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Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041 R00030W9Q 9.22-M
OSD review(s) completed.
This manual is issued under the directional authority of, and in accordance with Depart-
ment of Defense Directive 5220.22, Department of Defense Industrial Security Program.
It establishes uniform security practices within industrial plants, educational institu-
tions, and all organizations and facilities used by prime and subcontractors having classi-
fied information of the Department of Defense, certain other Executive Departments and
Agencies, or certain foreign governments. Users of this publication are encouraged to
submit recommended changes and comments to improve the publication, through channels,
This revision is required by the demands of national security as determined by the Gov-
ernment. It is issued pursuant to and constitutes notice prescribed by section 1A (i) of the
Department of Defense Security Agreement (DD Form 441), and section 1A of the De-
partment of Defense Transportation Security Agreement (DLA Form 1149).
This manual shall be effective 3 October 1977.
Colonel, USA
Staff Director, Administration
Defense Logistics Agency: 2 less DPDOs
Army :
Active Army: To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-9A requirements
for Security-D.
This manual supersedes DoD 5220.22-M, 1 Apr 74, and Changes 1 thru 4.
* *Page replaced by Change 1.
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DoD 5220.22-M
The following is a brief description of changes, by paragraph. Some paragraphs contain only
editorial revisions and therefore are not enumerated. DCAS-DD has been redesignated DLA-
DD (CAS). This and other type editorial corrrections have not been identified. The text of
this manual identifies all DLA forms as such; however, illustrations of forms in appendix I
will retain the DSA identification until such time as the forms are reprinted.
1. A listing of the changed paragraphs follows:
3bb Modified to clarify definition of Representative of Foreign Interest.
5s Modified to permit a parent-subsidiary organization to publish an SPP appli-
cable throughout the organization but adapted to be applicable at specific
operating locations. Also, provision has been added in the case of one-person
facilities that the cognizant security office be advised of the current combina-
tion of the container. Where the one-person facility is a part of a multiple
facility organization, the home office facility security supervisor is to be ad-
vised of the current combination.
Footnote 10 Laos is now considered to be a Communist country.
to Par. 5u
6b(1) & (2) Eliminate reference to OSE procedures and reference a new procedure where-
by contractor employees will be issued Letters of Consent or Security Assur-
ances. Also include provision for reporting regarding an individual who has
taken residence or assignment outside the U.S. for a period in excess of 90
consecutive days during any 12-month period.
6b(6) Requires a report for a cleared immigrant alien who has been assigned or
taken residence outside the U.S. for a period in excess of 90 calendar days in
any 12-month period. Visits in excess of 90 days invalidate any existing clear-
14f & g Permits use of repaired security cabinets for the storage of CONFIDENTIAL
or the storage of SECRET with supplemenal controls, and outlines measures
to be used in effecting repairs, and records to be maintained pertinent to such
19b (2) Requires contracting officer approval for destruction of accountable COMSEC
vice CRYPTO.
19d Permits subcontractor guard to be a witness to destruction of CONFIDEN-
TIAL material, other than accountable COMSEC, provided the guard is em-
ployed full-time, is under the supervision and direction of the facility security
supervisor, possesses an appropriate clearance, has been briefed and is desig-
nated to witness the destruction.
19f Permits subcontractor guard to destroy CONFIDENTIAL waste, except
CRYPTO or other Special Access information.
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DoD 5220.22-M
20f Deletes reference to the "OSE determination" and substitutes Letter of Con-
sent or Security Assurance.
20m Now permits short-term visits of not more than 90 days by immigrant aliens
without negating the basis upon which the Letter of Consent is issued.
28 Deletes requirement for contractor to maintain record of emloyees who have
been granted an OSE determination.
29a Permits contractor to administratively terminate contractor granted CONFI-
DENTIAL clearances.
29d Sets forth debriefing procedures in the case of contractor granted CONFI-
DENTIAL clearances which are administratively terminated and specifies 2-
year retention period for DLA Forms 683 and 482 in such cases.
48e Now requires that visit requests processed through DISCO be submitted in
duplicate (formerly quadruplicate) with an extra copy for each additional
country to be visited.
50 Deletes "OSE determination".
72b Amends last sentence to call attention to exceptions set forth in paragraph 5x.
72c Now permits two or more cleared facilities (occupying the same office space
or located side by side) consisting of a parent and one or more wholly owned
subsidiaries to utilize common security services for: (i) personnel security
administration, (ii) document control (including storage), (iii) reproduction,
(iv) visitor control, and (v) other similar administrative services. Also out-
lines SPP coverage necessary in such circumstances.
Section XII Complete rewrite to eliminate OSE concept and substitute procedures where-
by contractor employees who require access to classified information will be
issued Letters of Consent or Security Assurances while stationed outside the
U.S. The new address for OISE is included in this rewrite (paragraph 95c).
Changed language in this section not identified by marginal arrows.
Appendix I Deletes reference to OSE determination. Introduces new DISCO Form 382 and
deletes DLA Forms 382-R and 383-R.
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DOD 5220.22-M
Glossary of Acronyms and Abbreviations
Commonly Used in the
Defense Industrial Security Program
ACO Administrative Contracting Officer
ACDA U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
ACSI Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army
ADP Automatic Data Processing
ADS Advanced Declassification Schedule
AMSP Allied Military Security Publication
APO Army Post Office
ARFCOS Armed Forces Courier Service
ASD (A) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Administration)
ASD (C) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)
ARPC Air Reserve Personnel Center
ASPR Armed Services Procurement Regulation
BI Background Investigation
BL Bill(s) of Lading
Civil Aeronautics Board
Commercial Bill(s) of Lading
Canadian Department of Supply and Services
Central Treaty Organization
Candidate Material
Communications Intelligence
Communications Security
Continental United States
Central Office of Record
Property NATO and Subject to Special Security Controls
Civil Service Commission
COMSEC Supplement to the Industrial Security Manual
Cognizant Security Office
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Security Policy)
Defense Contract Administration Services Region
Defense Central Index of Investigations
Defense Documentation Center
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense Investigative Service
Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office
Defense Industrial Security Institute
Defense Logistics Agency
Deputy Director, Contract Administration Services, Defense Logistics
Defense National Agency Check Center
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DoD 5220.22-M
DoD Department of Defense
DoDAAD Department of Defense Address Directory
DOT Department of Transportation
EDIS Executive Directorate, Industrial Security (formerly OIS)
ENAC Expanded National Agency Check
E.O. Executive Order
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
ERDA Energy Research and Development Agency (formerly AEC)
FAA Federal Aviation Agency (Presently Federal Aviation Administration,
Department of Transportation)
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
FEA Federal Energy Administration
FOCI Foreign Ownership, Control and Influence
FSC Federal Supply Code
FSS Federal Supply Schedule
GBL Government Bill(s) of Lading
GDS General Declassification Schedule
GFE Government Furnished Equipment
GFP Government Furnished Property
GPO Government Printing Office
GSA General Services Administration
HEW Department of Health, Education and Welfare
HOF Home Office Facility
HQ DLA Headquarters Defense Logistics Agency
HQ DLA-N Headquarters Defense Logistics Agency, Executive Directorate,
Industrial Security
ICC Interstate Commerce Commission
IFB Invitation for Bid
IPO International Pact Organization
ISB Industrial Security Bulletin
ISCRO Industrial Security Clearance Review Office
ISL Industrial Security Letter
ISM Industrial Security Manual for Safeguarding Classified Information
(DoD 5220.22-M)
ISR Industrial Security Regulation (DoD 5220.22-R)
ITAR International Traffic in Arms Regulations
KGB Committee of State Security (Soviet Union)
MAAG Military Assistance Advisory Group
MAP Mutual Aid Program
MDAP Mutual Defense Assistance Program
MIL-STD Military Standard (Book Form)
MTMC Military Traffic Management Command (formerly MTMTS)
N/A Not Applicable
NAC National Agency Check
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DoD 5220.22-M
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Naval Investigative Service
NATO Production Logistics Organization
National Security Agency
National Science Foundation
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Administration)
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)
Office of Defense Cooperation
Office of Industrial Security, Europe
Owners, Officers, Directors, Partners, Regents, Trustees, or Executive
Office of Secretary of Defense
Office of Special Investigations, USAF
Procuring Contracting Officer
Principal Management Facility
Personnel Reliability Program
Personnel Security Clearance Files
Personnel Security Questionnaire
Protective Security Service
Request for Proposal
Request for Quote
Small Business Administration
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
Single Integrated Operational Plan
Standard Practice Procedure
Signature Security Service
Transportation Officer
U.S. Telecommunications Security
Teletype Communications
United Kingdom
Underwriters' Laboratories
United States
U.S. Army Communications Security Logistics Agency
U.S. Air Force Security Service
U.S. Army Intelligence Command
U.S. Army Security Agency
US. Army Strategic Communications Command
United States Code
U.S. Communications Security Board
U.S. Intelligence Board
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DoD 5220.22-M
VA Veterans Administration
XCL Excluded from the General Declassification Schedule
XGDS Exempt from the General Declassification Schedule
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Scope ...............................................................
Applicable Federal Statutes, Executives Orders, and Regulations ............
Definitions .............................................................
Designation of Cognizant Security Office ..................................
General Requirements .................................................
Reports ............. .................................................
Loss, Compromise, or Suspected Compromise of Classified Information..........
Badges and Identification Cards .........................................
DoD Sponsorship of Meetings ............................................
Marking ..............................................................
Classification ..........................................................
Record of Classified Material ................................
. . . . . . . . . . .
...................... . .
Special Requirements for TOP SEC
Storage ..................................................
Alternate Storage Locations .................................
Safeguards During Use ....................................
Transmission .............................................
Reproduction ..............................................
Destruction .......... ................................................
General ..............................................................
Facility Security Clearances .............................................
Personnel Clearances Required in Connection with Facility Clearances .. ....
Security Clearance of Negotiators ........................................
Security Clearance of Additional Personnel ................................
Preemployment Clearance Application-Prohibited ........................
Application for Personnel Security Clearance ..............................
Personnel of the DoD
Clearance of Present and Former Civilian and M
es......... .............
and Certain Other Government Agenc
Contractor's Clearance Record ..............................
Administrative Termination of Personnel Security Clearances ................
Administrative Downgrading of TOP SECRET Personnel Security Clearances .
Canadian and U.K. Reciprocal Clearances .................................
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DoD 5220.22-roved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041R000300040001-2
Purpose .............................................. . . . . . . .
General ............. ..........................................
Area Controls ....... ..
Supplemental or Supplanting Alarm Systems ...............................
Supplanting and Supplemental Electronic, Mechanical and Electro-Mechanical
Access Control Devices ...............................................
Part 1. Visits to User Agency Contractors
General ............. .................................................
Identification and Control of Visitors .....................................
Visitor Record ....... .................................................
Long-Term Visitors ... .................................................
Visitor Categories and Procedures .......................................
Visits Involving Access to RESTRICTED DATA ...........................
Part 0. Visits to User Agency Activities
General Rules-In Addition to Paragraph 37 ..............................
Visits to User Agency Activities in the U.S...... ............................
Visits to User Agency Activities Outside the U.S . ..........................
Part 3. Visits to Government Activities Other Than User Agencies
Visits to ERDA Installations or ERDA Contractors .........................
Visits to Activities Other Than ERDA ....................................
Part 4. Visits to Foreign Governments and Activities
General ............ .................................................
Processing Time .... .................................................
Use of OISE ......... .................................................
Part 5. Visits in Connection With Bilateral Industrial Security Agreements
and NATO Visit Procedures
Visits in Connection with Bilateral Industrial Security Agreements ............
NATO Visit Procedures .................................................
NPLO Programs Clearance and Visit Procedures ..........................
Records of NATO Visits ................................................
Certificate of Security Clearance .........................................
Application to Subcontractors ...........................................
Application to Sub-Subcontractors ........................................
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DoD 5220.22-M
Determination of Clearance Status ...... ...................................
Safeguarding Ability .....................................................
Classification Guidance ...................................................
Required Distribution ....................................................
Notification of Selection ..................................................
Unsatisfactory Security Conditions ........................................
Return of Classified Information ...........................................
Subcontracting With Foreign Industry .....................................
Subcontracts Arising From Foreign Classified Contracts ......................
General ................................................................
Consultant-Type A .....................................................
Consultant-Type B .....................................................
Consultant-Type C .....................................................
Consultants to User Agencies Employed Under Civil Service Procedures .......
Parent-Subsidiary Relationship ............................................
Multiple Facility Organizations ............................................
Temporary Help Suppliers ................................................
COMSEC Information ....................................................
Special Requirements for Graphic Arts ...................................
Production Control Records ...............................................
Area Controls-Additional Requirements ...................................
Special Conditions .......................................................
Destruction-Special Requirements ........................................
Mailing Lists ...........................................................
Application .............................................................
Authority ..............................................................
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CH 1
DoD 5220.22-M
Supervision and Orientation Requirements ................................
Securtiy Clearances .....................................................
Reproduction, Preparation, and Marking ....................................
Transmission of NATO Material .........................................
Functions of the Contracting Officer .......................................
NATO Reporting Requirements ..........................................
Subcontracting .........................................................
Part 1. Access to U.S. Classified Information
General ............................ ...................................
Access to Classified Information .........................................
Safeguarding of U.S. Classified Information ..............................
Overseas Assistance .....................................................
Notification of Overseas Assignment .......................................
Security Briefings and Certificates ........................................
Part 2. Access to Classified Information of Foreign Governments and
International Pact Organizations Under A Security Assurance
General ...............................................................
Security Assurance .....................................................
Applications and Purpose ................................................
Definitions .............................................................
General ................................................................
Personnel and Physical Controls .........................................
Clearance of Main Memory, Other Magnetic Media, and Equipment ...........
Declassification Procedure ...............................................
Dedicated Mode ........................................................
Transmission ..........................................................
Subcontracting Classified Data Processing .................................
Audit Trail ............................................................
Multi-Level Resource-Sharing Systems ....................................
Xu Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041R000300040001-2
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DoD 5220.22-M
Application .............................................................
Department of Defense Personnel Security Questionnaire (Industrial) (DD Form
48) ..................................................................
Application and Authorization for Access to Confidential Information (DD Form
48-2) ................................................................
Department of Defense Personnel Security Questionnaire (Updating) (DD Form
48-3) ........
Department of Defense Personnel Security Questionnaire (Industrial) (Multiple
Purpose) (DD Form 49) ...............................................
Contract Security Classification Specification (DD Form 254) .................
Reserved ...............................................................
Applicant Fingerprint Card (FD Form 258) ................................
Request for Visit or Access Approval (ERDA Form 277) .....................
Letter of Notification of Facility Security Clearance (DLA Form 381-R) .......
Letter of Notification of Security Assurance to a Foreign Government or Inter-
national Pact Organization (DISCO Form 382) ............................
Department of Defense Security Agreement (DD Form 441) and Appendage (DD
Form 441-1) ..........................................................
Certificate Pertaining to Foreign Interests (DD Form 441s) ..................
Security Briefing and Termination Statements (Industrial Personnel) (DLA Form
482) .................................................................
Letter of Consent (DISCO Form 560) ......................................
Request for and Certificate of Cryptographic Access Authorization (DD Form
560-3) ...............................................................
Personnel Security Clearance Change Notification (DLA Form 562-R) .........
Request for Administrative Termination of Personnel Security Clearance (DLA
Form 683) ............................................................
Envelope, Preaddressed to DISCO (DLA Form 703) .........................
Envelope, Not Preaddressed (DLA Form 704) ..............................
Worksheet for the Preparation of Personnel Security Questionnaires, DD Forms
48 or 49 (DLA Form 707) ..............................................
Facility Clearance Register (DD Form 1541) and Registration for Scientific and
Technical Information Services (DD Form 1540) ..........................
W. Letter Agreement to Safeguard Classified Information for an Employee Perform-
ing Consultant Services ................................................
Scope and Application ....................................................
Automatic Downgrading and Declassification ...............................
Material Exempted From the GDS ........................................
GORY Spaces .........................................................
Electrically Transmitted Messages .........................................
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DoD 5220.22-M
Paragraph Page
F. Re-marking Pre-June 1, 1972 Material ..................................... 238
G. Marking New Material Prepared on or After June 1, 1972, Based on Pre-June 1,
1972 Source Material, or a Pre-June 1, 1972 Classification Guide Which Has
Not Been Revised to Reflect E.O. 11652 ................................. 238
H. Most Restrictive Marking Determination ................................... 239
I. Dates or Events Carried Forward ......................................... 239
J. Changing Classification Markings ......................................... 239
K. Re-Marking Pre-June 1, 1972 Material On Hand ........................... 239
L. Release of Declassified Information ........................................ 239
Table Outlining Responsibilities for Security Actions ........................ 241
A. Application ............................................................. 243
B. Class A Vault ........................................................... 243
C. Class B Vault ........................................................... 243
D. Class C Vault ........................................................... 244
E. Structural Design ....................................................... 244
F. Strongrooms ............................................................ 244
A. Application ............................................................. 247
B. Guidance ............................................................... 247
OTHER FEDERAL CRIMINAL STATUTES ................................. 249
A. General ................................................................ 255
B. Introduction ............................................................ 255
C. Rationale ............................................................... 255
D. The Communist Country Intelligence Network .............................. 255
E. Techniques Employed to Obtain Information of Intelligence Value ............. 255
F. Summary .............................................................. 257
AV Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041R000300040001-2
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Paragraph Page
General ................................................................
Instructions and Operating Procedures .....................................
Functions of an Escort ...................................................
General ................................................................
Approval ...............................................................
Authorization Letter and Identification Card ...............................
Preparation for Transmission - Packaging ...................................
Records ................................................................
Briefings ...............................................................
Instructions to Traveler ..................................................
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Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041R000300040001D?o0 5220.22-M
1. Scope
a. This Manual establishes the require-
ments for safeguarding all classified infor-
mation to which contractors and their sub-
contractors, vendors or suppliers have access
or possession (see paragraph 3u). The Man-
ual is written in terms of the most common
situation where the contractor has access to,
or possession of, classified information in
connection with the performance of a classi-
fied contract. However, it also is applicable
to the safeguarding of classified information
in connection with all aspects of precontract
activity, including preparation of bids and
proposals and precontract negotiations, and
all aspects of postcontract activity. More-
over, the requirements are equally applicable
to the safeguarding of classified information
not released or disclosed under a procure-
ment contract such as classified information
released pursuant to a User Agency program
participated in by contractors on a voluntary
or grant basis. Examples are: the long-range
scientific and technical planning programs
and programs designed to provide planning
briefings for industry. In such situations
the official of the User Agency (or his desig-
nated representative) who releases or dis-
closes the classified information to the con-
tractor shall fulfill the responsibilities which
this Manual assigns to the contracting offi-
cer (e.g., furnishing necessary classification
guidance, authorizing retention of classified
material, certifying contractors' need to at-
tend classified meetings).
b. The requirements of this Manual re-
flect the provisions of applicable Federal
Statutes, E.O.s and DoD Directives.
c. The Secretary of Defense is authorized
to act in behalf of the departments and
agencies listed below in rendering industrial
security services. This authority is contained
in an exchange of letters between the Secre-
tary of Defense and (i) The Administrator,
NASA; (ii) The Secretary of Commerce;
(iii) the Administrator, GSA; (iv) The
Secretary of State; (v) The Administrator,
Small Business Administration; (vi) The
Director, National Science Foundation ; (vii)
The Secretary of the Treasury ; (viii) The
Secretary of Transportation; (ix) The Sec-
retary of The Interior; (x) The Secretary of
Agriculture; (xi) The Secretary of Health,
Education and Welfare; (xii) The Secretary
of Labor; (xiii) The Administrator, Envi-
ronmental Protection Agency; (xiv) The
Administrator, Federal Energy Administra-
tion; (xv) The Attorney General, Depart-
ment of Justice, and (xvi) The Director,
U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament
d. The ASD (C), his designee, or higher
authority provides overall policy guidance
for the Defense Industrial Security Program.
The DLA-DD (CAS), shall administer the
Defense Industrial Security Program on be-
half of all User Agencies. Except for certain
functions performed by the Commander or
Head of a User Agency installation with
respect to those facilities or contractor ac-
tivities located on the installation, the Com-
mander of each DCASR shall perform cog-
nizant security office functions prescribed
in this Manual with respect to all contractor
facilities within his region. (See Appendix
VIII for geographical areas of responsibil-
Par. 1 1
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DoD 5220.22-413 proved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041R000300040001-2
e. User Agencies have the authority of,
and exercise the functions of, a contracting
officer as prescribed in this Manual and the
ISR. Certain of these functions are, under
the delegation of contract administration
services, performed by the DLA-DD(CAS).
In addition, other contracting officer duties
may be performed by the ACO, DCASR,
within the contract administration services
d. Internal Security Act of 1950 (in part),
Title 50, U.S.C., Sections 781 through 798.
e. National Security Act of 1947, as
f. Armed Services
1947, as amended.
g. Atomic Energy Act of 1954, Public
Law 703, 83d Congress, as amended.
f. This Manual also shall apply to the safe-
guarding of foreign classified information
which has been furnished to U.S. contractors
and which the U.S. Government is obligated
to protect in the interest of national defense.
When foreign classified information is made
available to a contractor by a User Agency
in connection with a U.S. classified contract,
procedures applicable to U.S. classified in-
formation shall apply. However, when for-
eign classified information is made available
to U.S. contractors in connection with a for-
eign classified contract, the responsibility for
the actions which this Manual charges to the
contracting officer and the contracting User
Agency shall be as prescribed in Appendix
III. Responsibilities not specifically assigned
in Appendix III are reserved to the foreign
government agency or foreign contracting
activity concerned.
g. Revisions to this Manual which have
been approved by the DASD (SP) will be
published in page change form and will be
effective the date of the change.
h. E.O. 10104, 1 February 1950.
i. E.O. 11652, 8 March 1972.
j. National Aeronautics and Space Act of
1958, as amended.
k. E.O. 10865, 20 February 1960.
1. Federal Aviation Act of 1958,
17 January 1961.
n. International Traffic in Arms Regula-
tion, Code of Federal Regulations, Title 22,
Chapter 1, Parts 121-127.
o. Export
Act of
p. Mutual
Act of
2. Applicable Federal Statutes, Executive 3. Definitions
Orders and Regulations
a. Espionage Acts, Title 18, U.S.C., Sec-
tions 793 through 799.
b. Sabotage Acts, Title 18, U.S.C., Sec-
tions 2151 through 2157.
c. Conspiracy Statute, Title 18, U.S.C.,
Section 371.
The following definitions are established
for the purpose of this Manual:
a.--Access, Accessibility. The ability and
opportunity to obtain knowledge of classified
information. An individual, in fact, may have
access to classified information by being in
a place where such information is kept, if
the security measures which are in force do
2 ii
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DoD 5220.22-M
not prevent him from gaining knowledge of
the classified information.'
b. Alien. Any person not a citizen or na-
tional of the U.S. (see Immigrant Alien,
paragraph 3aj).
h. Closed Area. A controlled area estab-
lished to safeguard classified material,
which, because of its size or nature, cannot
be adequately protected by the safeguards
prescribed in paragraph 16 or be stored dur-
ing nonworking hours in accordance with
paragraph 14 (see Section IV).
c. Authorized Persons. Those persons who
have a need-to-know for the classified infor-
mation involved, and have been cleared for
the receipt of such information (see para-
graph 3as). Responsibility for determining
whether a person's duties require that he
possess, or have access to, any classified
information and whether he is authorized
to receive it, rests upon the individual who
has possession, knowledge, or control of the
information involved, and not upon the pro-
spective recipient.
d. Candidate Material. That material
which is referred to collectively as special
nuclear materials and nuclear weapons.
e. Carrier Custodian. An employee of a
cleared carrier who has been assigned the
responsibility for SECRET controlled ship-
ments by the carrier and who has been is-
sued a personnel security clearance by the
f. Classified Contract. Any contract that
requires or will require access to classified
information by the contractor or his em-
ployees in the performance of the contract.,
(A contract may be a classified contract
even though the contract document is not
g. Classified Information. Official infor-
mation which has been determined to re-
quire, in the interests of national security,
protection against unauthorized disclosure,
and which has been so designated.
1 The entry into a controlled area, per se, will not con-
stitute access to classified information if the security measures
which are in force prevent the gaining of knowledge of the clas-
sified information. Therefore the entry into a controlled area
under conditions that prevent the gaining of knowledge of classi-
fied information will not necessitate a personnel security clear-
i. Closed Vehicle. A conveyance which is
fully enclosed by sides, permanent top and
j. Cognizant Security Office. The DCASR
having contract administration services
jurisdiction over the geographical area in
which a facility is located.
k. Colleges and Universities. All educa-
tional institutions which award academic
degrees and their related research activities
directly associated therewith through orga-
nization or by articles of incorporation.
m. Communications Intelligence. Techni-
cal and intelligence information derived
from foreign communications by other than
the intended recipient.
(COMSEC). The protection resulting from
the application of cryptosecurity, transmis-
sion security, and emission security meas-
ures to communications and from the appli-
cation of physical security measures to
COMSEC information. These measures are
taken to deny unauthorized persons informa-
tion of value which might be derived from
the possession and study of such communi-
cations, or to insure the authenticity of such
o. Compromise. The known or suspected
exposure of classified information or mate-
rial to an unauthorized person.
refers to that national security information
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or material, the unauthorized disclosure of
which could reasonably be expected to cause
damage to the national security.
ing material, and which indicates that this
material requires special consideration with
respect to access, storage and handling.
q. Consignee. A person, firm or Govern-
ment activity named as the receiver of a
shipment; one to whom a shipment is con-
r. Consignor. A person, firm or Govern-
ment activity by whom articles are shipped.
The consignor is usually the shipper.
s. Continental Limits of the United States.
U.S. territory including the adjacent terri-
torial waters located within the North Amer-
ican continent between Canada and Mexico.
t. Contracting Officer. Any person who,
in accordance with departmental or agency
procedures, is currently designated a con-
tracting officer with the authority to enter
into and administer contracts and make de-
terminations and findings with respect there-
to, or any part of such authority. The term
also includes the designated representative
of the contracting officer acting within the
limits of his authority. For purposes of this
Manual, the term contracting officer refers
to the contracting officer at the purchasing
office who is identified as the PCO and the
contracting officer at a contract administra-
tion office who is identified as the ACO.
Normally, the responsibilities which this
Manual assigns to the contracting officer
during the precontract, contract award and
post contract stages of a classified procure-
ment will be performed by the PCO, with
the ACO performing those responsibilities
which arise during the performance stages
of a classified contract.
u. Contractor. Any industrial, education-
al, commercial, or other entity which has
executed a contract with a User Agency or
a DoD Security Agreement (DD Form 441)
with a DoD agency or activity.
v. CRYPTO. A designation or marking
which identifies classified operational key-
w. Declassify. To cancel the security clas-
sification of an item of classified material.
x. Department of Defense. Office of the
Secretary of Defense (including all boards,
councils, staffs and commands), DoD agen-
cies, and the Departments of the Army,
Navy, and Air Force (including all their
Y. Document. Any recorded information,
regardless of its physical form or character-
istics, exclusive of machinery, apparatus,
equipment or other items of material. The
term includes, but is not limited to the fol-
lowing all written material, whether hand-
written, printed or typed ; all photographs,
negatives, exposed or printed films, and still
or motion pictures ; all data processing
cards or tapes ; maps ; charts ; paintings ;
drawings ; engravings ; sketches ; working
notes and papers; and all reproduction of
the foregoing by whatever process repro-
duced ; and sound, voice and electronic re-
cordings in any form.
z. Downgrade. To assign a lower security
classification to an item of classified material.
aa. Executive Personnel. Those individ-
uals in managerial positions, other than own-
ers, officers, or directors, who administer the
operations of the facility. (This category
includes such designations as general man-
ager, plant manager, plant superintendent,
or similar designations, and facility security
ab. Facility. A plant, laboratory, office,
college, university, or commercial structure
with associated warehouses, storage areas,
utilities and components, which, when re-
lated by function and location, form an op-
erating entity. (A business or educational
organization may consist of one or more
facilities as defined above.) For purposes
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of industrial security, the term does not in-
clude User Agency installations.
ac. Facility Security Clearance. An ad-
ministrative determination that, from a se-
curity viewpoint, a facility is eligible for
access to classified information of a certain
category (and all lower categories).
information can be adequately safeguarded
as national security information. FORMER-
transmitted or otherwise made available to
any regional defense organization or foreign
nation while it remains national security
information except under the provisions of
that Act.
ad. Foreign Classified Information. Offi-
cial information of a foreign government
which : it has classified; the U.S. Govern-
ment has determined requires protection in
the interest of national security ; has been
furnished to a U.S. contractor in connection
with a contract, subcontract, precontract
negotiation or other arrangement approved
by the U.S. Government; and the U.S. Gov-
ernment is obligated to protect pursuant to
an agreement with that government.
ad. 1. Foreign Interest. Any foreign gov-
ernment or agency of a foreign government;
any form of business enterprise organized
under the laws of any country other than the
U.S., or its possessions; any form of busi-
ness enterprise organized or incorporated
under the laws of the U.S., or a State or
other jurisdiction of the U.S. which is owned
or controlled by a foreign government, firm,
corporation or person. Included in this defi-
nition is any natural person who is not a
citizen or national of the U.S. (An "immi-
grant alien" as defined in paragraph 3aj is
excluded from the definition of a foreign in-
ae. Foreign Nationals. All persons not
citizens of, not nationals of, nor immigrant
aliens to, the U.S.
Information which has been removed from
the RESTRICTED DATA category by joint
action of the ERDA and DoD under Section
142d, Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as
amended. This action is based upon a de-
termination by these agencies that the in-
formation relates primarily to the military
utilization of atomic weapons, and that the
ag. Graphic Arts. Facilities and individu-
als engaged in performing consultation,
service, or the production of any component
or end product which contributes to, or re-
sults in, the reproduction of classified infor-
mation. Regardless of trade names of spe-
cialized processes, it includes writing, illus-
trating, advertising services, copy prepara-
tion, all methods of printing, finishing serv-
ices, duplicating, photocopying, and film
processing activities.
ah. Hardened Container. A container of
such strength and durability as to provide
security protection to prevent items from
breaking out of the container and to facili-
tate the detection of any tampering with the
container while in transit. Some examples of
hardened containers are banded or wired
boxes, wooden boxes and closed cargo trans-
ai. Home Office. The headquarters facility
of a multiple facility organization (see para-
graph ap., below).
aj. Immigrant Alien. Any person lawfully
admitted into the U.S. under an immigra-
tion visa for permanent residence. (See
paragraph 25 for special prerequisites for
clearance of immigrant aliens.)
ak. Industrial Security. That portion of
internal security which is concerned with the
protection of classified information in the
hands of U.S. industry.
al. Information. Knowledge which can be
communicated by any means.
am. Intelligence. The product resulting
from the collection, evaluation, analysis, in-
Par. 3 5
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tegration and interpretation of all avail-
able information which concerns one or
more aspects of foreign nations or of areas of
foreign operations, and which is immedi-
ately or potentially significant to military
planning and operations.
an. Locked Entrance. A locked entrance is
an entrance to a Closed or Restricted Area
which is kept closed and locked at all times
except when temporarily unlocked and
opened under supervision for the purpose of
passing material or authorized personnel
into or out of the area.
originates in the organization itself or is re-
ceived from member nations or from other
international organizations.
as. Need-to-Know. A determination made
by the possessor t f classified information
that a prospective .recipient, in the interest
of national security, has a requirement for
access to (see paragraph a., above), knowl-
edge of, or possession of the classified in-
formation in order to perform tasks or serv-
ices essential to the fulfillment of a classi-
fied contract or program approved by a User
ao. Material. Any document, product or
substance on, or in which, information may
be recorded or embodied. Material shall
include everything, regardless of its physi-
cal character or makeup. Machinery, docu-
ments, apparatus, devices, models, photo-
graphs, recordings, reproductions, notes,
sketches, maps, and letters, as well as all
other products, substances or materials, shall
fall within the general term of material.
ap. Multiple Facility Organization. A legal
entity (single proprietorship, partnership,
association, trust, or corporation) which is
composed of two or more facilities (see
paragraph ab., above).
aq. National of the United States.
(1) A citizen of the U.S., or-
(2) A person who, though not a citizen of
the U.S., owes permanent allegiance to
the U.S.2
ar. NATO Classified Information. The
term "NATO classified information" em-
braces all classified information, military,
political, and economic, circulated within
and by NATO whether such information
'See S U.S.V. Sec. 1101(a) (22). R U.S.C. Sec. 1401,
subsection (a) lists in paragraphs i1) through (7) cate-
gories of persons born in and outside the U.S. or its pos-
sessions who may qualify as nationals of the U.S. Where
doubt exists as to whether or not it person can qualify as a
national of the U.S., this subsection should be consulted.
at. Negotiator. Any employee, in addition
to the OODEPs, who requires access to
classified information during the negotiation
of a contract or the preparation of a bid or
quotation pertaining to a prime or subcon-
tract. (This category may include, but is not
limited to, accountants, stenographers,
clerks, engineers, draftsmen, and produc-
tion personnel.)
at.l Nuclear Weapon Security Program.
A limited number of defense contractors are
involved in the DoD nuclear weapon secur-
ity program. This program identifies certain
positions categorized as Critical or Con-
trolled, depending upon the degree of in-
volvement with nuclear weapons. Assign-
ment to such positions is governed by the
DoD Nuclear Weapon PRP, the specific
procedures of which will be set forth sepa-
rately in appropriate contractual agreements.
All personnel in Critical or Controlled posi-
tions must have a security clearance com-
mensurate with the security classification of
information required by their duties.
au. Officers (Corporation, Association, or
Other Type of Business or Educational
Institution). Those persons in positions es-
tablished as officers in the articles of incor-
poration or bylaws of the organization.
av. Official Information. Information
which is owned by, produced for or by, or is
subject to the control of the U.S. Govern-
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aw. Possessions. Possessions include the
Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the
Guano Islands with Swains Island, Howland
Island, Baker Island, Jarvis Island, Midway
Islands, Kingman Reef, Johnson Islands,
Sand Island, Navassa Island, Swan Islands
and Wake Island.
aw.1 Principal Management Facility. A
cleared facility of a multiple facility orga-
nization which reports directly to the home
office, and whose principal management offi-
cial has been delegated the responsibility to
administer the contractor's industrial secur-
ity program, within a defined geographical
or functional area.
ax. Protective Security Service. A signa-
ture security service, as described in para-
graph bk., below, plus constant protection of
the shipment at all times between receipt
from the consignor until delivery to consig-
nee, by one or more carrier custodians. In the
case of air movement, however, observation
of the shipment is not required during the
period it is stored in the carrier's aircraft in
connection with flight, provided the shipment
is loaded into a compartment which is not
accessible to any unauthorized person
aboard. Conversely, if the shipment is loaded
into a compartment of the aircraft which is
accessible to an unauthorized person aboard,
the shipment must remain under the constant
surveillance of an escort or carrier custodian.
ay Qualified Carrier. A carrier which has
met all of the following criteria :
(1) The requirement for the carrier's
service has been established by a
(2) The carrier is authorized by law, reg-
ulatory body or regulation to provide
the required transportation service.
(3) A determination has been made by
MTMC or the designated Commander
overseas that (i) the carrier is capa-
able of and authorized to furnish Pro-
tective Security Service in accord-
ance with an applicable tariff, Gov-
ernment tender, agreement or con-
tract provision, and (ii) no other
qualified carrier is available to per-
form the required service.
(4) The carrier has executed a DoD
Transportation Security Agreement
(DLA Form 1149) with, and has
been granted a SECRET facility se-
curity clearance by the appropriate
cognizant security office.
az. Reference Material. The term reference
material means documentary material over
which the User Agency does not have classi-
fication jurisdiction, and did not have classi-
fication jurisdiction at the time such ma-
terial was originated.
ba. Regrade. To assign a higher or lower
security classification to an item of classi-
fied material.
bb. Representatives of a Foreign Interest.
Citizens or nationals of the U.S. or immi-
grant aliens who, in their individual capac-
ity, or on behalf of a corporation (whether
as a corporate officer or official or as a cor-
porate employee who is personally involved
with the foreign entity), are acting as rep-
resentatives, officials, agents, or employees
of a foreign government, firm, corporation,
or person. However, a U.S. citizen or na-
tional who has been appointed by his U.S.
employer to be its representative in the man-
agement of a foreign subsidiary (i.e., a for-
eign firm in which the U.S. firm has owner-
ship of at least 51% of the voting stock)
will not be considered a representative of a
foreign interest, solely because of this em-
ployment, provided the appointing employer
is his principal employer and 'is a firm that
possesses or is in process for a facility se-
curity clearance.
be. Restricted Area. A controlled area
established to safeguard classified material
which, because of its size or nature, cannot
be adequately protected during working
hours by the safeguards prescribed in para-
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graph 16, but which is capable of being
stored during non-working hours in accord-
ance with paragraph 14 (see Section IV).
bd. RESTRICTED DATA. All data (in-
formation) concerning (i) design, manufac-
ture or utilization of atomic weapons; (ii)
the production of special nuclear material ;
or (iii) the use of special nuclear material
in the production of energy, but not to in-
clude data declassified or removed from the
RESTRICTED DATA category pursuant to
Section 142 of the Atomic Energy Act (see
Section 11y, Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as,
be. SECRET. SECRET refers to that na-
tional security information or material, the
unauthorized disclosure of which could rea-
sonably be expected to cause serious damage
to the national security.
b f . SECRET Controlled Shipment. SE-
CRET material moving in commercial trans-
portation service which requires Protective
Security Service of a qualified carrier in the
interest of national security.
Section II, Public Laws 585, Atomic Energy
Act of 1954, as amended.
bi. Shipper. The one who releases custody
of material to a carrier for transportation to
a consignee (see also consignor, paragraph
bj. Short Title. An identifying combina-
tion of letters and numbers assigned to a
publication or equipment for purposes of
bk. Signature Security Service. A service
designed to provide continuous responsibil-
ity for the custody of shipments in transit,
so named because a signature and tally are
required from each person handling the
shipment at each stage of its transit from
point of origin to destination. For air ship-
ments no receipt is required from the flight
crew or attendants of the carrier's aircraft.
For rail shipments no receipt is required
from the train crew if the car is sealed.
bl. Single Line Service. Freight which
moves from point of origin to destination
over the lines of only one carrier.
bg. Security. Refers to the safeguarding of
information classified TOP SECRET, SE-
CRET, or CONFIDENTIAL against unlaw-
ful or unauthorized dissemination, duplica-
tion, or observation.
bh. Security Cognizance. The responsibili-
ty for acting for User Agencies in the dis-
charge of industrial security responsibilities
described in this Manual.
INFORMATION. This term includes all in-
formation and materials bearing special
community controls indicating restricted
handling within present and future commu-
nity intelligence collection programs and
their end products for which community sys-
tems of compartmentation have been or will
be formally established. The term does not
include RESTRICTED DATA as defined in
bm. Special Access Program. Any pro-
gram imposing "need-to-know" or access
controls beyond those normally provided for
TOP SECRET information. Such a program
includes, but is not limited to, special clear-
ance, adjudication, or investigative require-
ments, material dissemination restrictions
or special lists of persons determined to have
a "ned-to-know."
bn. Subsidiary. A subsidiary is a corpora-
tion which is controlled by another corpora-
tion (parent) by reason of the latter cor-
poration's ownership of at least a majority
(over 50%) of the capital stock. A subsidi-
ary is a legal entity and shall be processed
separately for a facility security clearance.
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bp. TOP SECRET. TOP SECRET refers bq. Transshipping Activity (Government).
to that national security information or ma- A Government activity to which a carrier
terial, the unauthorized disclosure of which transfers custody of freight for reshipment
could reasonably be expected to cause excep- by another carrier to the consignee.
tionally grave damage to the national secur-
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br. Trust Territory. Applies only to the
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands which
the United States administers under the
terms of a trusteeship agreement concluded
between this Government and the Security
Council of the United Nations pursuant to
authority granted by Joint Resolution of
Congress, July 18, 1948 (61 Stat. 397; 48
U.S.C., Section 1681). According to this
agreement, the U.S. has "full powers of
administration legislation, and jurisdiction"
over the territory; this Government, how-
ever, does not claim "sovereignty." Three
major archipelagoes make up the Trust Ter-
ritory: Carolines (including the Palau Is-
lands), Marshalls, and Marianas (excluding
bs. Unauthorized Person. Any person not
authorized to have access to specific classi-
fied information in accordance with the pro-
visions of this Manual.
bt. United States. The 50 States and the
District of Columbia.
bu. Upgrade. To determine that certain
classified information requires, in the inter-
ests of national security, a higher degree of
protection against unauthorized disclosure
than currently provided, coupled with a
changing of the classification designation to
reflect the higher category.
by. User Agencies. The OSD (including all
boards, councils, staffs and commands),
DoD agencies and Departments of the Army,
Navy and Air Force (including all of their
activities) ; Departments of: State; Com-
merce ; Treasury; Transportation ; Interior;
Agriculture ; Health, Education and Wel-
fare ; Labor and Justice; NASA; GSA;
bw. Weapon System. A general term used
to describe a weapon and those components
required for its operation.
4. Designation of Cognizant Security
Responsibility for administration of the
Defense Industrial Security Program is as-
signed to the DLA-DD (CAS). The authority
for security cognizance has been delegated
to the Commanders, DCASRs for all con-
tractor facilities physically located or to be
located within the geographic boundaries of
each Region (see Appendix VIII). All rela-
tionships between the User Agency and the
contractor on industrial security matters
shall be handled through, or in coordination
with, the cognizant security office, except
those matters specifically set forth in this
Manual as responsibilities of the contracting
officer. All questions of interpretation with
respect to this Manual, or problems involving
the industrial security procedures as they
pertain to the contractor, shall be forwarded
to the cognizant security office. In the case of
a facility or contractor activity located on a
User Agency installation, requests for inter-
pretations of this Manual shall be forwarded
to the cognizant security office through the
Commander or Head of the User Agency in-
stallation. The management of each facility
which has been assigned to one of the
DCASR offices for security cognizance shall
be notified in writing of this action at such
time as the Industrial Security Program is
initiated at the facility. The designation of a
DCASR to exercise security cognizance at a
facility will not relieve any User Agency of
the responsibility for protecting and safe-
guarding its classified information incident
to its classified contracts with the facility,
or from visiting the facility to review the
security aspects of such contracts. However,
the security administration of a U.S. classi-
fied contract awarded to a U.S. contractor
which requires performance for a User
Agency at a location outside the U.S., Puerto
Rico, Panama Canal Zone, or a U.S. posses-
sion, territory or trust territory shall be the
responsibility of the User Agency awarding
the classified contract except when the con-
tracting User Agency has an agreement with
the U.S. Installation Commander in such
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area to perform this function for it. The
DCASR Commander for the region in which
the home office or principal U.S. based office
of the contractor is located will assume se-
curity cognizance for such U.S. based facility,
and except for contractor granted CONFI-
DENTIAL clearances, DISCO will clear all
of the contractor's employees requiring ac-
cess to classified information in support
of a User Agency contract regardless of the
physical location of such employees. Con-
tractor activities located outside the U.S.,
Puerto Rico, Panama Canal Zone or a U.S.
possession, territory or trust territory will
not be granted a facility clearance.
5. General Requirements
The contractor shall be responsible for
safeguarding all classified information under
his control. In the furtherance of this re-
quirement, the contractor-
a. Security Supervisor. Shall appoint a
U.S. citizen, who is required to be cleared as
part of the facility security clearance, to
supervise and direct security measures nec-
essary for the proper application of Gov-
ernment furnished guidance or specifications
for classification, downgrading, upgrading,
and for safeguarding classified information.
b. Automatic Data Processing. Shall not
utilize an ADP system for the processing of
classified data without the prior approval of
the cognizant security office (see Section
fillment of the contract.3 He shall take all
reasonable measures to adjust plant layout
and organize work so as to limit such access
to the least number of individuals or firms
consistent with the efficient performance of
the classified contract. In those exceptional
cases where the contractor cannot adjust
plant layout and organize work so as to pre-
vent access by representatives of food, bev-
erage, or vending equipment organizations,
he may request his cognizant security office
to process the servicing organization for a
facility security clearance provided the
management of the facility can justify the
continued need for the service. Representa-
tives of cleared service organizations shall,
in such cases, be processed as Category 1
visitors at the facility being visited (see
paragraph 41a).
d. Safeguarding. Shall provide suitable
protective measures within his facility for
the safeguarding of classified information. A
contractor performing work within the con-
fines of a User Agency installation must
safeguard classified information in accord-
ance with provisions of this Manual, unless
responsibilities for security are modified by
the contract. All classified material received
by the contractor which:
(1) is not related to a contract, project or
program pursuant to paragraph la;
(2) for which no safeguarding or disposi-
tion instructions have been received,
shall be safeguarded in accordance
with the provisions of this Manual
and the cognizant security office shall
c. Limitation on Disclosure. Shall assure
that classified information is furnished or
disclosed only to authorized persons (see
paragraph 3c). To this end he shall deter-
mine to what extent his employees, subcon-
tractors, vendors, and suppliers require ac-
cess to classified information in the perform-
ance of tasks or services essential to the ful-
, A contractor is not authorized to turn over classified
intelligence Information to it subcontractor, vendor or sup-
plier without prior written authorization of the contracting
User Agency. All classified intelligence information, whether
obtained during it visit or through other sources, shall be
safeguarded and controlled in accordance with the pro-
visions of this Manual, and any additional instructions
which may he received from the releasing User Agency
activity and any specific restrictive markings or limitations
appearing on documents. All inquiries concerning source,
acquisition, use, control or restrictions pertaining to intelli-
gence Information shall be directed to the contracting User
Agency activity concerned.
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be notified pursuant to paragraph
e. Exclusion of Personnel. Shall exclude
from those Harts of his plants, facilities, or
sites where classified work is being per-
formed, any person or persons whom the
Head of a User Agency concerned or his
authorized representative, in the interest of
security, may designate in writing. Exclu-
sion does not mean that the affected em-
ployee must be dismissed or be denied em-
ployment in another part of the plant, facili-
ty, or site. This should be resolved consistent
with' normal employer-employee relation-
f. Individual Responsibility for Safeguard-
ing. Shall, on a recurring basis, bring to the
attention of his personnel, engaged in the
preparation of bids, quotations, or in the
performance of work on contracts or pro-
grams which involve access to classified in-
formation, their continuing individual re-
sponsibilities for safeguarding classified in-
formation. Each employee shall be made
aware of the security procedures which per-
tain to his particular work assignment and
of any security deficiencies resulting from
recurring inspections by the cognizant se-
curity office that required individual correc-
tive action on his part. The employee who
has possession or knowledge of an element
or item of classified information shall be in-
formed that he is responsible for determin-
ing whether a prospective recipient is an
authorized person (see paragraph 3c). The
employee shall be informed that he is re-
quired to advise the recipient of the classi-
fication of the information which he dis-
closes. The contractor shall also inform his
employees that unauthorized disclosure of
classified information violates DoD regula-
tions and contractual obligations, and is pun-
ishable under the provisions of Federal
criminal statutes.
g. Security Briefing and Termination.
Shall, prior to permitting an employee to
have access to classified information, brief
him on his obligation to safeguard classified
information, advise him of its importance,
inform him of the required security proce-
dure and have him read, or have read to him,
the portions of the espionage laws, conspir-
acy laws, and Federal criminal statutes ap-
plicable to the safeguarding of classified in-
formation appearing in Appendix VI of this
Manual. In addition, the employee shall be
advised that he must report to the contrac-
tor if he becomes a representative of a for-
eign interest (see paragraph 3bb). Follow-
ing the briefing the employee shall be
required to execute Part I of Security
Briefing and Termination Statements (DLA
Form 482). The DLA Form 482 shall then
be retained by the contractor. An employee
who executes Part I of DLA Form 482 and
who subsequently is absent from his place of
employment, for any reason, in excess of 12
months, must re-execute Part I of DLA
Form 482 before again being permitted ac-
cess to classified information. The employee
shall be required to execute Part II of DLA
Form 482 at the time of termination of em-
ployment (discharge, resignation or retire-
ment) and at the beginning of a layoff or
leave of absence for an indefinite period or
for a period in excess of 12 months ; upon
termination or revocation of the facility's
security clearance ; or when administrative
termination of personnel security clearance
is accomplished in accordance with the pro-
visions of paragraph 29. The contractor shall
retain Part 11, DLA Form 482, or its prede-
cessor form, for not less than 3 years where
an employee has had access to TOP SECRET
or other information requiring a special ac-
cess to TOP SECRET or other information
requiring a special access authorization by
the Government, and for not less than 2 years
where an employee has had access to SE-
CRET or CONFIDENTIAL information.
The importance of the termination state-
ment shall be brought to the terminat-
ing employee's attention. If the terminat-
ing employee had access to TOP SECRET,
COMSEC, or other information requiring
a special access authorization by the Gov-
ernment, he shall be given an oral debrief-
Par. 5 11
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ing which shall include a statement of (i)
the purpose of the debriefing; (ii) the seri-
ous nature of the subject matter which re-
quires protection in the national interest;
(iii) the need for caution and discretion;
and (iv). advice concerning any travel re-
strictions which are. appropriate. The cog-
nizant security office shall be notified im-
mediately in accordance with paragraph
6a(9) of the circumstances involved when-
ever an employee refuses to execute the
DLA Form 482.4
h. Special Features of Design. Shall not
incorporate any special features of design or
construction in any project other than that
for which they are furnished by, developed
for, or designed for the Government, if such
incorporation would disclose classified infor-
mation unless prior written authorization
of the contracting officer concerned has been
obtained. However, classified features of de-
sign or construction may be incorporated by
the contractor in other U.S. User Agency
projects of equal or higher classification
unless specifically prohibited by the Govern-
ment. U.S. classified information shall not
be used in the performance of a foreign
classified contract unless the information
was furnished through the designated mili-
tary department in connection with that con-
tract, or the U.S. contracting officer concerned
has expressly authorized in writing the use
of that information.
i. Security of Combinations. Shall insure
4 When it terminated employee fails to execute Part II of
I)LA Form 482, the contractor shall make every reasonable
effort to contact the former employee for the purpose of
correcting the omission--for example, enclosing a copy of
the form in a registered or certified letter, return receipt
requested, sent to the former employee's last known address.
If, once contact is established with the former employee, he
fails to comply with the request to execute and return the
form, such failure shall be considered as tantamount to a
refusal and should he reported as such in accordance with
paragraph 6a (9). Conversely, if despite such efforts contact
cannot be established with the former employee, a report
should also be submitted under paragraph 6a(9), indicating
what efforts had been made to locate the former employee.
Where the employee was also required to be given an oral
debriefing, the contractor may, if the former employee is
located at a remote distance from the facility, direct him to
contact the nearest cognizant security office and make ar-
rangements to receive the required debriefing. In such case,
the cognizant security office should be requested in writing
to perform the debriefing on behalf of the contractor.
that the combinations to safes, containers,
and three-position, dial-type changeable com-
bination padlocks used to lock containers
holding classified material are classified in
accordance with the classification of the
highest classified material stored in the con-
tainers. The combinations shall be changed
at intervals of at least once every year (if
NATO or CRYPTO classified material is
stored, the combination shall be changed
every six months) and at the earliest prac-
ticable time following-
(1) The reassignment, transfer or dis-
charge of any person having knowl-
edge of the combination, or when the.
security clearance granted to any
such person is downgraded to a level
lower than the category of material
stored, or is suspended or revoked by
proper authority.
(2) The compromise or suspected com-
promise of the safes and containers
or their combinations, or discovery of
the container being left unlocked and
(3) The initial receipt of safes, contain-
ers, and three-position, dial-type,
changeable combination padlocks.
Combinations to safes, containers and three-
position, dial-type changeable combination
padlocks shall be changed under the above
schedule by a person entrusted with the
combination or authorized access to the con-
tents of the container in accordance with
paragraph 14c, or by the facility security
supervisor or his designated representative.
Under no circumstances shall the changing
of the combinations be performed by an out-
side locksmith or subcontractor employee.
To prevent unauthorized substitution, com-
bination padlocks shall be either placed in-
side of the open container or secured to a
hasp, drawer or handle of the container
when it is open.
j. Security Checks. Shall perform security
checks within the facility to insure that at
all times security precautions are taken to
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C ; NO 1
protect classified material in the possession
of the facility and shall designate an indi-
vidual or individuals to make room or area
checks during normal working hours to in-
sure that all classified material not under
surveillance has been properly stored.
k. Transmission. Shall establish proce-
dures for the proper transmittal of classi-
field material in accordance with the provi-
sions of paragraph 17.
1. Disposition of Classified Material. Shall
return to the contracting officer, or his desig-
nated representative all classified material
furnished by a User Agency, including all
reproductions thereof, and shall surrender
all classified material developed by the con-
tractor in connection with a User Agency
.r.1- contract, program or proposal" 6 unless the
material has been destroyed in accordance
with paragraph 19, or the retention of the
material is authorized under the provisions
of paragraph m, below. Such material shall
be returned or surrendered in accordance
with the following schedule :
(1) If a bid, proposal or quote is not
submitted or is withdrawn. Within
90 days after the opening date of
bids, proposals or quotes.
(2) If a bid, proposal or quote is not
accepted. Within 90 days after no-
tification that a bid, proposal or
quote has not been accepted. If fur-
ther retention is necessary to serve
a User Agency purpose, a request
for approval shall be submitted to
the appropriate contracting officer
in accordance with paragraph m,
The placing of an appropriate notation on each document
indicating the specific contract to which it pertains will assist
in achieving compliance with this paragraph.
s Classified material of the type described in the next to the
last sentence of paragraph la, which is not related to a pro-
posal or classified contract, may be destroyed in accordance with
the provisions of paragraph 19c (unless specifically prohibited),
or disposed of in accordance with such instructions as may be
issued by the User Agency which originally furnished such
(3) If a successful bidder. Upon final
delivery of goods or services, or
upon complete termination of the
contract, unless otherwise pre-
scribed in the contract or directed
by the contracting officer.
m. Retention of Classified Material.
(1) May retain classified material in
special cases when a bid, proposal or w..~
quote is not accepted or upon com-
pletion or termination of the con-
tract provided the contractor re-
quests and justifies such retention
and its retention is agreed to by the
contracting officer. The contractor
shall be authorized to retain classi-
fied material only-
(a) When retention is necessary
for the maintenance of the con-
tractor's essential records ; or
(b) When classified information is
also patentable or is proprie-
tary data in which the contrac-
tor has title; or
(c) When retention of the material
will assist the contractor and
will benefit the Government in
the performance of other User
Agency contracts (the con-
tracting officer of a current
classified contract may author-
ize transfer of the material to
the current contract when the
material is identified by the
contractor in accordance with
the procedure set forth in para-
graph 5m(4)7. In these situa-
a When such approval is granted the contracting officer who
had cognizance over the classified material shall be notified by
the current contracting officer. In the event retention of infor-
mation under the circumstances contemplated in this paragraph
involves information of a DoD User Agency being retained by a
contractor of a non-DoD User Agency, or vice versa, or between
non-DoD agencies, the concurrence of the contracting officer of
the completed or terminated contract or bid which was not ac-
cepted must be obtained by the current contracting officer prior
to the authorization for retention being granted. Information
authorized for retention under these circumstances will be identi-
fled as to its origin, and its ultimate disposition or declassifica-
tion will remain with its originating agency.
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tions the material will be dis-
posed of in accordance with
paragraph 51 at the completion
of the current contract.) ; and
(d) When the contractor justifies
and requests retention author-
ity in writing, indicates the
period of time retention is nec-
essary and identifies the classi-
fied material for which reten-
tion is requested as follows:
material shall be identified in a
list of specific documents un-
less, in the case of SECRET
material only, the contracting
officer has authorized identifi-
cation by subject matter and
approximate number of docu-
terial shall be identified by sub-
ject matter and approximate
number of documents. How-
ever, authorization of the con-
tracting officer is not required
for the retention of (i) records
held by the contractor in ac-
cordance with the records re-
tention requirements of the
basic contract; (ii) records au-
thorized for retention for a
specific period under the terms
of the basic contract; and (iii)
records which, during the con-
tract period, the contracting
officer has authorized the con-
tractor to retain for a specific
period following completion of
the contract, provided that, in
each case, the contractor in-
forms the contracting officer of
the material to be retained,
identifying it in the manner
prescribed above.
r- (2) Unless otherwise indicated on the
material, may retain classified ma-
terial which does not relate to a
contract, e.g., obtained at classified
symposiums or meetings, only as
long as needed, but not for a period
to exceed one year from the date of
receipt. Retention beyond that time
is authorized only when the con-
tractor requests and justifies such
retention, and retention is agreed
to by a contracting officer of a cur-
rent contract or an official of the
User Agency which released the in-
formation. 'r""
n. Termination of Security Agreement.
Shall, notwithstanding the provisions of
paragraphs 1, and m, above, in the event that
the Security Agreement is terminated for
any reason by either party and is not super-
seded by a new Security Agreement, tender
all classified material in his possession to
the User Agency concerned, or dispose of
such' material in accordance with instruc-
tions from the User Agency concerned. The
Letter of Notification of Facility Security
Clearance (DLA Form 381-R) and the con-
tractor's copy of the DoD Security Agree-
ment (DD Form 441) shall be returned to
the cognizant security office. Control station
records, reproduction records, destruction
certificates and visitor records for which
the retention period is not expired at the
time of termination of the Security Agree-
ment shall continue to be maintained by the
contractor until the expiration of the pre-
scribed retention period. These records shall
be subject to review and recall by the Gov-
ernment at any time within the retention
o. Public Release. Shall not release for
public dissemination information pertaining
to classified contracts or projects, except as
provided in Public Information Security
Guidance No. 16 (see Appendix IX), with-
out the approval of the Directorate for Se-
curity Review, OASD(PA)," in order to
preclude the release of information requir-
ing protection in the interest of national
B If the information pertains to a classified contract or project
awarded by a non-DoD agency, request for release shall be sub-
mitted to the contracting agency.
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security within the meaning of E.O. 11652.
Requests for release shall be submitted to
the activity specified in item 13 of the Con-
tract Security Classification Specification
(DD Form 254). All information developed
subsequent to the initial approval shall also
be approved by the Directorate for Security
Review prior to release. The provisions of
this paragraph also apply to unclassified
brochures, promotional sales literature, re-
ports to stockholders or similar type mate-
rial.', As an exception to these release re-
quirements, the authority to authorize the
release of certain unclassified information
pertaining to scientific results of research,
development, test and evaluation, has been
delegated to User Agencies.
p. Classified Sales Literature. Shall not
publish or distribute, or permit to be pub-
lished or distributed, brochures, promotional
sales literature, or similar-type material con-
taining classified information, without prior
review and written authorization by the con-
tracting officer concerned, or his designated
representative. The authorization for such
publication and distribution shall be indi-
cated on the cover of the document or the
first page of the document if there is no
cover. However, publication and distribution
to authorized persons (see paragraph 3c)
may be made without specific authorization
from the contracting officer for-
an unsolicited proposal submitted to
User Agency.
(3) Classified material submitted in re-
sponse to an official request of a
User .Agency .
q. Disclosure at Meetings. Shall not dis-
close in any manner classified information
at a conference, seminar, symposium, ex-
hibit, convention, or other gathering (here-
inafter referred to as a meeting), except
under the conditions described below :
(1) At a meeting conducted pursuant to
and as a necessary element of a
specific contract held only in the
prime or subcontractor's facility,
and attended only by authorized
persons who have a need-to-know
in connection with the contract in-
cluding employees of the contractor
or subcontractors and consultants
thereto, and authorized visitors ;
and over which meeting controls
have been established to insure
that the meeting site is physically
secure, that the classified notes,
minutes and summaries resulting
from the meeting are properly safe-
guarded and that the attendees are
given sufficient classification guid-
ance during the oral presentations ;
(1) Classified material which is pub-
lished or distributed for necessary
use within the organization of the
contractor or his subcontractor in
the performance of the contract.
(2) Classified material prepared in
reply to a request for proposal or
invitation to bid received from a
User Agency or a cleared prime or
subcontractor of a User Agency or
classified information contained in
oIn addition to the requirements of this paragraph, the release
of unclassified technical data is also governed by the Export Con-
trol Act of 1949, administered by the Secretary of Commerce,
and Section 414 of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended,
administered by the Secretary of State through the ITAR.
(2) At a meeting conducted by a DoD
activity, provided that, when the
information to be disclosed is under
the jurisdiction of another Govern-
ment agency or when the meeting is
to be attended by representatives
outside the DoD the contractor re-
quests the conducting activity to ob-
tain written approval from the
contracting officer concerned prior
to the disclosure. A copy of such
request shall be furnished to the
contracting officer concerned. The
contractor is not required to obtain
approval if only DoD information
is to be disclosed, and only the
Par. 5 15
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contractor, subcontractors, their
employees, and DoD personnel are
to attend the meeting; or
(3) At a meeting conducted by a con-
tractor, association, society, or
group, and sponsored by the DoD
(including the departments and
agencies named in paragraph 1c),
provided written approval of the
contracting officer concerned is fur-
nished to the sponsoring activity
prior to the disclosure, and the ad-
ditional requirements of paragraph
9 are fulfilled; or
(4) At a meeting conducted or spon-
sored by Government agencies
other than those referred to in
paragraph (3) above, provided the
contractor requests and obtains
written approval from the contract-
ing officer concerned prior to the
r. Controlled Areas. Shall place in effect a
system to control access of employees and
visitors to Closed and Restricted Areas (see
Section IV).
s. Standard Practice Procedure. Shall,
prior to the issuance of a facility security
clearance by the cognizant security office,
submit a written SPP (interim or final) in
sufficient detail to place into effect all se-
curity controls required by the DD Form 441
and this Manual which are applicable to the
operations of the facility. An interim SPP
must implement requirements of this Man-
ual which are immediately applicable to the
operations of the facility in connection with
the facility's anticipated involvement in the
Defense Industrial Security Program. A
multiple facility organization or, as pro-
vided for in paragraph 72c, a parent-subsidi-
ary organization may publish an SPP appli-
cable throughout the organization, but such
publication shall then be adapted as neces-
sary to apply at specific operating locations.
A copy of the SPP shall be furnished to
each appropriate cognizant security office.
The contractor shall modify the SPP upon
notification from the cognizant security office
that it does not adequately implement the
requirements of this Manual. The SPP may
be revised at any time after promulgation of
a revision to this Manual. However, the SPP
shall be revised, as necessary, to implement
the revisions applicable to the contractor's
operation within 4 months after a revision
has been incorporated in reprinted pages
of this Manual. The SPP for a facility at
which only one employee or management
official is assigned shall provide for the noti-
fication to the cognizant security office of
the death or incapacitation of that employee.
Specifically, the SPP shall :
(1) Identify by name, address and tele-
phone number, the individual (s)
who would notify the cognizant se-
curity office of such an occurrence,
(the said individual (s) would not
require access to classified informa-
tion and therefore need not be
cleared.) ; and
(2) Include provisions for keeping the
cognizant security office advised of
the current combination to the con-
tainer; and, in the case of one-per-
son facilities of a multiple facility
organization, keep the HOF secur-
ity supervisor advised of the cur-
rent combination to the container.
t. Special Access Programs. Shall imple-
ment Special Access Program requirements
when such requirements are included in a
DD Form 254 or other appropriate contract-
related document.
u. Defensive Security Briefing.
(1) Shall require all cleared employees
(including cleared directors), Type
A consultants, and temporary help
supplier personnel, to inform him
of their intended travel to or
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DoD 5220.22-M
through a Communist country,"
attendance at an international
scientific, technical, engineering or
other professional meeting, regard-
less of geographic location of such
meeting, when it can be anticipated
10 Communist countries are: Albania, Bulgaria, Cambodia,
Chinese Peoples Republic (Communist China) (including Tibet),
Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Communist Korea (North Korea), German
Democratic Republic (GDR) (East Germany, including the Soviet
Sector of Berlin), Hungary, Laos, Mongolian Peoples Republic
(Outer Mongolia), Poland, Rumania, Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics (USSR) (including Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and all
=wWother constituent republics, Kurile Islands and South Sakhalin
(Karafuto)), Vietnam and Yugoslavia.
that representatives of Communist
countries will participate or be in
attendance, or of plans to host an
unclassified visit by representatives
of Communist countries at a facility
engaged in classified work or re-
search. In instances where the indi-
vidual is located at a using contrac-
tor or User Agency as a consultant
or an employee of a temporary help
supplier, the using contractor or
User Agency, as appropriate, will
be notified of the intended travel,
attendance at a meeting, or hosting
Par. 5 16.1
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of a visit. In the case of a facility
where only one individual is lo-
cated, the cognizant security office
will be so informed. Where an indi-
vidual works for more than one
contractor or User Agency, each
will be notified, and in the case of
temporary help supplier personnel,
the principal employer in addition
to the using contractor or User
Agency shall be notified.
(2) Shall provide the individual or em-
ployee a defensive security briefing,
based upon the guidance contained
in Appendix VII. For temporary
help supplier personnel, only one
contractor or User Agency (where
access is at the highest level) is
required to accomplish the briefing.
Usually the individual involved
would be in the best position to de-
termine which contractor or User
Ag-ency can most conveniently ac-
complish the briefing. Accordingly,
the individual should make appro-
priate arrangements with that ac-
tivity and furnish the other con-
tractors or User Agencies at which
he is employed, an advance notice
stating when and by whom the
briefing is to be given. Individuals
and employees who frequently
travel, attend meetings, or host
visitors as described above, need
not be briefed on each such occa-
sion provided the individual or em-
ployee has been thoroughly briefed
at least once within the preceding
6 months and reminded of his se-
curity responsibilities. Prior to de-
parture of personnel for travel to
or through a Communist country,
or to attend a meeting outside the
U.S., all classified information in
their custody shall be accounted for
by the using contractor or User
(3) Shall, on completion of the briefing,
obtain from the individual or em-
ployee briefed a statement identify-
ing who furnished the briefing and
attesting that he understands his
individual responsibility for safe-
guarding classified information.
The stateme,,' of the individual or
employee ;h, !A be retained for at
least 3 years where the employee
has had access to TOP SECRET,
cess information, and for at least
2 years where access has been to
formation. In the case of temporary
help supplier personnel, the state-
ment shall be forwarded to the tem-
porary help supplier for retention.
If the User Agency or cognizant
security office conducts the briefing,
they are responsible for obtaining
the briefing statement.
(4) Shall submit a report as required
by paragraph 61 )(9), unless the
User Agency or cognizant security
office conducted the briefing, in
which case they shall submit the
v. Relationships With Citizens or Resi-
dents of Coinmu.nist Countries.1?
(1) Shall require all cleared employees,
including those in the process of
being cleared by the DoD, to im-
mediately notify the contractor
who shall submit a report to DISCO
in accordance with paragraph
6b (4), if either or both of the f ol-
lowing events should occur subse-
quent to the completion of the em-
ployee's personnel security clear-
ance forms:
(a) When a member of the im-
mediate family of the employee
or the employee's spouse takes
up residence in a Communist
country ; or
Par. 5 17
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(b) When, through marriage, the
employee acquires relatives
who are. citizens or residents
of a Communist country.
or if any classified material is miss-
ing. A report shall be submitted in
accordance with paragraph 6a(1)
or (2) if appropriate.
(2) Shall require all temporary help
supplier personnel, while such per-
sonnel are working under the con-
tractor's direction and control on
the using contractor's classified
programs or contracts, to immedi-
ately notify the contractor if either
or both of the events in paragraphs
(a) and (b) above should occur. In
such a case, the contractor shall
then take action to ensure that the
temporary help supplier is notified
so that he can take action to sub-
mit a report to DISCO in accord-
ance with paragraph 6b(4).
w. Emergency Procedure. Shall include in
his SPP general instructions for safeguard-
ing classified material in emergency situa-
tions such as a natural disaster or any civil
disturbance. The procedure shall be as
simple and practicable as possible and should
be adaptable to any type of emergency that
may arise. A procedure shall be incorporated
in the SPP to provide for the submission of
a report to the cognizant security office and
contracting officer, by the most expeditious
means, of any emergency situation which
renders the facility incapable of safeguard-
ing the classified material (see paragraph
6a (17) ). Courses of action, not necessarily
limited to the following, are available to the
contractor to safeguard the classified ma-
terial in his possession:
(1) Secure the classified material in
authorized storage containers or
controlled areas. If feasible, a
guard (s) should remain with ma-
terial secured in controlled areas.
The storage containers and con-
trolled areas shall be examined
upon return to the facility to de-
termine whether the classified in-
formation has been compromised
(2) Request assistance from appro-
priate civil authorities, including
local and State law enforcement
(3) Seek legal remedies such as the is-
suance of a court restraining order
or injunction against interference
with the contractor in the exercise
of his property rights or in the dis-
charge of his contractual obliga-
tion to safeguard classified infor-
(4) Request, when necessary, the assist-
ance of the cognizant security of-
fice; for example: (i) in obtaining
the legal remedies described in
paragraph (3) above; and (ii) in
arranging for the removal and safe-
keeping of the classified material by
either the cognizant security office,
contracting activity or a military
activity located at or near the facil-
x. Release or Transmission Outside Con-
tractor's Facility. Shall obtain the approval
of the contracting officer prior to release or
transmission of TOP SECRET information
outside a contractor's facility in every in-
stance. With respect to SECRET and CON-
FIDENTIAL information, the contractor
shall obtain the contracting officer's approval
for release or transmission outside the con-
tractor's facility, except in the following
(1) When release is required by the
specific terms of the contract.
(2) When it is necessary in the per-
formance of the contract.
(3) In connection with pre-contract
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negotiations with prospective sub-
contractors, vendors or suppliers.
(4) In prime contractor-subcontractor,
multiple facility, and parent-subsid-
iary relationships as authorized by
Sections VI and VIII, respectively.
(5) During visits among prime con-
tractors which are participating
under Government direction in con-
tracts pertaining to research, de-
velopment or production of a
weapons system (see paragraph
When a contract requires classified material
to be disseminated by a contractor to another
contractor in accordance with a standard
mailing or distribution list, and there is no
current contractual relationship of a classi-
fied nature between the contractor and a
designated recipient, the releasing contrac-
tor shall verify the facility security clear-
ance and safeguarding capability of the
recipient prior to making the first release
of any material, except when advised by the
contracting activity supplying the distribu-
tion list that it will retain the responsibility
for these determinations. If appropriate,
the cognizant security office of the recipient
shall be advised by the releasing contractor
that classified material will continue to be
disseminated to the recipient under terms of
the contract (identify the contracting ac-
tivity and contract number) for a specified
period (not to exceed the estimated date of
contract completion or renegotiation), unless
advised by the cognizant security office of a
change adversely affecting the recipient's
facility security clearance or safeguarding
capability. When the mailing or distribution
list requires dissemination of the material to
a User Agency installation, the foregoing
requirements do not apply, but the material
shall be transmitted in accordance with para-
graph 17.
y. DoD Technical Information Dissemina-
tion Activities. Shall forward the Facility
Clearance Register (DD Form 1541) which
replaces DDC Form 20, to the cognizant se-
curity office when making the first or initial
application for access to classified scientific
and technical information in the possession
of the DDC, Cameron Station, Alexandria,
Virginia 22314, its field extensions, a DoD
information analysis center or the Redstone
Scientific Information Center, U.S. Army
Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal, Ala-
bama. This form is used to obtain certifica-
tion of the category of classified material
which an applicant (contractor) is cleared
to receive and is capable of safeguarding. A
DD Form 1541 shall be submitted only when
requesting approval of the first Registration
for Scientific and Technical Information
Services (DD Form 1540) which replaces
DUC.Form 62. When certified, the DD Form
1541 remains in effect for all future regis-
trations and until the contractor's facility
security clearance is suspended, revoked or
terminated, or until the contractor is no
longer able to safeguard classified material
at the specified category. The DD Form 1540
shall be submitted to the sponsoring User
Agency contracting officer in accordance
with guidance provided by DDC. Scientific
and. technical information acquired from
DDC, its field extensions, a DoD information
analysis center or the Redstone Scientific
Information Center shall be safeguarded in
accordance with the requirements of this
Manual and the restrictions on the use, dis-
closure and dissemination of the information
which are marked on the documents. When
the contract to which the DD Form 1540.
applies is completed or terminated, the con-
tractor shall either destroy the material in
the manner prescribed in paragraph 19 or
obtain authorization to retain the documents
from the sponsoring User Agency in accord-
ance with paragraph 5m. The placing of an
appropriate notation on each document, indi-
cating.the specific contract to which it per-
tains, will assist in achieving compliance
with this requirement. DDC Forms 20 and
62, certified prior to 1 January 1966 need
not be recertified.
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DoD 5220.22-M
z. List of Classified Contracts. Shall, after
receiving notice of a forthcoming security
inspection, prepare a listing of all classified
contracts on which the facility is currently
aa. Investigative Assistance." Shall coop-
erate fully with representatives of Federal
investigative agencies and of the cognizant
security office conducting official investiga-
tions pertaining to the unauthorized dis-
closure of classified information or concerning
the eligibility of personnel requiring access
to User Agency classified information. This
should include providing suitable arrange-
ments within the facility for conducting pri-
vate interviews with employees during nor-
mal working hours and making employment
and security records available for review
upon request by such representatives and
otherwise rendering assistance as necessary.
ab. Temporary Help Supplier Personnel.
Shall orient temporary help supplier person-
nel in the security practices and procedures
of the facility which will enable such person-
nel to understand and comply with the pro-
cedures applicable to the duties which they
are to perform. The using contractor will
also submit, as appropriate, reports pertain-
ing to such personnel while they are actually
working at his facility under his direction
and control. This action by the using contrac-
"When reports are submitted or information is provided
pursuant to these requirements, either classified if qualified, or
offered in confidence, and so marked by the contractor, applicable
exemptions to the Freedom of Information Act will be invoked
as a matter of policy to withhold the information contained in
such reports from public disclosure. When any of the reports
submitted pursuant to these requirements contain unclassified
information pertaining to an individual, the Privacy Act of 1974
permits the withholding of that information from that indi-
vidual only to the extent that the disclosure of the information
would reveal the identity of a source who furnished the informa-
tion to the Government under an express promise that the
identity of the source would be held in confidence, or, prior to
September 27, 1975, under an implied promise that the identity
of the source would be held in confidene. In appropriate cases
the DoD will entertain a request from a defense contractor or
its employees for such assistance as may be necessary against a
legal action based on the reporting of information in accordance
with the requirements of this Manual. Such assistance may
include support for a claim by the contractor or the employees
concerned that the information was reported under an absolute
or qualifying privilege. In such cases the DoD will request
appropriate assistance from the Department of Justice.
tor in no way relieves the temporary help
supplier from complying with the require-
ment for security indoctrination and train-
ing of his employees or other concurrent re-
quirements of this Manual.
ac. Self Inspections. Shall conduct his own
self-inspection program for the purpose of
evaluating all security procedures applicable
to the facility's operations. The contractor
shall review his security system on a con-
tinuing basis and shall also schedule a formal
self-inspection so as to occur at a reasonable
interval, i.e., midway between regularly
scheduled Government inspections conducted
by the cognizant security office. The inspec-
tion may be conducted by a security repre-
sentative(s) froze the facility or by a home
office of cleared parent representative (s) at
the discretion of management. In any event,
management shall establish, at an appropri-
ate organizational level, a procedure for
evaluating the effectiveness of the self-in-
spection program. Self-inspections shall con-
sist of an audit of all of the facility's oper-
ations in light of its SPP and the require-
ments of this Manual. As a minimum, self-
inspections will include all elements nor-
mally inspected by the cognizant security
office. Deficiencies identified as a result of
self-inspections shall be corrected as expe-
ditiously as possible. In the event difficulty
is encountered in resolving a deficiency, the
cognizant security office will provide assist-
ance upon request. The contractor shall
maintain a record of the dates upon which
the self-inspection has been accomplished,
and this record must be available for review
during the next regularly scheduled inspec-
tion by the cognizant security office.
6. Reports
a. The contractor shall submit immediately
in writing to the cognizant security office-12
12 When the facility or contractor activity is located on a
User Agency installation, and the Commander or Head of that
installation is performing certain prescribed functions of a
cognizant security office, the original copy of the report shall be
furnished to the Commander or Head of the installation with
an information copy of the report furnished to the cognizant
security office.
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DoD 5220.22-M
(1) Espionage, Sabotage, or Subver-
-1110 Activities. An information copy
of any report filed under paragraph
6c with the FBI.
(2) Loss, Compromise or Suspected
Compromise. A report, classified if
appropriate, of any loss, compro-
mise (including deliberate compro-
mise) or suspected compromise of
classified information."
(1) Other Security Violations. A report,
in addition to the requirement of
paragraph (2) above, classified if
appropriate, of each violation of the
requirements of this Manual involv-
ing TOP SECRET or Special Ac-
cess information, RESTRICTED
DATA, or COMSEC information,
regardless of classification, which
the contractor possesses in connec-
tion with User Agency contracts or
(4) Changed Conditions. A report of :
they have been excluded from
access in accordance with the
provisions of paragraph 22e;
or (iii) whether they have
been temporarily excluded
from access pending the grant-
ing of their personnel clear-
(d) Any OODEP who becomes a
representative of a foreign in-
terest as defined in paragraph
3 b b or whose status as a rep-
resentative of a foreign inter-
est changes in a manner that
would make him ineligible for
a personnel security clearance
pursuant to paragraph 20k.
(e) Action to terminate business
for any reason, imminent ad-
judication or reorganization in
bankruptcy, or any change that
might affect the validity of the
DD Form 441.
(a) Any change of ownership, in-
cluding stock transfers that af-
fect control of a corporation.
(b) Change of operating name or
address of the facility (s) cov-
ered by the DD Form 441.
(e) Any change in officers, direc-
tors, partners, regents, trus-
tees or executive personnel, in-
cluding, as appropriate, the
names of the individuals they
are replacing. In addition, a
statement shall be made indi-
cating (i) whether the new of-
ficers, directors, partners, re-
gents, trustees, or executive
personnel are cleared, and if so,
to what level and when, their
date and place of birth, and
their citizenship; (ii) whether
(f) Any change which affects the
information previously re-
ported by the contractor on the
Certificate Pertaining to For-
eign Affiliation (DD Form
441s). This report will be
made by the submission of a
revised DD Form 441s. More-
over, when entering into dis-
cussions or consultations with
foreign interests which may
reasonably be expected to lead
to the introduction or increase
of FOCI and necessitate the
submission of a revised DD
Form 441s, the contractor shall
report the details by letter. Ad-
ditionally, when the contractor
becomes aware of negotiations
for the sale or transfer of se-
curities to a foreign interest
and such sale or transfer
Par. 6 21
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DoD 5220.22-M
would necessitate the submis-
sion of a revised DD Form
441s, the details will be re-
ported by letter. Reports made
pursuant to the foregoing are
presumptively proprietary and
will be protected from un-
authorized disclosure and han-
dled on a strict need-to-know
basis. When such reports are
submitted in confidence, and
so marked, applicable exemp-
tions to the Freedom of Infor-
mation Act will be invoked to
withhold them from public
disclosure. (In cases where the
contractor considers the infor-
mation to be particularly sen-
sitive or delicate and wishes to
further restrict dissemination,
the foregoing report may be
appropriately marked and sub-
mitted to the Executive Direc-
tor, Industrial Security, HQ
DLA-N, Room 8A392, Cameron
Station, Alexandria, Virginia
22314, in lieu of the cognizant
security office.)
(5) Change in Closed or Restricted
Areas. A report of any change, in
the location of Closed or Restricted
Areas established under the provi-
sions of Section IV, including the
creation of any new areas requir-
ing approval of the cognizant se-
curity office.
report the acquisition of additional
containers approved for storage at
the same level as that previously
reported to the cognizant security
(7) Employee Information in Compro-
mise Cases. A report, upon the writ-
ten request of the cognizant secur-
ity office, of information concerning
any employee working in any of his
plants, factories, or sites where
work for a User Agency is being
performed, when the information
is needed in connection with the
loss, compromise or suspected com-
promise of classified information.
(8) Category of Classified Information.
A report of the highest classifica-
tion category of classified material
received or generated at the facil-
ity. However, when the classifica-
tion of the material received or
generated is no higher than that of
the material in possession of the
facility during the last inspection
or previously reported pursuant to
this paragraph since the last in-
spection, an additional report need
not be submitted.
(9) Termination Statement. A report,
in accordance with paragraph 5g,
when an employee refuses to exe-
cute DLA Form 482.
(6) Change in Storage Capability. A
report of any change in the stor-
age capability which would raise
or lower the level of classified in-
formation which the contractor is
able to safeguard. (This provision
does not require the contractor to
(10) Delay in Shipment. A report, in ac-
cordance with paragraphs 17c(5)
(d) and 17d (3) (d) of the delay in
the movement of classified material
by commercial carriers of more
than 48 hours after the expected
time of arrival.
22 Par. 6
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DoD 5220.22-M
(11) Evidence of Tampering. A report,
in accordance with paragraph 12e
(2) or 17g, of evidence of tamper-
ing with a shipment containing
classified material.
(12) Improper Shipment. A report when
a classified shipment is received by
other than an approved method pre-
scribed by paragraph 17.
(13) Badges and Identification Cards. A
report, in accordance with para-
graph 8c, which will inform the
cognizant security office of the
adoption of a new or revised em-
ployee badge or identification card
(/4) Authorization to Apply Classifica-
tions. Upon request, a report in ac-
cordance with paragraph 10e(4)
of the number of individuals cur-
rently authorized by the contractor
to apply a classification to informa-
tion at each of the following cate-
(15) Location or Disposition of Classi-
fied Material Terminated From Ac-
countability. A report, in accord-
ance with paragraph 12h(2), when
the whereabouts or disposition of
classified material previously ter-
minated from accountability is sub-
sequently determined.
(16) Inability to Safeguard Classified
Material. A report, by the most ex-
peditious means, of any emergency
situation such as a natural disaster
or civil disturbance which renders
the facility incapable of safeguard-
ing all classified material (see
paragraph 5w). A report shall also
be provided to all contracting offi-
cers concerned. This requirement of
the DoD does not preclude similar
reporting of the incident to appro-
priate local, State, and Federal
civil authorities as the situation
(17) Annual Reports of OODEPs. An
annual report of OODEPs required
to be cleared in connection with the
facility security clearance pursuant
to paragraph 22. The report shall
designate by name those individ-
uals granted a Letter of Consent
(DISCO Form 560), those who are
being processed for a security
clearance, and those who have been
excluded from the requirements for
a security clearance pursuant to
paragraph 22e. The report shall also
contain, as appropriate, the infor-
mation specified in paragraph 6a(4)
(c) for each individual. The report
shall be signed by an OODEP of
the facility.
(18) Foreign- Classified Contracts. A re-
port of any precontract negotiation
or award of a foreign or NATO con-
tract from a foreign firm or gov-
ernment involving either U.S. or
foreign classified information
which is not placed through a User
(19) Receipt of Classified Material Not
Related to a Classified Contract,
Project or Program. A report of the
receipt of classified material which
is not related to a contract, project
or program and for which no spe-
cific safeguarding and disposition
instructions have been received;
further, if the contractor has been
unable to obtain classification guid-
ance or disposition instructions
from the Government originator,
or the Government activity releas-
ing the material, the report shall
so state. The report should identify
the material by source, originator,
quantity, subject or title, date and
classification category.
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DoD 5220.22-M
b. The contractor shall submit the follow-
ing reports immediately to the DISCO,
Columbus, Ohio 43216, unless the individual
involved is or was required to be cleared in
connection with the facility security clear-
ance pursuant to paragraph 22, in which
case the report will be submitted to the cog-
nizant security office.'
(1) Adverse Information. A report,
classified if appropriate, of any in-
formation coming to his attention
concerning any of his employees
who have been cleared or who are
in the process of being cleared for
access to classified information,
which indicates that such access or
determination may not be clearly
consistent with the national inter-
est. The subsequent discharge of an
individual by the contractor who
receives this information does not
obviate the requirement to submit
this report. In addition, if the indi-
vidual is employed on a User Agen-
cy installation, a copy of such re-
port shall be furnished to the
Commander or Head of the User
Agency installation. Where the
employee concerned had been
granted a CONFIDENTIAL clear-
ance by the contractor in accord-
ance with paragraph 24b, and is
not in process for a Government
granted security clearance, the
clearance forms specified in para-
graph 26c shall accompany the re-
port of adverse information. This
requirement to submit information
reports also applies to cleared tem-
porary help supplier personnel or
Type A consultants utilized by the
contractor. This requirement in no
way affects the temporary help sup-
plier's responsibility for submis-
sion of such reports when adverse
information regarding his employee
is brought to his attention.
(2) Change in Employee's Status. A
report of the death, the change in
name or the termination of employ-
ment of those employees who have
been or are in the process of being
cleared by the DoD for access to
classified information, or who have
taken residence or assignment out-
side the U.S., Puerto Rico, Guam or
the Virgin Islands for a period in
excess of 90 consecutive days dur-
ing any 12-month period. Con-
tractor employees visiting under
Section V., are not included under
provisions of this paragraph. Such
changes will be reported by sub-
mission of a Personnel Security
Clearance Change Notification
(DLA Form 562-R). If the indi-
vidual is reemployed within a 12-
month period, DISCO shall also be
notified immediately. Clearances
may not be reinstated after the 12-
month period has elapsed. Addition-
ally, if it is subsequently deter-
mined that an employee who is in
the process of being cleared by the
DoD will not require access, DISCO
shall be notified immediately so as
to permit termination of the in-
vestigative action. When an indi-
vidual is placed in a temporary lay-
off status, a report of termination
of employment is not required pro-
vided reemployment occurs within
12 months.
(3) Official Investigation. A report
upon the written request of DISCO,
of information concerning any em-
ployee working in any of his plants,
factories, or sites where work for
a User Agency is being performed
when the information is needed in
connection with an official investi-
(4) Relationships in Communist Coun-
tries. A report in accordance with
paragraph 5v, of the establishment
of a relationship between a cleared
employee, or one that is in the
24 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041R000300040001-Par. 6
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process of being cleared by the
DoD and a citizen or resident of a
Communist country.
Representative of a Foreign Inter-
est. A repot t of any cleared em-
ployee (including those in the proc-
ess of being cleared by the DoD),
except those covered by paragraph
6a(4), who become representatives
of a foreign interest as defined in
paragraph 3bb or whose status as
a representative of a foreign in-
terest changes in a manner that
would make him ineligible for a
personnel security clearance pur-
suant to paragraph 20k.
(6) Changed Intentions and Foreign
Residence or Assignment of Immi-
grant Aliens. A report of (i) resi-
dence or the assignment of a
cleared immigrant alien outside the
U.S. (including Puerto Rico, Guam
or the Virgin Islands). Such indi-
viduals on visits of 90 consecutive
days or less to foreign areas are
not considered to be assigned out-
side the U.S., or (ii) a change in
the intention of a cleared immi-
grant alien to reside permanently
in the U.S., Puerto Rico, Guam or
the Virgin Islands. An immigrant
alien's change of intent to reside
permanently in the U.S., and resi-
dence or the assignment of an im-
migrant alien outside the U.S.,
Puerto Rico, Guam or the Virgin
Islands negates the basis (see para-
graph 25) upon which the Letter of
Consent was issued, and the Letter
of Consent will be administratively
terminated without prejudice by
DISCO upon receipt of contractor
notification. Except in connection
with visits of 90 consecutive days or
less in any 12-month period immi-
grant aliens may not be authorized
access to classified information
when visiting outside the U.S.,
Puerto Rico, Guam or the Virgin
Islands. Visits in excess of 90 con-
secutive days duration, in any 12-
month period, shall invalidate any
existing clearance.
(7) Citizenship by Naturalization. A
report of a cleared immigrant alien
who becomes a citizen through
naturalization. This report will be
made by the Personnel Security
Clearance Change Notification
(DLA Form 562-R), setting forth
in the "Remarks" block (i) city,
county and State where natural-
ized; (ii) date naturalized; (iii)
court and, (iv) certificate number.
Upon receipt of such a report,
DISCO will issue a new Letter of
Consent (DISCO Form 560).
(8) Category 5 Visit Authorization.
A report of the termination of a
Category 5 visit authorization, in
accordance with paragraph 41e,
when the requirement for such au-
thorization ceases to exist prior to
the expiration of the period for
which it is valid.
(9) Travel or Attendance at Meeting. A
report in accordance with para-
graph 5u, upon completion of travel
to or through a Communist coun-
try, or attendance at an interna-
tional meeting outside the U.S.
when Communist representatives
participated or attended. The re-
port shall include the employee's
full name, clearance status, date
and place of birth, a brief descrip-
tion of the projects, including the
category of classified information,
to which he had access during the
past 2 years (depending upon the
period of employment or utilization
by the contractor in the case of
temporary help supplier personnel),
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DaD 5220.22-M
the countries visited or the meet-
ing attended, the dates of the travel
and the employee's statement of the
purpose and objective of the travel.
The report shall include, if appro-
priate, a narrative statement of the
circumstances surrounding all hos-
tile intelligence efforts to obtain in-
formation from or to compromise
the traveler, or of any endeavor by
an unfriendly interest to establish
a continuing relationship with the
(10) Employees Desiring Not to Per-
form on Classified Work or Accept
Security Responsibility or Requests
to Terminate Clearance or Clear-
ance Processing. A report upon no-
tification by an employee that he no
longer wishes to be processed for a
clearance pursuant to paragraph
26, or to continue an existing per-
sonnel security clearance.
=n?- c. The contractor shall submit immedi-
ately, in writing," to the nearest field office
of the FBI a report, classified if appropriate,
containing any information coming to his at-
tention concerning existing or threatened
espionage, sabotage, or subversive activities
at any of his plants, factories, laboratories,
or other sites, at which work for any User
Agency is performed, or at which related ma-
terial is acquired, stored, fabricated, or man-
ufactured, or is in process of research or
ported to the facility security supervisor.
Classified material which is out of the con-
trol of its custodian or which cannot be lo-
cated shall be presumed to be lost until an
investigation determines otherwise.
b. The contractor shall establish such pro-
cedures as are necessary to insure that any
employee discovering the loss, compromise,
or suspected compromise of classified infor-
mation outside a facility promptly reports
such a fact to :
(1) The nearest office of the FBI and
furnish sufficient information to as-
sist in identification of the infor-
mation. If the loss, compromise, or
suspected compromise occurs out-
side the U.S., the nearest U.S. au-
thorities shall be notified in lieu of
the FBI; and
(2) The facility security supervisor, by
the fastest means of communica-
tion, who will then comply with
paragraph c, below.
c. Immediately upon receipt of a report in
accordance with paragraphs a, or b, above,
the contractor shall initiate a preliminary
inquiry to ascertain all of the circumstances
surrounding the reported loss, compromise,
suspected compromise or failure to comply
with a requirement of this Manual. In the
event of loss, a thorough search shall be con-
ducted for the classified material.
7. Loss, Compromise, or Suspected Com-
promise of Classified Information
a. The contractor shall establish a proce-
dure to insure that each loss, compromise, or
suspected compromise of classified informa-
tion and each failure to comply with a re-
quirement of this Manual is immediately re-
13 If time is of the essence and the initial report is made via
surmol" phone to the FBI, it must be followed in writing regardless of
disposition made of the report by the FBI.
d. 'If the contractor's inquiry prescribed in
paragraph c, above, confirms (i) that a loss,
compromise, or suspected compromise of any
classified information occurred, or (ii) that
a violation of a requirement of this Manual
involving TOP SECRET, COMSEC Special
Access information, or RESTRICTED
DATA occurred, the contractor immediately
shall submit a report of the incident to the
cognizant security office in accordance with
paragraph 6a(2) or 6a(3), as appropriate,
and conduct a complete investigation of the
26 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041 R00030004000'-12rs. 6 & 7
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DoD 5220.22-M
incident unless otherwise notified by the
cognizant security office. Submission of the
report shall not be deferred pending com-
pletion of the contractor's investigation.
e. Upon completion of the investigation
prescribed in paragraph d, above, a final re-
port shall be submitted to the cognizant se-
curity office referencing the preceding pre-
liminary report, and containing the follow-
ing :
A resume of the essential facts
surrounding the incident, such as
where, when and how it occurred,
and what were the contributing
(2) The name and position of the indi-
vidual(s) who was primarily re-
sponsible for the incident, includ-
ing a record of prior loss, compro-
mise, suspected compromise, or
failure to comply with the require-
ments of this Manual for which the
individual had been determined re-
(3) A statement as to the corrective ac-
tion taken to preclude a recurrence
of similar incidents and the dis-
ciplinary action taken against the
responsible individual(s), if any.
(4) Specific reasons for reaching the
conclusion that (i) loss or compro-
mise occurred, (ii) compromise is
suspected, (iii) the probability of
compromise is considered remote,
or (iv) compromise did not occur.
In reporting the loss or compromise
of classified material, sufficient de-
scriptive data shall be furnished to
permit the User Agency concerned
to properly identify the material in-
volved, such as originating activity
or contractor, date of origin, docu-
ment title, number of pages, de-
scription of contents, and the con-
tract or program under which the
material was received or produced.
8. Badges and Identication Cards
a. Employee Badges. Provided the con-
tractor deems it necessary, he may use iden-
tification cards or badges to assist in iden-
tifying the level of security clearance of the
holder and/or to indicate that the holder is
authorized to enter Closed or Restricted
Areas. If identification cards or badges are
used for such purposes, the following shall
apply :
(1) The minimum identifying informa-
tion to be shown on employee's
identification badges or cards shall
be the name and photograph of the
holder. Other descriptive informa-
tion to identify the authorized hold-
er may be included on badges and/
or cards at the option of the con-
(2) The identification badge or card
may include color or symbol coding
to indicate the level of security
clearance of the holder and/or that
he is authorized to enter a Closed
or Restricted Area, or a separate
coded badge or card may be used
for such purposes. When the com-
bination of badges and/or cards
are used, both must bear correlat-
ing data such as the same registra-
tion number or the name of the
holder. However, where classified
material is released to an employee
(e.g., at a control station, blueprint
crib, technical library) or entry into
a controlled area is permitted on
the basis of identification creden-
tials, the verification of the creden-
tials, (whether card, badge or com-
bination thereof) shall include a
check or the minimum identifying
information prescribed in para-
graph (1) above.
(3) The words TOP SECRET, SE-
breviations thereof, shall not ap-
pear on the badges or identification
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(4) The makeup and construction of
badges and identification cards shall
be designed to minimize the possi-
bility of tampering or unauthorized
(5) Badges and identification cards,
coded to indicate the level of se-
curity clearance or access to Closed
or Restricted Areas, shall be rigid-
ly controlled and accounted for by
the contractor by use of a number-
ing system. Such controls shall ap-
ply equally to permanent and tem-
porary cards and badges. Badges
and identification cards shall be
promptly recovered, or when ap-
propriate, recoded whenever an em-
ployee's requirement for access or
entry to a controlled area no long-
er exists due to an internal trans-
fer, termination of employment,
revocation of security clearance, or
for other appropriate reasons.
(6) Coded badges and cards shall be
considered only as an aid in deter-
mining the current level of person-
nel security clearance of the holder
or the areas to which the holder
may have access. The clearance
status of a person who holds such
a badge or identification card shall
be verified when there is doubt as
to the validity of the badge or card.
(7) An employee badge and/or identi-
fication card may be issued to per-
sons referred to in paragraphs 37h
and 41a.
b. Visitor Badges. A badge of such design
as the contractor considers suitable may be
issued to assist in identifying visitors who
are authorized to be present in Closed or
Restricted Areas. Visitors' badges, except
for those issued in accordance with para-
graph a(7), above, shall not be used to indi-
cate the visitor's security clearance status.
Visitors' badges shall be recovered at the
conclusion of the visit and they shall be rigid-
ly controlled and accounted for by the con-
c. Reporting. The procedure for the use of
badges or identification cards as authorized
in paragraphs a and b, above, shall be in-
corporated in the SPP. In addition, the
adoption of a new employee badge or identi-
fication card or any change in an existing
badge or identification card shall be re-
ported to the cognizant security office in
accordance with paragraph 6a(13).
d. Use on User Agency Installations. The
use of badges or identication cards to indi-
cate the level of personnel security clearance
of individuals performing duties within a
User Agency installation shall be subject to
regulations which apply to the installation.
9. DoD Sponsorship of Meetings
Meetings described in paragraph 5q(3)
which serve a Government purpose and at
which adequate security measures have been
provided for in advance may be sponsored.
a. Requests for Sponsorship. A contractor
desiring to conduct a meeting requiring
DoD sponsorship shall submit his request to
the DoD activity having principal interest
in the subject matter of the meeting. Only
one activity may sponsor a meeting on be-
half of the DoD. Therefore, a request shall
be sent only to one DoD activity at a time.
If that activity declines to accept sponsor-
ship, or if it should be appropriate to change
the sponsoring agency, the request may be
sent to another DoD activity having a prin-
cipal interest in the subject matter of the
meeting. Such requests shall include the
details concerning all prior requests. Ap-
proval and sponsorship by the DoD will
normally be granted only for a meeting con-
ducted by a cleared DoD contractor. How-
ever, a meeting conducted by an association,
society, or group whose membership consists
primarily of cleared DoD contractors may
be sponsored, provided a cleared contractor
is designated and accepts overall security
responsibility on behalf of the association,
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society or group for the meeting. The re- plish the purpose of those interests. The re-
quest shall explain how the interests of na- quest shall also include a list of any foreign
tional defense will be served by disclosing nationals or representatives of foreign in-
classified information at the meeting, and terests (individual, firm, or government)
why the use of conventional channels for whose attendance at the meeting is required.
release of the information will not accom-
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b. Attendance of Foreign Nationals or
Representatives of a Foreign Interest.- No
invitation, written or oral, shall be tendered
to a foreign national, or to a representative
of a foreign interest, to attend any session
of a meeting sponsored by a DoD activity
until approval for his attendance has been
received from the sponsoring activity. If the
attendance of a foreign national or repre-
sentative of a foreign interest is required, a
written request in advance of the meeting
shall be submitted and shall include-
(1) Identification of the foreign na-
tional or representative of a foreign
interest by name, nationality, and
government, individual or firm rep-
(2) Sessions or subect matter for which
access authorization is desired.
(Nationals or representatives of
Communist countries shall be ex-
eluded without exception, from at-
tendance at any classified session.)
(3) Subject titles of scientific, technical,
and other papers scheduled for pre-
sentation by any foreign national
or representative of a foreign in-
c. Location of Meetings. The sponsoring
activity is responsible for evaluating and
approving the location proposed for the
(1) Meeting at which TOP SECRET
or SECRET information is to be
disclosed shall be held only at a
U.S. Government installation or at
an appropriately cleared facility of
a contractor which has adequate
14 Persons granted Canadian or U.K. Reciprocal clearances,
and representatives of foreign interests cleared for access to
classified information under the Department of Defense Security
Program, are not subject to the limitation of paragraph 9b.
However, persons granted Canadian or U.K. Reciprocal clear-
ances are subject to the access limitations prescribed in para-
graph 31.
means for safeguarding classified
presentations. Under this criteria,
the proposed site would have to be
located within the physical bound-
aries of a cleared facility as indi-
cated on the Facility Security
Clearance Survey (DD Form 374).
An auditorium, assembly hall, or
gymnasium which is used primarily
for campus activities and public
gatherings will not be approved for
a classified meeting at which TOP
SECRET or SECRET information
would be disclosed, even though it
is located on the campus of a college
or university, portions of which are
a cleared facility.
(2) Meetings at which information
classified no higher than CONFI-
DENTIAL is to be disclosed shall
normally be held on a U.S. Govern-
ment installation or at a cleared
facility. However, if suitable fa-
cilities are not available at a Gov-
ernment installation or contractor
facility, the use of other locations
may be approved provided adequate
security can be maintained. Con-
tractor requests to use a location
other than a Government installa-
tion or contractor facility shall in-
(a) A justification of the proposed
location ;
(b) An explanation why a Gov-
ernment installation or cleared
facility cannot be used; and
(c) An explanation why separate
classified and unclassified ses-
sions cannot be scheduled,
thereby permitting the use of
a Government installation or a
cleared facility for the classi-
fied portions of the meeting.
d. Security Procedures. When sponsorship
of a meeting has been accepted by a DoD
Par. 9 29
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activity, the contractor shall develop the
security measures and procedures to be used
and obtain the sponsoring activity's approval
thereof. The security measures shall include
adequate arrangements for-
(1) Strictly limiting attendance at
classified meetings to those persons
whose presence is necessary in the
interest of national defense, and
who are otherwise eligible. This
shall include measures for-
(a) Determining and assuring that
all persons selected and ap-
proved to attend classified ses-
sions have been granted a se-
curity clearance for access to
classified information equal to
or higher than the category of
information to be disclosed,
and have duties in connection
with a classified contract or
program that requires such ac-
cess in promoting the interests
of national defense. For con-
tractor personnel, the certifica-
tion of security clearance and
need-to-know shall be accom-
plished as provided in para-
graph f, below.
(b) Review and approval by the
sponsoring activity of all an-
nouncements and invitations
related to the meetings and
lists of attendees pertaining
thereto. Announcements and
invitations shall be unclassi-
fied, and shall include the name
of the sponsoring activity and
the date of the approval.
1. Notices and announcements
of meetings, whether clas-
sified, unclassified, or mixed,
and not amounting to invi-
tations to attend, may be
published publicly, provided
classified information is not
included in such notices or
2. In the case of classified
meetings, invitations to at-
tend (whether on an indi-
vidual or class basis) shall
not be sent to a person
known to be from or a rep-
resentative of a Communist
110. In the case of mixed meet-
ings, i.e., those having both
classified and unclassified
sessions, the restrictions as
to invitations to persons
known to be from or repre-
sentatives of a, Communist
country to attend are appli-
cable to the classified ses-
sion. As to the unclassified
session, such notice or invi-
tation to attend shall not be
sent to persons known to be
from or a representative of
a Communist country unless
and until specific authoriza-
tion, on an individual name
basis, has been made in ad-
vance by the Secretary or
Head of the User Agency or
his designee.
(2) Safeguarding and controlling the
distribution of notes, minutes, sum-
maries, recordings, proceedings,
and reports on the classified por-
tions of the meeting. Such material
shall normally be sent only to those
approved for attendance at the
classified sessions. However, the
sponsoring activity may also au-
thorize distribution to others who
are determined to be eligible for,
and require access to, the classified
information involved. In any event,
the material shall only be sent to a
Government activity or cleared con-
tractor facility and marked for the
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attention of the intended recipient,
as provided for in paragraph 17k.
(3) Notifying each person who pre-
sents or discloses classified infor-
mation at the meeting of the secur-
ity limitations on disclosures for
such reasons as the level of clear-
ance or need-to-know of members
of the audience or other limitation
established by the Government.
(4) Assuring the physical security of
the meeting site and the area used
for classified sessions or displays.
This shall include provisions for
guards, entrance controls, person-
nel identification, storage facilities,
and adequate security against un-
authorized access to, or illicit ac-
quisition of, the classified informa-
Insuring that attendance at a meet-
ing or session at which classified
information is to be disclosed is
limited to persons whose names ap-
pear on an approved access list,
and then only upon proper identifi-
(6) Submitting the minutes, 'sum-
maries, recordings, proceedings,
and reports of the meeting to the
sponsoring activity for security re-
view and for approval of the distri-
bution proposed therefor.
(7) Assuring that individuals making
oral presentations at meetings pro-
vide classification guidance suffi-
cient to enable attendees to identify
what information is classified or
unclassified, and if classified, at
what category or categories of clas-
e. Requests for Disclosure Authority. A
contractor desiring to disclose classified in-
formation at a meeting as provided in para-
graph 5q(3) or 5q(4) shall-
(1) Obtain prior written authorization
for each proposed disclosure of
classified information from the con-
tracting officer having jurisdiction
over the information involved. If
authorization for foreign nationals
to attend the meeting has been re-
quested from the sponsor, that fact
shall be stated in the request for
disclosure authority.
(2) Furnish a copy of the disclosure
authorization to the Government
activity conducting or sponsoring
the meeting.
(3) Furnish a written copy of the
presentation, as made, to the con-
tracting officer and to the con-
ducting or sponsoring activity if
they are not one and the same.
f. Requests to Attend Classified Meetings.
A contractor desiring to have an employee
attend a classified meeting shall-
(1) Certify to the clearance status of
the employee who will attend the
classified meeting.
(2) Forward the application or request
to attend the meeting, together with
the necessary justification (see
paragraph d (l) (a), above) to the
contracting officer for the classi-
fied contract under which access is
being justified, requesting that it be
forwarded to the sponsoring ac-
tivity following determination of
the employee's need-to-know. How-
ever, where access is being justi-
fied under a User Agency program,
rather than a contract, the request
shall be forwarded for determina-
tion of need-to-know to the official
of the User Agency activity who is
monitoring the contractor's partici-
pation in the program.
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10. Classification
a. The security classification to be applied
to information involved in User Agency con-
tracts and programs will be supplied by the
contracting officer or his designated repre-
sentative of the User Agency concerned.
The DD Form 254, attachments and supple-
asaw ments, as appropriate, provide classification
specifications to be used for this purpose.
The completed DD Form 254 is the basic
document for conveying to the contractor
the classification, regrading, and declassifica-
tion specifications for a classified contract.
It is designed to identify by a combination
of a check list and narration the specific
items of classified information involved in the
contract which require security classification
protection. Contractors are encouraged to
advise and assist in the development of the
classification specification in order that their
technical knowledge may be utilized and they
may be in a better position to anticipate the
security requirements under the contract
and organize their procedural and physical
plant layout accordingly.
b. An original DD Form 254, which sets
..o forth the classification specification or cites
the classification guidance in item 15, is pro-
vided to the contractor by the User Agency
with an RFP, RFQ, IFB, or other solicitation
and with the award of contract which will
necessitate access to classified information.
A revised DD Form 254 will be issued at any
time a change or additional classification
guidance is found necessary. The User
Agency reviews the existing classification
specification periodically during the contract
and at least once annually. When the annual
review establishes that no change is neces-
sary in the existing specification, the prime
contractor is advised in writing. A final DD
Form 254 is issued upon final delivery of
goods or services or upon termination of the
contract when authority is granted under
paragraph 5m for the contractor to retain
classified material originated by the User
Agency or generated by the contractor in the
performance of the contract, or when all
classified material, for which retention au-
thority would be required, is ordered imme-
diately declassified. A final DD Form 254 is
not issued, however, when authority is
granted under paragraph 5m for the con-
tractor to retain only reference material (see
paragraph 3az.). Reference material is
marked by its originator to reflect the auto-
matic downgrading and declassification in-
structions. When it is not so marked, the
contractor is responsible for applying the
appropriate marking in accordance with
paragraph A4, Appendix II.
c. When a final DD Form 254 is in effect,
and at the conclusion of a retention period
authorized under paragraph 5m, the contrac-
tor requests an extension of the retention
period, the Liser Agency will conduct a re-
view to insure that the contractor has a
continued requirement for possessing the
classified material and to revise the existing
classification specification as necessary to
cover classified material for which extension
of retention authority is authorized.
d. The application of a security classifica-
tion to information developed by the con-
tractor shall be based on (i) the classification
guidance furnished by the contracting officer
of the User Agency in accordance with para-
graph a., above, or (ii) the contractor's
knowledge that such information is in sub-
stance the same as, or would reveal, other
information known to be currently classi-
fied. Material developed by the contractor
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containing classified information, or from
which classified information could be ob-
tained, shall be marked in the manner pre-
scribed in paragraph 11.
e. The contractor shall establish a pro-
cedure to insure that:
(1) In the case of a document, and ex-
cept as specified in paragraph (3)
below, the manager or supervisor,
whose signature or other form of
approval is required before the
document may be issued, transmit-
ted, or referred outside of the fa-
cility, determines the necessity, cur-
rency, and accuracy of the classi-
fication applied to that document.
(2) In the case of material other than a
document, and except as specified in
paragraph (3) below, the manager
or supervisor in charge at the oper-
ational level where the material is
being produced or assembled deter-
mines the necessity, currency, and
accuracy of the classification ap-
plied to that material.
(3) In those situations involving the
copying or extracting of classified
information from another docu-
ment, or involving the reproduction
or translation of a whole classified
document, the individual responsi-
ble for such copying, extracting,
reproduction or translation marks
the new document or copy with the
same classification as that applied
to the information or document
from which the new document or
copy was prepared.
quirements. The number of such
employees shall be reported to the
cognizant security office upon re-
quest in accordance with paragraph
(5) Questions on the currency of the
classification of reference material
are referred as indicated in para-
graph 60i.
f. Whenever a contractor develops an un-
solicited proposal or originates information
not in the performance of a User Agency
contract or program, the following rules shall
apply :
(1) If information is included in the
proposal or other material which
the contractor identifies as already
being classified, the proposal or
other material shall be marked with
the appropriate classification in ac-
cordance with paragraph 11.
(2) If the case does not fall within
paragraph (1) above, and the con-
tractor believes that the proposal or
other material contains informa-
tion which may or should be safe-
guarded, the contractor is requested
to protect the information as
though classified at the appropriate
level, until an advisory classifica-
tion opinion is obtained from a
User Agency which has an interest
in the subject matter. In any such
case, the following protective mark-
ing, or a similar marking which
clearly conveys the same meaning,
will be used:
(4) Employees responsible for the cur-
rency, necessity, and accuracy of
the classification applied to informa-
tion under paragraphs (1) and (2)
above are held to a minimum num-
ber consistent with operational re-
Classification determination pending.
Protect as though classified
34 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B0l041 R00030004000f.V. 10
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This marking shall appear con-
spicuously at least once on the
material, but it is not necessary to
mark the material further in ac-
cordance with paragraph 11 until
the advisory classification opinion
is received. In addition, if applica-
ble, contractors are not precluded
from designating such information
as company private or proprietary
(a) Pending determination by the
User Agency, the following
precautionary measures should
be taken in regard to saf e-
guarding such information:
1. Access to the information
should be limited to the
minimum number of person-
nel practicable.
2. Persons selected to have ac-
cess to the information
should be limited to U.S.
citizens or immigrant aliens
who are known to be trust-
worthy. They should be ad-
vised of the importance of
the information.
3. When not in use, documents
containing the information
should be stored in a secure
4. In forwarding the informa-
tion between persons or lo-
cations, a secure method of
transmission s h o u l d be
5. Reproduction of the infor-
mation should be kept to a
(b) It is the general policy of the
DoD not to classify informa-
tion over which it has no juris-
diction. The proposal or other
material shall not be classified
by the User Agency (i) unless
it incorporates classified in-
formation to which the con-
tractor was given prior access,
or (ii) unless the Government
first acquires a proprietary
interest (official information,
see paragraph 3av).
g. The contractor shall provide security
classification specifications to employees per-
forming in a sales or technical capacity or
under a classified contract outside of the
U. S.
h. The fact that information currently
classified by a User Agency has been dissem-
inated by a public medium of communica-
tion does not automatically mean that it has
been declassified. Classification shall be con-
tinued until advised to the contrary by the
User Agency. Questions as to the propriety of
continued classification in these cases should
be brought to the immediate attention of the
contracting officer.
11. Marking
The paragraph marking requirements in
paragraph a., below are mandatory only
with respect to documents transmitted out-
side a facility. If, in an exceptional situa-
tion, such marking is determined to be
impracticable, documents shall contain a
description sufficient to identify the exact
information which is classified and the ap-
propriate classification category(s) assigned
to it.
a. Initial Marking. Classified material
shall be marked with the date of origin, the
name and address of the facility respon-
sible for its preparation, and shall be plainly
and conspicuously marked or stamped (not
typed) with the appropriate classification.
Each paragraph or subparagraph of the
document shall be marked to show the cate-
Pars. 10 & 11 35
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gory of classified information it contains, or
that it contains no classified information.
However, individual paragraph/subpara-
graph markings are not required when all
paragraphs/subparagraphs contained on a
page of a classified document are unclassified
and the page is so marked. The lead-in or
basic portion of a paragraph which contains
subparagraphs shall be marked to reflect the
overall classification of the entire paragraph.
The actual classification of the lead-in
paragraph, when it is unclassified, or classi-
fied at a lower level than the overall para-
graph, shall be shown at the end of the lead-
in paragraph text. When different items of
information in one paragraph require differ-
ent classifications, but segregation of the
information into separate paragraphs would
destroy continuity of context, the highest
classification required for that item shall be
applied to the paragraph. In marking para-
graphs, the appropriate marking shall be
placed immediately preceding and to the left
of the parts involved. The symbols (TS),
(S), (C) and (U) for TOP SECRET,
SIFIED will be used. When appropriate, the
DATA shall be added. EXAMPLE :
(S) (FRD) This is an illustration of
how a lead-in paragraph shall be
marked when the overall paragraph
classification of SECRET FORMER-
from the lead-in paragraph classifica-
Documents. The overall classification
of a document, whether it be a letter,
report, message, pamphlet, etc., shall
be conspicuously marked or stamped
at the top and bottom on the outside
of the front cover (if any), on the
title page (if any), on the first page,
on the back page, and on the outside of
the back cover (if any). Each interior
page of a document, except blank
pages, shall be conspicuously marked
or stamped at the top and bottom with
the highest classification of the in-
formation appearing thereon, includ-
ing the designation UNCLASSIFIED,
when appropriate. Single sheet docu-
ments shall have the overall classi-
fication of the document affixed to
both sides of the sheet. In some com-
plex documents their major com-
ponents are likely to be used separate-
ly. In such instances, each major
component shall be marked as a sepa-
rate document, utilizing the classifica-
tion marking techniques. described
above. Examples include (i), annexes,
appendices, or similar component, (ii)
attachments or enclosures to a mem-
orandum or letter, and (iii) each
major part or chapter of a report. In
the event a major component, as de-
scribed above, is incorporated into
a document prepared earlier and such
document was previously unclassified
or classified at a lower level than the
component now being incorporated
into the document, the overall classi-
fication of the document must be ad-
justed to reflect the higher level of
classification for the information now
within the document. Classification
markings shall be so applied as to be
clearly visible when pages are clipped
or stapled together.
(2) Special Situations. As an exception to
the general rule, where printing is
performed by the GPO or under con-
tract to the GPO, or by a contractor in
accordance with Government con-
tract specifications, classified docu-
ments comprised of many pages
(studies, manuscripts, reports, man-
uals, etc.) may have the overall classi-
fication shown on each page provided
the classified and unclassified parts
of that page are clearly identified to
the recipient by paragraph markings
or by other means set forth in the
document. In such cases paragraph
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marking or other means shall take
precedence over page markings.
(3) Letters of Transmittal. A letter
transmitting classified information
shall be marked with a classification
as high as its highest classified en-
closure. Letters of transmittal, when
appropriate, shall bear a notation
indicating that upon removal of the
classified enclosures such letters may
be downgraded or declassified. When
a multiple page letter of transmittal
contains no classified information,
only the first page thereof need be
marked with the classification of the
highest classified enclosure.
(4) Artwork. Original artwork shall
have the security classification
stamped or marked conspicuously in
top and bottom margins of the
mounting board and on all overlays
and cover sheets.
(5) Charts, Maps, Drawings, and Tra-
cings. The classification shall be af-
fixed under the legend, title block, or
scale, and at the top and bottom, in
such manner that it will be repro-
duced on all copies, except that in
the case of drawings smaller than
17"x22" the classification need not
be affixed under the legend, title block
or scale, unless the classification as-
signed to the legend, title block or
scale is different from that assigned
to the overall drawing. If the infor-
mation contained in the legend or
title block is of a different category
than that contained in the balance
of the document, the abbreviations
prescribed for subjects and titles in
paragraph (9) below shall be placed
under or alongside the classification
marking affixed under the legend,
title block or scale and the higher
classification marking shall be placed
at the top and bottom of the docu-
ment. For example :
(:Legend Unclassified)
Films, microfilms, Microfiche, and
Photographs. Classified films and
microfiche shall be marked in a fash-
ion that will permit classification
markings to appear in the projected
image. In addition, holders or con-
tainers for all such material shall be
conspicuously marked with the ap-
propriate classification. Continuous
cover aerial reconnaissance map-
ping negatives, microfilm in roll
form, and motion picture films shall
be marked with appropriate classifi-
cation at the beginning and end of
each roll. In addition, motion picture
film shall state in the title frame the
classification thereof. These and
other classified negatives which do
.not lend themselves to marking shall
be handled on a classified basis and
shall be kept in containers, properly
secured, which shall bear the classifi-
cation marking to which the contents
are entitled, the date of origin, and
other notations required by para-
graph b, below as appropriate. When
using self-processing film or paper
to photograph or reproduce classified
material, caution must be exercised
to assure the negative of the last ex-
posure does not remain in the
camera. The negative of the last
exposure of such self-processing film
or paper shall be removed and de-
stroyed as classified waste, or the
camera shall be protected as classi-
fied material. Photographs (positives
and negatives) shall be marked with
the appropriate classification, top and
bottom, and where practicable, the
center of the reverse side. Photo-
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graph containers shall also be con-
spicuously marked with the appro-
priate classification.
(7) Sound, Magnetic and Other Record-
ings. Classified sound, magnetic and
other recordings shall be marked
with the appropriate classification if
practical. The containers in which
such recordings are placed during
non-use shall be marked conspicuous-
ly. For tapes and similar items, the
marking normally shall be placed at
the beginning and the end of the
roll. However, such recordings which
do not lend themselves to marking
shall be handled on a classified basis
and shall be kept in containers which
shall bear the classification markings
to which the contents are entitled. In
addition, where practical, the appli-
cable classification shall be incor-
porated into the recording at the
beginning and end thereof in a man-
ner which will assure that any
person having access to the classified
information contained therein, when
reproduced by any medium, will
know the classification of the in-
formation. In the case of disc or
drum memory units utilized in elec-
tronic data processing equipment,
which do not lend themselves to
marking, the entire processing unit
shall, when the memory units con-
tain classified information, be
marked in the manner prescribed by
paragraph (8) below.
(8) Material. Items of classified material
shall be properly marked to indicate
the classification of the information
contained in or revealed by the mate-
rial and which may be acquired
through observation, study, analysis,
use, or testing. However, classified
material which does not lend itself
to marking shall have securely af-
fixed or attached a tag, sticker, de-
cal, or similar device bearing the
classification, and the appropriate
markings required by paragraph b.,
below. Where the foregoing is not
practicable, the marking may be
placed on or affixed to the container
of the classified material in lieu of
the material itself. During produc-
tion and until marked as above, the
contractor shall post notice in the
area of production of the classifica-
tion of the material to alert all per-
sonnel who will have access of the
proper classification.
(9) Subjects and Titles. On each classi-
fied document, the subject or title
shall be followed by its own classifi-
cation (or by the designation UN-
CLASSIFIED) in parentheses. For
this purpose, the parenthetical ab-
breviations (TS), (S), (C), and
(U) may be used, respectively, for
FIED. (So far as possible, a classi-
flied document shall be assigned an
unclassified subject or title.) When
appropriate, the abbreviations for
(FRD) shall be added.
(10) Machine Listing. Classification
markings on pages of listing pro-
duced by automatic data processing
equipment may be applied by the
equipment, provided the first page,
the back page, and the front and
back covers (if any), are appropri-
ately marked as otherwise pre-
scribed. If individual pages are
removed from a listing marked in
this manner, each page so removed
shall be marked as otherwise pre-
(11) Machine Accounting Cards. A deck
of classified accounting machine
cards may be marked as a single
classified document. A deck so
38 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B0l041 R0003000400diaJZ 11
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marked shall be stored, transmitted,
destroyed and otherwise handled in
the manner prescribed for other
classified documents of the same clas-
sification. The first and last cards in
the deck shall be marked to show the
overall classification of the deck. In
addition, the first card must identify
the contents of the deck and the
downgrading and declassification
markings which apply to the deck.
If it is not practical to mark the first
card in the deck with the overall
classification, identity of the con-
tents of the deck and the downgrad-
ing and declassification marking ap-
plicable, an additional card, inserted
at the beginning of the deck, may be
used for such purpose. The individu-
al cards of the deck need not be
marked individually. Cards removed
for separate processing or use, how-
ever, shall be protected to prevent
compromise of any classified infor-
mation contained thereon and, unless
promptly returned to the deck after
processing or use, shall be marked
with the appropriate classification.
When marked individually, the se-
curity classification shall be stamped,
preprinted or machine printed above
the 0 punch location and below the 8
punch location between card columns
54 and 76. Other markings pre-
scribed by paragraph b, below, shall
be placed on the back of the card.
(12) Messages. The document which is
prepared by the originator of a mes-
sage and submitted to the commu-
nications center or activity for elec-
trical transmission shall be marked
in the manner prescribed by para-
graph (1) above. In addition, the
first word in the text of the proposed
message shall be the classification of
the message. When appropriate, the
notations required by paragraphs
b (2), (3) and (4) below shall im-
mediately follow the classification
designation at the beginning of the
text except that RESTRICTED
TED DATA shall be used for the
notation prescribed in paragraph
b (2) or (3) below, respectively. The
last line or paragraph of the pro-
posed message shall show the appro-
priate downgrading and declassifica-
tion marking (see paragraph E, Ap-
pendix II). When transmitting the
message by electrical means, the
classification marking shall be includ-
ed at the beginning of the encrypted
text. The last line or paragraph of
the transmitted message shall show
the appropriate downgrading and de-
classification marking. Classified mes-
sages shall be marked at the top and
bottom with the overall classification
and shall be paragraph marked in
the manner prescribed above for
documents. A message printed by an
automated system may have the
classification markings applied by the
system provided such markings are
clearly distinguishable from the
printed text. In addition, markings
required by paragraph b., below shall
be applied as appropriate.
(13) Classified Files. File folders, binders,
envelopes, etc., containing classified
documents shall be marked or
stamped with a classification equal
to that of their highest classified con-
tents. Documents removed from the
file or group shall be handled in ac-
cordance with their individual classi-
fication requirements.
(14) Classified Compilations. Where the
use of a classification higher than
that which applies to any of its
components is required by the speci-
fic provision of the DD Form 254, or
other User Agency direction, to pro-
tect a compilation of information, the
overall classification shall be placed
on the document in the manner pre-
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there is no requirement for complet-
ing the CLASSIFIED BY line ap-
pearing on those markings until such
subsequent time that the notation
concerning downgrading or declassi-
fication must be affixed in accordance
with the circumstances prescribed
(17) Rolled or Folded Documents. Classi-
fied documents are sometimes rolled,
folded, or covered over in such a
manner that the classification mark-
ings are obscured. When this occurs,
the classification shall be marked,
stamped or otherwise affixed to the
exposed surfaces of the document so
that it may easily be seen.
scribed by this paragraph. Where
the individual parts of a compilation
are unclassified but their total con-
tent or their association is classified,
the document shall be marked with
the proper classification. The reason
for classifying the compilation shall
be stated at an appropriate location
at or near the beginning of the docu-
Classified Translations. Translations
of U.S. classified information into a
language other than English shall
show the U.S. as the country of ori-
gin, and shall be marked with both
the U.S. classification and the foreign
language equivalent of the U.S. clas-
sification (see paragraph d, below).
Conversely, translation of foreign
classified information into English
shall be marked with the name of the
country of origin and the foreign
and U.S. equivalent classifications. If
the information was not classified by
the country of origin, a U.S. classi-
fication shall be applied to the in-
formation only if it is required to
protect the fact that the U.S. has
possession of the information.
(16) Working Papers. Working papers
such as notes, drafts, drawings, etc.,
accumulated to assist in the formula-
tion and preparation of a finished
document, shall be marked with both
the initial and the additional mark-
ings prescribed here in the same
manner as other documents except
the additional markings required by
paragraphs b (1) and (5), below need
not be affixed to working papers un-
til the material is entered into the
control station accountability records
in accordance with paragraph 12, is
made a part of a permanent record,
or is dispatched outside of the facili-
ty. In the case of the RESTRICTED
TED DATA notations cited below,
b. Additional Markings. In addition to the
required classification markings, all classi-
fied material shall be marked, as appropriate,
with one or more of the notations prescribed
below. The appropriate notation shall be
printed, stamped, typed, or otherwise affixed
conspicuously at least once on all classified
material possessed,' prepared or reproduced
by the contractor. In addition, when a copy,
extract, or paraphrase of a document con-
tains national security information, or when
a page, chapter or other such component is
separated from a document, the extract or
component shall also be marked con-
spicuously at least once with the appropriate
(1) Unauthorized Disclosure Notation.
All classified material other than RE-
RESTRICTED DATA, which is fur-
nished to persons outside the Execu-
tive Branch of Government shall be
marked with the notation shown be-
low. If the classified item does not
lend itself to marking, the recipient
'Whether or not removed from file or storage for any use,
classified material pre-dating January 22, 1973 (date of promul-
gation of this footnote) which is already marked with officially
prescribed additional warning notices which convey in sub-
stance the same meanings as those prescribed in paragraphs
11b(1) thru (4) need not be re-marked.
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DoD 5220.22-M
shall be notified in writing of the
Unauthorized Disclosure Subject to
Criminal Sanctions
(2) RESTRICTED DATA Notation. The
following notation shall be affixed on
all material which contains Atomic
fined in paragraph 3bd. If a document
contains both RESTRICTED DATA
and other classified information, the
following notation shall be placed on
the document instead of that shown in
paragraph (1) above.
This material contains RESTRICT-
ED DATA as defined in the Atomic
Energy Act of 1954. Its dissemination
or disclosure to any unauthorized
person is prohibited:
Classified by : ....................
Notation. All material containing in-
formation in the FORMERLY RE-
STRICTED DATA category as de-
fined in paragraph 3af, but not con-
taining Atomic Energy RESTRICT-
ED DATA, shall be marked with the
following notation instead of that
in paragraph (1):
Unauthorized disclosure subject to
administrative and criminal sanc-
tions. Handle as RESTRICTED
DATA in foreign dissemination. Sec-
tion 144b, Atomic Energy Act 1954.
Classified by : ....................
(4) Sensitive Intelligence Information.
Classified material which contains
sensitive intelligence information will
be marked with the following warning
notice. This warning notice will be
used in addition to, and in conjunc-
tion with, the marking prescribed in
paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) above, as
(5) Notation Concerning Downgrading or
Declassification. Procedures govern-
ing marking for downgrading and
declassification, or exemptions there-
from, are prescribed in Appendix H.
c. Marking of Regraded Documents and
Material. Whenever classified material is
downgraded, declassified or upgraded, the
material shall be promptly and conspicuous-
ly marked to indicate the change, the authori-
ty for the action, the date of the action, the
identify of the person or activity taking the
action, and his operating entity, according to
the following.
Upgraded Material. In every case,
when material is upgraded, all the old
classification markings shall be imme-
diately cancelled and the new mark-
ings entered in accordance with the
notice to upgrade the material. In the
case of documents, the old classifica-
tion markings shall be immediately
cancelled on the outside of the front
cover (if any), the title page (if any),
the first page, the back page, and on
the outside of the back cover (if any),
and the new markings applied. Inside
pages and paragraphs of documents
shall be marked as specified in para-
graph a (1) in accordance with the no-
tice to upgrade.
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(2) Downgraded or Declassified Material.
(a) When the material is down-
graded or declassified in accord-
ance with the ADS or the GDS,
specified in Appendix II, the no-
tations prescribed by Appendix II
constitute the authority for the
downgrading or declassification
action. All the old classification
markings shall be cancelled and
the new markings substituted,
whenever practicable.I In the case
of documents, as a minimum, the
outside of the front cover, if any,
the title page, the first page, the
back page, and the outside of the
back cover, if any, must reflect
the new marking.2 Prints of mo-
tion picture film shall show re-
grading action on leaders at-
tached between the plain leader
and the first title frame. Material
such as negatives, standing type,
proofs, etc., will have a statement
x In the interest of providing quick and efficient service
on requests for classified documents, the following marking
procedures are currently being used by the DDC:
(0 Except as indicated in paragraph (ii) below, documents
which have been downgraded or declassified will only reflect
such action on the front and back covers and the title, first
and back pages. A notice will be affixed to the front cover
or title page of such documents by DDC indicating that it is
the responsibility of the recipient (the contractor who requested
the document) to complete the marking of the regraded docu-
ment in accordance with paragraph lle(2).
(ii) Documents which were originally marked under the
provisions of E.O. 10501 and which contain pages which do not
bear any classification markings, will be marked by DDC prior
to dispatch, with the overall classification of the document
marked on each page, As a result, individual pages of the
document may be assigned a higher classification than war-
ranted by their contents. For this reason, contractors should
direct any questions they may have concerning the classification
of an individual page, chapter, section, etc., to the originator
of the document before extracting or reproducing the informa-
tion. A notation, reading substantially as follows and appearing
on the front cover or title page, will alert contractors to the
above situation : "This is a reproduction of a document, originally
marked under the provisions of E.O. 10501, which, under certain
circumstances, eliminated the requirement that interior pages
be marked with their own individual classification. The DDC
has marked each such page with the current overall classifica-
tion of the document, in addition to the outside front cover
and the outside of the back cover. The document and all of its
pages or parts will be protected in accordance with this
classification until the actual classification can be determined.
Any question by the recipient as to the correct security
classification of any particular portion of the document should
be directed to the originator of the document."
showing the regrading attached
thereto in a manner which will
not alter the re-use of the ma-
terial. The containers or holders
for negatives, film, microfiche,
etc., shall reflect the new mark-
ings, and any hard copy produced
from such materials shall also
reflect the new markings.
(b) When the volume of material is
such that prompt re-marking of
each classified item cannot be
accomplished without unduly in-
terfering with operations, the
custodian may attach downgrad-
ing and declassification notices to
the inside of the file drawer or
other storage container in lieu
of the re-marking otherwise re-
quired. Each such notice shall
specify the authority for the
downgrading or declassification
action, the date of the action, and
the storage container to which it
applies. All re-marking actions
shall be in accordance with para-
graph (a), above. When docu-
ments or other material subject
to downgrading or declassifica-
tion are withdrawn from one
storage container solely for trans-
fer to another, or when a storage
container holding such docu-
ments or material is transferred
from one place to another the
transfer may be made without re-
marking if the notice is attached
to the new container or remains
attached to the old container.
d. Marking of Foreign Classified Material.
Foreign classified material shall be marked
in accordance with instructions received
from the foreign contracting authority, the
cognizant security office, or the User Agency.
In any case, if the classification and the
country of origin are in a language other
than English, the appropriate equivalent
U.S. classification and the country of origin ,
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DoD 5220.22-M
will be marked on the foreign classified ma-
terial. These markings shall be applied to all
classified material developed, produced, or
reproduced by the contractor which is de-
rived from the original foreign classified in-
:formation. Markings shall be applied as
prescribed in paragraph a., above. Addi-
tional markings prescribed in paragraph b.,
above shall not be used. Many foreign gov-
ernments and international organizations,
such as NATO, use a fourth security desig-
nation identified as "RESTRICTED" to de-
note a foreign requirement for security
protection of a lesser degree than CONFI-
rial shall be marked "RESTRICTED" to-
gether with the country of origin and
protected in all respects in the same manner
as U.S. CONFIDENTIAL, except that
foreign RESTRICTED material may be
stored in locked filing cabinets, desks, or
other similar closed spaces which will pre-
vent access by unauthorized persons.
12. Record of Classified Material
a. Accountability Records. The contractor
shall maintain, at one or more control sta-
tions, an accountability record of all TOP
SECRET and SECRET material, and
CRYPTO regardless of classification. The rec-
ord shall include all such classified material
received or produced by, or in the possession
or custody of, the contractor and shall reflect
as a minimum (i) the date of receipt or
origin, (ii) the activity from which received
.or by which originated (iii) the classifica-
tion of the material, (iv) a brief, unclassified
description of the material and (v) the dis-
position of the material and the date there-
of (i.e., destroyed, downgraded to CONFI-
DENTIAL, declassified, dispatched outside
the facility). These records shall be retained
by the contractor for a minimum of 3 years
for TOP SECRET material, Special Access
material, and CRYPTO regardless of classi-
fication ; and for SECRET material for 2
years from the date the last item recorded
thereon was destroyed, downgraded to CON-
FIDENTIAL, declassified, dispatched out-
side the facility or transferred to another
accountability record.
b. Inventory/Accounting of Classified Ma-
terial. When directed by the Commander of
the DCASR, the contractor shall make an
inventory and accounting of all TOP SE-
CRET and SECRET material, and CRYTO
regardless of a classification, and shall sub-
mit a report of all unresolved discrepancies
to the cognizant security office. The inven-
tory and accounting shall consist of the
actual sighting of each item listed in the
accountability records or an examination of
the evidence of its proper disposition (the
receipt, certificate of destruction, authoriza-
tion to terminate from accountability, or
record of downgrading or declassification) ;
and an examination of the contents of all
containers authorized for storage of classi-
fied material to assure that all TOP SE-
CRET and SECRET material, and CRYTO,
regardless of classification, has been entered
into the accountability records.
c. Receipt and Dispatch Records. In addi-
tion to the accountability records required
in paragraph a., above, the contractor shall
maintain a record at one or more control
stations of all non-accountable classified ma-
terial received by or dispatched from the
facility. This record shall reflect as a mini-
mum: (i) the date of receipt or dispatch;
(ii) the activity from which received or to
which dispatched ; (iii) the classification of
the material; and (iv) a brief, unclassified
description of the material. These records
shall be retained by the contractor for a
minimum of 2 years from the date of the
last entry. However, if the contractor com-
bines this record of receipt and dispatch
with the accountability records prescribed
in paragraph a., above, for TOP SECRET
material, Special Access material, and
CRYPTO, regardless of classification, the
3-year retention period shall apply.
d. Control Station Personnel. Employees
designated by the contractor to operate a
control station shall be cleared at the same
level as the facility at which they are as-
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DoD 5220.22-M
signed, except that such personnel will be
required to have a TOP SECRET clearance
only if the person's duties afford him access
to or possession or custody of TOP SECRET
e. Receipt of Classified Material. When
classified material is received at the faculty,
either by mail, bulk shipment or messenger,
the following controls shall apply :
(1) All classified material shall be de-
livered unopened to personnel desig-
nated by the contractor to receive it
at the control station(s). In addition,
when U.S. Registered Mail, U.S. Ex-
press Mail or U.S. Certified Mail or
classified material delivered by mes-
senger is not received directly by the
designated control station personnel,
procedures shall be established to as-
sure that such mail is received by ap-
propriately cleared and authorized
personnel, for delivery with the inner
container unopened to the control sta-
tions (s). In effect, all contractor per-
sonnel who handle U.S. Registered
Mail, U.S. Express Mail, or U.S. Cer-
tified Mail shall be appropriately
(2) The package shall be examined for
any evidence of tampering and the
classified contents shall be checked
against the receipt. Evidence of tam-
pering shall be reported immediately
to the cognizant security office in ac-
cordance with paragraph 6a(11).
Discrepancies in the contents of a
package or absence of a receipt for
TOP SECRET or SECRET material,
and CRYPTO, regardless of classifica-
tion, shall be reported immediately to
the sender. If the shipment is in order,
the receipt shall be signed and re-
turned to the sender. For purposes of
positive identification, the name of
the employee signing the receipt shall
be printed, stamped, or typed on the
receipt. In those special cases where
the sender elects to include a receipt
form with CONFIDENTIAL mate-
rial, the receiver shall execute the re-
ceipt and return it to the sender if the
contents of the package are in order.
f. Production of Classified Material. When
a contractor produces TOP SECRET or SE-
CRET material and CRYPTO, regardless of
classification, accountability shall be estab-
lished, as follows :
(1) TOP SECRET Documents and CRYP-
TO Documents, Regardless of Classi-
fication. Such documents shall be
entered into the control station ac-
countability records when the first of
any of the following events occurs:
the document is retained after the
next successive stage in its develop-
ment is completed (e.g., notes con-
verted to draft, final draft placed on
masters, photographic prints de-
veloped from negatives, etc.) ; the
document, including classified working
papers, drafts, etc., is retained for
more than 30 days from the date
of origination ; the document is re-
produced for internal purposes (e.g.,
draft review, coordination) prior to
preparation of final copy ; or the docu-
ment, regardless of stage of develop-
ment, is transmitted outside of the
facility on a temporary or permanent
(2) SECRET Documents. Such documents
shall be entered into the control sta-
tion accountability records when the
first of any of the following events
occurs : the document is retained as a
completed document (including work-
ing papers) in excess of 30 days from
the date of completion ; the document
is reproduced for internal purposes;
the document is retained as a partially
completed document on discontinuance
of the work; or the document, regard-
less of stage of development, is trans-
mitted outside of the facility on a tem-
porary or permanent basis.
(3) Other Material. TOP SECRET and
SECRET material, and CRYPTO, re-
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gardless of classification, in other
than documentary form, shall be en-
tered into the control station account-
ability records when the first of any
of the following events occurs: the
material reaches the final stage in the
fabrication or manufacturing proc-
ess ; the material is retained for more
than 30 days from the date of origi-
nation; or the material, regardless of
stage of development, is transmitted
outside of the facility on a temporary
or permanent basis.
(4) Incorporation of Classified Material.
When a classified document or other
material is joined to, incorporated in
or otherwise made a part of another
classified document or item of ma-
terial, accountability for the incor-
porated document or item of material
shall be terminated and accountability
for the document or item of material
in which it was incorporated shall be
established. The control station rec-
ords shall be posted accordingly.
Similarly, when a classified document
is disassembled for the purpose of
creating a new document or an item
of material is removed from a classi-
fied assembly or end item (e.g., for
testing, replacement), accountability
for the new material, if classified,
shall be established or adjusted as ap-
propriate in the control station ac-
countability records and the account-
ability for the basic document or end
item shall be terminated provided the
residue is unclassified.
g. Dispatch of Classified Material. When
classified material is to be dispatched from
the facility, the following shall apply :
(1) The proposed transmittal shall be ex-
amined to insure compliance with the
preparation for transmission require-
ments of paragraph 17.
(2) Receipts, when required by para-
graph 17, shall identify the classified
contents, the control station, and the
name and address of both sending and
receiving facilities. Receipts shall not
contain classified information. A short
title or abbreviation shall be substi-
tuted for a classified title.
(3) A duplicate copy of the receipt shall
be retained in a suspense file until the
signed copy is returned. A suspense
date (normally not to exceed 30 days)
shall be established, and follow-up
action shall be initiated if the signed
receipt is not received within that
period. If after the follow-up action
a signed receipt is not returned or
the addressee indicates nonreceipt of
the classified material, an inquiry
shall be conducted in accordance with
paragraph 7. Copies of signed receipts
for classified material shall be re-
tained at the control station for a
minimum of 2 years.
h. Termination of Accountability.
(1) Upon notice from the cognizant se-
curity office that accountabilty may
be terminated for classified material
determined to be lost after completion
of the inquiries prescribed in para-
graph 7, the contractor shall annotate
the accountability records to show the
date, reason and authority for termi-
nating accountability for the lost ma-
(2) If the location or disposition of the
material should subsequently be de-
termined, the contractor shall immedi-
ately submit a report to the cognizant
security office in accordance with par-
agraph 6a (15) , and shall reestablish
accountability for, or indicate correct
disposition of, the material on the
control station accountability records.
13. Special Requirements for
a. It is mandatory that an up-to-date rec-
ord be maintained of all persons who are af-
forded access to TOP SECRET information.
Pars y RR,, 13 45
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A record shall be maintained which identifies
each item of TOP SECRET material, and
which shows the names of all individuals
given access to the item and the date (or in-
clusive dates) on which access by each in-
dividual occurred. In the case of employees
whose duties require knowledge of the com-
bination of containers of TOP SECRET ma-
terial, the record need only identify the ma-
terial, the employee(s), and the period of
time during which access was available. Such
records shall be retained in the appropriate
control station for a period of 3 years from
the date the material was destroyed, dis-
patched outside the facility, declassified or
downgraded. This record requirement also
shall apply to those employees to whom the
contractor affords visual or aural access to
TOP SECRET information.
b. The number of persons afforded access
to TOP SECRET information shall be kept
to an absolute minimum, and each person
shall be individually warned against disclos-
ing such information to persons whose duties
do not require knowledge thereof.
c. The dissemination of TOP SECRET in-
formation should be effected orally whenever
practicable, without the physical transmittal
of material.
d. The transmittal of TOP SECRET ma-
terial shall be covered by a continuous re-
ceipt system both within and outside of the
e. Each copy of a TOP SECRET document
shall be numbered in series. The copy num-
ber shall be placed on accountability records
and on the distribution record and receipt
for each TOP SECRET document trans-
f. Only designated employees in the con-
trol station, cleared for access to TOP SE-
CRET information, shall open incoming
TOP SECRET transmittals. Deliveries of
TOP SECRET material within the facility
shall be accomplished in accordance with
paragraph 17f.
g. An annual inventory and accounting of
all TOP SECRET material shall be con-
ducted in the manner prescribed by para-
graph 12b.
h. TOP SECRET material shall be repro-
duced only with the prior written authoriza-
tion of the contracting officer (see paragraph
i. Transmission of TOP SECRET material
outside of the facility requires the written
authorization of the contracting officer (see
paragraph 17b).
j. Written approval of the contracting of-
ficer is required before disclosing TOP SE-
CRET information to a subcontractor, ven-
dor or supplier (see paragraph 59a).
14. Storage
a. Containers. The contractor shall not be
eligible to receive, nor have possession of,
classified material until he has adequate stor-
age at his cleared facility. Classified material
when not in actual use and safeguarded as
prescribed in paragraph 16, shall be stored
as follows:
(1) TOP SECRET-Cabinets and
Vaults. When not in use, TOP SE-
CRET material shall be stored in a
security filing cabinet originally
procured from an FSS supplier, S 4
and bearing a GSA Test Certificate
Label or in a Class A vault con-
structed in accordance with the spe-
cifications outlined in Appendix
I Cabinets, contractors, and prices are listed in the FSS
(FSC Group 71-Part XI of the GSA, Federal Supply Service).
Copies of specifications and schedules may be obtained from
any regional office of the GSA.
k Security file cabinets conforming to Federal specifications
bear a Test Certification Label on the locking drawer attesting
to the security capabilities of the cabinet and lock, Such cabinets
manufactured after February 1962 will also be marked "General
Services Administration Approved Security Container" on the
outside of the top drawer. Acceptable tests of the cabinets shall
be performed only by a testing facility specifically approved by
5 When authorized vaults or strongrooms are used for the
storage of classified material, bin or shelf storage methods
may be employed inside the vault or strongroom. In addition,
any type of file cabinet or locking container may be used in
the vault or strongroom to provide internal control over dis.
semination of the classified information.
46 p~~~ 1
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(2) TOP SECRET-Supplemental Con-
trols. In addition to the cabinets and
vaults specified in paragraph (1)
above, during nonworking hours the
following area controls are re-
quired : 6
(a) Entry to the room, building, or
structure in which the contain-
er is located shall be controlled
by a properly cleared, author-
ized employee or guard sta-
tioned so as to control admit-
tance to the room, building or
structure, or by a lock which
provides reasonable protection
against surreptitious entry;
(b) For the purpose of detecting
unauthorized personnel or at-
tempted illegal entry to the
container, the interior of the
room, building or structure
(whichever is controlled in ac-
cordance with paragraph (a)
above) in which the container
is located shall be patrolled
and each container inspected at
least once during each 2-hour
period by a guard, one of whose
principal duties is safeguard-
ing classified information, and
who is supervised by a system
which provides a written rec-
ord of the coverage of key
points within the area; or
Working hours shall, for purposes of this paragraph, be
considered as that period of time when-lie there is present
in the specific area in which a container is located, a work
force on a regularly scheduled shift, as contrasted with em-
ployees working within an area on an overtime basis outside
of the scheduled work shift ; and (ii) the number of employees
in the scheduled work force is sufficient in number and so
positioned as to be able to detect and challenge the presence
of unauthorized personnel. This would, therefore, exclude
custodians, maintenance personnel and other individuals whose
duties require movement throughout the facility.
7 The keepers of the steel lock bar shall be secured to the
cabinet by welding, rivets, or bolts so that it cannot be
removed and replaced without leaving evidence of the entry.
The drawers of the container shall be held securely so that
their contents cannot be removed by forcing open the drawer.
(c) The room, building or struc-
ture in which the container is
located, or the container itself,
shall be equipped with an
alarm system as prescribed in
paragraph 35 and response
time to an activated alarm shall
not exceed 15 minutes.
(3) SECRET-Cabinets and Vaults.
When not in use, SECRET mate-
rial shall be stored in a cabinet or
vault authorized for the storage of
TOP SECRET or in a security cab-
inet or vault specified in para-
graphs (a) through (g) below.
(a) A filing cabinet originally pro-
cured from an FSS supplier
and bearing a GSA Test Cer-
tification Label.`
(b) A Class B vault constructed in
accordance with specifications
outlined in Appendix IV.5
(c) A safe, steel file cabinet or
safe-type steel file container
having an automatic unit
locking mechanism and a
built-in three-position, dial-
type, changeable combination
(d) A steel file cabinet secured by
a steel bar 7 and a three-posi-
tion, dial-type, changeable
combination padlock, listed on
the GSA Qualified Products List
as meeting the requirements of
Federal Specifications FF-P-
1.10. Non-FSS three-position
dial-type changeable combina-
tion padlocks in use at the
present time may remain in
use until replacement is neces-
sary or additional padlocks are
(e) A Class C vault constructed in
accordance with the specifica-
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tions outlined in Appendix
(f) Other vaults and strongrooms,
provided the vault or strong-
room is under surveillance by
a regularly scheduled hourly
guard patrol or is equipped
with an alarm system as pre-
scribed in paragraph 35, and
the response time to an acti-
vated alarm shall not exceed
15 minutes.-5 (See paragraph
F, Appendix IV, for construc-
tion criteria.)
(g) A steel container in a desk
pedestal which encloses the
drawer on five sides and is
riveted or bolted to the desk,
provided the drawer is secured
by a steel bar and a three-
position, dial-type, changeable
combination padlock.'
(4) SECRET-Supplemental Controls.
In addition to the cabinets and
vaults specified in paragraphs (3)
(c), (d), (e) and (g) above, dur-
ing nonworking hours the follow-
ing area controls are required:
(a) Entry to the room, building or
structure in which the contain-
er is located shall be controlled
by a properly cleared, author-
ized employee or guard sta-
tioned so as to control admit-
tance to the room, building or
structure; or by a lock which
provides reasonable protection
against surreptitious entry; or
by a properly cleared guard
stationed at each unsecured
perimeter entrance to a com-
plex 8 which is enclosed by a
" A complex is a facility or any element thereof which
consists of one or more buildings or structures physically
enclosed within a common perimeter barrier supplemented by
protective measures which prevent unauthorized access and
control authorized access.
physical barrier, and provided
further that the area is pa-
trolled adequately to provide
reasonable opportunity to de-
tect unauthorized personnel;
(b) For the purpose of detecting
unauthorized personnel or at-
tempted illegal entry into the
room, building, or structure
(whichever is controlled in ac-
cordance with paragraph (a)
above) in which the container
is located shall be patrolled at
least once during each 4-hour
period by a properly cleared,
authorized employee (fire pa-
trolman, guard, etc.) one of
whose duties is safeguarding
classified information and who
is supervised by a system
which provides a written rec-
ord of the coverage of key
points within the area ; or
(c) The room, building or struc-
ture, in which the container is
located ; or the container itself,
shall be equipped with an
alarm system as prescribed in
paragraph 35, and the response
time to an activated alarm shall
not exceed 15 minutes.
(5) CONFIDENTIAL-Cabinets and
Vaults. When not in use, CONFI-
DENTIAL material shall be stored
in the same manner as TOP SEC-
RET or SECRET material; how-
ever, supplemental controls are not
b. Bulky Material. When it is impractical
to store classified material because of its na-
ture, size or unique charactertistics in ac-
cordance with paragraph a, above, the con-
tractor shall safeguard such material by
control of the area in which it is located, to
the extent required by Section IV.
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c. Supervision of Storage Container. Only
a minimum number of authorized persons
shall possess the combinations to the storage
containers or have access to the information
stored therein. To facilitate investigation of
a container found open and unattended, a
record shall be maintained of the names and
addresses of persons having knowledge of
the combination. Cabinets, vaults and other
containers in which classified material is
stored shall be kept locked when not under
the direct supervision of an authorized per-
son entrusted with the combination or the
contents. In the case of one-person facilities,
the management official shall inform the
cognizant security office of the combination
of the container. The combination shall be
classified in accordance with paragraph 5i,
shall be placed in a sealed envelope marked
"to be opened upon death or incapacitation
of (name of management official)", and
shall be transmitted to the cognizant secur-
ity office in accordance with paragraph 17.
In addition, conspicuously displayed on the
outside of the container shall be a notice to
contact the cognizant security office prior to
opening or moving the container. This no-
tice shall contain the mailing address of and
an appropriate telephone number at the cog-
nizant security office. The above provisions
pertaining to one-person facilities do not
apply to cleared one-person facilities of a
multiple facility organization. For such fa-
cilities provisions should. be made in the
home office SPP for affixing an appropriate
notice on the outside of the cabinet, and for
furnishing the combination to the facility
security supervisor of the home office facility
who shall be identified as the official to con-
tact rather than the cognizant security office.
d. Protection During Nonworking Hours.
Unless specified in a User Agency contract,
a contractor shall not be required to estab-
lish additional controls over classified ma-
terial stored in accordance with paragraph
a, above.
e. Removal to Residence. Although the
contractor may have provided for adequate
storage facilities at the respective residences
of his officers, directors, and other employ-
ees, removal of classified materials to such
dwellings for "after hours" work as a con-
venience to such persons is not authorized.
These facilities, providing they meet the
requirements of this Manual, may be utilized
for temporary storage purposes only in con-
nection with authorized travel when the
individual, in order to accomplish the ob-
jectives of the trip, is authorized to carry
classified material as prescribed in para-
graph 17h, or in other cases of necessity
upon approval by an official of the facility
who was cleared in connection with the
granting of the facility security clearance.
In no case will TOP SECRET material be
removed to a private residence without (i)
the written authorization of the contracting
officer in accordance with paragraph 17b,
and (ii) approval of the cognizant security
office as to the security controls to be main-
tained over the TOP SECRET material
while it remains outside of the facility.
f. Repair of Damaged Security File Cabi-
nets. Neutralization of lockouts or repair of
any damage which affects the integrity of a
security file cabinet approved for storage of
classified information shall be accomplished
only by appropriately cleared or continu-
ously escorted personnel specifically trained
in approved methods of maintenance, neu-
tralization of lockouts, and repair of per-
(1) A GSA-approved security file cab-
inet is considered to have been re-
stored to its original state of secur-
ity integrity if-
(a) All damaged or altered parts
(e.g., locking drawer, drawer
head, etc.) are replaced with
manufacturer's replacement or
identical cannibalized parts,
(b) When a container has been
drilled immediately adjacent to
or through the dial ring to neu-
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Dod 5220.22-M
tralize a lockout, the replace-
ment lock is equal to the origi-
nal equipment and the drilled
hole is repaired with a tapered
case-hardened steel rod (e.g.,
dowel, drill bit, etc.) with a di-
ameter slightly larger than the
hole, and of such a length that
when driven into the hole there
shall remain at each end of the
rod a shallow recess of not less
than 1/8" nor more than 3/16"
deep to permit the acceptance
of substantial welds, and be
welded both on the inside and
outside surfaces. The outside of
the drawerhead shall then be
puttied, sanded, and repainted
in such a way that no visible
evidence of the hole or its re-
pair remains on the outer sur-
face after replacement of the
damaged parts (e.g., new lock).
(2) If damage to a GSA-approved or
other approved security file cabinet
is repaired with welds, rivets, or
bolts which cannot be removed and
replaced without leaving evidence
of entry, the cabinet thereafter
may be used for the storage of
CONFIDENTIAL material or SE-
CRET material with supplemental
controls as outlined in paragraph
14(a)4. If the damage is repaired
using methods other than those
specified in paragraph (1), above,
and herein, use of the cabinet will
be limited to unclassified material.
g. Damage to Approved File Cabinets.4 A
list shall be maintained by the facility se-
curity supervisor of all approved file cabi-
nets which have sustained damage other
than normal. marring or scratching from
use. Each cabinet listed shall be identified
by giving its location and a description of
the damage. There shall also be on file a
signed and dated certification provided by
the repairer setting forth the method of re-
pair used. The list and certification shall be
retained for the life of the file cabinet and
shall be available for review during recur-
ring security inspections. Each such cabinet
shall have a label posted on the inside of
the top drawer to indicate the highest cate-
gory of classified material which may be
stored therein. If the damage affects the in-
tegrity of a GSA-approved cabinet, the GSA
Approved Security Container label and the
GSA Test Certification label shall be re-
moved. However, these labels may be re-
tained by the facility security supervisor for
a period of 30 days for those GSA-approved
cabinets designated for repair to restore
their original integrity. If integrity is not
restored within 30 days, the labels shall be
destroyed. When a GSA-approved cabinet is
repaired in accordance with-
(1) Paragraph f (1) (a), above, the re-
placement locking drawer will have
its GSA Test Certification label af-
fixed. In this case the retained GSA
Approved Security Container label
shall be affixed to the outside of the
top drawer and the retained GSA
Test Certification label shall be de-
stroyed, or
(2) Paragraph f (1) (b), above, the re-
tained GSA Approved Security
Container label shall be affixed to
the outside of the top drawer, and
the GSA Test Certification label
shall be affixed to the inside of the
locking drawer.
15. Alternate Storage Locations
a. General. Material classified no higher
than SECRET, requiring protection in the
interest of national defense and essential to
continuity of production operations, may be
duplicated and stored in an alternate loca-
tion, provided the contracting officer ap-
proves the use of such storage for infor-
mation pertaining to the contract. The
provisions of Section VI shall apply to the
50 Pars. 14 & 15
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procurement of this service. Acceptable al-
ternate storage locations are cleared facili-
ties of: (i) a parent, a subsidiary or another
facility of a multiple facility organization;
(ii) a bank offering safe deposit box/vault
,facilities; or (iii) a company providing a
protective storage service.
b. Security Clearance Requirements. The
alternate storage location shall be a cleared
facility. Personnel security clearance re-
quirements will depend upon the type of
service provided. Where the alternate stor-
age facility is required to provide both
secure storage and other services requiring
access to the classified information, person-
nel security clearances are required for
employees whose duties will involve access
to the classified material or responsibility for
providing security protection for the classi-
fied material. When the facility is to provide
only secure storage space, personnel secur-
ity clearances are required only for those
personnel whose duties involve responsibility
for security protection of the classified
c. Records. When the alternate storage
facility provides both secure storage and file
service for the classified information, all of
the security requirements prescribed in this
Manual shall apply. When the alternate
storage facility provides only secure storage
service, accountability for the alternate files
shall be maintained on a separate record by
the facility which deposits the material.
d. Containers. When the services, of a
bank are utilized, safe deposit boxes will be
considered the equivalent to the FSS se-
curity cabinets provided the prime contrac-
(1) Controls the keys to the safe de-
posit box in the same manner that
combinations to storage contain-
ers are safeguarded in accordance
with paragraph 5i;
(2) Utilizes only cleared employees
whose signatures are on file with
the bank to deposit and remove
classified material ; and
(3) Insures that established proce-
dures preclude access to the classi-
fied information by employees of
the bank.
16. Safeguards During Use
Classified materials, when not safe-
guarded as provided for in paragraphs 14a
or b, or 34, and when in actual use by au-
thorized personnel, shall be protected as
follows :
a. Kept under the constant surveillance of
an authorized person, who is in a physical
position to exercise direct security controls
over the material.
b. Covered, turned face down, placed in
storage containers, or otherwise protected,
when unauthorized persons are present.
c. Returned to storage containers as soon
as practicable after use.
17. Transmission
a. Preparation for Transmission of TOP
Outside of a Facility. TOP SE-
T1:AL material to be transmitted
outside of a facility shall be en-
closed in opaque inner and outer
containers, except as provided for
in paragraph (b), (c) or (d) below.
If the classified material is printed
or written, and is of such size as to
permit the use of envelopes for
wrapping, the classified informa-
tion shall be protected from direct
contact with the inner container
17 51
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by a cover sheet or by folding in-
ward. Except as indicated in para-
graph (e) below, the inner con-
tainer shall be addressed, return
addressed, carefully sealed and
shall be plainly and conspicuously
marked with the classification of
the contents and, if appropriate,
with the notations required by
paragraphs 11b(2) and 88a. The
outer container shall be addressed,
return addressed, and carefully
sealed with no marking or nota-
tions to indicate that the contents
are classified. If the outer contain-
er is not sufficiently opaque to pre-
vent the classification markings on
the inner cover from being visible,
the inner container shall be wrap-
ped with sufficient paper to con-
ceal the markings. If the classified
material is of a size, bulk, weight
or nature which precludes wrap-
ping as described above, materials
used for the packaging shall be of
such strength and durability as to
provide protection while in transit.
To prevent items from breaking
out and to facilitate the detection
of tampering with the container,
the following will be used, when-
ever practical: seals, kraft paper,
kraft tape laminated with asphalt
and containing rayon fibers (snake
type) or nylon sensitive tape,
puncture resistant material ; wire
mesh or other knife-slash resistant
material. As long as the material
is enclosed in a double container,
the material may be wrapped or
boxed in paper, wood, metal, or a
combination thereof. When trans-
mitting TOP SECRET and SE-
CRET material the inner contain-
er shall contain a receipt form
which identifies the addressor, the
addressee, and the contents by un-
classified or short title. Where this
is not practical, the receipt shall be
sent to the proposed recipient with
the advance notice of shipment re-
quired by paragraphs c(5) (c) and
d(3) (d) below, or be handcarried
by a responsible employee design-
nated to accompany the classified
shipment to its destination. When
transmitting CONFIDENTIAL
material a receipt form will be
enclosed only when the sender
deems it necessary. Special provi-
sions for the packaging of classi-
fied material are :
(a) The transmission of written
materials of different classifi-
cations, for example, the in-
and unclassified with SE-
CRET, in a single package
should be avoided. However,
when written materials of dif-
ferent classifications are trans-
mitted in one package, they
shall be wrapped in a single
inner envelope or container,
and the receipt required by
paragraph (1), above, shall
be enclosed. The inner envelope
or container shall be marked
with the highest classification
of its contents.
(b) If the classified material is an
internal component of a pack-
ageable item of equipment with
an outside shell or body which
is not classified and which
completely shields the classi-
fied aspects of the item from
view, the shell or body may be
considered as the inner con-
(c) If the classified material is an
inaccessible internal compo-
nent of a bulky item of equip-
ment that is not reasonably
packageable, such as a missile,
the outside shell or body of the
item may be considered as the
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outer container provided the
shell or body is not classified.
(d) If the classified material is an
item of equipment that is not
reasonably packageable and
the shell or body is classified,
it shall be draped with an
opaque covering that will con-
ceal all classified features.
Such coverings must be capa-
ble of being secured so as to
prevent inadvertent exposure
of the item.
(e) Specialized shipping contain-
ers, including closed cargo
transporters may be used in
lieu of the above packaging
requirements. In such cases
the container may be consid-
ered to constitute the outer
(f) The address may be omitted
from the inner and outer con-
tainer for shipment in full
truckload lots, when such an
exception is contained in the
provisions of the contract. The
ASPR requires that complete
consignment and marking in-
structions, to the extent known
at the time the contract is
awarded, be included in the
contract to assist in insuring
delivery of items to proper
destinations without delay. It
further requires that addition-
al consignment instructions be
furnished to the contractor as
soon as they become known.
Under no circumstances will
the outer container or the
shipping document attached to
the outer container reflect the
classification of the contents
or the fact that the contents
are classified.
(2) Additional Requirements for SE-
CRET Material to be Shipped by
Commercial Carrier.? SECRET ma-
terial to be transmitted outside a
facility by commercial carrier shall
be prepared for transmission to af-
ford additional protection against
pilferage, theft and/or compromise.
Specific provisions for shipment of
SECRET material are :
(a) Except as authorized in para-
graph 17a(1), SECRET mate-
rial shall be shipped in hard-
ened containers (see para-
graph 3ah) unless specifically
authorized otherwise by the
contracting officer or his desig-
nated representative.
(b) The outer container shall be
plainly and conspicuously
marked, labeled or tagged with
the words "Protective Secur-
ity Service Required" (see
paragraph 3ax).
(c) Carrier equipment shall be
sealed by the shipper or at his
direction when there is a full
carload, a full truckload, ex-
clusive use of the vehicle, or a
closed and locked compartment
of the carrier's equipment is
used. The seals shall be num-
bered and the number indi-
cated on all copies of the BL.
When seals are used, the BL
shall be annotated substantial-
ly as follows :
? Commercial carriers have been issued additional instructions
by a separate Supplement which is also applicable to their
responsibilities for transmission of SECRET controlled ship-
Par. 17
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in accordance with the instructions of the
contracting officer, (iii) by electrical means
in a CRYPTO system approved for encryp-
tion of TOP SECRET information. Under
no circumstances shall TOP SECRET mate-
rial be transmitted through the U.S. or com-
pany mail channels.
(d) The notation "Protective Se-
curity Service Required" 11)
shall be reflected on all copies of
the BL. The BLs will be main-
tained in a suspense file to fol-
low up on overdue or delayed
(3) Within a Facility. TOP SECRET,
material shall be prepared for
transmission within a facility in
such manner as to insure a degree
of security protection adequate for
the method of transmission to be
used, using guidance contained in
paragraph (1) above. Double cov-
ering of the material is not re-
quired for intraplant transmission.
However, in all cases, adequate
measures shall be taken to protect
against unauthorized disclosure of
classified information.
b. Method of Transmission of TOP SE-
CRET Material Outside a Facility. When a
contractor is authorized in writing, by the
contracting officer or his designated repre-
sentative, TOP SECRET material may be
transmitted by: (i) specifically designated
escort or courier cleared for access to TOP
SECRET information (military, U.S. civil-
ian employee, or a responsible employee
designated by the contractor, except that the
contractor employee shall not carry classi-
fied material across international bounda-
ries) ; (ii) Armed Forces Courier Service
10 In such cases the SECRET shipment shall be routed via
a cleared commercial carrier under a tariff, tender or contract
that provides Protective Security Service in accordance with
the Carrier Supplement to this Manual.
c, Method of Transmission of SECRET
Material Outside a Facility. SECRET mate-
rial shall be transmitted by one of the fol-
lowing means within and between the U.S.,
Puerto Rico, Panama Canal Zone or a U.S.
possession or trust territory :
(1) One of the means established for
(2) By U.S. Registered Mail, including
U.S. Registered Airmail, through
U.S. civil postal facilities or Army,
Navy or Air Force postal facilities.
However, U.S. Registered Mail
destined for activities located in
the Panama Canal Zone must be
routed only via the military postal
system. Addresses may be obtained
from the DoD Activity Address
Directory, DoD 4000.25-D (a ref-
erence copy is located at the cogni-
zant security office), or from the
ACO/PCO. A copy of DoD 4000.25-
D may also be purchased from the
(3) Appropriately cleared employees of
the contractor, who have been des-
ignated and briefed in their re-
sponsibilities as couriers or escorts
for protecting the SECRET mate-
rial. When such couriers or escorts
are utilized, the classified material
remains under the constant cus-
tody and protection of the contrac-
tor personnel at all times and the
commercial transportation service
(ship, rail, air or truck) is not re-
quired to have a facility security
clearance. Escorts or couriers shall
always accompany shipments when
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rail or ship transportation is in-
volved (see Appendix X for use
of escorts for classified shipments
and Appendix XI for hand carrying
of classified documents aboard com-
mercial passenger aircraft).
(4) By electrical means over approved
CRYPTOGRAPHIC communication
circuits (telephone, wire, radio or
an intercommunication system),
including computer data, but only
with the prior written approval and
in accordance with the instructions
of the contracting officer.
(5) By commercial carriers1' (air or
surface) only when the size, bulk,
weight, nature of the shipment,
shipping costs or escort considera-
tions make the use of the foregoing
methods impractical. Only qualified
carriers (see paragraph Say) will
be used for the transmission of
SECRET material. When the serv-
ices of a commercial carrier are
required, the contractor, as con-
signor shall:
(a) Utilize a qualified carrier se-
lected by the Government that
will provide a single line serv-
ice from point of origin to
destination, when such service
is available, or by such trans-
shipping procedures as may be
specified by the Government,
(b) Request routing instructions,
including designation of a
qualified carrier, from the con-
tracting officer or designated
representative (normally the
Government transportation of-
ficer). The request shall speci-
11 Commercial carriers may be used only within and between
the 48 contiguous States and the District of Columbia or wholly
within Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Panama Canal Zone or a
U.S. possession or trust territory.
fy that the routing instruc-
tions are required for the ship-
ment of SECRET material via
Protective Security Service
(Do Not Abbreviate) and in-
clude the point of origin and
point of destination, or
(c) As an exception to the general
requirements enunciated above,
if time is of the essence and
the total shipment weighs less
than 200 pounds gross, the
contractor, as consignor, may
make arrangements directly
with a cleared commercial car-
rier to provide Protective Se-
curity Service for the trans-
porting of the SECRET ship-
ment when a CBL is to be used.
This exception may not be util-
ized for COMSEC or SENSI-,-
FORMATION material without
the approval of the PCO. Under
this exception the contractor
must specify to the commercial
carrier that SECRET material
is to be shipped and that Pro-
tective Security Service is re-
quired. The points of origin
and destination must also be
provided. Verification of the
clearance of the commercial
carrier and the fact that it pro-
vides Protective Security Serv-
ice is to be obtained from the
cognizant security office of the
home office of the carrier prior
to release of any classified ma-
terial, and
(d) Notify the consignee (includ-
ing Government transship-
ping activity) of the nature of
the shipment, the means of
shipment, numbers of the seals,
if used, and the anticipated
time and date of arrival by
separate communication at
Par. 17 55
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least 24 hours in advance, (or
immediately upon dispatch if
transit time is less than 24
hours) of the arrival of the
shipment, in order that the
consignee may take appropri-
ate steps to receive and pro-
tect the shipment. Request the
consignee (including a military
transshipping activity) to noti-
fy the consignor of any ship-
ment not received within 48
hours after the estimated time
of arrival indicated by the
consignor. In addition, the con-
signor shall annotate the BL
to require the carrier to pro-
vide immediate notice to the
consignor of any delay en
route, regardless of the reason
of delay. Upon receipt of either
the consignor immediately shall
request the carrier to trace the
shipment and shall notify his
cognizant security office in ac-
cordance with paragraph 6a
(10) of the delay in the de-
livery of the classified material
and the circumstances as
known to the consignor. Sub-
sequent developments concern-
ing the delayed shipment shall
also be reported to the cog-
nizant security office. A copy
of the report shall also be sub-
mitted to the contracting officer
concerned or his designated
representative. The consignee,
consignor and carrier are re-
quired to take similar inquiry
and reporting action if a ship-
ment is received with broken
seals or the numbers on the
seals do not match those on the
advance notice of shipment.
(6) By such other methods directed
through specific instructions from
the contracting officer or his desig-
nated representative because of spe-
cial considerations or the nature of
the shipment (e.g., explosives, high
priority items, "nuclear weapons or
direct shipments between military
installations) .12
d. Method of Transmission of CONFI-
DENTIAL Material Outside a Facility. 1.2
Such material shall be transmitted by one of
the following means within and between the
U.S., Puerto Rico, Panama Canal Zone or a
U.S. possession or trust territory :
(1) One of the means established for
SECRET in paragraphs c(1), (2),
(3), (4) and (6) above.h1
(2) U.S. Express Mail13 or U.S. Certified
Mail for CONFIDENTIAL material.
However, U.S. Registered Mail shall
be used for transmittal of such ma-
terial between any of the following
points : the CONUS, Alaska, Hawaii,
Puerto Rico, Panama Canal Zone, or
a U.S. possession or trust territory.
In addition, U.S. Registered Mail
destined for and between activities
located in the Panama Canal Zone
must be routed only via Army, Navy
or Air Force postal facilities. Ad-
dresses may be obtained from the
DOD Activity Address Directory, DOD
4000.25-D (a reference copy is located
at the cognizant security office), or
from the ACO/PCO. A copy of the
DOD 4000.25-D may be purchased
from the GPO.
(3) By commercial carrier" (air or sur-
face) only when the size, bulk, weight,
11 When a shipment by truck is contemplated for classified CM
(CONFIDENTIAL or SECRET), the contracting officer will
issue specific shipping instructions requiring a driver holding a
final SECRET clearance in addition to the military escort
normally provided for such shipments.
13 U.S. Express Mail is a premium mail service consisting of
both programmed and regular service. The service is intended
for, but not limited to, use by the business mailer or other large
volume user of"the mails. The service is a high-speed intercity
delivery system that usually can negate the requirement to hand
carry CONFIDENTIAL material in cases of short notice. Ad-
ditional information is available through a local postal Customer
Service Representative regarding the specific options which are
56 p
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nature of the shipment, shipping costs
or escort considerations make the use
of the foregoing methods impractical.
The commercial carrier must be au-
thorized by law, regulatory body or
regulation to provide the required
transportation service and a determi-
nation must be made by MTMC that
the carrier has a tariff, Government
tender, agreement or contract which
provides a Signature Security Serv-
ice. A facility security clearance is
not a requirement. The foregoing in-
formation may be obtained from the
contracting officer or his designated
representative. In addition to the
aforementioned coordination with the
contracting officer or his designated
representative, the contractor, as con-
signor shall:
(a) Utilize containers o f s u c h
strength and durability as to
provide security protection to
prevent items from breaking out
of the container and to facilitate
the detection of any tampering
with the container while in
(b) Indicate on the BL "Signature
Security Service Required." In
addition, the consignor shall
annotate the BL to require the
carrier to notify the consignor
immediately if the shipment is
delayed en route for any reason.
(c) Instruct the carrier to ship
packages weighing less than 200
pounds gross in a closed vehicle
or a closed portion of the car-
rier's equipment.
(d) Notify the consignee (including
a Government transshipping ac-
tivity) of the nature of the ship-
ment, the means of shipment and
the anticipated date and time of
arrival, by separate communica-
tion at least 24 hours in advance
(or immediately upon dispatch
if transit time is less than 24
hours) of the arrival of the ship-
ment in order that the consignee
may take appropriate steps to
receive and protect the shipment.
Request the consignee (including
a military transshipping activity)
to notify the consignor of any
shipment not received within 48
hours after the estimated time of
arrival indicated by the consig-
nor. Upon receipt of such notice,
the consignor immediately shall
request the carrier to trace the
shipment and shall notify his cog-
nizant security office in accord-
ance with paragraph 6a(10) of
the delay in the delivery of the
classified material and the cir-
cumstances as known to the con-
signor. Subsequent developments
concerning the delayed shipment
shall also be reported to the cog-
nizant security office. A copy of
the report shall also be submitted
to the contracting officer con-
cerned or his designated repre-
sentative for forwarding to
e. Method of Transmission of SECRET
and CONFIDENTIAL Material Outside
of Areas Enumerated in Paragraphs 17c
terial shall be transmitted only under the
provisions of the contract or with the writ-
ten auhorization of the contracting officer.
However, when the classified material had
previously been authorized for export under
a State Department license or letter, the
contractor shall notify the contracting officer
of the classified material to be transmitted
outside of the areas enumerated in para-
graphs c, and d, above. A contractor shall
not transmit classified material directly to a
foreign government or firm. The only excep-
tion to this would be when a foreign govern-
ment, with whom the U.S. has entered into
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a reciprocal agreement pertaining to the fil-
ing of classified patent applications in the
respective countries, has authorized its U.S.
patent agent to return its foreign classified
information directly to that foreign govern-
ment. Except as noted above, transmission
shall take place between the contractor and a
designated U.S. Government representative
for forwarding to the foreign activity. This
is known as transmission by government-to-
government channels. Transmittal arrange-
ments shall be made by the cognizant secu-
rity office where the foreign firm or govern-
ment has awarded a contract to the U.S. con-
tractor. When authorized, SECRET and
CONFIDENTIAL material shall be trans-
mitted by one of the following means.
(1) Accompanied by a contractor em-
ployee courier or escort, who is cleared
for access to the classified informa-
tion involved and who has been desig-
nated by the contractor, provided:
(i) the classified material is not
transported across international bor-
ders (this does not preclude use of
regularly scheduled non-stop flights
on U.S. carriers between the U.S.
mainland and Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto
Rico, the Panama Canal Zone, or U.S.
possessions or trust territories), (ii)
time limitations do not permit the use
of U.S. Government channels, (iii)
an appropriate courier or escort au-
thorization is issued to the employee,
(iv) the transmission is begun and
completed during normal daytime
duty hours of the same day and is
by surface means only and within the
national borders of the country within
which the transmission takes place,
and (v) the employee can comply
with the specific security instructions
for the safeguarding of classified ma-
terial involved; i.e., storage at a U.S.
Government installation within the
country concerned.
(2) Accompanied by a U.S. Government
Civil Service employee or military
person who is cleared for access to
the level of the classified information
involved and who has been designated
by the contracting officer. (Appro-
priately cleared officers of the Depart-
ment of Navy, Military Sea Trans-
portation Service Civilian Marine
Personnel, may also be designated as
escorts by the contracting officer.)
Foreign carriers may not be utilized,
unless the designated escort has con-
tinuous physical control of the ma-
terial being transported.
Registered mail through U.S. Army,
Navy or Air Force postal facilities. If
the intended recipient is not author-
ized to receive classified material
through APO channels, arrangements
shall be made with an activity which
is so authorized to receive and hold
the classified material pending pick-
up by the intended recipient.
(4) U.S. and Canadian registered mail
with registered mail receipt to and
from Canada in accordance with in-
structions from the contracting officer
and via a U.S. or Canadian Govern-
ment activity.
(5) Armed Forces Courier Service in ac-
cordance with specific instructions
from the contracting officer.
(6) In accordance with specific instruc-
tions from the contracting officer
whenever the nature of the classified
shipment does not lend itself to trans-
mission by any of the above methods.
In such cases the procedure for ad-
vance notice to consignee and report-
ing of delayed receipt, etc., set forth
in paragraph c(5) (c) above, apply.
f. Method of Transmission of TOP SE-
Material Within a Facility. Shall be trans-
mitted within a facility by a responsible em-
ployee designated by the contractor, and who
has been cleared for access to the category
58 Par. 17
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of, classified information involved. The clas-
sified material shall remain under the direct
surveillance of the designated employee at
all times. By electrical means over approved
CRYPTOGRAPHIC communication circuits
with the prior written approval and in ac-
cordance with instructions of the contract-
ing officer, or other approved circuits with
the prior written approval of the cognizant
security office.
g. Inspection of Classified Shipment.
Upon receipt of a classified shipment the
consignee shall examine it to insure that
there is no evidence of tampering (see para-
graph 12e(2)). Evidence of tampering shall
be reported to the cognizant security office
in accordance with paragraph 6a(11).
h.1-Protection En Route by Contractor's
Employee. When employees designated by
the contractor are used to transmit or carry
classified material, the storage provisions
of paragraph 14'shall apply at all stops en-
route to destination, unless the material is
retained in the personal possession of the
employee at all times. This involves constant
surveillance by the employee who is in a
physical position to exercise direct security
controls over the material at all times. The
hand carrying of classified material on trips
that involve an overnight stopover is not per-
missible unless arrangements are made in
advance of departure for overnight storage
of the hand-carried classified material in a
Government installation or a cleared con-
tractor's facility. Transmission or carrying
of classified material shall not be authorized
when there is doubt as to whether the ma-
terial can be properly handled and protected.
Additional special requirements for hand
carrying of envelopes containing classified
documents aboard commercial passenger
aircraft are contained in Appendix XI. These
procedures however, apply to classified docu-
ments only. Instructions for hand carrying
classified hardware and other bulky pack-
ages aboard commercial passenger aircraft
shall be obtained from the cognizant secu-
rity office on a case-by-case basis.
i. Additional Protection in Connection
With Visits. When classified material, other
than TOP SECRET, is required on a visit,
such material shall be addressed by the con-
tractor to his employee making the visit and
shall be transmitted to the destination being
visited, to be held for the employee, in ac-
cordance with paragraph c(2) or d(2)
above. This method also shall be used for
the return of the material. However, if the
contractor determines that time limitations
do not permit mailing the material required
during the visit, he.may authorize the em-
ployee concerned to carry the classified ma-
terial subject to the provisions of paragraph
h, above. An inventory of the material shall
be made prior to departure and retained at
the control station. A copy of the inventory
shall be carried by the employee. Only that
classified material absolutely essential to
the purpose of the visit may be carried by
the empoyee. Upon the employee's return
from the visit, an inventory shall be made
of the material for which he is charged. If,
in connection with the purpose of the visit,
classified material is not returned to the
facility, a receipt shall be obtained and the
transaction shall be recorded in the records
of the control station in accordance with
paragraph 12.
j. COMSEC .Information. Classified COM-
SEC information shall be transmitted as
prescribed in the COMSEC Supplement to
this Manual.
k. Addressing Mail or Shipments of Clas-
sified Material. Except as provided below,
mail or shipments containing classified ma-
terial shall be addressed to the Commander
or Head of the User Agency activity or in-
stallation (Commander, Commanding Offi-
cer, Director, or similar designation) or to
the cleared facility concerned, using the ap-
propriate business name and address, and
not to an individual. This does not prevent
use of office code letters or numbers, or such
phrases in the address as, "ATTN: Research
Dept." or similar aids in expediting internal
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routing in addition to the appropriate ad-
(1) When it is considered desirable or ap-
propriate to direct SECRET or CON-
FIDENTIAL material to the atten-
tion of a particular employee of a
facility or User Agency, other than to
a consultant as prescribed below, the
identity of the intended recipient shall
be indicated on an attention line on
the inner container or on an atten-
tion line placed in the letter of trans-
mittal. If such mail is to be delivered
directly to the specified employee, a
procedure shall be established to in-
sure that all classified enclosures are
promptly entered into the facility's
document control system in accord-
ance with paragraph 12.
(2) When transmitting SECRET or
CONFIDENTIAL material to an in-
dividual operating as a cleared facil-
ity or engaged as a Type B or C con-
sultant, or to any facility at which
only one employee is assigned, the
contractor shall specify on the outer
container "TO BE OPENED BY AD-
DRESSEE ONLY." Further, the
outer container shall be annotated
"Postmaster-Do Not Forward. If
Undeliverable to Addressee, Return
to Sender." Although postal regula-
tions allow "Restricted Delivery"
mail to be delivered to the addressee
or to an agent the addressee has au-
thorized in writing to receive his/her
"Restricted Delivery" mail, in all in-
stances only appropriately cleared
personnel shall be designated as
agents for the addressee. Addition-
ally, in the event the consultant is
operating as a Type C consultant, ar-
rangements shall be made by the con-
sultant to insure that all incoming
U.S. Certified Mail, U.S. Registered
Mail, and U.S. Express Mail ad-
dressed to him in his capacity as an
independent consultant is delivered
unopened to him personally through;
his employer's mail distribution sys
stem before entering it into his em-
ployer's document control system.
DATA shall not be transmitted or otherwise
made available to any regional defense or-
ganization or foreign government, except
under the provisions of the Atomic Energy
Act of 1954, as amended, and in accordance
with instructions issued by the contracting
officer concerned.
18. Reproduction
All copies of reproductions of classified
material shall be marked or stamped with
the same classification as the original. Only
sufficient copies necessary to meet opera-
tional requirements shall be ;prepared, and
reproductions shall be destroyed, if other-
wise proper, as soon as they, have served
their purpose. Reproduction, of classified ma-
terial shall be made only on equipment spe-
cifically designated for the reproduction of
classified material. Rules governing the use
of such designated equipment will be con-
spicuously posted on or near the equipment.
Further, appropriate warning notices pro-
hibiting reproduction of classified material
shall be posted on or near equipment used
only for the reproduction of unclassified
a. Reproduction by Authorization Only.
The contractor shall not make nor permit
to be made without prior written authoriza-
tion of the contracting officer, or his desig-
nated representative, any photograph or
other reproduction of TOP SECRET in-
formation, SECRET information (when
specifically prohibited), or CRYPTO in-
formation, regardless of classification, for
any purpose. However, if the contract is for
port, then additional reproduction authority
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is not necessary. (See paragraph 87a re-
garding restrictions on the reproduction of
COSMIC TOP SECRET information.) In
addition, TOP SECRET and SECRET ma-
terial originated by the ERDA or its con-
tractors may be reproduced only with the
consent of the originator or higher authority
within the responsible ERDA activity.
b. Reproduction Not Requiring Authori-
zation. The contractor may reproduce, with-
out prior authorization of the contracting
officer, non-CRYPTO information classified
SECRET (unless specifically prohibited) or
CONFIDENTIAL when such reproduction
is essential to-
The performance of the contract.
The preparation of a solicited or un-
solicited bid, quotation, or proposal to
a User Agency of the U.S. Govern-
ment or another authorized contrac-
tor for U.S. Government work.
(3) Correspondence in connection with
the contract.
(4) Preparation of patent application to
be filed in the U.S. Patent Office.
(This paragraph shall not be deemed
to authorize the filing of patent ap-
plications, and such applications shall
not be filed except as specifically pro-
vided in the contract.)
c. Records. The contractor shall maintain
a record of the number of copies of all TOP
SECRET and SECRET material, and
CRYPTO material, regardless of classifica-
tion, that he reproduces. Reproduction rec-
ords shall be retained by the contractor, for
a minimum of 3 years for TOP SECRET,
CRYPTO or other Special Access material
and for a minimum of 2 years for SECRET,
and shall be incorporated in the control sta-
tion records required by paragraph 12.
d. Additional Markings. When reproduc-
ing classified material, the additional nota-
tions required by paragraph 11b shall be
shown on all reproductions.
19. Destruction
a. Requirement for Destruction. The con-
tractor shall establish a program for the
review of classified material for the purpose
of reducing to an absolute minimum the
quantity on hand at any given time. With
the exception of information listed in para-
graph b, below, the contractor shall destroy
classified material in his possession as soon
as practicable after it has served the purpose
for which it was--
(1) Released by the Government.
(2) Developed or prepared by the con-
(3) Retained after completion or termi-
nation of the contract.
b. Disposition by Specific Authorization.
COSMIC TOP SECRET material (see para-
graph 85c(2)) shall not be destroyed but
shall be returned to the contracting officer
or his designated representative. Accountable
COMSEC classified material shall be de-
stroyed only when destruction is authorized
in writing by an appropriate Government
official. In all instances where specific in-
structions have been issued by the contract-
ing officer, such instructions will dictate the
disposition to be accomplished.
c. Methods of Destruction. Classified ma-
terial shall be destroyed beyond recognition
so as to preclude reconstruction of the clas-
sified information in whole or in part. The
destruction, which may be limited to those
components or portions of the material
which incorporate classified information, can
be accomplished by burning, melting, mutila-
tion, or chemical decomposition. In addition,
pulping, disintegration, pulverizing, or shred-
ding may be used for the destruction of
paper products. Methods of destruction,
other than burning, and the equipment used
for such, shall be approved by the cognizant
security office. Public incinerators may be
used only with the prior approval of, and
under conditions prescribed by the cognizant
security office. The following additional re-
quirements pertain to destruction :
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(1) If classified material is removed
from the facility for destruction, it
shall be destroyed on the same day
it is removed.
(2) The equipment and methods used
to destroy classified material shall
be inspected each time destruction
is effected to assure that the mini-
mum requirements approved by the
cognizant security office are met.
(3) When classified paper products are
shredded, the residue shall not ex-
ceed a size greater than 1/32" in
width (with a permissible plus
tolerance of 1/64") by 1/2" in
length, and shall be accomplished in
sufficient quantities of material,
and types of paper, to preclude re-
construction or recognition of the
material being destroyed. Shred-
ding is not authorized for the de-
struction of TOP SECRET.
(4k) The SPP shall include specific in-
structions which apply to the
method of destruction, and shall
incorporate instructions provided
by the cognizant security office.
d.' Witness to Destruction. The destruc-
tion of classified material shall be accom-
plished by or in the presence of two em-
ployees of the contractor who possess appro-
priate security clearances. One shall be a
responsible employee who has been briefed
in the destruction provisions of this para-
graph, and who has been designated by the
contractor to perform the destruction. The
other shall be a responsible employee or a
subcontract employee who is working on the
premises of the contractor and who has been
designated to witness the destruction of the
classified material. However, CONFIDEN-
TIAL material, other than accountable
COMSEC material, may be destroyed at
the facility and witnessed by: (i) one re-
sponsible employee or (ii) one responsible
subcontractor guard who is employed on a
full-time basis at the facility, is under the
supervision and direction of the facility secu-
rity supervisor and possesses an appropriate
security clearance, has been briefed in the
destruction procedures, and has been desig-
nated to perform and witness the destruc-
e. Destruction Records and Certificates
Material. When TOP SECRET, SECRET,
or CRYPTO material, regardless of classi-
fication, is destroyed the contractor, in addi-
tion to maintaining accountability records
reflecting the destruction of such material,
shall execute a destruction certificate indicat- :
ing the date of destruction and identifying
the material destroyed. The certificate shall
be signed by both the individual designated
to destroy and the individual designated
as a witness at the time the material is de-
stroyed. Both individuals shall be required
to know, through their personal knowledge,
that such material was destroyed. The con-
tractor may, at his discretion, combine the
information required in the destruction cer-
tificate with the accountability records main-
tained in accordance with paragraph 12a.
Upon request, a copy of the destruction cer-
tificate shall be sent to the contracting officer
at the time of destruction.
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Destruction records and destruction certifi-
cates shall be maintained at the control sta-
tions established under paragraph 12, and
shall be retained by the contractor for a
minimum of three years for TOP SECRET,
Special Access, or CRYPTO material, re-
gardless of classification, and for two years
for SECRET material.
f. Classified Waste. Classified waste shall
be destroyed as soon as practicable in ac-
cordance with the provisions of paragraph c,
above. This applies to all waste material
containing classified information, such as
preliminary drafts, carbon sheets, carbon
ribbons, plates, stencils, masters, steno-
graphic notes, worksheets and similar items.
(Typewriter and automatic data processing
equipment ribbons used in transcribing clas-
sified material shall be safeguarded in the
manner appropriate for the classification
category involved until the ribbon is cycled
through the typewriter or printer a suffi-
cient number. of times to obliterate informa-
tion contained thereon. Normally this can
be accomplished if the ribbon is completely
overprinted five times in all ribbon typing
or printing positions. Any ribbon which
remains substantially stationary until it has
received at least five consecutive impressions
shall be treated as unclassified.) CONFI-
DENTIAL waste, except waste containing
CRYPTO or other Special Access informa-
tion, may be destroyed by one employee or
...:. one responsible subcontractor guard pur-
suant to the provisions of paragraph d,
above. Pending destruction, classified waste
shall be safeguarded in accordance with
paragraph 14. Receptacles utilized to ac-
cumulate classified waste shall be clearly
identified. If not promptly destroyed, ac-
countability shall be established over that
material containing information classified
SECRET or higher and CRYPTO or Special
Access information regardless of classifica-
tion, in accordance with paragraph 12f.
When destruction does take place, the provi-
sions of paragraph e., above are applicable.
g. Alternate Procedure. Where there is
only one employee assigned at a facility and
there is a need to destroy classified material,
one or more of the following alternate proce-
dures shall be used for disposal of the clas-
sified material:
(1) Return all classified material eligible
for destruction, including classified
waste, to the contractor or User
Agency for whom the classified work
is being performed, or to another
facility of the same multiple facility
(2) Utilize the destruction facilities of
another DoD contractor or User
Agency, provided that the individual
granted use of such facilities retains
physical custody of the classified ma-
terial and personally insures its com-
plete destruction. To satisfy the re-
quirements of paragraphs d, and e,
above, an appropriately cleared em-
ployee of the contractor or User
Agency providing the destruction
service may serve as a witness to the
destruction and sign the destruction
(3) Employ the destruction services of a
subcontractor, vendor or supplier spe-
cializing in the destruction of classi-
fied material, provided that the con-
trols set forth in paragraph c, above
are observed, and an appropriately
cleared employee of another DoD con-
tractor or User Agency is present to
witness the destruction when required
pursuant to paragraph d, and e,
h. Magnetic Recordings.
(1) All classified information recorded on
magnetic media shall be safeguarded
and accounted for according to the
requirements prescribed in this Man-
ual for the highest level of classified
information ever recorded thereon.
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(2) When the classified information re-
recorded on magnetic media is ? itself
regraded or declassified, the record-
ing media shall be regraded in ac-
cordance with the provisions of para-
graph 11c and, except when com-
pletely declassified, safeguarded ac-
cording to the requirements pre-
scribed in this Manual for the new
level of classification.
(3) Procedures for declassification of
magnetic recording media are located
in paragraph 107.
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20. General
a. An individual shall be permitted to
have access to classified information only
when cleared by the Government or by the
contractor as specified in this Section ; and
when the contractor determines that access
is necessary in the performance of tasks or
services essential to the fulfillment of a con-
tract or program, i.e., the individual has a
need-to-know (see paragraph 3as). The con-
tractor shall limit the number of personnel
processed for clearance to the maximum
extent possible consistent with contractual
b. To be eligible for a personnel security
clearance, the following age must have been
or interim CONFIDENTIAL clearances are
not valid for access to RESTRICTED DATA,
TOP SECRET clearances are, however, valid
for access to RESTRICTED DATA, NATO,
SECRET category and below; (iii) access
under Canadian and U.K. Reciprocal clear-
ances is limited as set forth in paragraph
31d; (iv) clearances issued to immigrant
aliens are not valid for access to NATO
classified information, COMSEC information
FORMATION. In addition to a final security
clearance granted by the DoD, a CRYPTO-
GRAPHIC Access Authorization is required
for access to CRYPTO information ; and the
specific authorization of the User Agency is
For CONFIDENTIAL ........................ 16
For SECRET or TOP SECRET ....... 18
c. A security clearance granted by the
DoD, or by a contractor as specified in this
Section, is valid for access on a need-to-know
basis to all classified defense information at
the same or lower category, except that :
(i) contractor CONFIDENTIAL clearances
are not valid for access to RESTRICTED
DATA; COMSEC information (see para-
ED INFORMATION (see paragraph 75) ;
ACDA classified information ; NATO infor-
mation (see paragraphs 85 and 86 (a con-
tractor CONFIDENTIAL clearance is valid,
however, for access to NATO RESTRICTED
information only) or, to meet the security
clearance requirement as a prior condition
for certification to fill a Critical or Controlled
Position under the Nuclear Weapon PRP
(see paragraph 3at.1) ; (ii) interim SECRET
required for access to SENSITIVE COM-,_
d. Personnel shall not be cleared for ac-
cess to classified information of a higher
level than the clearance of the facility at
which they are employed, except for-
(1) Type A Consultants, as provided in
paragraph 68.
(2) Employees of a multiple facility or-
ganization who are physically located
at an uncleared facility or a facility
with a lower level of clearance, who
require access to a higher category of
classified information exclusively in
connection with the performance of
duties at another cleared facility or
at a Government installation ; or who
are transferred to an uncleared facil-
ity or to a facility with a lower level
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of clearance within the multiple facil-
ity organization, provided the con-
tractor desires, to retain the Letter of
Consent at the higher level so it will
be available in the event the individ-
ual is transferred back to a facility
at which the clearance will be needed.
A clearance granted under this au-
thority shall not be of a higher level
than the facility clearance of the
home office of the contractor, and the
Letter of Consent will be issued or
forwarded to-the HOF or to the PMF,
as appropriate. If the contractor
elects to have the Letter of Consent
retained at a PMF in accordance with
paragraph 26k, clearances granted to
personnel located within the geo-
graphical or functional area of re-
sponsibility assigned to the PMF shall
not be of a level higher than the facil-
ity clearance of the PMF.
e. All personnel assigned the duty or en-
trusted with the responsibility of safeguard-
ing classified material shall be cleared at
the same level as the facility at which they
are assigned, except that such personnel will
be required to have a TOP SECRET clear-
ance only if the person's duties require that
he have access to or possession of TOP SE-
CRET information, or is exercising control
over TOP SECRET areas as prescribed by
paragraph 34. This rule shall apply to those
personnel whose duties involve the safe-
guarding of classified material whether they
are : acting as guards in addition to other
regularly assigned functions (guards re-
quired by paragraph 34 shall not be assigned
additional functions which will interfere
with their protective duties) ; employed by
the contractor for the primary purpose of
serving as a member of the police, guard, or
protective force of the facility; or employees
of a firm awarded a contract to furnish
police, guard, or protective services at the
cleared facility.
f. The fact that a contractor has qualified
for and has been granted a facility security
clearance shall not be used for advertising,
promotional purposes or in the recruitment
of employees. Employment advertisements
shall not state or imply that a personnel
security clearance is a condition or prere-
quisite for employment. Reproduction in any
manner of the DLA Form 381-R, furnished
to the contractor by the Government, shall
not be made except for the necessary rec-
ords of the contractor or unless requested by
competent Government authority. Further,
the reproduction in any manner of a Letter
of Consent or Security Assurance furnished
by the Government to the contractor for his
employee shall not be made except for neces-
sary records of the contractor, unless re-
quested by competent Government author-
ity. A copy of the Letter of Consent or Secu-
rity Assurance shall not be furnished the
employee named on the form for any pur-
pose whatsoever, nor shall the employee be
given any other written notification of the
granting of a Letter of Consent or Security
Assurance. However, this does not preclude
the issuance of a color-coded identification
card or badge to reflect the level of clearance
in accordance with paragraph 8.
g. When DISCO determines that it is un-
able to obtain the full investigative require-
ments to meet prescribed standards for the
level of clearance requested, the contractor
shall be advised that such clearance cannot
be granted because of such inability, and the
clearance action shall be discontinued.
h. Unless administratively terminated,
suspended or revoked by the DoD, the clear-
ance of an employee shall be effective so long
as he is continuously' employed by the con-
tractor, and during any period of reemploy-
ment by the contractor which commences
within 12 months after the cessation of prior
period of employment provided DISCO is
notified of the reemployment in accordance
with paragraph 6b(2). However, if the em-
ployee no longer has or requires access to
classified information and no requirement
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for such access is anticipated in the fore-
seeable future, clearance can be administra-
tively terminated by complying with para-
graph 29. In addition, when an employee is
granted a leave of absence, it shall not be
considered as an interruption or discontinu-
ance of employment provided it does not ex-
ceed 1 year. When the leave of absence
granted the employee exceeds 1 year, the
termination date reported in accordance
with paragraph 6b (2) will be the first day of
the leave of absence.
i. In all cases in which a contractor fur-
nishes copies of board minutes, certificates,
or other records, such records shall be on
company letterhead or identified by typing
the contractor's name and address and, in
addition, they shall indicate the date of sub-
j. As a general rule a contractor may be
issued only one Letter of Consent for each
cleared employee. However, in the case of
an individual who, pursuant to paragraph
22, is required to be cleared in connection
with the home office facility clearance and
who has his primary place of work at an-
other facility of the multiple facility organi-
zation, a Letter of Consent may be issued
to both facilities.
k. Requests for clearance of personnel re-
quired to be cleared in connection with a
facility security clearance as prescribed by
paragraph 22, who are also representatives
of a foreign interest, shall be submitted to
the cognizant security office. All other re-
quests for clearance of employees who are
representatives of a foreign interest shall
be submitted to DISCO. A representative of
a foreign interest (see paragraph 3bb) is
not eligible for a personnel security clear-
ance if :
(1) The foreign interest involves a
Communist country or a citizen,
firm, or other entity of a Communist
country; or
(2) The individual's work as a rep-
resentative of a foreign interest
could create a potential conflict of
interest situation vis-a-vis his work
for the contractor if a personnel
security clearance were to be issued
on his behalf. (A potential conflict
of interest situation is considered
to exist where an individual's tech-
nical or scientific endeavors on be-
half of a foreign interest are simi-
lar to his technical or scientific en-
deavors on behalf of the U.S. con-
tractor, i.e., the individual is per-
forming services as a consultant to
a foreign government and to a con-
tractor involving the same general
scientific or technical discipline.)
(3) The individual is not a U.S. citizen
or U.S. national. This general ex-
clusion is not applicable to Cana-
dian or U.K. citizens who are eligi-
ble for or have been previously
granted a Reciprocal clearance in
accordance with the provisions of
paragraph 31.
Decisions as to whether an individual is
eligible for a personnel security clearance
pursuant to paragraph (1), (2) or (3)
above, are made by DLA. With the exception
of the foregoing, a representative of a for-
eign interest is eligible for consideration for
a personnel security clearance provided he
submits a statement explaining fully his
foreign connections. The statement should
identify the foreign entity. If it is a business
enterprise, the statement should include ex-
planation as to the nature of the business
and to the extent possible, details as to its
ownership, including the citizenship of the
principal owners or blocks of owners. The
statement should fully explain the nature
of the relationship between applicant and
the foreign entity and indicate the approxi-
mate percentage of the applicant's time
devoted to the interest of the foreign entiry.
In addition, the statement shall incorporate
the provision that the applicant recognizes
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his special responsibility to protect classified
information from disclosure to any unauthor-
ized person, foreign or domestic. Two copies
of the statement described above shall be in-
cluded with each request for an initial clear-
ance, transfer of clearance, concurrent
clearance or conversion of clearance. In
those cases where an individual who is
cleared (or is in the process of being cleared)
becomes a representative of a foreign in-
terest, the contractor shall submit a written
report in accordance with either paragraph
6a(4) or 6b(5). This report shall include
the statement described above. In those
cases where a representative of a foreign in-
terest is required to be cleared in connection
with a facility security clearance pursuant
to paragraph 22, the provisions of para-
graph 22f are applicable, in addition to the
provisions of this paragraph.
1. Foreign nationals are not eligible for a
personnel security clearance, except that re-
ciprocal clearances may be granted to citi-
zens of Canada and the U.K. in accordance
with paragraph 31.
m. Except for short-term visits (not in
excess of 90 consecutive days during any 12-
month period) residence or the assignment
of a cleared immigrant alien outside the
U.S., (Puerto Rico, Guam or the Virgin
Islands) negates the basis upon which the
Letter of Consent was issued, and the Letter
of Consent shall be administratively termi-
nated without prejudice by DISCO upon re-
ceipt of notification of such residence or as-
signment (see paragraph 6b (6)) .
n. Persons not eligible for clearance under
the provisions of this Section shall be granted
access to classified information only as spe-
cially authorized in writing by a User Agen-
cy. The granting of such access is beyond the
scope of the Industrial Security Program
and all necessary instructions will be pro-
vided by the User Agency concerned,
o. When an interim personnel clearance
has been granted and derogatory informa-
tion is subsequently developed, DISCO may
withdraw the interim clearance pending
completion of the processing which is a pre-
requisite to the issuance of a final clearance.
When an interim personnel clearance for an
individual who is required to be cleared in
connection with the facility security clear-
ance pursuant to paragraph 22 is withdrawn,
the interim facility clearance will also be
withdrawn unless action is taken to remove
the individual from the position requiring
clearance. Withdrawal action is not a denial
or revocation of clearance and is not appeal-
21. Facility Security Clearances
a. Procedures for Processing. A facility
security clearance is an administrative de-
termination that a facility (see paragraph
3ab) is eligible from a security viewpoint
for access to classified in Ormation of the
same or lower classification category as the
clearance being granted. Facility security
clearances shall not be granted to contractor
activities located outside the U.S., Puerto
Rico, Panama Canal Zone, or a U.S. posses-
sion or trust territory. Facility clearances
may be granted only to contractors organized
and existing under the laws of any of the
United States and Puerto Rico. Contractors
organized and existing under the laws of
the Panama Canal Zone or a U.S. posses-
sion or trust territory may not be processed
for or granted a clearance unless prior
approval is received from DLA-DD (CAS).
The cognizant security office assigned re-
sponsibility for the geographic area in
which the facility is located (See Ap-
pendix VIII) will advise the prospective
contractor of the actions required for the
processing, the issuance and the continuation
of a facility clearance. In connection with
the issuance of a facility clearance, personnel
security clearances must be granted to cer-
tain management personnel as prescribed in
paragraph 22. In addition, the contractor
shall execute a DD Form 441, or, where ap-
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propriate, an Appendage to Department of
Defense Security Agreement DD Form
441-1) and a Certificate Pertaining to For-
eign Interests (DD Form 441s). In the case
of a multiple facility organization, where
more than one facility is covered by the DD
Form 441 or DD Form 441-1, the contractor
shall furnish a copy of the DD Form 441 with
DD Form 441-1, when appropriate, to each
facility covered under the Agreement and
to the cognizant security office of each cov-
ered facility. Before a contractor is eligible
for custody of classified information, he shall,
in addition to having a facility clearance,
have storage capability as prescribed in
paragraph 14 and be prepared to apply the
other safeguards prescribed by this Manual.
Classified information which is of a higher
security classification than the contractor's
facility clearance may not be disclosed to
the contrator.
b. Licensing, Patent and Trade Secret
Agreements. Licensing, patent and trade se-
cret agreements with a foreign entity may
render a contractor ineligible for a facility
security clearance unless appropriate pro-
cedures are established in the facility's SPP
to insure that such agreements will not
jeopardize the security of classified informa-
tion which is entrusted to the contractor. In
this connection, attention is directed to the
State Department's ITAR, in particular
Parts 124 and 125 thereof. This Regulation
provides, inter alia, that before the execution
of any license agreement envisaging the
transmittal abroad of classified U.S. military
information, it must first be submitted to
the Department of State for review and ap-
proval, and that prior to any approval of
such agreement, the release of the classified
information involved must be approved by
the cognizant U.S. military department and
the DoD under established procedures.
c. Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence
(FOCI). Facilities which are determined to
be under FOCI are not eligible for a facility
security clearance. Agreements with a for-
eign interest may make a contractor ineli-
gible for a facility security clearance. Exe-
cution of a DD Form 441s in accordance with
instructions set forth in paragraph M, Ap-
pendix I, is required in connection with a
determination of the degree, if any; of
FOCI. The contractor must execute a new
DD Form 441s when there is any change in
the information previously submitted on the
DD Form 441s. Any investor who has ac-
quired a direct or indirect beneficial owner-
ship interest of five percent or more of any
class of stock of a registered company or
any investor who plans to make a tender of-
fer to purchase securities which is reason-
ably expected to result in such an ownership
interest is required to file a Schedule 13 D
report with the Securities and Exchange
Commission, the company whose securities
are involved and any national exchange on
which the securities may be traded. If the
acquisition will result in the submission of a
revised DD Form 441s, and the contractor
has received a Schedule 13 D from the inves-
tor, a copy of the Schedule 13 D will be for-
warded with the DD Form 441s or, if appro-
priate, with the report (notification letter)
required by paragraph 6a(4) (f). A new DD
Form 441s shall also be executed by the con-
tractor whenever advised that the form is
required for an official purpose. It is the con-
tractor's responsibility to provide complete
information to assure that the degree of
FOCI to which the facility may be subjected
is fully explained so that the Government
can ascertain that the security of the classi-
fied information in the possession of the con-
tractor will not be jeopardized. A copy of the
DD Form 441s and instructions for its com-
pletion are contained in paragraph M, Ap-
pendix I.
22. Personnel Clearances Required in
Connection with Facility Clearances
The following individuals shall be cleared
by the cognizant security office in connection
with the facility security clearance, unless
notified by the cognizant security office that
such clearances are not required.
Pars. 21 & 22 69
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a. Corporations, Associations and Non-
Profit Organizations.
(1) Chairman of the board and all
principal officers, such as president,
senior vice president, secretary,
treasurer, and those occupying sim-
ilar positions see paragraph 3au).
Other officers, who shall not require
access to classified information in
the conduct of the organization's
business and who do not occupy
positions that would enable them to
affect adversely the organization's
policies or practices in the per-
formance of classified contracts,
are not required to be cleared, pro-
vided the organization complies
with the provisions of paragraph
e, below.
(2) All directors, unless one of the fol-
lowing options is elected :
(a) Directors, who shall not re-
quire access to classified infor-
mation in the conduct of the
organization's business and who
do not occupy positions that
would enable them to affect
adversely the organization's
policies or practices in the per-
formance of classified con-
tracts, are not required to be
cleared, provided at least a
legal quorum of the board of
directors or similar executive
body shall be cleared and, if
the corporation or association
conducts meetings with a pro
tem chairman or by a rotating
chairmanship, all board mem-
bers who are eligible for or
who could sit as board chair-
man shall be cleared ; and,
with respect to all uncleared
directors, the organization
complies with the provisions
of paragraph e, below ; or
(b) If the board has seen fit to
delegate certain of its duties
and responsibilities to a legally
constituted executive commit-
tee, all members of this com-
mittee shall be cleared. Other
directors are not required to
be cleared provided the com-
mittee has full executive au-
thority to exercise management
control and supervision for the
corporation, including respon-
sibility over all matters involv- 4?
ing the security of classified
information in the possession
of the organization, and pro-
vided further, with respect to
all uncleared directors, the or-
ganization complies with the
provisions of paragraph e, be-
low. Directors who are not
members of this executive
committee may be cleared but
only at the same level as the
facility clearance and when
this is done, paragraph e, be-
low, would not be applicable.
Two copies of the board of di-
rectors' resolution delegating
this authority to the committee
shall be furnished to the cog-
nizant security office.
(3) Executive Personnel (see para-
graph 3aa). The management offi-
cial in charge at the facility and
the security supervisor shall always
be cleared in connection with the
facility security clearance.
(4) The corporation shall furnish a list
of all officers, directors and execu-
tive personnel to the cognizant se-
curity office. The list-shall designate
by name those individuals granted
a Letter of Consent, those who are
being processed for a security clear-
ance, and those who have been ex-
cluded from the requirement for a
security clearance pursuant to the
provisions of paragraph e, below.
Such lists shall be signed by an offi-
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cer, director or executive personnel
of the corporation.
b. For Sole Proprietorships.
(1) The Owner.
(2) All Officers, if applicable.
(3) Executive Personnel (see para-
graph 3aa). The management offi-
cial in charge at the facility and the
facility security supervisor shall
always be cleared in connection
with the facility security clear-
(4) The sole proprietorship shall fur-
nish a list of the owners, officers
and executive personnel to the cog-
nizant security office. The list shall
designate by name those individ-
uals granted a Letter of Consent,
those who are being processed for
a security clearance, and those who
have been excluded from the re-
quirement for a security clearance
pursuant to the provisions of para-
graph e, below. A current list shall
be furnished once each year. Such
lists shall be signed by the owner
or by an officer or executive per-
sonnel of the sole proprietorship.
c. For Partnerships.
(1) All General Partners. If the part-
nership has seen fit to delegate
certain of its duties and responsi-
bilities to a legally constituted ex-
ecutive committee, the members of
this committee shall be cleared.
Other partners, who shall not re-
quire access to classified informa-
tion, are not required to be cleared
provided the committee has full
--*-executive authority to exercise
management control and supervi-
sion for the organization, including
--- responsibility over all matters in-
volving the security of classified in-
formation in the possession of the
organization and, provided further,
paragraph e, below is complied with
in respect to all uncleared general
partners. (General partners who
are not members of this executive
committee may be cleared but only
at the same level as the facility
clearance and when this is done
paragraph e, below would not be
applicable.) Two copies of the part-
nership's resolution delegating this
authority to the committee shall be
furnished to the cognizant security
(2) All Other Partners. Partners,
other than general partners, who
shall not require access to classi-
fied information in the conduct of
the organization's business and who
do not occupy positions that would
enable them to affect adversely the
organization's policies or practices
in the performance of classified
contracts, are not required to be
cleared provided the organization,
by official action of the general
partners complies with the provi-
sions of paragraph e, below. All
partners who are cleared shall be
cleared to the same level as the fa-
cility clearance.
(3) Executive Personnel (see para-
graph 3aa). The management offi-
cial in charge of the facility and the
facility security supervisor shall al-
ways be cleared in connection with
the facility security clearance.
(4) The partnership shall furnish a list
of all partners and executive per-
sonnel to the cognizant security of-
fice. The list shall designate by
name those individuals granted a
Letter of Consent, those who are
being processed for a security clear-
ance and those who have been ex-
cluded from the requirement for a
security clearance pursuant to the
provisions of paragraph e, below. A
current list shall be furnished once
Par. 22 71
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each year. Such lists shall be signed
by a partner or executive personnel
of the partnership.
d. Colleges and Universities.
(1) The Chief Executive Officer.
(2) Those other officers or officials
who are specifically and properly
designated by action of the board
of regents, board of trustees, board
of directors or similar type execu-
tive body in accordance with the
institution's requirement, as the
managerial group having the au-
thority and responsibility for the
negotiation, execution, and admin-
istration of User Agency contracts.
The institution shall furnish the
cognizant security office a copy of
such designation of authority, from
which the particular officers who
are to be processed in conjunction
with a facility security clearance
can be determined, and thereafter
a current list shall be provided once
each year. If this requirement is
not met, all officers shall be proc-
essed for personnel security clear-
(3) All regents, trustees, or directors,
unless one of the following options
is elected :
(a) Regents, trustees, or directors,
who shall not require access to
classified information in the
conduct of the organization's
business and who do not oc-
cupy positions that would en-
able them to affect adversely
the organization's policies or
practices in the performance
of classified contracts, are not
required to be cleared, provided
at least a legal quorum of the
board of regents, board of trus-
tees, board of directors or simi-
lar executive body shall be
cleared and, if the college or
university conducts meetings
with a pro tern chairman or by
a rotating chairmanship, all
board members who are eligi-
ble for or could sit as board
chairman shall be cleared ; and,
with respect to all uncleared
regents, trustees or directors,
the organization complies with
the provisions of paragraph e,
below ; or
(b) If the board has seen fit to
delegate certain of its duties
and responsibilities to a legally
constituted executive commit-
tee, all members of this com-
mittee shall be cleared. Other
regents, trustees or directors
are not required to be cleared,
provided the committee has full
executive authority to exercise
management control and super-
vision for the organization, in-
cluding responsibility over all
matters involving the security
of classified information in the
possession of the organization,
and provided further, with re-
spect to all uncleared regents,
trustees or directors, the orga-
nization complies with the pro-
visions of paragraph e, below.
Regents, trustees, or directors,
who are not members of this
executive committee, may be
cleared but only at the same
level as the facility clearance
and when this is done para-
graph e, below would not be
applicable. Two copies of the
board of directors' or similar
executive body's resolution, del-
egating this authority to the
committee shall be furnished
to the cognizant security office;
(c) If the board has seen fit to
delegate all of its duties and
responsibilities pertaining to
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the protection of classified in-
formation to a managerial
group comprised of officers or
officials of the college or uni-
versity, and if because of this
delegation the board will not
be in a position to affect ad-
versely the performance of
classified contracts, the board
may exclude itself from the
requirement for its members
to be processed for a personnel
security clearance by comply-
ing with the provisions of
paragraph e, below. Election of
this alternative will not pre-
clude a regent, trustee or direc-
tor from being processed for
a personnel security clearance,
if such clearance is necessary
in connection with the individ-
ual's duties other than in the
capacity of a regent, trustee
or director. However, in such
cases the clearance shall be at
the same clearance level as the
facility clearance. Two copies
of the resolution by the board
of regents, trustees, directors
or similar executive body ex-
cluding the board members
from access to classified infor-
mation and delegating such
authority to the managerial
group shall be furnished to the
cognizant security office.
(4) Executive Personnel. The manage-
ment official in charge of the facility
and the facility security supervisor
shall always be cleared in connec-
tion with the facility security clear-
(5) The college or university shall fur-
nish a list of all personnel required
to be cleared in connection with the
facility security clearance pursu-
ant to paragraphs (1) thru (4)
above, or excluded to the cognizant
security office. The list shall desig-
nate by name those individuals
granted a Letter of Consent, those
who are being processed for a se-
curity clearance and those who
have been excluded from the re-
quirements for a security clearance
pursuant to the provisions of para-
graph e, below. A current list shall
be furnished once each year. Such
lists shall be signed by a regent,
trustee, director or executive per-
sonnel of the college or university.
e. Exclusion Procedures. Those officers, di-
rectors, partners, regents and trustees who,
pursuant to the provisions set forth above,
can be excluded from the requirement for a
personnel security clearance need not be
processed for a clearance provided the orga-
nization, by formal action of the board of
directors, all general partners or similar
type executive body, affirms that-
(1) Such officers, directors, partners,
regents or trustees (designated by
name) shall not require, shall not
have, and can be effectively ex-
cluded from, access to all classified
information in the possession of the
organization and do not occupy
positions that would enable them
to affect adversely the organiza-
tion's policies or practices in the
performance of classified contracts
or programs for the User Agencies.
This action shall be made a matter
of record in the organization's
minutes of the partnership, board
of directors, regents, trustees, or
similar type executive body. Two
copies of such minutes, dated and
identified by the name and address
of the facility, shall be furnished to
the cognizant security office.
(2) In case the organization does not
comply with this requirement, all
officers, directors, partners, regents,
or trustees shall be processed for
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clearances. Personnel who have
been excluded from the requirement
for a personnel security clearance
in accordance with this paragraph
shall not be processed for a clear-
ance at a level lower than the fa-
cility clearance.
f. Representative of a Foreign Interest.
When a representative of a foreign interest
(see paragraph 3bb) is required to be
cleared in connection with a facility clear-
ance, and the representative of a foreign in-
terest has not been excluded in accordance
with paragraph e, above, the following pro-
cedures shall apply.
(1) When the statement required by
paragraph 20k has been executed,
official notice of its execution shall
be made a matter of record in the
organization's minutes by the
board of directors or similar type
executive body. Two copies of the
minutes shall be furnished the cog-
nizant security office.
(2) Failure to obtain a personnel se-
curity clearance for, or to exclude
a representative of a foreign inter-
est, shall make the facility ineligi-
ble for clearance, and any existing
clearance shall be administratively
terminated by the cognizant se-
curity office. Such action is not
(3) In those cases where an individual
who is cleared in connection with
the facility security clearance be-
comes a representative of a foreign
interest, the contractor shall sub-
mit the report required by para-
graph 6a(4), in addition to the ac-
tions prescribed in this paragraph.
quotation may be processed for personnel
security clearances concurrent with, but not
as a part of, the facility security clearance.
A facility security clearance is not dependent
upon the clearance of negotiators and
changes in negotiators shall not affect the
status of a facility security clearance. Sub-
sequent to the issuance of a facility security
clearance, negotiators are processed for per-
sonnel security clearances in the normal
manner prescribed by paragraph 26.
24. Security Clearance of Additional
Except in the case of personnel who are
required to be cleared in connection with a
facility security clearance as prescribed by
paragraph 22, and negotiators as prescribed
in paragraph 23, the contractor shall not
initiate personnel security clearance actions
on employees until a facility security clear-
ance has been granted to the contractor.
Contractor employees, other than those
cleared in accordance with the provisions of
paragraphs 22, 23, 27, 31, and 41e, whose
access to classified information is essential
in the performance of a classified contract,
shall be cleared as specified below :
a. Clearance by the DoD. The DOD shall
grant personnel security clearances for-
(1) U.S. citizen employees of the con-
tractor who-
(a) Require access to information
classified TOP SECRET' or
SECRET, or to any COMSEC
information, regardless of clas-
sification, SENSITIVE COM-
DATA ; or
23. Security Clearance of Negotiators
Negotiators (see paragraph 3at) desig-
nated by the contractor as being required to
participate in the preparation of a bid or
1 When a TOP SECRET clearance is requested, DISCO will
automatically issue a Letter of Consent for SECRET when the
investigation necessary for clearance at the SECRET level has
been completed with satisfactory results. That Letter of Consent
will subsequently be superseded by a Letter of Consent for TOP
SECRET when the required additional investigation is completed.
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(b) Are employed by a college or
university ; or
(c) Require access to NATO infor-
mation classified CONFIDEN-
TIAL or higher as described in
Section XI ; or
(d) Require access to ACDA clas-
sified information ; or
(e) Make determinations to grant
access authorizations in ac-
cordance with paragraph b,
below ; or
(f) Are representatives of a for-
eign interest; or
(g) Require security clearance as a
condition of the Nuclear Weap-
on PRP for duties in Critical
and Controlled positions under
the nuclear weapon security
program (see paragraph
3at.1) .
(2) Immigrant alien employees of the
contractor who require access to
formation. Immigrant aliens are
not eligible for access to SENSI-
mation (see paragraphs 6b(6), 20c,
20m, 75 76, 85d, and 86), or for
performance of duties in Critical or
Controlled positions under the nu-
clear weapon security program (see
paragraph 3at.1). Moreover, immi-
grant aliens are not eligible to be
processed for DoD clearances at the
(3) Employees of the contractor whose
application for clearance is referred
to DISCO according to paragraph
b (4), below.
b. Clearance by the Contractor. Employees
of the contractor not covered by paragraph
a, above who are U.S. citizens and who re-
quire access to information classified no
higher than CONFIDENTIAL, shall be
cleared by the contractor as prescribed be-
low. Such clearances shall remain valid, un-
less otherwise revoked, within any facility
of the same organization so long as the indi-
vidual continues in the contractor's employ-
ment. However, if the employee no longer
has or requires access to classified informa-
tion and no future requirement for such ac-
cess is anticipated in the foreseeable future,
clearance can be administratively termi-
nated by complying with paragraph 29. The
contractor is not authorized to grant an in-
terim CONFIDENTIAL clearance. Con-
tractor granted CONFIDENTIAL clearances
are not valid for access to RESTRICTED
ACDA classified information ; or NATO in-
formation; except for NATO RESTRICTED
(1) The clearance shall be based upon
the contractor's determination
(a) The employment records of the
employee are in order ; and
(b) The Application and Author-
ization for Access to Confiden-
tial Information (Industrial)
(DI) Form 48-2) executed by
the employee indicates that (i)
the employee is a U.S. citizen
and. not a representative of a
foreign interest; (ii) the in-
formation furnished in item
8, if any, does not reflect that
a personnel security clearance
has been suspended, denied, or
revoked in his case.
(c) There is no information known
to the contractor which would
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indicate that the employee's
access to classified information
is not clearly consistent with
the national interest.
(2) When the response to item 7 indi-
cates that the applicant has applied
for or received a previous security
clearance, and there is no indica-
tion in the applicant's response to
item 8 that a prior clearance has
ever been suspended, denied, or re-
voked, the contractor may grant
the CONFIDENTIAL clearance if
otherwise appropriate. However, a
copy of the DD Form 48-2 shall be
sent to DISCO for a check of the
(3) Before an individual signs the DD
Form 48-2 he should read the cer-
tification statement. After he signs
in the presence of the witness, the
witness shall affix his signature
and address.
(4) When the determination required
in paragraph (1) above cannot be
made, or if the employee will not
sign the DD Form 48-2, the con-
tractor shall forward the applica-
tion for CONFIDENTIAL clear-
ance, together with the forms pre-
scribed in paragraph 26c, to
DISCO for appropriate action.
(5) An affirmative answer to question
11 or an answer to question 12 in-
dicating that the applicant has rela-
tives living in a Communist coun-
try will not, in itself, preclude a
determination by the contractor
that an employee is eligible for a
CONFIDENTIAL clearance, where
all other available information in-
dicates that access is clearly con-
sistent with the national interest.
In such cases, where the contractor
grants a CONFIDENTIAL clear-
ance, he shall forward promptly to
DISCO one copy of DD Form 48-2
together with the forms prescribed
in paragraph 26c, for further evalu-
ation and determination of con-
tinued eligibility for access to CON-
FIDENTIAL information.
c. The contractor is not authorized to re-
voke a clearance that he has granted.
25. Preemployment Clearance
The contractor shall not initiate any pre-
employment clearance action. An applicant
for employment in a position which requires
access to classified information may be in-
formed that a security clearance will be re-
quired and that a security clearance can only
be granted to: (i) U.S. citizens; (ii) immi-
grant aliens who reside and intend ,to reside
permanently in the U.S. (including Puerto
Rico, Guam and the Virgin Islands) ; or
(iii) citizens of Canada or the U.K. A Per-
sonnel Security Questionnaire (Industrial)
(DD Form 48), DD Form 48-2, Personnel
Security Questionnaire (Updating) (DD
Form 48-3), Personnel Security Question-
naire (Industrial) (Multiple Purpose) (DD
Form 49), or Worksheet for the Prepara-
tion of Personnel Security Questionnaires
(DLA Form 707) shall not be offered to or be
required to be completed by an individual
until he is employed by the contractor in a
position requiring access to classified infor-
mation and placed on the payroll. However,
in exceptional cases where a written contract
for future employment in a position which
requires access to classified information has
been executed by both parties with a fixed
date for entry on the payroll, the personnel
security clearance application forms may be
furnished to and executed by the employee
prior to the date of entry on duty provided
the actual date of entry on duty under such
written contract is not contingent upon issu-
ance of a personnel security clearance.
76 Pars. 24 & 25
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26. Application for Personnel Security
(1) Contractors shall make application
for DoD security clearances in ac-
cordance with the provisions of
this Section. For personnel clear-
ances required in connection with a
facility security clearance under
paragraph 22, applications shall be
submitted to the cognizant security
office. Application for all other per-
sonnel clearances shall be submitted
to DISCO, P.O. Box 2499, Colum-
bus, Ohio 43216. In addition to the
forms required in connection with
the application for a personnel se-
curity clearance, the forms re-
quired by paragraph c, below shall
be accomplished and submitted
when 'requested to satisfy an offi-
cial requirement by DISCO or the
cognizant security office. Failure
by the employee concerned to fur-
nish the` forms when requested or
when required by this Manual, in
connection with a clearance appli-
cation, shall preclude the granting
of any new security clearance with
respect to the employee concerned,
and shall constitute sufficient rea-
son for considering revocation with
respect to any outstanding security
clearance covering the employee
concerned. Whenever a contractor
employee has submitted forms pre-
scribed by this paragraph to DISCO
but subsequently objects, for any
reason, to be processed for a clear-
ance or to have an existing clear-
ance continued, the contractor shall
submit a report to DISCO. Verifica-
tion of such objectiow shall be
made by the Government. After
verification, any pending clearance
shall be terminated and any secur-
ity clearance then held by the em-
ployee shall be administratively
terminated by the Government
without prejudice to the employee.
(2) The contractor shall establish ade-
quate procedures to assure that
Part II of the DD Form 48, or the
DD Form 49; or Part I of the DD
Form 48-3, as appropriate, is com-
pleted prior to completion of any
other part of the form by the em-
ployee. Additionally, the contractor
will insure that Part III, DD Forms
48, 49, or 48-3, as appropriate, is
completed by the employee in pri-
vate. Moreover, the employee shall
be advised of the instructions which
preface Part III, relating to the
completion of Part III in private,
and the provision for adding any
additional information which he
may consider to have a bearing on
his security clearance.
(3) Moreover, the employee shall be
advised that prior to affixing his
signature to the form, the form
shall be folded so that the witness
to his signature will not see any
portion of Part III of the completed
PSQ. After the employee signs the
original in the presence of the wit-
ness, the witness shall affix his sig-
nature Pnd address.
(4) The employee shall be further ad-
vised that, upon completion of the
above, the form shall be inserted by
him in the pre-addressed envelope
(DLA Form 703) provided, to-
gether with the previously com-
pleted Fingerprint Card (FD Form
258). For personnel security clear-
ances required in connection with
a facility security clearance, the
application shall be submitted to
the cognizant security office by use
of the envelope (DLA Form 704)
provided which requires affixing
the address of the appropriate cog-
nizant security office together with
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DooD 5220.22-M
the previously completed FD Form
258. (The Fingerprint Card is not
required when a DD Form 48-2 or
DD Form 48-3 is submitted. It is re-
quired in connection with all other
submissions.) The employee shall
be advised that: (i) the envelope
shall be sealed by him; (ii) his
signature shall be affixed across the
envelope flap on the line provided ;
(iii) the date of the signature will
be inserted on the line provided;
and (iv) the envelope shall be im-
mediately returned to the employer
for mailing.
(5) The employer shall assure that the
Fingerprint Card, if required, is
completed prior to completion of the
DD Form 48 or DD Form 49 so that
it will be available for the employee
to insert in the pre-addressed en-
velope upon completion of the DD
Form 48 or DD Form 49. In addi-
tion, the contractor shall establish
procedures to assure that an em-
ployee of the contractor will wit-
ness the taking of the employee's
fingerprints on the card, to insure
that the persons fingerprinted is,
in fact, the same as the employee
being processed for the clearance.
The employer shall witness the
placing of the Fingerprint Card in
the envelope and the sealing of the
envelope, to assure substitutions do
not occur.
(6) When the sealed envelope contain-
ing the completed personnel secur-
ity forms is received from the em-
ployee by the contractor, it shall be
forwarded unopened to DISCO, or
to the cognizant security office, as
provided in paragraph (1).
(7) All forms required by this Section
in connection with personnel se-
curity clearances shall be obtained
from DISCO. Instructions for corn-
pletion of such forms are contained
in pamphlets, which are also ob-
tained from DISCO. These pam-
phlets are entitled: (i) Instruc-
tions for Completion of DD Form
48 or DD Form 49; (ii) Instruc-
tions for Completion of DD Form
48-3; and (iii) Instructions for
Completion of DD Form 48-2.
b. Immigrant Aliens. Prior to submitting
an application for a personnel security clear-
ance for an immigrant alien, the contractor
shall require the alien to produce for the
contractor's review, the Alien Registration
Receipt Card (Form No. 1-151) which has
been issued to the individual. This card is
issued only to aliens who have been lawfully
admitted to the U.S. under an immigration
visa for permanent residence.
c. New Clearances. Application for an ini-
tial clearance, for upgrading an existing
clearance, or for requesting,.,a clearance in
situations where other provisions of this
Manual are not applicable, shall be made by
the contractor by submission of the following
A DD Form 4',$.2 completed and
executed by U.S. citizens who are
to be processed for a DoD issued
clearance unless paragraph (2) be-
low applies.
(2) A DD Form 491 completed and
executed in the following cases :
(a) Immigrant aliens who are to
be processed for SECRET or
(b) U.S. citizens who are to be
2 The DD Form 48 packet is composed of the PSQ and one
copy of the NAC Request (DD Form 1584).
a The DD Form 49 packet is similar to the DD Form 48
packet but contains five copies of the PSQ and additional
questions regarding citizenship status.
78 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041R000300040001-2I'ar. 26
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processed for TOP SECRET
(c) U.S. citizens who are to be
processed for any level of
clearance when the applicant
lists relatives or relatives of his
spouse who are residing in
Communist countries (Commu-
nist countries are listed in
footnote 10 to paragraph 5u).
(d) U.S. citizens who are to be
processed for any level of
clearance when the applicant
advises he is a representative
of a foreign interest.
(3) A properly completed and executed
FD Form 258 with each request
submitted pursuant to paragraph
(1) or (2). Care shall be exercised
to instu e that fingerprints are au-
thenticlegible and complete, as
those which do not meet prescribed
standards shall be returned for re-
execution which will result in
clearance delays. The employee
being processed for access shall in.
sert all the forms in the pre-
addressed envelope (DLA Form
703) provided, and then seal. The
employee shall then place his signa-
ture and the date across the enve-
lope flap on the line provided. The
employee shall deliver the sealed,
signed and dated envelope immedi-
ately to the designated company
representative, who will insure
d. Interim Clearance. Except as author-
ized below, requests for interim personnel
security clearances must be approved by the
contracting officer. Contracting officer ap-
proval will be given only in an emergency
situation in order to avoid crucial delays in
precontract negotiation, or in the award or
performance on a contract. The contractor
shall (i) obtain such approval and submit
it with the application for interim clearance,
or (ii) forward the application for interim
clearance through the contracting officer. An
application for an interim SECRET or CON-
FIDENTIAL clearance shall not be made
when a request for a SECRET or CONFI-
DENTIAL clearance is already in process
based on a previously submitted clearance
application. The application for interim
clearance shall consist of the forms pre-
scribed by paragraph c, above. The words
"Interim TOP SECRET," "Interim SE-
CRET," or "Interim CONFIDENTIAL," as
appropriate, shall be placed in bold letters
in the lower right-hand corner of the "Job
Title and Description of Duties" block of the
DD Form 48 or 49. The approval letter from
the contracting officer shall be attached be-
hind the FD Form 258. As an exception to
the foregoing procedures, and paragraph i.,
below, when an emergency situation exists
which would render the facility incapable of
adequately safeguarding classified material
in its possession and no contracting officer
is available to approve the interim clearance
request within the time required to negate
the threat, the cognizant security office is
authorized to approve interim personnel se-
curity clearance requests being forwarded
to DISCO. Interim SECRET clearances for
immigrant aliens are not authorized. Access
limitations applicable in the case of interim
clearances are set forth in paragraph 20c.
e. Clearance Transfers. Application for a
security clearance may be made by the con-
tractor for employees for whom a Letter of
Consent was previously issued while the in-
dividual was employed by another contractor
provided there has not been a lapse of more
than 12 months since termination of the em-
ployment for which the Letter of Consent
was issued. Application is made by submit-
ting one copy of an executed DD Form 48-3.
f. Clearance Transfers - Multiple Facility
Organizations. When an employee for whom
a Letter of Consent has been issued is trans-
ferred from one facility to another in a
multiple facility organization with the same
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DoD 5220.22-M
or higher level of facility security clearance,
the contractor shall-
(1) Forward to the gaining facility
either a copy of the Letter of Con-
sent for the employee being trans-
ferred, which shall be certified by
the contractor of his authorized
representative as a true copy; or the
original Letter of Consent, if it
lists only the employee being trans-
temporary or part-time basis, who
is also employed by or acting as a
consultant to another contractor,
and who has a current Letter of
Consent, an additional Letter of
Consent shall be requested if the
individual requires access to classi-
fied information. Application for a
Letter of Consent will be made by
the submission of one copy of ail
executed DD Form 48-3. The "Con-
current Clearance" block shall be
marked on the DD Form 48-3.
(2) Promptly submit two copies of DLA
Form 562-R to DISCO as notifica-
tion of the transfer.
However, when an employee is transferred
to an uncleared facility or a facility with a
lower level facility security clearance than
the employee's clearance, and if the employee
will continue to require access at the level
of his clearance at another cleared facility or
a Government installation, or if the con-
tractor desires to retain the Letter of Con-
sent at the higher level so it will be available
in the event the individual is transferred
back to a facility at which the clearance
will be needed, the Letter of Consent shall
be forwarded to the home office facility or
the appropriate principal management fa-
cility of the multiple facility organization
rather than to the gaining facility. If an
employee is transferred to a facility with a
lower level facility clearance than his per-
sonnel clearance and the contractor desires
to retain the Letter of Consent only at the
lower level, the contractor shall amend the
Letter of Consent to reflect the lower level
of the access authorization and include a
statement to this effect in the "Remarks"
block of the DLA Form 562-R which is sub-
mitted to DISCO. Clearance transfer action
under this paragraph may be initiated after
determination to reassign has been made,
but prior to the actual transfer.
g. Concurrent Clearances
(1) When a contractor hires an indi-
vidual or engages a consultant on a
(2) An exception to the requirement
for submission of a DD Form 48-3
to obtain a concurrent clearance
can be made when an OODEP of a
parent company becomes concur-
rently an OODEP of a subsidiary,
or when an OODEP of a subsidiary
becomes concurrently an OODEP
of the parent company, provided
the new clearance being requested
is not at a higher level than the
existing clearance. In these cases
the contractor (parent or subsid-
iary) to whom the existing clear-
ance has been issued, will submit a
letter to the cognizant security of-
fice of the facility (subsidiary or
parent) to which the new clearance
is to be issued setting forth full
name, date and place of birth, So-
cial Security number, date ? and
level of clearance of the OODEP,
and request a concurrent clearance
at the parent or subsidiary, as the
case may be. After issuance of the
concurrent clearance, the facility
(parent or subsidiary) to which
the new clearance has been issued
will furnish a copy to the facility
to which the initial clearance was
issued. That facility in turn will
furnish to the other facility, a re-
production of Part I of the DLA
Form 482. If the OODEP'S em-
ployment is terminated at either
facility, the cognizant security of-
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DOD 5220.22-M
fice of that facility will be advised
in accordance with established pro-
cedures. In addition, Part II of the
DLA Form 482 will be completed
and maintained in the records of
that facility. If employment with
the parent and subsidiary is termi-
nated, their respective cognizant
security offices will be notified in ac-
cordance with established proce-
dures. Only one debriefing state-
ment (Part II of DLA Form 482)
need be completed, but a reproduc-
tion will be furnished the other
(3) Any action by the Government to
suspend or revoke a clearance will
be equally applicable to all concur-
rent clearances issued for the con-
sultant or OODEP. Concurrent no-
tices of such action will be provided
each employer by the Government.
h. Reemployment of Cleared Personnel.
When, within a period of 12 months, a con-
tractor reemploys an individual for whom he
had previously been issued a Letter of Con-
sent, the contractor may reactivate the Let-
ter of Consent by submitting a notice of re-
employment on DLA Form 562-R to DISCO.
Two copies of the form shall be submitted.
Contractor-granted CONFIDENTIAL clear-
ances of individuals who are reemployed
within a period of 12 months may be rein-
stated by the contractor without notification
to DISCO. Where the previously issued Let-
ter of Consent was at the TOP SECRET
level, and there is no valid requirement to
reinstate the clearance at that level, the con-
tractor may request a Letter of Consent at
the SECRET level for the individual within
a 12-month period by submitting two copies
of DLA Form 562-R to DISCO, annotated
in the "Remarks" section to indicate the
lower level of clearance to be reinstated.
i. Formerly Cleared Personnel. In cases
involving U.S. citizens where a final SE-
CRET or final TOP SECRET clearance can-
not be transferred or cannot be reactivated
because there has been a lapse of more than
12 months since termination of the employ-
ment for which the Letter of Consent was
issued, the contractor may request an in-
terim SECRET clearance without obtaining
approval from the contracting officer, pro-
vided application is made within 25 months
from the date of termination of the employ-
ment for which the Letter of Consent was
issued. The application will be made by sub-
mitting the forms specified in paragraph c,
above, to DISCO. Applications submitted
pursuant to this paragraph shall be anno-
tated in the "Job Title and Description of
Duties" block of the DD Form 48 to indicate
that interim clearance pursuant to para-
graph 26i is requested. Where the previous
clearance was issued at the CONFIDEN-
TIAL level by the DoD, the contractor may
request an interim CONFIDENTIAL clear-
ance under the provisions of this paragraph.
j. Change of Name. The contractor shall
submit one copy of DLA Form 562--R to
DISCO whenever a change occurs in the
legal name of an employee for whom the
DoD has issued a Letter of Consent. Upon
receipt of this report a new Letter of Con-
sent will be issued.
k. Issuance of Letter of Consent.
(1) Except as authorized below, Letters
of Consent are issued to the facility
at which the individual is principally
employed and the name and address
of this facility shall be entered in the
"Name and Address of Employer"
block of the DD Form 48 or 49. The
exceptions applicable only in the case
of multiple facility organizations are:
(a) The employee (i) who, in con-
nection with the performance
of his duties at another cleared
facility or Government instal-
lation, requires access to a
higher category of classified
information than the facility
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clearance of the facility at
which he is employed or physi-
cally located, or (ii) who is
employed or physically located
at an uncleared facility. In
such cases the Letter of Con-
sent is issued to the home office
or the appropriate principal
management facility of the
multiple facility organization
and it may not be for a higher
category of access than the
facility clearance of the home
office or the principal manage-
ment facility.
(b) When the contractor elects to
have Letters of Consent issued
to the home office or a princi-
pal management facility rather
than to the facility at which
the individuals are employed or
physically located. Prior to re-
questing DISCO to send Let-
ters of Consent to a home of-
fice or principal management
facility, the contractor shall de-
velop a proposed SPP or a
proposed procedure for inclu-
sion in the existing SPP and
forward it to the cognizant se-
curity office of the home office
or the principal management
facility for review. The SPP
shall identify (i) each facility
of the multiple facility organi-
zation, or (ii) each facility of
the multiple facility organiza-
tion which is located within
the geographical or functional
area for which the principal
management facility is admin-
istratively responsible. Upon
receipt of notice from the
cognizant security office that
the SPP is adequate, the con-
tractor may request DISCO
to issue Letters of Consent to
the home office or principal
management facilty.
(c) When the individual is required
to be cleared in connection
with the home office facility
clearance and his principal
place of work is at another fa-
cility of the multiple facility
organization. In this case, Let-
ters of Consent are issued to
both the home office facility
and the facility where the in-
dividual is principally em-
ployed or physically located, or
to the appropriate principal
management facility. An addi-
tional Letter of Consent may
be issued upon submission of a
DLA Form 562-R which shall
indicate in the "Remarks" sec-
tion the reasons therefor.
(2) When the Letter of Consent is issued
to the home office or principal man-
agement facility rather than the fa-
cility at which the individual is prin-
cipally employed or physically located,
the contractor is required to:
(a) Maintain a clearance record at
the facility where the individ-
ual is employed or physically
located. In addition, the home
office or principal management
facility shall maintain records
which reflect :
1. The facility at which the in-
dividual is employed or
physically located ;
2. The date (s) of initial and
recurrring security brief-
ings, and the name (s) of
the briefer (s) ; and
3. The date(s) and name(s)
of the officials conducting
visits to the uncleared fa-
cilities pursuant to para-
graph 73.
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(b) Report transfers within the
multiple facility organization
in accordance with paragraph
f, above ; and,
(c) Process visits to other facili-
ties of the multiple facility or-
ganization in accordance with
paragraphs 41a and 73.
On the application for clearance sub-
mitted pursuant to paragraphs k (l)
(a) and (b) above, the DD Forms 48,
49, or 48--3, or DLA Form 562-R
shall clearly indicate the name and
address of the facility at which the
individual is employed or physically
located in the "Name and Address of
Employer" block of the form. In addi-
tion, the name and address of the
facility to which the Letter of Con-
sent is to be mailed shall be placed
in the "Job Title" block of the DD
Form 48, 49, or 48-3, or the DLA
Form 562--R. The facility name and
address shall be preceded by the
words "MAIL TO" in bold letters.
`Q' (or `L') Conversion Requested." The
DISCO will obtain verification of the current
"Q" or "L" clearance and the investigative
basis thereof from the ERDA. Following
this verification DISCO will issue a Letter of
Consent to the contractor.
27. Clearance of Present and Former
Civilian and Military Personnel of the
DoD and Certain Other Government
a. Personnel security clearances issued by
a User Agency to civilian or military per-
sonnel who are U.S. citizens may be con-
verted to industrial personnel security clear-
ances as follows:
1. ERDA Clearances. A contractor who is
engaged in classified work with the ERDA
may request a DoD industrial personnel se-
curity clearance for an employee who holds
a "Q" or "I." clearance in connection with
the contractor's work for the ERDA. In
such cases, the "Q" clearance shall be con-
sidered as an authoritative basis for a DoD
clearance at the SECRET level provided the
investigative basis of the "Q" clearance
meets DoD investigative requirements. The
"L" clearance shall be considered as an au-
thoritative basis for a DoD clearance at the
CONFIDENTIAL level, provided the inves-
tigative basis of the "L" clearance meets
DoD investigative requirements. Application
for an industrial personnel security clear-
ance based on a "Q" or "L" clearance may
be made by the submission of one copy of
DD Form 48-3 to DISCO. The "Job Title and
Description of Duties" block in Part I of the
DD Form 48-3 will be annotated "ERDA
(1) Top-level civilian or military person-
nel-18 months from the time of
separation from active Federal serv-
(2) Retired civilian and military person-
nel of any grade with 19 years or
more of Federal service-18 months
from the date of retirement from ac-
tive Federal service.
(3) For other civilian or military person-
nel separated or retired from active
Federal service-12 months from the
time of separation or retirement
from active Federal service.
(4) Reserve military personnel who, are
not on extended active duty but who
actively, participate in a Reserve pro-
gram requiring that they hold a valid
security clearance, may have such
clearance converted to an industrial
security clearance. Clearances granted
to such personnel who have trans-
ferred to the standby or retired Re-
serve also may be converted to in-
dustrial security clearances within 12
months of a person's being placed in
the standby or retired Reserve. Clear-
ances granted to members of the Na-
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tional Guard are not convertible to
industrial security clearances.
b. Personnel security clearances issued by
other Departments or Agencies of the Execu-
tive Branch of Government to personnel who
are U.S. citizens, may be converted to in-
dustrial personnel security clearances when:
(1) A determination can be made, based
upon a review of the prior investiga-
tion, that the investigation meets
standards prescribed by the DoD for
such clearances;
(2) The service of the employee, in a
cleared status, has been continuous
since the investigation with no break
in service longer than 12 months ; and
(3) An inquiry to the employee's previous
employer or employers. discloses no
reason for expanding or updating the
c. Top-level civilian personnel are defined
as Presidential appointees, Civil Service ap-
pointees of the supergrades (GS-16 and
above) and members of Industry Advisory
Committees who have been duly appointed
by Secretariat levels of the User Agencies.
Top-level military personnel are those of the
general and flag officer grades.
d. Contractors employing personnel eligi-
ble for conversion of clearance under the
provisions of this paragraph may request
clearance to the level of access required in
the assignment of their duties by submitting
the following information:
(1) One signed copy of DD Form 48-3.
(2) For former civilian personnel-an
exact reproduction of the Notification
of Personnel Action (Standard Form
50) which terminated his employment
with the Government.
(3) For former military personnel-an
exact reproduction of the Armed
Forces of the United States Report of
Transfer or Discharge (DD Form
(4) For civilian or military personnel
presently employed by or on active
duty with a User Agency, the forms
prescribed by paragraph (2) or (3)
above are not required. However, in
the case of military personnel the in-
dividual's service number shall be
placed in Item 18 of the DD Form
(5) For Reservists participating in a Re-
serve Program and for those who
have transferred to the standby or re-
tired Reserve within the past 12
months, the forms prescribed by
paragraph (2) or (3) above are not
required. However, the individual's
service number, the identity and ex-
act address of the unit to which as-
signed and the date such participation
commenced shall be placed in item
18 of the DD Form 48-3. In addition,
for those individuals who have trans-
ferred to the standby or retired Re-
serve, a copy of the orders effecting
such a transfer shall be attached to
the DD Form 48-3.
e. The complete set of forms required by
paragraph 26c shall be accomplished when :
(1) The clearance requirement is for a
higher level than is reflected in the
clearance records; or
(2) There has been greater lapse of time
than that set forth in paragraph a,
above ; or
(3) Requested by DISCO. (The request
will state that the forms are needed to
satisfy an official requirement.)
28. Contractor's Clearance Record
The contractor shall maintain a current
record at each facility of all employees and
consultants located at the facility who have
been cleared for access to classified informa-
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DoD 5220.22-M
tion. The record will indicate the level and
date of clearance and whether cleared by a
specific military department, DISCO or the
29. Administrative Termination of
Personnel Security Clearances
a. The contractor, under the conditions
stated below, may request the administrative
termination of SECRET and Government
granted security clearances which are no
longer required. If a cleared employee no
longer has or requires access to classified
information and no requirement for such
access is anticipated in the foreseeable fu-
ture, administrative termination of a Gov-
ernment issued clearance is accomplished by
submission of a properly completed Request
for Administrative Termination of Person-
nel Security Clearance (DLA Form 683) to
DISCO. Contractor granted CONFIDEN-
TIAL clearances may be administratively
terminated by the contractor in accordance
with the procedures and criteria of this para-
graph. The contractor shall process for ad-
ministrative termination, or downgrading to
a lower level (see paragraph 30) all TOP
SECRET clearances which are no longer re-
quired. When an individual with a TOP SE-
CRET clearance has not had access to TOP
SECRET information in the previous 18
months, but the contractor anticipates a re-
quirement for access to TOP SECRET in-
formation in the foreseeable future, justi-
fication for retention of a TOP SECRET
personel clearance shall be provided the
cognizant security office. If a contractor fails
to take action to terminate a TOP SECRET
personnel security clearance under the con-
ditions described above, and fails to submit
justification for retention of the clearance,
the cognizant security office shall submit a
recommendation to the EDIS, HQ DLA, for
processing pursuant to the provisions of
paragraph f., below.
individual previously cleared in connection
with the facility clearance no longer requires
clearance and can be excluded from access
in accordance with the procedures set forth
in paragraph 22e, a recommendation for ad-
ministrative termination of the clearance
may be submitted to the cognizant security
office by submission of a properly completed
DLA Form 683 and two copies of the organi-
zation's minutes attesting that the exclu-
sion action required by paragraph 22e (1)
has been completed.
c. In connection with the preparation of
the DLA Form 683 the contractor shall ad-
vise the employee as follows :
(1) The personnel security clearance shall
be administratively terminated since
there is no current or forseeable fu-
ture requirement for access to classi-
fied information ;
(2) The proposed action in no way re-
flects adversely upon the employee's
personnel security eligibility ;
(3) The employee may be processed for
a new personnel security clearance
with a minimum of delay when the
occasion and need arise for the em-
ployee to require access to classified
information; and
(4) The employee's signature on the DLA
Form 683 will certify that he under-
stands and acknowledges this action.
d. At the time the employee signs DLA
Form 683 he will also be debriefed in ac-
cordance with paragraph 5g and requested
to sign Part II of DLA Form 482. On com-
pletion of DLA Form 683 by the employee
the contractor will forward the form to
DISCO. (In the case of an OODEP the DLA
Form 683 shall be forwarded to the cognizant
security office.) The completed DLA Form
482 will be retained by the contractor in
accordance with paragraph 5g. In the case
of the administrative termination of a con-
tractor granted CONFIDENTIAL clearance,
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DLA Form 683 will be retained by the con-
tractor for 2 years along with DLA Form
482. The administrative termination of a
contractor granted CONFIDENTIAL clear-
ance is completed at the time the employee
.no,signs DLA Form 683. As provided for in
paragraphs 29 and 30, if subsequent to such
termination it becomes necessary to revali-
date the clearance, Part I of the DLA Form
482 will be executed prior to the person hav-
mmo access to classified information.
e. If the employee will not sign the DLA
Form 683, the contractor shall refer the
matter to the cognizant security office for
determination. Included with the letter of
referral shall be the partially completed
DLA Form 683. The contractor shall also
furnish the home address of the employee.
The cognizant security office will contact the
employee and request him to show cause as
to why the recommended action should not
be completed. If the individual fails to re-
spond within 30 days from receipt of such
request to show cause, the Government will
consider such failure as notice to the Gov-
ernment that the individual no longer objects
to the administrative termination of the
f. In those rare and exceptional cases
where DASD (SP), or higher authority, de-
termines that a personnel security clearance
was granted in error or is not required, he
may, at his option, administratively termi-
nate the clearance or clearance action in
process without prejudice to the individual
concerned or jeopardy to his employer's op-
g. In the event a need arises for an em-
ployee to have access to classified informa-
tion subsequent to the administrative termi-
nation of his clearance, and such need oc-
curs within 24 months from date of notice
from the Government. that the previous
clearance was administratively terminated,
the previous clearance may be revalidated
--*-immediately provided (i) the individual has
been continuously employed by the same con-
...s tractor, and (ii) the contractor knows of no
questionable or adverse information concern-*--
ing the employee. Revalidation will be ef-
fected by submission of two copies of DLA
Form 562-R to DISCO or the cognizant se-
curity office, as appropriate. The DISCO will
revalidate the clearance. The statement, 4~
"This is a request for revalidation of a clear-
ance administratively terminated on (date)"
shall be included in item 13, "Remarks."
h. In the event an employee for whom a
Letter of Consent was administratively
terminated is transferred from one facility
to another in a multiple facility organization
with the same or higher level of facility secu-
rity clearance, and the gaining facility has a
need for the employee to have access to
classified information, and such need occurs
within 24 months from date of notice from
the Government that the previous clearance
was terminated, the previous clearance may
be revalidated provided (i) the individual
has been continuously employed by the same
contractor, and (ii) the contractor knows of
no questionable or adverse information con-
cerning the employee. Revalidation will be ef-
fected by submission of two copies of DLA r""
Form 562-R to DISCO or the cognizant se-
curity office, as appropriate. The DISCO will
revalidate the clearance. The block "multiple
facility transfer" will be checked in item 1,
and the statement, "This is a request for re-
validation of a clearance administratively
terminated on (date)" shall be included in
item 13, "Remarks."
i. In the event an employee for whom a
Letter of Consent was administratively
terminated is employed by another contrac-
tor in a position requiring access to classified
information, and such employment 'occurs
within 12 months from date of notice from
the Government that the previous clearance
was terminated, the previous clearance may
be revalidated by submission of one copy of
an executed DD Form 48-3. The DISCO will
reissue the clearance by forwarding a new
Letter of Consent to the contractor.
j. If the previous clearance which was ad-
ministratively terminated was a contractor-
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granted CONFIDENTIAL clearance, and a
new need arises for the individual to have
access to CONFIDENTIAL information, the
actions required by paragraph 24b, shall be
accomplished as a new clearance action.
30. Administrative Downgrading of
TOP SECRET Personnel Security
a. When an employee other than an
OODEP, cleared at the TOP SECRET level,
has not had access to TOP SECRET in-
formation during the preceding 18 months,
and a requirement for such access is not
anticipated, but access to a lower category
of classified information is required, the per-
sonnel security clearance shall be down-
graded without prejudice to a lower level by
submission of a DLA Form 562-R, in dupli-
cate, to DISCO. The properly completed
form shall set forth in the "Remarks" block,
item 13, a request to downgrade the. TOP
SECRET clearance without prejudice to the
appropriate level. Upon receipt of a copy of
the DLA Form 562-R from DISCO, anno-
tated to reflect that the requested action has
been completed, the contractor shall annotate
the previously issued Letter of Consent to
reflect the new level of access, and the date
such action was taken by DISCO. The Letter
of Consent retains the original date of issu-
b. TOP SECRET personnel security clear-
ances downgraded in accordance with the
paragraph can be reinstated summarily upon
request of the contractor, when a require-
ment for such access exists, provided (i)
.?- there has not been a lapse of more than 24
months from the date of the downgrading
or termination action, (ii) the individual has
been continuously employed by the same con-
tractor/multiple facility organization, (iii)
the contractor knows of no questionable or
adverse information concerning the employee
and (iv) that a valid need exists for the re-
--validation of the TOP SECRET clearance.
Application is made by submission of DLA
Form 562-R, in duplicate, to DISCO setting
forth in the "Remarks" block, item 13, a
request to reinstate the previous TOP SE-
CRET clearance. Upon receipt of a copy of
the DLA Form 562-R from DISCO, anno-
tated to reflect that the requested action has
been completed, the contractor shall anno-
tate the previously issued Letter of Consent
to reflect the new level of access and the date
such access was authorized by DISCO.
c. When there has been a lapse of more
than 24 months from the date the TOP SE-
CRET clearance was downgraded to a lower
level clearance, DISCO will issue a new Let-
ter of Consent provided (i) the individual
has been continuously employed by the same
contractor/multiple facility organization
since the date of the downgrading action,
(ii) the contractor knows of no questionable
or adverse information, and (iii) that a valid
need exists for the TOP SECRET clearance.
Application for the new Letter of Consent
shall be made by submitting one copy of DD
Form 48-3 to DISCO.
31. Canadian and U.K. Reciprocal
a. Pursuant to the provisions of The
United States-Canada Industrial Security
Agreement, employees of the contractor who
are citizens of Canada, except- those individ-
uals who have status as aliens admitted to
the U.S. under an immigration visa for per-
manent residence, may be processed for a
Canadian Reciprocal clearance authorizing
access to classified information in connec-
tion with the performance of classified work
at a facility located in the U.S. or Canada.
b. Under the provisions of the U.S.-U.K.
Industrial Security Agreement, employees of
the contractor who are citizens of the U.K.,
except those individuals who have status as
aliens admitted to the U.S. under an immi-
gration visa for permanent residence, may
be processed for a U.K. Reciprocal clearance
authorizing access to classified information
in connection with the performance of clas-
Pars. 29, 30 & 31 87
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sified work at a facility located in the U.S.
c. Application for Canadian or U.K. Re-
ciprocal clearances for employees in the cate-
gories described in paragraphs a, and b,
above shall be made by the contractor by
submission of the DD Form 49 and three
copies of executed FD Form 258. The follow-
ing items on the DD Form 49 need not be
completed and the notation "not applicable"
may be used in lieu thereof : 13d(1) ; 13d
(4) thru 13d(7) ; and 15b. Item 19 need only
be answered with respect to non-U.S. or non-
Canadian organizations where the applica-
tion is for a Canadian Reciprocal clearance;
and non-U.S. and non-U.K. organizations
where the application is for a U.K. Recip-
rocal clearance. The words "RECIPROCAL
CLEARANCE" shall be placed in bold, block
letters in the lower right-hand corner of the
"Job Title and Description of Duties" block
of the DD Form 49.
d. Limitations on Access Under Reciprocal
Clearances (Both Facility and Personnel Se-
curity Clearances).
(1) Canadian and U.K. Reciprocal
clearances granted under the provi-
sions of this paragraph are not
valid for access to :
fined in the U.S. Atomic En-
ergy Act of 1954, as amended ;
DATA removed from the RE-
pursuant to Section 142 (d) of
the U.S. Atomic Energy Act
of 1954, as amended ;
(c) COMSEC information;
(d) Any ACDA classified informa-
tion ;
(e) Information for which foreign
dissemination has been pro-
hibited in whole or in part ;
(f) Any information for which a
special access authorization is
required ; and
(g) Any information which has
not been specifically authorized
for release to either Canada or
the U.K. as the case may be.
(2) In addition, Canadian Reciprocal
clearances are not valid for access
to classified atomic energy data as
defined in the Atomic Energy Con-
trol Act (Revised Statutes of Can-
ada 1952) and the Atomic Energy
Control Regulations, Order-in-Coun-
cil PC, 1959-1643.
e. Individuals who have been granted
Canadian or U.K. Reciprocal clearances, and
who subsequently become immigrant aliens
or U.S. citizens, need not be processed for
regular clearance, pursuant to paragraph
26, unless a requirement arises for access
to information set forth in paragraph d,
above or for information of a higher clas-
sification category than covered by the Cana-
dian or U.K. Reciprocal clearance.
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32. Purpose
Normally, the contractor shall protect clas-
sified material in the manner prescribed in
paragraphs 14, 15, and 16. If, however, be-
cause of the nature, size or unique char-
acteristics of the classified material, unau-
thorized personnel cannot be effectively
denied access to such material by the safe-
guards set forth in the above paragraphs,
the material shall be safeguarded by con-
trolling the area in which it is located., Con-
trolled areas shall consist of Closed and
Restricted Areas as defined in paragraphs
3h and 3bc, respectively.
c. Area designations shall be promptly re-
moved or covered if and when the original
need for the creation of the area no longer
exists (e.g., all classified material removed
from the area for delivery to the customer).
d. To avoid confusion with restricted
areas established on military installations
for purposes other than the protection of
classified material, Restricted Areas created
in contractor facilities or activities located
on such installations shall be designated
DoD MANUAL 5220.22-M."
34. Area Controls
33. General
a. A controlled area shall not be estab-
lished for the sole purpose of storing classi-
fied documents (see paragraph 14a(3) (f)
for guidance on use of "other vaults and
strongrooms" for the storage of classified
b. The frequency of the guard patrols
(see paragraph 34a(3) below) shall be de-
termined primarily by the construction fea-
tures of the area. If the area is constructed
as described in Appendix. V, a patrol of the
area once every two hours is sufficient. If
the area is constructed using standards les-
ser than in Appendix V, then. the frequency
of patrol has to be increased.
I The entry into a controlled area, per se, will not con-
stitute access to classified information if the security measures
which are in force prevent the gaining of knowledge of the
classified information. Therefore, the entry into a controlled
area under conditions that prevent the gaining of knowledge
of classified information will not necessitate a personnel
security clearance.
(1) Shall be separated from adjacent
areas by a physical barrier capable
of preventing unuthorized entry
and, when visual access to classified
material is a factor, observation by
unauthorized persons. The physical
barrier shall be substantially con-
structed of materials which provide
protection against surreptitious en-
try or removal of classified material
and which offers visual evidence of
attempted surreptitious or forced
entry (see Appendix V for con-
struction criteria).
(2) During Working Hours.
(a) Open or unlocked entrance. If
the material within the area is
classified no higher than CON-
FIDENTIAL, admittance shall
be controlled by a properly
Pars. 32, 33 & 34 89
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cleared contractor authorized
employee or guard stationed so
as to supervise the entrance to
the area. If the material is
classified SECRET or TOP
SECRET, admittance shall be
under the direct and continu-
ous supervision of a properly
cleared guard posted at the en-
(b) Locked entrance. If the ma-
terial within the area is classi-
fied no higher than SECRET,
admittance shall be under the
direct. and continuous super-
vision of a properly cleared
contractor authorized employee
or guard, except as may be
provided for by complying
with paragraph 36. The em-
ployee or guard designated to
control the entrance shall be
required to unlock and open
the entrance, remain at the en-
trance, while it remains open,
supervise the passage of ma-
terial .or authorized personnel
through the entrance, and to
lock the entrance immediately
thereafter. If the material is
classified TOP SECRET, ad-
mittance shall be under the
direct and continuous supervi-
vision of a properly cleared
guard posted at the entrance.
(8) During non-working hours admit-
tance shall be controlled by locked
entrances and exits, secured with
either a built-in, three-position, dial-
type, changeable combination lock,
or a padlock as described in para-
graph 14a(3) (d). However, doors
secured from the inside with a
panic bolt, a dead bolt, a rigid wood
or metal bar, or other means ap-
proved by the cognizant security
office, will not require additional
locking devices. In addition, guards
on patrol shall be utilized, unless.
the contractor complies with the
provisions of paragraph 35. The
extent of such patrols shall be com-
mensurate with the accessibility
and size of the area, but as a mini=
mum, the guard shall at all times be
able to control ingress to and egress
from the area, and to determine the
presence of any unauthorized
(4.) Areas shall be designated and
marked "Closed Area."
(5) Employees assigned to the area
shall challenge the presence of any
unknown persons. The need-to-
know principle shall be adhered to
at all times within the Closed Area.
b. Restricted Area.
(1) During working hours, the same
controls as prescribed for Closed
Areas during working hours.
(2) During nonworking hours, the same
controls as prescribed by paragraph
(3) Areas shall be designated and
marked "Restricted Area."
c. Area Approval. The cognizant security
office and the contractor shall agree upon the
extent of the controlled area prior to the
award of the contract, when possible, or at
such subsequent times as the need for such
areas become apparent during the perform-
ance on the contract. Where the costs of con-
struction and/or maintenance of the con-
trolled areas are to be charged against a
User Agency contract, the cognizant security
office shall obtain and furnish to the con-
tractor written authorization from the con-
tracting officer concerned for the expendi-
ture of necessary funds. This authorization
shall only be required when the contractor
is performing on cost-reimbursement type
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contracts as opposed to fixed-price type con-
tracts in which such security costs would be
included in the initial contract price.
d. Reports. The cognizant security office
shall be advised in accordance with para-
graph 6a (5) of the creation of any new con-
trolled areas or of any change in the location
of any existing controlled areas.
35. Supplemental or Supplanting
Alarm Systems
a. Alarm systems may be divided into
those that supplant the use of guards re-
quired under paragraph 34a(3), and those
which supplement and extend the capability
of guards.
(1) When used to supplant guards, the
electrical protective alarm system
shall be connected to a central con-
trol station.
(a) The central control station
may be located at the contrac-
tor's facility or at the facility
of a subcontractor who main-
tains and operates the electri-
cal protective alarm system
and responds to alarms .2,3
2 A direct-connect or remote station alarm system (i.e., a
system connected by direct wire to alarm receiving equipment
located in a local police department headquarters, which is
activated and deactivated by the using contractor and responded
to by personnel of the local police department may be utilized
when (I) the contractor's facility is located in an area where
the central station services of a subcontractor are not available;
(ii) it is impractical for the contractor to establish a pro-
prietary or in-plant alarm system in accordance with the
provisions of paragraph 35a(1) (c) ; (iii) the material and in-
stallation standards prescribed by paragraph 35b(1) or (2) are
observed; (iv) response time to an activated alarm by local
police personnel does not exceed 15 minutes from the time the
alarm was first registered and arrangements shall have been
made with the police department to immediately notify a repre-
sentative of the contractor (preferably the facility security
supervisor) upon receipt of an alarm ; and (v) the representative
of the contractor shall be required to report immediately to the
facility to ascertain the nature of the alarm and to take
appropriate measures to insure the security of the area con-
cerned. Approval of the cognizant security office is required
before a contractor may utilize a direct-connect system as an
alternative to the use of a central station system. The proposed
plan explaining how the system would operate should be sub-
mitted in duplicate to the cognizant security office, including
sufficient justification for the granting of an exception and the
full name and address of the police department which will
monitor the system and provide required response. The name,
address and clearance level of the subcontractor who installed
the system and who will Inspect, maintain and repair the equip-
ment shall also be furnished, if applicable.
(b) Such a subcontractor and its
employees shall have facility
and personnel security clear-
ances prescribed in paragraph
(c) Additional requirements for a
central control station are:
1 Trained and appropriately
cleared operators shall be
in attendance at the central
station at all times when
the electrical protective
alarm system is in opera-
tion. The device which sig-
nals alarms shall be con-
tinuously monitored.
2. Trained and appropriately
cleared guards, sufficient in
number to dispatch imme-
diately a guard to investi-
gate each alarm, shall be in
attendance at the central
station at all times when
the electrical protective
alarm system is in opera-
3. A signal shall be main-
tained at the central sta-
tion to show whether or not
the system is in working
order and to indicate any
tampering with the system.
Necessary repairs shall be
effected immediately.
k. Response time to an acti-
vated alarm (i.e., the time
required for guards to
reach the area) shall not
exceed 15 minutes from the
3 Central station burglar alarm systems classified by the UL,
Inc. as Grade A shall satisfy the requirements of this para-
graph. Evidence of compliance with the UL standards may take
the form of a UL Certificate or a letter issued by the installing
company (see UL 811, Central Station Burglar Alarm Systems
and list relating to authorized burglary protection equipment
and Installing companies in UL publication "Accident, Auto-
motive, and Burglary Protection Equipment List").
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time the alarm was first
5. Records shall be main-
tained indicating time of
receipt of alarm, name of
guards, time dispatched to
area, time guards checked
in, and nature of alarm.
Such records shall be kept
for a minimum of one year.
(2) When used to supplement guards
required by paragraph 34a (3),
electrical protective alarm systems
of the central station type, de-
scribed in paragraph a (1) above,
and systems not connected to a
central control station may be used.
However, if a central control sta-
tion is not employed, the system
shall provide an audible or visible
alarm signal which shall be capable
of attracting the immediate atten-
tion of guards on patrol in the area
and directing them to the location
of the alarm. In any event, the time
required to respond to an activated
alarm shall not exceed 15 minutes.
(3) When such systems are used, they
shall be activated immediately at
the close of business.
b. Material and Installation Standards.
(1) Where electrical protective systems
are applied to an area to supplant
or supplement guards, all material
and equipment used in the system
shall equal or exceed the standards
prescribed in and shall be installed
in accordance with (i) the provi-
sions of Interim Federal Specifica-
tion W-A-00450 "(GSA-FSS),
Alarm Systems, Protective, Interior
(Security), 3 November 1965", or
(ii) Underwriters' Laboratories
Standards for Intrusion-Detection
Units, UL-639, and Underwriters'
Laboratories Standards for Instal-
lation, Classification and Certifica-
tion of Burglar Alarm Systems,
(2) When individual alarms are in-
stalled on classified storage con-
tainers in accordance with para-
graph 14a(2) (c) or 14a(4) (c), the
installation shall provide "com-
plete" protection of the top, bottom,
sides and outer drawers or doors
of the container (see Interim Fed-
eral Specification W-A-00450
and UL Standards 681 and 639). In
addition, the requirements for a
central station or direct-connect
alarm system shall also apply (see
paragraph a(1) above).
c. Approval by the cognizant security of-
fice is required before the installation of
either a supplanting or supplemental alarm
system to meet a requirement of this Manual
(see paragraph 34c regarding cost consid-
36. Supplanting and Supplemental Elec-
tronic, Mechanical, and Electro-
Mechanical Access Control Devices
a. Supplanting Devices. Provided that the
material within the controlled area is classi-
fied no higher than SECRET, electronic,
mechanical, or electro-mechanical devices
which meet the criteria stated below may be
used to supplant contractor authorized em-
ployees or guards required under paragraph
34a(2) (b) to control admittance to the area
during working hours.
(1) Security enclosures (i.e., an en-
closed metal booth, having an inner
' The minimum required standard for installation on premises
shall be Installation No. 3 (see UL-681). New installations
shall conform to Interim Federal Specification W-A00450 to
the maximum extent permitted by availability of qualified
Copies of the Interim Federal Specification may be obtained
from any regional office of the GSA. Copies of the UL Standards
may be obtained from Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., 207
East Ohio Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611.
92 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94BOl041 R0003OGMQO43-& 36
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and an outer door, inserted into an
opening in the perimeter barrier
for. ingress to and egress from a
controlled area. Access to the con-
trolled area through the booth is
restricted to authorized persons
having knowledge of the combina-
tion on which the access control de-
vice is set to operate):
nated representative who is au-
thorized to enter the area. The
combination shall be changed
at least once every 3 months.
The control panel shall be
secured, by a three-position
dial-type, changeable combina-
tion padlock as specified in
paragraph 14a(3)(d).
(a) Control cards, if used in con-
junction with the combination
control panel, shall be rigidly
controlled and accounted for by
use of consecutive numbering
system and promptly recovered
upon termination or transfer
of the holder to duties no
longer requiring access to the
controlled area involved. (En-
closures operated by a control
card alone shall not be ap-
proved to supplant contractor
authorized employees or guards
required under paragraph 34a
(2) (b).)
(b) Possession of the combination
on which the booth is set to
operate and, if used, the control
cards shall be limited to a mini-
mum number of authorized
personnel consistent with op-
erational requirements.
(c) The combination on which the
booth is set to operate shall be
classified in accordance with
the classification of the highest
classified material within the
controlled area.
(d) The selection and setting of
the combination in the control
panel shall be accomplished by
an employee of the contractor
who is authorized to enter the
area in the performance of his
duties, or by the facility secu-
rity supervisor or his desig-
(e) Except as provided in para-
graph b, below, the person en-
tering or leaving the area
through the security enclosure
shall be responsible for insur-
ing that the inner and outer
doors are securely shut. In ad-
tion, only one authorized per-
son may pass through the secu-
rity enclosure at a time.
If an alternate entrance is used
to transport bulky classified
material to and from the area,
a contractor authorized em-
ployee or guard shall be desig-
nated to unlock and open the
entrance, remain at the en-
trance while it remains open,
supervise the passage of the
material and authorized per-
sonnel and lock it immediately
(g) During shift changes and
emergency situations, when the
fast exit switch in the control
panel is set to allow both the
inner and the outer doors of
the booths to be opened at the
same time, admittance shall be
controlled by a contractor au-
thorized employee or guard sta-
tioned so as to supervise the
entrance to the area.
(h) Electrical gear, wiring in-
cluded, shall be accessible only
from inside the area.
Par. 36 93
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(2) Electronic, Mechanical, and Elec-
tro-Mechanical Door Devices (i.e.,
a system which operates by either
a push-button combination which
activates the locking device or by
a control card used in conjunction
with a push-button combination,
thereby excluding any system
which operates solely by the use of
a control card.) :
(a) The control panel shall be in-
stalled in such a manner or
have a shielding device mount-
ed so that an unauthorized
person in the immediate vicin-
ity cannot observe the selection
of the correct combination of
the push buttons.
(b) The electronic control box in
which, or the mechanical mech-
anism by which the combina-
tion is set shall be secured
by a three-position dial-type,
changeable combination pad-
lock as specified in paragraph
14a(3) (d), and shall be se-
curely fastened or attached to
the perimeter barrier of the
area. To meet this require-
ment mechanical devices may
be modified (e.g., by removal
of the latching hold-back, addi-
tion of a hasp for securing the
padlock to the backplate,
and substitution of one-way
(c) The combination, and if also
used, the control cards shall be
controlled in the manner pre-
scribed by paragraphs (1) (a),
(b), (c) and (d) above.
(d) Authorized personnel entering
or leaving the area shall be re-
quired to immediately lock the
entrance behind them.
(e) During shift changes and
emergency situations, if the
door remains open, admittance
shall be controlled by a con-
tractor authorized employee or
guard stationed so as to super-
vise the entrance to the area.
(f) In all cases when used, electri-
cal gear, wiring included, or
mechanical links (cables, rods,
etc.) shall be accessible only
from inside the area, or shall
be secured within a protective
covering to preclude surrepti-
tious manipulation of such
b. Supplemental Devices. A number of
electro-mechanical security devices for in-
dividual identification and authentication are
currently available. These devices, such as
those involving hand or fingerprint scan-
ning and comparison, may be used to sup-
plement the access control systems described
in paragraphs a(l) and (2) above.
c. Approval. The approval by the cog-
nizant security office is required before ef-
fecting the installation of either a supplant-
ing or supplemental access control device to
meet a requirement of this Manual (see
paragraph 34c regarding cost considera-
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37. General
a. The provisions of this Section, except
paragraphs 45 and 48, apply only to persons
who will have access to classified informa-
tion. Access to information classified higher
than the level in the visit authorization will
not be granted regardless of the level of the
visitor's personnel security clearance. The
contractor or activity being visited shall take
such security measures as may be required
to preclude visitors from having unauthor-
ized access to classified information. Nothing
in this Section will limit the requirements
of paragraph 5c.
b. The number of visitors requiring access
to classified information shall be held to a
minimum and the following requirements
must be established :
(1) That the visit is necessary.
(2) That the purpose of the visit can-
not be achieved without access to
classified information by the visitor.
(1) Name and address of the contrac-
tor or User Agency activity to be
(2) Name and title of person(s) to be
visited, if known.
(3) Name of the proposed visitor, his
date and place of birth and citizen-
ship. (If immigrant alien, so indi-
(4) Job title or position of the proposed
(5) Requesting contractor's or User
Agency activity's certification of
the level of clearance of the pro-
posed visitor (see paragraph 38). If
the clearance is an interim clear-
ance, company CONFIDENTIAL
or Canadian or U.K. Reciprocal
clearance, so indicate (see para-
graph e., below for Special Access
c. In the event the visit is disapproved,
the requester shall be promptly notified by
the contractor or activity which made the
d. Requests for visits shall be furnished
in writing (mail or teletype) to the con-
tractor or User Agency activity being visited
in advance of the proposed visit. In excep-
tional cases, the telephone may be used pro-
vided the visit request is confirmed in writ-
ing. Under no circumstances, however, may
employees hand carry their own visit re-
quests to the place being visited. All Cate-
gory 1 and 2 visit requests shall contain the
following information :
(6) Purpose and justification for the
visit, in detail, including contract,
project or program under which
the visit is necessary and identifica-
tion of classified information to
which access is required, if known.
(7) Date or period during which the
request is to be valid.
(8) Name and address of the request-
ing contractor or User Agency ac-
(9) Requesting contractor's certifica-
tion of his facility security clear-
ance (not required for representa-
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~- tives of the U.S. Government) (see
paragraph 38). If the contractor
has a Canadian or U.K. Reciprocal
facility clearance, so state.
(10) Name, address and telephone num-
ber (if known) of requesting con-
tractor's cognizant security office.
e. When visits involve access to classified
information requiring a Special Access Au-
thorization (e.g., CRYPTO, NATO, military
space project or other special or limited ac-
cess programs), the request will, in addition
to the other required information :
(1) Specify the program or project.
(2) Specify the level of information to
be released.
(3) Certify that the visitor has been
authorized access to such informa-
(4) Identify the office or User Agency
activity granting such authoriza-
f. When appropriate, the visit request
shall ask for approval for subsequent visits
within a 12-month period. The contractor or
User Agency activity initiating the visit re-
quest shall immediately notify the contractor
or activity being visited of any change in
the visitor's status such as, the termination
of employment, suspension, leave of absence,
and the revocation or termination of clear-
ance which will require the visit authoriza-
tion to be cancelled prior to its normal ter-
mw?- mination date. In the event the initiating con-
tractor's facility clearance, as indicated in
paragraph d(9) above, changes to a Cana-
dian or U.K. Reciprocal clearance, the initia-
ting contractor shall immediately notify con-
tractors or User Agencies honoring current
visit requests so as to preclude the visitor's
access to certain types of classified informa-
tion as set forth in paragraph 31d. A down-
grading of the facility security clearance
also requires an immediate notification to
contractors and User Agencies honoring cur-
-?*rent visit requests.
g. Machine-run or other rosters of em-
ployees, limited to those personnel who are
authorized access to particular levels of clas-
sified information and who occupy positions
which require classified visits, may be used
for establishing visit request and approval
authorizations as required by this Section,
provided the machine-run (or other roster)
or a covering letter furnishes the essential
information required by paragraphs d, e,
and f, above, and adequate procedures are in
effect to notify the visited facility of changes
in employee status which will affect his visit
authorization. Use of such a procedures must
be acceptable to the facility being visited and
such records and control shall be maintained
in a current status at all times.
h. Representatives of the following Gov-
ernment agencies, when acting in their offi-
cial capacities, are not visitors.
(1) Industrial Security Representatives
of the DoD and other User Agen-
(2) Defense Investigative Service.
(3) U.S. Army Intelligence Command.
(4) Naval Investigative Service.
(5) U.S. Air Force, Office of Special
Investigations. (Air Force)
(6) Secret Service. (Treasury Depart-
(7) Federal Bureau of Investigation.
The contractor shall grant access to classi-
fied information to the minimum required
upon presentation of proper credentials by
the representative. In case of doubt as to
identity or level of access authorized, such
credentials and level of clearance will be
verified by contact with the agency or activ-
ity concerned.
38. Identification and Control of Visitors
a. Contractors being visited by represen-
tatives of another contractor are responsible
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for determining that the requesting contrac-
tor has been granted an appropriate facility
security clearance, based either on an exist-
ing contractual relationship involving classi-
fied information of the same or higher cate-
gory or otherwise by verification from the
cognizant security office of the requesting
contractor and certainly of the visitor's iden-
tity and authorization prior to any disclos-
ure. When the requesting contractor's facil-
ity security clearance status has been deter-
mined, his certification as to the proposed
visitor's personnel security clearance status
may be accepted. If, however, there is any
question as to the validity of a visit request
or identity of the visitor, appropriate con-
firmation shall be obtained from the con-
tractor or User Agency activity which ini-
tiated the visit request.
facility except in accordance with other pro-
visions of this Manual and specifically para-
graphs 5x and 17.
39. Visitor Record
a. Except when the visitor is issued an
identification card or badge in accordance
with the provisions of paragraph 8a(7), the
contractor shall maintain a record of all
visitors to the facility for the purpose of
having access to classified information. The
record will indicate (i) the visitor's full
name ; (ii) the name of the contractor or
activity he represents ; and (iii) the date (s)
of his arrival at and departure from the
facility. A separate set of visitor records
shall be maintained for NATO visitors in
accordance with paragraph 54.
b. The contractor shall establish such con-
trols over the movement of approved visitors
as are necessary to insure that the visitors
are only afforded access to classified informa-
tion consistent with the authorized purpose
of the visit. Particular care shall be taken to
assure that his procedures for the control
of Category 4 (foreign national) visitors are
sufficient to prevent any access not provided
for by the terms of the visit authorization.
Such procedures shall provide for an escort
while access is being afforded in accordance
with the terms of the foreign national's visit
authorization and when such a visitor is in
areas where classified information may be
accessible. The escort, when required, shall
be a responsible, appropriately cleared em-
ployee who has been informed regarding the
visitor's access limitations or restrictions on
the visitor's movements.
c. Visitors shall be prohibited from mak-
ing records of classified discussions or tak-
ing photographs in areas where classified
information might be recorded on the film
without the express permission of the con-
tractor being visited.
d. Classified material shall not be released
to the visitor to take outside the contractor's
b. A NATO visit shall be considered to be
(i) a visit by a person from a NATO coun-
try to a contractor in connection with pre-
contract negotiations or contract perform-
ance on a NATO classified contract; (ii) a
visit between a U.S. prime contractor and
a subcontractor performing a NATO classi-
fied contract ; and (iii) other visits in which
access to NATO classified information has
been specifically authorized. Representatives
of the cognizant security office, whose re-
quirement for access to NATO classified in-
formation is only incidental to the accom-
plishment of the security inspections at the
contractor's facility, shall not be considered
to be "NATO visitors" nor be required to
enter their names on NATO visitor records.
c. The visitor record need not indicate
whether the visitor actually did or did not
gain access to classified information, but it
must distinguish between classified and un-
classified visits. Records of authorized visit
requests for visits actually consummated
shall be maintained by the contractor for a
minimum of 2 years. Visit requests sub-
mitted in accordance with this Section may
be retained in lieu of a visitor record if they
also contain the information required in
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items (i), (ii) and (iii) of paragraph a,
above, and are retained for the required
40. Long-Term Visitors
When employees of one contractor are
temporarily stationed at a facility of an-
other contractor, the security procedures of
the facility visited will govern. However,
when such visits are on a continuing basis
and it is found impractical for such visitors
to comply with the security procedures of
the host facility, the respective contractors
shall prepare an agreement delineating their
respective responsibilities and encompassing
the procedures to be followed. This agree-
ment must conform to the provisions of this
Manual and a copy shall be furnished to the
cognizant security office of the host contrac-
tor. The cognizant security office of the host
contractor is responsible for conducting
periodic inspections to insure that classified
information in the possession of the visiting
employees is properly safeguarded, and for
notifying the host contractor of security de-
41. Visitor Categories and Procedures
a. Category 1. This category applies (i)
where a contractual or prospective contrac-
tual relationship exists between contractors
or between a contractor and a User Agency,
and visits to a contractor by representatives
of the GAO for auditing purposes, author-
ized representatives of the Department of
Labor and other agencies of the Executive
Branch of the Government when acting in
their official capacities ; (ii) to visits among
prime contractors which are participating
under Government direction in contracts
pertaining to research, development or pro-
duction of a weapon system (see paragraph
3bw) ; (iii) to employees of contractors pro-
ducing items furnished to assembling con-
tractors (GFP) for purposes pertaining to
such assembly; and (iv) to employees of a
cleared facility which had previously been
furnished a classified report directly by the
contractor being visited under the specific
terms of a contract (excluded from this
category are facilities which receive only
abstracts of classified reports or which re-
ceive reports from sources other than the
preparing contractor). Such visit requests
will, in addition to the information required
in paragraph 37, also contain a statement
identifying the specific report which the visi-
tor is authorized to discuss.
(1) The above visit requests will be
submitted directly to the contractor
to be visited.
(2) The contractor to be visited has
approval authority provided such
visits meet the provisions of para-
graph 37.
(3) The prime contractor or assembling
contractor, as the case may be, may
initiate visit requests for employees
of a subcontractor or contractors
supplying GFP in accordance with
paragraph 37 when he is in posses-
sion of the information required by
paragraph 37d.
(4) Employees of a temporary help
supplier working for the contractor
at his facility shall be treated as
regular employees of the using con-
tractor for the purpose of security
orientation in facility practices,
procedures and pertinent reports
while working at his facility under
his direction and control (see para-
graphs 5u, v, ab, and 6b(1)). This
action by the using contractor in
no way relieves the temporary help
supplier from complying with these
and other requirements of this
b. Category 2. This category applies to
visits between contractors who have been
granted facility security clearances where a
contractual relationship does not exist or
which do not otherwise meet the require-
ments of Category 1.
(1) The requesting contractor will ob-
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tain in writing a verification of the
visitor's need-to-know from his con-
tracting officer and include it with
the visit request.
(2) The contractor to be visited will ap-
prove the request if he desires the
(3) The visiting contractor may sub-
stitute another cleared employee to
make the visit without additional
verification of the need-to-know if
acceptable to the contractor being
visited. Information about the sub-
stitution shall be furnished the con-
tractor being visited as required in
paragraph 37d.
c. Category 3. Representatives or employ-
ees of the ERDA and its contractors whose
visits require access to other than RE-
(1) The activity requesting the visit
will furnish the required informa-
tion to the contracting officer of the
User Agency whose information is
involved, using ERDA Form 277.
(2) If approved, the contracting offi-
cer will notify the contractor of the
scheduled visit including required
information concerning the visit
(ERDA Form 277).
d. Category 4. Foreign Nationals (see
paragraph 3ae). Visits by foreign nationals
will not normally involve access to classified
information and may be arranged directly
between the foreign activity proposing the
visit and the contractor to be visited. The
contractor shall be responsible for insuring
that such visitors are effectively denied ac-
cess to classified information in the facility's
possession and to unclassified technical data
on the U.S. Munitions List for which an
export license or letter has not been issued
by the State Department under the ITAR
or other unclassified information for which
the Government has prescribed dissemina-
tion limitations. In those cases when the for-
eign activity has requested a User Agency's
approval for the visit and the visit has been
approved on an unclassified basis, the User
Agency will advise the contractor that the
foreign activity has been authorized to con-
tact the contractor directly to arrange the
visit. In the latter case an export license or
letter is not required.
(1) Foreign nationals shall not be af-
forded access to classified informa-
tion unless specifically authorized
in writing by the User Agency
(U.S. host military department).
(2) The User Agency (host military
department) will send the visit au-
thorization which will contain the
level and scope of classified infor-
mation to be released (visual and/
or oral only) as well as any other
limitations, to the contractor facil-
ity to be visited through the cog-
nizant security office. The contrac-
tor will notify the User Agency
(host military department) wheth-
er or not the visit is desired. When
the purpose of the visit cannot be
accomplished without upgrading
the level and scope of classified
information authorized for release,
or without modifying other limita-
tions, the contractor will so advise
the User Agency (host military de-
partment). The contractor will not
advise the foreign government con-
cerned, or its representative of the
level or scope of access authorized
by the User Agency (host military
department), nor will the foreign
government or its representative
be induced to seek a higher access
level than that previously approved
by the User Agency (host military
(3) An export license is not required
to release unclassified technical data
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covered by the ITAR for visits ap-
proved as in paragraph (2), above,
unless prohibited by the visit re-
(4) Prior to disclosure to visitors in
this category, the contractor being
visited shall advice the visitor of his
continuing responsibility to safe-
guard the information to be dis-
closed. He shall also inform him
that the information affects the na-
tional defense of the U.S. within the
meaning of the espionage laws of
the U.S., that unauthorized dis-
closure violates international agree-
ments and is inimical to the in-
terests of national security.
e. Category 5. This is a miscellaneous
category which is used only if Categories 1
through 4 do not apply. Justification for this
category of visit must be approved by the
cognizant security office. Thereafter, individ-
uals making Category 5 visits must be au-
thorized by DISCO.
(1) Persons, other than employees of the
contractor, whose visit is considered
necessary by the contrator and who
cannot be denied some degree of ac-
cess to classified information by escort
or other procedures because of the
nature of their presence in the area.
The contractor to be visited will fur-
nish the cognizant security office the
following information:
(a) The information specified in
paragraphs 37d(1), (2), (3),
(4) and (7).
(b) Justification for the visit and
the reason access to classified in-
formation cannot be prevented.
Interim visit approval, based on
requirements for interim clear-
ance as set forth in paragraph
26d, is authorized in emergency
situations so as to avoid crucial
delays in the fulfillment of con-
tractual obligations.
(c) Personnel security clearance
forms specified in paragraph 26.
Contractors to be visited will act
as sponsors instead of employers
in the completion of the clear-
ance forms.
(2) If the cognizant security office dis-
approves the request, it shall so advise
the contractor. If the cognizant secu-
rity office approves the need and
justification for access to classified
information, it will forward the re-
quest to DISCO, which will notify the
contractor of the authorization or dis-
approval of the visit. A DISCO Form
560 shall not be used.
(3) Category 5 visits are normally au-
thorized for one-time visits only, but
may be approved by the cognizant
security office for periods up to 1
year, when justified. Such visit au-
thorizations may be renewed by for-
warding a request to the cognizant
security office with appropriate justi-
fication for the renewal and the in-
formation specified in paragraphs 37d
(1), (2), (3), (4) and (7). When the
requirement for a Category 5 visit
authorization ceases to exist prior to
expiration of the period for which it
is valid, notice of termination shall
be provided to DISCO by forwarding
one copy of the DLA Form 562-R,
annotated in the "Remarks" section to
reflect the action taken. The sponsor-
ing contractor being visited shall han-
dle the briefing, debriefing, reporting,
and other provisions of this Manual
as he would for his own employees.
42. Visits Involving Access to
a. Visits to a DoD or NASA contractor by
a DoD or NASA representative or contrac-
100 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041 R000300 O'O0412& 42
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tor shall be processed as prescribed in para-
graph 37.
have been made and that the visit has re-
ceived ERDA approval.
b. Visits to a DoD or NASA contractor
by representatives of User Agencies other
than DoD and NASA and their contractors
require prior approval of the ERDA. The
ERDA visit request form (ERDA Form
277) shall reflect this approval in Part B of
the form. Contractors submitting visit re-
quests in this category shall, after certifying
to the clearance status of the proposed visi-
tor(s) in Part A of the ERDA Form 277, for-
ward the form to the contracting officer for
certification of the visitor's need-to-know and
further processing in accordance with the
User Agency's regulations. The contractor
receiving a visit request in this category
shall insure that the required certifications
c. Visits to a User Agency contractor,
other than to a DoD or NASA contractor
by representatives of the contracting User
Agency and between a prime contractor and
his subcontractor on such a User Agency
contract, shall be processed as prescribed in
paragraph 41.
d. Visits to a User Agency contractor,
other than to a DoD or NASA contractor, by
representatives of User Agencies other than
the contracting User Agency and by contrac-
tors other than under a prime-subcontract
relationship require prior approval of the
ERDA and shall be processed in the manner
prescribed in paragraph b, above.
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43. General Rules-In addition to
paragraph 37
a. Contractors shall comply with any re-
quests received from the Commander or
Head of User Agency activities for addi-
tional information needed in the processing
of visit requests.
b. The contractor is encouraged at the
time of the initial visit to request approval
for subsequent visits within a period of
twelve months, when necessary and con-
sistent with the purpose of the initial visit.
Arrangements for continuing visits will be
made between the contractor and the Com-
mander or Head of the User Agency activity.
Final approval is the prerogative of the Com-
mander or Head of the User Agency activity.
c. Visits to DoD or NASA activities by
DoD or NASA contractors involving access
to RESTRICTED DATA shall be processed
as prescribed in paragraph 42a. Visits to
other User Agencies involving access to RE-
STRICTED DATA shall be processed in the
manner prescribed in paragraph 42b.
d. Contractor employees shall comply with
written regulations and operating instruc-
tions issued by User Agency activities con-
cerning visitors to such activities.
b. Visits to User Agency Activities in the
Washington, D.C. Area. Requests to visit
offices of headquarters activities of the User
Agencies in the Washington, D.C., area shall
be submitted in writing addressed to the
specific office to be visited. Whenever pos-
sible, the exact code number, division,
branch, etc., of the activity or office to be
visited shall be included in the address of
the request. Visit requests shall be accom-
panied by a statement from the contracting
officer that the release of classified informa-
tion is required in connection with a specified
classified contract or program. (Visit re-
quests normally will be sent via the contract-
ing officer.)
c. As an exception to paragraphs a, and
b, above, a visit request may be submitted
directly to the activity or office to be visited
without a statement from the contracting offi-
cer when the classified information to be dis-
closed and the determination as to the con-
tractor's need for such access is known to be
a responsibility of the activity or office to
be visited. This exception does not apply to
visits involving access to classified intel-
ligence information as set forth in para-
graph e, below.
d. The contractor's request shall contain
the information specified in paragraph 37d.
44. Visits to User Agency Activities
in the U.S.
a. Visits to Field Activities. Contractors
desiring to have an employee or consultant
visit a User Agency activity involving access
to classified information shall address a re-
quest in writing to the Commander or Head
of the activity to be visited. Visit requests
shall be accompanied by a statement from
the contracting officer that the release of
classified information is required in connec-
tion with a specified classified contract or
program. (Visit request normally will be
sent via the contracting officer.)
e. If a contractor contemplates discussion
or viewing of classified intelligence in the
custody of a User Agency activity, the con-
tractor's visit request shall be forwarded in
all cases to the contracting officer of the User
Agency activity authorized to release classi-
fied intelligence to contractors for the re-
quired need-to-know verification and routing
to the User Agency to be visited. In addition
to the information specified in paragraph
37d, the visit request shall contain :
(1) The contractor's certification that
(i) access to classified intelligence
is required for contract perform-
Pars. 43 & 44 103
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ance and (ii) the contract is a
classified contract (see paragraph
(2) Sufficient additional information
concerning classified intelligence
required to permit the agency or
activity receiving the visit request
to assess:
(a) Applicability of available clas-
sified intelligence to the con-
tractor's needs.
(b) Whether available intelligence
may be released to the con-
tractor without permission of
the originator and/or sanitiza-
tion of the material.
45. Visits to User Agency Activities
Outside the U.S.
This paragraph is applicable when a con-
tractor desires to have an employee make a
classified or unclassified visit to a User Agen-
cy activity outside the U.S. The information
required by paragraph 37d shall be fur-
nished for the visits enumerated in this
a. Contractor Sponsored Visits. A contrac-
tor shall process a request for his employee
to visit a User Agency activity outside the
U.S. through DISCO to the User Agency
activity concerned if the visit is on the initia-
tive of the contractor. The Commander or
Head of the activity to be visited will notify
the contractor of the approval or disapproval
of the visit request. (See paragraph 50 for
an employee based in Europe.)
b. User Agency Sponsored Visits. A visit
request for a contractor employee sponsored
by a User Agency other than under a DCAS
administered contract and traveling on the
User Agency's orders, will be processed by
the User Agency in accordance with the regu-
lations of such agency. The traveler's orders
shall reflect the traveler's level of security
clearance, if required, in connection with the
travel. The contractor shall submit the re-
quest for such visit directly to the User
Agency activity concerned.
c. Visits Under DCAS Administered Con-
tracts. A visit in this category shall be proc-
essed concurrently to DISCO and the ACO
at the DCASR as early as possible. For ad-
vance notice or lead time see paragraph 49.
(1) DISCO shall request visit authori-
zation and verify the contractor
employee's personnel security clear-
ance to the overseas activity or ad-
vise the activity that the employee
does not have a clearance. The
DISCO shall request the overseas
activity to forward approval or dis-
approval of the visit request to the
ACO at the DCASR.
(2) Concurrent with the processing of
the visit request to DISCO, the con-
tractor shall execute Part I of Re-
quest and Authorization for Over-
seas Travel-Contractor Personnel
(DLA Form 437) in duplicate and
forward it to the ACO at the
DCASR. The contractor will be ad-
vised of the approval or disapproval
of the visit by the ACO. (Copies of
DLA Form 437 shall be obtained
from the DCASR.)
46. Visits to ERDA Installations or ERDA
Requests for visits to ERDA installations
or to ERDA contractors which will require
access to ERDA classified information shall
be prepared utilizing ERDA Form 277.
(Copies of this form may be obtained from
any ERDA installation.) In addition to com-
pleting the appropriate portions of the
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ERDA Form 277, the contractor (usually
the facility security supervisor) shall in-
clude, in the first block of the form imme-
diately after the personnel clearance data, a
certification of the prospective visitor's per-
sonnel security clearance. The ERDA Form
277 shall then be forwarded for the required
official certification to the contracting officer
of the User Agency who signed the DD Form
254 which was issued in connection with the
contract for which the ERDA classified in-
formation is required.
47. Visits to Activities Other Than ERDA
Requests for visits to Government activi-
ties, other than User Agencies and the
ERDA which involve the release of classified
information to such activities in connection
with a User Agency contract, require the
approval of the 'contracting officer and, if
the classified information to be released in-
cludes RESTRICTED DATA, the approval
of the ERDA. Such requests shall be sub-
mitted by the contractor to his contracting
officer who will process to request. The con-
tractor shall provide evidence of the fact
that the activity to be visited had either re-
quested the proposed visit or else consented
to the contractor's request for the visit. In
addition, a statement shall be included ex-
plaining: (i) the purpose of the visit in de-
tail; (ii) a description of the classified in-
formation to be divulged during the visit,
either to or by the activity being visited; and
(iii) the direct or indirect effect the visit
may have on the performance of the classi-
fied contract involved.
48. General
foreign government contract)
a. Contractor visits to foreign govern-
ments or activities or to international bodies
fall into three categories:
(1) Visits which involve the disclosure
of U.S. classified information :
(a) In connection with a govern-
ment-to-government agreement
to furnish U.S. military equip-
ment to the foreign govern-
ment (i.e.., the purchase of the
equipment is under a U.S., not
a foreign government con-
tract) ; or
(b) In connection with explora-
tory sales visits, precontract
negotiations or contract per-
formance, other than those
covered under paragraph (a)
above (i.e., the purchase of the
U.S. military equipment or
services when and if consum-
mated will be or is under a
In connection with U.S. Gov-
ernment presentations to for-
eign governments and interna-
tional pact organizations when
the U.S. Government has re-
quested the contractor's par-
(2) Visits which do not involve dis-
closure of U.S. classified informa-
tion but where the foreign govern-
ment or activity requires. a U.S.
security assurance on the visitor :
(a) Which involve disclosure of
unclassified technical data on
the U.S. Munitions List; or
(b) Which will not involve dis-
closure of technical data on the
U.S. Munitions List.
(3) Visits on a commercial basis (i.e.,
do not involve disclosure of U.S.
Pars. 46, 47 & 48 105
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classified information and do not re-
quire a U.S. security assurance on
the visitor). These visits may or
may not involve disclosure of un-
classified data on the U.S. Muni-
tions List. Visits in this category
are not processed under the provi-
sions of this Manual. However, the
contractor is responsible for com-
pliance with the ITAR and for ob-
taining a State Department export
license or letter, if required.
b. The following information concerning
the requirements of the ITAR is furnished
for the guidance of the contractor:
(1) Visit requests in the categories de-
scribed in paragraphs a (l) (b) and
a(2) (a) and (b) above shall be
processed by the contractor through
(2) Visits in the categories described
in paragraphs a(l) (a) and (c)
above shall be processed by the con-
tractor in accordance with the regu
lations of the User Agency
dealing with the foreign govern-
ment. The contractor shall certify
visit clearance information directly
to the User Agency concerned. Such
visits are not proceesed through
(1) Disclosure of classified information
in connection with visits in the
category described in paragraphs
a(1) (a) and (c) above does not re-
quire an export license.
(2) Except as specified in paragraph
(3) below, disclosure of unclassi-
fied technical data related to U.S.
Munitions List items requires an
export license.
(3) An export license is not required if
the visit has been approved on an
unclassified basis by the User Agen-
cy concerned, and (i) the technical
data to be disclosed is information
covered by a manufacturing license
or technical assistance agreement
approved by the Department of
State, or (ii) the technical data to
be disclosed is exempt from the pro-
visions of the ITAR.
c. Requests for visits to foreign govern-
ments or activities shall be processed only
for an employee who is the subject of a Let-
ter of Consent. Contractor issued CONFI-
DENTIAL clearances are not valid for such
d. Visit requests shall be processed as fol-
lows :
e. Visit requests processed through,DISCO
shall be submitted in duplicate with one
extra copy for each additional country-to be
visited, and shall contain the information
required in paragraph 37d, as well as pro-
posed visitor's passport or identification
card number, date and place of issue. In ad-
dition, the contractor shall specify the cate-
gory of visit which is involved (see para-
graph a, above) and, for a visit of the type
described in paragraphs a(1) (b) or a(2) (a)
above shall enclose a copy of his export
license or letter. For visits to the Swiss Gov-
ernment and contractor facilities, the legal
residence address of each visitor must also
be shown.
49. Processing Time
Visit requests should be received by DISCO
at least 30 days in advance of the proposed
travel date for all countries and U.S. over-
seas Commands. Exceptions are travel to
Switzerland, which requires 49 days advance
notice; and the following, which normally
can be processed in less than 30 days:
Belgium ........ .......... 21 days
Canada ............ ...... 10 days
France .... 21 days
(France will not accept visits for 6
106 Pars. 48 & 49
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months. It will accept visits only for specific
Netherlands ............................ 21 days
United Kingdom
Ministry of Defense ............ 21 days
Ministry of Technology ...... 16 days
Royal Navy .......................... 28 days
50. Use of OISE
If the U.S. contractor employee making
the visit is based in Europe, or in an ad-
jacent non-European country, the visit re-
quest may be submitted through OISE
rather than through DISCO. The informa-
tion required in paragraph 48e shall be in-
cluded with the request. The OISE will verify
the proposed visitor's security status. In
addition to furnishing a copy of the export
license or letter, when required in accordance
with paragraph 48e, the contractor is re-
sponsible for compliance with the ITAR, if
applicable, in the same manner as though
the visit were arranged through DISCO.
51. Visits in Connection With Bilateral
Industrial Security Agreements
a. The following procedures apply to visits
pertaining to precontract negotiations or
contract performance under approved bi-
lateral agreements involving a foreign clas-
sified contract in the U.S. or a U.S. classified
contract in a foreign country.
(1) Authorization for visitors or those
visited to have access to classified
information shall be limited to that
necessary for official purposes in
connection with precontract nego-
tiations or contract performance.
When requested, the authority to
visit the facility of the prime con-
tractor may include authorization
to have access to or to disclose clas-
sified information at the facility of
a subcontractor engaged in per-
formance of work in connection
with the same contract.
(2) A list may be developed to indicate
those individuals who are author-
ized to visit the facility for ex-
tended periods of time, not to ex-
ceed six months, as may be neces-
sary in the performance of the con-
tract. This authorization may be
renewed for additional periods of 6
months as may be necessary in the
performance of the contract.
(3) Visits shall be approved only for
persons possessing Government
granted security clearances.
b. U.S. contractor visits in conection with
foreign classified contracts shall be proc-
essed in accordance with the provisions of
paragraph 48.
c. Representatives of foreign governments
visiting U.S. activities shall be processed as
Category 4 visitors in accordance with para-
graph 41d if the U.S. classified information
is involved in the foreign government's con-
tract. If only foreign classified information
is involved, the visit shall be processed by
52. NATO Visit Procedures
The following visitor control procedures
apply to a NATO precontract negotiation or
to a NATO contract awarded to a U.S. con-
tractor by a NATO government other than
the U.S., a contractor of such NATO coun-
try, or a NATO international body.
a. Visits by Representatives of a U.S.
Contractor to the NATO Contracting Officer,
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a NATO Management Office or a Contractor
of a NATO Country Other Than the U.S.
The visit request, in quadruplicate, will be
directed through DISCO to the NATO con-
tracting office or to the NATO management
office and will be processed together with a
Certificate of Security Clearance (see para-
graph 55). The Certificate of Security Clear-
ance shall indicate whether or not the visitor
has received a NATO security briefing.
Whenever posible, the NATO security brief-
ing will be accomplished prior to the sub-
mission of the visit request and the certifi-
cate will so state. When this is not practical,
the visit reques witll include a statement as
o when and by whom he NATO security
briefing will be conducted. The visit request
shall include the information specified in
paragraph 37d, the visitor's passport or
identity card number, date and place of issue
and the NATO contract or program on which
he is engaged.
b. Visits- by Representatives of NATO
Contracting Officer, a NATO Management
Office, or of a Contractor of a NATO Coun-
try to the U.S. Contractor. Such requests
shall be processed by the NATO activity con-
cerned as a Category 4 visit (see paragraph
41d) through the appropriate User Agency
actiivty. Such visit requests will contain the
information specified in paragraph a, above.
c. Visits in Conection with NATO Con-
tracts by Representatives of a U.S. Contrac-
tor to Another U.S. Contractor in the U.S.
(1) Such visits shall be processed as
Category 1 visits (see paragraph
41a) if both contractors are per-
forming on the same NATO con-
tract in a prime contractor to sub-
contractor or subcontractor to sub-
contracort relationship. A state-
ment on NATO security briefing
shall be included in the visit re-
(2) If no contractual relationship exists
between the contractors, the visit
request shall be processed as a Cat-
egory 2 visit (see paragraph 41b)
requiring the approval of the
NATO contracting officer whose in-
formation is involved. Supporting
information on NATO briefing and
Certificate of Security Clearance
shall be included in such visit re-
quests. The visit request, together
with two copies of Certificate of
Security Clearance, will be proc-
essed through DISCO to the NATO
Contracting Officer.
d. Recurring Visits. Subsequent visits
shall be processed in accordance with para-
graph 37f. Authorization for subsequent
visits shall not exceed a period of 12 months,
but may bes ubject to renewal for succeeding
periods of 12 months, if required (see para-
graph 53b for NPLO visit requests).
53. NPLO Programs Clearance and Visit
Clearance and visit control procedures in
effect fort ontractors performing on specific
NPLO programs are different from other
NATO visit procedures. Current, NPLO
programs are HAWK, F-104G, NAMSA, and
NISCO. As an ai dtos implifying visit pro-
cedures, it is necessary to establish the vis-
iting contractor employee's clearance in con-
nection with a specific NPLO program. This
may be accomplished prior to the initial visit
or concurrently with the request for such
(1) The visit request, in quadruplicate,
will be directed through DISCO to
the NPLO Management Office with
a copy to the NATO activity to be
visited and will be processed to-
gether with a Certificate of Secu-
rity Clearance (see paragraph 55).
The visit request shall include the
information specified in paragraph
108 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041 R0003000 o' I & 53
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37d, the visitor's passport or iden-
tity card number, date and place of
issue, and the NPLO program with
which he is concerned.
(2) The DISCO will forward the visit
request to the Management Office of
the NPLO which will inform ap-
propriate NATO and foreign ac-
tivities of its action ; i.e., approval
or disapproval.
(3) The Certificate of Security Clear-
ance will be forwarded by DISCO
to the NATO Office of Security, In-
dustrial Security Section, for re-
cording and dissemination of the in-
formation to the NATO member
countries and NPLO Management
Offices concerned.
(4) In case of urgency when a Cer-
tificate of Security Clearance has
not been forwarded to the NATO
Office of Security, Industrial Secu-
rity Section, in advance, DISCO
will attach a copy of the Certificate
of Security Clearance to the visit
request for onward transmission to
the NPLO Management Office.
b. Recurring Visits. If the initial visit is
approved, subsequent visits, not to exceed
6 months to the same NPLO activity for
the same U.S. contractor employee will be
processed by the U.S. contractor directly to
the NPLO activity to be visited. That ac-
tivity will notify the contractor of the ap-
proval of the visit. These subsequent visit
requests will contain the information re-
quired by paragraph 37d and will include the
visitor's passport or identity card number,
date and place of issue.
55. - Certificate of Security Clearance
a. A standard format Certificate of Secu-
rity Clearance has been adopted for use
within the NATO community in connection
with visits from one NATO country to an-
other, or to a NATO office, agency, command
or to or between contractors when a visit
will involve access to NATO classified in-
b. The Certificate of Security Clearance
shall be completed on plain bond paper by
the contractor for his employees desiring to
make a visit, and submitted in duplicate for
certification to DISCO. The employee's name
shall be listed in the following order: last
name, first name, middle name.
c. This certificate shall be sent sufficiently
in advance by the contractor through DISCO
so as to assure receipt by the foreign officials
of the NATO offices, agencies, commands, or
contractors before arrival. In exceptional
circumstances, the information required by
the certificate may be supplied by other
means of communication but must be con-
firmed in writing. Normally a copy of this
certificate should not be given the traveler.
Certificate of Security Clearance
(Authorizing access to NATO Classified
Issued by -
Data and place of issue -
Valid until
(If issued to an individual this certificate should be
returned to the granting authority on the termina-
tion of the mission for which issued)
54. Records of NATO Visits
The contractor shall keep a separate set of
visitor records for NATO visitors containing
the information specified in paragraph 39.
Date of birth
Place of birth -
Nationality -
Where employed
Pars 5 109
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Programme (s)
Holder of passport/ identity card No.
Issued at
Military rank and number
(where applicable)
has been cleared for access to information clas-
sified up to and including in
accordance with current NATO Security Regu-
(Has) (Has not) received a NATO Security
Signature and title of granting Authority
(seal or stamp)
110 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041R000300040001-2
Par. 55
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56. Application to Subcontractors
The provisions of this Manual apply to
subcontractors, vendors or suppliers of
prime contractors (hereinafter referred to
as a subcontractor). A subcontractor shall
submit requests through the prime contrac-
tor to the contracting officer for an authori-
zation or approval requiring action by the
contracting officer under the provisions of
this Manual. However, if any such request is
clearly encompassed in an authorization pre-
viously given in writing to the prime con-
tractor by the contracting officer in relation
to a specific contract, the prime contractor,
acting within the scope of such authorization,
may approve or disapprove such request. Re-
quests involving release of U.S. classified
information to foreign subcontractors must
be forwarded to the User Agency for au-
terial.) If physical possession of any classi-
fied material is to be granted to the prospec-
tive subcontractor, the procedures outlined
in paragraph 59 shall be followed.
b. If the prospective subcontractor does
not have an appropriate facility security
clearance, the prime contractor may request
the cognizant security office over the geo-
graphic area in which the subcontractor is
located to initiate clearance action.
59. Safeguarding Ability
a. Prime contractors having complied with
paragraph 58a, shall obtain written approval
from the contracting officer or his desig-
nated representative prior to the disclosure
of TOP SECRET information to prospective
57. Application to Sub-Contractors
For the purposes of this Manual, each sub-
contractor shall be considered as a prime
contractor in relation to his subcontractors.
58. Determination of Clearance Status
a. The prime contractor shall determine
from the cognizant security office of the pro-
spective subcontractor that the prospective
subcontractor has been granted an appro-
priate facility security clearance prior to
disclosure of any classified information, un-
less there is an existing contractual relation-
ship between the parties involving classified
information of the same or higher category.
(A facility security clearance is not prima
facie evidence that a facility has the capabil-
ity to physically safeguard classified ma-
b. Prime contractors, having complied
with paragraph 58a, shall determine that
prospective subcontractors meet the require-
ments of this Manual for safeguarding TOP
material prior to granting physical posses-
sion of such material to prospective subcon-
tractors. (This determination may be made
at the same time as the facility clearance
determination is made under paragraph
58a.) Such determination shall be based on :
(1) The prime contractor's knowledge
of the ability of the prospective
subcontractor to safeguard ade-
quately the material to be released
and produced under the subcontract
based upon a current contractual
relationship involving classified ma-
terial of the same or higher cate-
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gory as that to be released or pro-
duced under the new subcontract;
(2) The written authorization of the
cognizant security office of the pro-
spective subcontractor. In this con-
nection, the prime contractor shall
furnish the cognizant security office
of the prospective subcontractor,
information available to him, such
as description, quantity, end-item,
and classification of information
related to the proposed subcontract
and any other factors, in order to
assist the cognizant security office
in determining whether the pro-
spective subcontractor meets the
safeguarding requirements of. this
(3) The cognizant security office of the
prospective subcontractor shall ad-
vise the prime contractor in writ-
ing that the prospective subcon-
tractor is or is not physically
equipped to safeguard the classified
material involved. When necessary
action is taken by the prospective
subcontractor to provide adequate
safeguards, the cognizant security
office of the prospective subcontrac-
tor shall immediately inform the
prime contractor.
(4) In exceptional cases, where the
situation dictates, the data required
by this paragraph and paragraph
58 may be furnished by telephone
or other rapid means of communi-
cation, provided the request and
substantiating facts are confirmed
later in writing.
(5) Clearance status and safeguarding
capabilities of facilities shall be ob-
tained only when a specific procure-
ment need exists. A compilation or
indices of such information for pos-
sible future use shall be prohibited.
60. Classification Guidance
a. Prime contractors have a requirement
to inform prospective subcontractors of the
category of classification to be assigned the
various elements in a subcontract, RFQ,
RFP, IFB or other solicitation. The prime
contractor in preparing the DD Form 254
for his subcontracts may extract pertinent
data from the DD Form 254 pertaining to
the prime contract. The DD Form 254 pre-
pared by the prime contractor shall be sub-
mitted to the official shown in item 16e of the
prime contract DD Form 254 for approval
and distribution or authorization and in-
structions for distribution by the prime con-
tractor. In the absence of exceptional cir-
cumstances which clearly support classifica-
tion, the DD Form 254 will not be classified.
If classified supplements are required as part
of the security classification, they shall be
identified in item 15 of the DD Form 254 and
forwarded in separate correspondence. Clas-
sified information shall be so furnished after
verifying clearance status and safeguarding
ability in compliance with paragraphs 58
and 59. The provisions of this paragraph do
not waive the requirements of paragraph 62.
b. After selection of a subcontractor, the
prime contractor shall prepare a DD Form
254 for the subcontract and shall request the
official designated in item 16e of the DD
Form 254 for the prime contract to approve
and sign the DD Form 254 for the subcon-
tract and to make the required distribution.
However, with the agreement of the con-
tract activity, the prime contractor may ac-
complish the required distribution of the
approved DD Form 254. The distribution
schedule of the DD Form 254 is included as
paragraph 61.
c. When the prime contractor receives a
revised DD Form 254 providing additional
guidance or a change in guidance, he shall
prepare a revised DD Form 254 for each
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subcontractor whose DD Form 254 requires
a related change. An ACO/PCO authentica-
ing signature, and distribution or instruc-
tions for distribution of the contractor's DD
Form 254, are required. When the prime
contractor receives notice that a review has
reaffirmed his existing guidance, or receives
a revised DD Form 254 that does not require
a related change in any subcontractor's DD
Form 254, he shall promptly give written
notice of reaffirmation of guidance to each
subcontractor involved. This notice of re-
affirmation to subcontractors does not re-
quire ACO/PCO authenticating guidance.
Instead, a true copy of the notice of reaffir-
mation received by the prime contractor, or,
when applicable, a true copy of pages 1 and
2 of the revised DD Form 254 received by
the prime contractor, annotated by the prime
contractor with the statement "This revised
DD Form 254 does not affect your current
DD Form 254 dated ......................." in either
case attached to a signed transmittal letter
from the prime contractor, will suffice. Dis-
tribution of this written notice of reaffirma-
tion to subcontractors shall be in accordance
with paragraph b., above. With respect to a
multiple facility organization, the home office
shall provide the revised guidance, or the
written notice of reaffirmation of existing
guidance, above described, as applicable, to
each of its operating facilities affected by
the revised guidance or involved in the no-
tice, as the case may be.
d. The prime contractor will receive from
the User Agency a DD Form 254 for each
classified item of GFP or GFE issued or au-
thorized for purchase when such material is
not covered by the classification specification
issued with the contract. The contractor
shall furnish a DD Form 254 providing the
classification specification necessary for each
subcontractor requiring use of classified GFP
of GFE in connection with their contracts or
negotiations for contracts with the prime
e. A new DD Form 254 is not required for
a follow-on contract or subcontract when the
procurement is of a recurring nature or the
end item is not changed and there is no
change in the security classication require-
ments of the contract. However, a copy of
the currently valid DD Form 254 for the
preceding subcontract shall be furnished and
distributed with the follow-on subcontract
and annotated in items 3 and 4 to show the
contract number and date of the follow-on
prime and subcontract. Item 6 will also be
completed, as appropriate.
f. There is no authorized substitute for
the DD Form 254. There are exceptional
conditions in which a prime contractor has
a serious time limitation in preparing his
response to a request for proposal, invitation
for bid, or similar solicitation to a User
Agency. In such cases the prime contractor,
concurrent with dispatching the DD Form
254 for official Government approval and
signature, may supply an unofficial copy of
the same guidance to a prospective subcon-
tractor for the latter's use pending receipt
of the approved and signed DD Form 254.
g. A single DD Form 254 may be used to
provide the classification specification for an
open-end or call-type subcontract except
when the individual call, purchase order or
request for services or products requires a
different classification specification from that
provided for the overall subcontract.
h. The following special provisions are ap-
plicable to service, graphic arts, research, or
commercial carrier classified contracts :
(1) A DD Form 254 which specifies
the highest level of classification in-
volved, but does not provide de-
tailed classification guidance, will
be issued when :
(a) The total requirement of the
contract is the performance of
a service, all of which takes
place at a cleared contractor's
facility or Government activity
which has and makes available,
for use by the contractor per-
Par. 60 113
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forming the service, a current-
ly valid Contract Security Clas-
sification Specification which
includes complete guidance for
the service to be performed.
In such cases, item 15 of the
DD Form 254 will be anno-
tated "Using contractor or
activity will furnish complete
classification guidance for the
service to be performed. The
highest level of classification
for the contract is (TOP SE-
DENTIAL). Contract per-
formance is restricted to
(name of facility or loca-
(b) The contractor has no per-
formance requirement invol-
ing actual knowledge of, gen-
eration or production of classi-
fied information, but has only a
requirement to be physically
present in an area where clas-
sified information is located.
Examples include, but are not
limited to, contracts calling for
guard, alarm, 'alternate stor-
age, or equipment maintenance
services. In these cases, item
15 of the DD Form 254 will
be annotated "Actual knowl-
edge of, generation, or produc-
tion of classified information
NOT REQUIRED. This docu-
ment serves as written notice
of the letting of a classified
service contract. The highest
level of classification for the
contract is (TOP SECRET,
terial to be reproduced. These
classification markings consti-
tute the required Contract Se-
curity Classification Specifica-
tion. In these cases, item 15 of
the DD Form 254 will be an-
notated "Reproduction service
only. The highest level of clas-
sification for the contract is
CONFIDENTIAL). Classifica-
tion markings on material to
be reproduced specify the re-
quired security classification."
(2) Where a cleared commercial car-
rier enters into a classified service
subcontract with a cleared facility,
within the meaning of paragraph
(1) (b) above, the carrier, serving
as a prime contractor for such pur-
pose, will issue a DD Form 254 to
that cleared facility. In any such
case, the requirements of para-
graphs (1) (b) above, and (3) be-
low, will apply.
(3) In each of the cases described in
paragraphs (1) and (2) above, if a
subcontract at any tier is involved,
the DD Form 254 for the subcon-
tract will not require authentica-
tion by the signature of an ACO/
PCO. Instead, the contractor who is
the principal prime, or who serves
as a prime in relation to a sub in
the particular case, will complete
and sign item 16. Further, in all
cases distribution of the DD Form
254 will be made to the- subcontrac-
tor involved, his cognizant security
office, and the contract administra-
tion office (9), if designated, of the
immediate prime and subcontractor
(c) The contract requirement is
limited to graphic arts re-
production and classification
markings appear on the ma-
(4) Where a contract involves research
services requiring detailed classi-
fication guidance, but it is too early
114 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041 R00030004000'P- . 60
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DoD 5220.22-M
to determine these detailed require-
ments, item 15 of the DD Form 254
will be annotated "This is a re-
search contract. The highest level
of classification for the contract as
a whole is (TOP SECRET, SE-
revised DD Form 254 will be issued
as soon as possible to provide de-
tailed security classification guid-
i. In the case of a subcontract which is ex-
pected to require access only to classified
reference material (see paragraph 3az) an
original DD Form 254 will be issued to de-
scribe the highest category or various cate-
gories of classification of such material to
which access will be required and to provide
other instructions, as appropriate, for ex-
ample, the protection of information ex-
tracted from such material. Classification
guidance concerning reference material over
which the User Agency which awarded the
prime contract does not have classification
jurisdiction, is the responsibility of the DoD
component having classification jurisdiction
over such material at the time it was pre-
pared, or of the current successor in interest
of that component. When the prime contrac-
tor requires clarification of the classification
specification regarding reference material in
order to prepare a DD Form 254 for the sub-
contractor, or for other reasons, and desires
assistance in identifying the responsible DOD
component, he shall, by direct communica-
tion, seek assistance from :
(1) The secondary distribution source
from which the material was re-
ceived. Examples of secondary dis-
tribution sources are : DDC, Alex-
andria, Virginia 22314 and its field
extensions; DOD Information Anal-
ysis Centers ; and the Redstone
Scientific Information Center, U.S.
Army Missile Command, Redstone
Arsenal, Alabama 35808.
(2) The User Agency contracting office
last involved with the contractor
concerning the subject matter of
the material.
(3) The DASD(SP).
61. Required Distribution
Original, Final and Revised DD Forms
254, supplements, attachments, and written
confirmation of existing classification specifi-
cations are to be distributed as follows: I
a. For prime contracts :
(1) Prime contractor.
(2) Cognizant security office of prime
contractor only.
(3) Appropriate ACO.
(.4) Quality assurance representative.
(5) Official identified in item 12b, DD
Form 254.
(6) Others as necessary. r
b. For subcontracts :
(1) Prime contractor.
(2) Appropriate ACO.
(3) Subcontractor.
(4) Cognizant security office of subcon-
tractor only.
(5) Quality assurance representative.
(6) Official identified in Item 12b, DD
Form 254.
(7) Others as necessary. 4-0
, Reflect the distribution of the "Required Distribution" block
INFORMATION contracts, distribution of the DD Form 264 and
attachments will be as prescribed by the procuring contracting
agency concerned. In those instances in which the ACO, the
quality assurance representative and the cognizant security office
are a part of the same DCASR, separate copies shall be furnished
to each so that they may discharge their individual responsibili-
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(1) Prime contractor.
(2) Appropriate ACO.
(3) Subcontractor.
(4) Sub-subcontractor.
(5) Cognizant security office sub-sub-
contractor only.
(6) Quality assurance representative.
(7) Official identified in Item 12b, DD
Form 254.
(8) Others as necessary.
d. For solicitations (IFB, RFQ, RFP) :
Distribution of DD Form 254 for IFB, RFQ,
or RFP, will be the same as for the prime
contract, subcontract or sub-subcontract to
which the solicitation is related, except that
none is to be sent to the quality assurance
62. Notification of Selection
The prime contractor shall immediately
furnish in writing to the contracting officer
or his designated representative, the names
and addresses of each of the subcontractors
to be engaged on classified work under a
prime contract and the highest classification
of information that shall be released or de-
veloped thereunder.
63. Unsatisfactory Security Conditions
If notified by a cognizant security office of
unsatisfactory security conditions within a
subcontractor's facility, contractors shall fol-
low the instructions they receive from the
contracting officer relative to what action, if
any, should be taken in order to safeguard
classified material relating to their sub-
64. Disposition of Classified Information ~--~
The subcontractor shall destroy classified'
material as provided by paragraph 19 unless
the prime contractor requests return or au-
thorizes retention. However, the prime con-
tractor shall obtain the approval of the con-
tracting officer or his designated representa-
tive authorizing a subcontractor to retain
classified information.
65. Subcontracting With Foreign Industry
The U.S. has Industrial Security Agree-
ments with Canada, the U.K., Australia,
Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and
the Federal Republic of Germany. Under
the agreements with these nations, subcon-
tracts involving U.S. classified information
may be placed with industry in these coun-
tries. The security of the subcontracts will
be governed by the appropriate regulations
of the foreign governments concerned. How-
ever, before classified information may be
released to a firm in one of these countries,
approval must be obtained from the con-
tracting officer. In addition, special security
requirements clauses shall be incorporated
in all subcontracts awarded to firms in these
countries. Copies of these clauses may be
obtained from the contracting officer.
66. Subcontracts Arising From Foreign
Classified Contracts
A U.S. contractor awarded a foreign clas-
sified contract by a government with which
the DoD has entered into a bilateral indus-
trial security agreement may, unless specifi-
cally prohibited therein, subcontract within
the U.S. in accordance with the provisions
of this Manual; within the country of the
contracting foreign government in accord-
ance with instructions furnished by the
designated agency of that government
through the EDIS, HQ DLA ; and within
any other country only with the permission
116 pp
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of, and under conditions agreed to by, the
contracting government, and the government
of the country of the subcontractor, which
shall be furnished to the contractor through
the EDIS, HQ DLA. In those cases where
U.S. classified information is involved in the
subcontract, the contractor or foreign gov-
ernment, shall, prior to its release to the
foreign government, obtain an export letter/
license authorization from the Department
of State or specific approval of the U.S. User
Agency which originated the information.
Par. 66 117
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67. General
a. Facility security clearance require-
ments for consultants to User Agency activi-
ties and contractors shall be determined in
accordance with this Section.
b. In all cases, consultants shall have valid
personnel security clearances issued in ac-
cordance with the requirements of this
(1) If a consultant is cleared as a facility,
he assumes complete responsibility
for safeguarding of classified infor-
mation in accordance with the provi-
sions of this Manual.
(2) If a consultant is not cleared as a
facility and is performing under the
provisions of paragraph 68, for pur-
poses of briefing, debriefing, visiting,
and reporting under provisions of
this Manual, the consultant shall be
considered to be an employee of the
using contractor or User Agency ac-
tivity. For consultants performing
under the provisions of paragraph 70,
the consultant's regular or full-time
employer shall perform these duties
on behalf of the contractor or User
Agency activity for whom the em-
ployee is acting as a consultant.
c. The clearance status and safeguarding
ability of a Type C consultant's regular em-
ployer shall be obtained from the employer's
cognizant security office prior to the dis-
closure or release of any classified informa-
tion to the consultant.
68. Consulant-Type A
The consultant does not possess classified
material except at the using contractor's
cleared facility, on the premises of a User
Agency activity or while on visits authorized
under Section V.
a. The requirement for a separate facility
security clearance for the consultant (in-
cluding the execution of the DD Form 441
and the DD Form 441s by the consultant),
or to have an existing facility security clear-
ance raised, shall be waived provided the
using contractor or User Agency activity,
the consultant (and the chief executive of
the consulting firm, if they are not one and
the same), and all the consultant's employees
who shall have access to classified informa-
tion (such as employees shall be designated
by name), jointly execute a certificate as
(1) Except in connection with authorized
visits, classified material shall not be
possessed by the consultant off the
premises of the using contractor or
User Agency ; the using contractor or
User Agency shall not furnish classi-
fied material to the consultant at any
other location than the premises of
the using contractor or User Agency,
and performance of the consulting
services by the consultant shall be ac-
complished at the activity of the using
contractor or User Agency; and clas-
sification guidance will be provided
by the using contractor or User
(2) The consultant and his certifying
employees shall not disclose classified
information to unauthorized persons.
(3) The using contractor or User Agency
shall brief the consultant as to the
security controls and procedures ap-
plicable to the consultant's perform-
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b. One copy of such certificate shall be
furnished by the using contractor to his
cognizant security office. In the case of a
consultant to a User Agency activity, the
certificate shall be retained by the Com-
mander or Head of that activity.
70. Consultant-Type C
The consultant possesses classified ma-
terial at his regular employer's cleared facil-
ity, the consultant and his employer having
agreed as to their respective responsibilities
for security of the classified material.
c. The consultant (and the chief executive
of the consulting firm, if they are not one
and the same), and all certifying employees,
shall complete the forms required by para-
graph 26. These forms shall be submitted to
DISCO through the User Agency activity or
the contractor for which the consulting serv-
ice is to be performed. Each application for
clearance shall be accomplished by a copy of
the certificate prescribed by paragraph a,
above. The Letter of Consent shall be issued
to the using contractor or User Agency ac-
tivity, as appropriate.
d. Failure to accomplish the certification
described above shall require the processing
of a facility security clearance as prescribed
by paragraph 21.
69. Consultant-Type B
The consultant possesses classified ma-
terial at his place of business or residence,
the consultant having full responsibility for
security of the classified material.
a. A facility security clearance is required
for the consultant to cover the premises at
which he will possess the classified material
and perform the consulting services.
b. Consultants of this type shall be con-
sidered to be prime contractors to the User
Agency activity or subcontractors to the
using contractor.
c. The provisions of this Manual pertain-
ing to contractors or subcontractors, as ap-
propriate, shall apply.
a. No requirement exists for a separate
facility security clearance for the consultant
(including execution of the DD Form 441
and the DD Form 441s for the consultant),
or to have an existing facility security clear-
ance raised, provided the employing facility
and the employee who is acting as a con-
sultant to another contractor or to a User
Agency activity are both cleared for access
to at least the category of classified informa-
tion as that to which the consultant will re-
quire access, and provided the employing fa-
cility and the employee jointly execute a Let-
ter Agreement to Safeguard Classified In-
formation for an Employee Performing
Consultant Services (see Appendix I, para-
graph W) by which the employing facility
and the employee agree :
(1) To place classified material which the
consultant-employee must have in his
possession into the employing facil-
ity's accountability system.
(2) To incorporate procedures in the em-
ploying facility's SPP which prohibt
the dissemination of the classified ma-
terial within the facility, except that
appropriately cleared personnel of the
facility may be designated in writing
on a strict need-to-know basis to pro-
vide the consulting employee cleri-
cal, destruction, and reproduction
services necessary to his performance
as a consultant.
(3) To furnish the employee who is act-
ing as a consultant a storage con-
tainer so that the classified material
may be stored under his control. Ac-
cess to the storage container shall be
limited to the employee who is acting
120 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041 R0004092& 70
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as a consultant and the minimum
number of employees designated in
accordance with paragraph (2) above,
which are essential to support the
(4) To advise its cognizant security office
immediately upon any change in the
consultant's status as an employee of
the facility.
DISCO with a copy of the Letter Agreement
prescribed in paragraph a., above. (If re-
quired to be cleared to a higher level than
that of the employing facility, the consultant
shall be processed for a separate facility
security clearance in accordance with para-
graph 67 and be required to maintain a secu-
rity program fully independent of that of his
. b. One copy of the Letter Agreement de-
scribed in paragraph a., above, shall be fur-
nished by the employing facility to its
cognizant security office, and one copy to the
contractor or User Agency employing the
c. In the event it is necessary to raise the
consultant's personnel security clearance to
a higher level (not above that of the employ=
ing facility), the consultant shall complete
the forms required by paragraph 26 and sub-
mit them through the employing facility to
71. Consultants to User Agencies
Employed Under Civil Service
Security clearances for persons employed
as consultants to User Agencies under Civil
Service procedures normally will be issued
under the separate regulations of the User
Agency concerned. However, User Agencies
may process such a consultant for a person-
nel and/or facility clearance under the provi-
sions of paragraphs 68-70 when deemed
Pars. 121
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72. Parent-Subsidiary Relationship
a. When a parent-subsidiary relationship
exists between two companies, the parent
company must have a facility security clear-
ance of the same or higher classification
level as the subsidiary company, unless by
formal action of its board of directors or
similar executive body (i) it is excluded
from access to all classified information held
by the subsidiary company or (ii) it is ex-
cluded from access to classified information
held by the subsidiary company which is of
a higher classification level than the parent
company's facility security clearance. How-
ever, if the ,parent company is foreign owned,
controlled, or influenced, exclusion action
may not be taken. In such circumstances,
the subsidiary company is ineligible for a
facility security clearance. (Certan excep-
tions to this rule can be made when the
foreign ownership or control is exercised by
a Canadian or U.K. interest. Consult the
cognizant security office for details.) Each
exclusion action shall be made a matter of
record in the minutes of the executive body
of both the parent company and the sub-
sidiary company. Two copies of both sets of
minutes shall be furnished to the cognizant
security office of each cleared subsidiary com-
pany, along with a copy of the DD Form
441s, executed independently by the ex-
cluded parent company and the subsidiary
company. In addition, when officers or di-
rectors of a subsidiary hold similar positions
with the excluded parent company, they
shall execute one of the following certificates,
as appropriate ; (i) I understand that the
(name of parent company) is not cleared for
access to classified information and I cer-
tify that I shall not disclose classified in-
formation to the (name of parent company)
or any of its agents regardless of my official
business or personal association therewith,
or (ii) I understand that (appropriate clas-
sification level) is the highest level of clas-
sified information which may be disclosed
to the (name of parent company) or any of
its agents regardless of my official business
or personal association therewith. Official
notice of the execution of each such cer-
tificate shall be made a matter of record in
the minutes of the executive body of the sub-
sidiary company and two copies of the
minutes shall be furnished to the cognizant
security office of the subsidiary. Two copies
of each certificate executed in accordance
with the requirements of this paragraph
shall be furnished to the cognizant security
office of the subsidiary.
b. Interchange of classified information
and visits between a parent and its subsidi-
aries or between the subsidiaries shall be
accomplished in the same manner as an in-
terchange between a prime contractor and
a subcontractor. However, in the case of a
classified contract awarded to a subsidiary,
the subsidiary, as necessary in the perform-
ance of the contract, may release classified
information to the parent when required pro-
vided the parent company has an appro-
priate facility security clearance and safe-
guarding ability. Moreover, where the parent
organization is owned or controlled by a
foreign interest the U.S. subsidiary shall not
release U.S. classified information to the
parent except with- the express written au-
thority of the contracting User Agency. In
such cases visits between the subsidiary and
the parent shall be considered as Category 1
visits as defined in paragraph 41a. Neither
the subsidiary nor the parent may release or
disclose classified information pertaining to
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the contract of the subsidiary to other sub-
sidiaries of the parent without specific ap-
proval of the contracting officer or his desig-
nated representative or unless within the
provisions for exception set forth in para-
graph 5x.
c. In the case of two or more collocated
cleared facilities (occupying the same office
space or located side by side) consisting of a
parent corporation and one or more wholly
owned subsidiaries. (100% stock ownership),
the parent may request cognizant security
office approval of a formal written agree-
ment between the parent corporation and
the subsidiary(ies) to utilize common se-
curity services for : (i) personnel security
administration, (ii) document control (to in-
clude storage), (iii) reproduction, (iv) visi-
tor control and, (v) other similar adminis-
trative services. In all cases the agreement
shall be incorporated into the SPP (or appro-
priate supplement to an SPP) applicable to
the facilities involved. The proposed SPP
shall be submitted to the cognizant security
office as part of the request. The SPP shall
establish workable security procedures and
clearly fix responsibility for security admin-
istration within the collocated facilities. The
procedures shall be structured (e.g., sepa-
rate accountability systems) to ensure that
the need-to-know principles outlined in the
previous paragraph are not violated. One
facility security supervisor shall be desig-
nated for all facilities; the designee shall be
considered an OODEP of these facilities and
shall require a concurrent clearance at each
facility. Appropriately authorized (cleared
with a need-to-know) personnel rendering
security services shall be designated in the
agreement by job title to provide the speci-
fic services agreed to. Additionally, proce-
dures may be incorporated into the SPP
whereby a machine run or other roster (e.g.,
record of clearance) may be used in lieu of
a visit letter provided such records are main-
tained in a current status at all times. When
combined, the SPP and the roster shall pro-
vide the essential information required in
paragraph 37d.
73. Multiple Facility Organizations
In the case of a multiple facility organiza-
tion the contractor (HOF) is responsible
for insuring the adherence, by each of its
cleared operating locations, to the terms of
the DD Form 441 and the security require-
ments of each classified contract being
performed. A copy of the basic Security
Agreement, with Appendage, shall be fur-
nished to each facility listed in the Append-
age and to each cognizant security office
concerned. The HOF shall have a facility
security clearance of the same or higher
level as any cleared facility within the orga-
nization. Classified information may be in-
terchanged among the cleared facilities of a
multiple facility organization when the con-
tractor determines that such interchange is
essential to the fulfillment of a contract. Be-
fore the contractor places classified informa-
tion or work in a facility of his organization,
it shall have been determined that it has an
appropriate facility security clearance and
the capability to safeguard the classified ma-
terial. The contractor shall provide the facil-
ity performing the work and its cognizant
security office with classification specifica-
tions extracted from the DD Form 254 or
other appropriate classification guidance. Re-
vised guidance or notice of the reaffirmation
of existing guidance, as applicable, shall also
be provided. The SPP of a contractor having
two or more facilities shall include security
instructions which provide the controls nec-
essary to protect classified information with-
in the organization. These, among other pro-
cedures shall include, but not be limited to,
instructions for the transmission of classified
information and for visits of his employees
between his cleared facilities. Such visits
shall be considered as Category 1 visits as
defined in paragraph 41a. Within each facil-
ity the SPP shall be adapted, as necessary, to
meet local conditions, as prescribed by para-
graph 5s. If the contractor elects to have
Letters of Consent issued to (i) the HOF or 4-
(ii) one or more PMFs of the multiple facil-
ity organization, the SPP shall identify each
subordinate facility (both cleared and un-
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cleared) within their respective area of cog-
nizance wherein a cleared individual (s) is
employed or physically located. When a
PMF(s) is established the HOF SPP will
specifically reflect that all associated security
responsibilities have been delegated to the
PMF(s) for its specifically definied geo-
graphical or functional area. In all cases
where the aforementioned cleared individ-
uals are employed by or physically located at
uncleared facilities falling under the cogni-
zance of the respective HOF or PMF(s), the
SPP shall reflect that the HOF or PMF, as
appropriate, is responsible for personnel
security administration. Such responsibili-
ties will include meeting security education
and paragraph 6 reporting requirements for
all cleared personnel located/employed at
these uncleared locations. In order to assure
the security awareness of these cleared per-
sonnel, at their respective U.S. uncleared
facilities falling within the set DCASR
boundaries, (see Appendix VIII) the respec-
tive HOF or PMF security supervisor, or his
appropriately cleared representative, shall
visit each of these locations on an annual
basis. Regarding the briefing of cleared per-
sonnel employed or physically located outside
of the DCASR boundaries, such briefings will
be handled as required in paragraph 97.
Other considerations applicable to visits to
b. Records which reflect the accomplish-1""
ment of these requirements will be main-
tained as provided for in paragraph 26k.
74. Temporary Help Suppliers
a. General. A temporary help supplier is a
subcontractor who dispatches personnel on
his payroll to perform work on the premises
of the using contractor or User Agency (see
paragraph 5ab). A temporary help supplier
and his field, branch or associate offices
having a valid parent-subsidiary or multiple
facility relationship are covered in para-
graphs 72 and '73 respectively. The following
paragraphs are concerned with :
(1) A temporary help supply licensor
(hereinafter referred to as the li-
censor) who grants licenses or
franchises to other individuals or
firms to use the name, administra-
tive support, methods of operation
or style of the licensor in a specific
geographic area ; or
(2) A license or franchise. holder
(hereinafter referred to as a li-
censee) that is owned and operated
by a legal entity separate and dis-
tinct from the licensor, and is li-
censed or franchised to do business
under the name, method of opera-
tion or style of the licensor.
--- uncleared facilities are as follows :
mow a. As an alternative to annual visits to the
aforementioned uncleared U.S. locations the
HOF or PMF(s) may develop procedures
which provide (i) equal or better assurance
than annual visits, (ii) that all aspects of
personnel security administration will be
properly accomplished, (iii) that proper
management attention is directed on a con-
tinuing basis to this area, and (iv) that re-
sponsibility and authority for accomplish-
ment is formally assigned to cleared man-
agerial personnel. Such procedures will be
clearly set forth in the HOF or PMF(s), as
appropriate, SPP and shall require the ap-
proval of their cognizant security office prior
--- to being placed into effect.
b. Where the temporary help personnel
are actually employees of, and on the pay-
roll of the licensee, the licensee may be
granted a facility security clearance as pro-
vided for in this Manual.
c. Where the temporary help personnel are
employees of, and on the payroll of the
licensor, normally there would be no valid
basis for the licensee to be granted a facility
security clearance. As an alternative, a
facility security clearance may be granted in
the name of the licensor at the address of the
licensee if there is a valid requirement for
employees of the licensor to have access to
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classified information at a contractor facility
or User Agency activity, provided that :
(1) The licensor has a facility security
clearance at its home office; and
(2) An employee of the licensor lo-
cated on the premises of the licensee
is appointed as security supervisor
for the licensor; or
(3) An employer-employee relationship
is established between the licensor
and at least one or more employees
of the licensee through execution of
a separate written agreement be-
tween the parties or by insertion
of a clause in the franchise or li-
cense agreement. The agreement or
clause shall specifically provide
that, for a consideration, one or
more employees of the licensee will
act as security supervisor for the
licensor in the territory covered by
the license or franchise. One signed
copy or certified true copy of the
agreement or clause shall be fur-
nished by the licensor to the cog-
nizant security office concerned.
d. If the provisions of paragraphs CM
and (2) or c(1) and (3) above, are followed,
a facility security clearance may be granted
to the licensor at the address of the licen-
see. This location will, for industrial secur-
ity purposes, be considered as an operating
facility of a multiple facility organization.
Among other things, the SPP of the operat-
ing facility shall specify the functions and
responsibilities of the security supervisor
and the procedures for :
(1) Processing personnel security clear-
ances, including the granting of
company CONFIDENTIAL clear-
ances by the security supervisor.
(2) Accomplishing the requirements of
paragraphs 5 and 6 which relate to
its (temporary help) personnel.
(3) Processing visit requests dispatch-
ing its temporary help personnel to
the using contractor's facility as
Category 1 visits (see paragraphs
5ab and 41a).
e. When a licensee has a license or fran-
chise agreement with more than one licen-
sor, a facility security clearance may be is-
sued in the name of each licensor. Similarly,
if a contractor is engaged in a business
which requires a facility security clearance
in connection with such business and, in
addition, is a licensee for a temporary help
supplier, a facility security clearance may
be issued in his own firm's name and one in
the name of the licensor.
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75. Sensitive Compartmented
a. The provisions of this Manual apply to
research, development, and production of
MATION. In addition, special security re-
quirements supplementing this Manual will
be prescribed by the contracting department
FORMATION contracts, except that for
MATION contracts awarded by military de-
partment procurement activities for the
NSA, the NSA will prescribe the special se-
curity requirements.
_ b. In the case of SENSITIVE COMPART-
awarded by military department procure-
ment activities for the NSA, the NSA shall
be responsible for exercising security con-
trols over the contract.
awarded by and for a military department
or DoD Agency, an activity designated by
the contracting military department or DoD
Agency shall be responsible for exercising
security controls over the contract. 4-
d. Access to SENSITIVE COMPART- 40"
MENTED INFORMATION will be granted
to contractor employees requiring access by
the activity designated to exercise security
controls over the contract as provided above. -emn
e. Denial or revocation of authorization
for access to SENSITIVE COMPART-
76. COMSEC Information
The contractor shall protect classified
COMSEC information in accordance with
the requirements of the COMSEC Supple-
ment to this. Manual.
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77. Special Requirements for Graphic 79. Area Controls-Additional Require-
Arts ments
This Section of the Manual provides spe-
cific security measures for the safeguarding
of classified information during the develop-
ment stages, performance of service, or pro-
duction of material by the graphic arts in-
dustry. The security measures apply whether
the work is performed by the prime contrac-
tor on his premises or subcontracted to a
graphic arts facility.
78. Production Control Records
During the layout, composition, platemak-
ing, presswork and bindery stages of the
production of classified material, controls
shall be established to deny unauthorized
personnel access to the immediate area in
which such work is being performed. In the
event the safeguarding requirements pre-
scribed in paragraph 16 are insufficient for
this purpose, such areas shall be designated
as Restricted Areas and shall be controlled in
accordance with the provisions of paragraph
34b. Additional requirements are :
While the production control records re-
main with the classified job to which they
relate, they shall be (i) plainly and conspicu-
ously marked or stamped (not typed) at the
top and bottom with the same classification
as the material being produced, or (ii) un-
less the production control record itself con-
tains classified information, covered over
with a cover sheet conspicuously marked or
stamped (not typed) at the top and bottom
with the same classification as the material
being produced. In either case, the additional
markings required by paragraph 11b shall be
applied as appropriate. Such production con-
trol records or cover sheets, unless they con-
tain or have permanently attached thereto
classified information, shall be marked with
a notation indicating that they are unclassi-
fied when separated from the classified ma-
terial being produced. The contractor may,
at his discretion, use the production control
records as the records required by para-
graphs 12 and 18, provided they contain the
required information and are retained for
the period of time specified in paragraph 12.
a. Pressrooms. While the press is being
made ready or being run, the press itself
shall be identified and marked the same as
the classified information being run. The
press shall remain so identified until the run
has been completed and all classified material
removed. Marking and identification of the
press is not required for press runs of short
duration provided the run is completed prior
to the end of the working day. Plates, blan-
kets, chases, etc., need not be removed from
the press at close of working hours, when
the press run is incomplete, provided the
area meets the requirements of paragraph
b. Composition Areas. Linecasting (e.g.,
intertype, linotype) and photocomposition
machines shall be identified and marked the
same as the classified information being set
in type, except for jobs of short duration
completed prior to the end of the working
day. Slugs (i.e., lines cast on a linecasting
machine), coded tapes, ribbons, negatives,
etc., need not be removed from the machines
Pars. 77 78 & 79 129
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at the close of the working day when the
composition is not completed, provided the
area meets the requirements of paragraph
c. Bindery Area. Bindery areas shall be
secured by the same method as pressroom
ci. Darkrooms. Admittance to all film proc-
essing units shall be restricted to cleared
personnel who are assigned to the particular
job or jobs involving classified information.
e. Proofreading Areas. Proofreading areas
shall be controlled by physical barriers capa-
ble of preventing visual or audio access and
entrance by unauthorized persons.
f. Shipping Entrances. Shipping entrances
shall be secured when classified information
is in the area. Loading and unloading oper-
ations shall be performed under the super-
vision of a cleared employee of the contrac-
80. Special Conditions
a. Overruns. All assembled copies of print-
ed material not spoiled during a printing
operation, which are in excess of the number
of copies ordered, shall be designated as
overruns. Overruns shall be held to a mini-
mum. An exact count of the overruns shall
be maintained and they shall be accounted
for as prescribed in paragraph 12. Overruns
shall be transmitted to the customer with
the balance of the job or promptly destroyed
in compliance with the provisions of para-
graphs 19a through e.'
b. Proofs. A record shall be kept of the
number and disposition of proofs. Galley or
page proofs approved by the customer shall
be retained until the product is delivered and
shall then be returned to the customer along
with the original manuscripts.'
c. Waste Disposal. The contractor shall
provide properly identified waste containers
at each production point at which waste,
spoilage, trimmings, or cuttings accumulate.
Waste shall include paper stock used for
press makeready, spoilage during running,
printed copies spoiled during bindery make-
ready, or excess copies of individual pages
which are not to be assembled to form a
complete product. Waste containers shall be
adequately safeguarded and the waste
promptly destroyed in accordance with para-
graph 19f. Waste shall not be retained in
production areas during nonworking hours.
d. Return of Samples. All graphic arts
samples (i.e., classified material furnished
by the customer for reproduction) shall be
returned to the customer immediately after
the completion of the work.,
e. Bulk Shipment. Graphic arts products
that are shipped in bulk in double contain-
ers will be stacked in the inner container
face up. A cover sheet shall be placed on top
of the material before sealing the inner con-
tainer. The contractor shall maintain a rec-
ord of the quantity shipped in each contain-
er, and when copies are serially numbered,
the contractor shall number the inner con-
tainers, and the record shall show which
serial numbers were packed in each con-
tainer. Such records shall be incorporated
into the control station records maintained
in accordance with paragraph 12. The classi-
fication markings, and if appropriate, the
notations prescribed in pragraph 11b, shall
be stamped on all outside surfaces of the
inner container. Outer containers shall be
sealed by wire stapling or by tape so that
tampering will be evident. No markings shall
be made on the outer containers which will
in any way indicate that the package con-
tains classified material. Address labels will
be placed on the top surface of both contain-
ers, and receipts will be placed inside the
inner container.
1 Where the classified production has been accomplished on
the premises of the contractor, as opposed to being done by a
graphic arts subcontractor, the disposition of overruns, proofs,
samples and other material, except for waste, used in the
production of the job may be delayed until the completion or
termination of the contract concerned.
f. Materials Used in Production.
(1) All materials used in production
which contain classified informa-
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tion, (i.e., negative flats, layouts,
masters, dummies, vellums, stencils,
composition tapes, proofs, tympan
sheets, negatives, type, plates, etc.)
shall be safeguarded in accordance
with paragraphs 14 and 16 and im-
mediately after completion of the
work shall be destroyed in accord-
ance with paragraph 81 or returned
to the customer along with the job
on which they were used 1 (see par-
agraph 12f for accountability re-
(2) Plates and rubber blankets, after
use on a classified production, may
be re-used only on. classified produc-
tion, provided they are stored be-
tween runs as specified in para-
graph 14. The plates and rubber
blankets shall be identified as pro-
vided in paragraph 11a(8), and the
classification marking shall at all
times reflect the highest category of
classified information for which the
plate or rubber blanket has been
used (see paragraph 12f for ac-
countability requirements). Plates
and rubber blankets used for classi-
fied productions, when no longer
serviceable, or re-use is not de-
sired, shall be destroyed as pre-
scribed in paragraph 81. A con-
tractor is not authorized to turn
over classified plates to a subcon-
tractor for the sole purpose of re-
graining such plates. Moreover, the
regraining of plates shall not be
considered as an authorized method
of destruction under paragraph 81.
(3) Blankets, other than rubber, used
on classified productions, shall not
be re-used and shall be destroyed
as prescribed in paragraph 81.
(4) "Rollers" and other parts of
presses which retain impressions of
classified information during the
printing stages shall be cleaned to
remove the classified information
upon completion of the run.
81. Destruction-Special Requirements
Classified material used in the reproduc-
tion process shall be destroyed in accordance
with paragraph 19c, except that:
a. Classified information on metal foundry
and wooden type shall be considered as hav-
ing been destroyed when the type is redis-
tributed in the type case.
b. Classified information on glass nega-
tives shall be destroyed by dissolving the
emulsion or by pulverizing.
82. Mailing Lists
a. Classified. When a mailing list, used
for the distribution of unclassified material,
is classified, the material shall be protected
as though classified (markings not required)
until separated from the classified mailing
list during the production process or at the
point of mailing or shipping.
b. Unclassified. When a mailing list, used
for the distribution of classified material, is
unclassified, the list shall be protected as
though classified (markings not required)
until separated from the classified material
during the production process or at the
point of mailing or shipping.
c. Related Material. When classified mail-
ing lists are prepared or maintained by a
contractor, all material which retains an
impression of the addresses, such as carbons,
addressing plates, identification strips, and
verification lists shall be classified and safe-
guarded accordingly.
Pars. 80, 81 & 82 131
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83. Application
This Section of the Manual provides for
the additional security measures which have
been established for the safeguarding of
NATO classified information. The provisions
contained in this Section supplement the
provisions of Sections I through X of this
Manual. These additional security measures
apply whether the NATO classified infor-
mation is in the possession of the prime con.-
tractor or in the possession of his subcon-
(1) The term "NATO classified infor-
mation" used in this Section applies
to classified information circulated
within and by NATO, including in-
formation received from member
nations as well as information orig-
inated in the organization itself.
However, classified information
contributed by a member nation re-
mains the property of the originat-
ing nation even though it is circu-
lated in a document belonging to
84. Authority
The requirements of this Section reflect
the security procedures established by the
U.S. Security Authority for NATO affairs
for the safeguarding of NATO classified in-
formation in the possession of U.S. industry.
85. Supervision and Orientation
a. The contractor who receives NATO
classified information shall appoint a re-
sponsible officer (one who is required to be
cleared as part of the facility security clear-
ance) to supervise and direct the security
measures in relation to NATO classified in-
b. The contractor shall maintain a sepa-
rate record of all employees located at the
facility who have been authorized access to
NATO classified information, in addition to
the clearance record required by paragraph
c. The contractor shall notify all of his
personnel who will have access to NATO
classified information that:
(2) The marking "NATO" on a docu-
ment is used to signify that the
document is the property of NATO.
The marking "COSMIC" is also
used on a NATO (TOP SECRET)
document to signify that it is the
property of NATO and that it is
subject to special security controls.
ments, NATO SECRET documents
uments shall be protected accord-
ing to the rules in other Sections
CONFIDENTIAL material and the
additional rules prescribed in this
Section. NATO documents marked
"RESTRICTED" which are fur-
nished to the contractor shall be
marked and protected as prescribed
in paragraph 11d.
d. The contractor shall bring to the atten-
tion of all of his personnel who will be au-
thorized access to NATO classified informa-
tion their continuing individual responsi-
bilities for safeguarding NATO classified in-
formaton ; further, they shall be advised
that when they are in other NATO countries
Pars. 83 84 & 85 133
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they may be subject to the laws of those
countries which pertain to the handling of
classified information. When access to
COSMIC TOP SECRET information is in-
volved, the employee shall sign a certificate
to the effect that he has been briefed on his
responsibilities for safeguarding COSMIC
TOP SECRET information.
86. Security Clearances
a. A final personnel security clearance
granted by DISCO for a U.S. citizen is valid
for access to NATO information of the same
or lesser security classification provided the
individual has been given a security briefing
in accordance with paragraph 85d above.
Immigrant aliens or aliens issued U.K. or
Canadian Reciprocal clearances are not au-
thorized access to NATO classified informa-
tion (see paragraphs 20c, 24a(2) and 31d).
b. All contractor employees who require
access to NATO information classified CON-
FIDENTIAL shall be cleared by DISCO
(see paragraph 24a(1) (c)).
tion X apply equally to 'the reproduction of
NATO classified documents. However, ex-
cept for COSMIC TOP SECRET informa-
tion, no special permission is needed to
include references to, extracts from, or para-
phrases of NATO classified documents in
other documents which the contractor must
prepare in the performance of the contract.
In the case of COSMIC TOP SECRET in-
formation, reproduction requests shall be
forwarded to the Central U.S. Registry for
authorization. Address : Central U.S. Regis-
try, Washington, D.C. 20310.
b. Requirements in paragraph 11 apply
equally to the marking of NATO classified
or RESTRICTED document which is repro-
duced from a NATO document shall be
marked NATO at the top and bottom, in
addition to the classification markings, and
a TOP SECRET document which is repro-,
duced from a NATO document shall be
marked COSMIC at the top and bottom in
addition to the TOP SECRET marking.
c. Application for a security clearance for
employees requiring access to NATO CON-
FIDENTIAL information shall be made by
the contractor as provided for in paragraphs
24, 26 and 27 for U.S. citizens.
d. An interim CONFIDENTIAL or in-
terim SECRET clearance granted by DISCO
is not valid for access to NATO information
e. Contractor employees who require ac-
cess to NATO RESTRICTED information
shall be cleared by the contractor in accord-
ance with paragraph 24b.
87. Reproduction, Preparation, and
a. Requirements in paragraph 18 and Sec-
88. Transmission of NATO Material
TIAL material is prepared for transmission
and an inner container is required by para-
graph 17a, that container shall be marked
NATO in addition to the classification mark-
ing. When transmitting NATO TOP SE-
CRET material the inner container shall be
marked COSMIC in addition to TOP SE-
b. The transmission of NATO classified
information within the U.S. shall be in ac-
cordance with the procedures set forth in
paragraphs 17b, c., and d. except that the
minimum requirement for mailing NATO
CONFIDENTIAL information is U.S. Reg-
istered Mail.
c. All NATO classified information fur-
nished to a U.S. contractor in connection
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with a U.S. classified contract shall be trans-
mitted to destinations outside the U.S. only
with authority of the contracting officer. If
such information is to be returned to the
U.S., approval of the contracting officer is
not required.
from or being sent to the U.S. shall
be transmitted to the Chief, Central
U.S. Registry, The Pentagon,
Washington, D.C. 20310 by one of
the methods authorized by para-
graph 17b for forwarding to the in-
tended destination.
FIDENTIAL information going
from or being sent to the U.S.
shall be transmitted by the con-
tractor via one of the means au-
thorized in paragraph 17e. Infor-
mation going to a NATO activity
outside the U.S. shall be trans-
mitted to an appropriate U.S. ac-
tivity for forwarding to the NATO
activity. NATO classified informa-
tion coming to the U.S. shall be
transmitted through an appropriate
U.S. Government activity to the
U.S. contractor.
d. NATO classified information furnished
to a U.S. contractor in connection with a
NATO, or NATO member country, classified
contract or project shall be transmitted to
destinations outside the continental limits of
the U.S. only with the authority of the con-
tracting officer. If such information is re-
turned to the U.S., approval of the contract-
ing officer is not required.
(1) COSMIC TOP SECRET shall be
transmitted as prescribed in para-
graph c(1) above.
e. All NATO classified bulky material, of
any category, shall be sent through channels
established by the cognizant security office
on instructions from the EDIS, HQ DLA.
89. Functions of the Contracting Officer
a. When a U.S. contractor enters into pre-
contract negotiations involving NATO classi-
fied information with a U.S. contracting offi-
cer, the contractor shall obtain his instruc-
tions from the contracting officer concerned
as prescribed in this Manual.
b. When a U.S. contractor enters into pre-
contract negotiations with a NATO govern-
ment other than the U.S., a contractor of
such NATO country, or a NATO interna-
tional body requiring that the contractor
have possession and access to NATO classi-
fied information in the U.S., the U.S. con-
tractor shall request necessary instruction
from the contracting officer of such NATO
country or international body.
90. NATO Reporting Requirements
The contractor shall immediately report
through the cognizant security office to the
Chief, Central U.S. Registry, The Pentagon,
Washington, D.C. 20310, receipt of COSMIC
TOP SECRET information from a source
outside the U.S. when the information has
not been transmitted via the Central U.S.
Registry. A copy of the report shall be sent
to the EDIS, HQ DLA. The contractor shall
report to the cognizant security office re-
TIAL information from any source other
than through a U.S. Government activity
unless the information is received in con-
nection with approved visits (e.g., attend-
ance at a bidders' conference).
FIDENTIAL information shall be
transmitted as prescribed in para-
graph c(2) above.
91. Subcontracting
Prior to negotiating a NATO classified
Pars. 88, 89, 90 & 91 135
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subcontract in the U.S. or in another NATO tract from the contracting officer who let the
country, a U.S. prime contractor shall ob- prime contract or his designated representa-
tain permission to negotiate such a subcon- tive.
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Par. 91
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92. General
a. This Part sets forth access, safeguard-
ing and notification requirements for cleared
U.S. citizen employees of U.S. contractors
assigned to duty stations outside the U.S.
These requirements also apply to U.S. citi-
zens who, in addition to being cleared as
employees of cleared U.S. contractors, are
also dual-status employees of foreign sub-
sidiaries which are wholly owned and con-
trolled by cleared U.S. facilities.
b. This Part does not apply to :
(1) Uncleared employees of cleared U.S.
contractors who are stationed out-
side the U.S.;
(2) U.S. citizens who are representa-
tives of any foreign interest or em-
ployees of foreign subsidiaries
cleared U.S. facilities but do
hold dual-status employment with
the owning or controlling U.S. fa-
cility ; and
(3) Representatives (not employees)
of cleared U.S. contractors.
c. Cleared employees of U.S. contractors
stationed overseas are encouraged to attend
periodically scheduled security briefings con-
ducted by the OISE. These briefings are de-
signed to familiarize the employees with the
international aspects of the Defense Indus-
trial Security Program and the security
requirements unique to the foreign countries
in which the contractor does business.
93. Access to Classified Information
Contractors are authorized to grant access
to U.S. classified information to their cleared
employees who are assigned overseas, sub-
j ect to the following :
a. Access to U.S. classified information
identified in this paragraph shall be granted
only with the prior written approval of the
User Agency having primary interest if the
information concerned is:
(1) TOP SECRET information.
(see paragraph 6, CSISM).
Special Access Programs informa-
tion (see paragraph 5t).
Information for which foreign dis-
semination has been prohibited in
whole or in part.
b. Access shall be limited strictly to that
information required by the employee for
performance of the specific duties or con-
tracts for which he is assigned overseas.
Further, access to U.S. classified information
under this Section shall be made, to the
maximum extent practical, on an oral or
visual basis. When physical access is to be
granted to an employee, the appropriate saf e-
guarding provisions set forth in paragraph
94, shall be strictly complied with.
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c. Access to U.S. classified information
for cleared employees assigned overseas may
be granted both in the U.S. and overseas.
d. Access to U.S. classified information
granted to a cleared employee of a cleared
U.S. facility who is also an employee of a
U.S. wholly owned and controlled foreign
subsidiary of such facility is granted only in
his capacity as an employee of the cleared
U.S. facility. The contractor granting the
access is responsible for assuring that his
employee provides adequate safeguards for
any classified information disclosed to such
employee. In addition, the contractor shall
take action, as appropriate, to insure that
U.S. classified information entrusted to the
employee is not further released or made
available to other employees of the foreign
94. Safeguarding U.S. Classified
The following additional safeguards are
prescribed in connection with U.S. contractor
overseas operations :
a. Security Classification Guidance. The
contractor shall provide security classifica-
tion guidance to employees performing out-
side of the U.S. on a classified contract, proj-
ect or mission. As a minimum, such guidance
shall consist of the DD Form 254, when a
classified contract is involved, and shall cover
all classified information relating thereto.
b. Transmission. Transmission of classi-
fied material to a cleared contractor employee
located outside the U.S. shall be strictly in
accordance with paragraph 17e. The material
shall be addressed to a U.S. military activity
or other U.S. Government activity and shall
be marked for the attention of the contractor
or the employee for whom it is intended. The
U.S. Government activity will notify the con-
tractor or contractor employee of the receipt
of the material. Classified material will be
transmitted only through U.S. Government
channels. Normally, transmission will be by
Registered Mail through the U.S. Military
Postal Service or by the ARFCOS. However,
the contracting officer may authorize any of
the other approved methods of transmission
described in paragraph 17e. If disclosure
authorization is required and has been ob-
tained, it should be cited in the transmission
document with the effective dates and any
other limitations. The contractor shall make
prior arrangements for the storage of U.S.
classified material with a U.S. military in-
stallation, the OISE, a military attache, a
MAAG, an ODC, or a U.S. diplomatic or con-
sular officer prior to transmitting U.S. classi-
fied material overseas.
c. Custody and Storage
(1) Personnel authorized access to U.S.
classified material overseas will
normally be permitted such access
at a U.S. Government activity only.
The storage of U.S. classified ma-
terial overseas at any location other
than a U.S. military installation or
U.S. Government-controlled instal-
lation is prohibited.
(2) If in the performance of a contract,
project, or mission, it is necessary
for a contractor employee to phy-
sically require temporary custody of
U.S. classified material, authoriza-
tion for removal shall be obtained
from the U.S. Government activity.
When such custody is authorized,
the employee is responsible for per-
sonal possession and surveillance of
the material at all times. Immedi-
ately following the purpose for
which the material was needed and
the removal was authorized, but in
all cases prior to the end of the work
day, the material is to be returned
to the U.S. Government activity for
storage purposes. Movement of the
material while in the employee's
custody shall be governed by the
provisions of paragraph 17h.
d. Disclosure
Except as provided for in paragraph 48,
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contractor personnel are not authorized to
disclose classified information to any foreign
government, commercial activity or entity,
or to an international pact organization or
to its representatives. Cleared contractor
personnel overseas may, however, disclose
classified information:
(1) To other cleared personnel within
their company who have been
granted a Letter of Consent at the
required level and who have a need-
to-know for access to the informa-
tion concerned.
(0) To any appropriately cleared mili-
tary or civilian member of a U.S.
User Agency who has a valid need-
(3) Outside the contractor's organiza-
tion within the U.S. only in accord-
ance with this Manual, and outside
the U.S. only in accordance with
instructions from the contracting
officer of the User Agency.
95. Overseas Assistance
a. The DoD has established the OISE to
provide administrative assistance for indus-
trial security purposes to U.S. industry in
their marketing, liaison, and technical assist-
ance activities in Europe and adjacent geo-
graphical areas. The OISE is a field extension
of the EDIS, HQ DLA-N, and functions under
its operational and administrative control.
The OISE acts as the central file in Europe
for information pertaining to security clear-
ances and security assurances for U.S. citi-
zen contractor employees located outside the
U.S. Such information from the file is avail-
able for official use by agencies and activities
of the U.S. Government, foreign governments
and NATO.
b. The OISE assists U.S. industry by (i)
arranging classified visits for U.S. contrac-
tor employees; (ii) providing storage for
classified material; (iii) providing mail
channels for transmission of classified ma-
terial between a contractor in the U.S. and
an approved destination in Europe when
specifically authorized by HQ DLA-N; (iv)
providing security briefings and security cer-
tificates as appropriate; and (v) providing
assistance on security matters, such as visits
to military activities or contractors in
c. The civilian street address of OISE is
Office of Industrial Security, Europe, U.S.
Defense Logistics Agency, 13 Chaussee de
Louvain, 1940 St. Stevens-Woluwe, Belgium;
telephone 720-8259. The APO address is:
OISE, APO New York 09667; U.S. Govern-
ment cable address is: OISE, BRUSSELS,
BELGIUM ; other cables : OISE, American
Embassy, Brussels, Belgium ; TELEX ad-
dress is: OISE, American Embassy, 21336,
Brussels, Belgium.
96. Notification of Overseas Assignment
a. Whenever a contractor assigns a cleared
employee to an overseas duty station the
contractor shall furnish the following in-
formation to DISCO on DLA Form 562-R:
full name, Social Security Number, date and
place of birth, level of access to U.S. classi-
fied information required overseas, passport
or ID number, name and address of his new
duty station overseas and, notice that the
briefing required by paragraph 97 has been
b. Upon receipt of this information,
DISCO will forward a copy of the employee's
Letter of Consent to OISE when the em-
ployee is assigned to an overseas location
within the geographical jurisdiction of OISE.
Subsequently, the contractor is required to
provide written notice to DISCO, and OISE
when appropriate, of any permanent change
of mailing address in the overseas duty sta-
tion of its employees, the reassignment of an
employee to the U.S. or other changes in
status as reflected in paragraph 6b(2).
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c. Residence or assignment of cleared im-
migrant aliens outside the U.S., Puerto Rico,
Guam, or the Virgin Islands for a period of
90 consecutive days or more in any 12-month
period negates the basis upon which the
Letter of Consent was issued, and the Letter
of Consent will be administratively termi-
nated without prejudice by DISCO upon re-
ceipt of contractor notification as outlined in
paragraph 6b(6).
97. Security Briefings and Certificates
a. Cleared employees who are to be as-
signed to duty stations outside the U.S. are
to be briefed on the security aspects of their
new positions. These briefings are the re-
sponsibility of the contractor. If access to
NATO classified information is or may be
involved, the briefing shall also cover NATO
security requirements as described in Section
b. Each cleared employee assigned over-
seas shall execute and have witnessed a certi-
ficate attesting that:
(1) He has received a security briefing
and understands his responsibilities.
ject to action under the espionage
statutes of the U.S. with respect to
the classified information to which
access is granted.
(6) He understands that upon termina-
tion of the purpose for which he has
been granted access, his responsi-
bilities for safeguarding the classi-
fied information continue unabated
until the security classification. is
removed by appropriate Govern-
ment authority. The executed and
witnessed briefing certificate shall
be retained by the contractor for
the duration of the overseas assign-
c. Subsequent to the initial security brief-
ing, each individual shall be given an annual
refresher briefing. A certificate similar to
that described above shall be executed an-
nually and maintained as long as the indi-
vidual is assigned overseas. The certificate
shall be modified as necessary to reflect any
change in the nature and extent of the clas-
sified information to which the individual
requires access, and the scope and nature of
the threat to which the overseas activity
may expose the individual.
(2) He will safeguard classified informa-
tion in accordance with prescribed
security standards.
(3) The classified information to which
he has been granted access will be
used only for the purpose for which
(4) He understands and accepts the fact
that his Letter of Consent may be
suspended or revoked for violation
of security regulations or improper
use of classified information.
(5) He understands that he may be sub-
d. Normally, refresher briefings should be
accomplished on the temporary return of
employees to the U.S. or by a security repre-
sentative of the contractor stationed over-
seas or on visits overseas. When this is not
practical, the briefing and execution of the
certificate may be accomplished by OISE at
the request of the contractor. Outside areas
serviced by OISE, the contractor may obtain
a written briefing statement by mail from
the employee.
e. The contractor shall assure that a com-
pany SSP, or supplement thereto, is pre-
pared to cover security procedures at the
contractor's overseas locations.
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98. General
In its relations with friendly and allied
foreign governments, the U.S. has entered
into various treaties and agreements where-
by each signatory government agrees to safe-
guard the classified information released to
it by the other government. These range from
simple bilateral agreements providing only
that each government will safeguard, in
accordance with mutually agreed procedures,
the classified information released to it by
the other government, and that the informa-
tion will not be disclosed to a third country
without the consent of the originating gov-
ernment to multilateral treaties establishing
international organizations for concerted de-
fense. Such treaties usually contain either a
technical annex establishing the detailed pro-
cedures and standards for safeguarding clas-
sified information originated or disseminated
by the organization, or provisions authoriz-
ing the organization to establish mutually
agreeable regulations for safeguarding such
a. Access to classified information of a
foreign government or international pact or-
ganization (e.g., NATO) is granted by the
activity possessing the information and the
scope of access is governed by the regulations
of the activity possessing and disclosing the
information. Hence, this Part prescribes no
specific limitations on the access to classified
information of foreign governments or inter-
national pact organizations which may be
afforded an individual under a Security As-
surance determination. The responsibility for
release of the information rests with the
foreign activity or international pact organi-
zation, or with the contractor if the informa-
tion had previously been released to him
directly by the foreign government, the
prime contractor, or an international pact
organization without going through Govern-
ment channels.
b. A contractor, or contractor employee,
granted access to foreign or international
pact organization classified information must
take note of the limitations prescribed rela-
tive to the further dissemination of such
information. For example, NATO classified
information cannot be stored in non-NATO
countries or released to nationals of non-
NATO countries, nor can NATO classified
subcontracts be let to contractors of non-
NATO countries. Foreign countries normally
have restrictions on the disclosure and dis-
semination of their classified information to
nationals of a third country.
99. Security Assurance
This paragraph establishes the procedures
to assist U.S. cleared contractors in meeting
personnel security requirements imposed by
friendly and allied foreign governments and
international pact organizations with whom
the U.S. has entered into either a bilateral
or multilateral security agreement for access
by U.S. citizens to foreign classified material
which is under the control of the foreign
government or organization.
a. The contractor may make application
for a Security Assurance by submitting a
written request containing the information
required by paragraph (3), below. Upon ap-
plication by the U.S. contractor, DISCO will
issue a Security Assurance (DISCO Form
382) for currently cleared contractor em-
ployees. If the employee does not have a
valid Letter of Consent, the contractor will
submit the following to DISCO:
(1) The forms prescribed in paragraph
26c,1 or;
1 Under Item 9 of DD Form 48 or 49 or Item 7 of DD Form
48-3, the applicant shall list both his overseas residence and
permanent U.S. residence if one is maintained. In addition,
under Item- 12 of DD Form 448-3, the applicant shall list all
previous overseas residences. Under Item 1.9 of DD Form 48 or
DD Form 49, or Item 11 of DD Form 418-3, the applicant shall
show the names and addresses of all firms or foreign govern-
ment activities with which the applicant is associated, the rela-
tionships and duties in connection therewith and the nationality
of the controlling interests of the firms involved.
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(2) Two copies of DD Form 48-31 if
there has been less than a 12-month
lapse in a prior employment at
which time the employee was
granted a Letter of Consent; and,
(3) A written request containing the
following information :
ing certificate prescribed by
paragraph 97.
(k) In the case of persons who are em-
ployees of foreign subsidiaries, the
application shall be sent through
the parent organization or the
(a) The title of the position and
summary of the duties of the
individual for whom the re-
quest is made.
(b) The name and location of the
overseas office or activity to
which the individual is as-
signed or attached for duty.
(c) The employee's passport or ID
card number, if available.
(d) A justification2 for the request
which identifies the activity or
the subject matter of the pro-
posed visit, sales activity, or
contract which will require a
Security Assurance.
(e) A statement providing the
name and address of the for-
eign government activity or in-
ternational pact organization
requesting the U.S. Security
Assurance and the level of ac-
cess required. If access to U.S.
originated, and appropriately
marked, classified information
will be granted to the employee
by the foreign requestor, the
contractor will execute and
maintain one copy of the brief-
2 The need and justification may be stated in general terms.
For example: in order to participate in the negotiation of con-
tracts with foreign governments or international pact organiza-
tions it will be necessary for him to have access to classified
information of those countries and organizations (identify coun-
tries and/or organizations) ; or as our overseas electronics engi-
neer, it will be necessary for him to have access to foreign
classified information in order to service equipment sold by our
company to (identify country or countries concerned).
(5) Upon termination of employment
or assignment overseas, the Se-
curity Assurance determination is
void and the contractor shall imme-
diately notify DISCO of the indi-
vidual's changed status by means of
DLA Form 562-R, and return the
individual's Security Assurance de-
termination to DISCO.
(6) Requests for reinstatement of a
Security Assurance determination
will be processed in the same man-
ner as an original request.
(7) If an individual on whom a Security
Assurance has been given is subse-
quently employed by a cleared con-
tractor and requires a U.S. security
clearance, the contractor may make
application within 12 months for a
security clearance for the individual
under Section III by submission of
a DD Form 48-3 (see paragraph
26e). If the time lapse is more than
12 months, the forms prescribed by
paragraph 26c shall be submitted.
b. Normally, requests for Security Assur-
ance determinations will be limited by the
foreign government or international pact or-
ganization to CONFIDENTIAL, or SECRET
access. In exceptional cases, requests for
TOP SECRET Security Assurance received
from a foreign government or international
pact organization will signify that access to
TOP SECRET information is necessary for
the consummation of a specific contract,
project, or activity. TOP SECRET Security
Assurance determinations shall be limited to
the specific contract, project, or activity for
which granted.
142 Pars. 99
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100. Application and Purpose
a. Establishes security measures for pro-
tecting classified information stored, proc-
essed or used in, and classified information
communicated by ADP systems in the cus-
tody and control of contractors including
computer service organizations providing
contractual ADP services to the DoD or its
contractors. Security measures for User
Agency ADP systems operated by contrac-
tors are the responsibility of the controlling
User Agency.
wise make use of any material or component
in an ADP system.
b. ADP System. An assembly of computer
equipment, facilities, personnel, software,
and procedures configured for the purpose of
classifying, sorting, calculating, computing,
summarizing, storing, and retrieving data
and information with a minimum of human
intervention. An ADP system as defined for
purposes of this Manual is the totality of
ADP equipment and includes :
(1) General and special purpose com-
puters (e.g., digital, analog, or hy
brid computer equipment) ;
b. Specifies conditions and prescribes se-
curity requirements under which ADP
systems will be operated when handling
classified material. Additional security re-
quirements may be levied for processing
information associated with Special Access
Programs as defined in paragraph 3bm
and COMSEC information in accordance
with Section IX).
c. Provides for the application of admin-
istrative, physical and personnel security
measures required to protect classified mate-
rial processed or resident in ADP systems
from inadvertent or deliberate compromise.
d. Requires the initial approval, in writ-
ing, of the cognizant security office prior to
processing any classified information in an
ADP system.
101. Definitions
a. ADP System Access. The ability and
the means to approach, communicate with
(input to or receive output from), or other-
(2) Commercially available compo-
nents, those produced as a result of
research and development, and the
equivalent systems created from
them, regardless of size, capacity,
or price, which are utilized in the
creation, collection, storage, proc-
essing, communication, display and
dissemination of classified informa-
tion ;
(3) Auxiliary or accessorial equipment
such as data communications termi-
nals, source data automation re-
cording equipment (e.g., optical
character recognition equipment,
paper tape typewriters, magnetic
tape cartridge typewriters, and
other data acquisition devices),
data output equipment (e.g., digi-
tal plotters and computer output
microfilmers), etc., to be used in
support of digital, analog, or hybrid
computer equipment, either cable-
connected or self-standing.
(4) Electrical accounting machines
used in conjunction with or inde-
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pendent of digital, analog, or hy-
brid computers; and
(5) Computer equipment which sup-
ports or is integral to a weapons
c. ADP System Security. Includes all
hardware/software functions, characteris-
tics and features, operational procedures,
accountability procedures, and access con-
trols at the central computer facility, re-
mote computer and terminal facilities, and
the management constraints, physical struc-
tures and devices; personnel and communi-
cation controls needed to provide an accept-
able level of protection for classified mate-
rial to be contained in the computer system.
d. Central Computer Facility. One or more
computers with their peripheral and storage
units, central processing units, and commu-
nications equipment in a single controlled
area. This does not include remote computer
facilities, peripheral devices, or terminals
which are located outside the single con-
trolled area even though they are connected
to the central computer facility by approved
communication links.
e. Complex. A facility, or any element
thereof, which consists of one or more
buildings or structures physically enclosed
within a common perimeter barrier supple-
mented by protective measures which pre-
vent unauthorized entry and control author-
ized entry.
f. Contained. "Contained" refers to a
state-of-being within limits, as within sys-
tem bounds, regardless of purpose or func-
tions, and includes any state of storage, use
or processing.
g. Dedicated Mode. An ADP system is
operating in a dedicated mode when the
central computer facility and all of its con-
nected peripheral devices and remote termi-
nals are exclusively used and controlled by
specified users or groups of users having
the same security clearances and access ap-
provals for the processing of a particular
type (s) and category (ies) of classified ma-
h. Disconnect. A remote terminal or, pe-
ripheral device is considered to be discon-
nected when at the Central Computer Fa-
(1) It is unplugged, or
(2) The power to the channels or trans-
mission lines is switched off, or
(3) When software disconnect routines
are employed. However, software
disconnect routines shall be used
only in the case of information
classified no higher than SECRET
and which does not have Special
Access requirements. Software dis-
connect routines must be:
(a) Documented so as to clearly
indicate detail logic processes
(b) Approved initially in writing
by the cognizant security office.
(c) Verified by the contractor via
written certification at least
once every 90 days to insure
continued effectiveness.
(d) Reapproved by the cognizant
security office after ADP sys-
tem modifications.
i. Escort. Escorts are duly designated
personnel who have appropriate clearances
and access authorizations for the material
contained in the systems, and are sufficiently
knowledgeable to understand the security
implications of, and to control the activities
and access of the individual being escorted.
.. Multi-Level Security Mode. An opera-
tion under an operating system (supervisor
144 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041R000300040001-2
Par. 101
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or executive program) which provides a cap-
ability permitting various levels and cate-
gories or compartments of material to be
concurrently stored and processed in an
an ADP system. In a remotely accessed re-
source-sharing system, the material can be
selectively accessed and manipulated from
variously controlled terminals by personnel
having different security clearances and ac-
cess approvals. This mode of operation can
accommodate the concurrent processing and
storage of (i) two or more levels of classi-
fied data, or (ii) one or more levels of classi-
fied data with unclassified data depending
upon constraints placed on the systems by
the cognizant security office.
k. Operating System. An integrated col-
lection of service routines for supervising
the sequencing and processing of programs
by a computer. Operating systems control
the allocation of resources to users and
their programs, and play a central role in
assuring the security operation of a com-
puter system. Operating systems may per-
form debugging, input/output, accounting,
resource allocation, compilation, storage as-
signment tasks, and other system-related
functions. (Synonymous with monitor, ex-
ecutive, control program and supervisor.)
it. Software. A set of computer programs,
procedures and documentation concerned
with the operation of an ADP system.
o. Transmission. For the purposes of this
Section, the term includes radio, microwave,
laser or other methods of transmissions, as
well as cable and wire transmission.
102. General
a. The procedures and methods to be
employed in safeguarding classified informa-
tion will depend upon the nature of the ADP
system and the use to which it is put.
Accordingly, it is the contractor's responsi-
bility to safeguard all classified information
contained in the ADP system and insure that
approved security controls are in effect and
working satisfactorily. The contractor shall
prepare an SPP defining personnel responsi-
bilities and detailed security control proce-
dures to be followed in the processing of all
classified data in each ADP system. This SPP
shall encompass, as a minimum, all of the
pertinent elements contained in this Section
plus all hardware and software verification
and certification procedures required to in-
sure initial and continued safeguarding of
classified information in the system.
1. Remote Terminal. A device for commu-
nicating with an automatic data processing
system from a location that is time, space
or electrically distant.
m. Resource-Sharing Computer System.
A computer system which uses its resources,
including input/output devices, storage,
central processor (arithmetic and logic
units), control units, and software process-
ing capabilities, to enable one or more users
to manipulate data and process coresident
programs in an apparently simultaneous
manner. The term includes systems with one
or more of the capabilities commonly referred
to as time-sharing, multi-programming,
multi-accessing, multi-processing, or con-
current processing.
b. The contractor shall appoint an ADP
systems security supervisor for each facility
and an ADP systems security custodian for
each ADP system approved for the handling
of classified material. The ADP systems
security supervisor, where different from the
facility security supervisor, shall be respon-
sible to the facility security supervisor for
implementation of procedures and practices
prescribed for the safeguarding and control
of his respective ADP system.
103. Personnel and Physical Controls
a. Personnel.
(1) Those personnel who develop, test and
maintain application software pro-
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grams, or use software systems which
are classified, or which will be used to
access or develop classified material
shall have a personnel security clear-
ance and need-to-know for the highest
and most restrictive category of classi-
fied material which they can access
under system constraints.
(2) Personnel operating the system and
controlling access to its entry points
to that system, or those who design,
develop, install, modify, service or
maintain the security features of the
software in the operating system
which controls user program access to
the system (input/output, storage or
use) shall have a security clearance
for the highest and most restrictive
category of material contained or
processed in the system, and shall be
indoctrinated in appropriate security
procedures for the particular ADP
system and facility before assuming
their duties. Temporary or permanent
modification of the operating system
shall be tested by appropriately
cleared and specifically designated
personnel to assure that the security
features are effective. Audit trail rec-
ords of these transactions shall be
(3) Unescorted entry to the Central Com-
puter Facility or access to any of its
ADP system components (hardware
or software) shall be controlled
and limited to personnel who are
cleared for access to the highest clas-
sification and most restrictive cate-
gory of classified material contained
or processed in the ADP system, and
where need-to-know has been ascer-
tained by the responsible ADP system
security supervisor. All persons in-
volved in maintenance or repairs re-
quiring access to any part or compo-
nent of the ADP system (central or
remote) which could affect or modify
the secure operation of the system or
permit access to classified data, shall
have a security clearance for the high-
est and most restrictive category of
classified information contained in or
processed by the system. Shall it be-
come necessary for maintenance per-
sonnel not possessing such clearances
to access the system, they shall be
accompanied by an escort duly desig-
nated by an ADP security supervisor
for that purpose.
(4) Other persons whose access to the area
is required on a one-time or infrequent
basis, and who will not have access to
classified material or to the system's
hardware or software, may be ad-
mitted to the area when accompanied
by an escort who will be responsible
for the visitor's activities while in the
b. Physical.
(1) Closed Areas in conformance with
paragraph 34a, shall be established
for the Central Computer Facility and
for rooms housing remote terminals
authorized to access or process classi-
fied data. To maintain the integrity of
the system, the controls of the areas
will be maintained even during those
periods when there is no classified in-
formation in the system. An exception
to the requirement for continuous
Closed Area controls can be made for
systems in which all operations take
place within the Central Computer Fa-
cility and all remote terminals are dis-
connected provided the following con-
ditions are met :
(a) That Closed Area controls are in
effect during periods when classi-
fied information is being pro-
cessed, is on line or is otherwise
(b) That all internal memory and
circuitry used for the storage of
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classified data is cleared and veri-
fied by a responsible individual
designated in the SPP prior to
removal of Closed Area controls.
All data storage devices (drums,
discs, tapes, etc.) must be stored
in accordance with paragraph 14,
or be declassified in accordance
with paragraph 105. All docu-
mentation on which classified in-
formation is recorded, including
carbons and printer ribbons, must
be removed and properly stored
or destroyed. A log must be main-
tained to record the date and time
the above actions were taken, and
by whom.
(c) That all other applicable provi-
sions of this Manual apply.
(2) Before the ADP system is placed in an
unclassified mode (unapproved re-
motes reconnected and/or processing
performed other than in accordance
with paragraph 103b), all internal
storage and circuitry shall either be
cleared of classified data and verified
by a responsible individual designated
in the SPP or disconnected. In addi-
tion, all media on which classified data
has been recorded shall be removed or
disconnected or properly stored or
cleared. Area controls shall remain in
effect except as specified in paragraph
104. Clearance of Main Memory, Other
Magnetic Media, and Equipment
a. In a controlled ADP environment, each
memory location, register and other internal
circuitry used for the storage of classified
data shall be overwritten or otherwise cleared
once when no longer required, before reutili-
zation, or before the content of the memory
location, register, or internal circuitry may
be read to preclude the unauthorized dis-
closure of classified data. Acceptable methods
to accomplish the above are by program in-
struction, clear switch action, or power-on
reset cycle or a combination of these meth-
ods. Verification of the clearance action will
be accomplished to insure that all applicable
portions of memory have been cleared.
b. Magnetic media on which classified
information has been recorded shall be dis-
connected and properly stored, or shall be
declassified in accordance with paragraphs
105a and b. Discs and drums which have been
overwritten once with unclassified data may
be utilized for processing data in an unclassi-
fied mode, but they will be handled and
accounted for in accordance with the highest
classification of information ever recorded
thereon until the medium or device is de-
classified in accordance with paragraph 105.
Magnetic media containing operational COM-
SEC keying material may not be cleared for
reuse by the above procedure and must re-
tain their classification until properly de-
c. Should memory units or magnetic stor-
age media be removed from the controlled
environment, the provisions of paragraph
105 apply.
d. Punch card or card reader equipment
must be physically examined as a part of the
process of clearing the equipment of classi-
fied information. This will include visual
examination of the normal card path through
the equipment and the operation of the
equipment for three or more card cycles with
input hopper empty to detect the possible
presence of punched cards which have not
been processed. In addition, such an exami-
nation must include a search of the locations
of the equipment where, because of a mal-
function, a punched card or portion of a
punched card may have become lodged. This
procedure necessitates the removal or open-
ing of equipment access panels and/or other
removable components to perform a visual
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105. Declassification Procedure
The eventual temporary or outright release
of a storage device or a system, including
storage media, should be anticipated. Due to
the physical properties and retentive capa-
bilities of magnetic media and devices (e.g.,
cores, drums, discs, tapes) used to store,
record or manipulate classified data in a com-
puter system, special precautions must be
taken in the release of such media to safe-
guard possible residual classified information
until adequate declassification procedures de-
scribed below have been executed. Except as
authorized below,i3 all storage media and
internal memory on which classified infor-
mation is magnetically recorded shall be
safeguarded and accounted for according to
the requirements prescribed in this Manual
for the highest level of classified information
ever recorded thereon. Procedures for de-
classification are as follows :
a. Magnetic Tapes. When all classified
information has been eradicated from a mag-
netic tape through the use of degaussing
equipment authorized by the cognizant
security office,' 1 the tape may be handled on
an unclassified basis, provided further that:
All markings identifying previous
source, subject matter, use or classi-
fication of the information previously
recorded thereon are removed ;
(2) The contractor establishes such proce-
dure as is required to insure strict
compliance with the manufacturer's
instructions for operating the de-
gaussing equipment; and
19 For specific guidance- regarding the eradiction of SIOP,
COMSEC and similar type Special Access Program information
magnetically recorded on a tape, disc or drum, see the appro-
priate User Agency publications pertaining to that particular
subject matter.
14 The cognizant security office will, upon request, advise the
contractor of currently authorized magnetic tape, card and
cassette degaussing equipment and any conditional instructions
regarding their use promulgated by HQ DLA. Special instruc-
tions issued by manufacturers of approved degaussers must be
precisely followed in order to insure complete degaussing. Re-
quests for approval to use other degaussing equipment may be
submitted in duplicate to the cognizant security office, including
a full description of the equipment and operating procedures.
(3) The destruction records and certifi-
cates required by paragraph 19e are
executed upon eradication of the
classified information and are main-
tained at the control station (s) estab-
lished under paragraph 12.
b. Magnetic Disc, Disc Pack and Drum.
Magnetic discs, disc packs, drums and other
similar rigid magnetic storage devices shall
be overwritten a minimum of three times,
once with the binary digit "1", once with the
binary digit "0", and once again with a single
numeric, alphabetic, or special character
(other than blank). When the capability
exists as an integral part of the storage
subsystem, an AC/DC erase will be applied
to all data tracks before the tracks are over-
written. Verification of the overwrite action
must be accomplished to insure that the sto-
rage device has been declassified. Unclassi-
fied data used in the final overwrite shall be
left on the device. The current used in over-
writing must be equal to that used in record-
ing the information. If the storage device
has failed in such a manner that it cannot be
overwritten, the device may be declassified
by exposing the recording surface(s) to a
permanent magnet having a field strength
at the recording surface of at least 1,500
OERSTED. Care must be taken to insure the
entire surface is wiped at least three times
by a nonuniform motion of the magnet. A
thin sheet of clear plastic (a 1-5 mil sheet)
should be used to prevent damage to the re-
cording surface(s).
c. Magnetic Core. Magnetic core must be
declassified by setting each addressable
memory location alternately to all "ones" and
all "zeros" for 1000 cycles until the state is
changed at least 999 times.
d. Thin Film and Plated Wire. Non-
mechanical flat thin film and plated wire
memories which have been used to store
classified data may be declassified after
recording unclassified data in all storage
locations and allowing such data to remain
on the device for 72 hours at temperatures
matching or exceeding those extant during
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the period of classified storage. Other types
of thin film memories must be handled on a
case-by-case basis with provision of full
details to the cognizant security office.
e. Magnetic Storage Media Used to Store
Analog, Video, or Similar Non-Digital Infor-
?nation. Magnetic tape may be declassified
by degaussig as in paragraph 105a. Rigid
magnetic storage surfaces may be declassi-
fied as in paragraph 105b, except that the
unclassified overwriting signal must be ana-
log instead of binary. The overwrite record-
ing must be left intact on the device. In
the case of failure of the degausser or over-
writing methods, a permanent magnet must
be used as in paragraph 105b. for rigid re-
cording devices.
f. Printer Ribbons. Printer ribbons shall
be considered declassified when they have
been cycled through the printer and the in-
formation is obliterated. In no case will this
be less than five cycles. "One-time" printer
ribbons may be handled as classified waste as
provided in paragraph 19.
g. Destruction Certificates. Destruction
certificates must be executed and retained in
accordance with paragraph 19.
h. Records of Release. Records of release
of declassified storage media shall be main-
tained for a period of 2 years after disposi-
tion of the device or equipment.
106. Dedicated Mode
There are three conditions normally en-
countered when considering processing data
in a dedicated mode; (i) self-contained, (ii)
intra-complex, and (iii) inter-complex,
a. Self-Contained. In this type of condition
all operations take place within the controlled
Central Computer Facility. All remote termi-
nals must be disconnected.
b. Intra-Complex and Inter-Complex. In
these situations all classified data processing
takes place within the controlled Central
Computer Facility, and in controlled areas
housing remote terminals. Transmission to
and/or from such terminals and the computer
must be in conformance with paragraph 107.
All other remote terminals, regardless of
location must be disconnected. Requests for
approval to use either of these "Dedicated
Mode" type systems shall be submitted in
writing to the cognizant security office and
shall include a complete description of the
ADP system, including the category of
classified information to be processed. In-
cluded in the request should be a description
of procedures for:
(1) Personnel and physical controls (see
paragraph 103) and of the procedural
and administrative security controls
to be placed in effect for the ADP sys-
tem and for each location where a
remote terminal is connected.
(2) Transmission Controls. If the trans-
mission is by means other than ap-
proved CRYTOGRAPHIC systems, a
complete description of the in-depth
physical controls of the transmission
lines is to be included.
Authentication of each authorized
user or group of users. One acceptable
method would be the use of a unique
random six alphanumeric character
password classified the same as the
highest category of information to
which the user (or group) is au-
thorized access in the system. Such a
password would need to be changed at
least every 3 months and upon termi-
nation or reassignment of any user
possessing knowledge of the password
or when the password is believed to
have been compromised or subjected
to compromise. To further improve the
reliability of the procedure for iden-
tification of the user (or group) indi-
vidual identification devices may be
used in conjunction with the six al-
phanumeric character password iden-
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tification procedure. This can include
the entry into the system of a series
of facts from the individual's personal
background which generally would not
be information known to anyone else,
and which would be called up on a
random basis and would require a
specific answer by the user. Other
augmenting individual identification
devices, such as the use of hand geo-
metry (fingerprint scanner or hand
scanner), voice or signature compari-
son devices may also be utilized as
additional safeguards to supplement
access control procedures.
(4) An SPP detailing the exact procedures
the contractor will employ in operat-
ing the proposed system.
the cognizant security office. Such circuits
must be protected by an in-depth physical
security system and include the following:
(1) Dedicated Lines. The transmission
line (s) must be dedicated to the com-
puter and the remote terminal(s). A
remote terminal (s) must be approved
for the handling of classified data. A
transmission line (s) shall be dedi-
cated to computer/terminal traffic and
be separated from and not included
in a cable which contains other lines
not dedicated to the transmission of
classified data. The line may not be
connected to or through telephone
frames, switching equipment or any
other telephone equipment.
(5) Other security factors that have a
bearing and which will assist in an
evaluation of the overall system. The
contractor's proposed system must
include provisions for control of the
entire complex.
107. Transmission
Classified data may be transmitted as
follows :
a. Inter-Complex. Only over approved
CRYPTOGRAPHIC communication circuits,
and only with the prior written approval and
in accordance with instructions of the con-
tracting officer.
b. Intra-Complex. Over approved CRYP-
TOGRAPHIC communication circuits with
the prior written approval and in accordance
with the instructions of the contracting offi-
cer. In the event the contracting officer ad-
vises that CRYPTOGRAPHIC equipment is
not available, other approved circuits may
be used with the prior written approval of
(2) Line Surveillance. The transmission
lines should all remain in secure areas
certified for the safeguarding of the
highest level of classified informaton
transmitted. In the event these lines
cannot be contained entirely within
secure areas, continual surveillance
as defined below must be maintained.
Surveillance must be accomplished by
one of the following: (i) alarming the
transmission line itself with an alarm
system which will provide a central
station response time which is not
greater than 15 minutes, and by con-
ducting checks of the line and alarm
integrity at least once daily; or (ii)
continual surveillance of the lines by
appropriately cleared guards, indoc-
trinated as to the significance of the
lines. Indoctrination must be sufficient
to enable the guards to detect at-
tempts to compromise the security of
the sysem, and to determine the action
to be taken in the event of compromise
or suspected compromise; or (iii) a
combination of protected transmission
lines and guard patrols, in which event
the frequency of guard patrols will
be determined by the degree of line
protection and any other pertinent
security features.
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Pars. 106 & 107
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(3) Physical Security and Terminal Sta-
tions. As a general rule, the physical
security of the line terminal blocks
and repeater stations should, as a
minimum, be equal to a strongroom
(paragraph F, Appendix IV). Sup-
plemental controls shall provide for
either an alarm system with a 15-
minute control station response time
or irregularly scheduled hourly pa-
trols. Junction boxes and manholes
should be secured and locked with a
three-position, dial type, changeable
combination lock.
108. Subcontracting Classified Data
a. Processing by Subcontractor. A con-
tractor may subcontract with another cleared
contractor on an exclusive-use basis for the
processing of classified data. Subcontracting
under this category encompasses job shops
which process individual jobs on an "across-
the-counter" basis, and subcontractors who
provide the complete software package as
well as the actual processing of the classified
programs. The provisions of this Section and
Section VI apply. After processing any class-
ified data for a contractor, the subcontractor
shall clear and verify the memory of the
computer and all other addressable areas
on which classified data has been recorded
prior to processing any data for another
hi. Use of an ADP System on a Leased
Basis (see paragraph 5b). A contractor may
use the ADP system of another cleared
contractor on a leased, exclusive-use basis
(facilities which rent time on computers are
often classed "service centers" or "service
bureaus"), provided :
(1) The lessor is responsible for assuring
that the integrity of the ADP system
is maintained at all times;
(2) The using contractor establishes ade-
quate physical and personnel security
controls, including provisions for
clearing the equipment of the classi-
fied data prior to relinquishing physi-
cal control, and the incorporation of
such procedures in his SPP (or sup-
plement thereto) ; and
(3) The cognizant security office approves
such procedures. Prior to granting
approval, the cognizant security office
shall assure that adequate security
measures will be placed into effect by
the using contractor while classified
data is being processed, and that resi-
dual classified information will not be
retained in the ADP system. In many
instances, a representative of the less-
or contractor remains in the com-
puter area during the run for equip-
ment maintenance purposes. The
using contractor therefore is respon-
sible for insuring that the lessor's em-
ployee has the appropriate clearance
and need-to-know. In addition, all
classified material belonging to the
using contractor shall be removed
from the lessor's premises at the end
of the lease period.
109 Audit Trail
Unauthorized attempts to change, circum-
vent, or otherwise violate security features
of the Operating System should be detectable
and reported within a known time by the
Operating System, causing an abort or sus-
pension of the responsible user activity. In
addition, the incident shall be recorded in
the audit log, and the ADP system security
supervisor shall be notified. An audit log or
file (manual, machine or a combination of
both) shall be maintained as a history of
the use of the ADP system to permit a regu-
lar security review of system classified ac-
tivity. The log should record as a minimum
security related transactions, including each
access to a classified file and the nature of
the access (e.g., log-ins, production of ac-
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countable classified outputs and creation of
new classified files, start/stop time of process,
identity of user, files deleted, file classifica-
tion and processing anomolies). Each classi-
fied file successfully accessed, regardless of
the number of individual references, during
each "job" or "interactive session" will also
be recorded in the audit log. The ADP se-
curity supervisor shall review the log at least
weekly to assure that all pertinent activity
is properly recorded and that appropriate ac-
tion has been taken to correct any anomoly.
110. Multi-Level Resource-Sharing
The objective of this paragraph is to pro-
vide guidelines and establish techniques and
procedures which can be used to secure re-
source-sharing ADP systems for the multi-
level security mode so that, with reasonable
dependability, deliberate or inadvertent ac-
cess to classified material by unauthorized
personnel or the unauthorized manipulation
of the computer and its associated peripheral
devices, which could lead to the compromise
of classified information can be prevented.
A number of hardware and software require-
ments are being developed. However, an es-
sential element necessary for decision by
the approving authority is the security test-
ing and evaluation of such systems. Security
testing and evaluation techniques are under
development by the Government. Pending
the development and implementation of
testing and evaluation, approval to use re-
source-sharing ADP systems for processing
classified information in the multi-level se-
curity mode is being held in abeyance. Re-
quests for exceptions to the dedicated se-
curity mode of operation, along with full
descriptive details, including a general SPP,
must be submitted 90 days prior to proposed
start of operation to the cognizant security
office for case-by-case consideration.
152 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94BOl041 R00030 0 111 & 110
Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041 R000300040060-3220.22-M
A. Application
The purpose of this Appendix is to describe
the forms used by DoD contractors in indus-
trial security matters and to provide instruc-
tions for the use and completion of each. A
copy of each form is included. These forms
shall not be used for any purpose or in any
other manner except as provided for in this
Manual or for training purposes.
B. Department of Defense Personnel
Security Questionnaire (Industrial)
(DD Form 48)
This form is used to obtain personal data
from a U.S. citizen being considered for a
nel security clearance. The form is prepared
jointly by management and the person being
considered for the clearance. The submission
of this form shall not be required except
where the person concerned is being proc-
essed for a clearance. The completed form
should be forwarded to the DISCO, P.O. Box
2499, Columbus, Ohio 43216. However, forms
which pertain to OODEPs and which are
submitted in conjunction with the facility
security clearance application, or as a change
thereto, shall be mailed to the cognizant
security office,
AppeiPPSoved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041R000300040001-2 153
Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041R000300040001-2
DoD 5220.22-M
DD 1 FJ AN 74 48
This form is in four (4) parts. Part if must be completed by your employe
parts. You must complete Part Ill in private. Before filling in any part, you
t ' ?n this form without first reading the instructions in Part P
before you complete the other
should familiarize yourself with
o no s
all questions.
TYPE OR PRINT ALL ANSWERS If more space is required, attach additional sheets, identifying by corres-
EXECUTED. Questions which do not apply shall be marked "None."
b. M0 T HER (Full Moide', Norm)
c. SPOUSE.(Pul! Maiden Na?-)
s, whirheoer is .shorter If under I
RESIDENCES (List a21 from 161/1 hirthdny or during J-1 i:-
9' .----~--
b FT 0
7-o -EMPLOYMENT (List ufl from 18th hirthdoy r r duriuK pull 1,1 yrn re, whirhrocr is sh urlrr, If n der 18. lust precrN ^nd nro .r( recerr ! empl oernrnO
a, FROM b. TO + ~ . NAME d. PLACE
NAME AND AD D R E 5 5 OF EMPLOYER (If a.sub.sidiarY. include more of
TO: parer! canrpnny)
Defense Industrial security clearance Office
Defense Supply Agency
Box 2499
Columbus, Ohio 43216
Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041R000300040001-2 155
Appendix I
DoD 5220.22- Nf proved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041 R000300040001-2
EDUCATION (Arcountf r a(l civi ian and mrli(orY "ad,
m"') L
, cantpmle f(ant n and h or c. iJ apprnpriale. If
answer is 'NO', do not complete this form. Obtain DD Form 49 from your employer.)',a, I r
If checked complete either "Cilizenshlp by Nalura(tialion"ter ^Car>~.,~a.:..
current status under Item 21, Remarks'.)
FROM (Dale) TO (Dine)
granted, by whom and where employed at that lime under hem 21 Remarks"
(If answer is "YES', furnish name and address of employer under 'Remarks'. If termination resulted from a reduction in force. so indicate
and furnish details under "Remarks'. If you since have been granted a clearance by the Government, indicate under Item 21, 'Remarks' the
date, level of clearance aad where employed.)
156 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041R000300040001-2
Appendix I
Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041R000300040001-2
(EII(e 'dt''r/>n
20. REFERENCES (Gioe five P?rsonnl rrJerrnres, sl((Pig businrsa uddre.+s of all rr{erence.s, If knauUI
or persons living outside the United Slates)
Do not inetudr rrivt+I,,, /a, nu?renrirluvers,
2 1 . REMARKS (I(udditiontrl spare rs >eerled, FOntinne On plain paper )
Appendix I 157
Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041R000300040001-2
Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041R000300040001-2
RTHER INSTRUCTIONS: NOT COMPLETE PARTS III OR IV AT THIS TIME. Return this partially completed form to
your employer who will review it to assure all entries are complete and the form is properly filled in. After return, proceed with
completion of Parts III and IV.
Complete the items below in private. The answers or statements in this part are privileged information between you and the
Government. You should enter in Item 28 any information relating to your answers which might require further explanation, or
.ay additional information which may have a bearing on our security clearance.
clearance, when suspended, denied or revoked, by whom and where employed under Item 28, "Remarks". If you since have been granted
e clearance by the government, indicate under Item 28, "Remarks", the date, level of clearance and activity which restored the clearance.)
(If answer to any of the above is "YES". explain. Give names and addresses of hospitals, clinks, sanitorium s, and physicians who have
examined or treated you for such conditions.)
28. REMARKS (Use the space provided below and attach additional sheets, if necessary,)
158 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041 R000300040UUe,pdjx I
Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041R000300040001-2
DoD 5220.22-M
witnes IMPORTANT NOTICE: Your f removeolalow lt certificationons, fold the ormbso that sthed; e w ine eetentos your sibe an gnatu re pwillenotf see anyf portlonf of
to a x ng your a gpn eture to the he C arm,
_ks presence of the witness. Have the witness affix his
Part III of the co m address tPersonnel Securite Questioon the formn and date the form in ,
gn ature and his
NOTE: PENALTY FORM IS REP RES ENTAT ION - Failure to answer all questions, or any misrepresentation (by omission or concealment,
omisleading, false, or partial answers) may serve as a basis for denial of clearance for to classified Deyears imprisonment,
information. In addition, Title 18, United States Code 1001, makes it a criminal offense, punishable by a maximum of
$10,000 fine, or both, knowingly and willfully to make a false statement or representation to any Department or Agency of the United States
as to any matter within the jurisdiction of any Department or Agency of the United States.
This includes any statement knowingly and willfully made by employer or employee herein which is knowingly incorrect, incomplete or mis-
riot more states than three years, or both'. represents himself to be a citizen of
than United r
o imprisoned Code
not more itle 18
the Unitein any d States shall be fined fined particular l
WARNING: Read every sentence of the Certification before signing. I certify that my above answers are true, com lete, and correct to the statemen met herein may subject me to belief, an are good of thI e Un tedt Stars Criminal Code, with penaltiesoupto fiivee(5) yearst Impmade ia n-
ment and $10,000 fine, and provide a basis for denial of security clearance. I certify that I have read and understand each sentence of
this Certification.
Now that the form is signed and witneased, place It in the pre-addressed envelope furnished (DSA Form 703), together with the completed
FD Form 258 (Fingerprint Card), seal the envelope, sign across the envelope nap on the line provided, and affix the date of signature.
Deliver the sealed envelope to your employer Immediately.
Appp11--ovEd For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041R000300040001-2 159
Apps io. t
Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041R000300040001-2
DOD 5220.22-M
C. Application and Authorization for
Access to Confidential Information
(DD Form 48-2)
This form is used to obtain personal data
from a U.S. citizen being considered for a
CONFIDENTIAL personnel security clear-
ance by a contractor. The form is prepared
jointly by the person being considered for
the clearance and by the contractor. Com-
pletion of this form is a prerequisite to the
granting of a CONFIDENTIAL clearance by
a contractor. The use of this form is not
retroactive in the case of employees who
previously were grant...^d a CONFIDENTIAL
clearance by the cc- ctor, so long as they
are continuously f_-- toyed by the same con-
tractor or there has been no break in employ-
ment in excess of 12 months.
Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041R000300040001-2
Appendix 1 161
Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041R000300040001-2
DoD 5220.23-M
Form Approved
OMB No. 22.11230
NOTE: PENALTY- Failure to answer all questions, or any misrepresentation (by omission or concealment, or by misleading,
false, or partial answers) may serve as a basis for denial of clearance for access to classified Department of Defense infor-
mation. In addition, Title 18 United States Code 1001 makes it a criminal offense, punishable by a maximum of 5 years
imprisonment, $10,000 fine, or both, knowingly and willfully to make a false statement or representation to any Department
or Agency of the United States as to any matter within the jurisdiction of any Department or Agency of the United States.
This includes any statement knowingly and willfully made by employer or employee herein which is knowingly incorrect,
d States Code 911 states "whoever falsely and willfully
18 U
ar -
incomplete or misleading in any important part
represents himself to be a citizen of the United States shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than three
years, or both".
PURPOSE: The completion of this form is required in the national Interest prior to an individual being granted a security
clearance for classified Information.
INSTRUCTIONS - This is a three-part form. Part I Is an application for access and shall be executed by U.S. citizen employees
provided their employer determines that access to Confidential Information is required In the performance of the employee
assigned duties. Part II Is the employee's authorization for access to Confidential Information and shall be completed by the
Copy of this form shall be maintained by the contractor for all employees granted a security clearance for Confidential
Information. Part III is a listing of Communist countries which the employee should refer to when completing Item 11.
2. ANY OTHER NAME BY WHICH KNOWN (Alias maiden or former
legal name)
3. DATE OF BIRTH (Month, Day & Year)
4. PLACE OF BIRTH (City, County, State)
e. SEX
10. ARE YOU A CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES? Q YES Q NO. (If answer is "Yes", complete the following: if answer is 'No, return
this form to your employer.)
*If checked complete either "Citizenship by Naturalization" or "Citizenship by Derivation' Section below.
WHERE NATURALIZED (City, County, State)
LISTED UNDER PART III? (If answer is "Yes, indicate city and country, dates of residence, under Item 14 "Remarks.')
ne I
Append IDaprloved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041 R000300040001-2 163
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DoD 5220.22-M
INSTRUCTIONS: Read every sentence of the Certification before signing in the presence of a witness who may be a member of
your firm. If you cannot sign the certification for any reason, return this form to your employer who will have you complete a
different form. - - -
iI certify that I have never been, past or present, a member in any organization, association, movement, group, or combination
of persons, (1) which advocates the overthrow of our constitutional form of government, (2) or which had adopted a policy of
advocating or approving the commission of acts of force or violence to deny other persons their rights under the Constitution
of the United States, (3) or which seeks to alter the form of Government of the United States by unconstitutional means.
I certify that I know that any misrepresentation or false I certify that.I have read and understand each sentence of this
statement made by me herein may subject me to prosecution Certification.
under Title 18, United States Criminal Code, Sections 911
and 1001, with penalties up to five (5) years imprisonment
and $10,000 fine. I certify that the entries made by me on this form are true,
complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and
belief, and are made in good faith.
I certify that I am a citizen of the United States.
ADDRESS OF WITNESS (City, County, State)
Whereas the Department of Defense has delegated to Its contractors (employers) authority to grant access authorization
for access to Confidential information to his employees who require access in the performance of the employee's assigned
duties; the undersigned, a duly authorized representative of the contractor, certifies that he has examined Part I of this
form and the employment records pertaining to the employee executing Part I of this form, and has determined that: -
(Check the appropriate block(s)
1. The employee is a United States citizen; and that
ED 2
e emp
oyee may be granted a security clearance for Confidential
information in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 24b,
Industrial Security Manual for Safeguarding Classified Information and
such authorization is hereby granted this date; and/or
3. The application Is required to be referred to the military cognizant security
office for determination.
(Name of Cwltraetor)
(Typed name and title of authorized representative)
Chinese Peoples Republic (Communist China) (including Tibet)
Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (North Korea)
Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam)
German Democratic Republic (GDR) (East Germany, including the Soviet Sector of Berlin)
Mongolian Peoples Republic (Older Mongolia)
Kurile Islands
South Sakhalin (Karafuto)
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) (includingEstonio, Latvia, Lithuania, and all other constituent republics)
164 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94BOl 041 R000300040001-2. I
Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041 R000300040 ?J b2522o.22-M
D. Department of Defense Personnel
Security Questionnaire (Updating)
(DD Form 48-3)
This form is used to obtain current and up-
dating personal data to process a clearance
action when an individual with a security
clearance is transferring employment from
one contractor to another contractor within
a 12-month period and requires a security
clearance in his new employment. It is also
used in converting a User Agency clearance
to an industrial security clearance. This form
is prepared jointly by management and the
individual being processed for the new clear-
ance. In the section to be completed by the
employer, the form is addressed to the
DISCO, P.O. Box 2499, Columbus, Ohio,
43216. However, forms which pertain to
OODEPs which are submitted in conjunction
with the facility security clearance applica-
tion, or as a change thereto, shall be mailed
to the cognizant security office.
Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041R000300040001-2 165
Appendix I
Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041 R00030004008;t? 5220.22-M
Fonn A
OM1fA No. 22-RO46
PENALTY - Failure to answer all question., or any misrepresentation (by omission or concealment, or by misleading, false, or partial answers)
may serve as a basis for dental of clearance for access to classified Department of Defense Information. In addition, Title 18, United States
make. It a criminal offense, punishable by a maximum of S years Imprisonment, $10,000 fine, or both, knowingly and willfully to make
Code 1001
e late e statement or representation to any Department or Agency of the United States as to any matter within the jurisdiction of any Department
or Agency of the United States. This includes any statement made herein which is knowingly and willfully incorrect, incomplete or misleading
in any important particular. -
RUCTIONS: ne copy o accomplishe form will be submitted by the contractor when prescribe by t e n ustrial
Security Manual for Safeguarding Classified Information to request transfer of clearance. Type or print all answers; form will
not be accepted unless completely and properly executed. Use blank sheets for additional information, identifying by item
number. Questions which do not apply will be marked "None."
INSTRUCTIONS TO EMPLOYEE: This form is in three parts. Part I must be completed by your employer before you complete
the other parts. You must complete Part III in private. Before filling in any part, you should familiarize yourself with all
questions. Do not sin this form without first reading the instructions in Part III.
a subsidiary, include name of
parent company)
Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office
Defense Supply Agency
Box 2499
Columbus, Ohio 43216
2. ANY OTHER NAME BY WHICH KNOWN (Alias, maiden, former
legal name; designate which)
a. SEX
RESIDENCE (Present Address Only)
FROM (Date)
(List the name and address of each organization of which you have become a member since the data of your last clearance application. Also
.how the full name of national organization with which the local organization is affiliated. Under
etc. Do not abbreviate. List the approximate dates of membership it the exact dates are not known. You are not I. list labor unions, religious
organizations, or political parties. It you do not belong to any organization, enter "none" I,nd,r the "Name d Address
FROM (Date)
TO (Date)
q, LAST EMPLOYMENT (At Which Clearance Was Granted)
FFR&M (Date)
TO (Date)
10. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN PREVIOUSLY GRANTED A SECURITY CLEARANCE' (11 answer Is "Yea", indicate level of clearance, when
granted, by whom and where employed at that time under Item 12, "Remarks")
FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS: Do not complete PART III or the Certification at this time. After completing PART If return the
form to your employer who will review it to assure that all entries are complete and the form is filled out properly. After your
employer returns the form to you, then start PART III and follow instructions on reverse side.
DD I FEB 75 48"3
Appet#prbved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041R000300040001-2 167
DO 5220.22-A4) proved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041 R000300040001-2
INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the items below in private. The answers or statements in this Part are privile
ed info
etween you and the Government. You should enter in Item 18 below any information relating to your answers which might
require further explanation, or any additional informatio
n w
ave a bearing on your security clearance.
ERE DISMISSED. (From data of lest clearance
D YES O NO (11 "Yea", give data and place, charge, and dleposltlon.)
level nied
, by the Cove ant, indicate nd r item
o h
18 below
the date
level of cl
e activi
y which restored
arance.) -
,it answer to any of the above is "YES". explain. Give names and addresses of hospitals, clinics, senltoriums, and physicians ohs have
examined or t
reated you for such conditions.)
I hereby grant permission to the Department of Defense to obtain and review copies of my medical and institutional
records relating to conditions listed in Item 16 and to question ihose who have examined or lrea'ed t c t' ttcf
,A ,. ..-.
IMPORTANT IJOTICE: Your Signature on the following certification must be witnessed, the witness may be an employee
of your firm. Prior to affixing your signature to the form, fold the form so that the witness to
our si
ure w
not see
any portion of Part III of the completed Personnel Security Questionnaire. Sign and date the form in the presence of the
witness. Have the witness affix his signature and his address to the appropriate blocks on the form.
WARNING1 Read every sentanCo of the Certification before signing.
I certify that my above answers are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and are made in good
faith. I certify that I know that any misrepresentation or false
ement made by me herein may subject me to prosecution under
Section 1001 of the United States Criminal Code
enalties u
ve (
) years
imprisonment and $10,000 fine, and provide
a basis for denial of security clearance. I certify that I have read and understand each sentence of the Certification.
ADDRESS OF WITNESS (City, County, State)
When the form is signed and witnessed, place the completed form into the pre-addressed envelope furnished,
(DSA Form 703), seal the envelope
n across the
ap on the line provided, and affix the date of
-signature. Deliver the sealed envelope to your employer Immediatel
Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041 R0003000`A#6~
Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041 R000300040001D&D 5220.22-M
E. Department of Defense Personnel
Security Questionnaire (Industrial)
(Multiple Purpose). (DD Form 49)
tives of his spouse who are residing in Com-
munist countries.
d. An immigrant alien being considered
for a personnel security clearance.
This form shall be used in making applica-
tion for:
a. A U.S. citizen being considered for a
TOP SECRET personnel security clearance.
b. A U.S. citizen being considered for any
level of clearance when the individual advises
he (she) is a representative of a foreign
e. A citizen of Canada or the U.K. being
processed for a Reciprocal clearance. The
form is prepared jointly by management and
the person being considered for clearance. In
the section to be completed by the employer.
the form should be addressed to the DISCO.
P.O. Box 2499, Columbus, Ohio 43216. How-
ever, forms which pertain to OODEPs and
which are submitted in conjunction with the
facility security clearance application, or as
a change thereto, shall be mailed to the cog-
nizant security office.
Append Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041R000300040001-2 169
Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041 R0003000400M 5220.22-M
OMB NO, 22-R003
2. SEX
1 FEB 74
This form is in four (4) parts. Part II must be completed by your employer before you complete the other
parts. You must complete Part III in private. Before filling in any part, you should familiarize yourself
with all questions. Do not sign this form without first reading the instructions in Part IV.
TYPE OR PRINT ALL ANSWERS. If more space is required, attach additional sheets, identifying by
EXECUTED. Questions which do not apply shall be marked "None."
b. MOTHER (Full Maiden Name)
c. SPOUSE (Full Maiden Name)
9. RESIDENCES (List all from 18th birthday or during past 15 years, whichever is shorter. If under 18, list present and most recent addresses.)
b. TO
10. EMPLOYMENT (List all from 18th birthday or during past 15 years, whichever is shorter. If under 18, list present and most recent employment)
b. TO
b. TO
ND ADD ADDRESS OF EMPLOYER (11 a Subsidiary, Include name of
pa rent
Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office
Defense Supply Agency
Box 2499
Columbus, Ohio 43216
Append oved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041R000300040001-2 171
DOD 5220.22-approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041R000300040001-2
PART I (Continued)
12, EDUCATION (Account for all civilian schools and military academies)
YEARS (Month if known)
ARE YOU A CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES? Q YES Q NO (If answer is "YES", complete Item a and b or c, if appropriate.. If
answer is "NO", complete it.. d.)
4 if checked complete either "Citizenship by Naturalization" or "Citizenship by Derivation" Section below.
WHERE NATURALIZED (City, County, State)
FROM (Date)
TO (Date)
FROM (Date)
TO (Date)
b. ARE YOU A MEMBER OF A RESERVE COMPONENT? O YES NO (It answer Is "YES", furnish service, component and
current status under Item 21, "Remarks",)
172 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041 R000300040 p1,ildix I
Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041 R0003000400&1025220.22-M
a. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN PREVIOUSLY GRANTED?A SECURITY CLEARANCE? (1f answer I. "YES", indicate level of clearance, when
granted, by whom end where employed of that it.. under It.. 21, "Remark.".) 0 YES ONO
(11 answer In "YES", furnish name and address of employer under "Remarks". If termination resulted from a reduction in force, ea indicate
And furnish details under "Remrks". If you since have been granted a clearance by the Government, indicate under Item 21, "Remarks"
the data, level of clearance and where employed.) Q YES Q NO
(Enter "decc..sad" tl nc
on .I living)
20. REFERENCES (Oive five personal referenc Stating business address of all referencos, if known. Do not include relative., former
employer.. or persons living outside the United State..)
21. REMARKS (If additional apace to needed, Door nue on plain paper.
er who will review it to assure all entries are complete and the form i> properly filled in. After return, proceed with
our em
f P
d IV
on o
Apperk Rroved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041R000300040001-2 173
DOD 5220.22-Ipproved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041R000300040001-2
Complete the items below in private. The answers or statements in this Part are privileged in ormation between you and the
Government. You should enter in Item 28 any information relating to your answers which might require further explanation, or
any additional information which may have a bearing on your security clearance,
clearance, when suspended, denied or revoked, by whom and where employed under Item 28, "Remarks". If you since have been granted
a clearance by the government, Indicate under Item 28, "Remarks", the date, level of clearance and activity which restored the clearance.)
~ YES n NO
(If answer to any of the above is 11YES"". explain. Give names and addresses of hospitals, clinics, sen itorium s, and physicians who have
examined or treated you for such conditions.)
28. REMARKS (Use the space provided below and attach additional sheets, if necessary.)
174 Appendix I
Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041R000300040001-2
Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041R000300040001-2
DoD 5220.22-M
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Your signature on the following certification must be witnessed; the witness may be an employee of your firm. Prior
not see any portion o
orm so that the witness to your signature wil
to s x ng your signature to the form, remove all carbons,
Part III of the completed Personnel Security Questionnaire. Sign and date the form In the presence of the witness. Have the witness affix his
signature and his address to the appropriate blocks on the form.
NOTE: PENALTY FOR MISREPRESENTATION- Failure to answer all questions, or any misrepresentation (b omission or concealment,
serve as a basis for d
r b
d D
wers) may
or access
y m
se, o
o c
information. In addition. Title 18, United States Code 1001, makes it a criminal offense, punishable by a maximum of 5 years imprisonment,
d S
e a fa
se sta
, knowing
y an
y to ma
ement or representation to any
epartment or
gency of the Unite
$10,000 fine, or bot
d S
e jur
on of any
y of t
as to any matter w
n t
This includes any statement knou-ingly and willfully made by employer or employee herein which is knowingly incorrect, incomplete or mis-
resents himself to be a
articular - Title 18 United States Code 911 states "whoever falsel
and willfull
citizen of
in an
the United Stales shall be fined not more than $ 1,000 or imprisoned not more than three years, or both'.
WARNING: Read every sentence of the Certification before signing. I certify that my above answers are true, complete, and correct to the
se sta
on or
tbes of my knowledge and belief, and are made In good falth I certify that (know that any misrepresentat
me herein may subject me to prosecution under Section 1001 of the United States Criminal Code, with penalties up to five (5) years imprison-
ment and $1Q,000 fine, and provide a basis for denial of security clearance. I certify that I have read and understand each sentence of
this Certification.
ADDRESS OF WITNESS(City, County, State)
Now that the form is signed and witnessed, place It in the pre-addressed envelope furnished (DSA Form 703). together with the completed
FD Form 258 (Fingerprint Card), seal the envelope, sign across the envelope flap on the line provided, and affix the date of signature.
Deliver the sealed envelope to your employer Immediately.
Appe f5rloved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041R000300040001-2 175
Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP94B01041 R000300040?R1 12
DoD 5220.22-M
F. Contract Security Classification
Specification (DD Form 254)
1. The completed DD Form 254, attach-
ments and supplements, as applicable, is the
basic document by which classification, re-
grading and declassification specifications
are documented and provided to prime and
subcontractors. It is designed to indicate by
a combination of a check list and narrative
comment, the classified areas of information
involved in the classified effort,, and par-
ticularly to identify the specific items of
information which require security classifica-
tion protection. Responsibility for prepara-
tion of the prime contract DD Form 254 rests
with the contracting officer or his designated
representative of the User Agency concerned
but the assistance of the contractor is en-
couraged. Based upon the classification guid-
ance received, each contractor is responsible
for developing the DD Form 254 for each
classified subcontract, request for proposal
or other solicitation let to subcontractor
facilities. The contractor shall submit the
recommended DD Forms 254 for each classi-
fied subcontract, other than service, graphic
arts, research or commercial carrier sub-
contracts (see paragraph 60h) to the ACO
for approval and distribution. When the
prime contractor receives a revised DD Form
254 that does not require a related change in
the subcontractor's DD Form 254, or receives
written notice that annual. review has re-
sulted in no change in the existing specifica-
tion, he shall reaffirm guidance to each sub-
contractor. The prime contrdctor does this
by providing a true copy of the notice of
reaffirmation received by the prime con-
tractor or a true copy of pages 1 and 2 of the
revised DD Form 254 received by the prime
contractor annotated, "This revised DD Form
254 does not affect your current DD Form
254 dated ..................................." In either of
these cases, ACO/PCO authentication is not
2. The DD Form 254 embodies the concept
that the sensitive information itself shall be
identified and assigned a proper classification
rather than assigning a classification to media
by which- classified information could be, or
would likely be, conveyed. This method of
classifying information rather than media is
intended to identify most precisely the func-
tional matter which is to be protec, thus
providing, for example, the answer to the
question of "What is there about a specific
item of hardware which causes it to be classi-
3. Whenever the prime contractor will be
required to use classified GFE or GFP in the
performance of the contract, the contracting
officer or his representative shall inform the
prime contractor what information requires
protection by furnishing a DD Form 254 or
other appropriate notification for each item
of classified GFE or GFP to be used. The
same procedure shall be followed in those
instances where previously classified equip-
ment is not Government furnished but where
the prime contractor is authorized to pur-
chase such classified equipment for use in the
performance of his contract.
4. Items 1 through 14 and item 16 of the
DD Form 254 provide the general adminis-
trative and contractual information pertain-
ing to the classification specification of the
classified effort. Item 15 of DD Form 254
and any supplements and attachments are
used to provide the specified classification,
downgrading and declassification informa-
tion. Each item of the DD Form 254 is to be
completed ; N/A shall be shown for items
which are not applicable. Classified informa-
tion should not be entered on the DD Form -own
254. Classified information should be trans-
mitted separately and appropriate reference
entered in item 15 of the DD Form 254. The
following numbered instructions correspond
to the numbered items on the DD Form 254:
a. 1. Insert highest level of clearance re-
quired for access to classified in-
formation in performance of the
classified effort.
Appendix I 177
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If the facility requires a clearance
higher than the current clearance,
the prime contractor may request
the appropriate cognizant security
office to upgrade the subcontrac-
tor's facility clearance.
swo b. 2. Check item a., b., or c., as applica-
.m- c. 3. In item 3a, enter the User Agency
prime contract identification num-
ber. In addition, if this DD Form
254 is for a subcontract of the first
tier, enter in item 3b the identifi-
cation number of the first tier sub-
contract. For second tier and be-
yond subcontracts, enter in item
9a or 15, as applicable, the
identification number and esti-
mated date of completion or ter-
mination of the subcontract. If item
3c is used, enter appropriate data
identifying the RFP, RFQ or IFB.
If the , solicitation is unclassified
and the DD Form 254 is being used
only to reflect access requirements
of the contract/subcontract to be
awarded, annotate item 110 "Re-
marks" to indicate that pre-award
access is not required and the DD
Form 254 indicates classification
guidance for the contract/subcon-
tract to be awarded. When re-
issuing a currently valid subcon-
tract DD Form 254 for a follow-on
subcontract, indicate the new sub-
contract number in item 3b.
d..4. Furnish date for a, b., or c., as ap-
w.y e. 5. Check item a., b., or c., as appli-
- f. 6.
cable and provide complete date.
For item b., also show revision
Check "yes" or "no", as applicable.
If "yes", complete items a., and b.,
and in item c., indicate whether ac-
countability is or is not transferred.
..,,,,W g. 7. If there is a prime contract, com-
plete items a., b., and c., to show the
complete name, address and FSC
number of the prime contractor's
facility which will receive classi-
fied information in the performance
of the prime contract listed in item
3a., and the cognizant security office
of that facility. If there is no prime
contract and item 3c is completed,
enter instead in items a., b., and c.,
the name, address and FSC num-
ber of the contractor's facility to
which this DD Form 254 is to be
sent in connection with the FRP,
RFQ, or IFB, and the cognizant
security office of that facility.
h. 8. If there is a first tier subcontract,
complete items a., b., and c., to show
the complete name, address, and
FSC number of the subcontractor's
facility which will receive classified
information in performance of the
subcontract listed in item 3b. If
there is no first tier subcontract
and item 3c is completed, enter in-
stead the name, address, and FSC
number of the subcontractor's fa-
cility to which this DD Form 254
is to be sent in connection with the
RFP, RFQ, or IFB, and the cogni-
zant security office of that facility. 4mm
i. 9. If there is a second tier subcon- 0-
tract, complete items a., b., and c.,
to show the complete name, ad-
dress and FSC number, and cog-
nizant security office of the sub-
contractor's facility which will
receive classified information in
performance of the subcontract
listed in item 3b. In item 9a., also
provide the second tier- subcontract
number and estimated date of com-
pletion. If there is no second tier
subcontract and item 3c is com-
pleted, enter instead the name, ad-
dress and FSC number of the fa-
cility to which this DD Form 254
is to be sent in connection with the
RFP, RFQ, or IFB, and the cog- w
178 p
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DoD 5220.22-M
..., .
nizant security office of that fa-
cility. For subcontracting beyond
the second tier, enter in item 15 or
furnish on an attached sheet, the
information specified above for that
tier subcontractor and the cogniz-
ant security office of that facility.
10. Under item a., provide a brief, yet
sufficiently complete, unclassified
statement to identify the nature of
the procurement. If an unclassified
statement cannot be made, enter the
word "classified". Under item b.,
furnish the DoDAAD number of
the Government procuring activity
(identified in item 16d). For sub-
contracts the DoDAAD number
will be that assigned. the ACO.
Where DD Forms 254 are approved
by a contractor, item b will be an-
notated "N/A". Information per-
taining to the DoDAAD number,
six digits, is published in the DoD
Activity Address Directory, DoD
4000.25-D, and a microfiche listing
may be purchased from the GPO.
The contractor may also contact his
cognizant security office which has
the listing. Under item c., check
appropriate block to indicate
whether or not contract prescribes
security requirements which are
additional to those described in the
DD Form 441 and this Manual. If
applicable, the User Agency shall
furnish a copy of the special se-
curity requirements to the contrac-
tor, the ACO, if any, and the cog-
nizant security office. Under item
d., check appropriate box to indi-
cate if any elements of the contract
are outside the inspection responsi-
bility of the cognizant security
office. If Yes, explain in item 15 and
identify specific areas or elements.
However, discretion must be used
in identifying other "specific areas
or elements" so that disclosure re-
strictions are respected.
Appendix I
k. 11. Check appropriate box for each a
item listed. Use the "Remarks"
block to elaborate as necessary.' If
DDC or Defense Information
Analysis Center services are re-
quested, the DD Form 1540 and DD
Form 1541 should be prepared and
processed in accordance with corn-
ponent implementations of DoD In-
struction 5200.21. Whenever pos-
sible, the DD Form 1540 should be
prepared and forwarded simul-
taneously with the DD Form 254. :
i. 12. In subcontracting situations, item
b will contain the signature and
typed name and title of the security
supervisor of the facility issuing
the subcontract. Inquiries pertain-
ing to classification guidance, deter-
minations or interpretations shall
be directed to this official.
m. 13. Subcontractors of all tiers shall be 4-
instructed via item b., to submit
proposed public releases through
the prime contractor listed in item
7a., who will process the release in
accordance with the guidance pro-
vided in the DD Form 254 for the
prime contract.
n. 14. Read and closely observe the in- r
structions presented at the top half
of the item. Check applicable
block (s) to indicate the manner in
which the security classification
guidance is conveyed for this classi-
fied effort. Classified narratives or
guides shall always be transmitted
under separate cover. When item
b., is checked, list guide(s) under
item 15 or in an attached list. When
item c., is checked, enter in item z
1The entry into a controlled area, per se, will not constitute
access to classified information if the security measures which
are in force prevent the gaining of knowledge of the classified
information. Therefore, the entry into a controlled area under
conditions that prevent the gaining of knowledge of classified
information will not necessitate a personnel security clearance.
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DoD 5220.22-M
15 the appropriate instructions
from paragraph 60h or paragraph
7-102d(4), ISR. (See paragraph 5
below for an explanation of com-
monly used terms.) Check item d.,
if this is a final DD Form 254 and
item 6 has a "No" answer. Check
item e., and provide date for review
when annual review of DD Form
254 is required.
--w o. 15. To be used for remarks, as ap-
16. The contracting officer or his au-
thorized designee, after reviewing
the DD Form 254 to insure ade-
quacy, will affix his signature in
item c., and items b., d., and e.,
will be completed to furnish ap-
propriate identifying information
concerning the approving official.
-0 5. Narratives or classification guides used
to provide 'the security classification specifi-
cation and the downgrading/declassification
instructions should clearly identify the spe-
cific details of information which warrant
security protection against unauthorized dis-
closure. It is important to assure that state-
ments of classification are clear enough to be
easily understood and applied readily in de-
termining which items of information in the
contractual effort require a security classifi-
cation. To assist the writer and user of the
security classification specification, there are
listed below several terms which are com-
monly used in the description of that infor-
mation which may require classification,
together with their generally accepted mean-
ings. However, this does not preclude in-
clusion of terms devoted to a particular
classified effort or an additional page (s) of
the narrative/guide.
-wo a. Accuracy. Precision with which the de-
signed function is performed.
.*.o b. Altitude. The vertical distance of a
level, a point, or an object considered as a
(1) Maximum-altitude beyond which
performance is not possible.
(2) Minimum-altitude below which
performance is not possible.
(3) Optimum-altitude spread at which 4
performance is most satisfactory
or effective.
c. Blast Effect. Destruction of or damage r
to structures and personnel by the force of an
explosion on or above the surface of the
ground. Blast effect may be contrasted with
the cratering and groundshock effects of a
projectile or charge which goes off beneath
the surface.
d. Circular Error Probability. An indi-
cator of the delivery accuracy of a weapon
system, used as a factor in determining prob-
able damage to a target. It is the radius of a
circle within which half of the missiles/pro-
jectiles are expected to fall. Ono
e. Command and Control System. The fa- 0-
cilities, equipment communications, proced-
ures, and personnel essential to a commander
for planning, directing and controlling oper-
ations of assigned forces pursuant to the mis-
sions assigned. f..
f. Counter- Countermeasures Capability. r
Design features of the end item which are
intended specifically to overcome enemy in-
terference. (Electronic counter-countermea-
sures is that division of electronic warfare
involving actions taken to insure friendly
effective use of the electro-magnetic spec-
trum despite the enemy's use of electronic
warfare. Electronic countermeasures is that
division of electronic warfare involving ac-
tions taken to prevent or reduce an enemy's
effective use of the electro-magnetic spec-