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Approved For Release 2400/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00787R0Q200090023-8
ical ESP experiments involve the comparison of guesses with
external states presumably both uncontrolablerand unperceivable by the
percipient by normal sensory means. The following note points out
statistical variables available &'r~analysis in these experiments and
their possible interpretation in terms of ESP effects. The SRI
experiments with the 4-state random number generator are experiments
of this type.., In the following, for simplicity, a 2-state or binary choice
device is assumed, but by obvious extension the ideas may be applied to
an analysis of 4 as well.-
Denoting the two states of the machine by +2. and -~ the series
produced by the machine during the test is a time-ordered series (nZi )
where m., takes the value of #1 or -:1 , and denotes the position
in the series N(total number of states in test). The
corresponding guesses made by the percipient form another series 94 )
where % is either +1 or -j ,and again L indexes the guess. Yet
another time-ordered series is that produced by the machine during a calibration
run with no percipient which we denote ( Ci ) and assume 4 = 1,2,??? N.
as before with the same value of N,
There are thus three time-ordered series to be analys&d and compared.
1. ( MI ) the series produced by the machine during the test
2` ( 9Z ) the series of guesses of the percipient
3: ( CZ ) the calibration series of the machine
Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000200090023-8
i. 2
Approved For Release 2,QPO/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00787ROO4200090023-8
The statistical properties of each series separately is described by
a heirarchy of correlation functions:
I d1Z~ mean value (average properties)
m. > = -
N L.
CM (y)'v 1 M4m4#i
emrn,n (,k)
2nd order autocorrelation (
displacement within series
b t1 ? . /fc,k 3d order autocorrelation
Higher order correlations
If randomness is at issue it can be determined from the measured values
of these functions compared with the probable values they would have for
a truly random series. For most purposes it is deemed sufficient to use
no higher than 2nd order correlations. A further simplification is to
restrict attention to transition probabilities, i.e. cm (I) with j =:t,
only. The cut-off point in the analysis is dictated by practical considerations
of sample size ( magnitude of N), or convenience of computation. In inei g,
however, the entire heirarchy is required for a complete analysis.
In addition to the autocorrelations, the cross-correlations of the series
with each other may be computed. There are threee(3) 2nd order- crossacorrelation
functions among the three series above.
mg (~ ,) '~" fn4 94a-a' machine test- percipient test
4, in ccf~ machine test- machine calibration
Cce / C 9d.* machine calibration-percipient test
The essential point of this note is that a proper description of, an ESP
experiment requires a computation of these correlation functions together with
embody the very information sought in the experiment.
. They
Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000200090023-8
Approved For Release 2WO/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00787ROQ 00090023-8
The significance of the various functions is as follows.-
l.- Averages and autocorrelations
Determine whether each of the series is random, and especially
and ('j) determine whether other than random strategy is used
by percipient?
x.'/n> and ) compared with