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Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600001-7
(~J~k q6 /3 Nov (3
rake 1 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 7 nov 33
or anniversary
1 rornanov address at 5 nov kremlin celebratory meeting. (tasse
051500) (35 min, poor: orbita 0230; 20 min: indo 1500; 8-5 min:
,pan-4a 0100 enguk 2000 engafr 062000 beng 1500 urdu 1300)
2 ustinov order for
artillery salutes to ma anniversary.
(:Tayak 062100) (brief: mayak 0300 0430 0530 orbita 0200 0400
I 07NOV1983
h o e 400 0500 0600) ~--
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G 052
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3 live relay from red square: reading of slogans, description of
decorations, poetry by robert rozhdestvenskiy (9 min); applause
greets unnamed leaders (one min); kremlin chimes strike hour,
ustinov and parade commander general lushev inspect troops to
accompaniment of military band (4 min); congratulations to officers
of military academies, cadets of suvorov and nakhimov academies,
sailors, assult troops and marines (2 min); poet rozhdestven'tk4y
talks about red square again (one min); recording of
unidentified lenin speech (2 min); last part of inspection,
ustinov :counts platform (2 min); fanfare (one min); ustinov speech
O5 (~8 min, sent); national anthem (3 min); fanfare, shouted commands,
parade starts, writer vladimir (tarns) interviewed on past
? ..~ experience of such parades (8min); further description of parade
0 and interviews with captain (bikinin) who won order of red star
for ?jnspecified action in afghanistan and'-with cadet of frontier
troops academy (3 min); further description of march-past,
interview with participant (7 min); list of leaders on mausoleum;
description of concluding stages'of military parade (6 min);
description of civilian parade and demonstration, interviewing
participants and spectators (!0 r~' ~; peom, float depicting
achie'ements of cema described, rabotnichesko delo editor
C9-~ interviewed (5 min);writer nikolay gribachev and poet
rozhdestvenskiy enthuse about red square (Sin); interview with
Belyaye?:a, labor heroine working on gas pipelines (2 min); petr
M,ss(/e$ pel?xhov com,ie:cts on way in which labor strengthens peace, describes
colorful scene, interviews sandinista trade unionist gonzales
(6 min); political observer aleksandr zholkver comments on
some of displays expressing indignation at imprialist crimes,
also on optimistic nature of communist outlook (2 min); lyakhov and
aleksandrov send greetings from salyut-7 (5 min); interviews with
guests (6emmmin); british to official (Beryl hockerley) expresses
apprehension about cruise missiles and describes valiant struggle
of greenham common women (3 min); yuriy zhukov, chmn of soviet
peace committee, on significance of prominence given to peace in
demonstration (2 min); balloons released, children interviewed
(3 mir); aleksandr zholkver recalls prague peace assembly (on a min);
description of closing stages of demonstration with poetry. (ovet'all
furs, 13 min, fyi'd: home all stations 0630)
;Z-:---O 7 NOV 1983
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Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600001-7
G OS (L 4 live relay from red square: joe adamov describes scene in red
ci Nr4' J
square viewed from gum store 13 mi); boris belitskiy describes
Pc--arrival of soviet leaders, followed by ustinov's greetings to troops
t~ (11 min); ustinov mounts reviewing stand (2 min); actuality of
ustin~zv's speech, overlaid with translation (10 min); general
description of military parade, with mention of soviet disarm
proposals but no specific description of vehicles or weapons (_27
_in); adamov resumes reportage, describing start of civilian
demonstration, theme of floats, civilian march-past, slogans
disp ye . (overall one hour 28 min: enginter 0645)
5 tars report describing red square military parade and
6 reports describing soviet celebrations, red square military
parade and civilian march-past and demonstration. (35-30 min)
incl 7-6 min ustinov speech: home 1604 orbita 1600 german 1000
1600 Finnish 1630 albanian 1530 bulgarian 1630 czech/slovak 1-600
-- hung 1730 pal 1400 urdu 1200 hindi 1130 1400 beng 1500 indo 1330
camb 1330; 29-20 min, incl 4-3 min ustinov: engna 2300 enguk 2000
0-5/nW french la CO italiar. 1800 2000 port 1800 persian 1500 1700 arabic
SIC`' 1500 1530 great 1600 greekc/y 1800 engafr 1700 serbo 1700 2000 thai
1100' bur 1030 1430 lao 1030 1300 mand1230 viet 100 1300; 19 min:
ger:.an 1-700 germaust 2000 4-3 min, with brief quotes ustinov:
enginter 0900 1000 1100 german 1600 germaust 2000 persian 1500 bur
-~ / 8 7 L`O %' 1983
ustinov speech at 7 nov red square parade. (500 text sent:
tasae 02200 tassr 0821; one min: enginter 2000 2100 2200. czech/slovak
1-600; brief: portbraz 2200 2300 spanla -2-300 engna 2300 enguk 2000
(,t_~fi1~(U/ serbo 2000 mandsea 1230 mend 16Q0)
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Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600001-7
(osA 8 sumr,arq pravda 8 nov report on 7 nov red square parade and
Q Vde:nonstration, incl 2.5 rein quotes ustinov speech. (overall 8.5
?di t in- orbita 2300)
9 reports on 7 nov kremlin reception to mark anniversary.
(700 Text, with list of those present, 550 words tikhonov speech,
sent i ayak 14-00 home 11-10; 5 min, with 4-3.5 min tikhonov. home
1200 163.0 orbita 1600; 3. 5 min, with 2. 5 min tikhonov: enginter
14-10 1#i0 21440; 140 text, incl 50 words tikhonov, sent: tasse
S-P 1030 t33ssr 1051 q 0 7 NOV 1983
(rc~ surmaries tikhonov speech at 7 nov kremlin reception. (250
text sent: tasse 1040 tassr 1050; 5-3 min: portbraz 2200 persian 1700
greek 1900 czech/slovak 1700 hungarian 2000 polish 1400 1500
urdu 1300 beng 1500 bur 1430 indo 1330; 2
min: :rayak itS0 orbita 2300 enginter 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 2000
2100 22000 engna 2300 enguk 2000 italian 1800 2000 persian 1500 1700
arabic 1500 czech/slavak 1600 1700 hung 2000 serbo 1700 2000 urdu
1300 beng 1500; brief: home 1400 1900 2050 orbita 1400 1900 2004
2105 2200 2304 mayak 1900 21-00 2230 portbraz 2200 2300 spanla 2300
enginter 1600 1700 1800 1900 frenchinter 1700 german 1000 french 1830
port/I1.00/twice/finn ish 1&30/twice/)
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Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600001-7
take 2 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 7 nov 83
11 reports datelined berlin, Warsaw, nicosia, addis ababa
&OSrL- and pno:n penh describing festivities marking gosr anniversary.
eum V
(approx 500 words: tassr 1915)
122 special program marking anniversary: interview with veteran
communist (vasiliy verkhovich) who describes situation in country
in 1913 and rise of bolshevik party to polwer; outline early moves
of new bolshevik government; recording of lenin speeches. (14
e,yinter 0910 1410 1531 1810 2110)
13 feature on gosr events of 1917 based on works byjohn reed.
(13 pith : engna 2300)
U -C
14 african mailbag, pegged. chronological review of 1917
events, with quotes from john reedfs "10 days that shook the world";
note on soviet government's first decree concerning peace;
description of red square and its significance in gosr anniversary
celebrations; note on influence of gosr on natlib movements.
(10 m4: engafr 052000)
13 georgiy shakhnazarov, president soviet assn of political
sciences, "gosr and global peace," describing historic developments
since 1917 gosr to present day, noting that ussr has always
advocated collective security system in europe, general and full
disarmament, and restraint of possible aggressors, and pointing
to continuous attempts by usa to intensify nuclear armament.
ussr has been trying to avert this threat to global peace by
advancing numerous constructive proposals for disarmament and
(9 min: german 1700)
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Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600001-7
16 georgiy shakhnazarov "gosr and real socialism," on 1917
revolution creating foundation for new social order. outlines
osA , achievements of ussr, hails lenin's contribution to solution of
QJN1 d
problems of nationalities, economci organization and role of trade
unions, (8 min: enginter 2010)
nikolay gribachev waxes lyrical over gosr parade and its
meaning, shooing ussr as force for peace and freedom, while
nostalgically recalling gosr parades of yesteryear. (6 min:
mayak 1000)
vladiirir iliyin on influence of russian comparty and
revolutionary experience on workers and demoncratic movements in
generate and in romania in particular. (7 min: romanian 1700)
19 roundtable discussion by viktor deruga, gaston vargas,
yuriy baranov on 66th anniv of gosr, highlighting achievements of
saoci.a,l-i,sr.;. (12 min: spanla 0000)
20 lose miguel varas explains significance of gosr celebrations
in moscow. takes opportunity to condemn invasion of grenada by
d usa. other chilean exiles attending celebrations in moscow send
greetings to all chileans and condemn invasion of grenada.
:I Nj/&Si d r1
(12 : spanchile 2100)
CALL)-- 7
U7 NO 7983
21 pedro correa on message of congratulations sent by chilean
comparty to yuriy andropov and to all soviet people on occasion of
66th anniv of gosr.
(6 min: spanchile 2100)
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Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600001-7
22 anon, in response to listeners' questions, re gosr, descussing
25 anon on sovivet celebrations of gosr, noting that everything .
workers. (8 min: finnish 1630)
23 anon discussing gosr and achievements of socialism. (10
Amin: p,1,ish 1500)
(t /
24 oleg nikolayev on people whohelped defend young soviet
republic and build new society and who are remembered with
homage by soviet people. includes profile of Julian marchlewski.
(p sh 1500) ?
is prepared to celebrate holiday, which has special revolutionary
status and historic significance. says ussr's struggle for peace
started from first decrees of soviet government. anniversary
of gosr is holiday of peace and inspired work for common benefit.
(3.5 : : engafr 062000) 7 .
07 f/si
26 statements by foreign visitors giving impressions of military
parade and civilian demonstration, expressing desire for peace
and friendship. (fernando correia, deputy chief editor of
P a4v 9~~,I(tpi ortuguese comparty weekly avante: port 1800; group of italian
htf P tourists: italian 2&00; group of french tourists: french 1830;
members of dkp: german 1700; vaclav lorenc, head of cssr-ussr
friendship assn: czech/slovak 1709?; polish visitors: polish 1-500;
hu.9ge?' an guest miklos makai: hungarian .-2000)
Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600001-7
Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600001-7
take 3 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 7 nov 83
2-7 ro,'e report on another experiment staged by italian
authorities last sunday confirming that agca's words on his secret
mtgs with bulgarian officials were a lie. Antonov's lawyers have
once againpleaded for release of their client. (300 text sent:
tasse 1229)
28 "you write to moscow" program presented by nina pavlova:
6052 named listeners send greetings for 66th gosr anniv: main topic of
ltrs was disarm; listener had read 1917 sov constituion and noted
d-LA arc n^-
that it was beneficial to all sov citizens; another listener was
surorised there had been no unemployment in ussr for over 40
years; address given for those who wanted to write for copy of
sovia . constitutions. (7. 5 min: enguk 2000)
2? "soviet way of life" feature:
incl comment by lathe operator
vladimir (letkov) discussing his award of order of oct rev, an
award this year made to ceausescu; story of war memorial to be
buinext year. (enginter 1510 1731)
30 mailbag for northam listeners.
0 7 Nov 1983
(rpt engna 060001) (engna 0001)
Q F jhenl( ' c iia(
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Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600001-7
31 mailbag: incl replies on ussr's views on nuclear arms and
how to get rid of them outlining soviet proposals on banning
G o52
them and summarizing andropov's recent proposals; listener told
of ceremonies held on moscow red square; explanation of why gosr
anniv is celebrated in november and not october; gregorian
calendar adopted in 1918; listener who asks about soviet policy
in field of personal rights and freedoms is quotes soviet
constitution; another listener is told witchcraft and black magic
are not practised in ussr; listener who asks as to who helped ussr
to develop following gosr is told no one helped, on contrary
some western powers tried to stifle sov govt by milit force; on
satellites that are capable of receiving?destress calls anywhere in
world, with ref to rescue operation for ships trapped in chukchi sea;
an possibility for foreign children to spend their holidays
with ~~v children, describing artek camp. (enginter 1231)
?~~gati & O 32 r ply to listeners. (rpt hung 062000) (hung 2000)
S l,~,/dS1a~ li S
3.1 mailbag: jap ltrs on gosr anniv; ussr-jap relations; sov
consistent foreign policy in seeking peace, security for all;
jetparJ opposition to u.s. deploying missiles in western europe. (24 min
(//.~wifh music iao O612OO) U
1 SS
0 7 NNo!,1988
34 intvw with vladimir trukhanovskiy, historian, on consequences
of possible nuclear war. (rpt engna 070001) (engna 0001)
#t v
united states
35 summary mezhdunarodnaya zhizn, november issue, on u.s. food
aid to developing countries being instrument of political leverage
and blackmail. (300 text sent: tasse 1217 tassr 0730) (,i
36 tass political analyst Bergey kulik on reagan-style democracy.
c400 text sent: tasse 1437)
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Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600001-7
~a NA,(d 37 eduard grigoryev on 50th anniv establishment of diplomatic
lAS vF0-10f
(&'a-fs relation btLn ussr and usa. (5 min, sent: engna 0001) (,!S
4 VS s(L
38 siliy fedorov on casey's fulton speech on need to fight
what he called a communist threat to developing world.
america will commit aggression against other developing countries.
r/~S ,d S
(4: engineer 1531)
39 tass analyst vladimir goncharov on reports that former
dictator and e'^bezzler eric gairy is helping wa-shington to
//ct5! o,,)
set up "democratic" system in grenada. (500 text sent: tasse 1106
(,L.S to 5 s r 0600) l.( $
40 eye-witness accounts of u. s. aggression in grenada, carried
41 intvw with ruben diari Souza, panamanian ppls party, on u. s.
r/ s a p j3 t 200 )
aggressio)n against grenada. (3 min, poor: portbraz 2200 2300)
churchil's fulton speech and reagan's british parliament speech
recalled. Outline of various cia conspiracies against progressive
govt3 in developing countries. Casey argued use ought overthrow
any govt it saw as threat to u.s. interests. since reagan considers
attack on grenada a successful mission, it is not unliekly that
by p,rda and izvestiya. (4 ,min: engna 0001)
irate. ntionisn in grenada.
(6 min: spanla 0000)
tA S
LA <
42 rodney arismendi, sec gen of uruguayan comparty, on u.s.
guments for invading island. (3 min: spancuba 0100)
-_- / 0- 0 7 F DV 1983 Lc s
44 leonid levchenko on reagan's white house press conf
justifying grenada invasion. (rpt enginter 041410,) (3.5 min:
43 anon on violent acitons by u.s. troops in grenada, rejects
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Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600001-7
45 soviet press and radio stations express solidarity with Chilean
ppl on 10th anniv of radio moscow program escucha chile. Sov
journalist gennadiy (sperskiy), volodia teitelboim and other
,entators send greetings to and expressions of solidarity with
all Chilean pp1. (11 min: spanchile 2130)
-- commentary list: moscow consolidated 7 nov 83
Flok J
aleksandr fedorov on tanzanian econ achievements.
engaafr 051700) (engafr 1700)
fa ti'7-an I C"
L,aW 1
west europe
46 yuriy borisov on reactionary tendencies in cdu/csu/fdp
coalition use of bundeswehr, based on recent der Spiegel article.
(rpt polish 291500) ($.5 Hlnj polish 15-00
(sergey sayenko) intvw with william Wilson, british public
figure, on soviet achievements, soviet contracts to help job
sitoktion in britain. (rpt enguk 312000) enguk 2000)
49 friendship panorama on sov-finnish friendship. (rt
inni,-h 05163 (f inn 1630)
49 commentary on u.s. interference in angola. (5 min,
poor: engafr 1700)
50 grigoriy yefimov re armed forces day in benin. (.=t
1 .311983
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Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600001-7
52 soviet press on zionist theory and practice, quoting pravda,
moscow news, sotsialisticheskaya industriya, literaturnaya ggzeta,
(rpt persian 051800) (persian 1700 1800)
54 special program to celebrate oct rev anniv, noting sun
yat-ssn praised rev, notes impact of gosr on chi rev, soviet support
for chi rev, present soviet policy of normalizing relations with
china, briefly describes red square, recalling chi deleg's
GOSIz res tics at celebrations in 1950s. (13 min: mand 07-00)
zhom, krasnaya zvezda. (poor: enginter 2010)
anon on soviet union's assistance to developing countries,
5FI askhold biryukov on president reagan's coming visit to japan.
(5 ,r n, sent: enginter 1-531) Z-.-. 07 I'm u_f
5.6 aleksey anatolyev on reagan's scheduled visit to ,japan.
(5 ill, sent: lap 061200)
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Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600001-7
57 literary talk in series on lenin's life. (14 min: persian
58 correspondent speaks on radio communications link with mbrs
of 29th soviet antarctic expedition at molodezhnaya station.
exchange of greetings on gosr anniv, etc. winter crew ldr lev
(bulatov) says third it-18 plane will be arriving on 12 nov with
around 50 participants in expedition. my baykal left vladivostok
64)4-,on 4 nov with around 300 participants on borad. kapitan gotskiy
and pioner estanii are to leave leningrad in near future.
(6 min: Aw yak 1200)
life in ussr
59 pravda editorial "on lenin road," outlines achievements
U( 5p.- of ussr in building socialism. (i min: orbita 0200)
60 sfL
(5 min: mayak 0130)
7 ''OV 1983
soviet party/govt congratulations to solomentsev on his
sw th birthday (tasse 061753) (brief: orbita 0100 0200 0400 home
ussfL 1
04+3g~06Q0 )
SO/o i%tndSt
Un 7 vm
Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600001-7
60 details of state prizes awarded on eve of gosr anniv.
(rpt enginter 062110) (hung 2000)
yelyutin, ussr minister of higher and secondary specialized
education and dep churn of cmtee for ussr lenin prizes and state
awards in science and technology, talks about this year's
winners and their work contributing to solving soviet development
Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600001-7
63 way we see it: item describing how nationalities problem
has ;),-~n solved in ussr. (3.5 min: enginter 2010)
kt,S s R--
64 soviet way of life with lydia kedrova: a) on how gosr means
freeing of minorities of russia, and how was founded as result of
ppis asking for unification (4.5 min); b) journalist bert whyte
describes benefits so govt brought to an obscure turkish tribe
in remote siberia. They gained an alphabet, education and all
other benefits of soviet citizens. other.=minorities have benefited
similarly (4 min); c) moscow is one of biggest multinational
cities in world. series of intvws with tenants of moscow apartment
bloc; an armenian artist and a georgian woman describe their
good relations with their neighbors. a war widow describes her
good relations with a Jewish family (6 min). (enginter 1010)
/1' ,q1
frenchinter 062100 frenchmag 062030
poor: engafr 062000 1700 arab 1730 persian 81800
part Hissed: enginter 2000 finnish 1630
global 9 sov 11 democ 3
eur I northam 4 latam 6 asnc 6; linked to gosr anniv: global 3
, sov 2 demor` 1 asc 1
Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600001-7