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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
September 5, 2003
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Publication Date: 
March 23, 1976
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Approved For Release 2003/09/09 CIA-RDP96-00787R000200090011-1 ? .. T1AL 2 " ;;t R 1976 DD/S&T _ 13 1-16 SUBJECT: Associate Deputy Di For Adnin#stration Associate Deputy Director for Science Technology Parapsychology Research I -A iC enorand from /DDA to AID/W dated ry 1076, Subject SRI Report ptual Augaentation u have expressed an t Trent research plans in this area. Fubject of parapsyc d like 2 As you may know, we elected not to continue the SRI search project because of its substantial cost and because of the generally nee ative findings in the physiological "per- tit of the research. For example, a promising earlier cur- relation between brain wave patterns and the on-off status of a hidden light inside a screen rooms was not substantiated by the most recent stud The operationally oriented portion of the SRI work did yield sea* very Interesting findings. Uafortunately, these were open to question because of pro ceduraal shortcozzaings, such as the lack of controls, lack of rredeterxUod criteria for "hits," failure to follow accepted double blind methodology, and the involveaaent of experimental to seers themselves as subjects. tnti i we can identify pronisieat and potentially usee- e do agree that the field requires close observation, " research alteraat ivees . No have proxr ed :t for FY-77 and a follow-on for VY-70 include an in-depth review of the recent Uro, together with visits to laboratories doing Ent research in the field. The contr*stor will be a I atsble scientist who holds neither a position of flat p ro action nor an outright espousal of paraanoral phenomena Approved For Release 2003/09/09: CIA-RQP16-00787R000200090011-1 Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000200090011-1 SUBJECT; Parapsychology Research .rally. At the same perferr-ance would be considered they could he demonstrated. Distribution: original - Addressee D/OT 1 - ADD/S&T I - U/ORD I - LSR/ORD 2 - DD/StT Registry l ORD Registry LSR/ORD/DD/S&T attempt to determine and levels Of paranor*ai octant to the Agency if nrp.2902 16 'arch 1976 SG111 Approved For Release' 003/09/09 -CIAyRDP96-00787R000200090011-1