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unpa =scion 1 sergey baybakov and valentin va ilets new york report on `fh emergency mtg of un cmtee on relation with host country, re u.s. J violation of its intl commitments, ci in g n.(( ~,e5Cjj0~ g by sov rep yakovlev, bulgarian rep kolarova, and u.s. delegate lichenstein. (500 text sent: tasse 1101 tassr 1015 LiS 2300 enguk 1900 german 1500 italian 170 yuriy sultan, pegged, notes asse bly is mtg in a troubled ody is to find means to and nato warlike preps and ke stationing Pershing nda in wake of kal episode, proposals on issues like enchinter 2000 spanla arab 1730 turk 1400 S greekcy 17-30 czech/slovak 1500 polish 1 00 serbo 1600 rudu 1300 beng g 150 0bur 1430 indo 1330 1500 camb 1330 ao 13-30 korean 1330) A-,n IIAIUL. (4 min, sent: enginter 201C u5 LAS eorgiy grammatchikov, pegged, notes socialist ) (fre 192030 Spanish 191900 engafr 192000 fren hafr 191930) disarm. (4-3 min: enginter 1310 1610 f _DcVID referring to constructive soviet peace y" sSl c5 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560009-5 ;ake 1 of several -- commentary list moscow consolidated 20 Sep g-: ld_ 211332 1902 tassr 1515) sallies against intl community of nations. IA- S 2 tass analyst robert serebrennik v on reagan admin showing agai its imperial contempt of un, re u.s. deleg lichenstein speaking at mtg of un cmtee on relations with host country making insulting (550 text sent: tasse U S 3 vladimir pozner re u.s. deleg lichenstein remarks at mtg of ll un cmtee on relations with host countr engna 2 time, asserts main point before world strengthen peace esply in wake of u.s. hysteria reflected in their policies li missiles in europe, anti-soviet pronaaa countriesill w 31 consistently present their peace policy, as adopted at Prague ,~NS a _ meeting, and as expressed by soviet ldrs. (7- 5 mm: SeVSion1 -- POl r`+'Ou bulg T530' romanian 1600 korean 1330) 2 n Or-r, 'FAA- - I CEP ISH'i yuriy rudnev, pegged. (rpt 191500 nchinter Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560009-5 3- Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560009-5 7 (kalin) on soviet union's efforts to have some specific V,,IJ14- measures adopted at 38th unga session to prevent nuclear threats, ~S Sess~6~ rapping u . s . theory of limited nuclear w a r . (7 min: mand Itu_ 0700) (,L S 8 (dulov), pegged, saying ussr will orward proposal for banning militarization of space, notes u.s. mast rminded kal incident to iJtJkf%urther,tncrease defense expenditure. ( min: mandsea 1230) r`l"I te 9 anon Pravda, pegged, scoring u. s. or continuing to aggravate intl situation, for attempting to draw u into its outrageous ULIJ,S.ON ;b.-anti-soviet campaign, underlines soviet peaceful position. (6 min: t''^ t 0; 3. 5 min: ap 191200) 10 vera lebedeva, pegged, on conditions prevailing in world on r eve of session. compares ussri8s peace-seeking policy with u.s. imperialists' warmongering policy of intervention. refers to u.s. involvement in lebanese crisis, in iran-iraq war and in other crises in other parts of world. assails allegations on collusion btwn two superpowers and efforts to equate sovie and u.s. policies. (8 min, global G frencbi-Rter'2OO0 arabic 1530 serbo 190 ) feature on intl communist and w rkers movt. (rpt hung 191900) (poor: gna 192300) SEP 1983 13 program onintl communist and workers movt: article in kommunist "peace, the working class, communists" (7 min, rpt finnish 81530); intvw with Luxembourg compart ldr on sov proposal advanced tLi~'J~w~ l (~IL~''' rya ndropov in replies to pravda (4. 5 in, rot finnish 181530); anon ~ circumstances on 60th anniv september uprisi,iy if - - of ppls uprising in bulgaria against fascism (3 min); roundup brief items on communist and workers parties (2.5 min). (korean 0930) 0102 GG committees of socialsit countries an 1700 1800) U_S. 11 reports on 20 sep moscow confere~-ce of secretaries of central fraternal parties. (500 text +apcS sent: tasse 1625 tassr 1547 mayak 1700 200; 4-3 min: enginter 2000 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560009-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560009-5 14 summary aleksey shytikov speech at "economic east-west relations," welcoming p~O sent: tasse 1142 tassr 1020) 15 summary academician oleg bogomolov G 20 sep moscow Intl mtg participants. (350 text speech at 20 sep moscow d intl mtg "economic east-west relations." 380 text: tasse 1308 tassr 16 adn report on opening 19 sep of 4-day scientific conf on peace, development and coop and responsibility of mass media at Werner lamberz intl institute of journali m in berlin, summarizing speeches by gdr's rold weissbach, tanzani 's meshack maganga, and _IaN -La hlcA-, 10^119-11 yemen's abdul rahman khubara. (300 text: 15 19 ppl and events: incl anon citing remarks by boris 10 pastukhov at final news conf at end of msocow intl book fair. (r pt engafr 161700) (engafr 192000) 0 SEP 1983 -~- -:-- 20 ppl and events: incl account of soviet workers ltr in G ituation. (rpt enaafr Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560009-5 17 report on intl exhibition science ' incl stmts by foreign reps who attended on successful coop with soviet foreign trade mr (ray), who is in charge of export dept specializing in instruments and equipment biochemistry. he speaks of his company's 83 just closed in moscow their companies' agencies. these included of u. s. company (isco), for microbiology and successful contacts Witt, -sr over past years. (5 min: engna 200) take of several -- commentary list: most w consolidated 20 s e o 82_ ie summary Iona andronov literary gaze to article on circumstances surrounding attack on pope b turkish pravda expressing sov ppls views on world s ,3A1708 (e n g a f r 192000) Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560009-5 21 ppl and events: incl talk by. economist (vladimir stanis) patrice lumumba univ, re start of new academic year in ussr, discussing training available to students from developing C)untries,--., (engafr 1700 2000) kal plane incident 22 marshal of aviation pyotr kirsanov ravda "facts expose u ashington" presenting facts which establi h beyond any doubt that kal 007 was carrying out spying missi n for u.s. Ctasse pla,hfav 191 (11 min: lao 1(Y30 indo 1330 thai 11-00; 9-5 min: enginter 0810 l110 13-10 1610 frenchinter 2 00 engna 192300 (,c,5 2200 spancuba 01-00 spanchile 2000 portbraz 2300 german-0900 1500 enguk 1900 italian 1-700 1900 portugue a 2000 persian 1-500 1700 1800 arabic 1500 1730 turkish 1400/twice! polish 1300 1400 greekcy 1730 bulgarian 1530 romanian 1600 zech/slovak 1500 serbo 1600 1900 b,urm 1030/twice/ 1430 hind 1130 urdu 1200 1300 beng 1500 indo 1330/twice/ 1500 lao 10-30 1 0/twice/ camb 1330/ twice/ kor 1130 1330 viet 1000 1300 1400; .5 min: enginter 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1206 S, ~A(LL u. S 1300 frenchinter 92300/twice/ engna 192300 kor 0930 11-30 13304 2-1 min: home 500 german 0900 hind 1130; brief: tasse 0513 home 0300 spancuba 0100 german 1500 poll h 1 0) /.I Ik S roundup reports datelined san franc sco and new york reviewing american papers and readers comments about kal aircraft incident, quoting san francisco e aminer, tribune. (500 text sent: tasse 2037 tassr 1048) Lk S 24 the way we see it: incl roundup soviet periodicals' comment on western presentation of ussr as being progressive If quoting Pravda, krasnaya Zvezda, moscow news denouncing western allegations about kal plane, also quoting omsomolskaya pravda and s v tskaya rossiya. (enginter 2045) Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560009-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560009-5 0owP N6 of 26 boris'andriano ' it v k n ,dap foreign minister, abe, rejecting claims that kal airliner h it ra as carry out espionage mission. (sent: mayak 1930) 27 intvw with grigoriy lokshin, sec of soviet peace cmtee, on korean plane intrusion into soviet airspace, expressing anger at provocation and pointing out that it was nto first such attempt to harm cause of peace in history, recalli g reichstag fire and tonkin incident as earlier cases showing t at enemies of peace c4-^ c ing yodo tsushin report from tokyo .L S~ P short of nothing, stressing that action wi h south korean plane ,4J was planned in advance as a means to under ining antiwar mvmt in west and /plify anti-soviet campaign. (4 min: enguk 1900) 28 recorded remarks by mahmud baryalai sec of pdpa cc, If condemning extensive propaganda campaign waged by u.s. against S.~orta_ ussr in connection with downing of south k rean airliner. (8 11 I~q KA fJ min: darT-~191500) based on foreign listeners letters, reenacting events around s ~brd~ , kal 007 intrusion into soviet airspace. ( t mand LAS 161600) (spanish S. kvna~' JA_S --?~---- -?? ? ?a?? VT 4JVrb41 ns no answers and 191900 kor 190930) 30 dialogue on south korean plane inci ent, says contents of letters sent to radio moscow show that any ppl have distorted picture of incident as a result of distorti medi (5 min, sent: kor 1130) anon corr intvw with two on of facts by western muscovites kiktor (nefedov) and lidiya (tarakanava) on anti-soviet campaign korean plane's intrustion into soviet airspace, maintaining that incident was provoked to whip up tension before geneva talks, fly-claiming that u.s. special services organized provocation. (6 mip'`lenginter 0720) i 3 tem on what soviet ppl rk-provocation, giving highlights of statement J(brea- saying that kal 007 was on a spy mission 20SEP1983 (l cation. (poor: engna 192300) sparked off by south LC 6 and articles in press it was an organized Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560009-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560009-5 U4v33 ppl and events: opinions of sou ppl o provocation in soviet f,afitO"-pace, quoting retired major-general kozlov and sea captain ko reu.. ~S . hevin). (rpt enginter 160720) (engaf 17 0 2000) 1 ~Il sl 4ivt T P". A akk 3 of several -- commentary list: mosco consolidated 20 sep 83 C .I,c.n,N J211355 G,/) 34 reports on west german bundestag deputies appeal to andropov n.IeAkt ,All on question of limiting nuclear armaments in europe, and 11PPIAjandropov's reply. (1,000 text, incl 200 words appeal, 800 words r ""andropov reply, sent: tasse 1155 tassr 1220 home 1800 german 1500 1600; 9 min, incl brief appeal, 7 min andropov reply, comp fyi sent: home 1300 orbita 1300; andropov reply only, 8-3 min: of el n 2010 frenchinter 2000 engna 2200 portbraz 2 enguk 1900 german 1500 french 1730 italian 2000 persian 1700 arabic 1730 turkish 1-400 g 1830 bulgarian 1530 czech/slovak 1500 polish 2.5 min: orbita 1750 burin 1430 indo 1500 man orbita 1904 2300 home 1950 mayak 2000 2130 2 1500 1601700 1800 2000 2100 frenchinter 1-6 enguk 1900 german 1500 1600 germaust 1-800 it portuguese 2000 greekcy 17-30 engaf 1700.2000 1500 1600"\serbo 1600 1900; brief: portbraz 4i'enrh 177~f11 OSEP1983 v. snegovskiy t" world federation of scientific workers openi W, intl tension, threat of nuclear war, role of Wl_~heip` organizations in struggle for peace an uJu d(Sk yezt tasse 1857 tassr 1735) IL 36 tass military writer vladimir bogache 5-year seven-billion-dollar plan of building hemical warfare agents, stressing that chem V%AI--- t be used in u. s. territory. (350 text se wAI-f d(dN mayak 1400 1830 home 1-500 orbita 1500 engint~r 1430 1610 00 1900Aportuguese eekcy 1730 portaf 1400 nand 16QO; 1600; 2-1 min: 30 eng inter 1430 0 2600 engna 2200 Tian 1700 1900 portaf 1820 czech/slovak 00 2300 spanla 2300 eneral assembly of , discussing growing scientists and disarmament. (300 on pentagon adopting up u. s. potential of cal warfare agents will : tasse 1831 tassr Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560009-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560009-5 37 summary vikentiy matveyev izvestiya on nato propaganda d,sorts to u.5 a / 4,ssi1es U) fto 39 tass political news analyst yuriy kornlilov on Washington's 38 ulaanbaatar report citing montsame quoting mpr delegate XO,&I It plenary session of geneva second conf on treaty on prohibition Monctt(~' of influence public opinion on need t deploy cruise and pershing-2 missiles in western a rope. (300 text : tasse 1940 tassr 1457) emplacement of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction on sea-bed. (300 text: tasse 134 ah~, efforts to Nvn N d,50 imitation 40 damper anti-war mvmt, mentioning that washington intends its negative stand at geneva talks on nuclear arms in europe. (450 text sent: tasse 1513 tassr 1250) I,c_S anon on mrs thatcher's bbc intvw during her visit to netherlands, on subject of installation of american missiles europe before end of year, maintaining thalt mrs thatcher seems U to have already written off geneva talks as a failure, claiming PO a,I/ashington and its junior partners are treat 6L/A, MISS1Igeneva talks as a cover up for their drive t~ gain military supremacy (enguk 1900) LtS 41~review of soviet press on soviet efforts to prevent a and (aleksandr kurilin) on opinions of west uropeans against deployment of new u.s. missiles in west euro e. (rpt enginter 6l[`Iad` 12131t Jenginter 0810 11-10 engna 192300 gerr an 0900 turkish 191400 k~r f33--?) Grvw' "we skip through your letters, "--with kS adimir ostrogorskiy. S&id' (rpt german 171500 on 18 sep list) (german 0 00) -' - r7 2os p1983 r~ ~f - 1W letters denouncing cold war atmosphere and s ying ppl do not want another war, pleading for coop between ussr nd usa in all fields. LLC Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560009-5 (poor:1engna 192300) Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560009-5 ?a~j~ magazine": icncl comments from ussr workers on vi-avow invervlew. (rpt amharic 301530) (somali 191600) tr~s 46 tass news analyst leonid ponomarev on intl peace day, oting this day is being observed in an atmosphere of unprecedented scalation by u.s. leaders of tension in various parts of globe, r1tt~ 5~ nentioning american armed forces involved in combat operations in lebanon, nicaragua. (450 text sent: t ss e 1501 tassr 1413) i,er.S 47 "peace, disarmament": anon on press confs in moscow, Washington on geneva talks on euromissiles, contrasts different 11L- viewpoints, reiterates sovit proposal, refutes u.s. "zero option". C ~ SSI ~S (9 m i p 1 a p 191000) ., C* G 48 stmt by subbotin, sec of presidium of all-union central ak*04 council for soviet tus, on council's stand for opposing arms race ndfor eserving peace. (rpt kor 161130) (kor or 1130) 49 anatoliy ivanov, mbr presidium of sviet peace cmtee, on intl pe ce day. (poorest: Portuguese 50 (sergey - 10 u 5tr 1JV., gribkov), executive of ussr un assn, re intl peace day, discussing how day is marked in ussr, noting soviet ppl condemn arms race for which usa and its nato allies are responsible, G~'ivh/) mentioning that peace forces hope a broader use will be made of u'~ - o a unities available to un as a center o nations effort for ----??y _A ,-fence snows un decisions acquire special poll X400 nand 1230 1600) importance in putting up barriers in way of reactionary and ?UP-4-militaristic forces, ussr un assn observes ay by strengthening its contacts with all anti-war mvmts. (6-3.5 min: enginter 1-310 german 1-500 persian 1500 17-00 czech/slovak 500 serbo 1.600 1900 /),_ Approved For Release 2008/06/04 : CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560009-5 , a .. Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560009-5 ike 4 of sever, -- commentary list: mo~co"; consolidated 20 sep 83 ?d211409 gas pipeline 51 intvw with felix (schedrin), exper p;PtIiW on successful development of gas pipeline (4 7dn~zions Washington is pressing on its a 52 summaries anon Pravda on true 5 ea" LS enginter 1020) united states 3 vladimir mostovets new york report t in power engineering, s in ussr. (rnt eno nter (,L S ns for anti-soviet lies. (tasse 190605) on u. s. milit spending plans, quoting nyt. (450 text: tassr 135() LA-S; tic 54 time, events, and ppl: incl stmt by u. s. peace coordination cmtee official condemning U.S. milit spending at expense of social spending, and describes work of his movt "work and peace." (home 0800 orb i t a. 0800) (.1, S 55 "way we see it" gennadiy petrov, refers to reagan remarks that americans should be thankful to god that they live in paradise of freedom, says many facts conflict with this optimism. protests against social injustice and militarism are regarded as dangerous. on other hand, ku klux klan racists and former nazis live comfortably in promised land. Similar restrictions exist in other western countries. (enginter 2045) //, 1 ?r policy Ka~Qo- aftour o t' ~a,~1lA1E~-- us aleksey zlatorunskiy "demogagy and facts": reagan admin shows split btwn facts and stmts by dmin officials. bush north africa was intended to counte negative impressions policy in central america, europe a d mideast. U. S. brought peace to lebanon. it created kal incident. -~ has not while sending 40-act s ports envoys around arab countries, Washington in israel. (3. 5 min, 2 0 SEP 1983 57 pakhomov 1A -~ Washington report and menkes new york report on Eck of rights of u. s. workers. (500 text: tassr 1848) Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560009-5 `7 - poor: frenchmag 191930) Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560009-5 (.Lat-' americas L. 58 tass corr rusian knyazev report on opening in Caracas L9 sep of regular session of latin amer can council at ministerial level, supreme body of latin american economic system, says very first speeches at.session show that realization of need to pool efforts for struggle against this crude imperialist diktat is growing in latam countries. (400 text: tasse 1616) 59 anon on u.s. meddlesome policy in central america. (6 min: spanifa X2300) spanch'le 2000) 60 volodia teitelboim on article published by magazine der spiegal on chile. (italo moretti), an italian journalist working for rai, when sending out reports from chile mainly focused on burial of miguel zavala gallegos, a youngster killed during protest, while very little room was left for pino het's speech. (11 min: 61 announcers on 10th anniv of escuc a chile program. katia, leopard kosichev, gaston vargas, ,dose mi uel varas, and gennadiy ---7- --r-? ~~..~~3 WjLn program. I( WE min: spanchile 2030 west europe 62 yuriy soltan on outcome of madrid security conf. (rpt enginter 191310) (enginter 0810 1110 span uba 0100 german 0900 turkis 400 kor 191330) 63 vladimir potapov pravda on resolution of so-called european parliament adopted in Strasbourg, noting endency towards Eel-politicisation of activities of eec more nd more clearly manifesting itself as contradictions wors n within group in spheres of econ, trade and finance. (300 text: t ssr 0115) r-V~ 64 yuriy borisov on increasing activi y of revisionist organizations in frg, various meetings an statements mentioned. (4 min polish 1400) 2 O SEP 1983 --lb "good evening, austria". (rpt germaust 191800) (germaust Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560009-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560009-5 e a problems arising between nan r t:___ replying to british listeners letters bout young ppl in britain showing contempt for older people, discussing generation gap and min: engu 900) problems in ussr are only marginal and that generally speaking young ppl show respect for their elders, pointing out that young ppl in ussr have a share in running state and in admin posts, briefly quoting andropov at mtg ith party veterans. (17 t.akp 67 anon on rally held in baku to honor memory of 26 political commissa s executed by british military in 1918. (enguk 1900) S. aC S 68 "in socialist countries and socialist oriented african countries: anon on working women in cuba and coop with african women (4_min); anon on social change taking place in ethiopia (3 min). 1(7 min overall: frenchafr 1919 0) 69 georgiy tanov on west and south a rica propaganda linking every crisis in africa with so-called soviet expansion and a communist plot, pointing out ussr, cuba, gdr and other socialist countries have helped angola and ethiopi to uphold their independence and territorial integrity, nd assistance including military to these countries was given in full accordance with 51 has right to count on such assistnace, and even on collective defence, claiming south african racists fear for their apartheid system in face of socialism and so put out propaganda tales about soviet, cuban or marxist and similar threats to justify their/ M) litarist ways. (engafr 1700 2000) 2 0 SEP M@3 ' / summary stmt by ras idov, commenting on his recent visit to a/niopia. (tassr 121530) (6 min: enga4 1700 2000) Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560009-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560009-5 71 oleg lavrukhin citing angolan news agency that angolan armed forces continue their operations against unita terrorists, mentioning several unita bands and their ases wiped out in 3 provinces of moxico, huambo, huila and ma ante, scoring support S. a+ Bergey aleksandrov on worsening econ crisis in south africa, citing anc publication sechaba and pointing to redundancy among african workers although country is said to be short of skilled workers and experts, maintaining reason for this is that racist laws forbid access to skilled work for non-whites, other reasons are growth of appropriations to a pand and equip coercive machinery of army and police, and country's growing Intl isolation. (3 min: eQaf 1700 2000) given unitrandits by south africa. (>Bnoaf 1700 2000) 73 tribute to memory of yusuf dadoo, nc president, who died in london today, highlighting his relentless anti-apartheid fight.( 4. 5 min: portaf 1830) 2 Q SEP 1 3 embarking on direct use of armed force. MC, spancuba Q.100 german 1500 arabic 1-500 153 turkish 1400 greekcy 1730 portaf 1830 frenchmag 1-91930 19-30 c z ch/slovak 1300 poland I(g s5 S thd .tasse 191502) 5(f (7 min: persian 1340 17-00; 4-3 min: enginter (3810 11-10 13-10 1610- '1 beng 1500 camb 1330 lao'1330 kor t330; 2.~ min: burm 1030 indo 1330 lrn' camb 1330 lao 1-030 1300; 2-1 min: home 04)0 orbita 0400 0930 mayak 0330 e n g i n t e r 07-00 0800 0900 1000 french 9" / t uri c e/ german 0900 grenchaf 19-1930 thai 11.00 hind 1130 urdu 200 beng 1500 mand 1230 mandsea t230; brief: mayak 0200 0300 engi ter 11-00 1200 1300 spancuba_ 01.00 kor 0930 mand 0700 viet 1000 1300 1400) S 6C - 75 amass political news analyst boris shabayev on weinberger rr SI', statements about actions of u.s. marines in lebanon. (400 text ~haNc~n~ sent: tasse 2130 tassr 1358) (S Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560009-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560009-5 LS 76. igor surguchev on u.s. naval artillery firing on lebanese Patriotic forces, inci those of Syrian c ntingent of inter-arab peacekeeping force in lebanon, stressing that development of events in lebanon, particularly recently, shows that reagan admin is attempting by force to impose i s will on lebanese ppl, and is ready, with this aim, to exp nd and internationalize lebanese conflict. (3.5 min: home 1500 orbits 1500) ~n 1 key topic in world me sl+- Leba,J)pJ CcS media, noting that situation in that country is developing in a direction that is quite contrary to assurances president --Naan for a Mideast 10 sett Aer en t. (sent: enona e reagan made a year son as h -..L 2 0 S E P 1983 ---._/ 78 valentin lapin situation with escalation of u.s. armed 191310) (german 0900 turkish 191400 kor 13 191200%' ,hash: italian 1700 kS Iq M S1+ 1QbarJdnl IC5 --Qy 'cayorln) on second stage o4 conspiracy a ai t lebanon, noting tess statement draws attention to situation in lebanon which is becoming tense, soviet document is importan it sums u t because p clearly attitude of ussr toward events-in leb anon, pointing out those who are responsible for deterioration of situation are trying to depict this as an aggravation of sectarian differences in lebanon, claiming that such differences do exist but they are being fanned from abroad to a great extent, f t quoting tass stmt that U. S, further administration s responsible for STAT notable worsening of tervention. Crpt-encinter 0 viet 1000 dap LAS in Palestinia n refugee camps of Sabra and shatila introduce by ambassador-,of plo to gdr isam kamel Salem, during news conf here. (350 text: tasse 0645) ----v ""","j Lrec against lebanese. (poor: arabic 1500) Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560009-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560009-5 take 6 of several -- commentary list: mosd~ow consolidated 20 sec 83 81 anon on Sabra and shatila massacres. (rpt turkish 171400) ( turk i s h 1830 ) P~:~~`'`' mass GL S et Id 82 J r0 N and crescent society in which he talked about aid provided to victims of israeli aggression in lebanon,lincl food, medical equipmm blankets, etc. (arabic 1530) t 83 palestinian poet mahmud darwish, winner of lenin peace prize, on significance of this prize, noting he is happy to get prize because of what it means in rec gnition of voice of palestinian ppl. (arabic 1730) Cc.S report on press conf given by official of soviet red cross ing poor quality of iran. (pt persian 171700) (pers~an 1700) 85 anon on situation that prevailed in Iran 42 yrs ago when tudeh (1~~ arty was founded. (r pt ersia7719,7 00) (persian 1800) 07- 4-u P- ta~ 87 report on book on soviet-turkish cultural relations which has recently been published in ussr, noting book deals with exchange of art4 is and musicians since 1925. (3 in: turkish 171830) min, poorest: turkish 191830) 2 0 g p 1983 summary literaturnaya gazest "because of a turk," explaining links between mehmet ali agca, certain tulrkish cricles and cia. LLs Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560009-5 X Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560009-5 Pak sffl 1J 90 (boris tikhonin) on cia's activities in india which include aiding subversive elements, saying with this in view many u.s. embassy -staff..mb.rs in delh i are cis ag nts. (6. 5. min, sent: hind_ 140Q4. (,L S 91 aleksandr korolev on course of civil disobedience in pakistan, along with demands for immed ate general elections, stressing there are more and more freq ent calls for review of certain a pects of country's foreign policy. (sent: enginter 1430) afghanistan 92 anon "u. s. style diplomacy," referring to expulsion of two u.s. diplomats from afghanistan, and stating that evidence shows that all staff of u.s. embassy in afghanistan are cia agents. (,l s C ~ Fl (4 m i n'r i 191500) (A_ .C 93 -boris savadian re babrak karmal's message to afghan muslims on occasion of 'id al-adha, stating that had islam been in danger in afghanistan, as enemies of afghan nation are claiming, karmal would not have issued this message, marking of 'id al-adha in afghanistan once again demonstrates that dra govt respects feelings of religious ppl, and that its activity is not in least contrary Islamic principles. (4 min dari 1500) CI J 94 "world of poetry": program devoted to nezam nan Q 1 ~h-"-"' (14 mjfdari 1500) a / CfJly-