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March 5, 1963
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Approved For Release 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDP92BO109OR00226600090024-5 USNB-D-4l, 14115 (COMOR-D-24f 50) 5 March 1963 t 1.11LMORANDUM FOR UNITED STATES INTEL;1.. GENCE BOARD SUBJECT: equirements for Lowe-Level Reconnaissance of Cuba FERENCE: Requirements for Low-Level Reconnaissance of Cuba (USIB-:D-4:10 14/ 13) 1?, 110, Committee on Overhead Reconnaissance has : evie red those requirements for low-level reconnaissance of Cuba ?:s set forth in USTB D-41, 14/13, 21 February 1963, It considers :,hat the unidentified installations and encampments listed there in pper order of priority within the 2 categories and it reaffirms the recommendations in parasgra~ph 8,, taking into account that the ship xittsatior, has changed-, 2 passenger ships have departed a.nd 2 are in-bonrnda Also COMOR has taken into consideration the present lack of inforz cation about the. removal of Soviet troops from Cuba and co ,side r:e, therefore, that at this time there is an immediate need to x` 2ake. low-Level flights over the 5 known Soviet military camps. Because of this need for information on the movement of Soviet personnel, these 5 camps should rank ahead of the unidentified Installations f:ar low-level coverage. Recommendation: COMOR recommends immediate to ,r-level coverage of Ar?ternisa, Remedios, Torrens, Holguin? and Santiago de las Vegas *The COMA notes that at present, after detailed review. it can justify only 4 of the unidentified install.tsons %El Horuo, Mayari Arriba, Santiago de Cube. and the Holguin cave at 20-53-50N 76-17-1 i1W) of the 18 approved by the US:':B in Tab A to reference, for low-level. Approved For Release 20010t~i~~Q@$nc e~ Approved For Relee 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDP92BO109OR0 0090024-5 SECRET USIB-D-41. 14/ 15 COMOR. D-24/50) Copy I 20,21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28,29 30 31 3 33 34 35 36 37 38 39-65 66-,80 81-95 DC'.", TCO Asst/OPS NPIC) Cl PSD(NP;CC % C/P D(NP_::C) C/ CSD (NPIC ) ONE TCO TAO C A DDI TCO OS; TCO OCb TCO ORR TCO DDP 7"CC DD R TC J AD / OS OD/OSA SO/OSA 1S/Pr:DrNPIC) US'B DC`t TCO Zo~r US; B/S SA/ DDR Approved For Release 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDP92BO109OR002600090024-5