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App rAel" /09/10: CIA-RDP96- 7R000200020051-4
by L. Ron Hubbard
Our loss
Is gain in other times.
Our hopes on future bent
Must then depend on incidents like these
For bodies wear
And in
The fine grist mill of time
Are spent in service such
As yours
And go, our time by smallest time
Approved. For Release 20J be:YdP4el q6'C # &ff&020051-4
What did we know
Approved For-ease 2003/09/10 : RDP96-00d78702000~0051-4
when vester ay wept
What grip upon us had our ignorance
That we in our conceit did feel
That all of us were mortal here
And lives once led were spent
And wasted on our selfish selves.
How narrow is such scope
To feel that we
Should be eternally
The goal of all the toil
And wretchedness
From birth to death
And like a play
The curtain dropped
And left an empty stage.
How dull of us to feel that we
Were all the target of this strife
And that we lived but once
And living then did reconcile
The whole in one brief life.
Oh no, a wider drama here
Was planned and staged
And we with narrowness of mind
Did overlook the plan.
We said that all is
Mortal flesh
The spirit just a thing
To send, for pence
To some strange heaven
There to waste its skill
Or had we not the price
To some deep other place
To pain, and waste again
The life.
To what dark depths
Were dropped our minds
To feel that flesh
Is capable of love or trust or
To feel that fingernails and masks
Are all we need to dream.
To what deep place
Did our love go
That mass could recompense?
Anxieties that ruled our years
Were nurtured here
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Made blind and dumb
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By other greed
Spanned down our lives
To One.
What waste!
To feel that all our love
Our work,
Our gifts,
Our knowledge and our
Were meant
To be consumed
All in one
Breath and flash
And by one name?
Today, come wiser now
The chains gone weak
The tyranny of cult
Gone tired with the years
We look
We find we live
Not once
But on and on
From body's birth to
Body's grave and then
To birth again
And yea to grave again
So to dispose possessions
Oft come undone
With livingness.
From century to century
From age to age and on
We go in march along
The path that leads
Forever up the countless
Tick of time.
We crawl, we walk, we fly
We win
From here and evermore
The heritage of all our lives
And spend it once again.
Why this is no sad and
Bleakish look
No sorrowed thing
This life.
This is an adventure pure
Approved For Release 2003/091'1 Qer~iot~kni787R000200020051-4
Yroven er we ea
Aloft. into eternity
Approves, pr Release 2003/09/10: CIA-RDP96-0 i67R000200020051-4
And span orever im a breath.
This is adventure where
We step from tie to
Body tie
And go
Our way.
Our suff'ring is
Self centred here
For we have lost
In truth
The smile,
The touch,
The skill and happiness
We gained
From (deceased),
Who gave, to us
From his/her past
Ability to live
And fare against
The tides and storms of fate
It's true we've lost
His/her shoulder
Up against the wheel
And lost as well his/her counsel
And his/her strength
But lost them
Only for a while.
He/she goes
Not with the dismal roll drum
But with a whisper like
A Faery's sigh
To smooth the way
For when we come.
He'll/she'll be in some good
Future time
And future place
His/her smile
His/her touch
His/her skill
Invested there to make
A way of life.
True, true we may not
Know him/her then and
Only know his/her work
But still
Approved For Release 2003/09/1 WG~1 a9 ahead 000200020051-4
our ve e Res m
We would not have
Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-007$71000200020051-4
r^W A race.
And so, brans e
This Genetic Line
And into some new
Corner or new w rldeased)
We've sent you,
And there there'll be
We know it noW,
A smrile,
A touch,
A happiness for us
And You
You could not find
on earth
And so it turns
The day, the year,
The age.
And so we go
With banners furled
And quietly
Upon our way.
But now we know
And now we'll find
The Way.
Into the dark
has come the Light
Into tomorrow
Enters night
Into heaven
Go no more
Into life our
Spirits soar
Conquering ever
-%xf;.dom's store
We do not tremble
-Faced with death
We know that living
Is not breath.
Co, (deceased)
And take
The life
That offers no
And live
In good expectancy
That we
Approved For Release 2003/09/10: CIA-RPM-00707P,0600020051-4
Go, (deceased)
ApprTed R learoe 2003/09/10: CIA-RDP96-0Q 7R000200020051-4
ou can That which you must.
Our loss
is gain
In wisdom and in skill
To future dates and other smiles
And so we send into the
Chain of all enduring time
Our heritage
Our hope
Our friend.
Goodbye, (deceased).
Your people thank you for having lived
Earth is Better for your having lived
Men, women and children are alive today
Because you lived.
We thank you for coming to us.
We do not contest your
Right to go away.
Your debts are paid.
This chapter of they life is shut
Go now, dear (deceased) and live once
In happier time and place.
Thank you, (deceased).
And now here lift up
Your eyes and say to
(Congregation): Goodbye.
Goodbye, our, dear
We'll miss you, you know.
Let the body now
Draw away
To be consumed to ashes
And to dust
In earthly and in cleanly fire
To be no more, no more.
And that is done.
Come friends,
He/she is all right
And he/she is gone.
We have our work
To do. And he/she has hi /hers.
Appro ~eelsrierw- ;lice wirc b/% it-efeCIA-RDP96-00787 R000200020051-4
To Man!
? We of the Church believe :
That all men of whatever race, colour or creed were.created with equal rights.
That all men have inalienable rights to their own religious practices and their
That all men have inalienable rights to their own lives.
That all men have inalienable rights to their sanity.
That all men have inalienable rights to their own defence.
That all men have inalienable rights to conceive, choose, assist and support their
own organisations, churches and governments.
That all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely
their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others.
That all men have inalienable rights to the creation of their own kind.
That the souls of men have the rights of men.
That the study of the mind and the healing of mentally caused ills should not be
alienated from religion or condoned in non-religious fields.
And that no agency less than God has the power to suspend or set aside these
rights, overtly or covertly.
And we of the Church believe:
That man is basically good.
That he is seeking to survive
That his survival depends upon himself and upon his fellows and his attainment
of brotherhood with the Universe.
And we of the Church believe that the laws of God forbid Man:
To destroy his own kind
To destroy the sanity of another
To destroy or enslave another's soul
To destroy or reduce the survival of one's companions or one's group.
And we of the Church believe:
That #W(spadT rRbleam-e2loaoib9/10 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000200020051-4
That the spirit alone may save or heal the body.