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Proposal for Research
Prepared by:
Harold E. Puthoff
S~;nior Research Engineer
Russell Targ
Senior Research Physicist
Electronics and Bioengineering Laboratory
Earle D. Jones Dire~t6r
Information Science and Engineering Division
Approved For Release 2000/08/10 :CIA-RDP96-007878000200210001-8
Approved For Rise 2000/08/10 :CIA-RDP96-OQ~7R000200210001-8
Exploratory Research in Remote Viewing
1. Global Targets--Training Mode
2. Demonstration-of-Ability Tests:
Client-Supplied Coordinates
EEG Experiments.
Remote Perception of Graphic Material.
A .
Objective .
Technical Approach
Statement of Work. ~
Reporting Schedule
Approved For Release 2000/08/10 :CIA-RDP96-007878000200210001-8
Approved For Re~q~ise 2000/08/10 :CIA-RDP96-00~7R000200210001-8
1 Training Results (Swann) .
2 Map No. 1 of West Virginia Site (Swann)
3 Map No. 2 of West Virginia Site (Detail--Swann)
4 Map of Urals Site (Price) .
5 Map No. 1 of Kerguelen Island Site (Detail--Swann).
6 Map No. 2 of Kerguelen Island Site (Swann).
7 Map No. 3 of Kerguelen Island Site (Price). .
8 Occipital EEG Frequency Spectra, 0 to 25 Hz, of
Jean Mayo, Receiver
9 Occipital EEG Frequency Spectra, 0 to 25 Hz, of
Hella Hammid, Receiver.
10 Shielded Room Used for EEG Measurements
11 Target 1 (Firecracker) and Geller's_Responses
12 Target 2 (Grapes) and Geller's Response
13 Target 3 (Devil) and teller's Responses
14 Target 4 (Solar System) and teller's Response .
15 Target 5 (Camel) and teller's Response.
16 Target 6 (Golden Gate Bridge) and teller's Response .
17 Target 7 (Seagull Flying) and teller's Response
18 Target 8 (Kite on CRT Display) and teller's Response.
19 Target 9 (Church, Stored in Memory of Text-Editing
Computer) and teller's Response .
20 Target 10 (Arrow Through Heart, Stored in Computer
Graphics Program) and teller's Responses.
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Results of Global Targets Training--Run 10. .
Approved For Release 2000/08/10 :CIA-RDP96-007878000200210001-8
Approved For Reic~se 2000/08/10 :CIA-RDP96-OO1R000200210001-8
Stanford Research Institute proposes to undertake a one-year research
program to investigate, and develop techniques to enhance, human percep -
tual abilities.*
The perceptual abilities that we have been investigating for the
past year are sometimes considered paranormal phenomena. However, our
recent work leads us to consider them as, to a greater or lesser extent,
latent in all people. The phenomena we have investigated most exten-
sively pertain to the ability of certain individuals to view with great
clarity distant scenes not presented to any known perceptual sense. In
addition, we have performed more modest experiments with unselected sub-
jects who have been found to exhibit direct physiological (EEG) evidence
of perception of remote happenings. Our accumulated data make it appear
that both gifted and ordinary persons can be assisted in developing
remote perceptual .abilities up to a level dictated by their individual
potentialities. The purpose of the proposed research is to investigate
the physical and psychological variables underlying these phenomena so
that we may gain a greater understanding of this ability and a more com-
plete grasp of its limits and applicability.
Section II of this proposal provides background material,, detailing
the evidence pertaining to remote viewing and other nonregular percep-
tual abilities. In this section we describe:
? Experiments with two gifted individuals who took part in
double-blind experiments to perceive scenes at intercon-
tinental distances.
? Brain wave. experiments in which ordinary (not specially
selected) subjects were asked to perceive whether or not
a remote light was flashing--the EEG data from several of~
.these subjects indicates objectively that they did perceive
the presence of the light, even if only at a noncognitive
level of their consciousness.
This proposal has been prepared at the request of the client.
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Approved For Relidse 2000/08/10 :CIA-RDP96-OOR~lR000200210001-8
? Carefully controlled remote perception experiments with
Mr. Uri Geller, in which he, while located in an elec-
trically shielded room, was able to reproduce target
pictures drawn for the occasion at various SRI locations.
Section III describes the proposed program and presents a detailed
work statement, along with the major program milestones.
Section IV outlines the experience, facilities, a.nd personnel of
Stanford Research Institute, and its Electronics and Bioengineering
Laboratory that are available to contribute to the successful completion
of this work.
A separate Part Two of this proposal covers contractual matters
and costs.
Approved For Release 2000/08/10 :CIA-RDP96-007878000200210001-8
Approved For Rel~e 2000/08/10 :CIA-RDP96-OO~R000200210001-8
A. Exploratory Research in Remote Viewing
As a result of experimentation carried out in an eight-month program
to investigate the abilities of a gifted subject, Ingo Swann, Swann ex-
pressed the opinion that the insights obtained had strengthened an ability
that has been researched before he joined the SRI program; namely, the
ability to view remote locations. To test Swann's assertion, SRI re-
searchers set up a series of experimental protocols on a gradient scale
of increasing difficulty.
The first step toward the proof that such an ability might exist
in principle was completed in our laboratory in a series of experiments
with another subject in which target pictures were successfully received
where the subject was separated from the target material either by an
electrically isolated shielded room or by the isolation provided by
East-coast/West-coast distances. These data are presented in Part C of
this section.
1. Global Targets--Training Mode
' For the first experiment, considered to be a training mode,
100 targets on the earth's surface (ten per day for ten days) were chosen
at random, often by different experimenters. For each ten-trial session,
the experiment would begin with the subject (Swann) being given a target
location by latitude and longitude only, for which he had to provide an
immediate response of what he saw. Following his response, some brief
indication was given as to whether any correspondence existed between
his description and the target location. The next coordinate was then
given until all ten coordinates were exhausted. A run of ten coordinates
was always completed in less than 30 minutes.
The results obtained during the training mode are summarized
in Figure 1, where a least-squares fit to the data is shown by the solid
lines. Details for the final run (Run 10) are shown in Table 1.
The second coordinate in Run 10 (Table 1) affords a surprising
example of precision that sometimes occurred. The experimenter chose
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Approved For Relil~e 2000/08/10 :CIA-RDP96-OO~R000200210001-8
out of
10 trials/run 4
RUN out of
10 trials/run 2
out of
10 trials/run 2
? ?
~..-. e ?
t I I-~ I I 1
? ?
e ---~_o."~----o._.s
2 4 6 8 10
Approved For Release 2000/08/10 :CIA-RDP96-007878000200210001-8
Approved For Rele~e 2000/08/10 :CIA-RDP96-007.$78000200210001-8
45?N 150?W
Ocean, beautiful blue-green waves, sun
shining, ship toward north
2?S 34?E
Sense of speeding over water, landing
(eastern shore, Lake
on land. Lake to west, high elevation
Victoria, Africa)
55?N 150?E
Not many trees, patches of snow, marsh?
(Sea of Okhotsk)
64?N 19?W
Volcano to southwest. I think I'm over
(20 miles ENE of
Mt. Hekla volcano,
55?N 130?E
Wind blowing there, night., telephone
(Soviet Union)
wires. Land, ,flat place with fields;
60?N 90?W
Open water, stands of pine to north.
(Hudson Bay)
60?N 91?E
City, snow on ground, city to north-
(Soviet Union)
east, factory to south.
30?S 0?
Ocean, Atlantic, deep blue water,
42?N 105?
28?S 137?E
Islands, Land mass to east, west.
(Lake Eyre, Australia)
An open sea, night.
H--Hit; good description of area in near vicinity of target.
N--Neutral; some possibility of correspondence.
M--Miss; clear lack of correspondence.
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the .coordinate from a world map to represent the middle of Lake Victoria,
.Africa. However, Swann insisted that the coordinate, when given, turned
on a picture of land to the right of a large lake. Subsequent checking
with a detailed map of the region indicated that his perception had
been correct.
We must, of course, point out that the results of such a train-
ing mode can be taken as indicative only, since even under the carefully
controlled experimental conditions in force,
? An individual could--in principle--obtain good
results on the basis of eidetic memory.
? Given the hypothesis of extraordinary functioning
an individual could--in principle--obtain the data
subliminally from an experimenter who knows the
target location.
Therefore, the rapid global targets training mode was followed
up with a series of global targets supplied by Stanford Research Institute
personnel on a double-blind basis in which detail was obtained on build-
ings, roads, bridges, and the like. The results were sufficiently ac-
curate to lead us to propose the client--controlled demonstration-of-
ability tests described in the following paragraphs. The final evaluation
rests on the analysis of the double-blind targets used in the concluding
demonstration-of-ability tests.
2. 'Demonstration-of-Ability Tests: Double-Blind
Client-Supplied Coordinates
In order to subject the remote viewing phenomen
o a rigorous
test under control of the client, a request for coordinates was trans-
mitted to the client. In response, SRI personnel received the first set
of coordinates, hereafter referred to as the West Virginia Site.
a. West Virginia Site (Swann)
Date: 29 May 1973, 1634-1640, Menlo Park, California
Protocol: Coordinates 38?23' 45-48"N, 79?25' 00"W
given by Dr. H. E. Puthoff to subject I. Swann to
initiate experiment. No maps were permitted and the
subject was asked to give an immediate response. The
session was recorded on video tape.
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This seems to be some sort of mounds or rolling hills. There
is a city to the north (I can see the taller buildings and
some smog). This seems to be a strange place, somewhat like
the lawns that one would find around a military base, but I
get the impression that there are either some old bunkers
around, or maybe this is a covered reservoir. There must be
a flagpole, some highways to the west, possibly a river over
to the far east, to the south more city.
The map of figure 2 was drawn.
On the following morning, Swann submitted a written .re-
port of a second reading, dated 30 May 1973, 0735-0758, Mountain View,
Cliffs to the east, fence to the north. There's a circular
building (a tower?), buildings to the south. Is this a former
Nike base or something like that? This is about as far as I
could go without feedback, and perhaps guidance as to what was
wanted. There is something strange about this area, but since
I don't know particularly what to look for within the scope of
the cloudy ability, it is extremely difficult to make decisions
on what is there and what'is not. Imagination seems to get in
the way. (For example, I seem to get the impression of some-
thing underground, but I'm not sure.) However, it is apparent
that on first sighting the general location was correctly
The map of Figure 3 was drawn.
b. West Virginia Site (Price)
As a back-up test, the coox?dinates were given to a second
subject (Price) who appears to possess similar ability in casual testing.
The task was presented to. the second subject independently of the first,
both to prevent collaboration and to prevent any sense of competition.
Date: 1 June 1973, 1700, Menlo Park, California
Protocol: Coordinates 38?23' 45-48"N, 79?25' 00"W
given by Dr. H. E. Puthoff to subject Price by
telephone to initiate experiment.
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~v~ ~c~ wt~
r.G?,~~ ~
Approved For Release 2000/08/10 :CIA-RDP96-007.878000200210001-8
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On the morning of 4 June 1973 Price's written response
(dated 2 June 1973, 1250-1350, Lake Tahoe, California) was received in
the mail.
Looked at general area from altitude of about 1500' above
highest terrain. On my left forward quadrant is a peak. in a
chain of mountains, elevation approximately 4996' above sea
level. Slopes are greyish slate covered with variety of broad
leaf trees, vines, shrubbery, and undergrowth. I am facing
about 3?-5? west of north. Looking down the mountain to the
right (east) side is a roadway, freeway country style--curves
around base of mountain from S.W.--swings north-for a few miles,
then heads E,N.E. to a fairly large city about 30-40 miles dis-
tant. This area was a battleground in civil war--low rolling
hills, creeks, few lakes or reservoirs. There is a smaller
town a little S.E, about 15 -20 miles distant with small settle-
ments, village type, very rural, scattered around. Looking
across the peak, 2500-3000' mountains stretch out for a hundred
or so miles. Area is essentially wooded. Some of the westerly
slopes are eroded and gully washed--looks like strip mining,
coal mainly. ,
Weather at this time is cloudy, rainy. Temperature at my alti-
tude about 54?--high cumulo nimbus clouds to about 25,000-
30,000'. Clear area, but turbulent, between that level and
some cirro stratus at 46,000'. Air mass in that strip moving
W.N.W, to S.E.
1318 - Perceived that peak area has large underground storage,
areas. Road comes up back side of mountains (west slopes),
fairly well concealed, looks deliberately so. It's cut under
trees where possible--would be very hard to detect flying aver
area. Looks like former missile site--bases for launchers still
there, but area now houses record storage area, microfilm, file
cabinets; as you go into underground area through aluminum
rolled up doors,-first areas filled with records, etc. Rooms
about 100' long, 40' wide, 20' ceilings with concrete supporting
pilasters, flare-shaped. Temperature cool--fluorescent lighted.,
Personnel,. Army 5th Corps Engineers. M/Sgt. Long on desk plac-
ard on grey steel desk--file cabinets security locked--combina-
tion locks, steel rods through eye bolts. Beyond these rooms,
heading east, are several bays with computers, communication
equipment, large maps, display type, overlays. Personnel, Army
Signal Corps. Elevators.
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1330 - Looked over general area from original location again--
valleys quite hazy, lightning about 30 miles north along moun-
tain ridge. Temperature drop about 6?, it's about 48?. Looking
for other significances: see warm air mass moving in from S.W.
colliding with cool air mass about 100 miles E.S.E, from my
viewpoint. Air is eery turbulent--tornado type; birds in my
area seeking heavy cover. There is a fairly large river that I
.can see about 15-20 miles north and slightly west; runs N.E.;
then curves in wide valley running S.W. 'to N.E.; river then runs
S.E. Area to east, low rolling hills. Quite a few Civil War
monuments. A marble colonnade type: ~~In this area was fought
the battle of Lynchburg where many brave men of the Union and
Confederate Armys (sic) fell. We dedicate this area to all peace
loving people of the future--Daughters G.A.R.~~
On a later date Price was asked to return to the West
Virginia site with the goal of obtaining codeword information, if pos-
sible. In response, Price supplied the following information:
Top of desk had papers labeled:
File cabinet on north wall labeled:
Operation Pool --- (2nd word unreadable)
Folders inside cabinet labeled:
14 Ball
4 Ball
8 Ball
Name of site vaguely seems like Hayfork or Haystack. Personnel:
Col. R. J. Iiamilton
Maj. Gen. George R. Nash
-Major John C. Calhoun??
c. Urals Site (Price)
After obtaining a reading on the West Virginia sites Price
volunteered that he scanned the other side of the globe for a Bloc equiv-
alent, and found one in the Urals at 65?00'57~~N, 59?59'S9~~E, described
as follows.
Elevation, 6200'. Scrubby brush, tundra type ground hummocks,
rocky outcroppings, mountains with fairly steep slopes. Facing
' Approved For Release 2000/08/10 :CIA-RDP96-007878000200210001-8
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north about 60 miles ground slopes to marshland. h4ountain
chain runs off to right about 35? east of north. Facing south,
mountains run fairly north and south. Facing west mountains
drop down to foothills for 60 miles or so; some rivers running
roughly north. Facing east, mountains are rather abrupt
dropping to rolling hills and to flat land. Area site under-
ground, reinforced concrete, doorways of steel of the roll-up
type. Unusually high ratio of women to menu at least at night.
I see some helipads, concrete. Light rail tracks run from pads
to another set of rails that parallel the doors into ttie mountain
(see Figure 4). 's'hirty miles north (5? west of north) of the
site is a radar installation with one large (165') dish and two
small fast-track dishes.
The above reports were submitted to the client for evalua-
tion. A second set of coordinates was requested and obtained, hereafter
referred to as the Kerguelen Island Site. 1
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Approved For Ruse 2000/08/10 :CIA-RDP96-00~7R000200210001-8
d. Kerguelen Island Site (Swann)
Date: 21 July 1973, 1708-1730, Menlo Parks California
Protocol: Coordinates 49?20'S, 70?1~1'E given by Dr.
H. E. Puthoff to subject I. Swann to initiate experi-
ment. No maps were permitted and the subject was asked
to give an immediate response. The session was recorded
on video tape.
My initial response is that it's an island, maybe a mountain
sticking up through a cloud cover. (Experimenter checks, gives
positive feedback.) Terrain seems rocky. Must be some sort of
small plants growing there. Cloud bank to the west. Very cold.
I see some buildings rather mathematically laid out. One of
them is orange. There is something like a radar antennas a
round disc. (Subject draws map during report.) Two white cy-
lindrical tanks, quite large. To the northwest a small airstrip.
Wind is blowing. Must be two or three trucks in front of build-
ing. .Behind, is that an outhouse? There's not much there.
That's all, I think, for now.
Swann submits map, Figure 5.
O~Z the following day, 1152-1215, the identical protocol
-was followed for a second reading. Again, no maps were permitted.
During this reading, Swann described following the coastline of the
island, drawing segments on 8-1/2'~ v 11'~ pieces of paper as he went9
resulting in Figure 6 when the pieces were assembled.
It's not completely dark there, sort of orangish light. If
I look to the west, hills; to the north flatlands and, I think,
airstrip and-ocean in the distance; to the east, rolling bumpy
grasslands with bumps; to the south is -- I can't see anything
to the south. I move north to the coastline and follow it
around. That's point A (begins to draw map). Point B, rocks
sticking up out of the ocean, breakers on them. Point C, little
cluster of buildings with wharf, boats. Point D, jutty of land
sticking out. Point F* is sand basin, river coming through
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~~exx1 M
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lots of birds. Point E, brush of small trees. This is fun
(laughs), first time I've ever done this. (Following E) almost
a straight coastline, cuts in rocks, beach. Then curves back.
I see to northwest a mountain rising, snow on top, Area G is
irregular. Point H is a high cliff, Point I is a promontory,
Point J has big breakers, K is a bay, L is area I drew yester-
day (circles area, draws airstrip and buildings for orientation
to previous map). That will do f.or today. May be a lighthouse
(on tip?). I lacked courage going around Point G.
e. Kerguelen Island Site (Price)
Date: 20 July 1973, 1400, Menlo Park, California
Protocol: Coordinates 49?20'S, 70?14'E given by Dr.
H. E. Puthaff to subject Price by telephone to initiate
Price Response:
On the morning of 21 July 1973 Price's written response
(dated 20 July 1973, 2055-2232, Santa Clara, California) was received
(hand carried).
Picked 15,000' altitude. Looking south, 4? east of south, see
a :ite located on a cliff about 200' high above the ocean. In-
stallation is a cluster of buildings and radar tracking station
(see Figure 7). Radar is a segment concave type rather than
circular dish type. Building #1 is the largest, L-shaped, front
facing NW, two stories plus basement. Buildings #2 and #3 about
75'-100' east of main building, also two stories plus basement.
Building #2 has recreation and dining facilities, building #3
contains living quarters. Building #4 is a shop and maintenance-
, area. Buildings are all interconnected on the ground floor.
I see a dock area at the base of the cliff, and 1/4 to 1/2-mile
from the buildings is an airstrip.
The installation has four functions:
1) Tracking (space)
2) Meteorological station
3) .Monitoring equipment for radiation readings
4) Radio relay station.
I see a couple of other radar installations covered by geodesic
domes. There are two small tracking radars interlinked with
main radar.
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~e~a~e-2.0 , . 0~7.~~I~O.Q0~9A~~:Q0~1-8 - -- -
I had the impressian that the personnel (military and civilian)
were French, but since I could understand what was being said
I assume personnel are American.
f. Analysis of Results (Double-Blind
Client Coordinates)
The results obtained with the double-blind client coordi-
nates have been evaluated separately by the client. (See attached
As an additional control with regard to the experimental
protocol, SRI personnel have not been informed before, during or after-
ward of any details of the target series parameters, including the hit-
miss profile. However, SRI personnel have been informed that in each
experiment there have been at least some categories of information in
which the data exceed any possible bounds of coincidental correlation,
and exceed any possible bounds of acquisition by known means. It has
also been reported that some of the data possibly constitute "noise~~
in the signal, but it has usually been difficult to negate totally any
information given by the subjects.
Therefore, we conclude from this portion of the study
? A channel exists whereby information about a
remote location can be obtained in the manner
? As with all biological systems the information
channel appears to be imperfect, containing some
noise along with the signal.
? While a signal-to-noise ratio cannot as yet be
determined by SRI personnel with regard to client-
controlled targets, a semiquantitative signal-to-
noise ratio might be .determined with additional
experimental effort.
One premise underlying our investigation is that paranormal func-
tioning is distxibuted throughout the population in much the same manner
as every other ability, and indeed in much the same way as intelligence
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is distributed. We :further eonjectLtre that it is partially the "world
view" of the times in which we live that prevents paranormal ability
from surfacing to a greater extent.
Our EEG program was initiated in an effort to determine whether
objective physiological measures of paranormal functioning exist and
to relieve the subject from the burden of having to demonstrate voli-
tionally any sort of paranormal functioning. We inform our subjects
that a light is to be flashed from time to time in a distant room, and
if they perceive that light it may be evident from changes in their EEG
output. This experiment tests the hypothesis that perception may take
place and be measurable at noncognitive levels of consciousness, even
though not easily expressed verbally.
In our work with four female volunteer subjects,- we have found
evidence in three of their EEG spectra that they are influenced by the
remote stimulus. Thus it appears from this exploratory work that we
have a repeatable perception experiment that yields significant results
even with unselected subjects.
The experimental protocol for the experiment is as follows: A
subject is seated in a shielded EEG monitoring room in the Life Sciences
Building of SRI. -A friend of the subject is seated in a remote room
with the stimulus generator, in this case a strobe light. The EEG out-
put is recorded from the vertexes and occiputs (regions of the brain)
simultaneously from both participants. On each trial, a tone burst
precedes by one second a ten-second train of flashes presented to one
of the subjects designated as the "sender." The subject who does not
see the flashes is designated the "receiver;" this subject also hears the
warning signal, This signal evokes a contingent negative variation (CNV)
in each of the subjects as they anticipate the occurrence of the flashes.
Thirty-six such trials are given, each consisting of 12 null trials,
i.e., 0 flashes/second, 12 6-Iiz flashes, and 12 16-Iiz flashes intermixed
in.a random order. Each. of the 36 trials consists of a ten-second EEG
epoch. The EEG data are recorded on magnetic tape and digitized, The
12 data blocks associated with the 0, 6, and 16 Hz trials are averaged.
A spectral analysis is then performed on the average.
This analysis has given two types of results.- In two subjects we
have evidence of actual modulation of the EEG output at the flash fre-
quency. The other (more consistent) observation is that the dominant
alpha production of the resting subjects is pulled to higher frequencies
during the 6- and 16-Hz trials as compared with the 0 flashes/second
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In summary, the "receiver" subject knows when a trial period is
beginning but does not know whether the light will be flashed nor what
the flash frequency will be. However, from the accumulated EEG data
we tentatively conclude that there is evidence strongly suggesting that
Human subjects can directly--even though noncognitively--perceive remote
stimuli not presented to any known perceptual sense, and the perception
event can be recorded by an objective process.
Figure 8 shows the averaged EEG for a subject attempting to perceive
the remote stimulus. In this case the twelve averaged trials are for the
6- and 16-IIz light. The spectrum indicates a significant (p 0.05) in
crease in the 16-Iiz component during the 16-Hz period.
.Figure 9(a) shows an overlay of the three averaged spectra for a
different subject. Figure 9(b) shows the difference spectrum where the
0 trials data are electrically subtracted from the 6-IIz data. This
difference curve shows a clear frequency shift in the dominant component
of the subject's alpha (9-11 Hz) production.- Of our four subjects, this
subject had by far the most monochromatic EEG spectrum. Again the fre-
quency shift obtained from comparing the stimulus versus nonstimulus
trials was significant at the p = 0.05 level for the 6-Hz case and at
the p = 0.005 level for the 16-Hz case.
A second important use of the EEG technique is to allow a deter-
mination to be made of what confidence level to place on what a subject
reports that he is perceiving during the course of his remote viewing
experien.;e .
Subjects taking part in these EEG experiments are asked to indicate
their conscious feelings, on a trial-by-trial basis, as to which stimulus
is being generated. They make their guess known to the experimenter via
one-way telegraphic communication. An .analysis of these guesses has
shown a~correlation between the correct calls and certain characteristic
changes in EEG output. These changes vary from subject to subject but
appear to be constant for any one subject. Having observed this apparent
correlation in exploratory work, it is important to continue this study
further to determine its constancy.
In experiments with Swann, the correlation took the form of a de-
crease in monochromaticity of his alpha production when his verbal re-
sponses to a stimulus condition were correct. (In this experiment Swann
was asked to determine whether a remote helium-neon laser was on or off.)
In the course of this experiment there was thus an apparent correlation
between the accuracy of his perception and his EEG production, even
though his overall task performance in this particular experiment did
not differ significantly from chance expectation.
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S 10 IS Zo
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5 Hz 10 Hz li Hz 20 Hz
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In other work with Swann at the American Society for Psychical
Research, Dr. Karlis Osis has reported that when Swann attempted to
reproduce pictorially the contents of a hidden container, his EEG out-
put would consistently shift from lower to higher frequencies. Swann
was highly successful (eight out of eight) in this series of perception
It thex?efore appears that monitoring of the EEG may prove to be a
goad indicator as to the measure of confidence that should be placed
in a subject's report about his perception of a remote scene.
C. Remote Perception of Graphic Material
The objective of this group of experimental sessions was to inves-
tigate the apparent paranormal perception ability of gifted subject Uri
Geller under carefully controlled conditions with the goal of under-
standing the physical and psychological variables underlying such ability.
On each day of an eight-day experimental period, picture drawing
experiments were carried out. In these experiments Geller was separated
from the target material either by an electrically isolated shielded
room or by .the isolation provided by having the targets drawn on the
East Coast. As a result of teller's success in this experimental period
we consider that he has demonstrated his paranormal perceptual ability
in a convincing and unambiguous manner.
Saturday, 4 August--Two drawing experiments were conducted this
day. In both of these, Geller was closeted in an opaque, acoustically
and electrically shielded roam. This room is the double-walled shielded
room used for EEG research in the Life Sciences Division of SRI. It is
locked by means of an inner and outer door, each of which is secured
with a refrigerator-type locking mechanism, as shown in Figure 10.
The two drawings used in this experiment were selected by randomly
opening a large college dictionary and selecting the first word that
could reasonably be drawn. The first word obtained in this manner was
"fuse" and the object drawn was firecracker [Figure 11(a)]. All target
selection and picture drawing was done with Geller already in the shielded
room. Geller was notified via intercom when the target picture was drawn
and taped to the wall outside his enclosure. FIe was continuously moni-
tored by a one-way audio circuit.
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Geller's almost immediate response was that he saw "a cylinder with
noise coming out of it." His drawing representing his response to the
target was a drum, along with a number of other cylindrical-looking
objects [Figures 11(b) and 11(c)].
The second word selected was "bunch," and the target was a bunch
of grapes. Geller's immediate response was that he saw "drops of water
coming out of the picture." He then talked about 'purple circles."
Finally, he said that he was quite sure that he had the picture. His
drawing was indeed a bunch of grapes. Both the target picture and teller's
rendition had 24 grapes in the bunch (Figure 12).
In this work the target picture is never discussed by the experi-
menters after the picture is drawn or brought near the shielded room.
The intercom operates only from the inside of the room to the outside,
except when the push-to-talk switch is depressed on the outside of the
room. In our detailed examination of the shielded room and the protocol
used in these experiments no sensory leakage has been found, nor has
any defect in the protocol been brought to our attention.
Sunday, 5 August--Geller is locked in the shielded room with one
experimenter outside as a monitor while the target is drawn in the other
experimenter's office about a half mile away. The target selected from
the dictionary was an outline drawing of a man, which evolved th rough
the drawing process into a devil with a trident [Figure 13(a)]. To
start the experiment, Puthoff, who was with Geller, called Targ, who
was with the drawing. Geller spent almost a half-hour working on the
drawing before "passing," as he felt unable to get the drawing. We in-
clude his efforts nonetheless for the insight into the process that they
His drawings [Figures 13(b)-13(d)] were as follows:
? "Moses' Tablets," i.e., Ten Commandments.
? Apple with a worm coming out of it, a snake was in the
same picture, and the Tablets symbolism of the first
? Composite picture with the Ten Commandments on top of
the world and the trident on the outside, along with a
neatly drawn leaf.
One is led to speculate that the Biblical representation in these three
drawings is perhaps associational material triggered by the target. The
inability on teller's part to draw the devil may be culturally induced.
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With regard to the target picture, Geller did draw the trident
from the target picture, but he did not draw the man who was holding it.
From this it seems clear that Geller does not simply copy lines from
the target picture, but rather he apparently performs some mental pro-
cessing before drawing them.
The second target picture was drawn by an experimenter while he
was inside the shielded room with Geller outside the room with another
experimenter. In this case the .target [Figure le(a)] was a representa-
tion of the solar system. His immediate verbal reaction before drawing
was one of ~~space.'~ teller's drawn response to the target while outside
the room [Figure 14(b)] coincides well with the target drawing. The
block in the center of teller's picture, according to his statement,
was his afterthought suggested by the movie 2001 and was drawn as an
addition just before comparing target with response.
Monday, 6 August--The experiment to be done this day was a pure
clairvoyance task. A picture was drawn by a scientist outside the usual
experimental group. The picture was locked in the shielded room before
teller's arrival at SRI. Geller was then led by the experimenters to
the shielded room, and asked to draw the picture inside the room. He
drew a number of pictures, all of which he rejected as not being appli-
cable. He said that he got no clear impression and passed. The target
was a rabbit, and nothing Geller drew in any way resembled a rabbit.
It should be added that the picture was drawn by a scientist of whom
Geller is not fond, and Geller asked at the outset if this was the case.
The experimenters said that this was not the case, since they did not
know who had drawn the picture. Geller felt vindicated to some extent
when he found out that his initial guess as to the artist had been correct.
Tuesday, 7 August--This day two target pictures were attempted with
Geller in the shielded room. He was connected to an EEG apparatus to
allow measurement of his brain waves at the time that he was attempting
to perceive a hidden picture. The two target pictures were a tree and
an envelope. He experienced difficulty, did not make a drawing that
corresponded to either drawing, and passed. Also, he found it very
difficult to hold adequately still to make good EEG records. The same
skeptical experimenter who drew the rabbit was the EEG operator on this
second unsuccessful day,
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~Vecinesday, 8 August--Three targets were drawn during the course
of this day's work. In the first, the experimenters closed the outer
door of the laboratory in which the shielded room is located (in addi-
tion to the inner double doors) and worked in an adjoining room. The
target picture in this case was a camel. Geller felt unsure and passed
but his first choice drawing was a horse (see Figure 15).
The experimenters then returned to the room outside the shielded
room and drew the second picture, which was the Golden Gate Bridge
[Figure 16(a)]. Geller inside the shielded room drew some curved lines
with some squares underneath [Figure 16(b)]. Iie said that he didn't
know what the picture was and passed.
The third picture was a flying seagull. Geller said almost imme-
diately that he saw a flying swan over a hill. He drew several birds
and said that he was sure that his drawing. was corrects which it was
(Figure 17).
Experiments were conducted in the shielded room for six days; good
results were obtained on four of the days when there was no openly
skeptical observer present.
Thursday, 9 August--The experiments were moved to SRI's Engineering
Building in order to make use of the computer facilities available.
After Geller was secured in a shielded room about 150 feet down the hall
and around a corner fx?om the computer room and placed under continuous
monitoring, a picture of a kite was drawn on the face of the TV screen
driven by 'the computer's graphics program. Shortly .after Geller was
notified that the picture had been drawn he had the computer room called
to determine if the target picture was a geometric picture or an object.
By talking to an intermediary, who was ignorant of the target picture
we told him that it was an object. teller's first drawing in this case
was a square with the diagonals drawn in. He then also drew some trian-
gular airplanes and passed. His first drawing was a,good representation
of the actual target picture (Figure 18).
Friday, 10 August--Two pictures were drawn and stored in the com-
puter memory so that no visible evidence was availab e in the computer
room after the picture was drawn.
The first picture was a church. The picture was drawn and stored
in the memory of the computer. teller's responses are shown in the
attached collection of drawings (Figure 19). It appears that both of:
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