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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/22: CIA-RDP92-0042OR000300070013-0 AIWISTRATIVE -- INTER USWNLY ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET STAT STAT STAT STAT SUBJECT: Government Printing (GP) Wage Schedule as of 18 June 1991 Ext. ! !~ ! a e: 16 Jul 91 Dates !Init! !Rec'd!Fwd'd! ! I ! 1. C/PSB ' I ! 5U32 HQs ! !7 ! /' ! The attached, updated GP Pay ~~17~ 'i' 'Schedule reflects the adjusted 2. ! ! ! !hourly rates for all Agency DC/POAD I ! ! 'wage employees in the listed 5U32 NHB ! ! ' //;occupations. These rate 3. C/POAS ! ! ! .adjustments are always late 5U32 HQs ! I ]Z-/!and !(due to union negotiations), we did not receive the GPO 4. ! I ! !notices until 12 July 1991. ! The attached schedule does !not have new rates for mechan- 5. ADD/CAP ! I ! !ics/machinists as negotiations 5Y01 HQs 17 1041 'are still ongoing. ! ! ! In addition, the Bureau of 6. ! I I 'Engraving has yet to publish ! ! ! !new rates for those employees !paid on the Graphic Arts (GA) 7. DD/CAP ! ! !a !Schedule. Schedules for both 5Y01 HQs ! !1 /t ! ''mechanics/machinists and !U !graphic arts will be published !available. ! ! ! ! ! I ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 9. ! I ! ! ! I ! ! POAS/PSB ! ! ! 13. I ! ! POAS/CAP/OP 5U32 HQs 5U32 H Qs ADMINISTRATIVE -- INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/22 : CIA-RDP92-0042OR000300070013-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/22 : CIA-RDP92-0042OR000300070013-0 HL~la7 litt~ll VJ.J - tiv ~+ GOVERNMENT PRINTING WAGE SCHEDULE (GP) SCH GRADE TITLE GPA 01 Bookbinder Apprentice 10.89 11.88 13.86 15.84 17.82 05 Bookbinder 19.80 10 General Bookbinder 21.41 15 Lead Bookbinder 22.25 20 Bookbinder Grp Chief 22.87 25 Bookbinder Asst Foreman 24.95 GPB 01 Compositor Apprentice 11.08 12.09 14.11 16.12 18.14 05 Compositor 20.16 10 General Compositor 21.80 15 Lead Compositor 22.65 20 Compositor Grp Chief 23.29 25 Compositor Asst Foreman 25.40 GPC 01 Pressman Apprentice 11.46 12.50 14.58 16.67 18.75 05 Pressman 20.84 10 General Pressman 22.54 15 Lead Pressman 23.41 20 Pressman Grp Chief 24.07 25 Pressman Asst Foreman 26.26 38 Pressman Foreman 28.44 GPD 01 Offset Strip Apprentice 11.46 12.50 14.58 16.67 18.75 05 Offset Stripper 20.84 10 General Offset Stripper 22.54 15 Lead Offset Stripper 23.41 20 Offset Strip Grp Chief 24.07 25 Offset Strip Asst Foreman 26.26 GPE 01 Offset Photo Apprentice 11.73 12.79 14.93 17.06 19.19 05 Offset Photographer 21.33 10 Gnl Offset Photographer 23.07 15 Lead Offset Photographer 23.97 20 Offset Photo Grp Chief 24.64 25 Offset Photo Asst Foreman 26.88 38 Offset Photo Foreman 29.12 GPG 01 Bindery Assistant 12.33 .02 Bindery Assistant 12.72 03 Bindery Assistant 13.10 05 Bindery Assistant 13.48 10 General Bindery Asst 14.58 15 Lead Bindery Asst 15.14 GPK 01 Off Strp-Comp Apprentice 11.46 12.50 14.58 16.67 18.75 05 Offset Stripper-Comp 20.84 10 Gen Off Strip-Comp .22.54 15 Lead Off Strip-Comp 23.41 20 Off Strip-Comp Grp Chief 24.07 25 Off Strip-Cmp Asst Frmn 26.26 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/22 : CIA-RDP92-0042OR000300070013-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300070013-0 4wvSTKATIVZ -- 1N 1:XNPWbZqPLY STAT STAT EFFECTIVE DATE: 18 June 1991 NIGHT DIFFERENTIAL: 15 % HOLIDAY PAY: In addition to gratuity pay, one and one-half times the regular hourly rate for all hours worked. defines rules governing overtime compensation for nonexempt emp oyees. This schedule supersedes rates and titles of GP schedules effective 18 June 1990. REFERENCE: GPO 640-259 and GPO 640-260 dtd 9 July 1991 De y Director for Co ensation, Au mation and Policy 2 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300070013-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/22 : CIA-RDP92-0042OR000300070013-0 FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION SLIP STAT The following documents are being sent via facsimile machine. Including this sheet, you should expect -5 pages to complete the transmission. TO: C I ATTENTION: REFERENCE: DATE: `l? q TIME: T, 0 I $SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: PLC aced ca.x m e, -U f n A,) STAT STAT cQ U rQ S t-Gl X l hesitate to call \1Y("-44 t~.. at ( 2J.' Z r 4 fit- .. b ;~ - 1/!eY If you have any questions regarding this document, pleas d not FAX NO: GPO Form 1818 (8 390) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/22 : CIA-RDP92-0042OR000300070013-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/22 : CIA-RDP92-0042OR000300070013-0 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE Washington, DC 20401 Notice SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION Wage Change - 640-259 Journeyman Bindery Workers Wages 1. u.r. s . This Notice announces a wage change for the subject employees. 2. S tip rcr,sedure. This Notice supersedes GPO Notice 640-241, Subject: Wage Change - Journeyman Bindery Workers, dated June 6, 1990. 3. New Hourl, Rates. In accordance with the wage agreement approved by the Joint Committee on Printing on July 3, 1991, I hereby approve the following rates of pay, retroactive to June 18, 1991. LE Hourly Rate 2 $ 12.72 3 13.10 4 13.48 5 14.25 4. Ad~cstments. The above hourly wage rates have been adjusted to the nearest cent, counting one-half cent and over as a whole cent. 5. Cancellation. This Notice will remain in effect until superseded. ROBERT W. HOUK Public Printer ORIGINATING OITICE F, G, L PS Jung; '18, 1991 July 9, 1991 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/22 : CIA-RDP92-0042OR000300070013-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/22 : CIA-RDP92-0042OR000300070013-0 - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE Washington, DC 20401 Notice T Wage Change - Printing Plant Workers +Wages 1. u s . This Notice announces a wage change for the subject eizployces. 2. - r, -re. This Notice supersedes GPO Notice 640-242, Subject: Wage Change - Printing Plant Workers, dated June 6, 1990. 3. New Hourly Rates. In accordance with the wage agreement approved by the Joint Committee on Printing on July 3, 1991, 1 hereby approve the following rates of pay, retroactive to June 18, 1991. r d t 1 le 2 SP 2 - 1 $9.81 $10.72 $11.59 3 11.68 12,14 12.58 4 12.14 12.61 13.10 5 12.58 13.10 13.62 6 13.05 13.61 14.15 7 13.56 14.09 14.67 8 I4.0 14.60 15.18 9 14..2 15.12 15.74 10 1,5''02 15.62 16.23 4. Adjustments. The ab Sve hourly wage rates have been adjusted to the nearest cent, counting one-half cent a d over as a whole cent. 5. Cancellation. This Notice will remain in effect until superseded. ROBERT W. H UK Public Printer DISTRIBUTION ORIGINATING OFFICE EFFECTIVE DATE F, G, L PS June 18, 1991 July 9, 1991 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/22 : CIA-RDP92-0042OR000300070013-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/22 : CIA-RDP92-0042OR000300070013-0 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE Washington, DC 20401 Notice Ml y, Wage Change - Journeymen and 640-260 Employees Paid Percentages of Journeyman Rates Wages 1. Purpos. This Notice announces a wage change for printing and binding and maintenance journeymen and employees paid percentages of journeyman rates (Graphic Processor Operators, Equipment Maintenance Workers, Offset Press Assistants, Offset Press Feeders, apprentices, trainees in programs leading to journeymen proficiency, premium positions, and journeymen in cross-training programs). 2. Supersedure, This Notice supersedes GPO Notice 640-240, Subject: Wage Change - Journeymen and Employees Paid Percentages of Journeyman Rates, dated June 6, 1990. Except for Machinists, Automotive Mechanics, and Welders hourly rate (GPO Notice 640-240, paragraph 3a) which is currently under negotiations. 3. New-Hourly Rates, In accordance with the wage agreement approved by the Joint Committee on Printing on July 3, 1991, 1 hereby approve the following rates of pay, retroactive to June 18, 1991. Craft Ho urly Rate r a. Composing Crafts and Other Engineering Service Journeymen $20.16 P b. Bookbinders $19.80 G P c. Offset Photographers $21.33 ( f? d. Offset Strippers, Offset Platemaker Strippers, Offset Pressmen, Cylinder Pressmen $20.84 G PC-1G pqG k Employees paid percentages of journeyman rates will be paid at new rates based on the journeyman rates listed above. These groups will continue to receive the percentage difftreritials they now receive. F,G,L PS June 18, 1991 1 July 9, 1991 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/22 : CIA-RDP92-0042OR000300070013-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/22 : CIA-RDP92-0042OR000300070013-0 GPO 640-260 July 9, 1991 PS 4. Aji m n . The above hourly wage rates have been adjusted to the nearest cent, counting one-half cent and over as a whole cent. 5. Cancellation, This Notice will remain in effect until superseded. i ROBERT W. HOUK Public Printer Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/22 : CIA-RDP92-0042OR000300070013-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300070013-0 L-t 1v1 X71I\L111VLi - 11V1L'ICuVt1L U.7Z V11W GOVERNMENT PRINTING WAGE SCHEDULE (GP) GPA 01 Bookbinder Appren 05 Bookbinder 10 General Bookbinder 15 Lead Bookbinder 20 Bookbinder Grp Ch 25 Bookbinder Asst Foreman GPB 01 Compositor Apprentice 05 Compositor 10 General Compositor 15 Lead Compositor 20 Compsitor Grp Ch 25 Compositor Asst Foreman GPC 01 Pressman Apprentice 05 Pressman 10 General Pressman 15 Lead Pressman 20 Pressman Grp Ch 25 Pressman Asst Fore 38 Pressman Foreman GPD 01 Offset Strip Appren 05 Offset Stripper 10 General Offset Stripper 15 Lead Offset Stripper 20 Offset Strip Grp Ch 25 Offset Strip Asst Fore GPE 01 Offset Photo Appren 05 Offset Photographer 10 General Offset Photo 15 Lead Offset Photographer 20 Offset Photo Grp Ch 25 Offset Photo Asst Fore 38 Offset Photo Foreman GPG 01 Bindery Assistant 02 Bindery Assistant 03 Bindery Assistant 05 Bindery Assistant 10 General Bindery Asst 15 Lead Bindery Asst GPJ 01 Mechanic Mach Appren 05 Mechanic Machinist 10 General Mech Machinist 15 Lead Mechanic Machinist 20 Mech Machinist Grp Ch 25 Mech Machinist Asst Fore 26 Electronic Mechanic 10.47 11.42 13.33 15.23 17.14 19.04 20.59 21.39 21.99 23.99 10.66 11.63 13.57 15.50 17.44 19.38 20.96 21.77 22.38 24.42 11.02 12.02 14.03 16.03 18.04 20.04 21.67 22.51 23.15 25.25 27.35 11.02 12.02 14.03 16.03 18.04 20.04 21.67 22.51 23.15 25.25 11..28 12.31 14.36 16.41 18.46 20.51 22.18 23.04 23.69 25.84 28.00 11.85 12.22 12.59 12.95 14.01 14.55 10.77 11.75 13.71 15.67 17.63 19.59 21.19 22.01 22.63 24.68 21.60 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300070013-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300070013-0 W rt11v1 1tCE~'l1Vr - 11V'1'1 k(NAL US1 Of GOVERNMENT PRINTING WAGE SCHEDULE (GP) SCHEDULE GRADE TITLE 1 2 3 4 5 GPK 01 Off Strp-Comp Appren 11.02 12.02 14.03 16.03 18.04 05 Offset Stripper-Comp 20.04 10 Gen Off Strip-Comp 21.67 15 Lead Off Strip-Comp 22.51 20 Off Strip-Comp Grp Ch 23.15 25 Off Strip-Cmp Asst Fore 25.25 STAT STAT NIGHT DIFFERENTIAL: 15 % HOLIDAY PAY: In addition to gratuity pay, one and one-half times the regular hourly rate for all hours worked. This schedule supersedes rates and titles of GP schedules effective 18 June 1989. EFFECTIVE DATE: 18 June 1990 defines rules governing overtime compensation for nonexempt employees. APPROVED: (( / / 9 O atUepuLy IIrrec o ompensa ion, Date Automation, and Policy REFa2e~ cG s , C~ PO ~'~ 2 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300070013-0