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_. _ ~~; Approved For Release 2008/06/16 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101510002-7 ~ Ps~~e-~ glabai ~~~z~~1 aleksandr zhol`?:ver or. foreign policy of socialist countries C~'P- as reflected in recent cpsv cc and supsov sessiaci ar~d also conf of ~~a,?sau pact count?rzes in mosco~;. (rpt eng:r.ter C>41300? (finnish to ~~04153~s t ur k i s h 04140i~ ) US take f of several -- commentary list: moscew consolidated 5 ,~ul 83 Jac-ffl~ ~~ at unctad cony' in Belgrade in which he opposed resolution adopted by participants at conf on state of world economy. (550 text sent: fosse 1001 vS ~~ developed countries ~TUSt do away with their protectionism. intl trade must be democraticEd, there must be neu intl econ order. (6 r.?in: ,:.andsea 1233) 5 Leonid krlchevskiy on concivsion of unctad session. ? (rpt enginter 0413L~v whore attrib I+s~rchenko) (engintr?r c?&~~0 11f~'0 3 ;~:?urliquE' ~~n vi::it of de:eg.~~icn of national nuclear bo^ of puer+:o c~sstilia on coast or hordura_, na.Ing so c~ e a^~erican ad~~is2rs consisi, cf vietr;a.T; uar veterar?,_., stressing intention is to pass on ~rietnam experience to ei ealvacor govt central arrerica. (3 min, poor: portbraz 22.~~f ~Y.[ ~?3 intl diary: incl vitally sobolev on increasing tension in ~5 leonid ievchen4:a on w~,shington's actions with regard to nicaragua w~ich have been getting ,-yore and ;r?cr~- dangerous of late, maintaining armed interventian is to be =_tsrted by troops of reactionary regime in honduras, and anerican mercenaries, pointing out ~::ashington is a~sat?e that nicaragua is capable of rebuffing bandits, rnentionin; u. s. ecar~ san~~tions against nicaragua, that v. s. policy against nicaragua has been denounced by r.!any countries. (engint-_r 13G~Y 16~i 2G~G frenchinter 160~~ arabic 170 c:echfslo?~~ae: i5~'?; s-~on: german i5;~~? hungarian 1~~~0) Congress of Colombia Ied by corfar'Y3:, chrr~r"~ bernarvo cueT?ra serna to ussr at invitation o* ussr supsav. (~:+~G +.ext sent: tasse i ~~~?? i21~, ~;assr ?~.~ ~_ 0 5 JUL 1@@~ ~?E anon en visit cf CQIJ:T.~FI~n ?.or;5t?ess~:.en fa =~:~viet union and their i?~pressions ,~+ soviet :-:essa,~= to c~Zo~eian prk~sident, :r;entioning soviet and colerl':~:3n cor.~ress,-.c,r; exprr=.sed concern over G~ar~~s FaLe~ agreed f:.ii.:ft Sv:it''. ~r>=-f::~=r? 6. nC4 i. ca: T';!~ ~irst f'O Use .d Approved For Release 2008/06/16 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101510002-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/16 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101510002-7 49 valeriy nerokov, director of council of T~onitors, on Bolivian (Silvio 6ecerra? who wrote?to radio rr~oscow on Bolivian situation and was given with mbrship in council of ~-~:or-itors. (6 ~+in: spanla 23GU1 rodrigasez molina on press cone granted in moscow by for^e;? guatemalan foreign minister {guillerno t~7rieno garridoi 4n ri~~s mon~t's r ' d n US *.ate 4 cr sat~r~ -- ~omnentary List: moscou consolid.:?e~ Fi(1 v ? -~ 9e o-~ fi, repressac~r;, tortures Ir. guatemala, {torieno ga^rido`s:i reco;~~led statemar~ts, rjai,nirfg~ that rigs montt is bRst stooge for u. s. ccunterinsurgenc~ str~teyy. (b min: spanla C:~O?Gt ung i~~i1~G # urdu 13Q?:s bur iG3~ viet iG~; ~~..-1 r^in: orbita GGGi G4GG 1115 1615 ho~sp 424 0~3r3 G~?~O kor G9~1 113 hind 11~G Iamb 13~ lao iC~G 13~ indo 13~G brief: tasse G43G tassr C4222G spancuba G1~G spanla C~~O enginter G?~u G@~G engna G423~G Spanish 04~9GG en}inFer Go~G 1~iGt? s?~edish 041~GG german G~iG Iao 13~G carob 130 ;.i i O J 51 reports on soviet-west german talks held in kremlin 4 uly. ~yith gist of talks. (tasse G~+1622.i (b-3 min: r:ayak G~3G ?,u 52 tikhonov speech at 4 duly kre~~lin dinner for visiting T -- LL ~?~0 Spanish G~;14~'tG Finnish G415~G ?~wedish G41j~~}G g~?r~r,en 0~0 trg tars. ~tasse 0~155E7 (~-3 m i n; spancuba G1~~b anginter 070 ~,v~ hung G419~G kor G93p nand G7~G viet 10t:~ Ida 1G~ bur 103 urdu 1~0 hind 113; 2-1 r;_i~: enointer G~GO Glr~? engna G42~0 Spanish G'?19~?:~ german G9~G kor G9~G ii~ urdu 1~:G/~~ benr 15~', hind, 1Lt~0 ..-~ L3^..b 13.0 Iao !03 13?0 thai 11G{~ brief; enginier 11C~ 12v~ _ ~~ 0 5 JUL 19$3 ~~ 53 report on soviet-frg talks, incl ^.5 r:,in ii1honov kremlin ung G~319/~?~0 i 0 dinner speech. (4 r?in: engznter 1.~i,~0) Approved For Release 2008/06/16 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101510002-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/16 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101510002-7 5=: reports on andropov canversatia with helmut kohl in ~U~-'`' kre:~lin 5 ~~ly. (o5J text sent: tasse 1~~5 tassr 1G5G; E-7 min: ~ - albanian 1-?~G- c-? r:ir+: ho~^e iB~sO arbita 18vG 21GC~ spanchile 2~rG portbraz 22C~ 23010 spanla 23t~G eng inter ihC~ 2G~'i french inter iG~;~p 2G'~G engna 2~~~v~ Enguk iSc~O Italian 1T~0 1~'~0 part 2GfD? ger1man 15~C~ftu{ce/ if~G gerr~aust itrj~0 finnish 15:~ arab 173 tur'{ i4~G greet iB~G greelcy 17~r persiart 17~rG 160~i dari 17Q~G portafr 1>'~C~ samali 1b~0/twi/ce/ bulg 15~Q czech~`slovak 150 polish 1~?~ hung ib3~ iSC~U t~:~cef serbo 1e~00 19~r0 'ior 133/s mand 1b'~4/+:~~,ce/ bang 15~~0 indo 130 15G~; 2.5 s*iin: mand 123 2-1 ~:.in: bore i~~?G ig~ arbita 1370 1400 1404 220G 2303 eng in*e 13~G 15~G 1bc~3 21~Q engna 200 engu i9~f0 Italian 170 1 .___1 ` part 20~G finnish iS~G portbraz 22~G 23~a spanla 2~,~G~ arab 1~0 170 turn 14C~? greek i5fJ0 1>~'i~0 gree~:cy 170 engafr 170 200 portafr 1E{3v trenchafr 1~r~G czech,`slovak 1~~~~~ ibf~,0 polish 1300 i~cc~ serbo 1~G~1 i~~~ urdu i~OG thai i1(~0 hind f i~~; brief: mandsea ~~~34 ~~ i e t 1 GC~ ? ~ .r`1' bass poiiti-ei Gn^~.Lfst yur?~.y 40',:;;0,. O'/lEt'--frg ,~~C' SSK~ tal;~s. ~:~5c} text sent. tasse 10~~; ~~ :,s, C%4'5~~i ~_ _ r ~ - ~ 05 JUL 1983 SS "Intl diary" presented by '.-iatc~r Ie~~in: inci talk on ~~ saYiet-?rQ tal`~5. (S min, ~.?r~t r~t ,1~E. j'C,~:-%J D ~0 3- Approved For Release 2008/06/16 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101510002-7 55 report on concluding conversation btwn andropov and kohl in :tre:-:Iin G duly. (3EG text Cent: tasse 1401 taCSr 1345; 2-1 Tin: :nayak 14G~ 2~~JG ha~~e 15C~ 190 orb i to 150E 1750 1800 2005 ~C:~C53:- p7`~'.'i:Cati':'t ~:t;5 C~~+I~G~1Ct?d ^n 40rean peninsula by soul a.,thoritiF'a and !~=a, yaws u. ,:. cccupatien of seut~i karea has bercrfE cause of ten::iar~+ sind~r reus~ificatiot; of country. sov ppl strongly b.acb kar_an ppi in s:tr~ugyle far natl reunir'ication, de+~and ~ithdra+~rdl c;t ~~. s ?r'oc'F`s fro+r~ south korea. ice- ~S Approved For Release 2008/06/16 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101510002-7 (~. 5 t~ir.: `cog f13G~ :: _. Approved For Release 2008/06/16 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101510002-7 take 8 or Several -- Commentary last: noscow consolidated 5 Sul 83 ? 2a5t europe!war_.a+:: aact 112 yuriy shal'~gin i3rl rs?cent ,~c~.elopn;?rtts ir, Co;.~-:c+'r~ity of so~_ialist nations. recailisSg irnpor?~artce or' rFcEf~t moscow sunmit if socialis?; nations, pointing uut that rain poi.t?ts brought out in cc?nsiderable co;-:-+ent on :~tg is +:t;at it shower socialist natioRS ` comr..o^ approach to urgent uaorlG problems; cites recent cema er.ec ~}g as evidence that socialist nations concentrate on peacer'uI development; enth+.rses cver socialist countries pooling fhelr econ potenti..al.s so es+c~; can ~_ape with econ problems and+ i:= n?cessary~ count Fr im~~ist atte+rpts to use trace for? polit -= congratulatory telegram of laruzels`~i on his tr~?th birthday. (pre~u~~ed text, ~c,0 words: polish 1=.~~G 2K~C+; X80 text: ho,~e 110 ~~ Approved For Release 2008/06/16 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101510002-7 biac:,ail. (S-b min: enona 0~?~:.~OG r'innish O~1~a0 kor OS3~) 113 below on cicse CoG4 in econ ac+:i.vitie~. ?s;rong cema '! counhrle5. (~. 5 mie:: mend C~7v0i ~~ 11~ cpsu cc!u_~sr sups+a?.' presidium/ u_tr coutzcil ministers o bi~:a 1100; 150 text sent: tasse OS;~8 t.a_sr C1`~'Gi; 1 ^in: hc;:~e 18~;~3 eruita 1~.C.r, tI~>C?: s?i~:~: honr r~+~~ 14`~+ orbits 17~C: f .` n n i s h 15i~ 0) ??';~0 220L+ 2ur1.~ e n g. n F e r 1 ~!~~' i b~:. i *: a 1 1: f` -:~ ?' '~ ti ' _ ,] '. :. T~ C ^ , 'i. 'v I~: U F C 'r !' C1' o rl ci t?~ Cd r d V t o 1' ? t" "~ _15 +s~ F ~ - a. channeling cis r"+~rd, to r,.~i.s-~d i`-' s~~?~:j' ~~05TJUL 1983t.tion. -- ~9 - (5 ,-+in: polish 14r:~{;~~ , .., ?is;~,?y ot" anti-polish C.]r rled Out tpr al.-;::~t _'~,` i,~='3C5 a';w f+r,5 7'iClu~:'7%s FUullCatlOn O~ Yr3r1CUS 1n~4;'C`i1CtlOnS an+i e]~_'1?i':F 'F~r' pCi 1's F+ CGUr}rE'(?1'r`5 .:~5 uell iif :'ut ~n 3C+~`:? ift5j~~< cv^G*'1 1".a1d;.Fr aCt'ivlt:le5 on part ~~t 3.3''1., - - - -v~ - ~. Approved For Release 2008/06/16 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101510002-7 117 vasiiiy arda~:ovskiy on celebrations of \~eterans day reporting STAT in Yugoslavia, ~f;~ilr reminding `3rti:-e events azd heroes. (-4 nin: serbo 1~GG) iii ulaanoaatar rEport citing montsame or. text of mpr govt U ideoljgy irr cor.?aunist outlook: Yevgeniy ivanov, in response to brit'ish iist'ener, explains that econc,rr~is~~ is an atfEmpt to misiead ppi about true nature or marxism, gays ~ov experience has proved correct analysis of ,r,arxis,~,-leninism, particularly in respect of saciaiization of means of production. (B a~in: enguk 19CG) 123 volodia teitRlboim on anni\~ of barl r:;arx`s death and his (l i min: ~panch i le 2GG~~~) 1= rep?_rr on _c?.iAt are~;Fd forces exerci~~ Zn ~1es:ern regions ~~ USSK-- ~ of ussr super \'ize~i b~~ marshal dmitriy ustinov, incl ustinov :~~/ddres: at meeting ~? military unit (en.~ mi.n) (3 min, sen*,: L~f-~r U ~ ~ gin:?er 2C~t:G r'innis~ 15::.~~?i 05 JUL 1983 -~a - 125 anon on soviet armed rorces exercise in 4;ti~stern ussr with ustinnv as supre,Tle car:.mander, noting exercise was aimed a* (~ S S /Z- coordinating battle acti?.?ities of all trancF~e?:,, services of soviet arrrEd t,Arces. (4.5 mini mend 123U) s*r;* re recent rrzosC?w'.: r:,tg of +,rars.su pact r~brs. (750 text: tasse 121) ~~ 11~ row^dup foreign p~?ess reaction to r:~oscow ccnf of ldrs 1~~., int?.r~: ~:~ith tazakh schoolteacher and r,evcoui worker who hail recently concluded warsau pact sue-.^~it mto outcome which endorsed sociaiist countries Stand on is_ues of world peace and ~urity. (4. ~ min: hind 14Gv) ~ P, :21 aia'~:=_~ndr :n~~ l Kver? ;,n warsa~:~ pact, its history, ~g~oals (rp*: ,ar,rar. _i~iSC,;~.,, (itaiian i~'li'w~) ~:1 J Approved For Release 2008/06/16 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101510002-7 ir8 reminiscences by gen katvk'av about kurs~ battle. uSS-~- USSR 1~~ tass carr intvw with air Yorce marshal srrgEy rudenko, -~ marking 40th.anniv battle at kursk bulge, lauding vigilance of sa?: iet farces in face or tyazi attack, paying tribute to soviet airr..Qn. i250 tent: tasse 148 tassr 1335'r i~ ,,~`.'iet milt.3r historian, It-g en panel rhilin, marking 40th anT~iv battle oT kt3ra bulge, cT,al.nt31n1i1G battle l?.tca'~ One Gf biggest dvrir,g ~;w~ and landmark an ro~a~.i tc vict,,ry over fascist er,-~a'':y. (G rain: er:gn.~ ~:~CTd) (iG r;in: palish 14~:~~f3 12; tas?a car:rentary on battlF at '~ursk, Yr~in+_aining battle uas ,^?~lor victary against ntlzi .ger,TSany, citing reminiscences by tank sergeant-na~ar. (:EGG text: ta~~se iG~E',) 13.0 roundup talks and r_er*:~mentariES lauding zFCth anniv battle of kursk, with outline of e~~ents during battle. (G-3 min: finnish 150 Italian 17~Q persian 17C/~ gre~~u 15t~0 albar,ian 143~tzech 15~~0 hungarlan 19~iG? 1,1 aley:s.andr ?shakhrni on latest soviet Space expedition GS ~SS-'~ rC~and its r'uatvr?s. (rpt en~inter ~~=~1~G~~) ier~,ginrer G~~~iO 1~C0 vs ~' ~ Tinni'~h ~s1~~~0 tvr