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Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP93B01194R001000030018-9 STAT hll:.N]OIU1NI)lJb1 POR: Lk;puty llircctor for ncliru.nistration FROh9 : iil oal 1111U1mation Services StIBJEC'1': AIi Alternative Procedurc far Reviewing Manuscripts Written by Present and I'ormez� Agency Eniployees l. Attached i.s a paper that proposes an alternative procedure f.or reviewing mviuscripts written by present and former Agency employees. It was pi�ompted by the Director's concern For the number of people invol.ved in this type of review, and responds to that concerii by proposing the designation of a centralized rev:iewing unit that would process the manuscripts. The unit woul.d conduct its o�i review for clearance and coordinate, as appropriate, supplementary reviews with Specific corrponents. In some cases, such as with riovcls, poeins, aiid TV scripts that do not reveal actual sensitive intelligence matters, review by the centralized unit may be all that is necessary. Where further review is i.ndicatea, the manuscxipt would be reviewed only by those Agcllcy compoilent.s directly involved witll tlie substantive matter. Considerable savings i.n the manpower directed to this efEort could thus be realized. 2. A major objectiorl to this proposal may be concern by a directorate that its equities may not be identified or properly assessed by the centralizEd una.t. One means to alleviate this concern would be to ask the four directorates to assigri personnel to the central reviewing Lm it on a rotational basis. STAT STAT /lttaclunent : Papex cnti.tlcd "M llltcrnai:ive Procedure for Rev:icwing Manuscripts lVritten by PreselZt and Former Agency Employees" ilistribution: Adclresscc w/att , 1 - OIS SuUject %V/att ~ - UIS LhI'0m) W/O "ltt 1. - C1LU 1111l>l:iccit:i i>n RcVi (2W F, 1'rur~dures ~a/~.itt ~005107112 : CIA-RDP93B01194R001000030018-9 ( ~'UC 16 NUVC-nu,et' ) ~ l Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP93B01194R001000030018-9 .AN ALTEi}2NATIVIi PROCrDUItE POR REVIEWING MAMISCRIPTS WRITTL,N BY PRESIIqT AND FORbtER AGLNCY aff'LOYEES 1. 'Chis paper examines one metlzocl of increasing efficiency in reviewing nanuscripts written by present and :former Agency employees. It is a procedure designed to provicle reviews equally reliable to those accomplished uncler the current procedLires hut using less manpotiaer by: (1) focusing the review effort proportionately to the seriousness and seiisitivity of the material; and (2) involving only those Agency components that have equities to protect. This would be accomplished by creating a centralized review unit consisting of officers experienced in all four directorates. T7iis group would complete review of the less sensitive manuscripts and coorclinate, wlien necessary, with the appropriate directorates or independent offices oii the niore sensitive and complicated oiZes. The followuzg paragraphs look at tllis proposition in terms of the way in which it might work, the advantages and disadvantages, and who might undertake it. 2. Briefly, the procedure miglit work as follows. Manuscripts from .former Agency ernployees woulcl be received in the Office of General Counsel (OGC) which would aclaiowleclge receipt to the author. Tlze manuscript then would go directly to the centx�al reviewing unit. That unit would establish aanuiistrative controls and assign the manuscript to one or more reviewers within the unit. A full Agency review would be conducted by the unit, researching any points that were questionable. If no questions arose or if the questions that did arise could be resolved satisfactorily within the unit, the results of the review would be forwarded to OGC. The latter would coriduct their review and would notify the author of the results. If questions arose that could nat be resolved within the central review unit based either oii the cumulative expertise or research material available, the central review unit would effect coorclination wit}i other Agency components that had equities itivolved. Wlien this coordi.riatiorl was completed and all questions were resolved to the satisfaction or concensus of: everyone involved, the central review unit would notify OGC of the results. OGC would reviei,r the final results a11d notify the author. I'he procedure currently in force tllat permits manuscripts written hy current employees to be revicwed ancl passecl upon by the directorate concerneci wotald be colitinued. ' 3. In bricf, central_ized revi_ctv oC m,anuscripts would have the following advantages : a. Greater consistency irl reviei,ring actioiis resulting �rom: (1) involvement of fewer people; (2) rnaterials being available to the reviewers to researcll qLiestioris; and (3) review expez�ience devel.oping at a faster rate because of the concentrated experience. Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP93B01194R001000030018-9 Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP93B01194R001000030018-9 b. Greater efficiency resulting from: (1) involveiilent of fewer persons and the directoratcs' liaving to revicia only those materials which involve their equities; (2) less coorclination required; (3) the reviewers, as specialists, wasting .less time; and (4) the availability of reseaz�ch materials and access to the DECAL data base, provicling ready answcrs a.ncl saving time. c. Better supported revi.ew decisions resulting from: (1) fuller lrnowledge aiicl understaiding of the review rec~uirements and; (2) grcatcr cxpertise and professionalism developing from concentrated experience; ajzd (3) researchecl decisions being more typical. d. Improved capa.bility to develop a data base of released information through: (1) c.oncentration of expertise Emd experience; and (2) narrow responsibility allotiving a focus of effort on the problems taced. c. Improved recorcling of review actions, particularly if the record of tlzese actions is to be complrterized. f. Contuiual iinprove�ierit atld enhaiicemeiit of review procedures and teclnziques based oll the concentrated aiid focused experience. g. Provision of greater expertise to lzelp the Agency find an answer to the problem of the constaiit flow of infoxmation to the public domain. h. Elvrtination of con�usion caused by the multiple revietiJS and sometimes overlapping equities of the four directorates. 4. Cen.tralized review would have the follawing disadvantages: a. Breadtll of expertise wi.thin tlie central unit would be limited to the experi.cnce and bac;kgraund of its staf-E. b. 'I'he possibility of error could patezltially be greater because fewer people woulcl review each manuscript, aiid the background that would be brought directly to bear on suhstalitive matters could be li.mited. c. ':C}ie interests of tlle directora.tes coulcl be overlooked if coordination is nat properly effectccl and certain areas of lmowledge are limited or lacking iri the centr. al tuli t. 5. 'I'lie Office of Information Services, DDA, already has sucli a wiit: its Classificat:ion Review Division (CR1)). CRD consi.sts of officers from all four clirectoratcs who rovi.ew doctunents uncler the Agency' s systemati.c review program. In additioli, they review clocumcnts selec:tecl For� the Departmciit of State's Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP93B01194R001000030018-9 7 Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP93B01194R001000030018-9 r i Foreign Relat:i.ons oi tlie tJnitecl States sexies, support the systematic review progr~ans at other agencies t11at surface materials affecting Agency ec{uities, and review mvzuscz�ipts for DDA equities. CRD already is establis}ied and llas the expertise in reviewing and coordinating procedures and techniques that are requircd by the ceiitralized unit in our proposal. The climunels and lines of coimm.inication with other directorates and components of the Agency are already tiaell estahlished. It would be an easy matter for CRD to assume t}ie additional responsibiLity af reviewing froitt the AgencyTs standpoint the manuscripts oL current and former Agency employees. Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP93B01194R001000030018-9