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AMW __ Approved For Release 2008/06/11 : CIA-RDP94-01353R002001480012-1 take f of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 3 ,dun 83 4iobal I "international situation" questions and answers: tass political ~L S LS churchill's leading role in breaking up alliance btwn ussr, usa and britain after war (5.5 min); adolf polesin on concrete examples of varied coop btwn socialist countries (7 min); candidate of history semenov recalls recent scandal involving stern and forged hitler diaries (6 min); anikin speaks of progressive socio-eco transformations in burma (5 min);. anikin explains that timor in ,3 name of eastern timor territory of Indonesia means east (1 ,iin). (32.5 n overall, sent: orb i to 0930 1215 1330 home 1615) c'; cis - ;- co~Tmentator yuriy maximov on obstructionist position by capitalist world which inders new-free countries to embark on road of econ and social progress. (550 text: tasse 2155) 3 tass corr nadezhda radina, re intnal day of children victimise -r,j-W&iLby aggression, referring to plight of children in mideast, el salvador, south africa and northern ireland. (450 text: tasse 1420 tassr 1045) s. a-P .~(1Q,~~,,~(Jv 4 roundtable: hosted by tatyana rudenko, mikhail krutogolov, boris turanov and art critic tatyana butkosvskaya. discussing listeners' Itrs on construction of bam railroad in Siberia and o .oi tour in france. (15 min: french 1730) ~L) 03 JUN 1983 /- Approved For Release 2008/06/11 : CIA-RDP94-01353R002001480012-1 Sale* C6 Jt U observer gennadiy shishkin on reaction to recent soviet govt 6hn.~' ah stc.t about deployment of new u. s. missiles (9 min); anikin recalls Approved For Release 2008/06/11 : CIA-RDP94-01353R002001480012-1 -0 5 "this week": incl pavel kuznetsov reviewing results of Uwilliamsburg summit, referring to socalled document issued on tlS Snrw~-~' conclusion of talks re deployment of u.s. missiles in europe, M~ s5i I e, r cA noting however, french and canadians had objected to strong stmt 0-0-0j t.j jOsupporting deployment of american medium range nuclear weapons in europe, but changed their minds after pressure; mini press review: roundup of items from soviet press on domestic matters and Ug G -?t (~S ~N-I-rraf~- chi ld interesting stories and discoveries (2 min); report on space tv lint. over weekend of 28-29 may 1983 btwn ussr and usa (3.5 min); item about activities of soviet children to help other children re intnati child day, especially to help homeless children through giving on erts and other activities (5 min). (engna 022300) GAS struggle on 2 lines on intnatl polit arena": shakov on u.s. accelerating arms race (4.5 min); (liy yi) on williamsburg summit, saying its stmt runs counter to interests of devpg countries (4 min). 11.5-1 ?).4y 1 I ii- -54W-4 'tvw with reps of soviet women's cmtee (name indistinct) on activities, coop with women in various countries. (7 min, poor: a,"ian 1430) S "answering your ltrs": incl replies on soviet natl languages and flags, and construction of el hadjar steel complex with soviet assisfa.zZce. (frenchmag 021930) 9 (vitaliy rozhenytsin) comparing socialist and capitalist nations' econ relations with third world, says socialist nations' economic, tech assistance to third world is based on equality and mutuality of interest while capitalist aid to them is based on exploitation and directed toward putting moral and political pres ur s on young independent nations. (8 min: hind 1400) US f \,U ms wr1Sblu,~ 0 3 JUN 1983 10 viktor shleno\v, pegged. (rpt german 011500) (finnish su.vnrnt 9v430) (1st LAS q Approved For Release 2008/06/11 : CIA-RDP94-01353R002001480012-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/11 CIA-RDP94-01353R002001480012-1 Li VVL._n Ltd. t. Ylt 4 tt7Y lt. Yi W II.7 7ittit T. 4X It Wi Vtt Gtib,t Froa a&..V Ytay1 charging williamsburg summit with planning to exploit devpg countrie< Cap comparty and czechoslovak govt hailing soviet govt stmt on deploy- take 2 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 3 ,dun 83 disar(:/peace 13 su*.;maries (iskov) izvestiya: "Rea1'realities" giving details about u. s. nuclear potential in eeurope. (rpt oerman 01t600) meat of u. s. missiles in europe, calling on u. s. and its nato tc.- S summaries yevgeny rusakov pravda on reagan's stmt in intvw group of u. s. corrs' on completion of williamsburg summit, in hni s5i I thru he loans. (8.5 min: aiand 0700) 1 12 a eksandr zholkver summing up press comments on summit mtg, noting summit failed to solve urgent econ and social problems in capitalist world, quoting western press and personalities. (5-3 thin: enginter 1300 1600 2000 frenchinter 1,600 engna 2200 portbraz 2300 italian 1700 german 1500 arabic 1730 persian 1500 1700 bulgarian 1530 serbo 1600 1900.polish 1400 czech/slovak 1500 hungarian 1900 korean 1330 camb 1330 lao 1300 bur 1430 urdu 1300 bens- 00) (german 1600 port 022000) which he confirmed that u.s. intendes to deploy new missiles in euro (300 text: tasse 0845 mayak 0250 czech/slovak 1500) 5 s . Ous51 ummary nikolay polyanov mezhdunarodnaya zhizn on stand taken by european countries re deployment of u.s. missiles in europe. (400 text sent: tasse 2147 tassr 1745) (.S 16 berlin report on article in neues deutschaland on need to avert tar and how it effects both citizens in frg and gdr. (500 text: tasse 1428 tassr 1235) --tea.. + t:irvt o L7tIvea oy czechoslovak N M' tassr 1640) 0 3 JUN 1983 Approved For Release 2008/06/11 CIA-RDP94-01353R002001480012-1 6t -lal l ies LcS ak I WAt citizens of country who fall victim to thathcer's milit policy. (400 text: tasse 1501) 1L 20 commentary by (radionov) on u.s. determination to deploy W~ nuclear missiles in edurope and on worldwide reaction to it. i s5~) G r, c (5 r..jr;, bulgarian --" 9oULl 2 yuriy soltan re soviet govt stmt 28 may on proposed freezing of n~-` weapons. (rpt enginter 011300) (finnish 011530 jap 021200) &VI-11 two Approved For Release 2008/06/11 : CIA-RDP94-01353R002001480012-1 19 tass political analyst robert serebrennikov on forthcoming world assembly "for peace and life, against nuclear war," to be held in prague, referring to assemblies agenda and growth of antiwar movement throughout world. (500 text: tasse 1220 tassr 0955) 19 tars commentator vyacheslav kuznetsov on growth of antiwar an{iwa11, novemrent in u. k. , touching on peace demonstrations held outside rAdM+ u s, bases, meanwhile tory party resorts to repressions against M 1551- (.e 27 viktor vasilyev on milit situation in europe. 362C--0,3)-(finnish 011530 mandsea 1230 romanian 1600) (rpt portuguese U Is 93 intvw with prof raimo vaeryrynen, chaiamn of finnish un assn, who notes mobilization of public opinion in support of realistic rRhiasS initiatives of peace and disarm is very important, d~sanr- aN6roPl d maintaining it is essential condition for achieving concrete results in field of milit detente, also draws attn to significance OIL- of andropov's concrete proposals for limitation of nuclear arms OA-W in rape. (3 min: finnish 011530) 24 (silir,), dep c-T?; of soviet c,rtee for european security and coop, on forthcoming world peace congress in prague, noting strugglE rni551J _' against deployment of new u. s. missiles in europe. (4 min: viet 5- UU - - 5pv+ iM Czech/slovak 1500) 0 3 JUN' 1983 "disarmament today." (rpt german C41500)_(german 0900) Approved For Release 2008/06/11: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001480012-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/11 : CIA-RDP94-01353R002001480012-1 26 (mottol kachinov) on geneva talks on reduction of nuclear weapons in europe, describes justness of soviet overture at geneva talk that if u. s. stops deployment of new nuclear jweapons d~Sarr~ A-VOL in europe soviet will reduce present nuclear weapons deployed in europe, notes unfair u. s. overture at geneva talk, denounces u. s. plan to deploy nuclear missiles other parts of world. (5 min: it ~ 27 viktor tanin on building of nuclear free zones ineurope, this also subject of discussions at workers conf of baltic sea countries in tallinn, idea also supported by swedish prime minister olof pales u. s. however, is opposed to idea of creating nuclear free zones, stressing it must not be allowed that europe becomes testing ground for atomic weapons. (6.5 min: frenchinter 200 (AR Anq~Q~ 0,I)bWLLX 28 anon on worldwide antinuclear, antiwar movements. (rrppt uN- J - ,,,~Lt, -TOOL.~'D n ins: r 0S43-00) (hungarian 021900) , -~? U,/ t; intv:,s with metropolitican alexei of tallin and estonia who capVn talks about recent mtg of european council of churches in moscow. (enginter 1500) anon on role being played by women in various u.s. antiwar ULA or~"a (3 ,nin: mayak 0930) U (1 T i tass corr s. sosnovskiy IL, on vogel press conf STAT position of social democrats on security and disarm, quoting C document adopted by party. (appro> :300 words: tassr 1425) 32 recorded int,%vw with angelo (granja), deputy chief editor of portuguese newspaper diario popular, says danger of nuclear conflict hovering aver europe is causing concern in public opinion of portuga 'lt4 and rest of western europe, praises soviet union for various Cf 0- peace proposals put forward to west. (5 min: portuguese 0 3 Juts 1983 3 talks by foreign guests on soviet youths supporting peace nt, komsomol activities. (4 min: mand 1600) Approved For Release 2008/06/11 : CIA-RDP94-01353R002001480012-1 9 Approved For Release 2008/06/11 : CIA-RDP94-01353R002001480012-1 3' (philip smirsner), swiss trade unionist, on consequences of of chemical weapons in vietnam. (3 min: viet 1000) incl soviet youth demonstration again,ams race. (mand 1600) f/VVWA 36-- rud subeditor (rudolf korchanov) noting continued prol- iferation of nuclear weapons and possible threat of nuclear holocaust accuses u.s. and its allies of pursuing massive armament policy with WI take 3 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 3 dun 83 Sac pipeline 37 soviet panorama: incl report on progress on siberia-west ~? Pt"LAe ui gas pipeline construction. (portuguese 022000) united states Li. frenchaf 021930 polish 1300 4030 kor 0930 1130 1330 viet 1000 1300 1400 mand 0700 1230 urdu 1200 thai 1100 camb 1330 lao 1030 1300 inch 1330; brief: tasse 0415 tassr 022225 mayak 0200 0300 Ir spanla C0'00 spancuba 0100) 0 3 JUN 1983 6 intent to gain unilateral superiority over ussr, which in turn forces ussr to take necessary steps to meet fresh challenge, calls for sincere negotiations to eliminate weapons of mass destr tion. (9 min: urdu 1200) reports on 2 Sun moscow meeting btwn andropov and averall and mrs harriman, with gist remarks exchanged. (tasse 021405) (orbita (,y'Lt(rr022301; mayak 0030 orbita 0001 0100 home 0204 spanla 0000 spancuba n N 0100 enginter 0800 1100 1304 erman 0900 GS}- -fU 9 portuguese 0 000 greek SSifi- 0P-18000 carob 1330 hind 11-30 urdu 1300 german 0900 portuguese fr a/j 02POOO greek 021800 camb 133.0 hind 1130 Urdu 1300- GV14. r i p J V b e n g 1-5 / 1 l a o 1300 burm 1030 1430 i n d o 1330 1500; 2. 5 min: portuguese 022000 burm 1030; 2-1 min:. orbita 0100 0400 home 0104 0400 0500 engna 022300 enginter 0700 0800 1000-1100 1200 greek 1500 Approved For Release 2008/06/11: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001480012-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/11: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001480012-1 Y-~ 39 account of harriman's meeting with andropov, quoting andorpov ~UtriH 1.5 min), recording airs. harriman reading oepning statement at a news conf after meeting (one min); recording harriman's reply when ~S Usk asked his view of a normal relationship beween ussr and usa GL cgj (one rain), andropov quoted further at kremlin meeting a.rM.4 (one ,-yin); and harriman commenting on stamts in usa about need to build up arms to stabilize relations (one min). (6 min overa . engna 2200) UA )~ . report on reactions to andropov harriman meeting. (3 min: per ian 1700 1800) yuriy soltan analyzing meeting and talks between andropov ad serbo ? 1900 kor 1330; anon: hungarian 1630 1900) and averell and mrs harriman, on development of relations between ussr and u. s. (sent: enginter 1300 1600 2008-frenchinter 1600 2000 enguk 1900 italian 1,700 german 1-500 spanchile 2000 portbraz -2200 2M-0 spanla 2300 arabic 17-30 Persian 1500 1700 portaf 1830 albaftian 14-30 bulgarian 16-"',,0 polish MO czech/slovak 1506 im ivanov on reagan's militarist policy, maintaining reagan's use of nuclear blackmail in intl relations shows he wants to blur dividing line btwn concepts of peace and war, to introduce a state of siege everywhere on globe, to force nations to live as if in a state of war, scoring u. s. C(Pr 43 roundup soviet press comment on cia's covert war against 11 ussr, quoting krasnaya zvezda, sotsialisticheskaya industriya, sovets)V"a rossiya, pravda and izvestiya. (6 min: enginter 10 Q 03 JUN 1983 4'1 leonid ponomarev on reagan admin intent on continuing to pursue policy of blocking west european countries' trade contacts with soviet union and other socialist states despite objections expressed by a number of west european reps at recent Williamsburg 5u .n,i-t'sumr:.it. (450 text sent: tasse 1637 tassr 1410) us Approved For Release 2008/06/11 : CIA-RDP94-01353R002001480012-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/11 : CIA-RDP94-01353R002001480012-1 45 pozner `daily talk' on westerners' mistaken belief that ussr does nothing at all for west in way of technology and know how, that all trade advantages go to ussr, pointing out it was ussr that put first satellite and human being intoi space, and nobody doubts high level of soviet military hardware, maintaining that many U.S. b5 companies have bought patents from ussr, also touching on sci-tech achievements in medical field which are used in usa, stressing that u.s. should wake up to fact that ussr has i t to offer in fields of sci-tech. (3 min: engna 2200) (i-S C 14 46 nikolay setunskiy on plenary mtg STAT of cpusa which dealt with preparations for regular 23d congress of us co:r.party. (300 text sent: tasse 0914 tassr 0710) CkZ 47 ,aikhail glebov analyzing recent report published in usa on soviet economy, noting one year ago cia director casey said ussr depended on western technology, now report says that ussr no worse off than any western country, pointing out reagan admin claims ussr is dependent on foreign trade to show that ussr was badly hit by western sancitons, however, he ignores fact that many u.s. companies buy and are continuing to buy ussr patents. (4 15? enginter 2000) ' LiS 49 vitaliy smirnov on preps for 1984 olympic games arousing miex feelings among inhabitants of los angeles as to who pays for event, scoring efforts of organizers for trying to make american taxpayer shoulder burden for olympics without any state aid. 49 tars corr yevgeniy men'