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Publication Date:
June 27, 1972
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Approved For Relea J-X001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-0078TR000400100005-4
June 27, 1972
At the suggestion of Russell 'tarp I am ~ritin v b
u a oat :u:
obsor.?vation in the 7 ~bnratory involving one Ingo Swc,nn, a Nr'?x York
artist. To introduce riryself, I am a laser physicist at SRI and
co-author of the boat: "fundamentals or Quantum Rloctronics," by
Pantell tend Puthoff, a Wiley publication.
Through some private correspondence I rsrceived some tnforr??a--
t:ion from Dr. Gertrude Schnicid:lcar at City College, Now York, that
they had clone sore experiments in the Depart:n:ent of Psychology vritb
Ingo Swann, a young man who had clone solne rather amazing Lila?:-;s in
their laboratory-, including the raisin' olio lowering of te.rnl~eretere t,
al thermistors placed some distance from his body. Since he was
coming out to the West Coast, it was suggested that perhaps, as a
physicist with sensitive equipment available, I might like to work
'With him in an experiment or two. I agreed and invited him out.
In order to eliminate the possibility of trickery, I decided
on an oxperimoni whore if tre 'cory were s??c-^essful, that would be
nearly as ir.:portani as any cii.rocU feet he could produce. At the
suggestion off Dr. Little (Stanford Physics Dept.) I made arrangements
to use the superconductor shielded magnotorneter being used in the
quark experiments of Dr. Arthur Ilobbard, Stanford Physics Dept. This
magnetometer is located in a we in the Varian Physics building, and
is shielded by an aluminum cont?iner, copper shielding, and, most
important, a superconducting; cannister. Dr. llebbard assured me that
is tests with large electromagnets no sie?nals have been induced in
the shielded mag:actonreter? from the outside:.. The magrt:,omoter is of
the SQUID variety.
Prior to the experiment a decaying magnetic field had been set
up inside the magnetometer, and its steady decay with time provided
a background c Iii: ati c,r: ; n rI wh.ic1 z?c i? i;e s as sine ?.~-:t output
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000400100005-4
Appx,pMj@ga , gra el""ale 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96:-QQ7 7R`040p005-4
L * he calib: .ui7 field. The system had been running.
for something on the order of an hour with no noise. Ingo was slrowl,
the setup W 'd told that if he were to affect the magnetic field in
t}~o magnetometer it would show up as a change in the output recording.
He then placed his attention on the interior of the ma,
description) at which t,netometer (his
point the frequency of the sine wave doubled
for a e.:rpi o cycler" (sue output), or roughly 10 seconds. As you
can imagine, we were quite amazed, and Art then said, "Well, maybe
it's noise_-i~ would really
wave altogether. In be something if you could stop the sine
Ingo proceeded to (10 just that, as can be seen in
the graph, for a period of roughly 10 seconds. lie lion. "le go) It 'It
which point the output returned to normal. We asked hith totdescribe
what he had done, and he explained that he could see the apparatus
inside and that looking at different parts created the effect. As he
described what he was doing, the recorclin1; traced out a cycle as had
occurred originally (doub7-,~, frequency). A rather peculiar dip in the
recording took place then, and upon questioning him as to what was
happening, he said ]1e_'Yas looking at a now part, the niobium ball
sitting in a cup which was inert for now in the magnetometer experi-
rnent (it is used in the quart: experiment). We asked him to refrain
from thinking about the apparatus, and the normal pattern then traced
out for several minutes while we engaged. him in conversation on other
subjects. AL one point he started to discuss the magnetometer again,
at which point the tracing went into a high frequency pattern. At
our request he stopped, and we terminated the observation as ho was
tired from his effort. We then left the lab, and Art Hebbard then
continued to run the apparatus for over an hour with no trace of noise
or nonsinusoidal activity. At various times during this and the
following day where similar data werotaken, the experiment was observed
by numerous graduate students, and also by Dr. Little of the Physics
Department, and by Dr. Martin Lee from SLAG (Stanford Linear Accelerator),
the designer of the electron storage ring.
` am quite
certain that he would not have had achance torlookoat aldiagram
beforehand, as he did not know that we were going to use this particular
piece of apparatus until we arrived in the laboratory.
At this point I wish to state that I consider this an observation,
not a controlled experiment. There are variables I would want to
chock if we had time and money, such as whether it was the recording
side light- of the e eri
mont was that ins vr
ir.s tribe rather well what the interio y _..._ Y_ go was
lil,e,_._znUarcntly v ~""?r,:.w 4.th. device looked
l li Some form oiff `ire
An interestin
-GIA RDP9C-QQ787R000400100005-4.
There is not much more that can be said about the observation.
If further work were to validate the observation, the implications
ai' staggering, to say the least. However, before we speculate I
th nk it. is necessary to remain cautious and try to arrange for Ingo
to return from the East. Coast and to perform some carefully-controlled
ex eriments to see whether the phenomena continue to hold under
rigorous and well-defined conditions.
As a postscript, we did try to repeat the temperature experiment
usi g a hp quartz thermometer and did get the variations requested.
1Iow ver, the environment was not well controlled, so I consider the
experiment suggestive but 'inconclusive.
If you Wish information on this or have any suggestions
pie so do not hesitate to contact me further about this matter.
.With best regards,
fA rte#ie araRe~~a e~ OQ~/~~/iQ ~ x?Ctl r,~~11P4@e99T?71, POP cigpIP0005-4
'his could be tested by a disconnect of the apparatus from the tY
rc ordi r
'?g equipment to see if the recording; would continue to change
on command.
Dr. H. E. Puthoff
Senior Research Engineer
Electronics and Bioengineering Laboratory
Bldg. 30.
326-6200, Ext. 3202
ApOroved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000400100005-4