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Document Release Date: 
June 17, 2008
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Publication Date: 
December 5, 1983
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PDF icon CIA-RDP94-01222R001000880008-9.pdf105.16 KB
Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000880008-9 i1. 7C E' 1. G7217' DAN 070",025245 INP. CDSt ? AN1999 TOR 0521312 DEC 83 ROUT INGDPG WIRE VC = **UNASSIGNED** COMMDIS=**UNASSIGNED** PTruZ','UW RUDOMKA5962 3392035-UUUU-?-RUTL.AAB. ZNR UIJUUU ZYN ZPO P 052030Z DEC 83 FM FBIS LONDON UK TO t"I__A~,B % F'B I S WASH I NDTON DC RUH)F"8A/F[3IS OKINAWA JA RUDC)M B/FBIS LONDON UK//BBC// ACCT F'BLD-EW'DK UNCL,45 /BBC TAB ONL: ate i +, MOOD (2), CHIEF SUB/DRD SUB _,E Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000880008-9 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000880008-9 pro:,t m summary* moscow television 051400 ld0'7_i.,00 mos+:.;:`w television service in russian 1400 grit 5 nov 83 t e en vremya, 53 e, second program, double-iii, 3875 mh z ) :r.?ception good) mead by shatilova and arbenin) 013 zhuk video report on the minsk auto plant with shots of workers assembling naz autos followed by shots of trucks on 2 a :ubov video report on the "orgsteklo" association in gorii, Oblast with shots of workers in the plexiglass production shop: cutting to shots of items being produced from waist products 094 :; m klepov video report on the kama wood pulp and paper combine ,hots of production facilities, shots of roll of newsprint cut+::ng to shots of party committee secretary vorkov being inter,,; i ewed. 145 4 golubev video report on stock farm near ubory village in '.re mosow region with shots of dairymaids at work at the Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000880008-9 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000880008-9 Taro and being interviewed 1'8 ?, video report an the press conference for soviet and foreign jourrs:xlisti held in moscow and showing zamyatin, korniyenko and marshal Qgarkov speaking at the beginning of the press conference and t1en answering correspondents' questions. (comparison fyi and vzl ) w. V. kondratyev video report on anti-war meeting held in the "wompressor" workers' club in moscow with shots of soviet workers and peace campaigners from the fig attending the meeting and being interviewed. 360 `;ass report on the opening of the polish sejm session in war.a^,.s (audio only) 366 6 sass report on u.s escalating military intervention in iebar spe on s. raid on syrian contingent positions, on u. s. artillery firing on mountain regions followed by tass report on president reagan and other u. s. leaders' remarks on military operstins in lebanon (cov) (audio only) 380 . Lass report from managua on statement made by d. ortega in the ni,:arayuan state council on domestic and foreign policy of t`:a: government. audio only) 387 followed by a. serikov video report an frontier post in the extreme south on the border with costs rica with video showing It (espinosa), commander of the border post speaking about the attack by gang of Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000880008-9 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000880008-9 +au :rrevolutaonaries attacking penas blancas, with shots of the off is ,ar and men at the border post and shots of buildings damaged durirt.3 the attack, 411 video report on afghan ambassador addressing the tv audi?;:c-e on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the sovi i:o-afghan treaty. (see 1d042212 mos ds 041900) (audio only) 11. a, pogodin video report on the valmet ship yard in helsinki, with video showing dry cargo ship kemerovo built for the soviet union at the yard, cutting to shots of company's gerir'nra director being interviewed about finno-soviet economic relations 496 sport 541 ik/.anderson/jg 05/2047z dec BT #59,b2 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000880008-9