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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/31 : CIA-RDP95-00972R000100200006-3 25X1 25X1 -SEERET--- ODP STAFF SUMMARY SUBJECT: 1984 ODP ANNUAL REPORT PURPOSE OF ACTION: Information/concurrence ACTION OFFICER: REFERENCES: RESOURCE PACKAGE & COSTS: THIS PAPER IS FOR YOUR: COMPONENT/ OFFICER INFORMATION/ COMMENT CONCURRENCE APPROVAL/ SIGNATURE INITIALS DATE J X X irTOM DESCRIPTION: , , e-e- -44iiii---- SIGNATURE OF ACTION OFFICER- FORM 4026 ( 10-84 ) UNCLASSIFIED WHEN CPDADATPTI 'PDnm ATTACUM'QMT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/31 : CIA-RDP95-00972R000100200006-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/31 : CIA-RDP95-00972R000100200006-3 SECRET 1 8 March 1985 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Management Group, OIT 25X1 FROM: Chief, Policy and Plans Staff, MG/OIT SUBJECT: The Office of Data Processing 1984 Annual Report Attached is the 1984 Annual Report for the Office of Data 25X1 Processing as you requested. As you know, our reporting to the DDA had changed somewhat and eliminated the need for this report. P&PS will continue to prepare this report to maintain historical perspective on OIT's activities. Distribution: C/MG UNCLASSIFIED WHEN SEPARATED FROM ATTACHMENT Unler, Policy and Plans Staff, Management Group, OIT Declassified in in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/31 : CIA-RDP95-00972R000100200006-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/31 : CIA-RDP95-00972R000100200006-3 SECRET The Office of Data Processing 1984 Annual Report I. Overview The year 1984 was another year of continued progress and stimulating change for the Office of Data Processing. Once again, significant strides were made in satisfying the ever expanding ADP 25X1 L ts levied on ODP by CIA and Intelligence Community customers. It was a year of organization refinement for ODP. The new organization focused on quality responses for meeting user needs and with a special focus on building personnel. The new Information Center concentrated exclusively on being responsible for helping each individual with a problem, and being responsible for following the problem to resolution. In the Management Development area, excellent progress was made on widening the experiences of our younger managers by providing training and by opening communications within the office. These Management Development changes, together with our own recruitment efforts, partially describe the im ortance ODP places on its most 25X1 important asset--our people. Two results of the additional emphasis directed toward our 25X1 personnel were the promotion of nearly 50% of ODP's people and the redirection of the career paths of 35 ?eo le from secretarial positions. 25X1 Accomplishments not easy emulated. II. Background The Office of Data Processing is responsible for providing data processing services for the CIA and certain elements of the Intelligence Community. Under its new organization, ODP consists of six operational components: (1) the Consulting and Assistance Group is responsible for facilitating the exploitation of information processing technology by all users; (2) the Intelligence Systems Group is responsible for the joint CIA-DIA Project SAFE (Support for the Analysts' File Environment); (3) the Management Information Systems Group is responsible for developing and maintaining ADP management and information systems which in turn support the missions of Agency Components; (4) the Processing Systems Group is responsible for the management and operation of three large Headquarters computer centers the shenie1i7ea lir 25X1 Head uarters center, development center 25X1 and the Agency office automation program; (5) the Systems Engineering Group is responsible for providing computer systems software and software engineering services in support of ODP computer centers and Agency components; and (6) the Special Systems Group is responsible for developing and maintaining Ag rtmented ADP 25X1 computer systems for the Intelligence Community. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/31 : CIA-RDP95-00972R000100200006-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/31 : CIA-RDP95-00972R000100200006-3 SECRET 3 ODP's services are provided by an extremel dynamic and complex set 25X1 of computer center environments. The Center, where general- purpose Agency computing is performed, en .e. FY 1984 with a total of eight large scale IBM mainframe computers and more than 240 billion characters of on-line storage. Notably, the COMIREX Automated 25X1 Management System (CAMS2), which supports the m er side of the National Reconnaissance Program, moved to the Center in May 1984. Directorate of Operations Support is providedr rom the Special Center. At the close of FY 1984, the Special Center had three IBM- compatible mainframes and over 80 billion characters of on-line storage. The third center, the Northside or SAFE Center, contained five large IBM mainframes and more than 114 billion characters of on-line storage. (Table I presents a summary of ODP computer facilities and associated 25X1 ADP resources). III. Office Highlights for 1984 CAMS In May 1984, the Intelligence Community's COMIREX Automated Management System (CAMS2) Processing Segment became operational on schedule to support the new imagery collection system. The CAMS2 computer system assists the Community in managing its requirements for 25X1 imagery collection, supporting the new data from its predecessor availability and forms end of the decade. exploitation and production/dissemination. Besides collector, the CAMS2 system contains the operational system CAMS1. CAMS2 is designed for very high the base to support COMIREX growth through the Currently, the system supports over 700 Community users. SAFE The integration and acceptance of the SAFE (Support for the Analysts' File Environment) system by analysts at CIA and DIA has exceeded all previous expectations. To illustrate, the current user 25X1 population at CIA is approaching instead of the projected at DIA the population is nearly 500 instead of 300. Additionally, the system has been improved in several ways, like a new method of processing cables which makes them available to the analysts in an average of 9 minutes rather than 90--a major improvement. In March, the 25X1 DIA portion analysts. of the system was moved to Bolling AFB without impacting DIA DESIST The Decision Support and Information System on Terrorism (DESIST) became operational in November 1984. This system is the centralized intelligence storage and retrieval system of terrorist information for the Intelligence Community. The initial capability supports 35 CIA users and Community users at NSA, DIA, the Department of Energy, the Naval Investigative Service, and the Joint Special Operations Command. Other Intelligence Community Agencies are scheduled for DESIST access in 25X1 the coming year. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/31 : CIA-RDP95-00972R000100200006-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/31 : CIA-RDP95-00972R000100200006-3 SECRET 4 DESIST is maintained for the Community on a stand alone mainframe 25X1 currently located in the Computer Center. The system was initially provided by CIA an requ res $1.5 million dollars per year in support costs. The current hardware will support point to point communications to a1lLnielligence Community users except for the 25X1 Military Commands. ODP Information Center Another key area for ODP was the establishment of the Information Center, which combines the consulting and ADP professional training roles with the increased responsibility of finding and evaluating new easy-to-use ADP tools. The Information Center's goal is to provide a new class of responsive, quality s to aid the growing number of 25X1 knowledgeable do-it-yourself users. ODP Central Services There has been phenomenal growth in the acceptance and use of ODP's electronic systems. Every day Agency components are using more and more ADP capabilities in the normal course of their business. In the spirit of the DCI's "Pursuit of Excellence," the use of our AIM electronic mail 25X1 system experienced a single year's growth of over users--starting 25X1 the ear with slightly under users we will end 1984 with slightly 25X1 over Users of our large data base services grew from almost 2bAl to nearly Further, users of ODP's time sharing services n m 25X1 approximately in January and by year's end will exceed Despite this grow , our largest online systems continued to operate at over 99 percent availability. This high-quality service is essential 25X1 considering how dependent the Agency has become on our systems. 25X1 25X1 as well as over replacement devices. Additionally, we obtained In the pasLyar ODP installed over new terminals and printers 25X1 word processing systems, including work stations, for Agency components including the Directorate of Operations CRAFT project 25X1 versus 1700 in FY 1983. E-C;;equently, ODP is now supporting over 25X1 overseas. In FY 1984, terminal support requests were processed 25X1 terminals and printers in user areas connected to the central com uter facilities at Headquarters. In 25X1 addition, we support over feces of stand-alone word processing 25X1 equipment in users' offices. As the number of installed terminals increases, terminal support requirements increase as well. For example, besides supporting SAFE by installing two more Comten devices, we supported DESIST by designing its teleprocessing network, installing another Comten, and installin 25X1 terminals. We installed another 2 Comten devices in the Computer Center and in the Special Com uter Center to support the growth 25X1 in terminal access to those centers. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/31 : CIA-RDP95-00972R000100200006-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/31 : CIA-RDP95-00972R000100200006-3 SECRET 5 We successfully introduced the Xerox 2700 laser printer into the Headquarters environment as a letter-quality office printer These popular laser printers are located in the users' work environment, provide convenient high-quality cut paper output and normally support 25X1 about people. In a separate, forward-looking effort, we also began the NEWS (Network Enhancements & Workstation) Project. The NEWS goal is to upgrade our teleprocessing hardware to work with the new building's high speed communications system and to provide user workstations that 25X1 combine word processing and data processing. Computer Center Upgrades Four IBM 3083s and one IBM 3084 computer systems were installed and four IBM 3083 systems were upgraded to support the growth in requirements for central ADP services. In addition, our program for Installing IBM 3380 direct access storage devices continued during 1984, both to replace older and smaller capacity devices and to support additional requirements. By installing these new computer systems and based on our experience with the new direct access stora?e devices, we 25X1 can expect to remain above the 99% availability mark. Production Statistics The mean number of concurrent time sharing users during peak daily 25X1 periods increased over 120 percent to The mean number of daily 7)(1 aring sessions increased by about 0 percent (from to 25X1 Two key factors accounted for a large portion of this dramatic ncrease--the high availability of two large central processors providing excellent response and the acceptance of the AIM electronic 25X1 mail system. 25X1 The mean daily number Center, the average The from per week. daily batch CPU hours doubled the 1983 figure. of batch jobs processed was In the Special number of DO batch jobs per week increased from STAR transaction load decreased slightly to In the database support area, the mean daily terminal transaction rate for GIMS (including FOURC) was while the number of GIMS databases increased from The following tables summarize ODP's computing facilities. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/31 : CIA-RDP95-00972R000100200006-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/31 : CIA-RDP95-00972R000100200006-3 SECRET 6 ODP Computer Facility Summary 25X1 Center Special Center 1983 1984 CPUs (81(s) 6 8* MIPS** 77 104 On-line Storage (GB)** 194 241.6 CPUs (2Js,1V8) 4 3 MIPS 15 21.0 On-line Storage (GB) 63.2 80.2 Northside Center (SAFE) CPUs (3Ks,2Js) 6 5 MIPS 33 54.0 On-line Storage (GB) 65.9 114.6 4C CPUs (1V6) 1 1 MIPS 1 4.0 On-line Storage (GB) 5.9 7.5 CAMS Total ODP * * * CPUs (1 3033) 1 1 MIPS 5 5.0 On-line Storage (GB) 18.9 30.2 CPUs 18 MIPS 131 188 On-line Storage (GB) 347.9 474.1 As of 31 Dec '83 3 VM, 3 Batch MVS, 2 CAMS MIPS - Millions of Instructions Per Second (an approximate measure of CPU speed) GB - Gigabytes or billions of bytes (characters of data); On-line storage data are fiscal year-end figures SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/31 : CIA-RDP95-00972R000100200006-3 STAT 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/31 : CIA-RDP95-00972R000100200006-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/31 : CIA-RDP95-00972R000100200006-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/31 : CIA-RDP95-00972R000100200006-3 SECRET 8 Engineering our Systems A key accomplishment was the implementation of a new data base management system, GIM-III, in support of CAMS2. Over 17 work years of effort was necessary to implement this new software in our VM environment. The software provided CAMS with such new features as a PL1 Interface, Master Terminal hard copy on AIM, IDM (external data base) Interface, roll forward, and extensive error recovery and backup 25X1 procedures. Another very significant accomplishment was the introduction of AIM enhancements. We implemented over 15 major features in 9 new releases. Some of the enhancements most noted by the users were overlapped input/output (a significant performance improvement), the calendar subsystem, Xerox 2700 printer support, and document editor support for easier use under AIM. The SAFE project, which usesAIt1 extensively, 25X1 will be a major benefactor of these improvements. A heavy load of requirements for terminal capabilities sparked two effective, innovative techniques for developing new Delta Data software/firmware and Host Based Word Processing software. More specifically, a new memory addressing technique helped more than double the available space for programming the terminal capabilities. Further, a methodology for transferring code into the terminal, testing it with an in-terminal tester, and then creating firmware from the tested code enabled us to implement more reliable code more quickly--significant double-pronged performance improvements. As a result, the popularity of Host Based Word Processing grew significantly in the DI and DO as a new spelling checker, copy/move utilities, and an improved AIM interface feature were added during the year. An effective development process is as essential to our current and future workstations as the capabilities we develop and the benefi sf e s kind of innovative leadership will 25X1 extend well beyond 1984. We also introduced some new products to Agency users this past year. The most impressive is NOMAD2, available now on selected VM systems. Our sixth and seventh li n for NOMAD2 are for the SAFE 25X1 Center and the DESIST application. 25X1 Perhaps the least obvious, Important, are the engineering service, increased availability, 1984 we: and every year the most critically accomplishments dealing with expanded and performance improvements. In FY o Made the COMTEN software (SS1) extremely reliable o Migrated to Extended Architecture (XA) in the batch o Introduced HPO 3.4 on VM (performance enhancement) o Supported hardware upgrades for DDO, CAMS2, and SAFE o Provided SSI (Single System Image) for our VM users o Introduced 2 major releases to VM/CMS users in 3 centers. o Installed 37 maintenance releases to all CP/CMS systems world SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/31 : CIA-RDP95-00972R000100200006-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/31 : CIA-RDP95-00972R000100200006-3 SECRET 9 Applications Development In developing new computer applications, ODP again provided a wide range of support in 1984 including the following: o The system initiation phase of the Budget and Accounting Resources Systems (BARS) was started in September. BARS will replace three existing Agency financial systems: Financial Resources System (FRS), Budget Ranking System (BRS), and General Accounting System (GAS). It will offer major improvements in financial management and also will provide a much needed automated interface with the Agency's Logistics Information Management System (LIMS). BARS will be developed by contractors 25X1 and is scheduled for implementation in the 1988 time frame. 25X1 o The top level requirements were produced for the Integrated Applicant Processing System (IAPS) and the Personnel Access Security System (PASS). IAPS will be fully operational in 1986 and will support the activities of the Office of Personnel, the Office of Security, and the Office of Medical Services to improve the processing of Agency applicants. The PASS system is the re lacement system for the Security Access Control System. o The Decision Support and Information System on Terrorism (DESIST) became operational in November 1984. This system is the centralized intelligence storage and retrieval system of terrorist information for the Intelligence Community. The initial capability supports 35 CIA users and Community users at NSA, DIA, the Department of Energy, the Naval Investigative Service, and the Joint Special Operations Command. Other Intelligence CommunijvMeicies are scheduled for DESIST access 25X1 in the coming year. o The Corporate Data Environment Program (CDEP) was established to provide users with data access which is more current, timely, and complete. It will reduce inconsistencies, duplication of data and will impact on computer development operations by new applications. It will also shorten the development of new applications and lower the costs of acquiring and maintaining 25X1 data. 25X1 o Based on the redirection of the Automated Compensation Information System (ACIS) Project, a contract was awarded complete the requirements and design phases of the system. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/31 : CIA-RDP95-00972R000100200006-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/31 : CIA-RDP95-00972R000100200006-3 SECRET 10 o Development of the Logistics Integrated Management System (LIMS) continued. The contractor conducted a preliminary design review in February which determined that the preliminary designs specifications were properly defined. Further reviews were conducted in August. IOC is planned in 1985 and FOC is planned in 1990. The Medical Assessment and Evaluation (MEDANE II) System was Implemented. It provided the Office of Medical Services with an online historical data base and an online test scoring capability for tests given to employees and applicants. A major improvement--three months to two weeks--was realized for sample cases in the time span from testing until written evaluation. o The initiation, definition, and design phases to implement bar code technology were completed in 1984. This supports the Inventory Control System in tracking and updating requisitions from the point of receiving through the inventory process. The I.LnDlementation and integration phases will continue in 1985. IV. Relations with our Customers The Consulting and Assistance Group was established last year to provide a focal point for ODP customer support activities with an emphasis on high-quality support that is practical and timely. In the Consulting and Assistance Group, we perform a number of traditional customer support functions like data entry, application management for offline (batch) and online (data base management) systems, output printing and distribution, and system administration. Additionally, this group is responsible for other traditional support functions - ADP training and consulting - as well as finding and evaluating new tools to help our customers accomplish their goals easily. During the year, Consulting and Assistance Group provided support to many of ODP's major development activities such as CAMS and SAFE. In addition to direct support of the SAFE operational system in the Northside Computer Center (NCC), we also provided support to DIA personnel to ease the transition of the DIA SAFE system to the new DIA facility. The moved occurred without impacting any analysts. Further examples of unheralded, solid support where the impact on the customer was minimized, were two improvements in output distribution services. During the past year the personnel and e ui ment which provided output distribution service in the were moved to the Northside Computer Center to cen ral ze support for the SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/31 : CIA-RDP95-00972R000100200006-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/31 : CIA-RDP95-00972R000100200006-3 SECRET 11 increasing load from both centers. In addition, our conversion to a new computer output standard, cut sheets versus fan-fold, is providing customers wLthblgher quality printed output, while reducing paper costs. A primary mission of the new ODP Information Center is to concentrate on quality service and maintain excellent relationships with ODP's customers. We have been active in reaching out to improve our effectiveness. Some of our accomplishments in this area are: o Improving communication through quarterly meetings with Agency ADP Control Officers, sending 'Tech Notes' via AIM, and publishing the 'Information Center Newsletter', Wang User Group Newsletters, and a brochure on our Information Center. o Working group participation with the ISB, with the DI Modernization Task Force and with OTE on computer based training. o Focusing on user concerns by: providing a consultant to assist customers at the Northside Output Center, responding to nearly 300 requests for assistance each week, providing over 200 technical publications weekly, providing 300 course months of self-study material, and providing 31 classroom courses, with over 1100 non-ODP student days of instruction. o Focusing support on specific areas by providing VM and AIM tutorials to 21 senior users in support of the Executive Network, offering a VM tutorial to all new users receiving their userids and passwords, 25X1 and providing WANG-VM communications support to users in 31 offices 25X1 and Xerox 2700 assistance to users in 36 oftri-d. o Studying 35 hardware and software packages for procurement and provided substantial assistance in computer graphics to 20 Agency offices and to NASA, DIA, and the U.S. Air Force Foreign Technology Division. ODP's major products like CAMS, SAFE, DESIST and major growth in AIM have demonstrated that we are underinvested in terms of numbers of people. However, our people have, in turn, demonstrated their understanding of our mission and have consistently given of themselves in all out efforts to get the job done professionally. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/31 : CIA-RDP95-00972R000100200006-3