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Approved For Releaji 2/03/07 CIA-RDP96-007800000100022-5 This is a little book that Xerox puts out for High School students. ~I Ili 1 I ..errwrrr~~;raarr s r+^wr eii 3, ~~r~-, ? i i ~~ mow. ^Y f^ , sa ~~ ~ rf ~Ilflt .~. _ ~~~~ ~~"I': X11!"3~JT ~ '1T:'~~i F~"' ' ~k ~~? l III ?~ f ` ' _- s /~ ~? N 1 I~: _ s^ _ -; iii wit. ? . = srNN. .'tl V inr Approved for Release 2001/03/07 CIA-RDP96-00787R000400100022-5 Approved For Relea O 03/07 : CIA-RDP96-007874W00040100022-5 ABOUT OUR COVER Man., He can do a lot, of things. But can he move objects by 'concentration? Can he send and receive nntal messages? Does he have a sixth sense-ESP? Readpages 2 ,through 9 before you answer. 10 -1 REMEMBER,' -THAT'S HOW IT WAS" TV's "The Waltons" is based-on a man's real-life family. 14 THE POINT OF IT In"this play, three boys take xp~ven a 4 their teachers ti? EAt~ iris dl r , 22 WILLTH 'REAL BAD GUYS PLEASE STAND-UP Can you pick your favorite `bad guy here? 28 "HAIKU? YOU CAN AN6 MORE Here's one. kind 'of Poetry " you might enjoy trying to READ MAGAZINE. Incorcorating Young America-CoPyrl$ht @ 1973 XeroxCar- poration. Publishing, Executive,, and Edi- tonal Offices: Xerox. EducationPublic3- lions, 245 Long Hilh Read, Middletown. .?.: Conn. 06457. Material in this issue may hot be reproduced in whole or in part it, any form or format without special permission from the publisher: Issued twice a month" during the school" Year, beginning September i and ending on May 15. Classroom subscription price for ' 10 or more copies sent to one address:. $5e, per semester per student. $1.70 for'- the school year. Single subscription' rate on orders totaling lean than., 10 copies'- $3-40 per'year each, payable, in advance. In, Canada. classroom subscription price for 10 r more coppres' sent to one ad dress. $2.40' + 30c. ostage and. hart' mg,. per pupil per ydur; Sin la subscr $tl ' Ion to an orders tntalol$ less than 10 ; ^.$opiek $4:80 + 30e- postogtr and han- dling. per pupil per year payable in ad-= ':.vance:.Second-classpostage R^rdat Co-, iv bus, Ohio. Printed in U S.A. XEROX C.$ is at de a,k of XEROX CORPORAVION. $end- Forms s. to Publication and' ubscription Offices indicated below. anaging Editor: Edwin A Hoey Staff Writers: Jacqueline A. Sall Joyce Senn Edward J. Zagorski Designer. Richard Glassmaf Executive Editor. James J. O'Donnell publication and Subscription Offices Xerox Education Publications Education Center, Columbus, Ohio 43216 Canadian Distributor: Edu-Media Ltd., 1 Adam Street. Kitchener, Ontario CURRENT SCENE Captain Edgar D. Mitchell, former moonwalker, has found another universe to explore. Captain Edgar D. Mitchell piloted the lunar module on the Apollo 14 flight in 197.1. He shot through l9uds in a rocket and became the ,al th man to"" .ilk on'-'the moon's ' surface. That's a pretty hard act to follow, What in the world is left for such a man to do? Not much-in this world. But Captain Mitchell thinks he's found another world to investigate. It's farther than the moon-as far as the most unremem- bered dream. But it's near, too-as near as the human mind. It's consciousness. Consciousness. All by itself the word doesn't seem that exciting. What's the big thrill about being awake or asleep? But many people believe that' consciousness includes much more than just those two functions. They say it includes all the strange, weird stuff involving communication and activity outside the five senses. In other words, psychic phenomena. Now that's more exciting. And that's the area into which Captain Mitchell -has recently launched himself. He's formed an organization called EDMA (for Edgar D. Mitchell & Associates) Corporation to do research and testing in various forms of psychic phenomena. The general term for these phenom- .XEROX Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000400100022-5 Approved For Relea 3/07 CIA-RDP96-0078700100022-5 ena is PSI (sigh). And PSI has three categories: Extrasensory perception (ESP) ? Psychokinesis (PK-Pronounce it sigh-koh-kin-EE-sis) ? Spirit communication-ghosts, hauntings, and talking to spirits. The science that studies PSI in all its categories is called para- psychology. Captain Mitchell's interest in this field isn't hard to understand. After all, the popularity of eerie TV pro- grams like "Ghost Story," "Sixth Sense," and "Night Gallery" shows that many people are fascinated with the subject. But the former astronaut's interest runs a lot deeper than most people's. For one thing, he actually conducted an experiment in telepathy-a form of ESP-while aboard the Apollo 14 spacecraft. At four prearranged times he concentrated hard on certain numbers based on cards from a special deck that parapsychologists use. At the same times on earth, four people in different cities tried to pick up Captain Mitchell's mental pictures of the numbers he was sending. The earthlings picked up Captain Mitchell's transmissions often enough to produce what he calls "statistically significant" results. And not only that. Captain Mitch- ell's reason for going into the field isn't just to be "in." He deeply be- lieves that by understanding their psychic selves people can better understand each other and the whole natural order of things. People and nature can develop a sort of harmony from this knowledge. And this, he feels, might help to create a better world. EDMA's ideals are high, and at least one of its guinea pigs sounds- well, very interesting. You can meet him by turning the page. And don't stop there. Pages 6 through 9 will attempt to explain some of the other forms of psychic phenomena. a Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000400100022-5 The objects grouped around the staring eye above are illustrations of a gold ring going through some weird changes. Very weird changes, as you'll notice. Notice in the first drawing on the left that the ring is split. Notice in the next two drawings that the ring is slightly twisted. Notice in the last drawing that the ring forms an S-shape. Got any answers for these changes? Don't even bother. You'd never come up with the real story behind them. Because, according to people who actually saw it happen, the ring pictured above was sheared through and then slowly twisted into an S- shape---simply by the power of a man's mind. It sounds incredible, we know. But then psychokinesis-the power of the mind to control objects-is an incredi- ble idea. Psychokinesis (PK) is one kind of psychic phenomena that EDMA Cor- Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000400100022-5 Appr `ved For Relea0D3/07 CIA-RDP96-00787000100022-5 poration (pp. 2-3) plans to investi- gate. It will study the man who caused the weird changes in the rings. His name is Uri Geller. Uri, a 25-year-old native of Israel, is well-known in that country for his ability with telepathy. (Telepathy is a form of ESP that involves the ex- change of mental messages between two or more people.) Uri's ability with telepathy attract- ed the attention of Dr. A. Puharich, a physician from New York City who has done much psychical research. When Dr. Puharich was convinced that Uri possessed PK ability, he ar- ranged a trip to America for a series of tests and psychic experiments. While here Uri demonstrated a whole string of seemingly unbelievable PK experiences-all witnessed by a group of distinguished doctors and sci- entists, including Capt. Edgar Mitchell. Based on an interview with a member of the group, here is what Uri's audience says they saw. REPORT OF EVENTS The day began at Dr. Puharich's home with a gold ring containing a stone. The stone was attached to the band with heavy gold prongs. Uri, using only concentration, caused the prongs to bend back from the stone. The wearer felt nothing. The second occurrence involved Captain Mitchell's astronaut watch- a very large instrument with double stems and lots of hands. Everyone noted the time: 10 a.m. The watch was placed facedown on a table, and Uri announced he would move the hands back. He went into deep concentration, and when Captain Mitchell turned the watch over, the hands had been moved back one hour and eight minutes. Next, a 14-carat gold ring-large and hard-was placed on the table. Uri concentrated and told the group to watch the ring. Suddenly there ap- peared a smooth cut through one side of it. As the group watched, one-half of the ring began twisting out of shape. It continued to twist for several hours, even after Uri had stopped concen- trating on it. It ended up as the S- shaped object pictured on page 4. The afternoon' brought even more PK demonstrations. Uri shattered a long needle-merely by concentrating on it. Then he caused the pointed end of a safety pin to bend out of shape by rubbing it between his thumb and forefinger. The power followed Uri outdoors, also. While outside getting a breath of fresh air, he closed his hand over the hand of someone who was holding a young green bud from a bush. Within 20 seconds the bud was brown and withered. IS HE FOR REAL? Those are the reported events. Were they all part of a hoax? Remember, Uri was carefully watched by trained scientists and doctors, an audience not easy to fool. Nobody pretends to'know how Uri's ability works. But EDMA Corp. in- tends to try to find out. It hopes to do tests on Uri, monitoring his brain waves, heartbeat, and muscular ac- tivity to find out what happens when he goes into his PK state. That might be tough, because Uri himself says that his power comes and goes. And when the power is gone, he couldn't shear through a ring any more than you could. But further studies of Uri Geller could be very in- teresting. Very interesting. Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000400100022-5 Imagine attempting a wheelie on your bike in. the driveway and ending up doing a crashie into a bed of geraniums. You'd probably feel pret- ty bad. But how do you think the ge- raniums would feel? Geraniums? They can't feel-can they? A man named Cleve Backster claims plants can feel. He's done ex- periments proving, he says, that plants have emotions just as humans have. They "faint" when threatened, feel sympathy and appreciation, and even have a sort of memory, according to Mr. Backster. It all began in 1966 when Mr. Back- ster, a lie detector (polygraph) expert, hitched up an electrode from his poly- graph to the leaf of a houseplant. Mr. Backster had just poured water on the plant's roots, and he wanted to see how long it would take for the water to reach the tip of a leaf. (Polygraphs measure and automatically make a chart of changing electrical impulses. A freshly watered plant would grad- ually show a pattern of less and less electrical resistance.) squiggles.-It wasn't measuring root-to- pattern that appears on a person's polygraph when he's emotionally moved. Was the plant saying, "Thanks for the drink"? Mr. Backster decided to try some- thing else. He thought of a threat to the leaf: touching it with a burning match. But before he could do any- almost off the chart. The plant seemed afraid! That was enough for Mr. Backster. He began a series of hundreds of ex- periments with plants and polygraphs, ? Someone selected one of three fresh vegetables to be dropped into boiling water. The one selected went into a polygraph "faint" (a sudden upward movement followed by one continuous straight line) before it was even touched. Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R00040.0100022-5 Approved For Relea 2O O3/07 CIA-RDP96-007874WOO 100022-5 Your garden might be doing a lot more than just growing. It might be reading your mind. The plant showed no reaction whatso- ever to five of the students. But when the killer approached, the plant "fainted." ? While tiny shrimps were being boiled alive in one room, plants in another reacted with intense emotion. Grad- ually, however, as more and more shrimps were cooked, the plants stopped being so excited. ? One of six students was given the task of tearing into shreds one of two plants alone in a room. After the plant was demolished, the students, one by one, walked by the surviving plant. Mr. Backster also says that the polygraph has charted reactions from cooked vegetables. And rotted ones. He says he's also recorded eggs "faint- ing" just before being cracked into a waiting skillet. Mr. Backster has had lots of en- thusiastic followers. Twenty or 30 in- stitutions are at present reproducing some of his experiments in their own labs. A reported 7,000 scientists have requested copies of his research. And some people have tried to actually make plants do things by thought con- trol. An inventor named Paul Sauvin re- cently conducted an experiment in which an indoor plant, controlled only by Sauvin's thoughts, supposedly trig- gered a device that started a car in an outdoor parking lot. Sauvin was 21/s miles away at the time. But what does it all mean? One in- terested party thinks there might be a "primary form of instant communi- cation between all living things that goes beyond everything we now know about science." Scientists in the So- viet Union, who have done research similar to Mr. Backster's, are con- vinced that plants possess electrical impulses similar to man's nerve im- pulses. We don't know where it all could lead. Just remember all these things the next time you're around a willow tree. The wrong thought might make it weep. . ^ Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000400100022-5 Can a person's spirit leave tiebod to see events somewhere else? .,; people believe' so-and- claim to have .done it. Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000400100022-5 Approved For Relea OLJO3/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787WOc 0100022-5 It was late at night and Robert Monroe was lying in bed awake. His wife had already fallen asleep be- side him. Suddenly a surge of power began in his head and spread through- out his body. Trying to analyze what was happening, Robert let his mind ramble. A moment later, he felt something pressing against his shoulder. He reached back and felt a smooth wall. He tried to see in the dim light. He thought he had fallen out of bed. Then he looked again. Something was wrong. This wall had no win- dows, no furniture against it, no doors. It wasn't a wall-it was the ceiling. Robert was floating against the ceiling, bouncing gently every time he moved. Startled,,he rolled over and looked down. Below him he could see two figures lying on the bed-his wife and his own body. "My reaction was quick," he later said. "Here I was; there was my body. I was dying, this was death, and I wasn't ready. Desperately, like a diver, I swooped down to my body and dove in. Then I felt the bed and covers. When I opened my eyes, I was in my ASTRAL PROJECTIONS A dream? Hallucinations? Fake? Not to Robert Monroe, who lives in Virginia. He claims that this mind- out-of-body event really happened. In the world of ESP, such experiences are called astral projections. Some scientists in psychic research believe that in an astral projection- or out-of-body state-the spirit or soul of a human moves out of the body and goes to another location. From that lo- cation, the spirit can then look back and see its own body. The spirit can also see other locations that might not be visible to the body-such as the next room. In addition, scientists claim that the spirit can go thousands of miles away without harm-perhaps even into deep space. The body, in the meantime, is not dead. It is suspended in a state that resembles a coma. Breathing con- tinues, with the heart and other organs functioning properly. INGO SWANN - Robert Monroe's experience is not supported by scientific evidence. But another man's experiences supposedly are. He is Ingo Swann, and many of Mr. Swann's out-of-body trips have occurred in a laboratory, with Brien entists hovering close by to study the effects. In one case, Mr. Swann sat in a dimly lit room. Above him, out of his view, a shelf suspended from the ceil- ing held three objects-an umbrella, a black leather case, and an apple. While scientists watched, Mr. Swann went into a trance. When he awoke, he was able to de- scribe all the objects in fine detail. He explained that his spirit had left his body, traveled to the ceiling, and studied the objects. Scientists cannot say for sure that Mr. Swann's spirit actually left his body-there is no definite proof. But they feel that such an experience is possible if a person believes in having a soul or spirit that is separate from the body. In any case, scientists warn experi- menters that astral projection can lead to harm without a trained person near- by. For one thing, since the body is in a coma, it could be mistaken for dead and could be buried. When the spirit returned, it would logically awaken in a coffin! Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787RO00400100022-5