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Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870028-8 ZCZCDP0463 DAN: 054-014031 INPUT CDSN: CRT750 TOR: 301752Z SEP 83 ROUTING= DPQ WIRE SVC= **UNASSIGNED** COMMDIS=**UNASSIGNED** PATUZVUW RUDOMKA9489 2731720-UUUU--RUTLAAB. ZNR UUUUU ZYN ZPO P 301648Z SEP 83 FM FBIS LONDON UK TO RUTLAAB/FBIS WASHINGTON DC RUHJFBA/FBIS OKINAWA JA RUDOMKB/FBIS LONDON UK//BBC// ACCT FBLD-EWDK ONLY AG (2), MOD (2), CHIEF SUB/DRD Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870028-8 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870028-8 program summary: moscow domestic television 301300 1d301648 moscow domestic television service in russian 1300 gmt 30 sop 83 ((eveniny vremya, 53 e, second program, double-iii. 3875 mhz)) (reception good) (read by likhitchenko and kirillov) 005 1. tass report on foreign press comments on andropov's statement quoting rude pravo, hanoi press, monde, humanite, financial times and indian express comments. (audio only) 048 2. video report on soviet reaction to andropov's statement with shots of worker shcherbina addressing meeting of arsenal plant workers in kiev on andropov's statement followed by zhuk video report on meeting of workers at the automatic lines plant in minsk with shots of worker speaking about andropov's statement. 144 3. tratsevskiy video report on yuganskneftegaz production association field with shots of an oil field with shots of pumping jacks and outdoor facilities cutting to shots of oil extraction department head ponomarev being interviewed about oil extraction. i86 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870028-8 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870028-8 4. report on tyumen workers supporting andropov's statement at their meetings. (audio only) 196 5. turabekov video report on the novokokandskiy chemical combine with shots of outdoor facilities cutting to control panels followed by shots of sulfuric acid complex built at the combine. 220 6. report on bashkir assr grain deliveries and uzbekistan cotton deliveries. (audio only) 322 7. dvorkin video report on grain delivery campaign in kustanay oblast with shots of trucks delivering grain to grain elevators, shots of facilities at the kustanay grain products combine and shots of combine director antonyuk being interviewed. 260 8. petkov video report on sunflower harvesting and sunflower delivery in the south of the rsfsr with shots of truck unloading sunflower seed at a delivery center. 271 9, fedorov video report on lenin kolkhoz in alamedinkiy rayon, kirgizia with shots of mixed silage being stored at the farm, cutting to shots of kolkhoz personnel attending agricultural courses and kolkhoz chairman opalov speaking about the courses. 313 10. vanderflit video report on construction and cybernetics research institute of the estonian academy of sciences with shots Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870028-8 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870028-8 of a block of Ferro-concrete being subjected to a compression test, cutting to shots of a new electronic unit being used for checking concrete at the building site. 340 11. report on experiments carried out during soviet space mission. (rpt 1d301336) (audio only) 350 12. report on the ussr supreme soviet presidium and the user council of ministers sending message of greetings to Chinese leaders on the occasion of the 34th anniversary of the prc. (rpt 1d301130) (audio only) 370 13. video report on the opening of the people's assembly of the people's republic of bulgaria in sofia with shots of zhivkov and other bulgarian leaders attending the session. (vsl) 378 14. shishkovskiy video report on the second international conference devoted to the agreement prohibiting deployment of mass destruction weapons in the seas and oceans with shots of delegates at the conference. 402 15. rpt item 15 291700 gmt cast -- video report on syrian foreign minister khaddam speaking at the un session. 412 16. rpt item i8 291700 gmt cast -- video report on pro-american regime bombardment of a town in (uscatlan) department. 420 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870028-8 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870028-8 17. rpt item 19 291700 gmt cast -- video report on the day of protest in montevideo, uruguay. 426 18. rpt item 6 291903 gmt cast -- video report on strike in lima, peru. 435 19. rpt item 4 291903 gmt cast -- video report on steelmen and shipbuilders protest demonstration in bonn 443 20. d. khavin video report on the 3d anniversary of the pioneer organization of afghanistan with shots of pioneers of commemoration ceremony cutting to shots of complex for children organized in kabul with shots of sport facilities, buildings and an aircraft cutting to shots of soviet soldiers who took part in the construction of the complex 466 21. kozlenko video report on havana port with shots of ships, cranes and other machinery and unloading of lumber in progress, shots of containers being loaded on trucks. 474 22. ulyanov video report on fruit picking in progress in poland, showing fruit being picked and loaded into freightcars for shipment to the ussr. 482 23, sulkhanishvili video report on the rsfsr literature and art festival in georgia with shots of book and phograph exhibition cutting to shots of artist ulyanov speaking about welcome given to Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870028-8 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870028-8 the rsfsr and other delegations in georgia and referring to andropov's statement 510 24, sport. 555 25. weather. 595 ik/brady/dr 30/1734z sep BT #9489 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870028-8 161u I Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870028-8 ZCZCSPQ969 DAN: 054-017236 INPUT CDSN: ANIOB8 BFN: L.D302027 TOP: 3021092 SEP 83 TOT: 302117Z SEP B3 OUTPUT CDSN: DP0643 TOT: 3021102 SEP 83 ROUTING= DPQ WIRE SVC- **UNASSIGNED** COMMDIS=**UNASSIGNED** PTTUZYUW RUDOMKA9531 2732040-UUUU--RUTL.AAB. ZNR UUUUU ZYN ZPO P 3020272 SEP 83 FM FBIS LONDON UK TO RUTL.AAB/FBIS WASHINGTON DC RUHJFBA/FBIS OKINAWA JA RUDOMKB/FBIS LONDON UK//BBC// ACCT FBL.D-EWDK BT UNCL.AS /BBC TAB a Do 1I~ ___ Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222 R001000870028-8 28 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222 R001000870028-8 program summary: moscow domestic television 301700 ld302027 moscow domestic television service in russian 1700 gmt 30 sop 83 ((Evening vremya, 14 w, first program, 3675 mhz) ) (reception fair) (read by likhitchenko and kirillov) 013 1. report on the session of the cpsu central committee politburo and issues discussed at the session (processing) (audio only) 108 2. rpt item 1 1300 gmt cast -- foreign comments on andropov's statement, quoting rude pravo, monde, humanite, international herald tribune, white house representative speakes, delhi's indian express, chinos* news agency. (audio only) 166; video report on meeting of support for andropov's statement in the czechoslovak city of cheb, with shots of speakers and audience with banners and posters. 176 3. ilyashenko video report from london on interest aroused by adnropov's statement in britain, with shots of headlines in newspapers, shots of fleet street, cutting to shots of gordon aII 4000 U aIN -------- Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870028-8 --------------- 1n1 0 28UU 1 34 38 460 h a IDS I OR 62 py' H U11 HI, 641 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870028-8 shaffer, chairman of the british committee for peace and cooperation in europe commenting on andropov's statement. 213 4. s. dukhavin video report on the meeting held at the "nevskiy zavod imeni lenina" association in leningrad, with shots of a brigade leader speaking about andropov's statement. 251 5. tass report on ukrainian party and government leaders meeting party veterans and young workers' representatives in kiev and expressing support for the policy outlined in andropov's statement, and report on shcherbitskiy speaking at the meeting. (processing) (audio only) 264 6. khatayevich video report on a meeting held at the krasnyy proletariy plant in moscow, with shots of meeting held in the assembly shop and shots of worker kzyrev speaking about andropov's statement, cutting to shots of workers operating their machinetools. 300 7. rpt item 3, 1300 gmt cast -- tratsevskiy video report on the yugansk-neftegaz production association oil field. 332 8. rpt item 4. 1300 gmt cast -- report on tyumen region workers supporting andropov's statement (audio only) 338 9. csa report on ulyanovsk oblast grain deliveries. (audio only) 347 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222 R001000870028-8 --- 16 91 1 311 56 58 III I UM: 12 11 I0 60 7 6 62 5 i 64 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870028-8 10. rpt item 7, 1300 gmt cast -- dvorkin video report on grain delivery campaign in kustanay oblast. 368 11. video report on aucctu deputy chairman prokhorov speaking about the renewal of trade union cards as of i october, with video showing the man speaking, intercutting to shots of a trade union card. (processing) 417 12, report on the meeting held in moscow in connection with teachers' day, with video showing ussr tv photograph providing very distant view of the presidium. (processing) 424 13. rpt item 11, 1300 gmt cast -- report on the soviet space mission. (audio only) 432 14. report on samora machel's 50th birthday being observed in mozambique on 29 september and on adnropov's message to machel (cov 1d301619) (audio only) 447 15. rpt item 12. 1300 gmt cast -- report on the soviet message to chinese leaders on the occasion of prc 34th anniversary. (audio only) 464 16 v. chernukha video report on portuguese people's concern over plan to turn the country into a u.s. and nato nuclear base, with shots of people in the street, cutting to shots of session of the leadership of the national "no nuclear arms in portugal" movement, followed by shots of (s. sequeira), member of the leadership of 4 --------------- Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222 RO01000870028-8 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . s Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870028-8 Li H the national movement being interviewed. 487 17. a. serikov video report on a border post at (ococona) in nueva segovia department, with shots of soldiers during an exercise at the post and shots of post commander dcelgado being interviewed. (rpt) 518 18. rpt item 20, 1300 gmt cast -- d. khavin video report on the 3rd anniversary of the afghan komsomol organization and on 20 22 complex for children in kabul. 538 4011 U sat U 19. rpt item 23. 1300 gmt cast -- sulkhanishvili video report on the rsfsr literature and art festival in georgia, with shots of book and photograph exhibition, shots of artist ulyanov speaking about welcome given to refer and other delegations in georgia and referring to andropov's statement, cutting to shots of shevardnadze and other georgian leaders attending the opening of the festival in the georgian state philarmony hall (vsl) 565 20. sport 613 21. weather 627 22. kononov video report on clocks in moscow city, with shots of various clocks in moscow, with correspondent reminding audience to put clocks back one hour at midnight. 649 ik/hayman/pg 30/2054z sop I UV 111 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870028-8 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870028-8 ZCZCSP0969 DAN: 054-017236 INPUT CDSN: AN1088 BFN: L.D302027 TOR: 302109Z SEP 83 TOT: 3021i7Z SEP 83 OUTPUT CDSN: DPO643 TOT: 30211OZ SEP 83 ROUTING- DPQ WIRE SVC- **UNASSIGNED** COMMDI8s**UNASSIONED** PTTUZYUW RUDOMKA9331 2732040-UUUU--RUTLAAB. ZNR UUUUU ZYN ZPO P 302027Z SEP 83 FM FB I S L.ONDON UK TO RUTL.AAB/FBIS WASHINGTON DC RUHJFBA/FBIS OKINAWA JA RUDOMKB/FBI8 LONDON UK//BBC// ACCT FBL.D-EWDK BT UNCL.AS /BBC TAB ONLY AG (2), MOD(2), CHIEF SUB/DRD Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870028-8 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870028-8 program summary: moscow domestic television 301700 1d302027 moscow domestic television service in russian 1700 gmt 30 sap 83 ((Evening vremya. 14 w, first program. 3675 mhz)) (reception fair) (read by likhitchenko and kiri'llov) 013 1. report on the : sas,s;ion of .the cpsu. central*it,tee politburo and issues-discussed at the session (processing) (audio only) 106 2. rpt its 1 -1300, got, cast -- foreign : comments on andr;Op,ov's statement, quoting rude.,pravo, monde, hweenita, int;ernrtrional her.ald tr:ibune, white - house repres.nt*tive speaks, dwihi-'s ; express, ch.inase news ;ajancy. (audio onlVI 166; video report on meeting of support for andropo:v's statement in the "I I Czechoslovak city of ch;ebs with shots of speakers and audience with, banners and posters. 176 3. ilyashenk?o vi-d-oo., report from london an interest aroused b,y adnropov's statement in b:ritai;n. with shots of headlines in newspapers, shots of fleet street, cutting to shots of gordon 0 ;- Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870028-8 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870028-8 shaffer, chairman of the bri`.t;ish committee for peace and cooperation in europe commenting on andropov's statement. 213 4. s. dukhavi;n video sport an the meeting held at the "-nevskiy zavod imeni" association ~ in Leningrad, with shots of a brigade leader speaking about andropov's statement. 251 3. toss report on ukraini.n party and government leaders meeting party v t.4rans and young workers' representatives in kiev and expr?s,sing .sup*ar-t ;for th,*. peli-ay, outlined ~in :andro+pov',s statement, and report on sKcherb.itskiy speaking at the meeting (processing) (audio only) 264 6. k,h:atayevi,ch vidoo rep-ort on a meeting held at the ki a*n4y prol.wtariy plant in moscow, with shots of weeting held in the asssob;l;y _ shop: and shots :.of worker k z4lrov speaking about anpdropov's statement, cutting, to shots of workers operating th=eir. machinetools. 300 7. rpt item 3, .1300 girt cast trats*vsk-i:y video report ,on the yugansk-neftegaz production association oil field. 332 8. rpt it.. 4, 1300,gmt cast -- report on tyumen region workers supporting andropov's statement (audio only) 338 9. csa report :on ua:y,anov~s.k o .Las grain deliveries. (audio only) 347 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870028-8 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870028-8 10. it.. 7, 1300. gt cast -- dvor.k-in video report on grain delivery campaign in kustanay oblast. 368 11. video report -on -auc.ctu daputg chairman prakhorov sp,eek.i:ng about the renewal of trade union cards as of 1 october, with video showing the man speaking, intercutting to shots of a trade union card. (processing) 417 12. report on the meeting held in moscow in connection with teachers' day, with video showing user tv photograph providing very distant view of the presidium. (processing) 424 13. rpt item 11, 1300 got cast -- report on the soviet space mission. (audio only) 432 14. report on samora machel's 50th birthday being observed in mozambiaue on 29 septewber and on adnropov's message to machel (cov 1d301619) (audio only) 447 15. rpt item 12, 1300 gat cast -- report on the soviet message to chines* leadors'on the occasion of prc 34th anniversary. (audio only) 464 16 v. chernukha video report on portuguese people's concern over plan to turn the country into a u.s. and nato nuclear base, with shots of people in the street, cutting to shots of session of the leadership of the national "no nuclear arms in portugal" movement, followed by shots of (s. sequeira), member of the leadership of Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870028-8 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870028-8 the national movement being interviewed. 487 17. a. serikov video report on a border post at (ococona) in nueva segovia department, with shots of soldiers during an exercise at the post and shots of post commander dcelgado being interviewed. (rpt) 518 19. rpt.item.20. 1300 gmt,cast -- d. khavin video report on the 3rd anniversary of the afghan komsomol organization and on complex for children in kabul. 536 19. rpt item 23, 1300 got cast -- sulkhanishvili video report on the rsfsr literature and art festival in georgic, with shots of book and photograph exhibition, shots of artist ulyanov speaking about welcome given to rsfsr and other delegations in georgia and referring to andropov's statements cutting to shots of shevardnadze and other georgian leaders attending the opening of the festival in the georgian state philarmony hall (vsl) 565 20. sport 613 21. weather 627 22. kononov video report on clocks in moscow city, with shots of various clocks in moscow, with correspondent reminding audience to put clocks back one hour at midnight. 649 ik/hayman/pg 30/2054z sop Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870028-8