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November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: 
September 1, 2000
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00787R000100220002-7.pdf63.82 KB
RELEASE DATE: For immediate release WHAT IS SRI? CONTACTS: Ronald I. Deutsch, Ext. 3754 Home: (415) 326-8773 Elizabeth deAtley, Ext. 3450 Home: (415) 493-4592 Stan DeVaughn, Ext. 3034 Home: (415) 322-3342 SRI is a problem-solving organization that performs basic and applied research under contract for clients in business, industry and government in the United States and 65 other countries. Since SRI was founded in 1946, the problems confronting our clients have so increased in complexity that few of them can be solved within the confines of a single discipline. SRI is uniquely qualified to deal with such intricate problems. Professionals, representing more than 100 disciplines, comprise nearly two-thirds of our 2800 staff members, working out of our headquarters in Menlo Park, California and in other laboratories and offices in the United States and abroad. SRI performs research for the public sector in such areas as urban management; health, education and welfare; environmental management and national security. In addition to our broad-ranging activities for the U. S. government, the Institute also serves city, state and county governments. (more) Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000100220002-7 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000100220002-7 2/2/2 For private commercial and industrial clients, SRI engages in research in new products, processes and equipment; new investment opportunities; corporate strategy and management consulting; and regulatory policies. Formerly affiliated with Stanford University, SRI became independent in 1970. As a nonprofit corporation, the Institute has no endowment and no shareholders. Revenue in excess of operating costs is used to purchase advanced scientific equipment and to enhance the Institute's ability to provide research in the public interest. SRI's gross revenue in 1973 was more than $77 million--highest in the organization's history. The Institute's headquarters are on a 70-acre site in Menlo Park, Calif., a suburban community about 35 miles south of San Francisco and a few miles from the Stanford University campus. It has other offices and laboratories in the United States, Europe and the Far East. ### 10/74 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000100220002-7