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August 5, 1983
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Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530005-2
take I of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 5 aug 63_
lgIoba I
i "international situation -- questions and answers": igor
surguchev introduces replies by eduard kovalev on concept of
nuclear-free zones being attainable goal (10 min); surguchev
-chronicles break-up of british empire and lists colonies which
~-`~ - britain still possesses (3.5 min); igor belyayev on Syria's
policies and split in pko (6.5 min); surguchev on u.s. interference
in central america and dispatch of u.s. armada to nicaraguan shores
(4.5 min);
f1; I :~ 1_4- r~G a
on proceedings oof intnatl conf on
struggle against racism and racial discrimination, quoting soviet
3 anon an geneva conference to combat apartheid and racism. (3
- min, sent: orbits 0930 1215 1330 home 1615)
ZI 6
summary anon pravda on anti-soviet' indoctrination of pope's
would-be assassin# ali agca, in italian prison. (250 text sent:
3sa, 0710,,tassO42242; 5-3 min: Bulgarian 1530 polish 1400)
___1 r n 1 _ nnnn I^^ /^A In -^ A nw nrn-^w nw rnnnnr n
surguchev on japan, only country to suffer nuclear arrack,
military alliance with usa (4.5 mini konstantin
semenov defines "soup kitchens" and discusses problem of hunger in
usa (5 min); semenov questions noble image of police in capitalist
countries portrayed in media, in light of bavarian policeman's
unprovoked killing of 14-year-old, and contrasts lenient treatment
this policeman received with heavy sentences imposed on - peace
campaigners (3 min ; surguchev.on procedure known as impeachment in
usa,. inviting yevgeniy petko to talk about how congressional
rr~i,dinvestigation into cartergate scandal is going (.4_. (41.5
delegate's report on user contribution to implementation of aims of
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530005-2
3 coma official (nikolay bogati) on coma cooperation with
ng countries in africa a
n asia. (3 min: albania 1530)
r t
6 o. bogomolov on intnatl coop, and socialist countries
S ~~~^' 'partiation in world econ. (rpt polish 021400) (hungarian 041900)
,< I (
roundup reports from now York, parts, rome and london on
escalating unemployment, plight of unemployed in capitalist
countries. (4-3 min: enginter 1300 frenchinter 1600 german 1500
arabic 1730 turk 1400 czech/slovak 1500 polish 1400 urdu 1300
bang 1300 bur 1430 indo 1330 1500 lao 1300)
i II
8-- Iiiarkov) "learn from ussr's experience in urban construction,"
on moscow intnatl seminar on urban construction, environmental
protection. (4 min: mand 0700)
9 (shiryamov) on foreign countries buying soviet technical
licenses. (4.5 min: `mandsea 1230)
10 pravda report by corr (darasta), who accompanies nhan dan
corr during visit to bake petrochemical college. trpt viet 041300)
L I P1
(8 m,e') viet 1400)
11 vantage point:.baris belitskiy re talk in Washington of
improvement in economy which will help europe. reports from oecd
and european commission do not share washington's optimism either
for eurape or usas only indices of progress recently
published was improvement in soviet economy. recent pravda article
ridiculed cia predictions that ussr would soon hve to import oil.
(4 min enguk 1900)
12 (yiyakov maleskiy) an cooperation with foreign coutnries in
sphere of automobile production. cites example of automobile
rpoduction at moscow automobile plant in technical cooperation
with..ci~echoslovak automobile plant. (7 min: kor 0930)
-a.- .O 5 AUG 194?
interview with senior official of soveksportfilm (name
indistinct) who negotiated sale of soviet productions to african
countries at moscow intnatl film festival. gives impressions of
success of festival. (engafr 1700 2000)
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530005-2
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530005-2
aeurope and notes ussr's reasonable arms limitation proposals.
is worrying; sociologist feels that nuclear war danger is greatest
problem; student expresses sympathy for unemployed in developed
nations; male worker feels there is no need for u.s. missiles in
14 interview at your request: street interviews with ordinary
moscow citizens on world situation: an engineer feels that situation
(8 a overall: enguk 1900)
take 2 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 5 aug 83
15 "this week": pavel kuznetsov, re anniversary atomic
0 ir)o,~bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki, recalls nazi attacks starting
i?m.~I'n 1939s Japanese attack on pearl harbor, criticizes use of nazi
J/'~~~ d / and Japanese after end of wwii to give further impetus to arms
race, scaring those who maintained that hiroshima bombing was
politically expedients profile of woman who became world's second
woman in space last august; review comments by tourists contrasing
their prejudices against ussr cultivated prior to visit with their
favorable impressions of soviet reality; (bulat zabirov) reviews
book "phenomenon of longevity," based on research conducted by
soviet and american scientists. (engna 042300) ht,
16 interlocutor:
review of letters praising moscow radio
coverage, of issues like war, peace, detente, disarmament and
affair of newly independent african countries. (portafr 1830)
17 kaleidoscope: incl anon recalling battle of kursk bulge
in wwiis reply describing mosques in moscow region. (frenchmag
041930) _3 V 5 AVC f9g)
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530005-2
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530005-2
18 (vladimir kuznetsin) commentary noting soviet peace
moves and'efforts for disarmament and nuclear disarmament while
arms race and tension. cites decision of socialist countries
and ussr at various occasions to the effect.
(6 +sk:c ur d u 1200)
pointing to Washington moves which are aimed at war and enhancing
19 viktor levin an 20th anniversary moscow treaty banning
nuclear tests in atmosphere, space and underwater. (sent:
(T home 0800 orbits 0800 mayak-1300)
-yuriy afonin "realistic means to avert nuclear danger,"
stressing need to learn from hiroshima, nagasaki, noting u.s.
still wants to turn europe and far east into nuclear zone.
~~)r` recalls soviet efforts to avert nuclear tragedy. (9 min:
'ji (.
Y~r/!f -- - ---< A. -
21 shakov "major steps to halt arms
race," on moscow treaty
~tf banning nuclear tests, sighed on 5 aug 1963. charging usa with,
W ill advocating new nuclear arms race,
} ,~.rn co min, mand 0700)
lil respond positively to
Jap 0411600)
22 igor penchenko recalls
signing of moscow treaty on 5
space and under water. cites
nuclear tests, denounces u. s.
certain. nuclear
attitude only helps imperialism.
-q_ :~5AUC 3
atomic bombing of hiroshima and
aug 1963 banning tests in atmosphere,
subsequent efforts by ussr for banning
attitude toward soviet efforts
0~'V ")'for signing treaties on banning
nuclear weapons, urges usa to
initiatives on nuclear arms limitations.
(enginter 1300 1600 2000 frenchinter 1600 2000 eng-na 2300 arabic
1730 czech/slovak 15001 anon: portbraz 2200 Italian 1-700 german
11500 turk 1400 persian 1500 1700 portafr 1830 somali 1600
amharic 1530 polish 1400 bul 1'530 serbo 1600 1900 kor 1330
1300 ben 1500 bur 1430 indo 1300 1500)
A330 lao 1300 ur
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530005-2
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530005-2
?r -
tJ V 23
summary Stanislav kondrashov izvestiya on anniversary
horosh bombing.
~!,? ttlr"0(h ran- r
24 dramatic
segments of star march from nuclear installations, touching on
en route ceremonies commemorating hiroshima and nagasaki
A victims. (enginter 1300 1600 enguk 1900 german 1500 Italian 1700
5 AVG 1983
2 radio forum for peace and security in europe: review
listeners' letters expressing concern over danger of war and
need to take into account british and french forces in overall
!%'-'~-`nuclear arms calculationsa stmt by participant in french
`', r(_~- workers' peace and, friendship train, exhorting all forces of progress
to rally around idea of peace. (5 min: french 1730)
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530005-2
25 vykhukhalev tokyo report on and of antinuclear conf, citing
official's summary of conf success. (3.5 min, sent: dap
(tasse 041844) (5 min: enginter 0700)
reconstruction of
dropping of first nuclear bombs
by usagn hiroshima and nagasaki. (7 min: frenchinter 2000)
26 anon "another round of start talks in geneva ends," citing
U j
ustinov 3 aug remarks to'tass on soviet stand.
J L SJ ''0700 )
m'ss' desira (6 min: german 1600 port 2000 Italian 1900) C
Vaims to persuade europeans that deployment of u.s. missiles is
(3.5 min: mand
27 summaries yuriy zhukov Pravda "reasonable questions
and wrong answers," discussing propagandistic content of booklet
published by usia on intermediate-range nuclear weapons, which
2 uriy kobaladze
on growth of campaign for
pyyjsy[ nuclear disarmament and current "stop the arms race" (star) march
71,(,,_.x_, headed for greenham common air base. stresses opposition to
o (~IVL'Pdeployment of u. s. cruise missiles, notes starting places of
turki41400 czech/slovak 1500 polish 1400 kor 1330)
take 3 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 5 aug 83
30 interview with (Joanne harvey)o director of film "america
31 ss political- observer askold biryukov an so-called evidence
6f use of chemical and toxic weapons by ussr and its allies in
;?d~i."'~~ southeast asia. (350 text sent: tassr 1253 tasse 1925)
32 anon on progress of peace cycle race from moscow to wash ng on
~~ /,,(rpt enginter 041300) (einginter
0800 1100 greek 041800 hung 041900)
35 ta~+on on latter stages of peace cycle race, giving profiles
12 soviet cyclists participating, interviewing (yuriy felimonov)
on imptance of peace. (5 min: engine 2200)
interview with Yvonne Logan. president u. s. section of
women's intnatl league for peace and freedom, who recently visited
ussr with.group of peace activists, on long relationship with soviet
to mx." (rpt engna 292300) (enginter 1200) 1
J-' ~/ women's committee, opposition to euromissile deployment, efforts
ht` of p Ic-e movement to stop arms race. (4 min: engna 2300)
.daftnra to user. all
of whom discuss theme of peace in general# criticizing u.s. plans
deploy nuclear weapons in western europe, noting growth of
movement in opposition to deployment, praising soviet
peace,Anitiatives. (port 2000) Cu"
36 tars corr yuriy silinish on soviet trade unionists'
support for principles of peace, citing contacts between soviet
and foreign trade union organizations to this and. (350 text:
tasse 2128 tassr 1105)
5 0.P3_.~ 05
05A:G I.J G?
37 soviet panorama: incl profile of family in lithuania
whose village was raized by nazis in wwii and who express their
sup rt for peace. (frenchinter 1600)
.? ~r) t?T'r.'Thl' ' tw, n+~10~"r!A!M!R" `