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PSI ~1 CAPITOL HIf1 Ely V`Ji!Ija'n }C. Stucky t cs rct c:ear arhathar Charlie Rose seeks thy ever-growing Mind-Over- Far-Out (Moto) vote- Governor Jerry Qrq?,vn of California certainly does-as what Rasa would do with it if he got it. The Mofo vote is rot very conspicuous in the bdewa:ar district of North Carolina that Rose rrprasents a5 a Democratic congressman. But Charlie (that's what hs puts on his letterhead) certainly has the pulpit azd connections, possibly the power, and definitely the inclinaticut to produce a Mtofo spectacular. What Reprasentativ? Rose wou-d like to do is cult a congressional Rearing soon to confirm publicly that the C!A and the Pentagcn Rave successfully demonstrated that certain psi powers are real and can be used for intelligence purposes, and the Savigt Union is probably ahead of the United States. Rosa is kha chairman of the evaluation subcommittee of the Houss Permanent Committee cxi Intelligence and, as such, is a principal watchdog of spook affairs. 1n that capacity, he has recently witnessed several classified demonstrations at "remote viewing" by Stanford Research institute (SAt) and intelligence per" sannel-"in which iha experiments{ sub;ects "vietived" persons and places thousands at kilometers away in certain '?interesting" countriQS. all E can say is thaCif the results were faked, our security system doesn't work," Rose tall ma cryptically "What these persons 'saw' was confirmed by aerial photography. TRere's no way it could have been faked," As for the Soviet Union's undertakings in this arza, Rose disclosed, "I've been told by the CIA that the Russians era very inter95ted in psychic phenomena snd that their vrhole effort is underground. They have a national screening program to detect mathematical, artistic, or psychic a5ilities in schoolchildren. The CIA, on the other hand, spends next to noshing in Phis area, except to find out what the Russians are doing.' The ~r,itnesses Rosa would Gait include CIA ofticiats vrho, Rose said, "know this remote-vie,,ving stuff works but who hav~3 roved For Release 2001/03/26 :CIA-RDP96-007878000200080031-0 been blocked by publicity-shy superiors. Anothor key witness might be Dr Robert ,Jahn, dean of engineering and applied science at Princeton University, who with graduate student Carol Curry is developing an instrument to detect smelt-scat? psychokinetic effects---not of the theatrics! Geller spoon-banding type, but a more modest effert to determine whether a subject might "vrill" a grain of sand to move. Diehard Ulofoers will also recognize khe names of other potential witnesses, such as Edgar MitcheN, the astronaut who conducted an ESP experiment {with apparently ambiguous results) between' the moon's surface and Earth; Dr, Harold Puthoff and Russell Targ, two Stanford Research Institute psychic researchers whose reports, claiming that literally every parson they have tested can perform remote viewing, have been published in Nature and the fEEE Proceedings; and Llr, Willis Harman, an SRI futures researcher, t1 :,j~ ~~ widely sought of ter by major corporations and foundations, who is so convinced of the reality of psychic phenomena that he "wouldn't walk across the street to :viness a levitation:" Congressman Rose, like Marmara and the other potential witnesses, in other words, has seen and believes. "Some of the intelligence people t've talked to knr~H that remote viewing works, although they stilt block lurther research on it, since they claim it's not yet as accurate as sat?16ts photography," Rase asserted. "But it seems to ma chat it would be a hell of a cheap radar system. And ft ' the Russians have it and w~a don't, we era in serious trouble. This country wasn't afraid to look into the strange physics behind lasers and semicanductars, and f don't think it should be afraid to took at this." When I firsk met him, Charlie was concerned that some of the acad?mic debunkers of the psychic-whose principal spokesman is Martin Gardner, of Scientific Amerrcan-might stifle objective, High Science research in this tietcefy debated ar?a, That he might even "investigate" the debunkers adds another dimension to the hearings Rosa proposes. Charlie might of so find hlmse4f in a locked-horn mode with somas of the keen- estthinkers of the day: Dr. John Wheeler, for exempts, a renowned physicist, wRq wrote the first paper cn nuetear lissitsn with Niels Bohr and who associated witR?' Einstein for more than 2Q years, recently suggested the expulsion of parapsychatogy groups from the respected umbrella organization, the American Association Eor the AdvancemenR of Scienoe. ''But Wheeler and Gardner are not close to His Leadership and Democratic Highness Boston's own Thomas "Trp" O'NeiH, and Charlie Rose is. Rose fife some, but far Prom alt, of the stereotypes that Naw York parochiats would attach to Southern rongr?rssmen. It is true that he is a Southern Presbyterian, and a "religious onto"; that ha lcrres his chairmanships of various agriCUiturahsubCOmmitteea On poultry, dairy products, and tobacco .- ~ Approved For Release 2001/03/26 :CIA-RDP96-007878000200080031-0 CO~TI3 `'~,~~'SAP~'1~6E~'^R~IV~is)e 2d~0fN~3a~2~ erl~dt~~~t6s4~7~ZOh20~,8908~4~ ~+7,e w,~s a~~ that s sat a screnGst or rntalt~g ce back home. r d to lead tt~e Mofo prophets? VJe'i. hg arol?ssrar7al, but a Chapel Hi;i, North There are two more Chsr!ie Roses thaP yet another convert to Alvin Tattler, thy; C~zro!rna, lawyer and fo?mar county prose;- don`t fit country stereoty'pzs 0na ~s the respected futurist-author of Future Shack c::!or. You see that trap jaw and hear the Rose who is the (-louse's acknor:i~dged Tctf!er~convinced Rosa that Con:~ress ?:das aoc~nt t~tnd you think of these relaxed rural expert on aompu!ers. according .,o Gary playing ~Ktussran roulette ?.yith the future by U =~. 5 +?:na might s?y, "Na.v Jake. we knew Hymel, the speaker's right-hand r^.3n. And igno~rng it in most of its le:~~SiatiGn. He in? yo?,; krr~d your wife. Sa don't go lyin' about Rose is founder of Capito: Hi~~ s r'^GSi Mofo troduced Rose to that gra?r,rng thinkdank :: Just yet your story together v:hile f go get activity. [he Congressional Crean~,gnouse industry of Pu!urology. ~:ahiuh according to y~uacupofcaffee.? an the Future-"the science-fiction ~::ing onelcfseveralconflitting)d?ufinipons.uses The other Charlie Rose, hoa:ever, is a of Congress," according to a sc~ance~ori- available information and mixes in hunches p~oteye of Terry Sanford. the former south- anted congressman. and personal theories to pred~ct what is emly liberal governor of North Carolina, The Mofa aspect of the clearinghouse is going to happen in crucial and vital areas. ex-university president. and aonce- detected in the pages of i!s fascinating In 1974 Congress passed an internal act hopeful entrant into Democratic presides- , monthly newsletter, "What's -N?xt?" There requiring its committees to conduct fiat primary etections~--which attracted "all I one finds the news and views Af the L?5 periodic futures research, and by 1976 the bright young Southern liberals like , space colony people, the anarchistic ap- Rose and Cheatham were sending the Charlie Rase," and not one veteran Capitol i propriate technology of trondrous Karl House a stream of bath close-in and cbserver. Elected to Congress in 1972, Hess, the soft-energy boys, the worker- farthest-out futurists to prophesy what lay Rase made a key early commitment to , owned-corporation boosters, the cosmic- in stare for alt of us. support C7'Neiil far Hous? majority leader. cansciausness kids, and the Committee for Today the clearinghouse functions as a Tip. now speaker of the House, considers the Elimination of Death. Under its imagin- "caucus," not an official congressional Charlie one of his key Southern lieutenants, alive director, Ann Cheatham, the Clearing- committee, but rather an informal Hilt- onewho daesn'tmind doing the necessary house also holds its monthly "Chautauqua based activity financed by contributions but dirty and no-publicity-value jobs that Congress"-think-and-talk sessions with from interested members of Congress and keep Congress functioning. The House In- both "futures," and more conventional, ex- other supporters. Many Senate luminaries tplligence Committee chaired by another p?rts, who produce recommended legisla- are firmly behihd the project. of Tip's buddies, Massachusetts Repre- lion with a longer-than-usual~?term twist. Thaughitcan'tyetclaimrnanyiegislative sentative Edward ~toland) is one super job, (For the remainder of the year Chautauqua victories, Rose's clearinghouse-in can- since most of its hearings are closed to the wilt deaf with future hausin 'soft" a pro- life-giving (to congressmen) press and g; ~ P junction with Rose's hearings on psychic priate technology vs. "hard" conventional intelligence gathering-wilt na doubt lead technology; the scientific nature of life, in- to some of the oddest debates, mast eluding genetic manipulation; the future astounding iegislatian, and weirdest wit- social culture; and even "cosmic eon- susses in cangressionaf histcry. California sciousness.") has set up shop on Capitol Hilt.Oo Approved For Release 2001/03/26 :CIA-RDP96-007878000200080031-0