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September 26, 1985
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/08: CIA-RDP94B0028OR000700060001-5 Next 4 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/08: CIA-RDP94B0028OR000700060001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/08: CIA-RDP94BOO28OR000700060001-5 former Soviet bloc intelligence._? ?` officer. said yesterday he believes.- the Soviet Union is preparing fora_ . massive "disinformation" campaign to discredit,the United States if the'- Soviet Soviet Union fails to get the agreement it wants at the November summit meeting. Ladislav Bittman,_a Czech intel- ligence specialist who. defected immediatelyafter ?the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia, believes the Sovi- ets preparing rto. blame the eyYwant at;~the.meeting ontmu- _t rsi -1 y name was a spe- action w:inr,uence ana--unaermine-.;.- Western societies .or individuals.. ._-. available information, factsand doc 'ately `after; the summit 'for _a disinformation campaign, to-prove that.the United; States is.responsiblew for :the.' failure 'of. the summit ^ .Mr , "But~regard1e ofYiii outcome, campatgn;'_ Mr Bitfft n-said. "That means that immediately after the summit they willbeready to orches- trate a "worldwide. campaign, pri- marily in the United States and Western Europe, to 'show that Amer- icans were responsible for it and that Reagan himself is the primary vil- lain:' The Soviets try to_ manipulate Western media by planting false and misleadinguinfortnafton ;through ' W.YI~IG. covert ~actaot around the world in concert with. n afire 4't3 t ~fftCial'pr~pa~g nde..- emu.. ~~re ~s cngagea i.. a cam aihe in promote a positive image; of the, Soviet proposals and poltcies,y.he said "Thus is 'also, .the time of: great of . al flange 'A hen ine KGB has to be' very sensitive because any major intelligence 'disaster the "defection or arrest of a mayor agent, or the.exposure o an active measure _ could damagethre;=image of-:the, _ directing of disinformation ' specialists, whop held freewheeling discussions;s}n~ttiar to `those rf Madison Avenueta`dvertising agents, that led todisinformation proposals "It was public ,relations in 11 reverse, ,1VIr Bittman said. gence career in1968 after being debriefed by ,U.S. intelligence ser-: vices, Mr. Bittmansaid he continues to recognize Soviet disinformation programs in the U.S. press. Mr. Bittman defended the U.S. press for its critical`judg'ment but added: "As a former specialist, I would say there are a number of journalists in the American media that were recruited by the Soviets who work either: -for;. 'various prominent newspapers or for broadcast news,media?;,Mr- Bittman -Agents in-- that= will damage' US foreign policy' figure. he said: 7>3 , He said the: Soviets lotiv' forger-. ies" and used hundreds of forged documents againstthe West during the 1960s and early: 1970s:-In the mid-1970s, reports of ? forgeries: declined becaus.e.::during,rthe Watergate scandal forgeries. prob ably were, considered counterpro- ductive, he said Soviets have 'stepped uptheir: use.. of One example-of a7KGB'forgery s; justi' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/08: CIA-RDP94BOO28OR000700060001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/08: CIA-RDP94B0028OR000700060001-5 ;Senior K. G.B. Man Said to Defect And Give Spying Data to the West 27 Sap gS By STEPHEN ENGELBtItt. sl'" "'I u: The `- Vo: k ''ASHINGTON, Sept. 26 - A semoi Central Int? ;IIi i'nc:e Agency as Soviet rnirnbcriif the K.G.B. has defected and agents. ft ;;ot clear from the ac- providing Information to the. W,.?a co uu, mrritan ufti: cl,. espinnagt? .,f??r:iC' _? win?if? .'niv -, ?' cnr`r.,, n1 ' .rld :hr? United .,...., . k,. .. rn:pi' ? . ...i ti. it w?.! C LA Ifiif IS l'a',, .r, offinni!', .~,~,. ., rt?1 ` .!;rtl' 1 iL'l'!k~Iinu. :a1 I flit ;,?i a?ft- llor; of M. Y U! ve.irs n!,1. h.I,t chenko is tt,. 1atr,t In a series of such u ieve cal emplo}~e:s,rt episode's that nice rocked intelligenc,? aKencu s "I the East ;ind West?'nI- cluding thr defection to the West this summer of the K.G.B. station chief in London and the defection to East Ger- many of the chief West German spy- 1 catcher. In another of these developments, of- ficials confirmed today that Sergei Bokhan. th?. deputy director of Soviet military inr, ?nr,~ in Athens, had it- fented ti. in May and has pr,,. vided Infer; about the penetr. rit,tlof :i.'., r.rnment hi ~rtt'I,.: :ikcni< l.'! tw Ide:.- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/08: CIA-RDP94B0028OR000700060001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/08: CIA-RDP94B0028OR000700060001-5 4!DAY, SE,1-TEMBER 27, 1985 Senior X. G. 8 Continued From Page Al Man Said to Defect and Give Data been a spy for the Eastern bloc for a around the world. Some of them have number of years., already returned to the Soviet One of the most scr nets ut these, uffi- I Union.Others will prnhably be going en cials say, was the defection in August i home leave soon." of Hans Joarhirn l iedge. a top Counter- lie added that American analysts be- I United States. where he is being ques- 'tioned by C I.A officials. If his (-harm's are borne out by fur- er invcstwaliun, they may confirm u, lonfaiin uspiciuns of suer. intelli- rc? that the C.I.A. has been c'ompromise'd by one or more Amer- I icons who were secretly working as Soviet agents. (;...erne: Lauder. a C.I.A. spokesman, said he would have no comment on any defections or on suggestions that dou- ble agents had been discovered in the agency. Described as Rising Figure Administration officials and senior intelligence sources described Mr. Yurchenko as a rising figure in the K.G.B. An intelligence source said the defec- tions are expected to harm Soviet spy networks in Furope arid elsewhere. He said American intelligence analysts exfx ct the Russians to begin withdraw- : aril I;i: r r:cr,it~trs of agents on the as- : u t ti !;. !ti. e have- txt?n cnrnpro- 1 aile!r. S .e?ral of!:(i td?, sun . ha t he had ended a profit able caner in the erne i.rls said that as a result of the service of the West snit of fears that l;.: a,.,r:'>' uiturmcitiun the United lie war, aiNiui to be caught. States has eleluved its planned sale of 1 Officials said that Mr. Yurchenko. !F-lb tighter its to Greece. Officials who had been stationed in Italy. was a Said the arrests last week in Athens of three men in the Greek armed forces on charges of spying for the Soviet Union also arose after Mr. Bokhan was questioned. In West Germany, the government of Chancellorau'Helmut Kohl has been shaken by a: series of high-level defers tions... _..:: Since the beginning of August, a sen- ior West German counterintelligence officer, two secretaries and an army messenger have vanished from West inrelligencc officer in charge of ('ach- ing East German spies. A sixikesnean for the West German Interior Ministry said that he left three days after a se- curity check into his background had been ordered. The spokesman said that the suspi- cions had been raised because he drank heavily and led a disorderly life, not be- cause he was thought to be an East German agent. Kohl Secretary Vanishes more senior member of the Soviet K.G.B. than Mr. Gordiyevsky. "He was' very high up and ascend- ing," said one intelligence source. Soviet Agents `Fingered' Several officials speculated that Mr. Yurchenko's defection had prompted the defections of the agents in West Germany. Another senior intelligence source cautioned that the recent spate of espionage episodes may be coinci- dental, rather than direcily connected., Concerning the latest reported defec- heve the defections have caused confu. siun in the Russians' intelligence plan- ning. "They have no idea how much has been given away," he said. "They can't be sure who he has fingered. It has gut to be causing, real problems for them." It is not clear whether the series of espionage revelations has any copnec- tion with the summit meeting between President Reagan and Mikhail S. Gor- bachev, the Soviet leader, scheduled for Nov. 19-20 in Geneva. One Adminis- tration official said that Mr. Reagan had been briefed on the Yurchenko de- fection and its implications. Mr. Lauder, the C.I.A. spokesman, said that the agency traditionally does not comment on defections and that he would not answer questions about Mr. Yurchenko's whereabouts or the infor- mation he might have provided. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/08: CIA-RDP94B0028OR000700060001-5 Three weeks later, it was disclosed that a secretary in Chancellor Kohl's office had defected with her husband. The secretary, Herta-Astrid Willner, and her husband, Herbert Adolf Will- ner, disappeared while on vacation in Spain. Also this summer, Oleg A. Gordiycv- sky, a K.G.B. official who officials say had a loge career ;o, a ,Inch{,, age:rt. dr'(en_IE.:1 tr. lair- West hip )nes, in Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/08: CIA-RDP94B0028OR000700060001-5 Soviet spokesman would not reveal details. Neither would Secretary Shultz. But Shultz spoke approvingly of its .presentation. SECRETARY SHULTZ: It is something that comes forward. It's different from what they have been saying. Combined with what we have on the table, we hope that can lead to a process of genuine negotia- tions. So we welcome that. DONALDSON: Details of the plan aside, Shultz stressed that the U. S. intended to go ahead with star wars research and testing. And after seeing Shevardnadze off after lunch, President Reagan made the same point. But he also said the meeting had been worthwhile. PRESIDENT REAGAN: Ther;e's always progress when you're talking to each other, and we were talking to each other. DONALDSON: U. S. officials are p-leased that after weeks of public relations' pos'turi'ng,' the Soviets have actually put something new on the table. But they're also wary. The fine print could render all of this meaningless. And then there's star wars. As long as both sides stick to their public positions, there can be no deal. Sam Donaldson, ABC News, the White House. JENNINGS': As an indication of how well things apparently have gone today,-..after the. meeting Secretary Shultz invited Foreign Minister Shevardnadze back to -his house to. attend a private barbecue. Mr. Shevardnadze accepted. KGB Defection JENNINGS: Last night we reported that a top Soviet KGB official had defected to the- West and was being questioned by American agents. Now. as ABC's John Scali reports, it appears he has been talking about possible Soviet penetra- tion of the CIA. JOHN SCALI: Amidst a flood of sensational rumors, it was disclosed today that a former CIA official has been named by a Soviet defector as a possible Soviet mole who supplied Moscow with secret information,.. Th.e new accusation about possible penetration of the CIA comes from Vitaliy Urchenko, the high-ranking Soviet KGB defector who is now being questioned by CIA experts. Authorities familiar with what he has said so far say the American that he has named is relatively low level in rank. His present whereabouts are unknown. This ' information became known only a few . hours after the Justice Department and the CIA stoutly denied that any present CIA employee has been identified as a Soviet agent. The , ranking- Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, Patrick Leahy, immediately backed up the CIA's denial. SENATOR PATRICK LEAHY: Well, the CIA says that there are no present employees fingered by this person as KGB agents, and I know of no reason to disbelieve that. SCALI:. Leahy, who has been given detailed, briefings by the CIA, emphasized the importance of Urchenko's defection to the West. SENATOR LEAHY: -It's caused real - body ~bl'oiVt_o -the -KGB They must be...-in sheer panic over there in Moscow. They don't-know. how much further it .might- gol SCA LI._ Some top U.. S. offic-ials_:believe that Soviet `- leader Gorbachev soon will tie'- personal charge of repair'in'g the damage, probably by ordering a top-to-bottom shake-up of-; the. KGB leade-rship'. >. John Sceli, ABC New S:' 1 Monday, September 30, 198 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/08: CIA-RDP94B0028OR000700060001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/08: CIA-RDP94B0028OR000700060001-5 r"M "'vv r vt