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Document Creation Date: 
December 12, 2016
Document Release Date: 
September 12, 2000
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Publication Date: 
June 25, 1958
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PDF icon CIA-RDP92B01090R002600180015-5.pdf96.9 KB
~~i~,~J~~d ~gr~Relre~a L~2~0~7/27 : CIA-RDP92BA1090R00260018.~0 5-5 ('~~1~RP71 C\0~'i'~A A r'11. Ie ~a ~-335-58 DF-ETA-116 25 June 1958 MEMORAND~+I Ft3R s $xecutive Secretary, Utilization Advisory Hoard SUBJECT Request for Special Use of TALENT Derived .Information 1. Permission is hereby requested to use the attached simulated report, which is based upon TALENT information but attributed to an SR Division source, in support of a planned CIA operation. 2. It is not intended to disseminate this report outside of the SR Division as the requirement for this bit of information has been generated by certain aspects of one particular operation. 3. The format of the attached report, which wilt be seen by the non-TAB cleared case officer of the SR Division, is one which 3s used regularly for dissemination of generally reliable information from a restricted component of the DDP. Individuals, if any, ques- tioning the origin of the information will be referred to the SR Division Reports Staff. A TALENT cleared.. individual in that staff who handles information of a generally sensitive nature will, if pressed, suggest that the information ire from the restricted com- ponent cited above. If the point of origin is further pressed, an individual in the restricted component will be asked to achnit that the information is his own, on the basis that it is a sensitive SR operation that must not become common knowledge. Similar arrange- menu have been made in the past with other sensitive {non-TAL'SNT) information . /+. If approved for release, the report will be used in the following wayss (1) Shown to the SR Division case officer concerned with this operation. NA~i~LE V~~ T~.E~fT Approved For Release 2001/07/27 :CIA-RDP92B01090R002600~(~L 5~~~~1~ oNl~ P~ ~or~F~Jreas'e.2p~,/,~,7/27 :CIA-RDP92B01090R002600180~015-5 ~'~.~i~iT~~~ ~"r"' s ~ ~~ffh~~LLCt?i1~~~~~~Y ~ ~~ -3353-5$ gip-IAA-u6 (~) Included in the operational plan provided to th e cooperating foreign service (this is the --n- - -- - __- _ _--- , but with no spec al emphasis attached to e item. TCO~DDP Attachment Report Distribution: Orig. & 2 -Addressee 1 - gi3.e ~.-. c ~-~ Approved For Release 2001/07/27 :CIA-RDP92B01090R0 ~~~~0'1$~5 ..~~.~.~ ~ ~.~'a:~ ~~~91 Approved For Release 2001/07/27 :CIA-RDP92B01090R0026 T A ,~ 00~ Reg. No.:~~~~ ? v z ~ 1--~ No. Copes: /, Copy No. / "THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIO- NAGE LAWS, TITLE 18, USCA, SECS. 793 & 794, THE TRANS- MISSION OR REVELATION OF WHICH IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW" E N Ap HANDLE BY TALENT CONTROL CHANNELS ONLY