light radiations from He-Ne -lasers. Some therapeuti-dal-a-ipects of-the efft-ffVeff6-6-6-6f--- 5U-Ch-)5tOstimutation-were-tearne ' .------Ba1ow7-we-reveal-our-experience-during-experlmenta1-work-concerned with-the=stimulation_nf regenerating_pracesses_by_the_r_aatlon_of lasers and our clinical, work when we used low-power lasers for the treatment of some ailments.. The rapidity-o-f-tlie-fildee-?-s-o-f-i--egeneratiCin7-rtt-grittaratron, of nhib?tion-ts-a-good-indfcator-of-the-activ?ty-of-chemt cal-or-physical . agents-. ? Assuming_thatLtheLendogenal_ray_regimen of_MitosenAtic r.A.(11-ation during regenerative processes manifests itself as one of the con- ditions determining.the proliferation of cells, we.carried out a series of.experinent-t-to ekpralri7the.possiBITity-tf-stimulating regeneLations by laser lighL on .account-of-the-Induction-of-secondary radlat-lon-kn the-UV--waveband--The-possible-aspectsiot-applying low=intansity_He=Ne_laser_lightfor.the_reggneration.of.bone tissue _ were learned., The experiments were carried out by.P.P.Chekyrov on 72 mongrels. The regeneration was studied on the radius bone when-YE was sawn.. (parfdI7dreavage) 6ffiorttital-cro-Ss=settfon-fractursv-Accord1ng ? to-bibl-i-agraph-tcht data-dur-inT-the:--trauma-of-the-radius-bone-,--its--- . ?regenerstion-takes-plate-'according-to.--the-first__Mentioned. type . cross?section. fradtion_of the_radius_bone_the-setond type of _____regeneragn_predominates& with.thelappearance of bone oVergrowth (bones. becomes thicker)..The operations Were cariedrdI?th ----Strio-fly-i-tE-Ed-d-id7rTdthodS aseptIcat-condtions under-genera -----narcogtsT-The-depth-of.Lhe burface-sawinT:was:-Ineasured-wIth-the-acid--' ------of-divide-rs--The-wound-was-sewn-up-hermet-ically_Pft?er_which_pn nnti= _____septic_handagewas_placedTo_attain_the total fracture of the bgne, an electrical cutter was used, the cutmade was equel to 4/5 ths of_the.bone.diameter, after which it was-broken wi-th the aid of mecHanIaii7force. The ng 0perattans-7weruthe-same--- e . . r---Crn-ere-plaster-of-pacnis-lan-d-ing,-at the-s-ite-o-f-the_fracture-an ----openlng-L-cm_sq_in_rliameter,-was_made, to_facilitate radiation by ___aser_ltght.. The locality of.the fracture was radiated withcoherent monocivromatic light of the optical quantum generator...wavelength 6328A of intensity lo m77ari-C-T-Diagram_3 - capt17611T-externar7view-of-He-Ne- ----ii-th-67-purposc7of.radiation-bone fractures7r-and,wounds-Y-.- ----Rad? of-darkness, withoutadelitiona: 1.-Ilumlnat4on. Exposures vArApd_from_1=10._m flutes: Observations were de_in_pal of-Bo-90 days after the trauma.was:made. In those !2s all dogs..underwent.roentenography.Of.the_radius bone, comparing the.roentgenograms.obtained with the. toff-trot-samples :5-aae-d-EFIRg-the.same.period:of.obs6rva-tton the o ow ny- %yes observed. Approve e e 1606/081O7 :'elk-i;931596--00-78-7R 5000 tran--o-f-ragerrerNti-on-by-mono-chroma --On--the- X--ray-of-the-control--dog-,-the_saw_cutting_was_.still_observed t_a1-1---atages_bat_sho_we.d_small_contrasts,___The_edge_o_f the bone opp_ositc the cuttAagi an area of_peri -remnant bone thickening was formed. This peri -remnant covering.has its greatest.density76H-tEi-aFC-arifeTenc --h-v-i-ng-t-o go od?Tl red-disc riptions. -.ototherxeriment -------1-t-i-a-possib-le-to-summari-ze7-the-resuIts-of-the-experiments--r-The-degree ___--of-healing-oL-the -bone --th-ickness-in-the-experimental_dogs_was-considera iy_w_gher than in the_control_dogs_._Thus,_for_xamplep_the firs_t_signs of development of bone thickening (growth) in the control dogs appeare towards the 2oth day, whereas in the experimental.dogs, towards the ------loth day. On tHT-715th day.of observation, th-e-bane-Ove'rgrowth-rn-t.he- -------expertmenLal dogs-appeared-in-thorm-of-a-protuberance-on-the-oppositE side-of-the-surface -sawing -of-the-radius-bone --The-sector_of-the -radiuc one_in_the_area_of_sawing_was-pompact.e.a_ifial_ed_in),.. TPWardp the 6oth day dogs of the series. mentioned,_the effect was already unopserv - able, whereas in the control dogs, .4.t peE raTiird-5one. By-comp-a-ring-the-X-rays-o-f-d0gs--0f-both-series-on-the-9oth--day-,-it-- was-es-tab-1-ished-tha-t -in-the--experinental-dogs.,__a_total_regeneration.__ cf_the_structure_of_the_radius_bone_took_place, in the contrpl group, the localitu of the sawing was visible in the form of a thickening of that part of the radius bone. Histological, experiments ario point-to the--iaidtibrtaltile:-effecti'veness-of-stimIrlaing-kasers-orr-bone- - regenera on. What-is-the -mechanism-of -such-action2_Does_not_warmth_influence the_rapidity_caf_the_regeneratiye processes? piagram 4:-X -rays of the radius-bone of dogs, 15th day after fracture: A.. control group, H.. stimulation by laser radiation). Pritting the quea-tioh in this apparently. insolvaE e, since tftermal-effect-cannot-coutrfute its biologtual---- - ? a c ty-i-n--eortn ee t-i o e--f a e t-th a t -hardly--any-heating th.f. H qsng, finring.rAdiation_takes_. place -.For_ examp exposure of ten-minutes,- at radiative piwer.lo=12 mW/ heating of the tissue all -invall comprises from o,5-1. degree centigrad Such a.thermal7heafing can Hardly-bring about.sifch7Mdnifest-pHifoRigi- - ---cal and marphulugtcal7 changes '7-the-.-regenerat-ing-7area.;-.-At-the-s-ame-ti: --one-sheeld-not -totally-re-fute-1--that-thermal-phenomena -do -not-man-ifest- -a-cex?Ain inflnence_on_capillary - trophic_surfaces._Hawever,_auch__. activity is to influence the speed. of regenerating processes so that one. could be in a state to observe taem in our exg-eraents. tha-t7-warrrr7b-atlis,..slid-7such-liice7, --C-ani-mere..By--inereasIng-the-temperature-of-radiation?--acting_on_. _ inhihiti,on of theLregeneratime._prgoesses-talses place. __At the same times.during.the.action of. laser radiation. of. low intensit- and exposure; the.increase-in temperature. is several-times .lower. ---6H-Ehe other hand, during. the samaTrfffensitre'ET-of-the-azttrig-f6ot- ----na-di-setnct Llie-dark.-red7-part7-pfthe-spectrum- --arc observablc,.wht-ch-confirms-the-trequency,--depenciant ? _charactpr of the-arfivity_ol_the_radiating_agentr in particular the__ -_TiemNe laser of wavelength_ -6328-A. This.demonstates-the resonance - mechanism of. action. of the. given factor. . We suggpst:that-the-basio matrig-resontiTIT-Uh7the-aatton-of ---mernoctrrouratic-T---coherent iadiation,-is.the bioplasma:7-Hewever-,---biefore- --S?Irrg-en--te-e-efkai-deratIorx-e-f-erkergy-changes-Acurtn subjected__ a whole s-grigq_cif other clinical* demonstrating the non-thermal.character and at the same.tim the-highli7 stimuld-tahg action of He-Ne-laser radiation. --Ap.pI:oe&EQr Release 2000/08/07: ? voim-a p - il proved-for-Re ease- Vey e: 1Iw - _ i? - '?!: ? = Stimulation of regeneration by monochromatic red light. -'14 -----NTimerous observations made in our clinic and othermedical ___-----a- stabtis hmen t s-pot n t-ta-the .possib-trrty-c f-be nefrtrra:r-actron ot laser-ligh t-on-the-process-of--the--post- trauma tic-regeneratton-- Tp ii-i el 1 lz,_such_data-in_the-expariments-were-obtained b D.L.Koritney during the action-of non-aherent; Partly-polarized, - red light on of a rabbit, of which we ppoke y. . During -very small-. ihtensffles . of'rE56rt. o .2-o . 5-itIVEis a sttmutating-effect was-obtatned-7-at-whTch-tt-was---- t-the-first-to-reactto-the-actIon-of-light-were-the-regenerating- rocesseq An i-hP rnrinerfivim tisslie _ Clinical experiments were carried out to discover poselWalties of, utiliiing.He-Ne laser light for puposes of resonance- stimulation o regenefTEEEE-rrocesses in cases of-- trophis: borli-ETE various .----at-itaogsr:Therapy-of -ftve--p-a-t-tants---sulfe-r-i-h-g--from---trophl-c boils of? ay-mtiology-was-carrled-out-by-the-iresearcher-fromT-Aima-Ata, ,_-D-Durmannv. The legth?nf 'A i imPlat :v4ried from-1=9-yearsr-the age _22f_pp.tients varied from 23-67 years. Radiation boils were_located '--- in the area of the torso in-two patients, the face-in one, on the - knee in one and-Bh-E'g&I-6-5-f.the f-66-t in one. TEd-aiameter of the tiatts-tur-so re sr-was-f rom725--cm7-Expasure-7at7iirtenstty72-5-mWItma was-15--minutes:The-patients-"-underwent-daily-radiation4--over-a-period of 2n riays... In *11 casespOsi tive f?herapeutic-affects-were-obtained, , express sing. themselves ip the total. hPaling- of the_pores,__'In_the [ republic, clinical hospital . analogical results -were.f ?searching for points ?and a numeric:al evaluatic cf-electro-candtrative indtcato-rs, we-utilized-the above-mentioned methods-w-ith--the-he-1p-o-f---2-apparatus-r?M--26-5M-a---and-the-M-266/4--wfth-- amplifier All-in-all 11 pati ent.s ? underwent- therapy Clo ch 1 dren_of_ages___ fro 7-14-, and a-38 year-old ill-female patient-) , among -them 3 suffereil-ff-ariC-p-e-firian-elit'damage, one girl with-post- U. aturratic-7neirro-s-1-s--o-f -th e 7111HE---Efi-617541-61 wer_e_inexplicable,____The___thzra-cion_of-the sicknes s-ranged-from-3-days- to 19 y_qars. Ther-apy ?was-. carried out wi,_th_the ?aid_of A 1 isht_guide_ trained on acupuncture points.: ? rOY-the-7-dirdrUation of-fhe significance of electroconductivity, healthy--schocrl-childrerr-ages-frcra-7 to-r5 (521-15-erson-S)-17-vere c5bs-6-17--Vga cchecked-)-for-a---rierm. The_data_oht-aine&:_mere-Tarocesse&-us-ing-the-Ya-r-iationa-1-s-tatist-ica. method (ta.W.e---6):. -- ? ? _ We disco-vered. insignificant ?assymetries of electroconductive rndicatbrt ra-n-li-riTg'filbla---1-5-7rriA-ln the-control groups. Thus, points ?25-T-26, and-9-a.L ?wea-ke/ (-from 4-7-- rnA)-7-and--po-frit-s 1.2, 2-2, and'23--h-a-Ve ectrdcond-uotivs----indle arter-s---ff rom-1-5-25-mk)-. _Lncreasing? d-L-Ffererces in electroconductancer-s-ign-i-f-icances-are-- observable.. In children ? acres-,-7 ? to 11 thlec_troconducti_veind_icators are significantly higher: than: in ages ? 12 to 15, which is apparently exgricabl-e-bif-aijd-Tiffir-e-rices- in- the -reaction of the nervous system an recep Livity of--the-child's-org-anfsm-. to- irritant-s . In-eaccs sharp asy nt.L1s ut e Ectro- co_nductivp during the process=cf??therao,Y_R_Qt only t_o_beware_o.f_th.ei r pre_senr.e, but above all, -their maunitude-,1degree- of-assyrnmetry, strength- and- . dIstribu;ffion. ? During the obs-ervat-i-an-af-Chrrd-re_n,._ a certain dependance of the cignIfieanec of cicctroconductance-on-the-length of ill-nes-s and_locp, Iat?oaofL.the___-.4.ound-4-tra-uma)--vias----appar ent-,-howev-e-r--owing---- to the few observaticzns no_t_posaible_to_Larrivp at ? Any_cisanite- conclusions on-thisTlane (stage)... ? NongtheIessr-there-is-literature which shows the changes of. stectrtcal-tnc1ticu1arly_resistances) during pathological processes-which-were--usetlet.Lniiau.Lhe tely e - and 10 c artra-ti-011-751- hiz wound--and_to_evaluar.e---the-ef4ec-tiveness--ef thc therapy---ea-pr-ied? out_La_.K.? Pod ati hysalcirr,?19_62-, ? Vi. L RaykoNr, Nr. a; Ad Me-nk 0 196-8, L.Ya. Mazo, 1969). h ?Clat4i: ! 1,191i Oil 4,.; nctural _Approved FnrRelease200010g107 !CIA-RDP96=0078711(10.05000 Bstimxathrou points in facial nerve-lesions-show that in recent forms?of sicknes! the-conductive--tadi-ces on-the-damaged-side- in-praces?ot the U5-61-1-1:7= zat-ion-?-cf-the-prOcess --is-much.7-higher--than-on-the ? heal Lily bide -at fhe. face?And_conversely,-in-prolonged-old-forms-of-i-l-Inessw-the--- electroconductance.indiceaXe_lower on_the.,..damaged_side?This_fact led the authors-to speculate upon the problem of the selection of individual laser-radlation &sages based upon the significance electroccraducti-ve. indfces--.?Fir-srty7-i-t-was in-drspensible? to deereas-e-er f-conductIvi-ty---an-the-dautage e- ding -upow-thez=initia-1-1-evel--,-secondly--t even out (equalize) the,--assymetryy, ttirstly.,to ring thee1ectro conductive index To accomp1is17fhesetasks, careful measurements-of electrocon- ductance of.feulal_aeupunctura-17-paimte7were7mad67-datIV&t-thd-7-gbftle time-of day, up--to the-procedure-and atter-It:Each-paint-was measuree 3 i-impia And -avPragei ? tPsults-were-taken ----Observations-show- that large-doses offrom-5-lo seconds an a pg_int_produce_a_decrease_ in the significance...of electrodonductance by a factor of from 3-5. Small doses (from-71,77=1-3?s-don a porfiET-Increased?the electroconduc. ence-indices-by-a-factor-of-t75.- 3 (tabre-7). Thus, the-sk-n-galvancbc-reaction-taken-from-the-acupulik.Laral'- pciats-reflects_the_human-organiemJs-reaction-to-the-action-of laser radiation., Evidently the-electrical prOperties_of_the acupunctural points-can-adequately mirror the' states- of the cortical arid-gilbcorti-daI-Zent-Trs of-tffe-TFra-in (cerebrum). Experiments have ? bhOn-thtt Lhe LL Le of Lhe?paints can vary-from?1=8-mm - dependingupan-.-the.,,phys4ological-eondition-et-the-subdect7--On-such- a_point?surface-rhangPs-in eLect rica I proper-ties-take-placer-a totally different--zettct'iorr to the-influence of ligh.t_and_the mArifest- ation of skin?gaIvanic reaction'. ? ? What are the eriFErical-iriClabstational changes of acupunctural pu 'its as oppased-rto--the-skin-sectors--nat-liavi-ng-theS-e---p-arnEYTon the activity-of---He-Ne,--laser-radiat-ion? For-this-purposei-experimen-tal reaeardb_waq-cArripci-"rwri-- Ai'',1"freql,pney_of_.:50_ErtLvith-the-aid-of- an appus??assemb1ed--according7:to a bridtre-design with Ag-AgC1 electrodes, the-dtstancebetween-them- being-2 mm.--1;le-electrodes were given-a potential of.o.75 V. To"begin-with, control measurements af-electrocondwztence,wegratudes7were-made77-after-which-MeatUremehtt- were made-over-definite-time-intervals-after-rad?ati- TbP i-opagraphy of trtie_points-on-the-skin of-a frog-were determined'accordind to a schemefmatrix)- supplied_by A,K, Podshibyaki: (1949). One of the symmetrical acupunctural points around-the zone of the--ear s-ituater-the--.7he-ad--of the--frog-was s-ub-rect-ed to laser radiat ien-bearrr of -a diamctcr- of -5---mk-(mi-crons}.-and---a-duration-of of stri t-h ? the light- projectionto--0-ther-sk-in-___. sectors?through-a-glassfiber-11sht-quide. ? Vital (biological)-stainings-were-carried out in both sylumetrical sectors dynamics was studied in the sector contaitiiwg7tkie-a-fftIVe---Taint7-as, well -as ? in the sector- absent, of . The-data-ohtaimed-show-that;-the-acupunotunal,points arc ? chara..g.teriz_ea:by. aLlorter_ley&Lat?scrbtirm_prisTr_ta_tailiatirart-Aiter_ a single radiation'prafound_substantial.chances and ? :distinct-phase reactions- were ebserved - ? ? An hour' after7raaiation thia.sorbtion..indicators -returned. to- normal. Corrsercprent1y,--71-withttly-1-111-v-1.-stty---cif-7.5..1; - - and-duxatellt-,-of actien 2 mInutes7-the-substentral-cha he AppcovedTetr Release 20 fialtir.364kiteP9640-7-417:1.0. 0.1.61514 et ? -Win DEPARTMENTS ONLY Approved For Release 2000108/07 '.:C1A:RDP96--Cr0787R thr",a-ag-ti , . ? It is possible to assume ,that,stimulation-'gradually? irradiates in the joint system. TYCE '----electra---oMesistance after radf-a-fi-6-H- 1ii Lhe dc.Lite jio.LL eases sharply (2.1.ultr 3a--5u % uf the.-irritaal love-1- 12-elect.racondu_cti_vity_of_paints:have_a_definite_daily rhythm. The ?rninimum--- in' the.-electrical conductivity was observed at 2 AM and..a ?maximum-7:.a.t7.6 PM: -According-to. these? data, ? the best time to carry. out- the-..procedifres is -durft4=the Ilight- when the . ?-; Londucttve jtote Ozisu pb-aUbs.d-ldlye LaatAiun eapaei-tk-s---.=-All-the-exper-iments- carr-i-edout-eanvInce-us-L-aboUt the- factf arnpunctural_paints_react_to_light activity anci them it is possible ,-to influence- a-pathological nidus focus. of infection). . Up to the present- time- there is no agreement ot opinion in le erait.ure about_ t.11 prialLay gro-cebes-taki-ny during-need-ling-. TrIge_ther- with -theLmechanistic_LconceptionaLabortt.- the-_t.harapetrtic action of inserting-needles-. fully substantiated opinion has been extablished ? on the- possible.-energetic- nature-of the primary .effects during. the aation -of-neecting.. vograiiki J.961). Arb the.abovuL Z1t1LJbd expriment.b-bhuw,.uhanyb Lake y rn a-whole--complex-ef-e-lec-t ric a-1- propert-ies-,-,---res-i-sta-nceT-eharged quantities_,?agnitude&L:_ofeg.gwhi_te......globu1es.4a4butoin-L-Membrane and so on. : Consequently-, the-most- fundamental thing about,-the primar physical-chemical displacement (shift) taking-. place- in the point ? during the action- of--17-a-g-e-f---1-, ight-are- the,-phdto---61-6-ctricarithenomena whieh al-so chany the cl,e9re .of bio1aa. .iaryy man-if es t--them se-lye acce-lcra-t-i-on-o-r-dece-le-ra-t-ion--- of physiol o_gicaliochPrTri ca:12....p_roceS_SP-q ? .. It is possible-to suggest -that--the lodalized reaction to "needling by light'' takes-place- in the,?form? of- an- axom-reflex mechani Such a reaction _is-- expressible ? in various changes-1-n the ? runctib-n-a-l- n-dirrcy-p-rgans , deperrd-?n-g--upcdn the iilLansity- and-dura-t-ion--o-f--lase-r-radiatiorac-tion-,-that -is, during-laser ,L.definite_bloenergeticals6__ changes connected- above -.all with the-appearance of photo-currents along the conductive channels and- recharging-of the-membrane structur will take place 1-n-the-corresponding- segment-: ? A re-reciation ? t-sauundaLy) effeut ib Ciabl-J'LJOSildle i. LhCL?oplsu channels: The--ge-ncral r-aet-ion-o-f-thez--o-rganism-develeps-as--a-result-of the arlargy_changes_m_f_the__bimpla.masstructures_ocor_tex_ancl subcortical areas -of the-brain and ?the-reticular formation. One should not exclude the possibilityof ?a dispertion-of reaction along the nerve .condT-3.5t-T-:--)f-t-C-Ny ic-h have a biograsmal level anc ? ? ?- ??=. -le-, thre-tr-iat-it... (t-r-i-gerni-nus-)-nerva) . Thera can____ben - is sub_j_ec_te_d_to__the - action of laser li_ght-a?-reaction on -the part of the suprarenal takes place whichhas aphasedcharacter. (V.M; 'Inyushin, 197o). ? ? To conclude.we-consider-...that it isneccessary to examine in any ilineus-expeci-atiir.--of---a-neUL -Cly LLuh?C chaL ac-ter ib with the-bleenergy-ohaegcs-.occurrIng-In-the-whole-organIsm-whieh---- p - - ? - - ? . ? ? - hifts: - Pathology -is - above--all. a. change-in the- bioenercretic balance. of the bioplaSilla'r-' the- di Sturba-nce :its4stability From. this, a wholly systematic, principle evolves which says that ;-'there--:are no localized ailMent---a11-wilffentg-are-af-a-total chwraCtr.. roved For Release 200010131D7DMIAMIllin-MgRO _ _ _ _ -2.-Ag??p-Egyqe1-__F--95--_-_13g?Le_clsg_72 . 1.1 ST- g Po BIOSTIMULATIOTT its -E5 - Local-manifestations-of-ailments-existv-but hardlyTany-focus-of the_maximal_expression_of_the mostAistinot_bioenergeticand_ therefore also morEholoq_ical changes.. All kinds of patho-bio-energetical changes can accumulate over 67geridd-of-ttine.1.47-td-a ceftWin-rd-VeITirch7When reached-are observed-to-have secondcay pLocesses-leadiny Lowards-considerable---- organic-changes -Theconcept,:-of-G--Selie-about-the-role-af-2-stress" is also to_be_JO_WIdim_the_framewarkLof.Lbia=energo=pathagenesis...___ Not only the-nervoussystem but-thee-whole-- energy_ system of the organism is involved in-a bottomless. (infinite) chaos and irrev6YtAbility.of-n'ain reactions- during-the---action of-fTEHologi-aal actors..'.Dristurbances-of Lhe Lesistance-Istabiltty-)---of-the bioplasmais-in?"stressedsituations-also-bring-about-so-calaed---- non-specific symtoms of variousailments,.3.?pparently_it_is neccessary to introduce the-understanding of-bioenersetic."stress"" which is the cause of?many-ailments.,.- ? It----i-s---known-----that-the----concepe-0-r-S-er-e-ig-tro-fe-s-:-th-e- role of -th-d-- nervous-system-ln -pathology--and-the-principle-of-nervibw i general -:-..- However, WP knolc_aL:thousandsof_examples-showing-that-the-condition ? of the nervous-systeml,and-mental,state_determimes_the_tendency_of___ the organism to illness:- Painstaking experience..andthgradual training in overcoming dif ficult-ies---71-e-ads7-tcr-the----formatioriol-a--strb riir-type?O fThfervbiis system ?----If.,--a-person--ls-kept-away-from-activity-pthen-the-result-is- the formation_ lif_a_Inte Pek -_type_of_nervous-sy,stem-What-is-the---question here? The-conservation,-:of internal-energy_means_Lthe_investing_in___ health, on the?contrary. -After. all, it is known thav_if:a machipe__ is not in the process-of.Vo7king With e-uLyantm the-case-77tscontrary7-rMfaff-Eh.adfiVity-A--deaThase kn-energo-potentIal-takcz, plaeeT-resulting-in-a-decrease-in rPgistance_ta_i11ripsq The conceplt 'of bip_Aasma-to a certain degTeeL.explains_the dependence of.:this,apparent?paradox- The optimal level of bioprdsma.1-s conserved-wE'Effiii7aeliafEi7EoTiridi-WI-th-a7i constant injection-yr free. garttcles.:. Zatection-is-possibr6-dUrfAil-the------ rticle-exehanle-4dukng-liartiele-exchange-i-energy-is-released)-on7 account_of_mechanicale-chpmi?r?A-1,_radiationaL, anql_other-forms-of____ . energy. -Thulx for examalqi_ when_a.-_muscle.Js_con.tradted_not_only_____ the transformation-,of-the-potential energy of bioplasma_into meaanical energy takes,place, but as-a- result of the appearance during-this----afT--the---piezoelectric---effect-,--a-forrtiatroli-Of-IThe-ChargeS oocurs-1----whieh-go-Into-the-biopIasma: suppA-y-7istor age)-oct.; up ying7a - ?efIniteloc't1on -I r this .system: ? The bioplasmay in conformity. with- our -point miex, is formed by particles-possessing-various energy characteristics,in other words,-their energy potential-is-of-iraried siificance (value) Strc ? ? DO 01171s-cand-ittoffed-by-drff-e-r6ht-oliftet--- esident-In-thc bioplasmal-eonstcllati-ons, at-the-same-time-ti tnjection of particles-ts-only possible-dur-ing-the-action-of-some--- kind of energy-on thestructure (chemical, mechanical, radiational, and other forms_ol-energy).. ? ? That is in fact,wfifit is neccessary-that the-organism.should be in th-e7-7.sph-rerbf.:actIvity.of.varrout.-717dilfferthgtliairET--The a.mobaiu of peLticles-differtng-tn-their-- energy-parameter-s--4ndthe-formatioaf-a-specilic-bioplasma-structure. Without_the act-inn --raf-i-hrr stimulant, the_organism-weakens,-as a ----- result of.homogenitrin.the,energetio parameters of- theLpArttqles which unavoidably leads to :a structural disturbance of the initial condition of tiii-bi-4ilasma .and the appearance of instability. oqaopairo USiri DEPhiiTtliesiTS?G;4LY - - 1...A.1 stt - Approved_FarR_efeWs-2000/08707-T-CIA;RDP96;COMR000 BIOSTIMULATION ..... .through acupunctural points -16 . there caff-15e-hoTdoatt-that?ttfe7"-StTess"'--trtuation brings abb-dt guantitative-and-qualitative-changes-lm-the-bioplasw-a uf -the-whole -- organism, at:Lt he_uncla zst f.s.t re s in cludin g_ finding out ?about- the- bioenergetic? interpretation will make it possible to fuse the concept of -?SeIte.with the? principles of nervism at thrs--1-6Vet-rt-Eg-tnartpenstlanr.-to go deeper-irito research si-h-db-- i the-Se-1'e thesis is one-sided-,--? T-the-rale of-the-nerAtous-system11.11v-patha-,genesi Thus_i_fQx_examplei theidevelopment_slf all t.he_oomponentc nf an inflammatory?reaction, namelvv-the-widening.(expansion) of vessels (dilation)., the?intensfication of the permeability of the vascular tissue,-and?the appearance-of-gecreffbn, etc, is Ehe objdEt of the-reguIar-7-inflnence-of the neivoubA.ystem-----This-i-z-whotly----- understandablesince -we -showedabovethat=the-level and-energ _ saturation _of to other .biostructures.i. are, coniderab?ly higher; hence the possibility .of?attaining "an?energetical?dictatorship". ?It is interesting-to-observe-that-patho=b-fo-energettc changes in -tHe internal--organs-unaveIdably-i-ndicate-energy-shi-fts-on-the-sur of-the-human--skin:.----The-walls---of-the=lbody-in-relation-to-the -internal orgAns carry_more-ngsative-charge-i_-_an_exception_ia_the nephaLic______ brain and the-nerve? conduction- channels (pathways)' _where a compri-Fated-iFcsaic of, nega-tive and positive a$semblies put together-form a-quastr=neutrar-srtate77-IN7th-human organiSM-IE-I-s possible-ta-observc thc. presence-ef-a-p-reponderence-of-negative "ectosnme" thegative qhells}_and=an--inner-f-positive-Plnucleus"' (endosomes-).. With -the- increase in .t?he ?e_lectropositiveness-_of the_ internal :organ, ...for example, in the- intensification of the inflammacor process, on the7surface and united (joinel). sectors and points, zones-with a targe-quantIty-of-nesatIvely-ct-a-rvetl-maqnftwies-are fe-mined. WhTle lase=r_ing-therlectr_ic-and-quantumproperties-of-the--- skin surface, it is. possible to. judge-- wher-e?-the -localization_of the inflammatory -process is., -and -devise-preventive-measures- . ? The presence?of. Eh3iic nidus ?inflammations can not only .lead to-a-deorease77:in-ther7-energrvatenttar-or the- bi-oprasma7-aif?a-rso disturbs-. the--auto-regu-lato-rr-mechanisms-cf--processes Lak?ug ,,?--ac-e---- in-the-core-?:.of-thebioplasma,--and-,linked:-up with, the.,:pathological wave. And -this 41e_ads- to ? a_:_cle formation_ of__the_biofield_loci_,_ a__ disturbance of the -function-,? and-- fina-ily the-appearance. of persistent morphological- Of-srea-t-Inte-rest? rh tht8---amtXt-ard-the so-cartdd-duEo- inimuni-1-1-nesse-s-i----In-sue-h-i-llnesses-the-antigene-h-ome-ostas-is-s- clisturult_ol-zghich organose-lerotic--.. man-ifesta-tio-ns develop.. ? ? ? of Kaznacheyev and others- the - functional.% tall..value,of irrEmuneo-s tructural --homeostasis-determine e eTh1ogy. Mrseicry7?process--erinany- ElTfiesses. ? If fun-cti-on-t?happens to be-di-s-turbed, then th-i-s-rnay-leacl Lo-two-- extreme-cases--a.)--behign-and-malignant--tumors-i-b-)--to-dis-tr-ophy--and-- sclerosia-?? - .? ? ? We su_ggest!=that-the--disturbances? in the immuno-structural- ? homeostasis.;?begt-n,im-the.-..-_fornr- of :;persis tent -undamped ?- changes. ? in - the wave andTquantumzst-IT-icturs?at 'the?-qua-SE-um 'bioileid. These- ? chaliyus -Lake...plaue undet_ ilzflueno ur tors , tor xampley-du.ring?negativc nal overleadi-ng-a- ? - vase ? s a ? a - a ? ? ? ents-and-L_the influence of chronic inflammatory nidus. .The .14ttar_bdaiss_abQllt___ AppraWciaroi(MeA?he21100/613.10711111-144R DP 9800 STR08054391)8110 (1.1-r0 stable 0510 DENZTMENTS CINLY - ? Approved For-Releas-e--. .T5Y7TPINF 8/05TIMULATICa' through acupunctural points .-17 biop1-asme-conste11ations-T-1otJated-tn-the-nuc/ei-bf-the-latiriTIE6=d6E15eter ce.L1s_. The non-resisti_vity_off_b_iopi AsmA ? is ,most,-distinctly- -manifest--- during changes -in external -factors; thus; with the_presence_of_ large number of positive ions in the surrounding air, the inflammatory plo-ce-ss -th-e---argani-8m'progresses,?sibwIf owing to the large losses of-nega-t-ive-pa-rt-ieles-and-can-take-orr-chronic form. The lever of energy_resaurces of-the-sympathet-ic -nervous-system-decreases- sharply. In conclit103.3.01- increaqi ng_pisiti-ve-nature o-f thc atmosphere, the ? processes-of infection take place_more_actively,___ invading new ,areas-.- - With. the -presence of .-geomagnetic.. storms -as a te sult of di-gni-trances 0?-the? .s61-a-E7ilasma?? a disturbance of the ne-r-get-ic-eennections-takeb, pleQu . crrg-arrisms - w-i-th di stufbed res a di .sturbanc an-inteilificati-on-of - inflammatory phenomena-i---and_so,_on.,-takes_place_. In this way-in. order .to evaluate the bioenergetic_parameters_ - of the .patrits', organism, it is -neocessary to take into cons.iderAtio the-e-l-eu Ls .1c-a-1.--?-a-rld-rnagrre ti c co rfdrtro n ffif-the environment at the, same-time. I-t-i-s--neeeessa-ry-to-know-7--the L thereac'-tion fthe??t organ.' qm ca.nbe, of ....an__oppoSite--(conve-rsc) type-,--depenaillyupoxrthe Initial copditism_o_f___the_biopla_smsystem-in-a-manner-strongly--reactin to shifts in the- ?exterTral-? env-ironment; especial.ly_Lduring ? a_pattent2 s- A---duc;tor-shoul-d- -bear in mind that the biopl-asmic system in the organi-sm-is united-and-conclitio-ns-,-th-e-many.-differeht-I-evelS. - - energy_changear_ n I i--___during-the-appearance-o-f-a-pathological--nidus. - Shifts occur.,. above all., ? rgy.: parameters- of-the- central- ----- - and most concentrated --organized .sectors -of -the -bioplasm?c_systemLin:__ th-e spin-a-.1-b-rainT-the ganglia, etc-. ? At the- same-- time-, these changes__ can-be-bo th quail L.1-teti-ve-:-and-df-a-s1:-;,. -ade=t-ih-ara-C-ter. (Field 'Lime changes)----=-In-some---easca of--chrorric-i-112ressthe-pathoto-gi-calang -6s and their_space-t-imP- charactPristic-s-become-pe-rs-istent- (take-, on - resisttve character,- even,? when...the- ni ails of the-illnes The long-term- influence-of ? the pathological_irponises_from. the peripher:, Can-M.-rig about the ?-appearance ? of "local energetic focus" 'with. an_ i-n c-rea se-d-p-o-terrti-al-7-0-f---.--ah77c7p-pUtTte-711-grr rii-relat-ion to potential ens-embre-of-th-6 -brain .-- bioplasmic artic1es Such_an :energy. nidu_s_appears. as-a-- sort- o f---- trap for the imptrl-ses--and . ?free _particles forming, as_ .a_ result. Of.. the action o-f-7-dEffererrt.stimuli,:. on the functioning.. dnattLc?t n"aveh-gfdate-if'de-gfae, iirsCrt-gan-Ezes the autoregu-latory-sys-tem-o-f--the o Such. is_thP hioenargetic-Intorpretetlen-of the-studt-of-A-;-A. Uhtomskiy s dominant-.: This. gr_e_atphysiol_ogist_wrote.:-21Tn-connec tion--- with the formation- of the- dominanti the ?stimulatorynergy _contributi from the rem-TfirifFig centers-Tflow ??as- if .-to it, and-these latter ones seem to be- -afiebted--s-lowed-d-d-wn) ?? as- a -result-of - their- inability to - react-.-1!--The-words?-7o-f-this utL1L phys-io-lo-gist- bear witrieTS-to----- f discovering --a bioenergy--meohan-i-sm-of-the-appea-rance- of the dominant'anct_its_role.,Lin_bianergonpatha--,genesis /t is possible- to suppose that even- A,A-._Uhtomskiy_himself- felt the neccessity .of having a-- bioenergetic-interpretation of the._ domi-n-arrt, siffce, by- puE-i--'n "th g ie- is it neccessary to present the-dom-in.ant-as Lovuvraphica-1-779-ingIe--156fiit centra:r nerv-ciu-s f (the 4 Dminant) nifests--itself-=ost-probabl-y- concentration of centers of heightened s_ensi_tiv_i_ty__ta_ various niveaus- of the cephalic and.. spinal, brains, as well as the autonomic__sys_t.em._" Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000500080001-0 US :3 DEPARTMENTS ONLY . - _ _Ap.proygd -For Release 2000/0&07 :-C1A-RDP9-6-00787 BIOTTIMULATioN through acupun6tifr&I poInts -18 This-verywelLL-coincides-with-our-conception-about-the-inevItabd comPAQ:t.naSS_atLbioenargettachanges_in_the_intercannected looi of the bioplasma-system. - ? It is-known.that:.the presentations on the occurrance of patholog ical dofflrffant.2-ay-at-the7TounaatIon of the-tHeory of7PEthogenesr-d-o-f- many-ilInesses-.---The-removal of the ioxrthrart n.Ldu, weans id1nv the-key-to-thatreatment:-of.----many-74.11nesses ? The_methadaal_resananaaLhiastimulatian.p_as_-_.has:_been ahown above, paves the-way-to nextinguishing;the-dominant-of-pathological niduses,.and.:their-return to7normaI-.status".. ? ' The resadUd's-ofrtnsMkh-d-ssafter an ? he-resalL of illsufficieaLly_effecLive Lherdpy,_ IL ib they-are---condi-ttoned-by.7-theconsequentplienomena-in---the-4d-opla-smal---7? systems4/0..11_ter.e_Lmo_t 'alwey_aauaaessfully_remomedJoy_therapy,._ancl_ which make- theorganism,receptii:te to pathological.shifts in the presence ofunfavorable-factori7Ifi7the environment. ih-e--t-a-sTc-taskuf-lasr-r6dration-th-rapy is?-the?creatiOn of-- an-energy-sub-y-ibrationpumpIng)--ol-the bkop-lasma-substance-o-f-----? the_organismaa a.reanIt_Jof:_whichprimarily_an_improvement-in-the______ neurovascAlar trophic takes place'. The second-task-is-the-normalization of the quasi-neutral- condition of the-bioplasma,,that-is, the reconstruction of its stabittty7Ts-tattanary7stater-or-the-7conditions-,bf-tts maXiMan persistenee-4-stab41-1-zation-Y-af-the-bio-enqrga-stesis. ? The-thlrA is indeedtheosdiffiCuLt.-task-t--,restoring-to their of the.bioenergetta system of the .whole?organism: This concerns the rhythms and-wave processes?at :the 7.?-----dr-icmirequeney-E67ridh-Ta-h- it is neccessary to u/WAliz e-tn-c as e7of-pathotogi cal di-sturbance7--Thrs77-t-aSk--11-a-s-Sr)--f-a-r; not beeri--7poss-ible----t-o---ca-r- du-e---to -eb.senee-erf-knowle7dge-p:f: the above=mentionedL In the,-case-.ofsharpiy..;_decreased-bigenergetic_organism. balance,,_ the lability of .the-btoenergsticparameters-in connection with the bioplasmaTri-laek.orsistence,.it is neccessary to effect-a -115toenergattc pumptngsub-FvtbrationsT-for-th- .7-pargo-s-6-15f-reatihg an-energatical-basi-s7,for-the-further-marphophys?oIoscal normalization of the organism_Lof-a patient- - The-normalization of-t., the_ oraanisms and the restoration of conductive.channels is-one of the main ? directions taken,in bioenergy therapy, and here-the method-of laser radratrun-act-tun-DTF7acupunctura/-7-ppilite-hes a great-future. In order-.-to-carry-raut-7such-a-complex-operation-as Lhe-normall z dtic biaenergeticstatus.of thea.organism_.thxough:-acupunctuxal-poits, it is indispnsible--to-maka-a-very-accurate?diamlosis of the energy condition. of.!the-organism., Namely,-from.the- evaluation of the initial condition- ofH thaanisoff&iiNI-67-fi eid - of-the- organfsm ( and here,- theacurgmattrral.:picrint-s7-are7---o-ne-af---the--di-sttn-c-t-mani-fe-s-ts-troris-- of such-amisett'opy)---4t-Is-neecessary-ta-beg4n-therapy-using-b-i-otic--- :?---aged---here-,?-an inuatuable aid-may turnout-to-bathedevelopment of electronic calculating-techniqges: With.their Woulsi be possible to obtain information on the-innumerable bioenergetic conditions :of acupunctural. points, A certain experience in this sphere has en - ac v. A. iiruschov-a-nd-K..0 Dzevit-EkAya. :7 _Research has-been.--carried-out-onT-a-fsw-patie4ILs-w L -iro ic tonst1itis---Measurements-were-made,--ofthe-electroconduet-ivity-ef-15- sectors_of_theski-mslIrfare_ofLthebnmalin_.,face- On,a spemial model the magnitude,of. electroconductivity were fixed in a dertain-definite order with the aid of potentiometers,. The most .1-012,ane.,_;s ipe for . the d'art-155:tf-df-rE5660160Armo Z;,717.-1 13W6141/1911 streE5TE- Approved For Releasa ? - U. ??111 ? * ? obg --;gor irt II Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RD / ? 77 ?.7-?,?E : -7 1E I 1:11IISTIM1iLATIO/1-_?. .--through -acupunattrra-L points --1 q of the indicator laznps,-which topographically are connected to the various sectors-?ot: the -. INT-crtrart ? fa-de-Z-7-107i th-? the., sharpening. ? (intensiffa-d-flor. o Lhe ? ilwreaseb. DuLi thc pr-oce-s-s-/---thc probability of frocma-x-imum---- elg,CfMC.OrtrinrtivJty apnrpasflq- Congequizntly?_wit-h f-hp aid of An analog computer setup, it is possible to check the dynamics of laser therapy. Approved For Reteabe 200019Aipt.2FAMIgn-M7R00050008000-0 Lo: 4.)-1 ,our dynamics 1 Iv of tl'e intensity of el-_,:...trohiolUm- ' f? " -ApjiattyV. or IRblea?e-10tIO/OEC/Ott:oCIAARD )1. . 26 Zli 22 20 16 10 6 I. 2 yr 0 a Iii U II 20 22 24 2 4 4AChl CYTOK Puc, 10. Cyroturaa ,aintamaKa 1111Te/ICIIBIIOCTH 301eKTP06140/110111/1HeCae111411H KOiKH yxa aponaKa. 41444 ?- ,?1'4'651 1.4s4t.*' tU44.4?, , 4%. , ?44' . 14.V.0 ? 0005000 ? , _ Dio 'gram 4 X : -rays of bones of dogs,15t1 day Ifa) c,.,utrol group b) st la .1` ? ? e radius after fractu imulation by ser rar1iatio3 m- '00? 00? ? "P- 0 El 5t1444a, ? ? Puc. 4. Perarcirorpammu .1y4e130A KOCTII co6ax ua 15-c nepezoma: a? KOHTp0J1b, 6? CTHAIYARLIHR 01a3eplibIM 1900 A 2800; 3300A IAD auanajo UV waveban r jltr^ oZ4' 8200 ; 6800 itpaCHbIll I auanajog red waveban, Paduo6o.inal IMAAAA/radio wa% A Fig 5: Electron microphotograph. sectcApproviadrEDradilbasrtniaCilik8107 : CIA-RDP9 The numerous membranes are visible. Fig and Puc. 5. alercrpormaa TixpoctiororpacimR. Y4aCTOK aliTOTI:la3M61 acoustical and infrasonic waves A"./VV-VN hydrodynamic plasma waves exciton and.elect: ?hole plasma npomoirmag n-ca5-cta 87RON5OOP8.904/41'n plasma 6: Bioplasmal system in cell the dominating frequencies ? Interest in bioenerzetics_ia.:_a_t_pre_sentvery-great.?I-t-is?-in- - this science that one ? sees-a ?sort of "savior' from? the_cold_formaliE of cyberneticsth-e extraordinary -amount of hypotheses.- in thesphere of-mcrlecular btarcigy, the wrId-flowefriig-5f-med-fc---al--t-fierapy the increase-of the-preponde.calicu uf dese-nerative-II11-16-?geb-Vdt-h-viri-Ous symptom - ? In the-theore tic al-area-o-f-b i-o energ et-i cs--a- synthesis - ----- of the manifoldness -ofp_he.nomena. expe.c_ted.,-phenomena-ebtained--- in the process ?of ? large - experimental -work--many_exper_iments In our book Ye-have-shown that the bioenergetic approach_to_the pLo-bienr-o h- f-te-rapr7-And7pafhogenesi7s--E-)f . an illness is fruitful, since what-we are--concerne&Yit1r---i-s--tirat--weshoturd--treat the whale organs Ahome all. , ? as - a ? bioenergeti-c-whelc . The-,,argarrism possessesa considerable energy re_seitve- w.hic.h_can an ailment making use-of- very-weak ? enert?v? phenomena with-_the_aid _ of laser radiation. . revorutionfzation (revision) --of many-et-our-concept s-abou-L----ehe-1-iving-.organisr? "NamelItheLsphere_of. bicenergetics --is-concealed----Lthts biotogica. bomb' which will in .the end_Lenable_scientists-to-reevaluate-thc present state ,of ? affairs- as a new- historicalancLlo_gicall_y_indispens? ible revoIut-f-c-d-iary stage-in the development of --th-e? ? science. Of tha t-h hest-f cruf7ori-solft-fira-iidETr Th-e-e-zirATO r d-s of thefamous . . academician-B-rA-*--Domb-rovskiy a.f.e--,neuuess-ari-1 th.e significanne_of -hicenergetics,-fo-r-the-qu-a.Sitatively-neur- understanding of . life ? in_al l_i_ts...forms- Science is fertile *.ahen- it has- furher_l_long-7range)_ perspective: an-d-17,,Th-e-fCatTIrTaYea,a-..pes.itive...c_ontriiinition in .practice . And here we?come' aCros-S-the-firsr-g-t-C-CYS-S-8-?2-6r-B1e-n-e-rge-tics in both- medic-ine--an&-agr-icu-lbure---(-l-). At_the-samstime,-the-approach-to-theuti-lization-of-laser--- radiation in, the given_alan.i_is_no_t_douhly_emrdrical-r-but-is-based--- on the foundation of .definiate? theoretical, Ap_sumptions_(hypotheses ) , such E,s theThoz-Ta-eiit7-Eaf-77bioID-1-isi7ria.--; Intensive work _has _begun to--deciphe-r7-the-Tmach-antsnrofTtheTE.O f--co h-e r t-- electromagnetic radiati ons-o-f--1-ew-i-nt en si ty--on--di rr e-re-nt- levels-of- ri - or_g_anis.ation_of_the_..organismi-whi-ch-we--wrote- about--i-n-the forego ing- chapters . Ending the presentation- of ??mate-rial.L_ we_consfder_it_neccessary - in a generarrz-e-da-TEo throw - light upon the initial (primary) mechanisms-of-the -.activity ot HeNe7laser-11.4h;F-1-41-ii-ch in -the final stage brings,abeut a-therapeutic-err et.; L. curing ..osir investigatzLons-we--hit:-upon--an assumption: du laser- - photons no t-..brin-abput :?changes 2in_the. qualitative- parameter s-o-f--the- energy structure_ the..organism? ? 121.7-this .contextitL. is in-re-resting . to look. at A.G. .Gurvich s idea that-:-the ? photon th sp-eti-f it-characteris tit sin-tro-d-uc es - a- sf-zicErrcle-term-ined metabolic pro c e s s--and-----determtnes the-r: ? ? ? .-spac-e-,:t ime ex s t-e nc e of the_p.rocess..._,__Such-assurnptions-are-vindica-ted-by-the--large-- amount-o experimental materigl.:_on_the_study of the-proparties-of-mitosenetic-- radiation. It Is? posgi-Ere ? to assume-. that- ?such-' a ? high-effectiveness ? hyper--weak mitog-ene-tiaz--radiation :depends-upon. -a whole series of uniqua-wave-pro.perties,---:of7-1-ivIng---:--o-rgarcisrrral--r-attrations aboTe7iI1 , the_hiSh -rlegree?of. - mo noch-r ors i-c-ity , ts-coh-er ence- and po 1 al iz a tion The se:E?zpropenties-cr eate-such-a-:-bas-i to which ? it is -aossible.- to-.. induce resonance-effec.tsin_the-bioplasma-- ara-baomoleculeswith the laid. of .optical quantum generator- radiation. Every of7Eh-Ejlofield_. has-discrete- elements.- which are reduced by the--regu-tati-n-s- intluences at the whole. The biofield ---Appil'.46dIrdeireitiEigk-2000-108/07-1742AsREMMEWM000-5800:800:03113--ttr-the U S S1).W PtifiENTS__ _ III ! ! CONCLUSION-2 ? ? ? ? ? ? "In ? I I I I ? II IN the parametrical quantum_amplifier; Amplification in the form of a cascade processakes place only ? as -7-a'r-e-s-uat-,5f-r-E.C11-a-t-iFii7-Wrfli- -- definite-wave-piupertkes7z.-77--/t is.passib/e7--rand-7hertn-Ties-the-scoret, that-during-small (low+-Intensity-mItogenetic-radiation-in-the-tissueE a rnpqiAerablemacroeffecr-tAkesplace One of.these,macroeffects-is.the increase in_the permeability__ of cells Ouring.the,,action-of?mitogenetic radiation, the stimulation oI ce1I-117d4MentationAmitogesit--Mftogenetic radiation lautates-mttogirg-even'7-in-the7-frozen-cornea? of-the eye-itif=d-TTb-g. --The-introductIon-E-so-ealled-mItogenetic-rsuppressives-br . ahrlitt a prRvervt-Jon division?ConsequentLy,-the-proliferative activity is req_ulated,with---the,aid--of radiation-of strictly defined parameters: - ? ? ? ? Already attern - i3ts:.have.been made' mbdel the-Ei7E6gengEIC-radli-Eic with-very-weak-r-rtnLen sity-sources-of-non--ooherent-an-O-depkaarrze-O7--- ultrav-i-o-let-racliation-i---It-was-6bown-that-the-effeetiveness-of? nitra violet_act I nn i s nbs ervablelat_a-maximum -Of- 28o o-A-and somewhat- lower in the- area--of. abowt,25oo At_ At the same_time4_the_stimulaTING effect of-the-mitogenetic radiation is cut off wavelength 27067-kiandrfh-OarkE6-is and at suppretheiifiii7-El4he:FIThy nfra-red u.c viellake.-11y?ht--7.--7-Oispla-cement-towards-a-7-more-longwave------ area-af-the-speeturm---. +...6o--A-):HoweverT-an-identical- effpct was_no_t_obtainerl -the=case_of:_noncoherent,_depolarized_ ultraviolet radiation-:._ It is the possibility of imitating. mitogenesis.Wifh the.afd7Of7Ias-e-r-sources. There are.reasons to dssume-that-witogeneLic; raye puesese----prop-erties--simrlar-to--laser --- radiation-,---Possibly-this is-t-hc 3ccret-o-f-its-high-effectiveness-.--- The_presence in th-ce11 of- structurc.s-possssins-semiconductive properties-speak-of-the-possibility of-the generatign of -a laser-- type radiation. An-ignition of the mitogenetic radiation is obServed dirrIET:7energy7pumf)W7Eir-a weak, constant erect7rICal current., visiLle light7-7-and-rtnfra-red Led?ation. -Consequently, --the-living-ccll.can-work-likc. a-seal-eonet-ruated-biosemiconductive-- 1 aser. Thicts one_of_thcsuggestionR?-.Aotheris_-also -possible mitogenetic radiation is generated:bv-liqpi4 orystalLstructures_of_ the living'systems-At?the-same time, the presence of coherent auEd=kadiation:badriCa7IIy causes-one to.assudid-7fEd7P5ibilitY :of L sun nLe eEfeLs.t. We arc in the-pa-oescionef cenvineing-data- -about-the-fact---- that_Ouring_7the._Laction_ofactivity_ln_waveband.ISVCh_(visible_light___ frequency) a resonance, .effect..-is observed: An soj?thekac_teriplogica: (bacterocidal) effect-of-:SVCh-(visible-light) frequency-is observabTeThn-s-trictlycTE-Edfmrife-d-rfequies,?if-the? ffequency is cheirged-r-the ?alibeLicle ? wr ? the- elf 1. is ol.)e.rve-d-W7G--;--Adarrienko-,-I96-8,- ? N. D. Dvyatkov97o1,--Analagous-phenemena-aralso-recorded Ourtng_the_aetionf_slfLaUChLfreqp.P.ney-e-g-g-ects:_onahemoglobirs? (L.G. Koreneva-,V-I-..-.Gaydtk-197o?et-al.), Proceeding.from-the-representation cf-the,biOplasma,as an organized seffiloonductsygfa7m-we-assume- that the resonance effects of adicu. loi ,p ?-appe. aL Lheir-maxuiu durinu a spae-tJne orrespeAdeneradiationw-ith.--the.--wave-and-t-ime-strueture-of Fhp_bloSield? ? ? Weak radiations. possessing strictly-detetallned parametess_oan_ show distinctly-expressed-macroeffeuts-i as is shown by-the mitogeneti radiation,- . ? ? The arearton _of: el: ff-e_t-entr7sgeratral-15arrds-er-a-tt-s-th-e---- basis for-thei==tnfluenceupon-theendogenotte-ray-processes-wit the-ai-O7-of coherent- -eleatromagnetic-radia-tions---Thc-regenerative---- I I :too s ated_by ___AppfaiaciwERekrivAtmemaidltipewmtwi; ; Approved For Release 2000 CONCLUSION--3 ? ehemicdl ageat5 01 by- uetfied MU anLs. At 9J.--s-ent-we-h-av-e--- almost- approached----thepos-s-i-b-ili-ty-of resulating- pr-o-l-iferat-ion ? by_aaw_in.tensity_haractexisti_c_xadiations. Al though_one encounters great difficulttes -on-the: part of creati?nq a desired regulation, they are not ?insurmountable.- The c-Oncept 0? biop-ra--S-ma, present-ed above, opens new possibilfti fui Lhe--develtipmni- of Llre-study-7o-f-7-Erkaresunanc and iLb to medlcal-problems,---The-real-pos-s-ibi-lity-exists?ofkrect indication nf,rarlistion_which_cpTi find_applicatinn way of early. diagnosis -of-illnesses., -as ? also ?the reaction of the organism to. specific irritants.- . ? . ? In connection with ?thrs- is is. desirable to observe the work-75f- Pj.-P:1-.-:Gtrlyaev7f-roxtr-the----teniagrad ..State--Universt-tr-who---with the-helpvalume-data-Trtachines-.-fixe the-e-lectrosta-tie-f-ield-- aro_und a_pulsingJaeart.;,_&-stimulated_ nerve, -etc...22) - In the diag-ram-below,,?we-have atterr.tpted ? to Ricture the possible mechanism. of -.resonance ?biostimulation by- laser radiation. BicTgrEbiria-71-s--7?Ehe-.71not-e--r-ea-o-fi-v-e-..-s-Ts fem. Eifi-Efie action iti he-red-a-1. ea.- cr-f-the ? apeu L.cura. . At-the---same7--ti-me , atoms, itcolectrles., nd-radicals---interact-with-the-laser-radiations-by-emitting-electrons P zone_Of Iblop.1 grria? conductivity, ? ... - The. 'primary mechanisms..of light. action.. is "the. energy .22.1.mpi_pg". o: the bioplasma- .with, electrons and holei.--cif -dei.e17-xaneiEr energy stimula-tic th the range-7 /-7:2--e le c t-r tin-7VO.1 he-most--effect-?ve---foL such.. bioenergetic-ptulloingBy 2-photons.?:--the-blesys.tenr-Li s able, to- radiate-them trr--the-?-form-o-f wavelength_ 6328 A is-equal tol..the mitogenetic. quantum of wavelength3264 A ) . At the biophysics-faculty. of the Kazakh State University, it t.2 was possi15-1-e7-to I-:11F:TEreklemighev., -v.A. Semrkfn, and A.A.. T4.eUb-a7e1?rj Lu b experimerrt-the-app-earance-of-U17---h-armorrics -during the--:;: action-of-Atari 041 r.1 the___sameLtime_ce1-15_haYing theL_greAtestintenity_cantainerl., ? clorophyll. All measurements-were-carried out with,the aid of photoelectron apparatus --(FEU,--42)? with luminescent screen- ? ? Utilizing7 photoaraphi-d7:-non-cont-act method of-recor-ding f?71 m ogeneLic-radiation, a--co-workei of-----the--faculty in truest-ion, the are_a_3_log.m a3oo.A om_thel_tissue_af_a_green_leaf_during_the__ action of light..--comilig from -a HeNe-laser. Consequently, the fact of generating quantum? energy in the-- UV' area of the spectrum, that is, mitogenetic-radiation .cturing-tNe-act-ion at red iight gag-rasers, ? w.ct pLuve . ? -pas:ti. o . Lhe photon migtaLLci oC iuiLo9en-eLiu - shown in. 1-he_, nf the_Lsueces.serrs.-of GIAMIL all. This i s the source frt.= which an.-understanding?-was -obtained of the ? stimulation effects of low-intensities- and exposure -on .the regenerative bone tissues, periptce-rail-noils-, and??inflasrunat-ron-s:- ? ?--- Namer177-ther-secanday- rddlation also.lain;js abo'4t u alv9ea ii the pc meab-i-li ty-e-f--ccll membranes -, ? including a lso-caPi-ll ar-ie s which alqo Art* -of great- cignificance. felr_thefLres.olation_of inflammatory proces-ses, The-apaearan-ce of - superfluous char_ges on the surfaces- of- membranes- brings, about the ? activization of the ? reticular end,::et agram-en facing-page). It is not-ex-crlud-erd-'.7ttrat-ttre-7-s-ec-ori-dary-ra-d-ta-t-torrb-r-012-g-h-t-about laser red_li-ght-creat-es-7-comdition the-improvementa_ted. APPIRAV s_na.r1 estationslimmuno-homeostasi3,1 enerve-emotional, etc.) cu-1-1:4LLL4-titswil CONCLUSIO ? . a. ? Approved For Keiji-it-2066/0:8107 :ciA-RDF96-OOi87ROOO5OOOOiJO1 -0 These_p_r_t_nary processes,:x bioplasma_ and_.the__ biomolecular assemblies-indicate- the-whale.- series of macroeffects-r- the appearance of .energy. homeostasis-.of the-nervous system-, and all-other-systerrrs7of-autoreguratro-n,Th-ecause cTr-th-e--disturbance who-se-res-ist-iv-ity-i-s-the-,unba-lancing-of-the-biog-la-snib vhang-eb o mprnhrane_surf aceL_priapert_tes_and-t.heir-patho-logical-ac-tiv-i-ty--. -in connection with the increase-.or ?decrease of the optimal_l_e_yel___o_f bioplasma. The electricaL. state . (condition) of-mribranes-, ? their. perrneabi lit --=which-can-b-e-ntrnrralized by- A-ot inq th----brogrfa---s-m--E1---sys-f em -with the aid-of laser light. The---stimu-lation-of-the-changab-le-process-? b nnPrl. hythe.e.lee_trica-l-displacements-in--the-merrtbra-nes-rwh-i-eh- .? change their catalytic- propertiesL. - Acceleration of the .acid-creative processes- takes _place apparent on account--7-6E-fhe-acti3rization .of the -c4tochromes of the mitochondri Namely-7--i-n--the-s-ez-o-rgan-ellSsT7th-e---baStt-Crea-tTrdri--d:tfdTae-da-ff.ciEti-Oh---o-f - energy in-the-eel-Is-takes-place. The P xperimen_t a 1 Aata giver) in the-bookhave-demonstrated-the--- fact of the presence--:of -specific reactiveness.,Lnot-_only_depending_____ upon the ? of.. radiationi but-its polarization and - coherenceolarizeci..and. cohe-rent !radiation possesses more resonant eff L on---b-lrytagt-cal---structures-=n connecion with tfi-e-d-i-s-a-O-CfirY.-- of-such-resenance-e-ffeets--,a-quite7new--aspet:t L/f aLilizing-laser----- technique ? .1 -this-we-rk-,- only the physiological . effectiveness of ?the_;_sho-r_t=way-ez_part_of_the_ spectrum has ?been-, shown.- There doubt- Abut-- the fact_that resonance lines argo exit in other bands of the . . electromagnetic spec-trum-7-fcrr7whos-s=scovery:--further-reseafcif Ts---ffed-desSary:-- -- All -of thc cxpe-rirnental wark-has---been--based-on-c-oncepts---about- ? the semic.onduc_tive qtrlictur.e o_f the living-organism-and-in -connectior with this, the photo-electric -phenomena.-tak_ingplac_e_in_thetissues_ in the presence ? At the'same,tEme-Zi-t. is neccessary to learn about the peculiaritl. uf-the-phys-icrlogtc-a-1--acti-ory'of-modulatd-rfght-- f--a-- Fre lifirri?;.Neci ? la ser-,--funet-i-o-h-ing-aceording-+to-a-dete-rmined-program--ort- a-living organism_ ? It is possible.- to suc:rqest - that stricter_requirements. _to .deterrnir parameters of the radiation agents durirrg ? its action 9n a...living__ syst-e-m--Tilth .the--- purpose :--of--iiidu-a-iii-g-PhYsii5lagical ,resonances will be-ne-cce-s-sal.y. -All ? the-,--exp-erirrtentarmatertar --gatheled---irr the work? thi-s-book-it--is- showrr-tha-t t-- spossible?.9 liti 1 1 e.__sa_cliR on-generated- -by-?HeNe-lasers-i-n--the- form?i a. stimuaator.: The- ex_posures manifes.teda_stimuLation effect on. eritopoesis-,,the-post-traumatic regneration-of- the skin, ar synth-S-is-of-:glycogen*:-: -The- stixnuf-afion, as is usual., is of a parabolic. chaTa a:ter T' e-b-served-frem-the-.3-rd-to-the-l-7th-dar-e-7-after-this-j-a--character-is-t-ic- fa11 on tile ? par+. rvf organismL_tak:es-talace.-which--7:.d.:-beensubjected to radiation...action'. . . ? ' The initial bioemergeti-c: condition .of the radiat-ed. organ, or the whole organisra-tdetermines: -its- reaction on the activl.ty? of the _ stimul-ato-r:R3a-d-rat.f.onc:Tir:-theTbackgrouna of-liypetuncti-ozi--brings about-a-decrease -in -react-lon--,---an coliveLbelyt iu L.11 cdse-of func-tion,- The_sli_agnosisof the- in{ Hi , r.tnndi 1- i ort Rhcm 1 a -1-1P-. he- mos-t constant. area -of. bi_apkarsic-s.e.,- -Knowledge about- the-?initial .tto:,faare._accurately . make a prognosis o-f---t-dt.:Lort_salilt.s1-4_4ag-iical-reactio32. during, ac tic o f._ a radiaLion stlauulaLor will take. The -basie-results obtai-fted-krt-the proces-s-of-our-thearetical--- and experimental work can be formulated in a tew statements: - Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA7R)),,F,pfig.(107.87R000500080001-0 ? pJ53. .. ? .? ? Lb5 Nft.r - Approvedf-or-Relees-e-20afterLG-7-__ 1.1,1 $11;... Conclusion- S ? 1)-spectral-l-i-nes-i-n-the---short-wave-band-otthe red- part-of_the P t- rum_C6loozz_63.cia_Ahave=beery_:.di.acs:2_vered_poss_ess_ing.Lphy_s_i_o_logica3 resonance effects 2) polarization increases-the. physiological effectiveness (efficienc of radiation wfirc-h-makes-..lasers.tne- most suite:To-rd.-sources of -right? : for-the-rtimutattoff-of biological )rucsses---.----iuorpusLula armation post-traumat-i-c-regencration-of-skIn-r-etc-) -Te ? rad tatndo o.tJ) organirLgLanct in skin .tissues- i organs- of - cory!uscular formation, and endocrinal glands, and quickens, or slows dowri. the phy siological- processes depending -upon .their_initiai_ state... This can be-usedr--ta----for:---. purpers-es-o-f--norma-l-iz e series- pa-the-logical .processes-whIch---a-1-ready--4re--4m3-ngcar-r-i-ed-out-in--. prar-Firp Experience; -.amassed. in....the7 clinics., of Alma-Ata- and-other-towns show that non-medicinal- therapy-with the aid-of resonance biostimul-at ion in certain cases cs-7-conEl-derabay more effEbfive thali-Eh-e-rbese: uhemcr-therayeaLic aven Ls ; aat.1 trr-fact;---da-not--create-compl-?c-at?ans-i--,&t_the_same_time attention. is,--the--role of seccmdary- radiations of the bio-substratum -for---biostimulation. ? It appears that-real possibiarfies -eSers-t -for the creation 6-f-a- -p-hys-ical model of Lh biofleld-fcrr-fine---tprectsa)-regtrlati-on-of-many physio-logical-pro.cesses;---of-z-thezorganism-r-including-those-of- the ? rkecc...essa.ry- to _prove the val ue of the results of such work-for medi-cine, psychology-, -and agriculture. The bioenergetics-- the-whole organisin.. is on the rise. We hot7e that its achievement - se-i?Ve77-to-,the'7-b-enefit-O-f-th-e-ht-arth--a-f? c . and spirit-ual-7-..deve-lopment'. rti- erpret at io_ns___Qt_thez_Eirlian ...effect --which- appeared-- recently in. foreign _pliblications. - Thus; for example, the-gas discharge lu.minesence taking. place I - around fhe'ffurnan f Inger:- a ri h t-e-ff et^ts-was-c-all ed hi op la sitra , when Lhe-wo-rks-o-f--SaviL researchers-were-referred-tp- in the for ei rk_wP- have_na_t_once...--shown -that metho_a ?fp_ uncovering some .of-the-ppoperties of- bicplasma.- -. We showed- that the effect itself:of-the light-rfrom?-the gas, discharge. plasma- within a certain period. of:. e, is- accompanied-- by-hriop-Issmal-rumih'esen-cre7-as a-re-su-IL (Jr .bomba.i.dment. . The-' intensitr-af this luminesence-in--the-bestr-ofcases-,-does--41ot-corngrise-more-than 15% -of thewhcile ght:_a_treama:registered:sluzins_th_q.:_a_g_tion-of ? high- ? voltage discharge-..--- 1 ? Bioplasme-posscezcs? its own :light-:-(luminesence) but it is very a weak under- norma k pWysiologicat--_condi =ens The, t-trtrctu're of-thrs- 4ias--,-demen-s-Lca-ted-b.2--:-u-s--usin-g---the non -contact-- b-i-e-radieg-raph-ic2-meth9d?r- the_Kirlian effactwe:are_able to wie a luminous tgnitkan_of bioplasma amplified-a- time-son- account of the electron- ion bombardment-i. . ? significant also played-by auto-electron emission in ther---f-crrmattorr-crf Cil d iiia ?oriat-i(es-peci-a-H-y-in eascs of utilizin nophor or .photoemulslon.---ro-r---this-reason?-- v a?Aclaxaezttact:spitte_-_-significaatz_demonstratiorts_pulalls_hed in scientific: literai=ure... In?.connsiction-with-,this, one is -filled - with .disbc.1.+-Pf-- whArt? opinion- of the Amp"- ler an__ ' P6try-sto-Tellg7Rtstor1315:4548(Mini.L:atiecyunindiiiitlion?cisu_entl:ef?.-- . - scientist W. Tiller. (in O.. 1 ? Ap.proved For Release 2000108707 :CIA-RDP96.00787R Conclusion---- 0080001,0 take-place-a a result-of the-Ldeformation-ofthe;-omptyspace=-between Fhe bic-objec+---And.:_thephotoemIllnion... ? According to-our viewpointi-the-data-obtained by W. Tiller are an example of the other -extreme,-wherrthe.,researcher, not having understood the-substance-lessentiai_pointr-af-tHelarThen-effe-d-t nas completely luL that. l2-15.% of ubeful tuful.matiun abort', bio-obiect4-whIelv-vas-yresentz4n=the-maaro-and=mioro-Lstreamers-eLf-th( gAq dischArgeover.a, enthused_by the physical. experiments, Dr. Tiller did not succedd in fixing this information' nucleus of the.Kirligr effect. ? Only on t ? .es- . eywluation of luminesence-as-a result-ofhigh-voltage-dischargials-it-posslble-to-obtal-n-reliable-:._ information_abautthepxaoeSs_esc_taking.:placeLJ.n_110.1antand..:Man....L_This is substantiated:by,thenumerouworks.about.the-Kirlian effect, presentedin.a-series,of,seientificpublications. The diagnostic value of the:la-than ettect does-not'-alrouse doubt-7--ThWiliethod is ane-af-the-fiLieL ulleb-cilevaluaLialr-the,bioenerget?c-displacements--- (changes-)-inthewholearganIsm.--At-thesame-time,-it is also- neecessaxy,to AcceptL.thepresence_of_Ibclise!LinfQrmation_in_the gas dischar_get which as-our research has shown can be-differentiated ( mention a seriei-- ot experiments7Whibli-thUW-that-lumies-ence whrch takes-plaee-on he-streamer-contact--(object)-carries-information-af-the-physIo-logical condition- . Thus_,Lwh en light discharge--,isabserved duringillumination.- During illumination of a leaf with,light-thephenamenon,of chargeTalarization takes place, and fialinesence-in the.shddea.secfar-dlops . 1 Und i Lhe ac.:Liun of a luduileLic.f:ceId-on-p-lant. dAid-ltring-tissue-,- the-effeet-e-f-a-reduartrion-st-luminesencetakes-place.-:which-pergists- avPr an extendedLperiod....of-timeeven-in the-case-mhen-the-magnet- does not directly act-upon The inhibition of-breathingla-rought%about-by.ppisonins.brinss about a reduatrioffi1-f-tW6-Itminesence-Of-roOts-and-Maves-of-plants Filiatly-i-one-shauld.not fopt. to-men-tim-somete-intereSting,j experiments-made---inthe-Alma;=-Atinsti-tute--:af-medicine by- Rraf A.R- RAhishev and._-_collaborators4 _TheyLdiscovered the changes of- intensity of luminesence,of.palatal knot in cats. The undamaged-knot-had.:amore.distineT luminesence (2-3 times)--1 than in the case-WheffTit was- deeentraTtfe-d-a-s-a7-restlt-o-f-eutt-tng was-further-shamr-that-7-short-laserdischarges-sivnificantly-ehanged-- the-intensity of-lumlnesence .5- - ? perimentq - were_eArrtpd-outLusing_aumiphorr thestgnificance of whose light intensity-was.datermined by -a photoelectron magnifier. The apparatus. was --developed-,at the-biophysi-es faculty ofThhe KiFiRh.' State University.; - Wtthout-dau L, L e K rlian apparatus- is-- far-from-perfection-I-and is-one of7thc-feweeeessi-ble-means-far diagnostng-biceplasma---At the_arilp i-ima,cwithi,the::_helP-01-thaLKirlian effect, it was possible to penetrate into a- new--field--of- knowledge, utilizing the most-recent achievements of,?quantumeleetronics to obtain unique information about the bieenerget-ie.statect the- organism and--'-prove the-exitThnbe of urd-,115-to-fratd-...... . The-work carried-out-Imeer laboratory-demonstrates-the -- ? possIbildtry=-01:-obtaini ary_influencteLLIactionL_on-the livinq 1)v.M?rnyug.hin ? la 1?1111 -AO ?.111 . 00001ftallni4;WN 1- - ? I ? ? organism-, thont gupplemen- Footnotes : ? ?? ? ? 1.*0?'' th ssue, 97o ation of Tie Nervous-Sys-t- yaev,trar_i Eitltroalirrartni?figlire Imp?and-a mamma -----ApprovelEarBelease 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R III s 1... i t, t ( ri Cr ? S. rn al . V 23 m2, -- -o .:.- t r rft 6... o g? =) el- w ?r 0 ...4 e-g-g--8, rt- 0 441''' g rcErts.-(c g"og. LA 1. rg-I4B-37' fr Cier ? ---4 n_.,.1 Az RA 0 el147----r7 g--ff ::%c4- _il X .4 -i x Ill'aP ... 171 ? I IL__ . cri 0 rrn) artra IP a=t5.? reN 3 01767LE -D Cr 0 Tri g-i-T- 'i ?(' f':----1 pt,, fo?-_--ro:--F 21 I. ri Fc71- . 1 1.7...._ 4t- %mad ?I r-?/_e-$1.7 1 g-7-6? 2--rz --0 0 fo 141 1.4 ? e. 7S" - rn Z o on. Z 11 a - z cpprovecl_Eor RplQqe 2009/0_8/97. : CIA-.RDP96-0078 n(000500080001 -0 ------- Approved For Release 2000/08/07 .C.IA,RDP96-.00787R00050.0.7-7- . Table 8: Sorbtion differences of neutral red in the active points in the skin sectors of a frog. Without active pts. during LASER radiation in IFost radiation time:I cotresponding?Ufitts. objects control 30 sec 5 min 10 min 1 hour agIive 846 +8.1 1150 +13.0 113.o +11.2 1J0.0 80,0 points... +11.5 +7.7 sactnrg 1-14.7 +10.5 154-11-- ---11.4.5_____105..0______120.4_ +16.0 +10.4 +5.8 without active pts. +14.6 , TA7-F. I physical_charaat4ristics_e_svietaasers used_for biological?research --RADIATION?SOURCE w6-5:fit, Kg nlJb OUIPUT in dW--- OKG-12 shock & --ii tildUcte--- 2o - 16. vibration resistant --CW o.2 1 0IG?;43--Tilhock & __multimade vibration resittant multimade %L. 25 28 gas_laser LG-36A monomode 40 multimode 8r 4n Notes: CW we continuous wave, i.e. constag,t_2peration7 _ OKG = optical quantum generator, i.e. laser Table Pigment Control 40----- Polarized mg% chloraphyll_a__ Ina*o ' 12o05 To-wo chloraphyll?b ----6-2-i8 keratin 3.o ? 3.2 lutin 2.4 3.1 vtolaxa. in 146 sum of the green_pigments 125.o 166.5 ? ? ? - ? - 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 :-III llllll 4F` ;p ?i. ? _ _ Table 3: The content of pigments in leaves:-A 4-day growth, mg o/o. Control Polarization ? 120-. -e-lo-rophyll-"A"-100.0 clorophill--"Fr---62.d 70.0 karotin 3.0 z 3.2 lutine 9.'0 ? 3,1 . bio-laxatin 1:6 .1-.5 166-7;5 Sum of the green -pi-gmernts 125 _ Table 5! Change-s-in_-1-healeo_toconductance_ofa7channel_127a-.122 (left leg, in microapps) during MKS therapy' of children euffe.ripg_ from cerebral ?paralyses.. Procedure Total Dose Initial data After radiation by LG-75 _ . 3o sec to 5 min o. : o. o. 2d2 -5--(5738-c7.-3-1-4-2 st . o..3 3rd 3.5 min to 15 min .41 0.19 0.31 o.22 0.34 o.27 0.24 0.31 th_ to. _11 ? 15- 61 min ? o.36_ 0.-3.1 o.3o Q_37. 0.52 a-sa 0.38 0-39 ---- A 11, , 3 -26- - 0: -5-0-.49- I ; ? .mnecli4te1j' lr ? I rIcliaion 11PLn ,0-:54:_059-0-.49 - -.-4 ' `---- a--.------ 0? r-4 g e _ 0 0 ta- > .11 ? g e ___ -1 0 ---?r-1? e ,-.1 E---- _ 0-- ,1 e-- in v--I-- ..1----- 0 4-1 4. let--r4? a) 111 ----tfi- 1.1 --V-- 14-I 4.)---4.)--- 4-1 --41-- -LJ ?44-- W 4-1 4.4 44- 4-1 4-4 cs as 113 7:7:107:171:11i-r-.N S. 12'1", ?Approved For Release 2000/08/07 ? - -Ared -CIA=RDP96-00787R00050000CLIP Table 6: Mean indices of' e le ctroconductance channels (norm) joining the acupunctural points in children ? ria-T-0-f---p-airrt-----ri-ght- background- i-background Age of-dEi-rd-ren -let' t- 9.2+0.5 1.7 8.7+0.4 1.9 10 1cr;-2----f?o.5r.6 3.8___- 49- 3-4X-- ICT:84?076- 203-4+0-45---- 24-.00-.6-- ''''''' -17.9- 5.6---- t2- 22 251+0-i9 4 25-1,0+0.8 f rom 7-11 years 93 _18.3+0.7 6.5+0.3 5.9+0.3. ----4 .-2 -- 25 1.3 1.3 6.8+0.3 5.9+0.3 - 1.5 1.2 26 11531-475:+0?37 2:2- 697-073- 1;1- , 7.-2470.5 873-447;6- A 44+1-0_ 9 7.1+0.5 1.5 972.-+a:9 1.6 1.3- 10 -1-2 / .0 -22 23 25 26 1-2-.5+0.9- t5.-1+0.7_ 14141+0,1_ 5.4+0.7 4.770.r 7.6+0.6 -9-. 6-7:0? 8- 9-.670.7- 5 a +0._4._ 5.1+0.3 4.870.3 6.7+ci.-4- 3.0----10.9+0.6,-- 34_ 3.5 1.3 2.8 5.5---- O... MO 6(7+0.9 1.5 from 12-15 years 1.5-7- 1.0- 5:5+0.7 f . 0 TO 7-7.-4--f-:0;5 1 . 2- 3 9 1-.0--- 1-.0 ?_1 -..___ , .- 33 91 -- 0.8 5.7+0.3 0.9 113 f0( 0.7 0.7- 4.9+0T,3-- 0.9 - 8-.4-1-07- 0.9-- D .-L.-P-armanenko-(4-960-) Re mark q L__ThLpoialt _numbe_ra_are_glyen_according to Fin-Li -Da. I. 71 Ele c troconduct iv e indices. of active facial nerve has been cut. points when ,Table the facial -Erciints prior left- after -procedure-- right left ---- ro procedure left emposure-ta-sez-- -right ...i,eht 15 30 3 3 3 3 3 5 4 20 20 10 20 23 32 10 12 60 z5 3053 23 13 30 . 3 4 4 22 30 1-3 _______in 42 40 17 -- 22 25 -26 12 10 USWD'a'AcalViliNiS ONLY CIA-RDP96-00787R000500080001-0 "re e e :e cot rm.. ,.."st 10". 'NMMMIMMMED view- * ? 6 5T5i. -i5TIT5T 5 aa SOVIET-BIBL-IOGRAPHY-OF-LITERATURE ON-RESONANCE- BIOSTIMULATION (as-contained--in-the-original--Russian manuscr-ipt Adamenko, V.G.. and Ilaykov V: "K Voprosu ob obyektivnom .issledovanii glubokovo gipnoticheskove?sostoyaniya.. ?V sb: Terapiya-psihicheskil zaborerania..-71C7I9-6-8-""-('IrcTTWards the questil:Th on objective research- inta-deep,-hypilolic-ststes"--In-the-col-leot?on-rtheiapy.u r _ uten-ta-1-1-1-1-ness Moscow-,-1-968- Ad_amenko, V. Gi_s_K_QzLi.a.r)-1.;_11, ,tomet=_._vazmozhnost_l_e_va ispol'zovaniya."- Voprosi Materiali nauchno-methodiche kovo seminara., 1969,- (The biometer and its possible applications. Questions -of-13:Thenergetrds, ma-ferials of- the scientific methodcrlogica-1---serairrar). Aga4anyanBiolOgicheskiye-ritrni-.-M-.-,-L1968-(-Bie1ogical-rhythms)-- Arnosoy N.M-..- "Naukovadumka",1969'-(MOdeillflg!". 1969-- {Modelling o.f thoughts and p..__yche, Kiev, pub- lisher: Scientific-Thought-i? 1965)", ? 13 alT5V-N-:GT,Thatrili-Te7Irs OrayevskiT7.7c:Fafirra-tov A. : axetv Priroda-r-1-97-3., No. (Thczret_ical.Jai.o.10.gY:z.L_MoseaW_;21_YUM_publishersa___1935). Bihovskiy Y-a. 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Ne)-dtoriye. yonros*-7b-ii'n-amikii?-bioene-rgetiki organizraa- v .norrne i-7-patclogi-i-p-bi-c-.1.1-ruutatel-ya-.-ta-zerniztu-che-n-iye-frf, A lzra-7AtaTI9 /2 (-The-reg-ist ration-. of-e-leet-roeonduetivity 0f-acuplinettra:1-points-.---. n_the_ftrl 1 1 P Ci1021.:?SCIMARL-Cre?A1-1-rrn.-rvP_biadyna:rni-c-& and-b-icener-getics- of the organism. -in...normal and pathologiaal stat_ef: ' "- ? Hrushchov "Informatsionniy aspekt .biorezonanenih yavleni_td. V.S13::- Psihicheskay.a samoregulyataty_21.,,?Allaa-Ata.,- 1973 ? (The informational aspect-al: bloresen-anzer-phenomena. in the coil: psychical-gelf- r-egula-t-ten-r,Alina! At Inyushin, ? V. M. :.."K vepr_o_sWialogicheskey_Aki, ivnosti_krasnoy-radiatsi '1,-!--- Alma-Ata , 1965 " ; ttilkikelfighlkobbrlitthtflAtddY:tf?? f rpri - ? ia . . U613 1.4A-;-Li.i..) ApproWd-For it : re so 51:1110mCl." 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"A study of Luminescent processes in Aqueous Media with reference to Bioluminescence" Doctoral Dissertation, University of new Tork at Buffalo, (1968) Barnes, Frank :"Application of Lasers to Biology and if.edicine" Proc. of the IEEE, vol 63, Ni'. 9, 1975 Czerski, Przemyslaw: "Experimental Models for the:Evaluation of Micro- wave bioloaical effects" Proceedings of the IEEE,Vol 63,No. 11, Nov. 1975, pp. 154o-1543 Tromp, Solco W: "Psychical Physics" Elsevier, Amsterdap 1949 Hill, Scott: "Acupuncture Research in the USSR" American Journal of Chinese Medicine,1976 , Vol , Ni' , pp. Hill, Scott: Letter to the editor on the Kirlian electropotoaraphy technique, Joulal of the Society for Psychical research, London, March 1975, pp. 58-6o the following articles are being translated by the Danish S.P.R. in Copenhagen and will be available shortly. They supplement the material in tais monograph: Beyasheva, Z.G., Bek=,hambetova, B.A.:"Investigation of the influence of red and white pmlarized light and the light of HeNe laser on EEG of man" Proceedings of the second thematic symposium of scientific practical papers on the problem of "Psychical Self Regulation",1974 Gushja, A.Z, Shvald, P.G., Semionkin, E.I., Slivin, S.I.:"Treatment of trophic ulcers, unclosina wounds and inflammatory infiltrations by monochromatic red light" Ibid Dzevitskaja, M.T. "About a method of calculation of reCipies of acupuncture according to electroconductivity of the skin integument" Ibid, pp. 325-29 Inyi;shin, V.M.'Inyushin and Kireeva, L.A. "Bioradiography--a me7-.od of indicating the biological field" Ibid, pp. 338-343 Inyushin, V.M., Beclemishev, I.B., Semikin, V.A., Tleubasev,K.K.: "About the effect of ultraviolget radiation by living tissues in interaction with red light" Ibid, pp. 336-338 Shugarov, N.A., Voronkov D.V.: "Ossesous tissue restoration in treatment by intromedullary osteosnthesls oxhiblimbeir086004.0) influence of laser_ radiation"20IA 6810)!DgrantP96-uu7o Approved For Reiease USIB DEPARTMENn ONLY 6 ?143Pr? ? . ?T, ? ??i_i 41'111 ---- -------------- - ---- --------- ________ --------- --- -- -- 4:E: :-"E - . ---------1-114-INTE-RSTED-IN-ORDE:RING-EXTRA-r,COPIES----0F:-THIS-MONOGRAFIT7 ? -LLflpnRDEaINGFURTHER_TRANSLATIONS_RY-THE DANISH SIDI?: or- PSYCHOENERGETTC RESEARCH MATERIAL ' --------r-Tkitrp-ME7T-CTIMTPIDKCtIT-af-A1KILINGTMT-711-OFt-NEW -TITLES -------1---HAVE-FeUN-D-THE-FOLLOWING-M-ISTAKES-IN-TH-1-S-VOLUM2: I HAVE THE FOLLOWING COMMENTS TO MAKE REGARDING THIS VOLUME: Please return thia fora to:. 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