Article on Soviet Beam Weapons

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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP95B00915R001000510010-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP95B00915R001000510010-7 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP95B00915R001000510010-7 Concept of a charged-particle beam weapon is based on the design of a negative hydrogen beam that is accelerated and neutralized by passing the beam through a charge-exchange cell. In this ballistic missile defense concept, the collimated charge-particle beam is directed USSR developing charged-particle device aimed at missile defense, exploring high-energy lasers as satellite killer By Clarence A. Robinson, .Ir. Mashington?Soviet Union is developing a charged-p.irticic beam device designed to destroy U. S. intercomMental and sabmarine-launched ballistic missile nuclear wai rids. Development rests are being conducted at a facility in Soviet Central Asia. The Soviets 'iso are exploring- another facet of beam weapons technology and pper. atmosphere. , The USAI-LT_RW preparing to test a spaceborne hydrogen lock 647 defense su _fort system e? fluoride high-energy laser designed for a warning satellite with scanning radiation sat;it!,e killer role. U. S. officials have 4etectors las been coined the term directed-energy weapons used to oetermi?ne that on seven oceasi-orit, in referring to both beam weapons and st NM= high-energy lasers. relate_d_Lo_development of A charged-particle beam weapon fo- article beardd cc have been carried out cus,-, and projects atomic partlidcthths- in a aci. ty at emipalatinsk. ?speed of ligji,t whicli could be directe 0 Ground testing of a small hydrogen 'Irom ground-based- sites into space to fluoride high-energy-laser and detection of intercept and neutralize reentry vehicles, preparations to launch the device on board according to U. S. officials.. Both the a spacecraft. Some U. S. officials believe USSR and the U. S. also are investigating the test .of the antisatellite laser may be the concept of placing charged-particle related to recent -Soviet activities on a beam devices on spacecraft to intercept manned Salyut space station. missile warheads. in space. This method 0 Test of a new. L re )owerful would avoid problems whit propagating fusion ulse2- ma meto drod mimic the beam throngh the erth's atmosphere. .erator to )rovi er.-er for a c large Because 01 a controversy within thc )article beam U. S intelligence comnmilit y, jfie_Jle-tails ,._sian_.;near the Caspian Sea. The experi- of Soviet dire,e6-A,energ? weapons hayc.., inent tool, place late last year rin an under:, noi mLt- a de vLiik cl tble ? Abe Presiden_ wound clilim a ber in n ,:ire,t of n:ttural stlt - - or 60 ;he_iSlational Seeury. Council. lome mis in the desert_,,. R ecent events have persuaded it number rid was monitor( d by the TRW early of U S. analysts that directed-energy warning satellite stationrd over the Indian weapons are nearing prototype testing it Ocean. the Soviet Union. ey a Ne\.- te 0 Detection of large .1!!lountsof yin- direct cous hydrogen with trace. ,.);. tritium in the Le 11 Si 1-0 defense lor;:d TVO Stcany), commanded by Marshal of the Soviet Army General P. F. Batitskiy. Since the PVC) Strany, would be res onsible tor mit a beam \yea )on to counter %Aid a rs term weaponsapplication,for these exvi- ments,U. S. officials believ. oyoint-by.-point _veri.ficatioibby a team. of U.S. Physicists a-nd engineers working under USAF sponsorship. that- the Soviets had achieved a level of success in each of seven areas of high-energy physics neces- sary to develop a beam weapon. 0 Shifts in position by a number of experienced high-energy physicists, who earlier discounted the Soviet capability to develop the technology for a charged- particle beam device. There is now grudging admission that the USSR. is involved in a program that could produce. such?a weapon. !a Recent revelations by Soviet physicist Leonid I. Rudakov during a tour las. 141111111er of U. S. fusion laboratories that the USSR can convert electron beam energy to compress fusionable material to release maximum fusioi, energy Much of the data outlined by Rudakov during his visit to the Lawrence Livermore Labora- tory has since been labeled Lop secret by the Defense Dept. and . the Energy Research anti Development 'Administra- tion, but it gave a chic to U. S. scientists' that '4of _tht.sU:S in euntrfjn by i, ? ? ), Tie com -s_ pression ottakill oellets of thermal -.1,11(..j.64,61iip.;)_a.ad_Nv'eapons based?C.1"r; tech nolo,gy. STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP95B00915R001000510010-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP95B00915R001000510010-7 toward a target. Using. a space-based design for a charged-particle beam weapon avoids effects of the earth's magnetic field on the beam and th task of propagating the beam through the atmosphere. Both the USSR and U. S. have space-based experimental concepts. STAT ?0 Pattern of activity in the USSR,1J...212g, ills of reinfou,2,aLciateriaeL14- including deplo:onent ofdarge over-the- J1.?ITiick, the entire_facilih its ass.- horizon radars in northern Russia to c'iated su ion t ecui ment , detect and track U. S. ICBM reentry vein- lave des, development and deployment of, The test site is at the southern edge of precision inechmaela/Dhasecl-arrav, the Semipalatinsk nuclear test area, and it ballistic missile raciars and massive eiTOH-77 is separated from other test facilities. It is alined al civil defense. surround .es of misirlid.e is liTiTr7TiTra u within the U. S. IThe total amount the USSR scientilic or intelligence communities that in the test project for the 10 years':.'work the Soviets are involved in developing there is estiMated at SI billion .by U. S. STAT igh-onergyteeI I .mo_ogy components that analysts. could be used to produce a charged- The - particle beam weapon, but there is a great ,graphic_r_ecolnalssance satellites to wate_b? difference of opinion among officials over a..s_lhe Soviet technicians had four holes whet her such a device is now being dug tffiontb solid 'r mite formations not constructed or tested in the USSR. far from the main ane In increasing numbers, U. S. officials facility. Mine heads were constructed over are coming to a conclusion that a decisive e"57.11 opening, and?rEimes were Balt over, turn in the balance of strategic power is in The holes As tuns of rocuaaasunsaicd the making, which could tip that balance large under 'round chamber was built d heavily in the Soviets' favor through charged-particle beam development, and the development of energetic strategic laser Weapons. Most of the controversy centers On what Washington ?Senior U.S. scientists and engineers believe.that this nation is on the tests are being.conducted in an unusual verge of a heated debate over the strategic implications of charged-particle beam research facility about 35 mi. south, of the development in the Soviet Union and the U. S. city of Semipalatinsk "That debate is. just getting under way and it is likely to rival the `Fortress America . ,Great Defense Debate' in 1952 involving Taft [Sen. Robert A. Taft], the 8-36 bomber In r_ the lace of mounting evidence_ of' Siet fforts iiimed at deVeloping and-strategic defense policies," one U. S. official said. ov e,. httrgcd pLtrticle beam we:tpo n lot Some observers see .an ominous parallel between the attitude of some U. S. c,T: _ anti s ScientificT . scientists toward beam weapons and that of the late Dr. Vannevar Bush toward, the e Force's .echnical Intelligence Commit- feasibility of intercontinental ballistic missiles in the mid-1940s. The highly respected tee (STIC) has scheduled a fall fleeting scientist, who had directed the U.S. military research effort during World War 2, i to review new data. testified bfore a Senate committee in December, 1945: "There has been a great deal The Semipalatinsk Inch where beam said about a 3,000-mi. high-angle rocket. . . In my. opinion, such a thing is 'weapons tests art' )1.11.: impossible.. . . I say technically I don't think anybody in the world knows how to do Q_119 ..............''die S tor such a thing and I,feel confident it will not be done for a very long period of time to ..,?LboiLt " .10 The central building -at. the come. facility is believed by some officials to Within eight years, the U.S. would initiate its own massive. effort to develop long- contain 'a collective acceka.iitur, electron range ballistic missiles, and within 10 years, the Soviet Union would be testing just injectors and Tower stores, such a long-range ballistk-: missile. The buddin is 200 ft. wide and 700 lit. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved In a nearby building, huge, c thick steel Tore,s_w_eie manufactured. The building has since been removed. :These steel sc'ments w f a lar s here-) estimite in diameter.. Enou h "ores for two. coa,? officials believe the spheres are needed to capture and store energy from nuclear- driven explosives or pulse-power genera- tors. The steel gores are believed by some officials to be among the earliest clues as to what might be taking place at the facility. The components were moved to the nearby mine heads and lowered into the chamber. Some other U_S. physisisis believe the, Steel torOs are des' d for underaround_, nuclear fuel for. a STAT ? ill Is 5 It. storage of unused Debate Seen on Charged-Particle Work for Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP95B00915R001000510010-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP95B00915R001000510010-7 STAT ? 'First operational squadron of Air Force/McDonnell Douglas F-15 fighter aircraft flew from Langley AFB, Va., to Bitburg Air Base, West Germany, last week in a single movement designed to show USAF capability to reinforce' NATO forces rapidly. The flight involved. 23 F-15s, including two TF-15 trainers. The 525th Tactical, Fighter Squadron, led by *Brig. Gen. Frederick C. Kyler, commander of the 36th Tactical Fighter Wing, arrived at Bitburg after a 7-hr flight with four in-flight ref uelings. Three of the unit's F-15s already were in place. Two additional F-15 squadrons are to move to Bitburg?by.the end of the summer to bring the wing to full strength. Gen. Kyle,' reported on arrival to Gen. Franz-Joseph Schulze, commander-in-chief of Allied Forces, Central Europe, The 525th squadron was trained in the U. S. and was operational on arrival. The flight was made with the aircraft grouped in three cells of six aircraft and One cell of five, with abolit 30 min. separation between cells. Flight routing was?along the U. S. and Canadian east coasts to Newfoundland, then across the Atlantic, Britain and Belgium to Bitburg. Maintenance personnel were in place at Bitburg before the squadron arrived, with some having been trained in the U.S. and some at. Bitburg. antic or eloseds_y_ele41:4 ver betuu, 4.7e-fission process nee Weapons or for ? g_sscaste_p d ts rrom the, fission process. blems in gaining acceptance of the concept Within the U. S. scientific, community was to convince high-energy physics experts that the Russians might be using nuclear explosive generators as a power source to drive accelerators- capable of producing high intensity proton beams of killing poten- tial. Initially; some U. S.. physicists believed there was no method the Soviets could use to weld together the steel gores of the spheres to provide a vessel strong enough to withstand pressures likely to occur in the nuclear explosive fission process, particularly 'when the steel. to be welded was extremely thick. U. S. officials later discovered that the Russians. invented a process called flux welding and had-been using it for years in producing pressure spheres. The flux welding process, accord- in.g to some U. S. officials, makes the bonded material weld as strong as, or stronger than, the steel walls. U. S. officials, scientists and engineers queFied said that the technologies that can be applied to produce a beam ' weapon include: ni I:. \plosive or pulsed power generation through either fission or fusion to achieve peak pulses of power. In Giant capacitors capable of storing ?extremely high _levels. of power for frac- tions of a second. In Electron injectors capable of gener- ating high-energy pulse streams of elec- irons' at high veloc?ties. This is critical to producing some types of beam weapons. ni Collective accelerator to. generthe electron pulse streams or hot gas plasma necessary to accelerate other subatomic particles at high velocities. et Flux compression tc cenveri energy from exploive generators to energy, to produce the electron beam.' 3 Switching necessary to store the energy from the generators in large capac itOrs. a Development of pressurized line, needed -to transfer the pulses from the generators to power stor,.:S. The 'linestinti be 'cryogenically cooled because of the extreme power levels involved. For several years, Air Force Maj. Gen. George J. Keegan, who until his recent retirement headed USA F's intelligence activities, has been trying to convince the Central Intelligence Agency and a number of top U. S. high-energy physicists that the Soviets are developing a charged-particle beam weapon for use in an antiballistic missile role. Evidence was gathered by Air Force intelligence from a variety of sources, including early warning and high-resolu- tion reconnaissance satellites, published USSR papers on high-energy physics and 'visits. between Soviet and Free World physicists. In contacts with scientists deeply involved in developing components necessary for beam weapon application in both the USSR and the U. S., data was gleaned that clearly showed the Russians to be years ahead of the U.S. in most areas of technology, one U. S. physicist said. He added that it became increasingly clear that the Soviets were Making a concerted effort to develop the technology' in each area ?so that, if it. was pulled together, a beam weapon and possibly related laser weapons could result. All of the evidence that Gen. Keegan and his small team gathered about Soviet designs on charged-particle beams was presented to the CIA and its Nuclear Intelligence Board, which has so far rejected their conclusion that beam weap- ons development is evident, Most of the evidence had been gathered coKer_tLfour-yeur :periodmd involved the entire spectrum of facilities for test and experimentation, research laboratories, power generation, electron injection col- lective -acceleration and beam propaga- ? tion?all areas where the Soviet Union'has outpaced the U. S., according to a U. S. Sonic scientists and engineers refusedto accept information that the installation at Semipalatinsk had anything to do with beam-generation tests or that levels of energy required for these .experiments could be attained. And even if so aehow the energy could be generated, it could not be harnessed for beam application, they said. Energy Levels Required Typical levels of energy required for use with a beam weapon are 10'' joules per pulse, with the energy of-a particle of the beam from 1 to 1.00 giga electron volts. It is these levels of energy required that still cause some skepticism among high-energy phySicists. "Keegan refused to accept CIA's evalu- ation'of the USAF intelligence data," one U. S. official said. "So, he systematically set about acquiring talented young physi- cists to analyze!' the information and to probe the basiC physics of the problem inarea in which U..S. scientists were notably deficient." One scientist in particular, a USAF Civilian employe at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, was influential in providing Gen. Keegan with an assessment of the information, which *said that it appeared the facility at Semipalatinsk was being developed for use for nuclear power gener- ation related to beam weapon 'work. His assessment was made very early in the observation of the facility, long before -atmospheric data of possible beam weap- ons testing was obtained. "These young physicists gathered to his. cause by George [Gen. Keegan] Were a Very sharp group of young turks,?and some have since gone on to. gain stature within the high-energy physics crowd," one offi- cial said. ? It was anticipated by Gen. Keegan and his advisers that the USSR wouhi be forced to vent gaseous hydrogen from the experiments at Semipalatinsk and that early warning satellites could detect it. Underground Testing Liquid hydrogen in large amounts is. believed by' some officials to be utilized to cushion the. nuclear 'explosive generator sphere and for cryogenic pumping of large drift tubes nearly a kilometer in length through which the beams are propagated for underground testing. In' both cases, large amounts of gaseous hydrogen' are formed and released into the atmosphere, 'probably co an large amounts of nuclear debris or iogivc'tritjtuhii tLin can be ex loded at altitude and dispersed to avoi armin the ?eo 1- below, - according to seine U. . scientists. "Explosions of such _gaseous hydrogen discharges are now being- detc-cied with regularity' from. Soviet experimen?s, a U, S. official said, "and scientific studies Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP95B00915R001000510010-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP95B00915R001000510010-7 ? ToT.c.T.T.4".6:4747.74r4N+761`4,:;*. lit ' I l5 771, 'S'S ?7t5' t tau'Vraitrzi.ina ? .1 777,k7 .1.21.' 344- 'T. 4." Experimental auto-resonant accelerator concept shows the hardware configuration in diagram. The design is to determine whether the accelerated plasma wave can be grown in a laboratory and whether collective acceleration of protons can be achieved. The illustration shows 'that the more efficient acceleration of particles may be of the gas. releases and explosions have confirmed their source as being.near the Semipalatinsk facility." ? ,USAF intelligence. developed an acro- nym ?PNUT--- to refer to 11116-test area at 'Semipalatinsk. .The letter P is for possible, - and the other 'letters stand for nuclear underground test. The CIA still refers to the site as URDF-3unidentified .re- search and development facility three. ? . In recent public pronouncements, Gen-. Keegan has taken the CIA ?to task for having: rejected Air Force intelligence information about Soviet 'beam. weapon development. He also has spoken bitterly about a number of .top U.S.. physicists who refuse to 'accept even the possibility that the Soviets are involved in beam weapon development. Most of the physi- cists who would not accept the data were older members of the scientific community who had been involved in research and development from the early days of a project called Seesaw. . ? Project Abandoned The U.S. attempted unsuccessfully to develop a charged-particle, beam device ?..under the .project code named Seesaw. It was funded ;by the Defen-se Dept.'s Advanced Research Projects' Agency but abandoned after several years.. A number of influential U.S. physicists sought to discredit Gen. Keegan's evidence about...3Oviet lica in development The gen- eral attitude within the. scientific commu- nity was that, if the U.S. could not successfully produce the technology to have a beam Weapon, the Russians certainly could not. "It was the original not-invented,here attitude," one U. 5, physicist said. There were ?about 20 hypotheses ad- vanced by these -physicists and .the CIA's 'Aviation Week & Space Technology-. MIy 2. 1977 possible using the concept where a traveling wave in an electron beam traps and accelerates protons. The relativistic beam is rriOre than simply a medium for propagation of the ,wave. 11 is the active medium that serves as the power source for reinforcing the electric field of the wave and for accelerating the ions. Nuclear Intelligence Board as to what the facility at Semipalatinsk was being used for .by the USSR. One theory was that it was a supersonic ramjet test site and another was that it was a 'nuclear reactor. test Site: for commercial, applications. . That was based on the layout., which resembled some reactors in the USSR. "There is now no doubt that there is dumping of energy taking place at the site with burning of large h dro ten flames." one official said. "W at ot ered the Nuclear Intelligence Bbard at first was that it was hard. to imagine that ? some seven technologic] critical to the weapons concept could be perfected there within the time frame presented and not be detected by us. "In each case, the Air Force was able to disprove the theories advanced, at least to USAF satisfaction," one U. S. official said. "But ? along the way Keegan became an outcast within CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency. This was despite the fact that many times in the past it turned out that his intelligence information proved correct when it .was not accepted at first. He [Keegan] made some great intel- ligence breakthroughs," another official said. As evidence of Soviet intent mounted, the Air Force convened a munitions panel of its Scientific Advisory Board to examine the problem. The panel met at Livermore Laboratory for three days to 'study the data of Gen. Keegan and his technologists. .Some members of. that panel also were involved in the Seesaw project before it was halted. "The panel of experts rejected - vitually all of the Air 'Force's 1;ypotheses. In an emotional meeting, they denigrated all suggestions of nuclear explosion genera- tion, power .storage, power transmission and collective acceleration," an . official explained. "The bottom line?was the panel said there is no way to control or stabilize such a beam if a weapon. Is produced. Tlw net result is that evidence about possible beam weapons development was rejected." Later, some of the same physicists who rejected the charged-particle beam data realized the Soviets had made progress in many separate? areas of required tech- nology for beam weapon application. Some physicists involved sought funding from the National Science Foundation and Energy Research and? Development Administration for nuclear power and beam generation studies, one official said. ? In an effort to prove that USAF intelli- gence estimates were correct, Gen. Kee- gan and his young physicists set aboto trying to prove Soviet technology exists in areas necessary for beam weapons. Theoretical Blocks Isolated After isolating the theoretical road- -blocks identified by the Scientific Advi- sory Board's munitions panel, the physi- cists, along with several new groups recruited by Gen. Keegan, went to work exploring possible USSR technologies. Within a few months the team, under the direction of a young Air Fore,. paysi- cist, found that all the munitions panel's object ions Coll Id be overcome "and had already been solved in the Soviet Union. Several- breakthroughs in high-energy physics were involved," an ?ollicial Explosive generation was solved ?in the USSR by Soviet tIcAeinicians :Andrei Terletsky, who was once a KGB agent M Sweden, and Andrei Sakharov, who was instrumental in developing the Soviet hydrogen bomb and is now a dissident. Soviet physicist Rudakov visited the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP95B00915R001000510010-7 19 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP95B00915R001000510010-7 STAT ? U. S. in July, 1976, and outlined his major advances in electron beam fusion. ER DA immediately tried to cover up the ideas he presented at Livermore in response to a ? taunt by a Western. scientist. It was all considered highly secret in the U. S. and "those seated there had to sit with their mouths open and not respond to Ruda- kov's outline,7 one U.S. physicist said. "His idea startled the U. S. physics community, by its magnitude--lransform- inglaser and electron beams to soft X-rays to compress fusion net at low energy This is a teal scientific break- through," the physicist said, "and could allow them to produce large amounts of fusion power to be Used in producing energy for a beam weapon." Rudakov had such -good results in using relativistic elec- tron beams to achieve fusion that he now is developing a $55-million machine funded for tliis purpose in Russia called Angara 5, a physicist added. Gen. Keegan and his physics tenni quickly determined that the next problem to be resolved was flux coMpression needed to convert encrgy from explosive generation to electricalenergy to.power an accelerator. "Throu ?en so r letri ? d that since solved that prohlct' one expert said. U. S. scientists meeting at Livermore objected and said that power pulses gener- ated could not be conducted over known cabling without burning it up until Gen. Keegan's researchers discovered that pres- surized gas lines invented in the U. S. years earlier by ITT and General Electric were available and in use by the USSR. Reconnaissance Data ,Pipes at the Semi_pidatinsk site leading, ,from the unsiou_nd Cha mber WStIi spotted by reconnaissance satellite but they were discounted by the CIA any munitions panel as being there for anothei application, possibly to exhaust supersonic ramjets. revealed a IllItill.1.4.1L,Lar_Susa tit site., loaded . with liquid hydrogen. 'USAF' intelligence officials-believed it was. being used by the Soviets for cryogenic pumping of beam drift tubes. This was considered impossible by U. S. scientists because they believe liquid hydrogen is too volatile and dangerous. for cryogenic use. Again, however, papers have been publish-' ed in the USSR on the subject, and liquid hydrogen has been used for years for that -purpose. One official said.? Officials believe that cabling leading front the underground granite chamber it 'Semipalatinsk carrie4z,wer c.( plosive gener=r ta_aLit_b_l ransfori .ems 77...1.,.u.?1,t...41 Stepped up ifilc power is ca cc into giant Capacitors inside one end oft he large thick-walled building, they believe. Along the 70041. side are located the electron injector gun and the collective accelerator, according to their theory. The power is ted into them to prodUCe a proton In-House Research ? Washington ?U. S. Air Force and Navy are expected by. Fiscal 1978 to cut in- house research and exploratory develop- ment to approximately 35%, with , 65% being contracted out, a Defense Dept. official -told Congress. . This is approximately the goal set a year ago (Aw&s-r June 7, 1976, p. 47), John L. Allen said during testimony before the House Armed Services sub- committee on research and develop- ment. Allen is deputy director of Defense research and engineering for research and advanced technology. Earlier, the Navy agreed to a cut. of 3,000 persons and the USAF to a reduc- tion of 1,000. These reductions were to be accomplished within ,each service's research and development staff and were not limited to in-house laboratories. The goal for the Army was placed at 2,900, employes, a figure to which that service has not yet agreed, although discussions are in progress. Allen ac- knowledged that the Army is "heavily in-, house" oriented and would have to shift personnel from laboratory wofk to achieve the 35% goal. beam. The beam is bent at an angle by magnetic mirrors and propelled near the speed of light along the drift tubes running underground about a kilometer, they believe, and the drift tubes are evacuated to simulate operating the beam in space and are used only for beam propagation testing. At one time, there were five concentric, rings constructed around the buddin) about vinwesams a xirt. At each 5 of 'arc, a vertical sensor was placak At irst, U. S. analysts believed this arrange- nein was to monitor movement of gaseous. tydrogen clouds. The ,eometr was so' )recise, hoiLe/ yer, that some_laeliaved the sensors wersLiocated to measure_b_eatn, ..itlp_a_et or for beam tracking?, ? Storing energy to manage its flow was the next area of technology that Gen. Keegan and his scientists investigated. - They discovered that the Soviets had solved the problem earlier by using large water capacitors to store energy. Dense fields of' energy/electricity can be stored using pressurized water as a dielectric with pressure to 100 atmospheres. This is considered mother breakthrough by U. S. physicists, because the USSR can store 40 times the density of energy that can be stored in the Free World, one official explained. "This technology is now being developed in the U. S.," he added, after it was completely verified .under a contract with the Defense Nuclear Agency.. For the past 15 years there has been an open and free exchange between the U.S. and the USSR in the high-energy physics area, one U. S. physicist explained. That exchange is related mostly to projects for ? ? nuclear power generation for commercial application,' but by its very nature, the development of energy or offshoots of the technology has application to the beam. weapons field, the official said. "This is a field where to our knowledge .there are few secrets. We go freely to their [USSR] laboratories and have few doors barred to us," a U. S. high-energy.physi- cist said, "and the same thing is ti ue for them in this country." This does not apply to laboratories where weapons develop- ment is being 'carried out. Gen. Keegan's scientifiL: team. set out to prove the feasibility in another area of: Soviet technology required for beam weapons use?switching. Switching the energy from its storage capacitors to the electron injector is a major element required for the weapon to functidn, according to U. S. experts. A small U. S. company has devised a breakihrough in switching technology, a U. S. scientist explained, and has patented it.. Theoretical feasibility has now been fully established, the scientist added. The electron,Mjector was the ?next area of investigation on which the team focused its attention. For this to be successful, several engineers have explained, a gener- ator is needed to provide a steady stream of rapidly pulsed plasma of 100 million electron volts pet pulse at levels' of 10' mega joules/sec. "This iS pure Buck Rogers to the physi- cists at Livermore Laboratory, who refused to accept that the Soviets could, iccomplili it," one U. S. official said. U. S. scientists since have been able to confirm that Soviet high-energy institutes long ago solved problems of electron injec- tion that .place them years ahead of U. S. technology. "At the Institute of High- Energy Physics in .Novosibirsk, U. S. scientists have found generator technology that, when scaled up, can be used as an electron injector." Such equipment is now being exported to the U. S. for commercial use. The Soviet technology involved is at least 10 years ahead of anything tinder development in the U. S. CIA Chief informed In 1975, Gen Keegan disclosed his find- -ings on Soviet technology related to beam Weapons development to William Colby, then head of the CIA, and to a number of its nuclear scientificadviSers. "On the strength of -Keegan's informa- tion that the Soviets were on the verge of developing a weapon toneutralize our ICBMs and SLBMs, Colby directed the formal 'convening of the CIA's Nuclear Intelligence Panel to consider the disclo- sures," according to. a U. S. official. In a tinal meeting last rear with the panel, Gen. Keegan and -his associates presented evidence over a three-day period to the panel. The panel went into executive session tO study the data and then wrote its: report. No copy of the report was ever " presented to USAF intelligence. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP95B00915R001000510010-7 1 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP95B00915R001000510010-7 DIODE POWER SUPPLY WAVE GROWTH SECTION ACCELERATION SECTION INJECTION SECTION PROTON INJECTION PROTON BUNCH MAGNETIC FIELD COILS MAGNETIC LINES Collective accelerator principle in a schematic drawing shows that more efficient ,acceleration of particles may be possibie when a tr2veling wave in an electron beam traps and accelerates the protons. That is: standard, one official said, because copies of .the report are routed only to ? those in Authority .within the CIA. "What the 'report said was that there were mo technological errors in USAF's analytical work. It was agreed by the board that there is a massive .effort in the USSR involving hundreds of laboratories and thousands of .top scientists to develop the technology:necessary, for production of a beam or other energy weapon for use against U. S. ICBMs and SLBMs," an 'official said. The report also said the board was unable .10 accept USA F's detailed conclusions regarding the experi- mental site at Semipalatinsk. It rca oiled caccordi 2 0 s vet- ? ne of tI ncc mistamannitteramittr. 'et in tie U. S wa im at ronmumm Is cou ? C SO- ar a e In any .event, the . sewn? c aevisers to CIA were unwilling to concede that the Soviets cOnld. harness such advanced technology into a working weapon or demonstration system. They were willing to accept that the technology had been ,developed indepen- .dently, but not that it has been used in series for Weapons work at either Semipal- atinsk or Azgir, Officials said. 'Colby wrote a letter to former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger just before he left on .a trip te negotiate with the Soviets about strategi.c arms. limitations ?and mentioned that there "was ? a facility related to nuclear functions that were unknown but. that it might have high scientific application," one official said. 'With that exception, none of the USAF intelligence data has ever been made avail- able to the President, the secretary of State or the National Security Council, he added. ' .The major argunient now, raging within Aviation Week & Spce Technolom May 2, 1977 the intelligence community is whether the. facility at Semipalatinsk is experimental in nature and whether if will require a Major effort by the USSR over many years to build more such facilities to use for weapons purposes. "One of the problems is that some U. S. intelligence officials and ,scientists ha? w- ? difficulty in understanding' the concepts involv -The technology us beyond. t teir comprehension,",an official said. The facility at Semipalatinsk is an example, the official continued. It depends on how, it is visualized. "This is a case where the experimental hardware. is identical to the. equipment nee, -sary to destroy 'an ICBM. If the can 'crier d- -)artic earn to tcs o o en ein 'y are, Llt bunea, c or The .giant vacuum drift tube under- ground at the facility is used only to simulate upper .atomspheric and space conditions for the tests;.in operational use, the weapon's beam would be fired front the collective accelerator front end. . ?After 10 Years or work at the site awl :_ye,ar thing required to scale the device for weapons ica- ioi he said. That:could he accomprished WTs early as 1978 with it prototype beam we'apon, and it could be in an operational form by 1980, some officials believe. 'Another big objection offered by some U. S. physicists and other scientists is that the beam from such a weapon vill have to be propagated and bent to intercept incoming warheads in reentry 'vehicles, an extremely difficult task. One possible .solution is that a "mag- netic, mirror" can be used for beam bending to intercept reentry vehicles. Despite strenuous objections from L. S. scientists over the 'feasibility uf beam bending, USAF intelligence established a Soviet solution to the problem for the Soviet beam concept, an official Precise pointing and tracking may not be required. "All that is needed is for the Soviet long-range precision radars now . deployed in violation of the A I3N4 agree- ment to detect avenues or windows for. reentry vehicle trajectories against i'argets in the, USSR. . By :liming rapidly pulsed proton beaMs into these windows, ICBMs and SLBMs could be quickly saturated and destroyed,' lie expained. The windows would be loci,k. fro;;?, 1,000 to 2,000 man. mi. out M space "With this method, many acquisition and tracking problems could, be overcome. By using the window concept to scatter thc hewn over a wide ire.:1 through which warheads must transit, it is behe, id that not many he tit weapon devices would bc required to protect the USSR from a U. S. retaliatory strike," the official said. Many deployment schemes of grea simplicity tic open to the Russians. (The such'scheme would be to place the collec- tive accelerators vertically inside silos tha; the USSR now, claims are for conintind. control and communication. There are at least of these ,fios th . the U. S. is now overlooking b% the ? Soviet definition as conitnaith ti control centers for their use. tdsei-...i silos linked to those with the accelo-a.or for containment of the e\ plosive. gynera- tor. the Soviets could deploy such a systen-, within a few years, an official said "Since the necessary radars are ttcaritma operational readiness. in: needed system components could be emplaced," he added. "The one thing that (;eor,:e Keegan' finds so pernicioGs a bunt this whole- thing is' that CIA and other fur Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP95B00915R001000510010-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP95B00915R001000510010-7 ? U.S. officials scoff at the idea that the backward Russians can develop technolo- gy that we have been unable to develop in the U. S. ," one official said. "He [Kee- gan l admits that he could be Wrong, but he is not wrong about the Soviets' will to produce such a weapon and about the national'aSsets they are devoting to it." From all of this evidence we have a good idea of where the Soviets are in, development and where they are headed with beam weapons and high-energy; lasers.;Niii _much Luw ht.on done in 'this country since Seesaw." :t U. S. physicist said. "But there is certainly a kit of new interest now within the scientific commu- nity." There is an effort under way to establish an. agency in the U. S. to coordinate the development of directed-energy weapons. Some congessional staff members as well as officials within the Administration are pressing for this to be accomplished. Fragmented Development "Devdopment is now fragmented with various' factions froM a number .of agent cies and laboratories trying to compete for funding. What is needed now is for a control point to be set up with some colic-. sion and orderly planning to develop the various components of technology re- quired for weapons," ? one ,House staff member said. John L. Allen, deputy director of Defense research and engineering for 'research and advanced ?technology, said: ? "Sc;ence fiction writers have been f(isci- fl at ed with the concept of a directed- energy weapon that beams energy directly to a target, obviating the need. for bombs, ? missiles oi= projectiles. A weapon of this type now appears not only to he, possible, but we may even have a' choice of the beamS that can be ,used . . electrons or other fundamental particles. "These beams, travel at or near , the speed of light [186,000 mi.7sec.1 so that the delivery time is negligible, an aurae- - tive-attribute for a weapon. The beams can also be 'moved rapidly from one target to the ,next. Thus, for defense against nearly simultaneous multiple attackers, directed- energy weapons are appealing." ? He, added that high-energy lasers .are the most advanced of the directed-energy devices. "About 10 years ago, it became apparent that the generation and propaga- tion of damaging levels of energy might be feasible," Allen explained. "However, the technical .problems foreseen were formid- able. High power is needed .for useful lethal ranges. The achievement of such high poWer requires a strong foundation of basic knowledge of the physics and chem- istry, of highly excited gases, coupled with, in some systems, sophisticated high- volume, high-velocity gas flow technology. The, flow rates involved in gas dynamic high-energy lasers are like those from a jet engine. Tho, physical size is also compar- able to a jet engine." ? .Allen said the Defense , Dept.'s Ad- vanced Research Projects Agency and the services are inves'igating the application of high-energy. lasers. "Both the Army and Navy are pursuing terrestrial applications. ?The Air Force is pursuing airborne appli- cations, .and the Defense Advance Re- search Projects Agency is looking at the possible application of lasers in space defense with en-iphasis on chemical lasers." It is still too early to determine the poten- tial cost effectiveness of high-energy lasers as weapons, but the next two or three year; will yield a great deal of insight." Problems Cited "Particle beams?beams of electrons, for example ?are not directly affected by the weather and may provide longer ranges than high-energy lasers in adverse weather. However, they have other 'Prob- lems. Charged-particle beams have a tendency to be unstable. They also are deflected by magnetic fields, so' pointing and tracking uncerlainties exist. If these. problems can be solved, a viable weapon could result. We believe that charged- particle weapons might, in some applica- tions, present a usefL', alternative or complement to- the high-energy laser for giving us 'zero time of flight' weapons. We are pursuing projects at an exploratory level," Allen told the House Armed Services research and development sub- committee. The Navy is seeking $6 million in. Fiscal 1978 for a program called Chair Heritage to continue, exploratory development ,of 'beam weapons, mostly related to aCceler- ator development. It plans to transition to advanced development in Fiscal 1979. .Navy is now working on a scaled-down advanced test accelerator. The design for the device was selected in 'July, 1976, and experiments with the accelerator are slated for completion in August, 1978.. The auto-resonant accelerator, a num- ber of knowledgeable physicists ?believe, offers the potential for generating low- cost, extremely intense. beams of .high- energy heavy particles. The device is. believed capable of generating beams .of ions in the giga electron volt range. Power levels would be in the range of 10" w. with pulse lengths on the order of a Microsec., i.e., single pulses with an energy of 1-10 megajoules. , From the military 'application stand, point, the auto-resonant accelerator has the potential for being used to deliver the equivalent of pounds of TNT to blast targets at long range at the sneed of The effects of neutron. lot X-ray and gamma radiation would have an equally destructive impact on warheads. Austin Research Associates is doing basic re- search with the..aufo-rescatant accelerator. With a program of technology develop- ment, senior experts in physics believe, substantially higher energy levels can be delivered to targets at longer ranges., The auto-resonant accelerator not ? limited, to pulsed operation. That limita- tion now is ,from the design of associated electron-beam diodes and power Supplies. If E.-beam diodes and power supplies can be developed that can be repetitively pulsed at the rate of 100-1,000 pulses/sec. for several seconds, average beam powers in the 1,000-megawatt range tre believed possible. . "A number of military .applications are possible by changing the total energy requirements and repetition rates. Some of these missions are close at' hand," a U. S. physicit said. Under current funding, U. S. officials are convinced that M. L. Sloan and William E. Drummond will complete their mathematical model for the auto-resonant accelerator by July. In a paper on the accelerator concept, Sloan and Drum- mond explain the principle: a conceptually simple and compact method of generating pulsed - ion beams in the multi-ampere current range. This accelerator scheme combines the basic concepts ,of traveling wave and collective acceleration. While the traveling wave is used for the acceleration?process, the wave is a collective eigenmode Of the electron beam-magnetic. guide field cylin- drical guide system rather than a vacuum .wave guide mode as in a conventional traveling wave accelerator. Economy in Size Because of the collective nature of the medium of propagation.,, much higher effective accelerating fields can be sus- tained than in a conventional accelerator, allowing for economy in the Aize? of the machine. This is extremely important in a weapons application. The cyclotron wave used in the auto- resonant accelerator is a negative energy wave' so that in the acceleration process where energy . is delivered to the ions,' instead of being degraded, the electric field energy of the wave actually grows. If the auto-resonant accelentor achieves only a few percent efficiency in conversion of electron beam energy to ion energy, pulsed currents in the tens of amperes range or larger are anticipated. .' The ? name auto-resonant accelerator is derived frOm the process involved?the novel feature is that as the cyclotron eigenmode delivers energy to the .acceler- ated ions, it automatically extracts energy from-the relativistic electron 'beam. Power is thus automatically fed from the relativ- istic beam to the resonant ions. To provide the accelerating 'medium, the electron beam is propagated in a vacuum over a distance of several meters. The relativistic electron beam is the accel- erating medium and is used to accelerate protons to high energies. A puff of hydrogen can be allowed into the front or .njector ?end of the auto- resonant accelerator. When the electron beam is turned on, the ionization process Will strip the hydrogen atoms to bare Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP95B00915R001000510010-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29 : CIA-RDP95B00915R001000510010-7 protons at a predetermined depend- ing on the ambient hydrogen pressure and -volume and the electron beam energy, current and cross-section. Juggling these quantities can adjust the production rate. There are other .promising concepts for collective aCcelerators at U.S. laborato- ries and research centers, but they arc not .all being actively pursued because of a. lack of funding and coordination within the high-energy physics field, according to . U. S. officils..These.include: O Traveling potential well accelerator at Sandia Corp. funded by :the Energy _ ,Research and Development Administra- tion and the ?USA,F Office of 'Scientific Research. craig Olson at ,Sandia has developed the concept for controlling the acceleration of a potential well using an intense light source or lasers' beamed into a low-pressure gas for a two-step photO ionization process. Olson uses laser beams at oifferent wavelengths for ionization and cesium vapor for the gas. ? Self-synchronized pinch ,model.aecel- erator concept by Sidney Putnam at Physics International in tSan Leandro, Calif. This concept was proposed by Putnam i.n 1972, but. no experimental work has been accomplished in the U.S. The. Soviets, however, have picked up this concept and ?accomplished theoretical work with it. The concept, uses a space non-charged neutralized_ electron beam, which contracts in an envelope around ions as it moves through the accelerator. This is based on local magnetic pinch effects. . 13 Collective bunching 'Model acceler- ator being developed under the Naval Research Laboratory along with a trav- eling wave accelerator using a slow space charge wave. Cornell ,University is doing the ? simulation work for the Navy. ? a Toroidal storage,ring,accelerator con- cept by Norman Rostoker at the Univer- sity of California at Irvine. This concept provides for a small torus about four Meters in diameter. A cloud of electrons is stably confined in . the machine to trap ions inside a ring to focus them. a 'Electron ring accelerator at the University of Maryland under National Science Foundation sponsorship. This is a variation. on the USSR smoke ring accel- erator theme proposed years ago. "Many possibilities are open for the. U.S. but remain unexplored," a senior U. S, official. said. "Whether this results from. lack of interest, lack of funds for research, lack of national focus for efforts this-field, or a belief that the possibility that ,,,uch' weapons may adversely effeet detente is unclear. It does seem that the Soviets have taken a very different course which may eventually prove most U.S. planners and analysts to be wrong. If this proof comes early enough, it may then be too late for our 'research and development establishment to catch up on what ma' finally be agreed to be a very long Soviet lead in this field of strategic defense." Aviation Week & Space 1 echnology. May 2. 1977 By Katherine Johnsen Washington?House of Representatives last week supported President Carter's strategic nuclear ? weapons program in passing a 835.7-billion authorization for Fiscal 1978 military research. and development and procurement to buttress the Administration's posture on a new strategic arms liMitation talks (SALT) agreement with. the USSR (Aw&sT Apr. 18, p. 16). After two days of debate, the measure Rep. Ronald V. Dellums (D.-Calif.) was approved by a vote of 347 to 43, offered an amendment 10 eliminate .$134 without any change in the aerospace million for the USAF MX advanced program recommendations of the House ballistic missile 'system and cancel the 'Armed Services. Committee (AwsisT Apr. program. But only II House 'members .11, p. 21). The authorization increases the supported the amendment. The other 89 Administration's request for procurement members presentvoted against it. programs- by a net $793 -.million. This is The, mobile MX will only decrease U. S. offset by a net reduction of $777 million in security, Rep. Dellums said. "The greater research and development programs. accuracy of the missiles will pose a constant threat to the Soviet ICBMs, thus increasing the chances of a preemptive The pros and cons of the controversial first strike." USAF/Rockwell International B- I pro- Estimating the total MX program cost gram were argued on the House floor; But .at $40-50 billion, Rep. Dellums said: neither the advocates of accelerating the "That is a lot of money for a Weapon that program, nor the advocates of canceling it,, has been called 'an arms controller's .challenged the President's decision to nightmare: President Carter has aireadv procure five of the strategic bombers in expre'ssed his desire to ban it altogether. Fiscal.:1978. The Ford Administration had But owing to the verification problems it proposed a buy of eight. will cause, it may be too !ate to ban it after we have developed it." Challenging Rep. Dellums, Rep. lack F. -Kemp (R.-N. Y.) told the House: ,"The promise upon which the [Dellums] argument is based is that the C. S. is provocative and that the Soviets have not developed mobile land-based That is wrong. They do have right now a 3,000- to 4.000-naut.-mi range mobile SS-20. If they combined the SS-20 with the SS-16, it gives them a mobile intercon- tinental ballistic missile. It would have hard-target capabilities. It is the SS-20 that is destabilizing, nor our MX research and development program. SALT Flexibility "We should be giving the 'President Ow flexibility to go into SALT 2 negotiations with the support of this Congress by not tying his hands in'this important wedpons program, stopping it unilaterally," Rep. Kemp said. The Carter Administration redued the $294?million proposed b \ the Ford' Admin-. istration by $160 million to the 8134 in Meanwhile. the Carter Administration has delayed implementation of its decision proposing outright cancellation of Min- uteman 3 produ.etion, annotineed b \ Secretary of Defense Harold Brown Feu. 22. This will require the submission to Congress of a request to rescind Fiscal 1977 production funding. This request has not yet been submitted. The House authorized 8325 million for B-1 Debated Senate Unit Cuts F-14A Washington?Senate Armed Services CoMmittee last week reduced the ? Navy/Grumman F-14A procurement pro- gram from 44 aircraft to 36 during action on the $35:7-b;.,ion Fiscal 1978 authori- zation for weapons systems. Both the Ford and Carter Administra- lions* recommended $941 million for the buy of 44. The Senate committee's action would reduce the Fiscal 1978 funding b,y $200 million. The committee alSo adopted language that would: O Limit the Fiscal 1979 buy of F-14s to 36, instead of the 60 aircraft programed by the Navy. ? Direct that the two-year saving, esti- masted at a total $550 million, be applied toward any shortfall in the McDonnell Douglas F-18 program (Awss-r Mar. 28, p. 14). The Navy solOtion to funding problems was to permit a year's slippage in the F-18 program and cancel the Lockheed P-3C program in Fiscal 1979. Congressmen claim the Navy wants to cancel the F-18 program. Last week the House approved the funding proposed by the Carter Adminis- tration, for, both the F-14 and F-18 programs.. The Senate committee's tar- get is to complete action on the authori- zation. May 6. 1)e:classified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP95B00915R001000510010-7 ? 3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP95B00915R001000510010-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP95B00915R001000510010-7