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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000500030001-5
Esotera 28:13-16, Jan 77
/Article by Scott Hill, biophysicist and parapsychologist,
Alma-Ata, the capital of the Kazakh SSR, was the scene of
an unusual conference in October 1976. Its theme was frontier
areas of science. Only three guests from the West were in-
vited. One of them was Esotera staffer Scott Hill (cf. Pic-
ture). Here is the first part of his report on research re-
sults obtained by Soviet specialists, who are experts in
the frontier areas of biology, agriculture, medicine and
para-research, information on which generally does not reach
the West. The first surprise was the very advanced knowledge
on the effect of electromagnetic fields on life and a new the-
rapeutic technique with laser light.
/Text? It has scarcely been noticed here that the maximum
permissible field intensities for radio, radar and power plants
in the Soviet Union have now been limited to a much lower level
than those still valid in other countries. However, this So-
viet measure should perhaps have merited greater attention
because it appears to indicate that in this country substan-
tially more work seems to have been done in the puzzling
area of the effects of strong electrical fields on the live
organism than we know about in the West.
The author reached this conclusion while hearing reports on
the research by A.S. Pressman during the Congress in Alma-Ata.
This investigator studied in detail the effects of alternating
electric current on living beings. He was particularly in-
terested in the effects of strong fields. However, at the
other end of the scale, in the range of very wemk field in-
tensities, Pressman also discovered that electromagnetic fields
exert striking effects on live tissue, even when the effective
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force is so slight as not to produce any detectable thermal
His experience in this area prompted the Soviet scientist to
assume that many phenomena that are currently classified as
extrasensory perceptions (ESP) could be explained:by recipro-
cal effects of very weak electromagnetic field effects that
are still unknown.
In the plant kingdom, magnetic fields can affect growth, es-
pecially the direction in which the roots move through the
soil. There is a possible parallel here between plants and
humans, e.g. in the area of detecting water, an ability that
all plants and a number of animals, apparently including even
elephants, have always had. In humans this is perhaps express-
ed in their ability to seek water with the aid of a divining
In this connection, let us consider a scientific puzzle that
has persisted for a long time, the secret of the "Gurvich
Effect of Radiation on Basic Life Processes
In 1923 the Russian histologist (tissue researcher) A.G. Gur-
vich discovered a peculiar effects If he turned the tip of
an onion root toward another onion, the cells in this second
onion divided more rapidly than usual. He attributed this mani-
festation to a specific radiation which he designated as "mito-
genetic radiation."
It was an exciting idea, because his assumption signified no-
thing other than the fact that a type of radiation, perhaps
ultraviolet light, was involved in the basic process of all
life, i.e. cell division.
By the middle of the thirties, more than 500 reports had been
published, primarily in Russia and Germany. However, attempts
to repeat the Gurvich onion effect failed. The entire matter
fell into disrepute. A few researchers continued to be in-
terested in the matter and tried to make the weak radiation
measurable with sensitive light amplifiers and other aids, but
without results.
The story of Gurvich radiation would have come to an end had
not a second Gurvich suddenly appeared in 1966 to defend the
family honor with the statement that there actually was such
a thing as mitogenetic radiation. The reason that all. attempts
at measurement had failed in the past was very simple: The
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apparatus used for measurement had absorbed radiation.
This was actually the case if the apparatus had windows or
lenses made of glass, since glass absorbs UV light, rather
than of quartz or silicone, which do not have this property.
In her doctoral thesis. in 1973, A.A. Gurvich stated that the
radiation emitted by cell division could be measured if the
proper equipment were used. Today, this research direction
has been completely rehabilitated, in the Soviet Union and
in the rest of the world.
In 1974 the Australian biochemist Terence Quickended created
a stir with the statement that he had also ascertained weak
luminiscence in a yeast culture. This had been achieved with
the use of a photon counter that was infinitely more sensitive
than anything available to the elder Gurvich at the time. He
felt that he had thus provided "limited substantiation" of
Gurvich's original statement which had been made half a cen-
tury earlier.
The Puzzling Interplay of Light and Life
At this point the following question arose: If ultraviolet
light is actually produced during cell division (mitosis),
conversely can it -- or light ^f another frequency -- cause
cells to divide? A.G. Gurvich had said that this could occur.
Although a few other scientists supported his statement, others
found that the effect could not be reproduced and the matter
was laid to rest. Interest in the matter was prompted again
in the Soviet Union when Dr L.L. Vassiliev of the Leningrad
Brain Research Institute, who is better known for his pioneer
work in telepathy, discovered that dissection of nerves could
bring about mitogenesis if they were electrically stimulated.
In 1973 Dr Kachanejev from the same Institute almost precipi-
tated a storm with the announcement that two isolated cellular
cultures could communicate with each other by way of UV light.
This effect was recorded in the literature as "dark chemilumi-
nescence" in ultraviolet, which sounds very simple. In fact,
science has no more than lifted the lid of the Pandora's box
in which many other possibilities for modification of living
systems by light defy discovery.
Before we can understand how laser light acts on biological
tissue, we must have an overview of the broader connection
between light and life. Light is only a part of the electro-
magnetic spectrum. Expressed in the language of music, it
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actually encompasses only one octave of the entire tone scale,
whereas the whole range of the electromagnetic spectrum ex-
tends from "infinitely long waves" (direct current) to wave
lengths that are shorter than the diameter of a single atom.
Visible light enables us to see where we are going. Other
light, which is not visible -- UV and infrared -- can be per-
ceived in other ways. Infrared or heat waves are light waves
that are slightly longer than red. They are perceived as warmth
by our bodies. Our bodies actually also emit infrared radia-
tion. This fact was utilized in the manufacture ^f "therm^-
vision"apparatus which has been in progress for a short time.
These devices can be used to measure the infrared "aura" around
humans and all warm-blooded animals. With "thermovision" equip-
ment of this kind, ambushed guerrillas can be found in the den-
sest jungle in the middle of the night and breast cancer can
be detected from a distance of more than one meter; poorly
isolated areas of houses, which permit heat to escape, can
also be detected.
Above the frequency of violet light is the so-called ultra-
violet which tans us at the beach. It can be fatal in large
doses. It is~therefore used in hospitals for killing bacteria.
The sun radiates large quantities of UV light, but luckily we
are protected against an excess of these rays by the atmos-
Even the air that we breathe is related to light via the phe-
nomenon of photosynthesis: Sunlight is converted into chemi-
cal energy which makes possible the growth of plants; plants
in turn convert carbon dioxide (CO ) which is toxic to humans
and animals, into oxygen that can ~e breathed.
Let us recall the mitogenetic radiation, the ultra-weak light
manifestation occurring in cellular division, which was men-
tioned at the outset. It is also given off by dying cells
and it appears that an animal or a plant can imprint its___
"intrinsic radiation" ^n UV film, in "its own light," so to
speak. This can be added to the long list of chemiluminescences
and bioluminescence hick to date have been discovered in con-
nection with energy is processes in cells, cultures and chemi-
cal solutions. Fireflies radiate a "cold light," which judg-
ing from its nature is beiological and strong enough to be
seen with the naked eye, by contrast with most bioluminescent
radiations which are much weaker and can be visualized only
with special equipment.
To summarize the effects of external energies on biosys.t,ems,
we present a quote from the Polish investigator Czerski;
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"A living organism is a self-regulating system, equipped with
many interlocking and inter-dependent mechanisms. Absorption
of radiant energy creats a disturbance within.the system which
results in the activation ^f these mechanisms. In view of
this, the biological effects that occur when the biological
system is exposed to radiant energy should be regarded as a
chain of events that are precipitated from the first inter-
action between radiation and living substance. "
Picture captions:
p 14: Prof. Dr. Injuschin, director of the Alma-Ata Congress,
demonstrates treatment with laser beams on the left hand
of biophysicist Scott Hill. He is directing the red
light which is bundled by a special optical device on
a certain acupuncture point. Generally, laser acupunc-
ture is performed in an almost Lgotally dark (80/) room,
in order to increase effectiveness.
p 15: Chart showing the current position ^f "mitogenetic" re-
search in the Soviet Union: In the middle, a portrait of
the pioneer, Prof. A.G.Gurvich; above it, there is a
schematic representation of cellular division (mitosis)
stimulated with UV light. The four picture are "mito-
genic photos" of onion roots taken by the new aura pho-
tography technique.
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000500030001-5