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global 1 "international observers roundtable": vitaliy kobysh, nikolay shishlin and viktor levin discuss european nuclear missile issue, mideast situation and u.s. actions there, visits to ussr by sorsa and vayrynen of (inland, socialist countries' ,t.b V550, desire (`qr dialogue. (sent: home 1230 orbita 0815 1030) SWItu/lail U/ d1i Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 take 1 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 18 dec 83 1d191359 2 notes from a publicist: boris tumanov on anticommunist theories still circulating in west. (rpt french 171830) (french ILS (maksim sheryamov) re opec ministerial cony' in geneva, outlines problems facing opec such as supply exceeding demand, disagreement over price structure and western companies' machi a ions. (4 min: enginter 1531) 4 anon on usefulness of trade fairs in user, which provide , . guide to what soviet union can offer. says foreign businessmen know their soviet counterparts to be reliable people: cites views f Japanese and frg businessmen. (3.5 min: italian 1800) 5 meetings with soviets: interview with kaliningrad dock worker (yuriy orlov) on his work, activities of komsomol committee at docks, his life and activities. says he`is pleased to learn from soviet media of successes of socialist-orientated african countries; peace is most important question today and ussr's peace-loving policy accords with interests of all people. (17 mid; engafr 1700) UI j~ 18DEC1983 economic correspondent aleksandr nilayev explains cooperation ussr extends to developing countries, including indict, to expand trade. also notes with regret western attempt to create obstacle in smdlkth running of such trade. (5 min: hindi 1400) 377 Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 U G et 161300) (5.5 min:.viet 1300) V with you" feature by vyacheslav rostovtsev. 11 "talking feA.j) Ati (rpt^spanla 140000) (spanla 0000) 1-1 Cp~' 1C_ countries and continents: travelogue onvientaam. v4 Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 7 report on activities of soviet university where foreign studen \ receive technical training. (3 min: spanla 2300) 8 "intnatl communist and workers' movement": aleksandr yermolayev "cpsu and socialist internationalism" dealing with contribution made to peace and progress by relations between cpsu and of r fraternal parties throughout world. (6 min: serbo 1700) 9 "international communist and workers' movement': vadim zagladin, deputy head of foreign affairs department of cpsu cc, replies to listeners' questions as to why comparties in western countries do not do better in elections although they are quite p pular. (5 min: romanian 1700) 10 review of activities of communist and workers' parites. describing peaceful toil in southern srv; isayev caracas dispatch describing peasant life in venezuela, interviewing peasant on his life and his great respect for simon bolivar; ahmed ibadov "the bedouin -- proud tribe of the desert" desc i ing bedouin life and value of camels. (home 0800) jZ.~Y 8 DEC 1983 13 time, events, people: inci link-up with soviet polar workers in antarctic and arctic who talk about their work and greet listeners for new year; boris melnichenko berlin report on gdr economic achievements; Bergey alekseyev describes vietnam's ecot4 is construction. (home 0900 orbita 0900) Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 51o r 14 "soviet union yesterday, today and tomorrow." (rpt italian WjIU 162000) (' alien 2000) 15 "we have received your letter" feature: announcer answers listeners' letters on whether communists believe in god, studies in uss (6 min: spanla 0000) 65 16 mailbag for north american listeners: incl replies on soviet people's awareness of u.s. space research, briefly contrasting military aspects of u.s. space shuttle with soviet undertaking not to orbit antisatellite systems; soviet 'DoW AI+,j view that usa is responsible for kal-007 incident; soviet peace movement's support for principle of maintaining balance of forces during arms reductions; lenin's precepts on transition from capitalism to socialism; detrimental effect of president reagan's gunboat diplomacy on disarmament negotiations; soviet space research program relying on unmanned lunar probes. (engna 17 mailbag for british listeners. (rpt enguk 172000) (enguk take 2 of several -- commentary list- moscouconsolidated 18 dec 8 1d191357 18 summaries pravda editorial article 16 dec "to divert nuclear threat from europe. (tasse 152251) (8-4 min: enginter 0110 1410 1910 2110 italian 1800 portuguese 1800 german 1600 arabic 1730 bulgarian 1630 polish 1500 hungarian 2000 serbo 2000 indo 1330 150C urdu 200 1300 beng 1500 burm 1430) - 18 DEC 1983 .~3 yuriy soltan on way out of present intl situation re U. s. nuclear missiles in europe. (rat enginter 151410) (finnish 151630' Q W Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 20 yuriy soltan on unga passing soviet sponsored declaration G to condemn nuclear war and a resolution to freeze nuclear arsenals. U4L4 (rpt enginter 171410) (enginter 0:710 10-10 141-0 181-0 211-0 frenchinte v i721t00 spancuba 0100 spanla 2304 ita.lian 1800 portuguese 19IIO germa: 671 1600 persian 1700 arabic 1730 portaf 1830-amharic 1715-30 swahili 1734 albanian 1530 b-ulgarian 1630 polish 1500 serbo 2800 hind 1330 21 summaries anon pravda article in intl rev.iew on propaganda vasiliyev US on present strategic weapons balance ,D(z between u. s. and ussr. (rat aerman 161700) (4. 5-3 min: W. F&, STAT Nah) urdu 1200 1300 beng 1500 burm 1430 indo 1330 1500 camb 1330 lao 1300; anon:-lpungarian 2000 viet 1000 kor 1330) campaign being built up by u.s. and nato aim of which is to shirk responsibility for failure of geneva negotiations. (350 ".g 24 moscow viewpoint: valentin zorin noting there are 14 eng 0001) - Cf--- 18 DEC 1983 some ppl in u.s. who won't see simple truth that if despite everything a nuclear conflict does break out there will be no winners, mentioning that american and soviet scientists recently discussed likely consequences of a nuclear war, their conclusions show that all rhetoric about a limited nuclear war or about plans to protect u.s. from its effects is a dangerous attempt to decieve american ppl, stressing the sooner this is realized in america the better for all nations, incl americans themselves. (3 min: Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 us j7. Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 us bs 25 "radio talk": anon explaining why u.s. steps up arms buildup. stressing this is designed to seek military superiority ove ussr. ----~- -?? ~? wr urpiuymenti or u. s. missiles, and I/ socialist countries' stand, noting proposals put forward by 1'S plot) socialist countries are being ignored by nato, pointing out 4 K(YS(tS kil & N a+i mand 0700; (name indistinct), 8 min, kor 0930) ,socialist societies cannot gain by armaments of war, all countries make their individual contributions to joint proposals, underlining support for andropov's stmt. (8-6 min: polish 1400 6LAfI mi SS1 L MVWor 16p0 ) anon giving account of anti-missile mvmt. (5 min: german 28 vladimir (serov) on recent bonn press conf at which frg chancellor helmut kohl stated that ussr is guilty of failure of S u. s. -soviet disarm talks, refuting khol's charges. (5 min: german -WIC US en (tf it. (3 min: finnish 151630) 29 vladlen kuznetsov on idea of establishing nuclear-free zones in europe, noting topicality of idea and soviet support radio moscow forum for peace and security in europe: report Vtra"AA-( Jlp(0~ on west european peace mvmt actions against deployment -of u. s. bi, G(ut /X'SS11 t S nuclear missiles, incl stmts by danish peace friends (3 min); ppa~rt /n~ ~~ review of letters to radio moscow on subject of peace struggle (5 min). (8 min overall: german 1600) (.l S- Ec1983 C;__).we skip through your letters" with vladimir ostrogorskiy reviewing christmas letters concerning conservation of peace. rpt german 171600) (german 1700) /D Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 DCl-nCto d F -- dr. sarwar ali, gen sec bangladesh medical assn, noting danger of nuclear arms threat and lauding ~t'4J4 min, i e4 music: beng 1500) OkOL4 33 youth program: incl report on mtg of soviet yout in protest at deployment of new u.s. nuclear weapons in west europe. (3 ~,, n" '~1't0Y min: fchmag 172030) u, {SSI/'s 34 "for peace and security in europe": roundup stmts and letters to moscow radio on subject of new nuclear missiles in //Q?9 mire panish 172000) 35 report on intvws with six-formers at moscow school on attitudes towards war and peace. (rpt engna 112300 on 13 dec 01 .engna 2300) United states 1,3 -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 18 dec 83 36 viktor sivakov chides reagan for his attempt to justify u-,5 marines' action in grenada, lebanon. u. s. marines are l9real6.d.a/ jeopardizing peace all over world, specially in asia. notes 32 moscow radio listeners club: discussing letters from bangladeshi listeners lauding soviet peace policy, incl talks by u.s. efforts to secure military bases in pakkistan and'sri IanK-p and u. s. attitude toward afghanistan, India and so forth who are pursuing ind;-gpendent policy. (6 min: hindi 1400) E 5 i t Lebo&J?VJ (a49koJ/ l c;?' L( S 37 leonid levchenko "against which countries is usa launching und4clared war'?" (rpt enginger 171410) (enginter 14-10 1810 2110 frenchinter 172100 spancuba 0100 enguk 2000 dari 171700 hindi .11301 on: Swahili 1730) 16 Drf, 1S LP 010- Jay 3$v vladimir tsvetov on reagan's address to american servicemen us WJ rwral is e~ f overc~ea (sent: home 1600 orbita 1600) US '9 (kelochevskiy) on U.S. policy toward nonaligned countries, sayin j it is policy of aggression in nature. (5.5 min: mandsea f23O ',I) JS Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 u.S 40 anon on u.s. president lighting christmas tree, rapping his hqp risy as peace lover. (5 min: viet 1000) 41 -ass political news analyst vyacheslav chernyshev on presiden real.in's launching of so-called national endowment for democracy. 4Z anon ohio report describing circumstances leading to (WS death of striking greyhound bus employee in front of strike-breaker' v e h L' (3 min: engafr 1700 2000 portafr 1e30) (A6 nikolay borin chairs roundtable discussion with mikhail (tryatov), dmitry (urnov) and vatily gan on violence in american media: violence is profitable and means of escip. from day-to-day problems; spread of violence against individual prevents people uniting to find real solutions to social probfows and make them easier to govern; foreign policy reflects int4rnal situation; there is concern in other countries at spread of v./3~ mass culture. (9 min: enguk 2000) 4 soviet press on usa and soviet-american relations: quot4 pravda on new situation created by deplboy:ient of u. s. ()-S 1) R missiles in europe, noting that ussr has been forced to take countermeasures (2 min); new times recalling one-sided fighting on 9renada (1.5 min); sovetskaya rossiya on reagan's hypocritical remorgs on middeast (1.5 min); literaturnaya gazeta interview with Soviet veteran of elbe link-up on last wish of american vet an to be buried at the site (one min). (engna 2300) LA-S V '7.---- 18 DEC 1983 ju 45 prof nikilay yaiovlev, fourth and last, on soviet-american ral tons. (rpt engna 100001) (engna 2300) US [4nwl Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 Q1. ea .Jai 446P Cpronicle of u. s. crimes against latin america. tdd-al's chapter deals with u. s. intervention in chile, against socialist government of slavador allende. (15 min: anla 2300) Lt E Antanas barkausas, head of soviet delegation to argentine president's inauguration, talks about ceremony and meetings held in argentina. he proposed to argentine government the increase of tits between parliaments of two countries. (3 min: spanla 46 chile: pepe and unidentified announcer on uruguayan writer mario benedetti's novel of life of exiles. (4 min: spap44\ile 2130) gennadiy (sepskiy) "chile and Chileans" feature commenting reb high unemployment rates affecting Chilean economy. (4 min: spanc.hile 2130) 50 chronicle of Chilean books and of Chilean culture. (15 min.~.gpanchile 2130) 8 Dec X983. 5k anon on u.s. units being withdrawn from grenade, implying that invasion should not be remembered too 'long, ~JVltS10l~~ua-tFnq sovetskaya rossiya on grenada events showing that reagan's Lk -S -american regime. (7 min: apanla 2300) tLS Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 crusade`against socialism is calculated policy of exporting counterrevolution and social revanchism. (5 min: enginter 1531) 1 U -S valentin mashkin an dkatia on genocide and human rights violations in el salvador. they blame death of 50,000 civilians Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 I !0`N'` c& Lent europe take 4 of several --commentary list: moscow consolidated 18 dec 83 tdi91446 53 Bergey meshkov on ussr-french econ coop, mentinioning recant visits made by cnpf french employers' council, french foreign #..rado minister mme cresson, and many french companies took part in pstrol-gaz '83 moscow exhibition, citing stmts by former trade minister michel jobert that trade need not be jeopardized by political differences, citing remarks by rep of french form on benefits his company derives from trade with ussr. (6 min: frenccnter 172100) Zr 5* ( 4 u-55. press: pravda, izvestiya and gudok carrying official reports about fiterman's visit to ussr and his talks with aliyev and gromyko AI~4tn/ (~ ); world econ and intl relations noted situation whereby france can increase its armed forces at will but ussr Ff" c,A CA, cannot raise issue of taking those forces into account; les nou?.elles de moscou on remarks by gen charles de liamby about french rapid action forces being able to operate in europe. (6 min: french 18:30) 35 anatoliy yuryev intvw with (michele pistillo), former )Ord4u 'Or`b k ita}.ian mp and mep, on advantages of trade btwn italy and ussr. Prance and soviet-french relations as seen by soviet italian 2000) mikhail gorbachev speech at tenth congress of Portuguese oo~bucl ecamb 1 lao 1360 ,dap 171200; one min: jap 171000 171200) 0-10 SPA ~.- -------- 17.000 18 DEC 1983 .57 gorbachev remarks at 17 dec Oporto mtg with sectionof portugal-ussr society. (mauak 171100) ( min: amharic 17t330/twice/ swahili 1730 brief: frenchinter 17Q100/two-ce/ 6 ovhu.f/ !'/b1 3panis 2200) Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 07 r_p. (tasse 151842) (20 min: Portuguese 2100; 6 min: ( STAT pu1~ Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 SUV assn 54 intvw with luis martins dos Santos, dpty chmn portugal-ussr /~ ssn, who led a delegation on a 7-day visit to moscow. ( pt I porfuguese 151800) (portuguese 1800) day wttssibes &O intvw with dr. armando (caldas), vice pres spanish-ussr assn, currently in moscow, listing assn's aims as promoting Spam lun.3 in arts and sciences, literature and travel, touching on pj,spani.rds' attitude to peace mvmt, underlining that Spanish ppl, ?v like soviet ppl, for yearn peace because they share a history of be ng invaded. (6.5 min: spanish 2000) Sp- rM /a J. yuriy konstantinov on spanish socialist govt's progress in mtg its election promise of creating 800,000 jobs in course of legislature, noting unemployment has been stabilized but still stands at 16 percent of active population, underlining adverse of vnempl+nl.rent on younger generation, stressing that current industrie grow-t'h rate is inadequate to create 200,000 jobs a year promised. (3 pin: s,pogish 2000) VAfv n? ~???y^+ ~Fwwq_,# mu aJ u auncneon for tinnisn foreign U ~ssN Fi rtcty minister vaeyrynen. (tasse 131856) (1.000 text: finnish 151.630) s/Ad"' 63 speech at 13 dec luncheon in mosow given by finnish nI ad .~1 1 GAG 1983 64 reports on moscow mtg 15 dec between tikhonov and finnish foreign minister paavo vaeyrynen. (tasse 131856) (7 min: finnish prune min kalevi sorsa on occasion of latter's appointment to P JA Surso'post- of chmn of finnish part of sov-finnish commission for ecg)t coop, with gist remarks exchanged. (tasse 151606) (brief: ink ~SS~- finn ish 151630) V ~A Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 r' t , 0 0 f r-.5joint soviet-finnish announcement on results of finnish v for?ign minister vaeyrynen's official visit. (tasse 161555) r/~I u-^-'` text, 10 min sent: finnish 1,430: brief: Sap 17`t000 171200) j-F 04/0 `P - Fiil& " 01 on current visit to moscow of finnish foreign minister paavo vasyrynen, pointing to significance of talks with gromyko an soviet-finnish trade and friendly relations, noting concern voiced during talks at current intl situation. (3 min: finnish Co(bi51E30) f7 friendship panorama: report on mtg of sov-finnish econ coon commission in moscow and signing of trade agmt for 1984, citin p. N S'a VO-ID (LSU intvW with finnish prime minister kalevi sorsa after commission 5 laudtn, outcome of talks and satisfaction with agents signed, lauding mutual trade between two countries which holds a promising future (4 min); report on moscow meeting 14 dec of finnish-soviet chamber of commerce, with excerpt of patolichev's speech (3.5 min), stressing importance of soviet-finnish friendship treaty (9.5 min) (finnish 151630) take 5 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 18 dec 8 Id191545 OA IIA-5 Xa~ .a r i c a "africa as we see it": summary anatolly gromyl(o new times o ~ n a rican attitude to arms race (en of 161 700) 700) (3 ( name indistinct) on sudan-u. s. military relations (3 minnikolay fedorav, on development of ethiopian farmers (4 m (10 min. overall: amharic 171530) iLS- / e v t opi,t 69 account of live interviews with officials of ethiopian red cross on relations with ussr red cross. (7 min: amharic 1530) 7~~~"w n-~*f--~J on developing 17.00 000) - X18 DEC ,1I aleksandr chernov lagos dispatch on burden of arms race african countries. (r t en of 131700) (engaf Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 / , Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 aj~ aNl ?1 (vladimir bulimov) on continuing struggle against racism. S (r t engaf 131700) (engaf 1700 2000) uS U-S ') L -Ito leonid rassadin beirut dispatch on u.s. interference prominent in arab press. (rpt enginter 171410) (enginter 1410 Noma 1810 2110 rrenchinter 1,72100 spancuba 0100 spanla 2300 italian 1800 portuguese 1800 german 1600 arabic 1730 swahili.1730 bulgariar 163,--polish 150-0 serbo 2000 hind 1130 burm 1430 indo 1330 1500 mand 1230 Iamb 13301 lao 1-300; anon: hungarian 2000) US, 2 v 151+1.0) ifinnish 151630) U S. riy kornilov on foreign news agencies reporting that valentin lapin on situation in mideast. (rpt enginter escalation of u.s. and israeli aggression in lebanon is assuming an in,:reasingly greater sacle-, while at same time president reajarl is asserting that u. s. actions in near east,are allegedly aimed at stabilizing situation in that region and that withdrawal of tits. marines from lebanon would seriously undermine america's international prestige, stressing that nowadays intl prestige depends primarily on contribution a country makes to consolidation of pe,ce, and that this can hardly be said for u. s. policy of using iron/ist to conduct its activities abroad. `(mayak 2000) (liyaping) replying to new zealand listener's question on cc u.S. troops in lebanon, saying this encourages israeli aggression. (4 p}; : ma n d s e a 1230) LLS messages to family and friends feature: containing messages fromi foreign students in ussr to their families and friends /'~ ~, 18 DEC 19&3 Syrian student in ussr discussing facilities accorded to for..i3n students in ussr. (3 min: frenchmag 172030) Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 ran9Lafi~ah LLS ~PSu Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 71? anon on resolution of Islamic foreign ministers conf held pangladesh, scoring u.s. policies which work against muslim (6 min, sent: persian 1500) U-S cpsu cc greetings to 5th fin congress in algeria. 2.5- min, text sent: arabic 1-500 1730; 200 text sent: tasse 1102 tassr 1046; 2-1 min: home 1400 1600 1900 orbita 1400 1500 1600 1650 1900 2200 2300 mayak 100 21-00 enginter 1500 1600 1900 2100 2200 frenchinter 1-700 engna 2300 spanla 2300 enguk 2080 italian 2000 port 1800 germaust 2000 arabic i50 1530 1730 engaf 700 portaf 18 0 hungarian 1720 2000 serbo 1700 2000; brief: home-2050 mayak X230 spanish 22-00 persian 1800 mand 1600) `8th anon marking 17th anniv construction of first stage of eupiArates hydro-electric installations in Syria, quoting speech by Pafiz al-asad thanking soviet union for aid in project, stressir how dam provided a new force for developing econ life of coutnry. (arabir,~500) E1 igor sheftunov on persecution of communists in several coun&ries, stressing iranian efforts to crush tudeh party of iran. (10 fin, sent: persian 1800) 82 part one intvw with two unnamed tudeh mbrs by african communist magazine, noting how tudeh helped popular rev in iran, how tudeh was leading anti-shah proletariat and had support of radical muslims in iran, mentioning there were no tudeh members witpirl govt, stressing anti-shah forces were also anti-impists. (8 iain: persian 1700) 3 part two intvw with two unnamed tudeh mbrs by african communist magazine, describing how tudeh party came under cloud, despxt difficulties tudeh believe that their mission, will suce*44. (8 min: persian 1800) r?J.. , 18 DEC 190 summary eduard kovalev/vitaliy menshikov pravda on dangerous f'hedc kera''e' r. C7 sityation in eastern mediterranean and presence of u.s. bases in pan mediterranean countries. (7 min: greek 1800) Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 e I pt Poor l demxnatiort. 1',4.5 .nin: enginter 1531) e6 summary valentin korovikov pravda on trade and sci-tech STAT c11 ) L l I , 4 take _ several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 18 dec E ld14IF34 efe-aanistan rr anon maintaining afghanistan has become a target of a ~KXA) 5('~ dttste4e- interference since april rev. (rpt engna 172300) (dari r.n 171;'; P X.Ls4-v,0 qp roundup soviet press comment on u.s. interference in Q hAiJ Stt afg anistan. (rot enointer 161531) (enginter 1531) U_ (n - 1? 0CC1963 - /y~- 4uriy kolesov report from afghanistan, noting how imp,-st-s are helping rebels against popular govt, maintaining that st.._ refvg)aes are those who go to other countries seeking work, that they are different from rebels and counterrevs, noting how afghan ppl organized resistance to counterrevs, mentioning exploits of one patriotic fighter pahlawan who fights counterrevs and wins man of them over to afghan side. (11 min: persian 1700) anon, third in series, reviewing cyprus-soviet commercial relations and their expansion in recent years. (5 min: greekcy coop between ussr and india. (3 min: mayak 0350) .~7 -(.aleksandr leonidov) on indian security bodies uncovering cia-C,antrolled spy network, maintaining at a secret mtg in early '80'$ cia formualted its aim that by end of century india must ceases to exist as an independent, multinatl state, cia plans to break away from india north-east territories, punjab and southern relior-t, claiming u. s. would like to use india in its schemes for Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 qU vladimir (khajayev) report from afghanistan, noting S1+-~despjta cifficuities created by counterrevs afghanistan is Q ~kdfi pro.3ressing in all fields. (4 min: persian 1800) Q3 muiatov "`u, s. plan on china. " _(rpy mand 170700) (6.5 min: U-'S :nan ao) OAt4- (JO SiLvd 4 1A bang 1500) 18 DEC 1963 ltS so- Q+S vladimir korolev on problems of security in indian ocean. soviet proposals to make ocean a peace zone have been ignored by wasf*nyton, which has made area zone of interest. gives details of OOA$-5 u. s. arms buildup in area, outlines soviet proposals for region. U.. S 3ut (4 map: enginter 0910) S 94 (koleminov), expert who worked in china in 'fifties, talKS on soviet assistance to china's national econ development in aarlu,.. 'fifties. (6 min: mand 1230) "IS?S 145 program for chinese youths: official of komsomol cc on experimental program for finding part time jobs for college stu=eats (5 min): feature report on home education of moscow your,; woke family (7 min). (total 12 min: mand 1600) $_S viktor rogov re un resolution urging creation of ind.ian eace zone. (rpt lao 161030) (9 min: lao 1030) 9'7 aleksandr (malik) on reported expansion of voa broadcasts to asjd from sri lankan territory. (rpt enginter 161531) (4.5 99 gloyov) on general elections in japan conducted 18 dec. U tt reason for elections, japanese militarists' policy of oxilitari buildup, military collusion with usa, and so forth. (.,L ,S Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 recorded interview with masharu muto, chmn of board of directors of east hokkaido ,lap-soviet friendship trade assn, on ,purpose of his visit to ussr. (14 min: ~P ; lap 171200) ?-Ast europe 101 repor ton literaturnaya gazeta days in bulgaria. (4 min: u`pulgaria 1630) D .r-. CQ c f2._ 102 prof (formin) on significance of memory of infamous dimitro trial in leipzig 50 years ago. (6 min: viet 1300) 103 boris mlenichenko reviews gdr socioeconomic performance is 19i$3. trflt enainter 1111410) (frenchinter 172100, anon: spancuba voices of friendship program for polish listeners. erm.sr 161600) (german 1600) r - 105 review of soviet press comment on continued normalization in poiand and criticism of continued western subversive activities, quoting pravda, komsomolskaya pravda, socialist industry, international affairs, true and za rubezhom. (6 min: enginr 15319 ) (b vasiliy lisovik warsaw dispatch on normal situation in pol:,r (rpt serbo 151700) (finnish 161530) (,~S 107 Jerzy kraszewski on normalization process in poland. kraszawski says there are still unsolved economic problems in poland, because of u. s. sanctions against country. talks on (A'S ec07,o.ric damage caused by these sanctions and calls for strikes in RFj' poll mines by radio free europe. (5 min: german 1700) LA S 1+:r viktor olenichev on Washington's discriminatory actions again poland. (rehash enginter 131531) (13 min: italian 2000) US ..., f (I-- 18 DEC 19C3 TC' feature on forthcoming congress of polish-soviet friendship society- two activists from soviet-polish friendship society express best wishes to congress. (3.5 min: poliah d1400) i n f/ Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 1,10 "on friendship trail" program for polish listeners. (z 2.t poli3p 471400) C ~OI~S1~ ~SVV) "diary of sovie.t-Yugoslav ties": interview with rep of yougnslav construction firm on buildings company has worked on in ussr (7 min); review of soviet-yugoslav book publishing cooaerat (4 min); interview with zagreb tv movie buyer on soviet movies f showing in yugoslavia (b min); preview of appearances by soviet artists in Yugoslavia(3 min). (serbo -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 16 dec 83 ini ;.itaru V A>t"4 /?A OJJ V( ~3 ' spar-~ 1417+3) (3 m i. n : ma y a k 0030) rr\ Sp?~rn%sc ience 111 "from here and there": incl work done by cosmonauts. (rpt amheric 111530) (amharic 1530) 114 yuriy reshetnikov discussing reagan's space war preps. L S (rpt enginter 172110) (enginter 0710 1010) (L SS(Z OS Os (rpt Berman 171700) (german 1700) ~I7 18 DEC 1963 117 anon report.on'soviet space program. (3 min: spanla' 2300} t1S land of soviets: incl review Lf recent cosmic developments. U SSR- 5 boa science observer on space experiments carried out on alyut-7. (5.5 ,nin, poor: kor 1130) sidelights from soviet union: inci report on soviet space research program. Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 defense min ldrship and veterans of soivet armed forces. (home Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620014-1 ~lq -Iuriy atserov on work u Intl search and rescue ?r II,, CCC organization which operates from staellites in space and in which 1/~-'l"~ 5 ~!,Gr. !~c.3.r3nre ~nA ranne{n nna .e~t~n1ve.?I_ ....L7........ L.... _r o'J raj XCA - CctN0._ e.PS& kos?as-sarsat agmt, noting that more than 120 lives have already been saved thanks to program. (5 min: french 1830) US _20 reports on regular mtg of politburo of cpsu, summarizing nUlt.~- items discussed. (mayak 181800) (6-4 min: enginter 6710 1010 Sly egna 009-i1dari 171700 ,dap 171200 hind 1130) 1-1 aleksandra volodina re scheduled supreme soviet elections for 4 mar. (rpt enginter 171810) (enginter 03710 1010 1410 1810 2110 e-ngna 0001 italian 1800 portuguese 1800 german 1600 arabic L s Jam'""'"'" 1730 1330) tl 1.22 lev volodariskiy, chief of sov csd, on sov nail econ S S ~ dey;lopment. (rpt mand 161600) (german 1700) >