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March 3, 2003
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Publication Date:
January 15, 1974
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Approved For Rel re 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00787ROOQX0200028-0
15 January 1974
SUBJECT . Special Management Guidelines for the
SRI Paranormal Project
1. Both the nature of research in the paranormal field and the
intense interest it excites within our organization and in the public at large,
together with the highly competitive and complexly motivated character of other
research efforts in this field, make it essential that we formulate and adhere
to certain special guidelines for the administration of any new efforts. The
real intent and purposes of such guidelines would be to:
a. simplify the contractor's task by eliminating all unnecessary
confusion and distractions;
b. tighten the responsibility and control functions within the
sponsor's organization;
c. serve both the contractor's and the sponsor's interests by
increasing project security; 'and
d. permit us to arrive at sound and well-documented, however
modest, conclusions by focusing on limited, consistent and
explicit objectives.
The guidelines listed below need not be considered definitive; to the extent that
modifications seem essential from a practical point of view or that additional
guidelines would serve the above purposes, contractor and sponsor personnel should
agree on emendations.
2. Data Control. The complex nature of the funding and phasing of
SRI's past paranormal investigations makes it virtually impossible to establish,
now, which data were developed under whose auspices. Other than
portions which
clearly relate to sponsor tasking and direct or indirect sponsor validation, no
attempt will be made to control use of that data--most of which has already
eed become public knowledge in one form or other. But it will be understood that,
from the start of the new (January 1974) contract effort, all data developed will
fall under the sponsor's purview and none of it will be released in any form to
other than authorized sponsor personnel without prior sponsor approval. On its
part, the sponsor undertakes to be as expeditious and liberal as circumstances
permit in approving the release of non-sensitive data for open publication.
3. Authorized Personnel. As far as the sponsor's organization is
concerned, 'authorized' personnel will be understood to mean: in the first S G11
instance, the primary project officer, II or his immediate superiors (Mr
and Mr McMahon); and, in 0 absence orS G1I
witla r t to purely 'basic' research matters, his alternate project officer,
S G1I espeor his immediate superiors F__ I and Dr Stevens). As
far as the contractor's organization is concerned, 'authorized' personnel will S G11
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000200200028-0
Approved For Release 2003/04/1~~; P9~-00787RO00200200028-0
Guidelines for SRI Project
_ 2 _
be understood to mean: only those (to be listed by name and function) immediately
involved in the research effort, the essential chain-of-command superiors and such
other SRI specialists as may be required in conducting the research. Individuals
other than 'authorized' personnel, whether from the sponsor's or other govern-
mental or non-governmental organizations, will not be given access to project data
without prior sponsor approval. Such approval will be limited to individuals
essential to the conduct of the research. It is likely that, because of prior
associations and publicity, the contractor will receive queries about the status
of research and we appreciate the awkwardness this might create; whenever possible,
it is suggested that the contractor take the position that, largely on its own
resources, the masses of data already collected are being studied and the results
may, if appropriate, be published at a later time; the contractor should avoid
more explicit comments unless there is prior coordination with the sponsor.
4. Release of Data to Sponsor Personnel. The requirements for progress
and financial reports are specified in the contract and they will be released only
to 'authorized' sponsor personnel. In the same sense, visits to the paranormal
research laboratory should be limited to authorized sponsor personnel. The sponsor
will attempt to curtail inqueiies and requests for site visits by its personnel
and it is suggested that, should it become necessary, the contractor handle such
requests by stating that it now operating under restrictive groundrules and urging
the individual to contact the project officer or his alternate.
5. Acceptance of Guidance from Sponsor Personnel. Similarly, to
avoid confusion or disruption of the contractor's efforts, tasking and guidance
will be accepted only from authorized personnel; unsolicited views may be referred
to the project officer or his alternate. It may be that, later, the contractor
and the sponsor will wish to brief sponsor personnel and solicit their views and
suggestions; but, if so, it should be undertaken in a well-controlled, methodical
manner and for quite specific purposes related to the research design and
6. Other Sponsorship. The sponsor assumes that the scope and terms
of the contract are such that SRI's paranormal investigative resources will be
fully absorbed by the effort but, since the sponsor's support cannot be alluded
to by SRI, that will not preclude offers of sponsorship by others--including the
government. It is suggested that, in response to official or unofficial offers,
SRI initially state that it is consolidating and studying previously collected
data and doesn't wish to undertake new investigations until this analysis is
completed. If this response doesn't have the desired result, SRI should inform
authorized sponsor personnel before making any commitments or disclosures. SRI
and sponsor personnel will then agree on the most effective means of handling
the situation.
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000200200028-0