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May 22, 1981
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP92B00478R000800030016-4 ?11 ? , LONDON TIMES 22 May 1981 - ???,,,,.....,,, ...,...,....,...: NVILLAUSSIii?RIYH INT:-SORTOF....01L --.,... -- ; _,, -- ? -....-: ,"--,,----sl..-._??? .......-. ..-?!-: -..!.,?:., ,.?,?..,:: ",......? 0,_?.?.?....- ,...?,.....:.. t...,.., ....?..p.!. :!:,... ';',...--.? '..: - - ''..-..:' ! .. _ In 1977the CIA had .'a profound. outsiders to -check what theY.Ida!:?...: 'produce at leatt'.600,4:i0Orn cubic effect on .? American-. ..thinking.: disclose After the CIA.ireport in:. ',meries:-.:Ity:;7?1985...:: It is i; also. when it predicted that Soviet oil ? -1.977 they ?even stopped publish- pushing - ahead with nuclear.. ??.' production woulcrieich:a-peak;.:Cing detailed statistics On their-. power Gas-Fand'unclear power .of abant twelve nullinfiharkelS.a .?;. fuel trade But they, themie1ves-conld itake eSome?Of...the 'strain :day, ?*perhaps ? ai..earlY:as. 1978,-- are ? probably -.uncertain too off oil.. Slower economic growth and. would ? then.... decline to. -. '*:. They have enormous reserves of ?, ' will'..'-do ' the same samc- ? :Another , .between eight and ten :million -: - oil but the technical difficulties 'variable is the: extent-to-which- -barrels a day by. 1985; ..turning. ' of. ? extracting 'it 'from remote'7. the .Soviet' Union and eastern. :the Soviet .Union and: eastern ? 'Tcold areas and then transporting '"?.; Europe 4.112-learn- to use. energy'. Europe : into ? substantial,' net '2'. it' across . vast- distances are .sol: more efficiently: than theyl.do . 'importers.' President-Carter and, ..great that. -.even 7.the.best : predid--,-now.,-;They::-are -beginning :-?,:to - '. many of the people now close to .....;? tions.' Can:. be upset. Moreover - ?-'. realize that investing in energy- . ?Presidept Reagan.took.this:as a: .....they; need; -western-- technology .? saving equipment can bring. at 'warning that .the;Boviet :Union; ? T.for..nianYinf: the. more difficult ? ? better: return ? than - inveiting -mu. ? would ? become :. a????potentially.:i.:tasks,,%-and .,although' ;they ems:- larger. supplies7of:- energy,: but dangerous competitor :. for.Nlictt-I! getting Some:they-can:never be,??E They-are -.. slowito :titi.: anything'. die -East oil.- Their, fears were ? ? quite sure that thCSupply, will:. about it ? - ??..::- -- - - ? ' ' , ? - , increased' when the invasion of'?::,,iZontintie:7,-;:. 4q..4.*::,.., , I !. :..,?,......: .- Probably i- : I . reasonable "i'dir;. Afghanistan ''. bronght. : Soviet : I 'There are, theiefore,; feil raiii .,?Isurnption at:this , stage - is that: .forces much::: nearer the : Gulf even.' with ?,?gis,.': nuclear - energy -: facts ..to :hold on, to is . clear. - . New impetus was given to :Platis. ...that- the --.groWth-:.oft. Soviet 'oil. ...and a measure of Of gpo4 little:the, for, building ,Up western abilitli i-?.; rodtictiOn has slowed cloven ''a ...".; Soviet , blocki.: as ,a - Whoie'::::ivill . to mut 'military forces intothe:? theindeed? -be.r.short 'of -oil ? by -the.. area ,1'.'"!-- ir4"44 ,.. rot :::sinee the'196014."Ali- ' :4-4=E":'".". -"=? ???? Onient . the '-'' Ian" for. 1985'. is: -4"middle,of the decade; -the Soviet. ,,.,, ,.,...... ,??? ..: ? ., ???:? ???:?:,,, - ?? ' f,' ? 'In '7' ?:13 = ? ? ? ? ? :. ' -:' :Union Will lace:an:even thatInn'... , -The. CIA:: estimates of tiiture.:" between'..?12.4 -*and .1.4.9. million,- . ? . ... oil production were criticized by ;7ban-els. * -day."--,ThiST.,i?, ioughlK.f . -.choice. thmi,:it does now betw' een ' '?supplying .? its east ' :- European,. Many?, experts; 'especially in , the same'at the 19807-plan, Whit . Europe; who said they were too .',' was notfulfilled,c?sn.the, Soviet i....' sallies r;att,...t. -subsidized--rates' ed.:,.rates-. or for . hard,. . low .4 These dist,#eementS con- Union itself foresees a levelling -to 1h. 0,w-ft this -': does -.210t7 ? tributed to. Atlantic differencel'init.of Production.7..,..!,x . ..i -tf:r..: :i:.??,..211- i .-' neCissartlY; be.: over policies in the Gulf area....?.* ? *.... Taken ..on its own, this ing?zi ed to sena forces into the, Now - the CIA,- ii annvin-gsome!'i ? .gests ?that rising demand: in, the ..!:?.?Gulf; ;1- if '7 Oid5i*beCatigi'f-it -.is; what .:.closer .to Europe ? b$'. Soviet ? Union. - and eastern 'Fiwratally cheaper and _safeitol-' putting its estimate of -Soviet ail Europe cannot be-Mit:except' bir,-. buy oil than to take it by force.,1 production in -,:..1985 ..:atr.,...104.1 jicincreasing imports from outside :1;?.There will, '-hoWever, be :greater' '_mullion barrels a:-...daY,...ilightbr .rs. the block. As.a.resultithe Bovietz,--temptation'ltes, cultivate.: clients below- the presentprochiction of Union :Mor,,.-.113.e - able... tcr :states ? who 'inight?be?Tersiescledc :.12 million barrels a _day.: There:7Ccintititie :earning,visl it does to ? sell -On7:weferennal.... terms.'.; is; however, ? a!-fairly:rtypisal..---how-: ?soniethihg.. like sixty ?pei..17,i There may also be a temptation: Washington ' muddle. .*Vor:-.. in-7.7 cent'. of ?-it*..liard...aiiiiincY frMIC-,!.' to '? loom over f western sources;; terpretation: The:i''Neie-;,Tork,'...' .. oil exports :Bence it will have ':' not in order to get the* oil but Times. quoted. officialsas.sayint,-;*- less cash for-western..grain and : 'isimply to piit7- pressure on: ?the that . the new ettimatea:meant . ,technology. There could also, be.,"'? western alliance the Russians would .. not,. be; :strains- ten*, eastern.. i- Mire:mei:. -:- . . : ?:, ? ,. ? - . -?.:???:' : .-? 'competing for Middle Eastern-:: which -is 'already. paying -steadily ?. It:mittak It -would," therefore be.; a - 'oil by ?1985. The CIA then -put ? rising Prices. for- Soviet on and ...,..e fort.the west to' let. its: out. a statement saying that all :. : will nOw have to:look for-More - .sooliaiesite ten Much influenced ,, oily , variable ' ettimates , of, Soviet the ' . of problems that we foresaw . hard. currency lc production .- Whatever the ' the? Soviets facing,are ein of erg-sufficient capacity to earnit...!.. ..c . Soviet Union's . capabilities and , . ' :-ng :: --, -:?-: -. . .. .....--. 7 .,i,,;,..,:i.;;;Diivever,-,;.!tliereil,,are.? "other .?:: intentions the west will continue '..., Uncertainty -surrounds -the , factors;. For instance,the Soviet: . ; to need good relations, with the -whole- subject because the. Rus-::: Union-, is.- producing steadily ,-:oil-producing ., states and Some. tians publish very .little infor- I more natural gas. It achieved its... -ability to deploy military:force if/ =don and make it difficult for?-?;: targets. in 1980 . and. ;plans ? to E, necessary.. ? 7:- ?-';-.-i ,?, :r7:. ????=?'%?1 .. - .:. Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP92B00478R000800030016-4