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Document Creation Date:
December 16, 2016
Document Release Date:
September 25, 2003
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Publication Date:
July 26, 1976
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n INTERNAL ""f ~ta
U i ASS! E R ED A r~dedl158 ase 2004/08/30: CIv %?6b bMM00049000I SECRET
Legislative Counsel
7D35 HQ
26 ~,ly 1976
COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom
to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.)
Attached is a draft letter I have
prepared in response to the .1 July
Senate. Select Committee letter
regarding dissemination of the
FBI cable. I have not included the
attachments--Attachment A is
merely copies of several Agency
regulations; Attachment B is a
report prepared under the auspices
of the Inspector General last April.
I did not make copies of this report
because of its length. I propose to
send all of that report except for th
three-page introduction. Please let
me have your comments by COB
27 July, if possible. Thank you.
am lno
Director S urity
O 6334:2
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t y I '16
Honorable Daniel K. Inouye,. Chairman
Select Committee on Intelligence
United States Senate
Washington, D. C. 20510
Dear Mr. Chairman:
I am responding to your letter regarding the 24 June 1976
Washington Star article concerning dissemination of an FBI cable
to CIA. Cam` IA did receive a copy of this cable, which reported on a
rally in front of the Federal Building in Bowling Green, Kentucky. The
demonstrators carried placards denouncing the CIA and FBI. The
cable did not contain the names of any of the par'cicipants, nor were
the participants in any way identified except as "16 individuals. "
It is the responsibility of CIA's Office of Security to carry out
the mandate of Section 4(b) of Executive Order 11905 to "protect
the securit,y of its [CIA] installations, activities, information, and
personnel. Section 5(b)(7)(vi) of the Order further authorizes CIA
to collect information concerning persons or activities which pose
"a clear threat" to Agency facilities or personnel. Messages such
as the subject FBI cable alert the Office of Security to potential
problems, so that Agency personnel can be nrttifiari ;f
When the FBI cable was received at the Agency's Cable Secretariat,
the action copy was sent to the Office of Security. Copies also went
into, the Cable Secretariat's chronological reference films and to the
Operations Directorate, which handles the large majority of Agency
contacts with the FBI. Two components of the Office of Security
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received -copies; both coy tided that there was no indica on of a clear
threat to Agency facilities or personnel. Office of Security copies
were then destroyed, with no action taken. Operations Directorate
personnel also had no interest in the message, and those copies
have been destroyed as well.
The publicity given dissemination of this cable has highlighted the
need for the Office of Security to delineate more precisely the types
of FBI information it needs. The Director of Security has met with
FBI officials1 and a draft letter spelling out the infor-
mation requirements of the Office of Security has been prepared. This
letter is currently being reviewed by FBI officials. I will be happy
to provide the Committee a copy of the final .agreement.
With regard to your request on the collection, analysis, produc-
tion, dissemination, use or retention of information on U. S. citizens,
the most recent guidelines are described in E. 0. 11905. These
STAT guidelines have been integrated into CIA internal rpaill-+; r,--
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LLi response to your request for a complete report on CIA intel-
ligence or security files which include the names of American citizens,
I am submitting a copy of a report prepared internally in April of this
year (Attachment B). This report separates these files into-three
categories: administrative records on employees or others who have
or have had a relationship with CIA (category 1); files. created for specific
purposes, such as the MHCHAOS files, which are no longer used but
which cannot be destroyed (category 2); and current files on non-employees
which the Agency maintains to fulfill its foreign intelligence, counter-
intelligence, or security missions.
I trust the above is responsive to your request.
George Bush
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