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Approud For Release 2003/09/09: CIA-RDPf00187R00020QZ0L; OTS/CB Memo x/75-11 22 February 1975 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Status of Stanford Research Institute Paranormal Research Contract, Menlo Park, CA 11 February 1975 1. Summary: Status review of the above contracted revealed the necessity of a no-cost time extension of approximately 30 days. It is clear that SRI has and will. continue to provide vast quantities of com- petent research. This fact is now being supported by replication of some of the SRI investigators at independent laboratories. 2. The status on physiological correlates and the basic phenomena investigations has changed little since the December review of SRI in Washington. The work was essentially completed at that time, only a small amount of analysis yet remained. Some of this analysis, such as the blind judging of the hit rate of the psycokinetic effects on the De elco magne- tometer are now completed but the results don't change the conclusion of a somewhat less than completely convincing demonstration. The evidence is suggestive of paranormal effects, but the suppl* is not enough to warrent any strong conclusions. 3.a) The paranormal ability functioning characterizations tests are mostly complete. The remote viewing, line drawing and teaching machine tests are all completed. The testing machine results are analyzed. The line drawings are being judged. The transcripts from the 54 remote view- ing tests are about one-half typed. Judging will begin shortly and is estimated to be completed by 28 February. b) Preliminary conclusions based on the judgement of SRI and myself. i) Subject #1. (SI) performed remote viewing at statistical pro- bability of 10-6 52, n.and 54 approach this level of functioning. 55 and 56 will have only weak or no performance. 55 and 56 may be judged to have sporatic or no performances. ii) Clearly none of the subjects were able to produce at the level of Uri Geller on reproducing live drawings. It will probably be concluded that all subjects failed this test completely. iii) Only one subject, 52, was able to complete the teaching machine task with probability of 10-6. At my direction he was directed to replicate the result and did so at 5 x 10`5. Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000200090003-0 Appro l For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDPW- 0787R000200090003-0 4.a) All the medical, psychological and neurophysiological testing of the six subjects is complete. Analysis of the medical data is complete. The psychological data has been analyzed and summarized by the psychologist who administered the tests. A second blind analyzed of the data is being completed by the director of the Palo Alto Clinic. His analysis is expected within one week. The complete neurophysiological data analysis is expected within one week. The preliminary analysis of the data indicated some new tests and more analysis which could be helpful. Some of these new avenues are being explored. b) Preliminary conclusions from this data and analysis. i) Medical data reveals nothing. ii) Psychological data reveals little with any immediately useful significance. iii) The neurophysiological tests may be the strongest test to identify strong remote viewers. Stronger remote viewers have unusually high scores on these tests. These indicate further tests which are not yet evaluated. It is further expected that the intuitive conclusions of strong left hemosphere;wfunctioning of remote viewers long supported by SRI without strong data may be supported by these new tests. c) It is noted as an aside that a complete package of all these test results is being prepared ~or BAB. The BAB operational testing procedures are essentially equivalent to the WAIS. This huge amount of data on these six subjects by a large variety of tests gives BAB a unique opportunity to compare and correlate the usual operational assessment data with much other data. 5. Because of the limitations of resources, analogue operational testing of subjects was essentially terminated in December. The only note- worthy exception is completing the formal and highly controlled remote viewing tests for later blind judging. The tests have implicit operational significance even though the targets are not chosen for their relation to operational situations. 6. In conclusion, it is expected that without an immediate commitment of support, the prinicple.investigators, R. Targ and H. Puthoff, will be expected to leave SRI. It was stated to me that SRI is not able to support research on internal funds, regardless of its merit. There is no question of its merit according to SRI management, but no exceptions can be made. Because it is felt that Targ and,,'uthoff are so strongly attached to para- normal research that they coulbe motivated to switch to a more classical and better funded area such as their former interests, laser physics, it is SRI's judgement that it would be best for all concerned if Targ and Puthoff leave SRI. I expect Targ and Puthoff to agree with this opinion. SG1I OTS/Chemistry Branch Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000200090003-0 91 .1 L: U 115 ,?i