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Proposal for Research
SRI No. ISU 75-241
Prepared for:
Naval Electronics Systems Command
Washington, D.C. 20360
Approved by:
Earle D. Jones, Di"fector
Prepared by:
H. E. Puthoff
Russell Targ
Electronics and Bioengineering Laboratory
Electronics and Bioengineering Laboratory
Bonnar Cox, Executive Director
Information Science and Engineering Division
Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000200050002-5
Approved For Release,.3000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00787F0200050002-5
Proposal for Research ISU 7:5-241
This unsolicited proposal is submitted to request authorization for
an additional task effort on Naval Electronics Systems Command Contract
No. N00039-76-C-0077, a project investigating interactions between human
subjects and electromagnetic systems.
The additional task effort, proposed herein, is directed toward deter-
mining the nature of perturbation effects induced in sensitive cryomag-
netometers by the proximity of certain human subjects. The observation
of such effects has profound implications for projects which require a
nonferrous environment free from interference and magnetic contamination,
such as magnetic object detection, magnetic signature classification,
magnetic sensor design, and magnetics test procedures.
SRI proposes to undertake a 4.4 man-month (including subjects) research
program to investigate the characteristics of, and if possible to determine
the mechanisms responsible for, human-subject-mediated perturbation effects.
For the past three years we have had a program in the Electronics and
Bioengineering Laboratory of SRI to investigate those conditions of energy
interchange between human subjects and the environment which appear to
fall outside the range of well-understood interactions. Of particular
interest is a class of phenomena involving perturbations of sensitive
measurement apparatus by certain human subjects under conditions gen-
erally accepted as providing sufficient isolation, by reason of distance
or shielding, so as to prevent the occurrence of such perturbations.
Furthermore, the generation of such effects appears to be under volitional.
control of the subjects involved. Following is a description of two ob-
servations involving the perturbation of cryomagnetometers.
A. Shielded-Magnetometer Observation (Pilot Experiment)
One of the first intentionally induced physical perturbation effects
observed by SRI personnel (H.P.) in early research (1972) was the apparent
perturbation of a superconductor-shielded Josephson effect magnetometer
by a gifted subject, 53.* Following is a fairly detailed account of that
first observation, since it reveals a number of aspects of research in
this area that we consider to be of significance.)
SRI program subjects Sl and S3 involved in magnetometer studies are,
respectively, Mr. P. Price and Mr. I. Swann.
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This magnetometer is located in a well under a building and is shielded
by p-metal shielding, an aluminum container, copper shielding, and, most
important, a superconducting shield. (See Figure 1.) The magnetometer,
developed under an ONR contract at Stanford University, is of the super-
conducting quantum interference device (SQUID) variety, which has an out-
put voltage whose frequency is a measure of the rate of change of magnetic
field present.
Before the experiment, a decaying magnetic field had been set up inside
the magnetometer, and its decay with time provided a background calibration
signal that registered as a periodic output on an x-y recorder, the fre-
quency of the output corresponding to the decay rate of the calibration
field (til0-6 G). The system had been running for about an hour with no
Subject S3 was shown the setup and told that if he were to affect
the magnetic field in the magnetometer, it would show up as a change in
the output recording. Then, to use his own description, he placed his
attention on the interior of the magnetometer, at which time the frequency
of the output doubled for about two of the cycles or roughly 30 seconds.
This is indicated by A in Fig. 2. S3 was next asked if he could stop
the field change being indicated by the periodic output on the recorder.
He then apparently proceeded to do just that, as can be seen at B in the
graph, for a period of roughly 45 seconds. He then "let go," at which
time the output returned to normal (C). Upon inquiry as to what he had
done, he explained that he had direct vision* of the apparatus inside
and that the act of looking at different parts seemed to him to be cor-
related with the different effects. As he described what he was doing,
the recording again traced out a double frequency cycle (shown at D), as
had occurred before. An atypical dip (E) in the recording took place
then, and on questioning him about what was happening, he said he was
looking at a new part, the niobium ball sitting in a cup. This ball was
inert at the time, not being used in the magnetometer experiment. He was
asked to refrain from thinking about the apparatus and the normal pattern
was then traced out for several minutes (continued on lower trace) while
he was engaged in conversation on other subjects. At one point he started
to discuss the magnetometer again, at which point the tracing went into
a high frequency pattern, shown at F. At our request he stopped, and the
observation was terminated because S3 was tired from his effort. We then
left the lab, while the apparatus was run for over an hour with no trace
of noise or nonuniform activity, as indicated in Fig. 3, where the top
two traces show a continuing record following termination of the experi-
ment. The third trace was taken some time later, the increase in the
period indicating the reduced rate of magnetic field decay. At various
times during this and the following day when similar data with S3 were
taken, the experiment was observed by numerous other scientists.
This ability to view remote locations thought to be secure against such
access is designated "remote viewing," and has been thoroughly documented
in a separate SRI program.2,3
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0 12
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Approved For Release OOO/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00787R?Q,pO200050002-5
The conditions of this observation, involving as it did a few hours
use of an instrument committed to other research, prevented a proper
investigation. The number of data samples was too few to permit meaning-
ful statistical analysis, and the lack of readily available multiple
recording equipment prevented investigation of possible "recorder only"
effects. Therefore, the following longer term study with a similar
device was undertaken.
B. Experiments with Superconducting Differential Magnetometer (Gradiometer)
A series of experiments was carried out using the superconducting
second-derivative gradiometer* shown in Figure 4.
Basically, the gradiometer is a four-coil Josephson effect magnetom-
eter device consisting of a pair of coil pairs wound so as to provide a
series connection of two opposing first-derivative.gradiometers, yielding
a second-derivative gradiometer (that is, a device sensitive only to
second- and higher-order derivative fields). As a result, the device is
relatively insensitive to uniform fields and to uniform gradients. This
arrangement allows for sensitive measurement of fields from nearby sources
while discriminating against relatively uniform magnetic fields produced
by remote sources. The device is ordinarily used to measure magnetic
fields originating from processes within the human body, such as action
currents in the heart that produce magnetocardiograms. The sensitive
tip of the instrument is simply placed near the body area of interest.
In our experiment, however, the subject was located in an adjoining
laboratory at a distance of 4 m from the gradiometer probe. As a result
the subject was located in a zone of relative insensitivity; for example,
standing up, sitting down, leaning forward, and arm and leg movements
produced no signals. From this location the subject was asked, as a
mental task, to affect the probe. The results of his efforts were
available to him as feedback from three sources: an oscilloscope, a
panel meter, and a chart recorder, the latter providing a permanent record.
A protocol for subject participation was instituted as follows. The
subject removed all metal objects from his clothing and body, and the
effects of body movements were checked at the start of each experimental
period. The experimenter then announced the start of the experiment. A
random number table (Rand) was then used to generate a sequence of ten
subject ON and OFF periods of equal length (e.g., 25 seconds each). The
subject was asked to make an effort to perturb the magnetometer during
the ON periods, and to refrain from doing so during the OFF periods.
The trace from the chart recording of a sample run (Run 1, Subject Si)
is shown in Figure 5. The randomly generated ON (activity) periods
occurred as Nos. 2, 8, and 9. As observed, signals appeared in each
of these three periods. The signal appearing in Period 9 was strong
Develco Model 8805, Develco, Inc., Mountain View, California.
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tl!I:~- OFF
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enough to cause loss of continuous tracking. This latter type of signal
can be the result of an exceptionally strong flux change, or an RF burst,
whether subject-generated or artifactual (i.e., noise); in any case, all
signals are handled on the basis of statistical correlation as discussed
below. An artifact due to the passage of a truck in the parking lot
adjacent to the laboratory (under continuous surveillance by the experi-
menter) was noted in Period 6. Each of the signals on scale corresponds
to an input of 'Ll.6 x 10-9 Gauss/cm2 (second derivative a2BZ/aZ ), which
is equivalent to \,3.5 x 10-7 Gauss referred to one pickup coil.
The interpretation of such observations must be subjected to careful
analysis. For example, the emphasis on "corresponds to" is based on the
following: although the probe is designed to register magnetic fields,
and the simplest hypothesis is that an observed signal is such, in a
task as potentially complex as human-mediated perturbation effects, one
must be cautious about assigning a given observed effect to a specific
cause. One can only conclude that generation of a magnetic field is
the most probable cause. With regard to signal display, the signal was
observed simultaneously on three recording devices at different stages
of the electronics, and thus a "recorder only" effect can be considered
low probability, although an electronics interference effect ahead of all
display cannot be ruled out. We therefore treat the magnetic cause as
tentative, although most probable, and concentrate our attention on
whether a correlation exists between system disturbances and subject
Thirteen ten-trial runs were obtained with Sl. Each of the ten
trials in the run lasted 50 seconds,* the ON/OFF command for each trial
being identified by a sequential run of even/odd digits in the Rand table
of random numbers. In the 13 x 10 = 130 trials, consisting of a random
distribution of 64 activity and 66 no-activity periods, 63 events of
signal-to--noise ratio greater than unity were observed. Of these 63
events, 42 were distributed among the ON periods, 21 among the OFF periods,
a correlation significant at the p = 0.004 level.
Two control subjects also interacted with the device. Although sub-
ject efforts and observed perturbations sometimes coincided, activity
was generally low and did not appear to be the signature of correlated
activity under control. A controlled ten-trial run with one subject and
two such runs with another yielded nonsignificant results.
We therefore conclude that for subject Si the observed number of
precisely timed events in pilot work coupled with the statistically
significant (p = 0.004) correlation between subject effort and signal
output in controlled runs indicate a highly probable cause-effect
relationship. Thus it appears that a subject can interact with a second
derivative magnetic gradiometer of sensitivity ti10-9 Gauss/cm2 from a
distance of 4 m. Further work would be required to determine the precise
nature of the interaction, although given the equipment design the
With the exception of they firs.t run where 25-second trials were used.
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Approved For Release.2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00787E 0200050002-5
generation of a magnetic field is the most probable mechanism.
An independent successful replication of this experiment has been
carried out by Dr. Richard Jarrard, Geology Department, University of
California, Santa Barbara, using a single-coil cryogenic magnetometer.*
The experiments, carried out with the subject in a room located 50 feet
diagonally across a courtyard from the magnetometer room, resulted in
events distributed across work and rest periods in ratio >3:1, respec-
tively, paralleling our results.
A. Objective
The objective of the proposed program is to investigate the charac-
teristics of, and if possible to determine the mechanisms responsible
for, human-subject mediated perturbation effects on a sensitive cryo-
B. Statement of Work
Observations such as those reported in Section II require replication
and study under as wide a variety of rigorously-controlled sdientific
conditions as possible. Therefore, we shall pursue further experimenta-
tion with a sensitive Josephson junction cryomagnetometer, a commercial
instrument manufactured by Superconducting Technology, Inc., Mountain
View, California." C The goal of such experimentation is the further delin-
eation of the characteristics of the coupling mechanism under increasingly
severe experimental conditions of distance and shielding.
To accomplish the proposed research objectives, SRI will furnish the
personnel and facilities required for the following efforts.
o Obtain calibration data in control runs with Model A201 magnetom-
eter (Superconducting Technology, Inc.) to establish baseline
performance in absence of subject.
o Repeat above with various subjects present, but passive, to
establish background of perturbation effects in the presence
of subjects not engaging in volitional efforts to perturb mag-
netometer system.
Carry out experimental runs of the type described in Section IIB,
both with subjects having a history of perturbation capability
and with control subjects. Effort/non-effort periods shall be
* Manufactured by Superconducting Technology, Inc., Mountain View, California.
"'Model A201 magnetometer, employing an A401 SQUID sensor, A301 RF ampli-
fier, and removable superconducting shield.
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determined by random number generator to provide statistical
control, and multiple recording apparatus shall be used to
investigate "recorder only" effects.
Assuming perturbation effects observed, interpose distance and
shielding in a systematic study to determine dependence on these
factors, to be carried out on a best-effort basis, given time
and funds available.
The exploratory nature of the program requires that 20 percent
of the effort will be set aside to explore, with the client's
cognizance, additional avenues of research that may surface as
high-priority items during the course of the program.
SRI proposes to provide approximately 4.4 man-months of professional
effort (including subjects) to accomplish the above objectives. Further,
SRI personnel are consulting with other laboratories in various stages
of replication of the original SRI experiment, and will keep the client
apprised of results obtained elsewhere as well.
The estimated time required to complete this project and report its
results is 13 months. The Institute could begin work on receipt of a
fully executed contract.
Pursuant to the provision of ASPR 16-206.2, attached is a cost
estimate and support schedules in lieu of the DD Form 633-4. Also en-
closed is a signed form complete except as to the "Detail Description
of Cost Elements."
Quarterly progress reports will be delivered on the tenth day follow-
ing the end of each of the first three contract quarters. A final tech
nical report will be delivered 13 months after the commencement date of
the contract.
Throughout the program the investigators plan to remain in close
communication with the client.
It is requested that any contract resulting from this proposal be
written on a cost-plus-fixed-fee basis, and be awarded as a Supplemental
Agreement to Contract No. N00039-76-C-0077.
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This proposal will remain in effect until 31 December 1975. If con-
sideration of the proposal requires a longer period, the Institute will be
glad to consider a request for an extension of time.
Stanford Research Institute holds a Top Secret Facility clearance,
which may be verified through the cognizant military security agency,
San Francisco Defense Contraction Administration Services Region, Attn:
Office of Industrial Security, 866 Malcolm Road, Burlingame, California
94010. Staff assignments will be in accordance with the level of security
assigned to the work.
SRI is an independent, nonprofit organization performing a broad
spectrum of research under contract to business, industry, and govern-
ment. The Institute, which was formerly affiliated with Stanford Uni-
versity, was founded in 1946. Its operations include the physical and
life sciences, industrial and development economics, management systems,
engineering systems, electronics and radio sciences, information science,
urban and social systems, and various combinations of disciplines within
these fields.
SRI has no endowment; payments by clients under research contracts
and grants amount to approximately $80 million annually and are used to
cover all operating costs. Such revenue also helps the Institute main-
tain the excellence of its research capabilities.
SRI's facilities include more than one million square feet of office
and laboratory space and incorporate the most advanced scientific equip-
ment, including unique instrumentation developed by the staff. The bulk
of these facilities and most of the research staff are located at the
Institute's headquarters in Menlo Park, California. Regional office
locations include Washington, D.C.; New York City; Chicago; Houston;
and Los Angeles.
Of SRI's total staff of almost 3,000, approximately one-half are in
professional and technical categories. Some 450 members of the profes-
sional staff have PhD or equivalent degrees; 600 others have their
Master's degree.
The project leader and other research personnel who would be active
in the proposed work are members of the Electronics and Bioengineering
Laboratory. This group currently occupies 40,000 square feet of lab-
oratory space, divided into many separate laboratory rooms, technicians'
work areas, a machine shop, and a computer room housing a LINC-8 and
related terminals and equipment. In addition, a well-equipped computa-
tion center is available.
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The Electronics and Bioengineering Laboratory employs a number of
technicians and engineering assistants and has available electronics
material and test equipment useful in the research proposed here. Espec-
ially suited to this work are a number of shielded rooms with various
instrumentation available.
Finally, a backup team of psychologists and statisticians can be
brought into the project on an internal consulting basis.
The proposed research will be conducted by SRI staff members within
the Electronics and Bioengineering Laboratory under the direction of
Mr. Earle Jones. The principal investigators will be Dr. Harold Puthoff
and Mr. Russell Targ whose biographies are attached. Dr. Evan Harris
Walker of Aberdeen Proving Ground and Dr. Ralph Kiernan of the Stanford
University Medical School may be called on to act as consultants through-
out this program.
In addition to the scientific personnel directly engaged in the re-
search aspects of this investigation, SRI has established an internal
technical advisory board. This board consists of several directors of
SRI's operating divisions, together with our legal counsel, all under
the chairmanship of the senior vice president for research. The function
of this advisory board is not only to make recommendations and approve
or disapprove every new direction taken by the Institute in this research
area, but also to monitor related ongoing projects as well.
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Specialized professional competence
? Tunable laser research and development; quantum electronics; biofeed-
back and hiomeasurement research; "paranormal" perception
Representative research assignments at SRI.
? Development of tunable ultraviolet laser source for pollution studies
and medical research
? Development of high-power tunable infrared laser source (50-250 mi-
crons) for materials research
? Assessment of potential of fiber optics and lasers for use in optical
? Development of biofeedback monitors (GSR) for use in educational com-
puters and other man-machine links
? Research and development of biofield measurements
? Investigation of "paranormal" perceptual abilities
Other professional experience
? Research associate, Hansen Laboratories of Physics and lecturer, De-
partment of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University: teaching,
textbook author, and research supervisor of Ph.D. candidates in the
area of lasers and nonlinear optics
? Consultant on applications of lasers to industrial and medical prob-
lems and research assistant, Stanford University
? Lieutenant, USER: in-house research and contract monitoring on DoD
(NSA) contracts concerned with the development of ultra high-speed
(GHQ,) computers
? Research engineer, Sperry Electronic Tube Division and Sperry fellow,
University of Florida: design and testing of electron beam focusing
systems for use in microwave tubes
Academic background
? B.E.E. (19)5B) and M.S.E. (1960), University of Florida; Ph.D. in elec-
trical engineering (1967), Stanford University
PtihZications and patents
? Coauthor of textbook, Fundamentals of Qttcrntuen Electronics (Wiley);
three reference book contributions; twenty--five papers in professional
journals; seventeen national symposium papers; numerous technical
? Two patents
Professional associations and honors
? American Association for the Advancement of Science; Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers; Phi Eta Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi;
Sigma Tau; Sigma Xi
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Approved For Releast4000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00787FW0200050002-5
ialtsed professional competence
Development of new gas lasers; FM laser and superrnode laser techniques;
la,}er noise reduction; optical modulation and demodulation; experi-
ments in new gaseous laser media; mic-bowave diagnostic techniques;
microwave generation from plasmas
Professional experience
? Sylvania Corporation (1962-72); investigation of techniques for
development of new gas lasers, making use of his research with com-
pact, self-contained multi-kilowatt C02 lasers
? Technical Research Group (1959-62); experiments in new gaseous laser
? Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn; assisted in the establishment of
the Electron Beam Laboratory
? Sperm, Gyroscope Company, Electron Tube Division (1956-59); experi-
mental work in microwave generation from plasmas; early work in the
technology of ultrahigh-vacuum and ion-pump design
Academic background
? B.S. in physics (1954), Queens College, New York; graduate work in
physics (1954-56), Columbia University, New York
Publications and inventions
? Author of "Optical Heterodyne Detection of Microwave-Modulated Light,"
Proc. IEEE (1.964); coauthor of numerous articles on lasers and plasma
? Invention of the tunable plasma oscillator at microwave frequencies
Professional associations and honors
? f1:'s:L; American Physical Society; The Optical Society of America
? Awarded the position of research associate with the Polytechnic Insti-
ttute of Brooklyn
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1. H.E. Puthoff and R. Targ, "Physics, Entropy, and Psychokinesis,"
Proc. 23rd Annual Conference, Quantum Physics and_Parapsychol.o,
August, 1974, Geneva, Switzerland (parapsychology Foundation, New
York, 1975).
2. R. Targ and H.E. Puthoff, "Information Transmission Under Conditions
of Sensory Shielding," Nature 252, No. 5476, pp. 602-607, October
18, 1974. Reprinted in the IEEE Communications 13, January, 1975
3. H.E. Puthoff and R. Targ, "A Perceptual Channel for Information
Transfer Over Kilometer Distances: Historical Perspective and
Recent Research," Proc. IEEE (In press). See also "Remote Sensing
Techniques," SRI proposal for research SRI No. ISU 75-73 (C
4. R. Jarrard, K. Corcoran, R. Mayfield, and R. Morris, "PK Experiments
with Cryogenic Magnetometer," Research brief presented at the 18th
Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association of the
American Association for the Advancement of Sciences, Santa Barbara,
California, August, 1975.
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