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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/23: CIA-RDP92B00478R000800340048-5 CHRISTIAN SCIENCF, YIONITOR. 25 August 1 90 Ts-Tp 4zrs .nr. 3 ? itsrn - C in This view, . a bomber "that mighti emerge from this technology is still a dec- ade off," and he brands the defense secre- tary's announcement of the Stealth technol- ogy "highly premature," asserting that its effectiveness "has yet to be demonstrated.", He notes; moreover, that the project was launched under the Ford administration and observes "President Ford certainly didn't divulge it."' ? ? It would be hard to overestimate the mili- tary utility of aircraft that- are _virtually undetectable to radar.' ? Ever since Britain used a rudimentary I form, of the technology to great effect during the Battle of Britain,' radar has posed an in- creasingly ? serious threat to attacking aircraft. ? - 'Subsequent to World -War II, defensive missiles ---- both ground-launched and air- launched ??-? were married with radar fire-control systems," explains William Perry, undersecretary of defense for re- ? search and engineering: "This substantially increased the effectiveness of air-defense systems."-, Currently. US aircraft-rely on a combina- tion of electronic countermeasures and low flying - through so-called ter,"'. where radar cannot distinguish bed .f.`ground clot-' them and other signals: ? But the -Soviet Air Defense Command! poses a' formidable challenge_to. assaulting.' ,.. ? ? . ...??.. By Stephen Webbe Staff correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor , Washington . The Carter administration's disclosure that it has developed aircraft capable of streaking unobserved through Soviet: air defenses was as politically motivated as it was unwise, claims Ronald Reagan's senior defense adviser, William Van Cleave,: 'I think-' it -? essentially compromises whatever prospects of success the program might have," Dr, Van Cleave declares..-.-a,-- In confirming Aug. 22 that 'supersecret "Stealth"- aircraft have developed a near- invulnerability to existing air-defense-syS- - tems.--'Defense-- Secretary Harold Brown blamed regrettable press- and television leaks for the need to make the announce- ment now.: - -? "I-think- it is a fair question as to who started those leaks in the first- place,". re- torts Van Clea veadirector of the defense and strategic studies program at the University of Southern California. "Stealth" rumors have been rife in Washington for the last few weeks. The au- thoritative magazine Aviation Week : &- Space ? Technology ' referred to the ---"ad- ? vanced technology Stealth bomber" in its Aug. Il issue. and Armed Forces Journal re- ported Aug. 22 that the United States has been test-flying several versions of "virtu- . ally invisible new aircraft for over two years," a story that CBS had eartier_picked up on its evening news. Calling it "a major technological -ad- vance." the defense secretary claimed that so-called "Stealth" technology now enables the us to build manned and unmanned air- craft that cannot be intercepted by existing air defense -systems. - "We have -demon- strated to our satisfaction that the technol- ogy works," he added. ?.' .The secretary declined to comment on 5 J-epprts that three of the new, aircraft have crashed. According to Armed Forces Journal, the Stealth aircraft are virtually invulnerable to_ air defense radar and infrared, electronic, and acoustical detection While only fighters have been tested so far (supposedly at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.) a strategic bomber is _being designed, the magazine added: - Dr. Van Cleave contends that the admin- istration has revealed the Stealth program: DOW to counter criticism of President Carter's "poor defense' record' and specifi- ? cally his cancellation of the B-1 bomber a . . ? .. . ??? With 10,000 surfaCe:to-air 'missiles, and 2,600 interceptor aircraft, it represents the- largest air-defense system in the world: Its effectiveness' was demonstrated in 1960 when a SA-1 missile shot down Francis Gary Powers'SlU-2 spy plane at a height of 65,000 According to Dr. Perry, a chief architect of the Stealth program, the Soviet Union continues to place heavy emphasis on air- defense missiles to offset US advantages in, air power; -.? ? .,? ' . . '."TheY have built thousands of surface-to- air 'missile systems. They employ radars with high Power and monopulse tracking circuits, which are very . difficult to jam.. And in the last few years they have devel-;. oped air-to-air missiles guided by 'look- down' radars, which are capable of tracking . aircraft _flying in 'ground clutter,' ". Perry. _ _Hence, Stealth technology -- which, says _Perry, does not involve "a _single technical -; -approach, but rather a complex synthesis of .! many.," More he will not reveal.. ? ?-1 According to Armed Forces Journal, the deception techniques involve the special shaping or contouring of aircraft; the use of nonmetallic materials that give a weak or undetectable radar return; infrared shield- ing of engine exhausts; special paints to ab- sorb, deflect; and shroud radar signals; and electronic countermeasures to generate false returns. .- - While unwilling to discuss any- of the . . techniques that render Stealth aircraft ai but undetectable, Perry notes that' 'this technology - theoretically, at least - conid. be-plied to any military vehicle which can be-attacked by radar-directed fire." Both Brown- -and Perry insist that the Stealth program Was shrounded in the deep- est secrecy until' they revealed it Aug. 22. Perry even maintains that its -very exis- tence was classified information. In fact., that existence was far from se- cret. On july.23, 1976. readers of Aerospace Daily were informed that Clarence L. (Kelly) Johnson, "the nation's premier air- craft designer" and architect of the U-2 and SR-71 spy planes, was building -a new 12,000-pound, one-man Stealth aircraft" at the Lockheed plant in Burbank, Calif. The magazine claimed tat the $90 mil- lion program, sponsored by the Defense Ad- vanced Research ProjectsAgency. was de- signed "to redike -aircraft visibility? ' optical, acoustic, and radar signatures - throughnew technology." ' Lockheed spokesmanDave Crowther de- : clined to comment when asked whether the company is involved in-the Stealth program. Johnson. a stickler for secrecy in such mat- ters, has so far not commented,on the disclo- sure of the program. ? - Whether or not the Soviets have begun devising countermeasures to combat the ghost-like Stealth machines is uncertain. If they were subscribing to Aerospace Daily four years ago,- they may have ahead start. At the least:Brown's announcement may not have overly surprised them. neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/23: CIA-RDP92B00478R000800340048-5