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Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/09/19 : CIA-RDP94-00798R000200140016-3 T1ONS GSGt.ft Chief, Operations Group Foreign Broadcast Information Service P.O. Box 2604 Washington, D.C. 20013 Dear Dean Trump and I enjoyed our three-way conversation recently. This letter will confirm our tentative arrangement to review, critique and make recommendations on your editing procedures. After our discussion, Dean Trump and I feel that we could handle the project in two weeks time, say in June or July, at an agreed upon rate of each and the customary per diem for living expenses. Enclosed are copies of our resumes. Please feel free to call us at both 212 area code.In the meantime it would be Lt? (.7, / en , , April 26, 1979 helpful if we could get a shipment of the raw material dupes and the finished product of a day's press run. Due to other commitments of my own and Dean Trump's outstanding professional qualifications and availability at the conclusion of the school term, we felt that a joint effort utilizing our complementary talents would produce the best results for your project. If you'd care to see editing and/or writing samples, please let us know and we would be more than happy to furnish them. This would seem to be an exciting challenge and we both look forward to hearing from you soon and working with you in the near future. Sincerely, Stephen R. Conn STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP94-00798R000200140016-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP94-00798R000200140016-3 , CERISTOPHER G. TRU upC e: April, 1979 ? PROFESSIONAL -- Assistant to the dean and then assistant dean, Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, 1965-.present. Responsibilities include program support, admissions and financial aid, budget, student and alumni affairs, placement and development. Also contributing editor, Atlas World Press Review- adjunct editor, national desk, Levi York News; writer of random articles for New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Columbia Journalism Review, Environment, Change; writer of articles for Arete, ? a new encyclopedia; consulation with a number of groups, ranging from New Jersey Press Association to Womeni-s Press Club of New York City. EDUCATION -- OTHER - PERSONAL -- Information officer, National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Institute for Space Studies, New York City; then lecturer for NASA's national educational program, including co-production of the television series, "Our Physical World," 1962-65, MSJ, Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, 1962, high honors. BSFS, Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, 1958, magna cum laude. U.S. Army, active duty, swimming instructor and illustrator, Army Intelligence Board, Fort Holabird, Maryland, 1958-60; German instructor, Baltimore City College, 1961; drove length of Pan American Highway from New York to Chile, 1963; series of articles for Small World and Quincy Patriot Ledger. ? Membsr: American CalIncil on Germany; Mid-Atlantic Club. STAT? MOST RECT:NTLY -- Completed translation of German bestseller by Robert Jungk which, will be published shortly as "The New Tyranny" by Grosset and Dunlap; essay on Pressekan- zentration und Pressefreiheit in den USA in a German volume published by Nomos Verlag,. 1979; appointed to 8-person American Bar Association planning task force on public education about the law, including, Scott M. Matheson, governor of Utah; Rhoda Karpatkin, executive director of Consumers' Union and Edward H. Levi. ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP94-00798R000200140016-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP94-00798R000200140016-3 STEPHEN R. CONN COMMUNICATIONS, EDITORIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL EXPERIENCE has included interviewing, writing, editing for newspapers, magazines, television, radio, political, including Presidential, -campaigns, press relations with national and local media encompassing all aspects of publicity such as working with press, producing and coordinating newsworthy events and policy formation. Communication and organizational efforts have also included work at all levels of community, from ghetto residents to corporate presidents to local and national leaders. EXPERIENCE COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANT September, 1971-Present Have provided organizational and advance Work, press and media relations, production of public hearings and conferences, writing of speeches, testimony, annual and other reports, newsletters, press releases, policy formation, primarily for non-profit organizations, based in New York and Washington, D.C. Clients have included; National League of Cities(1972-78) U. S. Commission on Civil U.S. Conference of Mayors(1972-77) Rights(1971-72) National Alliance of Business(1976-78) National Center for Voluntary New York Center for Ethnic Affairs(1973-75)Action(1971-72) Cabinet Committee on Op ortunities Democratic National Committee, for Spanish Speaking People 1971-72) (Director of Communications Common Cause(1970-72) for 1972 Democratic Platform) Columbia University(1979) Directed effort to recruit qualified minorities for Graduate School of Journalism and for journalism.profession nationally. JOURNALIST Town & Country Magazine rb' December, 1969-Present December, 1969-Present As contributing editor of .Town Country(160,000 circulation) have written major articles, including the cover stories for magazine's 'special city issues, obtaining many excluiYe interviews with national and world leaders. As restaurant editor, reviewed restaurants in U.S. and abroad. Reveille Magazine October, 1972-August, 1978 Founded national magazine for Vietnam-era veterans, publishing it under sponsorship of National League of Cities as 24-36-page bi-monthly and was singlehandedly responsible for originating, researching, writing, editing of all stories and layout. Articles published in The New York Times, Congressional Record and other publications. STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP94-00798R000200140016-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP94-00798R000200140016-3 5t@phen R. Conn--2 THE NATIONAL URBAN COALITION July, 1969-September, 1971 Assistant Director of Communications--Assisted Director of Communications Wth national press effort to include production of news events and press conferences, writing and editing of major Coalition publications, liaison with national media, advance work for John W. Gar4ner, former Chairman of Coalition, contributing editor of City magaz- e, monthly publication on urban affairs, director of communications for Commission on the Cities in the 70's, sponsored by Coalition and co- chaired by former Senator Fred R. Harris of Oklahoma and former Mayor John V. Lindsay of New York. NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL TELEVISION February, 1969-June, 1969 Associate Producer/Correspondent--Worked on all phases of documentary WOduction, including research, writing, interviewing, tape editing in 5pecia1 Projects Unit of NET until unit was disbanded for lack of funds. EYE MAGAZINE November, 1968-February, 1969 Managing Editor--Helped produce monthly magazine with national circulation f50,000 for Hearst Corporation, aimed at 16-21year age group. Conceived, assigned, edited and in some cases rewrote articles dealing with contemporary youth scene. Supervised and coordinated layout, productidn and work of all departments. Wrote a monthly column on what was "in" and "out" for nation's youth. Agreed to remain in job only until obtaining suitable television assignment. WINS RADIO September, 1968-January, 1969 Wrote half-hour broadcasts for all news radio station, while seeking position in television. PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN OF SENATOR ROBERT F. KENNEDY Press Aide--Wrote major articles under Senator Kennedy's by-line for newspapers and magazines. Dealt with national press covering campaign and helped coordinate press coverage in Washington during Senator's funeral. April, 1968-June, 1968 THE NEW YORK TIMES September, 1960-April, 1968 Reporter and Feature Writer January, 1966-April, 1968 As metropolitan staff reporter, covered stories on city government, Parks Department, the environment, ethnic groups and covered riots in New York City during summers of 1966 and 1967. As feature writer, wrote special articles on life styles of America's elite. , News Assistant on Picture Desk December, 1963-January, 1966 Selected pictures and produced layouts, including captions, for major stories under deadline pressure. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP94-00798R000200140016-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP94-00798R000200140016-3 Stephen R. Conn--3 ? THE NEW YORK TIMES(continued) News Clerk and Copy Boy September, 1960-October, 1961 While at Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, worked part-time at Times, joining staff full-time between graduation and military service. MILITARY SERVICE November, 1961-November, 1963 U.S. Army Intelligence--Served as lieutenant in intelligence work of classified nature following period as Chief of Information for U.S. Army Intelligence Center. In latter position, supervised and coordinated release of information on national and local levels and was responsible for liaison with all communications media. Was only junior officer on General Staff and successor as Chief of Information was Major. Left Reserves with rank of Captain. EDUCATION Cornell University--Majored in Government. B.A., 1960. Columbia University--Graduate School of Journalism. M.S., 1961. LANGUAGES Former fluency in Spanish and Russian could be regained through use. *References and work samples available upon request. ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP94-00798R000200140016-3