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Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 take 1 of several -- commentary list'' ntasc 1d171O45 global DoWtj iAS- I intnatl situation: questions and an "' to questions on south korean aircraft inc S. Igo ~.c.,a A1aJ,jJ4c_anikin on problems of preventing nuclear tells of external threat to nicaragua (4 about events in lebanon and u.s. interfer western countries cooperate with south of C atu S+ anikin tells how usa abuses terms-to its ptc C4 LL 6d Ad? LL S ct-- LJJ1-d micronesia (4 min); anikin tells of recen and notes history of milit dictatorship i anikin recalls history of peronist party request (3 min); anikin in response to li trade btwn cuba and usa; anikin reminds 1 .4(eruncs1u- I~S moscow radio broadcasts on foreign affair 4 1(A s44 orb~t"930 1215 1330 home 1615) 2 "intnatl movement of world workers discussing swedish cp conrgess and to vie published in kommunist on communists' pea heard remainder indistinct: persian 1800) 3 sci-tech: incl report on intnatl co moscow, (f)ting stmts by Italian delegate 4 (be ov) newsltr on moscow intl exhib (4 min( and 0700) coxsoliated 16 sep 83 wers: zholkver replies dent (10 min); viktor atastrophe; anikin in); pavel demchenko nce; anikin tells how ican regime (3 min); n trusteeship over disturbances in pakistan country (6 min); n response to listener's tener's request re steners of other questions. (sent: I, S -3 and socialists": s of cpusa; on article e philosophy. (2 min ress of hydraulics in (italian 1900) ition sci '83 in progress. tass special corr vadim ivanov innsb SEP1983 l - uck dispatch on progress of roundtable discussion by experts from various countries re problems of new intnatl information ord yuriy kashlev, expressing ussr's support f DIU struggle for restructuring relations in sp democ basis. (450 text: tasse 2040 tassr r, citing soviet rep r developing countries' ere of info on fair, Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 7 "this week": incl pavel kuznetsov on recent press conferences $ . (L.u r c-.t -~6 "-;& e~kal plane incident, details noted, koniy"enko's stmt cited, C-f 6 tars corr ivan ablamov on conclusions drawn by world bank in its annual report that u.s. and other western powers are to blame for sharp drop in econ growth of developing countries. PnOAi"oints to u. s. -use of incident in attempt to justify its arms arO-5 buildup (4 min); "mini press review" with roundup of soviet ~w16. u press domestic stories includuing story that moscow news reported 6 (A.S dismissal at to demand of director of an instrument building factory in west siberia; last item in review led to intvw with sec of regional to concerned in cast who explained what had happened (3 min); boris belitskiy on recent soviet decision ~1d~G concerning additional measures to improve reliability and safety of nuclear power plants (sent); yenikeye intvw with dr abraham P~~S halpern president of american psychiatry academy (2 min); aleksandr gurnov mini poll in moscow's streets with soviet men women declaring their commitment to peace detente and intl coop. 8 tass analyst vasiliy kharkov on ge lK S nonaligned countries in algiers 14 sep, n It C-'2000 czech/slovak 1500 serbo 1600 1900 udu 1300 beng 1500 LA- S 9 ppl and events: incl account of soviet workers ltr published in pravda expressing soviet ppl's views on world situation, also citing intvw with petr chumak, kishinve tractor plant worker, on need Io struggle for world peace. (3. 5 min: engafr 1700 2000) IA-S opted at congress to all scientists saying arms race is detrimental to intnatl coop in a l-\fields. (6 min: engna 2200) 16SEPi5ETi - l Lts Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 and participant at 9th intnatl congress noting great interest in usa in slav cul orge bush's criticism of (tasse 151508) (frenchinter olumbia univ, new York, of slavists held in kiev, ture, particularly in a r~`5 russian culture, pointing out most universities have departments (LC-t)-'for such studies, referring to appeal ad 'Dt,U c4-( (500 text sent: tasse 1202 tossr 1027) V S Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 12voleg archev intvw with seleshi ancarge, an ethiopian F +Jxt bP tb- 151530) 13 anon citing remarks by boris past khov, chairman of tub eotAs{' soviet govt cmttee for publications, printing and book trade, at final news conf at end of moscow's in natl book fair, on role 1d171126 take 2 of several -- commentary list: mos~ow consolidated 16 sep 83 fields. (5 min: engafr 1700 2000) played by lit in preventing nuclear catastrophe, touching on agreements signed btwn ussr and other co ntries in cultural korean aircraft incident 14 summary izvestiya article "washinglton against aeroflot" Null- 0 Dc byussr civil aviation minister boris bugayev, on washington's reaction to kal plane incident and ban on contacts,btwn american air companies and aeroflot as of 15 sep. (450 text: tasse 1635 tassr 1448 serbo 1900) 15 igor ignatyev new york report on light on reasons behind reagan admin's v white house and cia. (600 text sent: to campaign relying on false "version" of 16 program, compiled in form of ques based on foreign listeners' ltrs, reenac aug and 1 sep when an american spy plane airspace and downing of kal plane, incl moscow press conf. (16.5 min, sent: mand 13-12 min: german 1600 portuguese 2000 c 1900 serbo 1900 korean 0930) resh data shedding more cious anti-soviet cident concocted by ions and answers and ing events on night of 31 intruded into soviet notes from ogarkov 1600 albanian 1430; ech/slovak 1600 hung 16SEP1983 -.3 t4s II. Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 17 feature, pegged: paula garb intvw with (frederick purse) rom california who says he is unhappy about info provided by S MI Iu. s. govt about incident. it had possibly been planned to disturb moves toward peace (poorer ; item on why majority of americans do not believe story presented by u.s. govt. (sent). pre,-. I.c S 20 sergey viktorov "a criminal game" 18 Tess says more data showing- -u. s. cia STAT used south korean plane as spy plane, cites (boeing) official exposing cia has used civilian planes for spying purposes, daily philadelphia inquirer article reporting about close ties btwn cia, south korean natl security planning agency, others. (5.5 min: 1 ) k 1, .c 30 o ea. 1 Vladimir pozner discussing moscow press conf by ogarkov, reaction. (rpt engna 152200) (.'ngna 2200) k S discussing circumstances of downing of kal airliner. (rpt german121600) (french 151730 1.S oviet aprspace by kal 1 )Lorca- ~r21r~t- spartak beglov on u.s. provocation, pegged. (rpt enginter 152010.)(enginter 0810 1110) 4 S ~? k.orC~ .,T - a rn G- 4 K- 23 indistinct) commentator reports that all new facts revealed about korean aircraft incident, disavow u. s. stand and confirms soviet point of view. refers to u.s. stand and confirm soviet point of view. refers to this connection (5 min: bulg 1530) u. s. mi l it budget in kS stmt by vitor martins, mbr secretariat of lisbon district Dov1 6 21 vladimir Borisov on violation of to executive, condemning "hullabaloo" ov r south korean airliner, stating that flight was u.s. act of prov cation to sway west european opinion into accepting new u. s. missiles. portuguese 2000) Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 25 report on intvw granted to soviet tv by two soviet pilots S 1w who shi down kal plane. (3 min: romanian 1600) S. V-dr&- aleksandr zenevich, soviet legal expert, on intl legal aspec s of incident. (rpt enguk 131900) (enguk 1900) 1 2 stmts by sov citizens on kal intr sion into soviet (k S S P r1w 11 airspace, saying it was premeditated pro ocation by U.S. -~ any state (3 min); 46-year-old sea captai says provocation was timed for important d~3' G4r~ C !K, madrid to put slur on ussr's peace policy in soviet sirspace: (kozlov) cites points ance plane was planned urally legitimate and as is the right of n, valeriy (oshevin), intl events in geneva and after citing his own )experience about activities of u.s. reconnaissance planes over soviet ships over many years, he expresses indignation at provocation saying that indignation is shared by many americans (3 min). (enginter 0720 1020) It S tak3 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 16 sep 83 1d171130 disarm/peace V5 1 SEP1983 30 reports on 14 sep moscow press con on geneva arms ? Koreduction talks, citing stmts by first d p foreign minister korniyenko and marshal akhromeyev, and replies to questions. Khwole (home 1415001 [19-15 ,.,;,,? nnnn _ .,.r.. radio magazine: incl anon on soviet scoieties opinion, pegged (rpt amharic 131530 on 14 sep list) (amharic 151530) (7 min:--\viet 1300 1400) 29 opinions of sov ppl on provocation press intvw with retired maj-gen nikolay making clear that incursion of reconnais provocation adding that in such cases nat only step was taken to terminate flight, hun 1630 ,lap 151000 mand 1230) j JF 6115 V s" a S Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 (I.5 each: french 151730 german 0900 swahili 151730 polish 1300 viet r ~ 15 tfr k 1000 31 reports on 14 sep moscow press c nf, citing korneyenko and akhromeyev stmts. (9-6 min, with 4-3 m'n korniyenko and 5-3 n tss min akhromeyev: enginter 0610 1110 1431 1525 french 1730 greek i" &O'' 151800 Swahili 151730 frenchafr 1-51930 mharic 151-530 Somali 1600 fu ~eP romanian 1600 hind 1-130 dap 151--200: 5-3 min, with 2-1 min stmts G. S news on new round of L5 (.;y 32 roundup world press comment on 1 sep moscow press conf. (rpt inter 152010) (enginter 0810 1140 1410 serbo 1900) 3 summary nikolay portugalov mosco geneva--"lks. (8 min: italian 1900) 34 tass military analyst vladimir b strives for at talks," on geneva talks conf remarks b nato sec by gen luns and u fyt~l Na,p rogers. (400 text sent: tasse 1546 tas O`& 35 yuriy soltan discusses course of geneva on problems of medium range nucl (4-3 min: enginter 1310 1610 2010 frnec portbraz 2200 2300 spanla 2300 italian di SA(M -t-yri1c~,1500 1700 arab 1730 engafr 1700 2000 sw polish 1400 czech/slovak 1500 serbo 160 lao 1300 "T- A" 1300 ben 1500 indo 1330 g wf-vl VS force unilateral missile.withdrawal on /~ CS its supremacy along with its nato allie ~u - in europe, says peace in europe will in and. ov pronounces talks as decisive. ((I I~to gachev "what Washington nd 15 sep brussels press s. general bernard us (,(S soviet-american talks in ar weapons in errope.' inter 2000 spanchile 2000 700 german 1500 persian hili 1-730 bulg 1530 19001korean 1330 camb 1330 500 bur 14301 anon: hung GI-S talks, reaffirming soviet on of making attempt to ssr while maintaining in europe. (5.5 min: SEP 1983 ks enva on nuc arms limitation luence peace of world, (5 min: mand 0700) Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 38 anon reviewing world public opinion on soviet proposal 1W to scrap nuc missiles made by andropov in his remarks to pravda. ~i55i1 4.5 min: viet 1-300 1400; 3. 5 min: mand 700) 3 intvw with (atsumi mure), sec gen of Japan's natl fed nikolay gratsianov on protests of west german, italian flhi)1I and other west european ublic o i i i deleg's recent visit to ussr to support pleace, tells his views on an opov's new peace initiative. ( miln: ,tap 151200) p p n on a a nst deploymentf o u.s. 0 s les. (rpt italian 151700) (greek 1 1800) 1, L45 another in series "path of socialism": this installment by (viktor kushin) on socialist countries efforts for world peace a,,4,A*' and disarm. cites soviet and Warsaw cou tries initiatives for arms reduction in europe and nuclear disarm. (7 min: bur t"` 1030) 42 "weekly comment" by vladislav koz akov on u.s. admin claim that usa is pursuing peace thru arms control talks and negotiations with ussr; pointing out that at same time as these claims are being made u.s. continues to arm and develop new weapons of mass dt destruction while not negotiating seriously with ussr on all ,hOlL kinds of peace and security matters; in view of this assertion .A ,,,t/1 43 arms race. (330 text: tasse 0633 tassr 1 16 SE 45 summary stmt issued by soviet-all- that usa is pursuing peace thru arms cont of looks hypocritical and claim that peace is being pursued thr arms control runs counted ~o deeds. (5 min: engna 152300) 44 georgiy dragunov geneva report on /LJ weapons conf, summarizing sov deleg ldr Cdq (4oo -+- x - -s.?-ni- 4-a-ss.. i i. sa +u. s src. i t % ) checking world arms race, on world peace summary trud article by sec gen of all-cyprus labor struggle against 2232) 1983 eabed nuclear raelyan address. nion to chief on (6 min: korean 1130) Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 46 intvw at your request: nikolay (soro peace cmtee secy grigoriy lokshin on foundi peace cmtee, notes peace movts in ussr and object}vcs. (7 min: enguk 1900) TAKE'OF SEVERAL -- COMMENTARY LIST: MOSC LD171115 GAS PIPELINE kin) intvw with soviet ng, aims role of britain have similar W CONSOLIDATED 16 SEP 83 47 INTVW WITH FELIKS (SHCHEDRIN) LEADING EXPERT IN POWER ENGINEERING, NOTING SUCCESSFUL DEVELOPMENT OF GAS PIPELINE IN USSR, P(TL((t 11 DESPITE U.S. MEASURES, MAINTAINING THESE MEASURES ONLY UNDERMINED TRUST IN USA AS A RELIABLE PARTNER AND HIT U.S. FIRMS AND WORKERS FIRST AND FOREMOST. DETAILS ALSO GIVEN ABO T GENERAL PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION IN USSR, INCLUDING CONDIITONSIOF LIFE FOR WORKERS ON PROJ CTS. (3 MIN: ENGINTER 2320) UNITED STATES LLS 48 SUMMARY VLADIMIR PRAVDA, 16 SEP. ON'IWHITE HOUSE'S ,j(sunAANTI-SOVIET PROVOCATIONS. (RPT TASSR 152212) (350 TEXT SENT; w5 ~~ TASSE 0515; NOT ATTRIB PRAVDA: 5-3 MIN. SET: ENGINTER 1310 ~~~.610 2010 FRENCHINTER 2000 PORTBRAZ 2200 2300 GERMAN 1500 PERSIAN 1500 1700 ARABIC 1730 SWABILI 1730 POLISH 1400 CZECH/SLOVAK 1500 SERBO 1600 KOREAN 1330 URDU 1300 BENG 150 INDO 1330 LAO; ANON: TALIAN1170O HUNGARIAN 1900) S Gtrth-z~. ~,~, , ~ SIDELIGHTS FROM SOVIET UNION: INCL SUMMARY FROM LTS BY LENINGRAD WORKER, PUBLISHED IN PRAVDA AND STMTS BY OTHER SOVIET CITIZENS DENOUNCING U.S. DEFAMATORY CAMPAIGN AGAINST USSR THUS EOPARDIZING WORLD PEACE. (4 MIN: GERMAN 1600) (,lS (1 0 tf C04& At1PAIGN. (600 TEXT SENT: TASSE 1015 TAS R 1009) 16 SEP 1983 q ( 1 1', Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 r u ~jN, N" 51 TASS CORR VLADIMIR BAIDASHIN oe US ~21i CONDEMNATION EXPRESSED BY TOP INDIAN PPL itictta" RE DOWNING OF KAL PLANE. (400 TEXT SENT: S, ICvre-,~. STAT 52 TASS POLITICAL ANALYST VLADIMIR SEROV ON WASHINGTON ADMIN'S 1-t____-ANTI-SOVIET CAMPAIGN. (TASSE 141613) (EN INTER 0810 11'1-0 SPANCUBA S.1tortu 01 0 SWAHILI 151-730 FRENCHAFR 154930 HIND 1130) cc%o-enl o k S L-S OVER SOUTH KOREAN PLANE INCIDENT." (TASSE '- 151600 P-qLISH 1-300 VIET 1000) tat'-- A,rt.l~r~a.? S (RPT GgMAN 151500) (GERMAN 0900) &111&j CV' "b- (LS Cif- 55 VIKTOR SIVAKOV ON CRIMES COMMITTEDIBY CIA, PAST ACTIVITIES I.& S INCIDENT, NOTING CIA SERVICES ARE VERY CLOSELY RELATED TO POLITICS ahQ,~ THE POLITICS OF IMPERIALIST CIRCLES HOSTILE TO INTERESTS OF PEACE "r (p- AND FRE DOM OF NATIONS. (5 MIN: ENGINTER 1431), Do"'lNi fl C a-F ~1 (ti. S t'n-(1`',q-- 56 VLADISLAV KOZYAKOV ON V.S. CONGRESS APPROVAL OF RECORD tires ARMS BI,6L FOR NEXT FISCAL YEAR. (SENT: ENGNA 2200) t4-% 57 ANATOLIY DORONIN ON APPROVAL OF AR S BILL FOR NEXT U.S. FISCAL YEAR, STRESSING ALL INDICATIO S SHOW U.S. INTENDS TO S a,~yrs GAIN MILIT SUPREMACY WHATEVER THE COST AN WILL USE ANY INCIDENT S 5B VLADIMIR AFONIN ON REPORTS BY VOA HAT U.S. WORKERS CAN BUY MORE CONSUMER GOODS FOR MONEY THEY EARN THAN THEIR SOVIET TO JUSTIFY ITS ARMS EXPANSION PROGRAM, MAINTAINING WHILE U.S. WORKS TO GAIN INCREASING_MILIT SUPREMACY USSR AND OTHER SOCIALIST COO ES WORK TOWARD PEACE. (HOME-1500 13RBITA 1500) k s I 1 SEP 1983 - 9 COUTNERPARTS. (RPT ENGINTER 152045) (ENGINTER 1010) u- s Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 AMERICAS q vi, 59 SUMMARY ANON PRAVDA ON U. S. GOVT'S a4,1-4i q AMERICA,-, (4 MIN: SPANCUBA 0100) 60 "ARGENTINE WEEK" FEATURE: ARGENTINE DECIDED TO SUPPORT ITALO LUDER-DEOLINDO BI OSCAR AREVALOS WHO REFERS TO COMMUNIST PAR UPS PERONISM; MORE THAN ONE MILLION WORKERS ON lJ~ ARGENTINA DEMANDING BETTER SALARIES; ARGEN (Lprec- CHARGED THAT U. S. GOVT'S RESPONSIBLE FOR K SPANLA 2300) C ~21r n~''' 12 l "THEY WILL NOT SUCCEED IN BREAKING CHILE" FEATURE: MIGUEL VARAS. ROLANDO CARA BARCA AND LEONARD KOSICHEV. DISCUSSING WOR C IN CHIVE. (45 MIN: HOME 0515) INTENTIONS IN CENTRAL COMPARTY CC HAS TEL SLATE; INTVW WITH Y'S DECISION TO SUPPORT STRIKE IN TINE REP TO UN L PLANE ACCIDENT. Its OUR INDOMITABLE SPIRIT, CO AND EDUARDO LA ENING SITUATION take 5 of several -- commentary list: mosc~ 1d171135 62 volodia teitelbom on pinochet's increasing repression against ppl and his socalled dialogue whic is nothing but anot,b-s-r farse. (10 min: 9panchile 2000) 63 "intnatl solidarity with chile": dpi voiced mexico's concern over situation in hanoi stated that situation shows that govt on special ballet program in london in soli cuban weekly points out that chilean's unit strong even after 10 yrs of dictatorship; w consolidated 16 sop 83 y (Jose alvarez lima) hile; newspaper in is isolated report darity with chile; y continues to be hileans living in exile in caracas occupied chilean embassy yester a. spanch~le 2000) L 16Sir-P19i3 64 "two words" feature by gaston varga who talks about chileans constant struggle to do away with dictatorship. points out that history has taught chilean ppl a lesson and that milit should have also learned where they stand. (6.5 min: spanchile Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 (k S 65 intnatl media report on uprising o reveal that something is about to happen quite obvious that ppl are determined to fresno has requested govt to take necessa country to democracy; santiago auxiliary protests not only stem from politicians b hungary; group of nuns and priests held d in santiago looking for some militaryman take care of situation according to cuban comparty manifesto states that there is n f poor sectors in chile in that country, it is oust pinochet; archbishop ry measures to lead bishop has stated that ut from ppl who are emo in chile; u. s. emb to oust pinochet and press agency; chilean o chance for dialogue with dictatorship. (5 min: spanchile 2030) (4-3 ,min: )portbraz 2200 2300) on developmen t of cuban economy. STAT 67 time, events and ppl: incl vyachesl'lav lavrentyev on u.s. plans to create marti subversive radio station aimed at cube. (5 min sent: home 0800 orbits 0800) V3 68 tass corr oleg polyakovskiy on crimes STAT of omega-7 led by eduardo arosena, crime committed in past three ys recalled. (approx 400 words: tassr 0951) montsare on communique issuedSTAT on conclusion of talks held btwn nicarag..a nd mongolian officials. west europe 70 krasnaya zvezda on autumn forge 't3 exercises. (7 min: '0 c l p o i i sI400 ) CL S l l 16 SEP 1983 U-S 71 tass corr vitaliy korionov on forthcoming STAT nato maneuvers codenamed autum forge `83.I (450 text sent: tassr k) - J4 0702) ILJS 72 tass.political news analyst rober autumn forge maneuvers, and its implicat Lj - ~) U40 tasse 1909 tassr 1446) U15 t serebrennikov on nato's ions. (400 text sent: it S Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 74 nikolay gratsianov on decision of rmaust 151800) (germaust 1800) banden-wuerttemberg rejecting deploymentlof u.s. nuclear missiles fp,~j p(o in frg stressing decision demonstrates west european population /JJI ,AgS51l is against deployment, as similar decisions in other countries us ...-.o,lu, like italy, denmark, sweden and greece demonstrate. (4 min: 7 " g ern art-, 1500) Ld .. ,yam 75 "our contacts." (rpt german 151600) (13min: german 1500 76 "good evening, austria," program or austrian listeners. 66G attrib i,kS 5?+( r p intvw (3 min, sent: home 0800 orbita 0800) 80 vantage point: boris belitskiy discusses how british mass media misrepresented new labor legislate n passed by soviet anon on eec mtg in athens. enov: greek 151800) (rpt erman 131500 where "-S ussr yesterday, today and tomorro peter ustinov about his book spd in frg state of G,S incl socialist industry y russia". (italian time, events and ppl: incl kobaladze on STAT resul f tuc congress. parii,.ae. t. (sent: enguk 1900) 16 EP 1983 12 nikolay gorshkov recalls battle o britain anniv in light 0- MS 04, of presentday evnets, notes soviet ppl have not forgotten courage and heroism of british pilots during bat le and recalls churchill's remarks when ussr entered war which enab ed britain to breathe freely, questions in light of this how c n tory party continue its path of rejecting soviet peace initi tives and its refusal to even listen to them, maintaining this stance is aimed not only against ussr but also british ppl who are strongly against govt's plans to turn country into washin ton's nuclear hostage, and cals on thatcher govt to re-think it position. (enguk r/1 i L.S Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 TAKE 6 OF SEVERAL - COMMENTARY LIST: OSCOW CONSOLIDATED 16 SEP e3 LD171145 ff 82 "A JOURNALIST'S NOTES": BY BORIS TUMANOV ON ATLANTISM OF FRENCH OCI ALISTS. (FRENCH 151730) EPORT ON SOLMN MTG DEVOTED TO 25 FRIENDSHIP ASSN, ORGANIZED ON 15 SEP, C 4N1 as SEMLYANNIKOVA, MBR OF PRESIDIUM OF USSR r nC, o.c FRENCH AMB TO USSR AND ROLAND LEROY, MB FRIEN S IP ASSN. (10 MIN, OVERALL: FRENC 84 ANATOLIY YURIYEV ON LINKS BTWN A P NOTING ITALIAN BOURGEOIS SOCIETY AND POL BY MAFIA WHOSE TENTACLES REACHED ALL WALE CHRISTI,( DEMOCRATS WERE PROTECTORS OF TF 85 INTVW WITH CHAIRMAN OF LUXEMBOURGE ~p?tbDur"~( HAILING SOVIET PEACE POLICY AND SOVIET DI I ai'g' ACCOUNT OF ACTIVITIES OF LUXEMBOURGE PEAC "A1]rA--' Timij crt-t-UTS OF ECONOMIC CRISIS. (8 r i 86 REPORT ON INTL CONF OF TROPICAL AFR WIT ip--USSR. (RPT ENGAFR 141700) (FRENCHAFR 87 ALEKSANDR FEDOROV ON CAMPAIGNS OF S TO DEV/ECgP COMMUNAL FARMS. (3 MIN: AMHAR I H ANNIV OF USSR-FRANCE TING SPEECH BY LYUDMILA FRANCE ASSN CLAUDE ARNAUD, OF PRESIDIUM OF FRANCE-USSR H 1730) LMERO JUDGE AND MAFIA, TICAL PARTIES WERE PERMEATED S OF LIFE, POINTING OUT E MAFIA. (4 MIN: ITALIAN COMPARTY, RENE URBANY, SARM INITIATIVE, GIVING MOVEMENT, AND DISCUSSING MIN: GERMAN 0900) CAN FRIENDSHIP ASSNS 151930) CIALIST AFRICAN COUNTRIES 88 SUMMARY VALD.IMIR KUDRYAVTSEV IZVESTIYA ON IMPERIALIST STRATEGY IN CHAD. (3 MIN: ANGAFR 1-700 20 FRENCHAFR 1930) S~ T REPORTS DATELINED TRIPOLI, LUANDA, AND DAR ES SALAAM ON CHAD C~a d CONFLICT. (350 TEXT SENT: TASSE 1128 TASSR 0940) 0 ANON IZVESTIYA ETHIOPIA. (RPT ENGAFR 151700) (FRENCHAFR AMHARIC 15_i-530 ) 13 -- 16 $E') 70R? N SGV DELEG VISIT TO STAT 1930 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 q 91 (OLEG MUKOROVIN), USSR ASTRONAUT, COM 4OLIDARTrY WITH ETHIIOPIAN REVOLUTION. (6 M -rmOpa, 92`ALEKSANDR SERGEYEV ON RESULTS OF NICE WHICH LASTED FOR ALMOST A MONTH, FROM 6 AUG IN WEST HOPED TO DESTABLIZE POLITICAL SITUA AFRICAN COUNTRIES BUT NTHING CAME OF IT. TO FN INCIDENTS INTWO STATES, OYO AND ONDO, ELECTIONS RESULTED IN LANDSLIDE VICTORY OF DETAILS-Of PARTY POLICY, (ENGAFR 1,700 2000 93 R I LUTE TO MEMORY OF AUGUST I NHO NETO, AN INTVW WITH AN OFFICIAL OF SOVIET AFRO-AS ORGANIZATION SERGEY (VIDRIN), WHO PRAISES N U SOVIET-ANGOLAN FRIENDSHIP, HIS QUALITIES AN SOVIET HELP AGAINST SOUTH AFRICAN AGGRESSIO IAN GENERAL ELECTIONS TO 3 SEP. SOME QUARTERS ION IN ONE KF KEY ESTERN NEWS MEDIA TRIED BUT THEY ALSO FAILED; IGERIAN NATL PARTY-- RENCHAFR 1930) AN SOLIDARITY TO'S CONTRIBUTION TO HIS GRATITUDE FOR ANGOLA TODAY CAN BE 94 VLADIMIR BULIMOV ON SOUTH AFRICA'S NE DRAFT CONSTITUTION, REFERS TO BOTHA REMARKS THAT THIS WILL OPEN UP NEW PROSPECTS FOR SOUTH AFRICA, WONDERS WHAT PROSPECTS THERE AN BE IF CONSTITUTION RETORIA'S NEW MANEUVER Pre4-6R-' IS DESIGNED TO PRESERVE APARTHEID REGIME, A D THAT NEW PROSPECTS CAN ONLY OPEN UP WHEN FREE AND FAIR SOCIETY IS ESTABLISH THERE. (3 MINfNGAFR 1700 200-0 FRENCHAFR 1930) take 7 of several -- commentary list: mosc w consolidated 16 se 83 id171310 T'A'B lkS "6S SJrP 11 l 95 "way we see it": refers to 1975 un resolution that equated zionism with racism, roundsup soviet press comment scoring zionism and israel, rising world indignation at isr el's defiance of world opinion with u.s. support. quotes krasnaya zvezda, moscow news, sovetskaya rossiya, trud, pravda, literatur aya gazeta and Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 /h # 5i+ LQ,bar so ) IL $ fr F- 5,-f' M,L S' 96 anon."imperialist invasion in le countries in region": u.s. marines inva has no intention to leave lebanon; syri are thus under imperialist threats. to threat since there are u.s. soldiers in u.s. invasion of turkey will be greater anon is threat to other e lebanon, and israel and other crab countries key also might be under country. possibility of esply when u.s. interests at region will be at stake. pretending to be good friend of muslims usa has attempted to invade iran. it also helps reactionary afghan counterevs. ppls of world should obstr ct dangerous developments in le, atf"1 on. (5 min, poor: turkish 1518 0) 97 tass analyst boris shabayev "wash tCS ington's big stick,11 on u.s. sixth fleet off beirut shore and reagan's mideast policy. (380 text sent: tasse 1806 tassr 1319) G.S 98 "way we see it": roundup soviet p ess on crimes of israeli troops in lebanon. (r pt en inter 152045, (enginter 1010) cD 1330) (,` S 99 summaries pavel demchenko pravda 1'directives for aggression, " on u. s. milit interference. (300 text sent: tasse 0612 tassr 152118; 5-3 min: mayak 0250 e g inter 1.210 161-0 20-10 italian 1700 german 1500 persian 1500 177 arab 1730 Swahili 1730 bulg \1530 polish 1400 czech/slovak 00 hung 1900 korean s~ ML Lkbatjor) (k I(- Fa 1KL(r S M now r repaying its debt to usa for latter' 100 anon on british involvement in 1 banon, says britain is help during falklands (enguk 1900) ~- S ~Vi window on arab world: incl anon on how attack on lebanon by american and nato troops makes mideas solution more and more difficult. ussr considers best possible way for solution is to hold intl conf and implement all un resolutions.. but this does not suit usa which supports israel and rightwing forces. (3 p-in,)poor: arabic 1530 frenchmag 1930) ws ~-- a 6 'Sip ,~- 102 summary izvestiya article by chmn of soviet anti-zionist ~~ MO c.mtjve,on occasion of beirut massacre. ( min: arabic 1730) LL bnaol~ Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 103 talk by chmn of soviet afro-asian M SIJ sabra and shatila massacres, expresses so to entire palestinian ppl. condemnation 4- ssac,A-C- LrvauoN support,(Po) palestinian and lebanese ppls. 104 import on rally of soviet and for that i craal I.ln,,l d ho +--Pied h.l h.....M.,; 4... r 15 sep in. solidarity with lebanese and pa against zionism and reactionaries, with s (bekai) -- president of palestinian stude (kaidveh) -- a rep of lebanon's natl patr nicaraguan student artur (temeda), rami a d'affaires in ussr. rally participants e ,.,, LlA-, LC-0 w -r h~L 5iF 105 "condemn impism" recalling massac Nahshnk be t -e.e year ago. (6 min: mand 0700 v L bt&Jbrs OifjmJ 106 anon recalling massacre of palest lne 5c~- shatila camps. (rpt beng 151500) (7 min: pal,eshnp-- `( indo 1330) ( Ltbavonl/ h(o~Lun bi~v-, 1 G`(i k W 107 item in news on world remembering Tn~ I? massajcre. (3 min: somali 1600) Pal t s-~ 108 item on tragedy of sabra and shat description of massacres and quotes from VQE' crime was committed with knowledge of isr 4-52o,zC T involved too. u. s. assurances that israe Pa(esb fJ 9-- after plo withdrew were broken and massac WS3 intervene directly in lebanon. (3.5 min: solidarity cmtee on anniv iet ppls condolences f zionist crimes and (5 min: arabic 1500) ign students in moscow estinian ppls struggle eeches by muhammad is in moscow, marvan otic forces in ussr, h sha'ir -- plo charge pressed confidence its crimes. (7 min: hind 1400 beng 1500 shatila and sabra la massacre. orrespondents' reports. eli ldrs and usa was i army would not enter es gave use excuse to engaff 1700 engna Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 109 aleksandr timoshkin on 5th anniv o and moscow radio comment at time that camp do with just and comprehensive settlement it completely avoided major issues of this moscow then angered not only cairn, writer accused of animosity and bias to extent th to point out that radio moscow was right expressed its displeasure; reviews develop david. (5 min: arabic 1500).- camp david accords david had nothing to n mideast because settlement. radio of commentary was t official cairo ents in area since its assessments of k S take 8 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 16 Sep 83 1d171315 110 "palestinian arab ppls corner": stmt issued by permanent /diplomatic mission of plo in moscow on first anniv of Sabra and ro'N4hatilla massacres (7 min); palestinian son ; talk by mahmud pt 'abbas, mbr of plo exec cmtee and chmn of p lestinian-sov ~AA~J sa r ~ es were not first and not last, and hat aim of aggression R6FOccc7 against lebanon was to destroy palestinian esistance (poor); palestinian song; poem by moroccan listener "sabre and shatilla." (are is "1530) 1 anon on 42d anniv ousting of reza shah from isran, discussing events that led to his abdicatiojn. (poorest, duration indeterdlinate: persian 1800) 16 S E P 1983 I '~- 112 prof bondarevskiy, second in series tk S on u. s. aggressive policies in iran. continues briefly to discuss activities of U.S. missionaries in iran during past century, imposing of december .1856 agmt on iran by usa in which special privileges were granted to u.s. citizens. discusses how us tried to foment disturbances involving iranian tribes and c ntral govt. poor: persian 1700) Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 afghanistan a 4jKa a us CL(~hao') U's 113 kabul report on expulsion of two u. s. embassy employees. (350 text sent: tasse 1748 tassr 1150; 3 in: enginter.2010 portbraz 2300) tk S on mtgs throughout afghanistan 114~~~~yevgeniy kachanov on afghan decison to expel two u.s. diplofiatj. (3 min, sent: home 1800 orbit 1800) afonin on - a i a ' y j p - s n s JuQa~ (6 min,-,,,sent: Jap 151200) asian communist 1-6 SEP 1 119 kuzmishchev on who committed genoc of tribal and religious chiefs in support of govt policies and determined t uphold gains of afghan revolution. (4 min: enginter 1310 161-0 frenchinter 2000 Italian 1700 german 1500 persian 1500 1700 bulg 1530 polish 1400 czech/slovak 1-500 hung 1900 serbo 16-00 19 urdu 1300 beng 1500 bur 1430~lao 1300) 116 program for chi youths: report on ppl in other countries (7.5 min); foreign on living, studying conditions (3 min); yo lithuania, who promotes peace, opposes nuc (14.5 m)n, overall: mand 1600) far east L3 (, S young soviets, young college students in ussr ung physicist from lear armament (4 min). S-S 117 excerpt from book by jap author carried by novoye vremya on cruelty of biological warfare experimen al program carried out by J,#panes! unit 731. (8 min: thai 1100 b r 1030) kampuchea, citing pol pot regime's activiti Jl,y from^ s. (6 min: mandsea 1230) dal crime in es 5 yrs ago with support (.4-S STAT Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560005-9 V"Y