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Document Creation Date: 
December 27, 2016
Document Release Date: 
April 24, 2013
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Publication Date: 
June 25, 1991
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PDF icon CIA-RDP93B01194R001700040014-8.pdf55.41 KB
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP93B01194R001700040014-8 25X1 MEMORANDUM FOR: FROM: SUBJECT: CONFIDENTIAL 25 June 1991 OIT Request 1013 The purpose of this memo is to clarify the current position of ISD in thp ahnvp qtated request. In reference to a previous 25X1 memo from dated 21 June 1991, I would like to clarify the following. 25X1 25X1 We are currently awaiting cost estimates on the >44I offices located in Ames Building. It is imperative that we receive this estimate as soon as possible for inclusion in our FY91 budget requests. However, we do not want this estimate to be delayed, until other issues are resolved. We are currently working on the issue of obtaining the 2 additional controllers, and have been told that we can have the controller located at the building. This controller is for 16 ports, and will require some software changes to connect o=.4:t 16 users. I believe that this controller will be available within the next 30 days. For a more accurate date of availability the Project Officer is It was originally believed that we had to have the controller's in hand before we could proceed, so Linda was asking that we go ahead and complete the estimates on the one controller, we already have, with the understanding that as soon as we located the second controller, we would be ready for the additional connections and could allocate an exact amount of funding, based on the estimate from the first controller. The following actions are requested: 1. Send completed cost estimates on Project OIT 1013. 2. Provide ISD with a schedule for drawing lines,0-4141?.? the installation of all the equipment required. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP93B01194R001700040014-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP93B01194R001700040014-8 , 25X1 25X1 CONFIDENTIAL 3. Reactivate TRN M13071 requesting the comten line for the second controller. Distribution: - each addressee CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP93B01194R001700040014-8